Repair Design Furniture

What is the hydrophobic coating for the material made of? Hydrophobic car coatings. Special protective nanocoatings for silicate building materials

What are cars afraid of? Inexperienced driving of the owner, poor quality parts and, weather conditions and bad roads. All of them in their own way affect the life of the car, but the appearance of the car especially depends on adverse weather conditions. We all know how expensive it can be to repair a car's body coating, so let's figure out how to save money on it or even avoid such a radical intervention in the condition of the car's surface.

To protect the car from moisture, a water-repellent coating is used, which can be applied to the body in a service station or with your own hands:

  • primer;
  • waterproof paint for metal;
  • the hydrophobic composition can be branded or made by hand.

Waterproof paint

Modern metal paint has the ability to resist corrosion by transforming the bodywork, thanks to its special composition, which is favorable for the bodywork. It easily fits on a metal surface without an unpleasant odor, and is hygienic. In order for such paint to start working, it is applied to the body in the usual way. The use of innovations in the manufacture of automotive paints and varnishes lengthens the life of the vehicle.

In any case, whether you use the services of specialists in a service station or want to make a hydrophobic coating of a car with your own hands, you must strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturer of water-repellent compounds.

How is the process of applying anti-corrosion water-repellent car paint that can be applied by hand:

  1. Preparation of the body, that is, competent cleaning of all elements from dirt. This may require not only washing, but also disassembly and assembly of the body. Then the surface is cleaned from rust using chemicals (solvents) or technology (grinding machines), polished and degreased with solvents or.
  2. Before painting itself, it is necessary to apply a primer to improve and strengthen anti-corrosion properties and adhesion. The primer can also be water-repellent.
  3. At the last stage, the paint and varnish water-repellent mixture is loaded into the spray gun and sprayed onto the body.

Hydrophobic coating

The new generation of hydrophobic coating has unique resistance to moisture and weather conditions, and completely insulates the body surface from the external environment.

Each type of hydrophobic coating has its own characteristics

Water-repellent compounds are:

  • wax. An excellent option for processing bends and internal surfaces of the body, since such compounds do not spread over the surface. The ecological properties of water-repellent are ensured by the absence of poisonous and toxic ingredients that are dangerous to human health and the environment;
  • silicon. Varnishes and enamels containing silicon mixtures are not only harmless and economical, but also durable. It is very easy to protect the body from corrosion with such compositions;
  • silicone. Thin protective film has high strength and durability. One of the reasons for the popularity of moisture-proof primers for metal is the presence in their composition of silicates and alkoxysilanes, which not only enhance anti-corrosion properties, but also resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • moisture resistant additives to solutions;
  • polymer. The presence of urethane and Teflon compounds in the composition of polymer hydrophobic mixtures protects not only from moisture, but also masks minor defects in the body, gives the coating an impeccable glossy shine. Produced by the chemical industry in the form of a paste, aerosol and liquid;
  • rest.

How a hydrophobic coating is applied

  1. The body is cleaned of dirt, dust and other contaminants using a washer and degreasers.
  2. The entire body surface is completely polished.
  3. A protective hydrophobic composition is applied to the polished surface, which has the property of deep penetration into the pores of the body paintwork to create a durable water-repellent barrier.

A prerequisite for the optimal result of the application of the hydrophobic composition is the absence of vehicle operation for at least an hour, and also to avoid washing for 3-4 days. Before applying the waterproofing mixture, it would be good to wash the car with a special shampoo, and then treat it with a preparatory polish. If you have a Russian-made car, you should use the means prescribed by the manufacturer for this particular type of transport.

As a result of applying a hydrophobic coating, the car body will become as smooth as possible, so it will be almost impossible for aggressive chemicals to penetrate the paintwork and damage the gloss, beauty and pristine appearance of the car.

How does a hydrophobic compound affect ride comfort?

