Repair Design Furniture

Useful tips in the apartment. Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning the house. DIY metal shavings collection

And more useful tips and ideas for the home.

Hello dear readers! I continue to lay out a series of useful tips for the home, which has already been found in sufficient quantities, but there is no limit to the imagination and ingenuity of people! And we just have to use their experience, making our life easier and saving our budget on many projects :)

It turns out that you can make an excellent stain for wood from vinegar by adding a metal object in a glass container to it. It is necessary to keep the metal with it for a week. A handful of copper pennies will exhibit a beautiful pale blue. And steel added to vinegar will give you a rich reddish tint. The combination of tea and a metal object in vinegar will show a black tint.. Be sure to save this information :)

In this master class, you will be able to recreate home-made single flower pots from tin cans, in which the greenery will grow upside down :)

Homemade stain remover.

For a homemade stain remover, you will need - one part dishwashing liquid mixed with two parts hydrogen peroxide. Pour this mixture directly on the stain, which will immediately begin to disappear, as if by magic. for scrub.spots.)

How to make a table top shine.

Take a spray bottle and fill it with 1/8th of alcohol, in which you need to add a drop of dishwashing liquid, a few drops of fragrant oil (for smell), pour water into the remaining free part of the container, shake everything together, and spray on any countertop, wipe thoroughly with a rag , thus achieving a gloss and a very smooth surface

An easy and simple way to fasten the pages of a book with a large paper clip.

Portion minced meat in the freezer.

Thanks to this method, you can always break off the required amount of minced meat, which is frozen in the freezer :)

1. Compact clay pot roaster :)

2. Cache for the beach :)

3. The trampoline turns into a chic hanging bed :) Below you will find a few more ways to use it :)

4. Oh, lucky those who are involved in the excavator :)) The bucket turns into a wonderful pool :))

You can paint the outside too :)

6. toilet paper holder from the hanger.

7. Chandeliers made of crystal decanters.

8. A great idea is to use PVC plumbing insulation, in which you need to make slots in which the brushes will hold.

9. Recently I posted the idea of ​​using cans for a bee hive, and here is another unusual idea for constructing a hive from hollow sticks.

10. :))) Fountain by installing a fountain, three pools and buckets))

11. Promised applications of the trampoline.


13. Homemade bowling in the country. Great idea - how to keep the kids busy and polish their ball throwing skills :)

For this project, it is better to use bakelite plywood, which does not get wet from the rain and has a very smooth surface :)

14. With the help of such containers, you can always pour the required amount of loose mixture.

15. A dishwasher tray put on wheels can serve you for a very long time as a bed organizer for all sorts of little things :)

Let's talk about our life today, shall we? I know, I know, for women there is no harder conversation than talking about cleaning, but nevertheless I decided to consider useful tips for the house with my own hands.

Tip one

How to wash the microwave and remove burnt food from there?

Take a sponge for washing dishes and thoroughly wet it with water. Then we put a drop of dishwashing detergent on it and achieve the formation of foam. We put the sponge in the microwave and bake it for 30 seconds. Then we take it out and wipe the entire inner surface of the microwave with the same hot sponge.

Tip two

How to achieve perfect glass cleanliness?

Wash the glasses in the usual way using products, but at the very end, before wiping dry, use a newspaper when wiping the glasses. The glass of your windows will shine, such do-it-yourself life hacks for the home, which we learned from the old days, will be very useful in the modern world.

Tip three

Distance protection

To protect silverware, which is still preserved in some families, you need to wrap a piece of chalk in gauze or a napkin and park it in a desk drawer.

Tip Four

How to remove a terrible stain from a new shirt?

Just imagine the situation, you put on a new blouse for work and immediately managed to put a stain on it. How, you ask? Yes, it’s very simple, especially when you have lunch in a terrible hurry. Personally, chalk came to my aid, which I crumbled and generously rubbed into the stain. After a few hours, the chalk absorbed all the grease, and I washed the stain.

Tip five

Oh those horizontal blinds!

Each owner of such blinds has repeatedly faced the problem of how to wipe all the slats without removing the blinds from the window. The answer lies in an old sock without - we pull it over our hand and voila - a special cloth for blinds is ready.

Tip six

Getting rid of mattress odor

Here we had a new and beautiful mattress, and after several years, it became ugly and smelled a little bad. Well, after the games of a small child with juice in his hands and from the constant munching of sweets in bed. We take traditional soda and sprinkle it on the bed, leaving it for a couple of minutes. Then we simply vacuum and the mattress returns to a completely acceptable form.

Tip Seven

stain on the carpet

My friend has exceptionally light carpets in all rooms and a small child who is very fond of juice and sweets. Therefore, catch a life hack from her - how to remove a stain from a carpet - take 1 part of vinegar and 2 water (look at your stain), and then spray this mixture onto the stain. We cover it with a damp cloth, and then iron it with an iron.

Tip Eight

Let's continue the topic of smells - how to eliminate an unpleasant smell in the apartment?