Hydrophobic compounds are applied not only to the body, but also to the glass to improve road visibility during difficult weather conditions:

  1. It makes it easier to clean the glasses from droplets of dirt, adhering insects, ice, frost, and self-cleaning starts at a speed of 60 km / h.
  2. Less often, the need to turn on while driving at a speed of 80 km / h.
  3. The consumption of the glass washer is saved.
  4. Excellent anti-glare effect dims the headlights of oncoming cars.
  5. Reduced risk of accidents due to improved road visibility.

How can you explain the effect of a hydrophobic compound applied to car glass? Their surface becomes water-repellent, therefore, dirt with snow and rain will not smear on the glass, but will collect into drops and scatter to the sides under the air flow at a speed of 60 km / h and above.

Visibility in bad weather conditions will improve

It should be borne in mind that the properties of water-repellent compounds for car glass are short-lived, so the coating must be renewed every 2–6 months, depending on the manufacturer.

In any car dealership, car service center or Internet company, you can buy auto chemistry, including hydrophobic, antistatic and weather-resistant coatings for the body and glass of a car of domestic and foreign manufacturers. All of them are designed for a different method of application with the help of technology or with your own hands and have different properties and duration. Usually, hydrophobic glass products are called nanocoatings or anti-rain.

DIY hydrophobic coating

If you want to save money on buying a branded water-repellent coating, you can make your own anti-rain. To do this, it is enough to buy a product containing silicone polymers at a car dealership. This is usually a liquid silicone aerosol to eliminate squeaks in the cabin. It is quite acceptable to spray it on the glass, it will have the same effect as the branded anti-rain, but with a shorter service life. It is advisable not to use such a spray on the body.

There are folk remedies for keeping glass and body clean even during a rainstorm. To do this, you can make homemade anti-rain with your own hands according to the following instructions:

  • take 1 part of paraffin (you can take a paraffin candle) for 20 parts of white spirit;
  • in this case, the paraffin should be finely chopped or crushed into crumbs for better dissolution in the solvent;
  • stir the composition thoroughly until smooth;
  • apply the ready-made mixture to a clean glass and body;
  • after a while, the white spirit will completely evaporate, then polish the treated surface with paper napkins.

The only drawback of the prepared moisture-repellent composition is the service life of no more than 2 months, after which the treatment should be repeated.

Thus, each car owner can choose - to apply a branded hydrophobic coating or to make a good substitute with his own hands according to folk recipes. In any case, you will get good visibility on the road in rain and snow, which guarantees you a safe and comfortable journey.

Treatment with hydrophobic compounds is one of the main areas of work of Techno NOVO. We will promptly draw up an estimate, conclude an agreement, and also professionally advise on the choice of the necessary technology and materials!

Water is the most amazing matter on our planet. She is both the most fruitful creator and the most formidable destroyer. High environmental humidity, aggressive groundwater and heavy seasonal rainfall have always been the most serious threat to construction projects. The slow but unforgiving effect of water is detrimental to the most durable building material.

And the most pressing problem of builders from time immemorial has been protection from direct contact and the harmful effects of liquids. The best assistant in this matter are hydrophobic compounds, which are capable of providing water-repellent qualities to the main porous building materials, such as:

  • Concrete,
  • Brick,
  • Gypsum,
  • Asbestos cement.

In addition, the hydrophobic composition enhances the qualities of structures such as:

  • Frost resistance,
  • Resistant to corrosion,
  • Increased strength,
  • Durability.

Hydrophobic effect

The hydrophobicity of some molecules has been known to mankind for a very long time. This is the physical quality of a substance, which is characterized by avoiding contact with water. The surface on which a layer of such a composition is applied cannot be wetted. The water will simply collect in drops and drain without causing any harm to the base material.

The process of hydrophobization occurs at the level of molecules, which, mixing with the molecules of the base material, endow it with water-repellent qualities due to the negative wetting angle.

Hydrophobic materials

About forty years ago, the first compounds with a hydrophobic effect were invented. They were far from perfect liquids, which were distinguished by high fire hazard and low efficiency. Moreover, some of them required the use of organic solvents that did not differ in longevity.

A modern water repellant is a high-molecular compound, organosilicon polyorganosiloxanes of various types. For example, such as:

  • Loose mixtures added to the compositions, of which brick or concrete is made at factories;
  • Liquid solutions - polymethylhydride siloxylates, introduced into the porous surface of supporting structures;
  • Resins - polymethylsilicylates, which impregnate the outer surface of the walls of the building during the construction phase;

The used moisture-protective composition of hydrophobic mixtures creates reliable protection of the surface of the main structure material from aggressive environmental influences. Reduces the absorbency of concrete and bricks many times over. And also modern water repellents have an antiseptic effect, that is, they prevent the growth of mold and fungi.

Important to remember!
The application of a hydrophobic layer is not a waterproofing of the surface. Water repellents cannot completely close pores and cracks; they impregnate the base material, increasing its resistance to moisture.

Hydrophobic treatment for waterproofing walls

When processing walls with hydrophobic materials, one should not forget that it is rational to use water repellents only as the final layer of processing. It is no longer possible to apply a finishing material to a surface impregnated with a water-repellent agent, since adhesion is almost completely absent on it.

After hydrophobization of the facade, the walls of the building acquire such qualities as:

  • Do not get wet when exposed to direct raindrops;
  • Soot and dust do not settle on them;
  • The surface always remains dry, so mosses do not germinate on it, and dangerous microorganisms do not develop.

You can apply water repellents to the wall with a brush, roller or spray gun - it all depends on the quality of the masonry, its relief and material.

Processing of bricks with hydrophobic compounds

Brick is even more afraid of moisture than concrete. Despite its many positive qualities, without a special protective coating, which can only be created by a hydrophobic water-repellent composition, the brick will quickly collapse from the inside, due to the active penetration of moisture into multiple pores.

Impregnations are widely used today for processing brickwork. Silicone-based hydrophobic formulations have high performance and have proven themselves well. By creating a solid barrier on the treated surface for the penetration of moisture and water flow, they do not disturb the microcirculation of air molecules in the material itself.

A prerequisite for successful brick hydrophobization is thorough surface preparation. Otherwise, the work done may be useless.

  • The surface is cleaned of mold, fungus colonies, existing rust or efflorescence.
  • It is processed with special disinfecting compounds.
  • Dries thoroughly. Applying a water repellent to a damp wall may not give the desired result.

Water repellent concrete impregnation

Concrete is a breathable material, that is, it has microscopic pores or capillaries. On the one hand, this is its advantage, but on the other, and a serious drawback, since moisture is absorbed into these pores, which subsequently destroys the structure of the walls. In order to protect the concrete from internal corrosion, an effective composition was developed that can simultaneously strengthen the porous structure.

The impregnation for concrete works as follows:

  • The polymer molecules that make up the impregnation penetrate deep into the surface, fill all existing pores, and, mixing with the molecules that make up the concrete mixture, create a durable water-repellent surface.
  • The impregnated concrete surface, effectively preventing moisture, nevertheless remains vapor-permeable, and the layer formed on its surface is resistant to chemical and mechanical negative influences, as well as insensitive to temperature extremes.
  • Due to the fact that the structure of concrete is impregnated with a water-repellent composition, it becomes inaccessible to neither strong moisture, nor abundant precipitation, nor moldy growths, nor severe frosts.

The best water repellents for concrete are organosilicon liquids diluted with water with the addition of color pigments if desired.

Useful Tips
In order to create hydrophobic concrete or water-repellent brickwork, it is worth listening to a few expert advice.