For this, we need vanilla concentrate (here the confectioners grinned rather) and an oven. We will dissolve 1 spoon of vanilla concentrate in water and put it in a preheated oven.

Tip nine

Cleaning a wooden board

To clean a wooden cutting board, add salt and soak the lemon wedges into it, then scrub the board well.

Tip ten

How to protect the faucet from stains?

Yes, it's easy - take wax paper and rub the faucet well after cleaning. A kind of protection against grease will help keep the faucet shiny and clean longer.

The ability to do some useful things with your own hands very often helps out economically. A person who knows how to handle tools and has ingenuity replaces many purchased goods with home-made ones. Moreover, these are not only some trifles, but also quite serious, necessary home appliances.

Their production saves a lot of money and gives sincere pleasure from the opportunity to create something useful with your own hands and thanks to your own imagination. Perhaps our advice will be useful not only to beginner Kulibins, but also to experienced home craftsmen who cannot sit without work.

Do-it-yourself brazier-smokehouse from a barrel or gas cylinder (with video)

Let's start not with a trifle, but quite such a serious and useful thing in any country house, like a barbecue. It can also be a grill and smokehouse. If you can’t sit at home on summer days, and relaxing in the country does not strike the imagination with diversity, it’s time to make just such a barbecue and invite friends to picnics in nature. Such devices never stand idle and are always very popular in the warmest months of the year.

To make a homemade grill, you will first need to find an old barrel or a couple of empty gas cylinders. Its size and some functional features depend on the format of the product. Of course, in order to make such devices as a brazier, you must be able to work with metal and handle welding equipment. So these tips are only suitable for experienced craftsmen.

Useful tips for making homemade barbecue:

1. First you need to cut a lid in the barrel for the future barbecue. The photo shows a cutting diagram. If you want to make a more complex design with three sections (brazier, smokehouse and barbecue) from used 50 liter gas cylinders, watch the video. It details and shows how holes are cut in cylinders.

2. A handle must be welded to the lid. Be sure to have a wooden handle, which will help to avoid burns during frying.

3. If the smokehouse is made from cylinders and will later have 3 sections, then they will need to be welded to each other, as shown in the video. Pay attention to the design of the homemade. It provides for such things as a blower, a hole for draining the "soup" that is formed during the smoking process, etc.

4. The brazier can be installed on iron legs. For example, as in the same video, the master used a stand from a foot-operated sewing machine. Such a rarity can be found at the flea market. If you are not lucky with interesting finds, ask your friends if someone has an old typewriter lying around in the attic. In extreme cases, you can make homemade legs from scrap.

5. Then the lid is attached to the barbecue. If desired, a skewer can be built into the brazier for roasting large carcasses (suckling pig, nutria, goose, etc.). In order not to turn the spit on its own, a motor is connected to it. How to do all this is shown in the video.

6. A grill is laid on the "bottom" of the brazier. Since both the cylinder and the barrel are rounded, the grate does not lie directly on the bottom, but is located at some distance from it. The grille can be used ready-made or welded independently. For experienced welders, this is not difficult. After the complete assembly of the structure, you can try it in action (video).

Homemade from empty plastic bottles: hanging gardens

With your own hands, you can make not only such “high-tech” devices as a brazier-smoker, but also various pleasant little things for the home and garden. These small and fairly simple crafts are very useful things that can cost a fortune in specialized stores.

Useful little things for the interior can be made from empty plastic bottles, which are apparently invisible in cities. For example, you can make a chic hanging garden on a brick wall. Usually, climbing plants themselves “creep” up along wrought-iron fences, forming a thick green, and sometimes also a flowering wall. She makes the garden very beautiful and cozy.

But if the fence around the house is solid (stone or brick), and you want more greenery, the inventions of home craftsmen will help out. To equip hanging gardens on your site, you don’t even have to buy pots and then think about how to attach ropes to them. Elementary homemade products from plastic bottles and fishing line will help.

How to make homemade pots for a hanging garden around the house

To make these extremely useful, but at the same time very simple things, you will need to collect about 20-30 bottles. The volume must be chosen depending on what plants you want to decorate the fence around the house. For those who like more space and have an extensive root system, you should choose bottles of 1.5-2 liters. On one side, a “window” is cut for a flower. The cork must be tightened so that the soil does not spill out of the bottle.

On both sides, holes should be made for fishing line, with which homemade pots will be attached to the top of the fence. Then you need to fill the bottle with soil (preferably immediately fertilized and prepared for planting an ornamental plant). It should fill the container about halfway so that the plant has somewhere to take root. But you shouldn’t pour a lot of earth either, otherwise the homemade pots for the hanging garden around the house will be too heavy.

At the end, you need to plant flowers and fix homemade pots made by yourself on the wall. It is better to do this in a checkerboard pattern, so that subsequently overgrown plants form a thick green "wall". Climbing flowering plants look very good: they grow very densely and delight the eye with bright colors almost all summer and a good half of autumn.