  1. In order for your chosen impregnation to have the most effective effect, surface preparation must be performed according to all the rules.
  2. Until the hydrophobic agent is applied, it should not be allowed to freeze.
  3. Hydrophobic materials are not intended for use on parts of a building that will be located under water.
  4. It is better to apply a hydrophobic composition in good weather at temperatures ranging from + 8 ° C to + 30 ° C.
  5. The surface is covered with an even layer, with each area closed throughout the day without interruption.

Treatment cost with hydrophobic formulations

The cost of surface treatment with hydrophobic compounds and the term of work in each case are determined individually - they depend on the volume and complexity. Our experts will be happy to come to your site at a convenient time for you to assess the current situation. They will choose the most optimal treatment option and advise certain water repellents for surface treatment, make an estimate. We are always happy to help you!

Water is the basis of life. It is necessary for every living organism that exists on Earth. But at the same time, water also has destructive power. No wonder there is a proverb that "water wears away a stone." And this is really so, excessive moisture can harm even the most durable structures and materials. In this regard, to ensure the protection of objects from getting wet, chemists have invented a special coating that can repel moisture. Coatings that can prevent items from getting wet are called hydrophobic coatings. The first hydrophobic coating appeared in everyday life about 40 years ago.

Nowadays, hydrophobic coatings are very popular. Absolutely everyone is faced with the use of hydrophobic coatings. The scope of their application is colossally wide. They are used both to protect shoes and various gadgets, and to protect building materials, ready-made buildings, cars and much more.

Depending on the surface material, as well as on the method of their application, all hydrophobic materials are divided into:

However, when buying one or another water-repellent coating, remember that each material has its own hydrophobic coating, the composition of which is adapted for application to a specific surface. For example, you cannot use a hydrophobic coating for glass that is designed to protect against moisture in shoes, and vice versa.

Nevertheless, all hydrophobic coatings, regardless of their composition, are similar in their properties, which are aimed at protecting the surface from moisture. These mainly include anti-adhesive properties, absolute environmental friendliness, the ability to form a protective film on the surface that prevents moisture absorption, fogging (for example, glass), adhesion of dirt.

A car is a vehicle that is operated in all weather conditions. And for some owners, due to the lack of a garage, the car can even winter on the street. In this regard, both the car body itself and many parts are exposed to aggressive environments, including moisture, which is the main enemy of iron and many other decorative elements. And in combination with dust and salt, which they love to sprinkle on roads in winter, moisture is an excellent tool that can completely render the paintwork of a car body unusable in a matter of years, which, in turn, causes corrosion. Therefore, vehicles are in dire need of good protection. The range of hydrophobic car coatings is very diverse. It includes:

  • silicone hydrophobic coatings with corrosion inhibitors;
  • organosilicon solid hydrophobic coatings;
  • wax coatings;
  • teflon coatings;
  • salts of fatty acids and other substances.

Hydrophobic coatings have anti-adhesive properties, providing a repulsion from the surface of not only moisture, but also various kinds of pollution. The structure of water-repellent coatings allows them to seep deep enough into the pores of paint and varnish, where they crystallize. As a result, an invisible thin silicone or silicon film forms on the surface, which prevents unwanted scratches and paint chips on the car body. Thanks to the use of such coatings, you can significantly extend the service life and youth of your beloved car.

Most of these car coatings have a consistency that does not require special skills and special equipment to apply them. Thanks to this, absolutely everyone can apply a hydrophobic coating with their own hands to the car body, while observing the instructions for using the coating, which is written on the package.

In addition, there are more professional hydrophobic car coatings on the market, which cannot be applied at home, but require certain knowledge and technology. Such coatings include:

  1. A special protective film with a unique composition. After applying this coating, the surface becomes less vulnerable to various kinds of mechanical damage, and already existing scratches become less noticeable. This technology of car body protection is by far the most affordable among all the others.
  2. A coating designed to be applied to the polished surface of a car. These coatings have a thick gel-like consistency. After applying such coatings, a special film is formed, which has a "lotus" effect - small drops of water falling on the body are combined into large ones and, together with the dirt, are washed off the surface.
  3. "Liquid glass". This coating is able not only to properly protect the surface, but also to return the original shine to the paintwork of the car body. The coating has a fundamental difference from all other hydrophobic coatings, which lies in its composition. "Liquid glass" is able to penetrate deep enough into the paintwork of the body, thereby strengthening its molecular structure. In addition, the coating is very strong and durable.
  4. Nanoceramics. This coating is somewhat similar to "liquid glass", since it is also reliably and for a long time able to preserve the integrity and safety of the car body along with painting. Prevents chips and scratches. It is also resistant not only to aggressive humid environments, but also to many chemicals.

Nowadays, every car owner can choose a hydrophobic coating to their liking. Whatever it is, in any case, the body and paintwork will be protected from moisture and pollution.

Good day to all! It rained heavily recently and I came up with a new topic for discussion. Moreover, autumn is close, it will rain frequently. Therefore, a hydrophobic coating can be a good solution to protect your car.

The essence of a hydrophobic coating is its protection from moisture. In simple terms, after processing the glass or body, rain drops and dirt will not stick to the surface, but will be able to roll and fly away from the impact of the headwind.

Moreover, I have already tested such compositions for a car on my own example and I can say that the application of a hydrophobe gives a result. Use it or not, decide for yourself.


Now they produce hydrophobic compositions for fabrics, on the basis of which clothes and shoes are sewn. It becomes water-repellent. A good thing. But for cars, a separate type of autochemistry is produced.

You can use protective nano-coatings for glass with your own hands. The main thing here is to buy something of high quality and from a trusted manufacturer. For example, Stay Clean and similar products.

There are several types of hydrophobes or simply anti-rain. The tool is available in the form:

  • spray;
  • liquids;
  • pastes;
  • gel, etc.

But the main question is what is the composition of this substance. Depending on this, hydrophobic mixtures are distinguished.

  • Wax. Wax formulations allow for easy treatment of interior surfaces and various curves. Their plus is that the mixture does not spread. The wax is water-repellent and an environmentally friendly, safe material. This is a big plus when choosing a product.
  • Silicon. Such anti-rains are based on varnishes and enamels, which include a silicon mixture. Safe, harmless and very durable. A good option for those who want to make an anti-corrosion coating on the body and supplement it with hydrophobic properties;
  • Silicone. Creates a thin film on the surface, which is characterized by good strength and wear resistance. They additionally enhance protection against corrosion and reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. For drivers who are often behind the wheel, this is important;
  • Special moisture resistant additives. You simply add them to different shampoos and polishes. Not the most effective, but suitable for periodic prevention;
  • Polymer. The composition includes a Teflon compound and urethane, which protects the surface from moisture and disguises minor defects. A perfect gloss is created, as if the car had just been released from the assembly line.

Hydrophobic properties

I cannot vouch for all anti-rain products that are up to

feet on the market. But a number of products have been tested. This made it possible to verify in practice whether the coating gives the property to the glass or the body, which the manufacturers claim.

A high-quality protective hydrophobic coating has a number of positive properties:

  • makes it easier to clean the glass from dirt, water, insects and frost that drip and roll;
  • the wipers have to be turned on less often, since the headwind in combination with the hydrophobe does this work instead of them;
  • the washer flow rate in the reservoir decreases;
  • the coating creates an anti-glare effect and the driver is not so blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars;
  • increased visibility, which reduces the likelihood of an accident;
  • the driver is partially protected from ultraviolet radiation;
  • the car gets dirty less intensively, additional saving of money and time for washing.

Everything is simple here. The special coating makes the surface water-repellent. Therefore, dirt, snow and rain do not smear on the windshield, but collect in drops and are carried on the sides by headwind currents.

The body itself remains cleaner and has a pleasant glossy finish.

Application procedure

Now how to make this super coating with your own hands. For starters, you buy a good product. You can do it yourself, but more on that later.

Let's say you bought some kind of anti-rain spray, gel, or paste. Now it needs to be applied to the surface of the body and glass. Remember that different hydrophobic chemicals are used for glass and car body parts. Maybe there are universal remedies, but I would not recommend using them.

The anti-rain coating process looks very simple.

  • The machine and the surfaces to be treated must be cleaned of all dirt. The car must be clean. You can use the services of car washes or wash your car with your own hands;
  • Treat the body and glass with degreasers. It is important to achieve dryness and remove all unnecessary from the surfaces;
  • Use a polish. Any product with a polishing effect will do. Use rags that will not scratch the surface;
  • When the car is ready, it is treated with a hydrophobe. It has the ability to penetrate deep into the pores of the coating and create a protective barrier. Each product has its own instructions from the manufacturer, so rely on it;
  • After applying the anti-rain, leave the car for 1-2 hours in a closed garage and do not start the engine. Also, it is not recommended to wash the car in the next 3-4 days.

This gives the body a perfect smoothness and better streamlining.

Depending on the chosen hydrophobic coating, the effect can last from several weeks to several months. That is, you will have to repeat the procedure periodically.

Homemade anti-rain

If you do not want to spend money on expensive auto chemicals, you can make a hydrophobic composition yourself. This is done like this:

  • take paraffin or paraffin candle, as well as ordinary white spirit (proportions should be 1 to 20);

  • cut the paraffin into small pieces and mix with the solvent;
  • mix the components until smooth;
  • process the body and glass with the resulting mixture (both surfaces are possible);

  • let the coating sit so that all the solvent evaporates;
  • then get a good lint-free tissue paper and rub the machine.

Such homemade anti-rain lasts up to 2 months.

For any installation and exterior finishing work, the hydrophobization of brick or concrete is mandatory. This is a reliable protection of artificial stone from excessive moisture absorption, which increases its frost resistance and extends the service life of building structures. And the higher the porosity of the material, the more it needs such processing.

In what cases are water repellents needed?

Water-repellent compounds are divided into two main groups: bulk and surface. The first includes various additives that are introduced into the concrete solution with their own hands at the stage of its preparation. They increase the water resistance class of the monolith, compact and strengthen it, and prevent the appearance of white efflorescence.

The second category is film-forming and penetrating water repellents that can be used to protect finished concrete products, brickwork, decorative cladding, tiles, etc. After application, they create a thin waterproof layer on the surface. From time to time, such a coating will have to be refurbished, but it is cheaper than subsequently restoring the structures with your own hands.

For the most reliable protection, experts recommend combining both methods of hydrophobization. Moreover, it is advisable to choose not universal compositions, but those that are intended for specific materials and operating conditions. Manufacturers today offer formulas that can be used both as additives to the solution and for application to the surface.

Water repellents are in demand where artificial stone is subjected to the destructive effects of various liquids:

  • Brick walls of houses and veneered facades.
  • Fences, blind area, curbs, paving slabs.
  • Receiving gutters, wells, septic tanks, pool bowls.
  • Concrete areas for parking lots, workshops, laboratories, etc.

Review of popular brands

When choosing water repellents, it is necessary to focus on the scope of their application: what is suitable for heavy concrete does not always work effectively on gas blocks with their high porosity. It is also important to take into account the degree of influence of moisture on the structure itself, so as not to waste money on expensive compounds.

1. Aquasil.

The concentrated preparation reduces the water absorption capacity of heavy and porous concretes by an order of magnitude and improves the same performance for bricks by 30 times. At the same time, the formula provides for the hardening of the monolith by about a third of the original grade. The low alkaline mixture is fireproof and resistant - reapplication will not be required earlier than after 10 years.

After diluting the concentrate in a ratio of 1:10, the consumption of Aquasil is about 250-500 ml / m 2. It is a versatile water repellent agent that can be used both to improve the characteristics of the mortar (added up to 0.5% by weight of cement) and for surface application. In the second case, water-repellent properties appear within 2 hours after impregnation.

A concentrated emulsion for dense products protects not only the cement stone itself from external influences, but also reinforcement, as well as embedded metal parts of concrete products. Spectrum 123 perfectly fights against mold and harmful microorganisms, and the hydrophobization effect becomes noticeable within 20 hours after application.

The concentrated silicone mixture is diluted in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 3 for porous substrates. It is applied only on a dry surface at positive temperatures. The depth of penetration into the thickness is 3-10 mm, the average consumption is 0.15-0.3 l / m 2.

3. Tiprom-U.

In terms of its main characteristics, it is similar to the already considered Aquasol: the same organosilicon concentrate used both in solutions and as a surface protection of porous materials. It shows itself well as a dirt-repellent compound, relieves brickwork from the appearance of efflorescence. However, it also has restrictions on its use: in its instructions, the manufacturer does not recommend Tiprom-U for non-absorbent surfaces that are constantly in contact with water.

The composition penetrates into the concrete to a depth of 35 mm, clogging up the internal capillaries. In addition, it easily repels not only water, but also ice, which makes it possible to use it for processing paving slabs. The solution is applied in several layers with time intervals (no more than 10 minutes) until the absorption stops. Consumption - 150-300 ml / m 2.

4. Crystallisol.

Under this brand, a whole family of various highly specialized water repellents for concrete is produced - each for its own field of application.

The most popular ones are:

  • Monolith is a formula for volumetric hydrophobization. Increases the brand for water resistance by 5 classes, without entering into "conflict" with plasticizers and antifreezes.
  • Crystallisol W12 - provides the monolith with high moisture resistance up to 1.2 atm and increases the number of freezing cycles to F.

Surface water repellents of this brand are produced on a water basis, and therefore form on concrete only a transparent colorless film with good vapor permeability. They are fireproof and antiseptic.

5. Armokril-A.

The deep penetration agent is made on the basis of polyacrylates, and in fact is an impregnating varnish. Great for pigmented products such as artificial stone cladding, paving slabs and sectional fences as it prevents paint fading on the surface.

Armokril has a pleasant "side effect": it strengthens and removes dust from concrete bases, strengthens cement joints in brickwork. The instructions for use prescribe the application of varnish in two layers with a break of 12 hours. The total consumption depends on the surface texture, but usually does not exceed 210-260 ml / m 2. Armokryl itself is resistant to alkalis, acids and refined products.

6. Alpa Polyfluid.

Deeply penetrating water repellent, which contains not only synthetic resins, but also fungicidal additives, as well as antifreeze. Designed to protect porous and already slightly cracked surfaces, can be applied with a brush or used to inject problem areas. It functions according to the principle of penetrating liquids, that is, it crystallizes in the pores and capillaries of concrete with the participation of moisture. Partly because of this, the price of the French product is higher than others. The polyfluid has an average consumption (about 0.2-0.3 l / m 2) and allows you to start working after 4 hours.

Application features

Any hydrophobic additive to concrete is introduced into the solution itself at the stage of its preparation. Here you just need to correctly calculate its amount for the total volume of the mixture, following the instructions on the package. They work differently with water-repellent coatings. For DIY application, you can choose any convenient tool: rollers, brushes or a spray gun. Painting is usually carried out in several stages until the water repellent stops absorbing. After that, it is left to dry for a day. Then you can paint, but if you chose a silicone-based composition, this will no longer be possible.

Check the instructions for use on the packaging before starting work. Water repellent coatings can differ from each other by the principle of application: on a wet or dry surface. The former usually include penetrating compounds that need water to start a chemical reaction with concrete components and clog its pores with insoluble crystals. Film-forming mixtures are applied to a dry substrate, which cannot penetrate too deeply.