Useful little things for a country house: a curtain and a spray bottle from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles, you can make other crafts and useful things for a cozy life. Our advice will help you to equip your cottage as cheaply as possible. For example, it is not at all necessary to buy curtains for a gazebo or a loggia. They can be made from the bottoms of plastic bottles.
They already have a pretty nice shape. It remains just to cut them out and fasten them together with a fishing line, as in the photo. Even a child can do such crafts, and at the same time they look quite impressive.

Our advice concerns not only decorative interior moments. From used plastic bottles, you can create such useful things as a sprayer for watering a garden or lawn. Such devices are quite expensive in stores, and their device is so simple that you can literally make such useful little things at your leisure in a couple of minutes.

Tips on how to make a sprayer for watering the garden / lawn around the house

If there is a lawn around your country house that needs regular watering, our tips for creating a simple fixture for this will come in handy. For work, you will need such trifles as a few ballpoint pens that have served their purpose and one empty plastic bottle.

You need to make holes in the bottle. In diameter, they should match the diameter of the body of a ballpoint pen. The rods from the handles must be removed, and the bodies themselves must be fixed in the holes in the bottle. After that, we make a hole in the lid for the hose mount and fasten the latter to the neck of the bottle. Now it remains only to throw the sprayer on the lawn and connect the water.

Such simple and at the same time extremely convenient devices greatly facilitate the life of a summer resident. The plastic bottle sprayer can be easily transferred to another part of the garden (lawn) after the first area has been well watered. Even a child can cope with this task, because plastic is a very light material.

These are useful things that can be made literally from garbage - ordinary plastic bottles, which in cities are thrown into landfills by the ton.

Tips and inventions needed in everyday life: do-it-yourself summer shower

You just don’t want to spend money on many devices, because in time their production takes just nothing. For example, things like outdoor showers are very easy to do yourself. You will need 1 metal corner, nails, a water hose, electrical tape and an empty aluminum beer can.
Tips on how to do these crafts:

1. To make a water sprayer, you first need to cut off the bottom of the beer can.

2. On the other side, the hole should be widened a little so that the hose nozzle can be attached.

3. To prevent water from seeping into the holes of the craft, the attachment point is carefully closed with electrical tape.

4. To attach this simple invention, the corner must be attached to the fence. We drill holes and just nail it.

5. The point is small - turn on the water and enjoy the summer shower.

Any home craftsman collects a huge number of different things that need to find a specific place. These are all sorts of little things: nails, self-tapping screws, coils of electrical tape, etc. In order not to lose all these things that are necessary in the household, special storage devices are used. Of course, you need to do them only with your own hands.

An excellent storage for various little things is easy to make from 2 empty plastic bottles. First, we cut off the bottom of each of them, then attach a zipper to the cut of the future craft and simply fasten it. That's it, now you have a place to put various important little things with which you will make your crafts or even create real inventions.

Simple crafts - the first step towards great achievements

All the crafts presented by us are fairly simple options for what you can do with your own hands from improvised means. The most savvy craftsmen know how to turn banal household items into amazing inventions. By the way, many of them are real inventions, often worthy of some kind of award, if not on a global, then certainly on a regional scale.

If you want to join the cohort of self-taught masters, try making the simple crafts presented to your attention. Perhaps over time you will develop a taste for manual creativity, and you will become a brilliant craftsman or even an inventor.

The most important thing in the life of every craftswoman is her house, which is the "face", "soul" and "character" of its mistress. That is why it is so important that it is always beautiful, comfortable, safe, reliable and calm in it. If everything is organic and harmonious in this complex system, then those who live in it can be called truly happy. What do you need to know to be happy?

A real craftswoman with good imagination and inexhaustible energy will need information on how to make it simple, what kind of wallpaper you need to choose for a bedroom or nursery, what paint is ideal for painting walls.

If the family has it, then it will be useful to read on the pages of our online magazine about how to care for hamsters and not only, as well as learn about the best food for pets, understand important issues of their diet, care and maintenance. With our help, you will learn more, and your pets will become happier and healthier.

The most creative hostesses will be interested in the section. Here you can "peep" the most successful solutions for creating an exclusive style, take advantage of the tips of professional designers on home decoration.

The genuine interest of our visitors is caused by the section. A truly beautiful stylish house cannot be imagined without bright original plants and flower arrangements that need to be properly looked after. How? All answers are in the rubric!

Have other important questions? Read! Here you can learn more about housekeeping, car repair rules, housewarming, and other important secrets.

With the help of Craftsman, the house will be in your beautiful, but reliable and confident hands!

This page contains important information for hostesses who love their home and care about its well-being. We know how to make the world around you fabulous, kind and beautiful. Remember, you are the guardians of your hearth, love, prosperity, health and well-being depend on you. We are happy to give our readers useful tips for the home and wish you to successfully put them into practice!

Our advice concerns everything that is dear to the heart. Tips on how to make repairs and change the interior, help in breeding flowers and raising pets, a good selection of tips from experienced housewives make up a wide range of questions in the House section. We paid special attention to work and career, because in order to create a comfort zone in the house, it is important to find finances correctly.

Readers are particularly attracted to useful tips and home appliances. We bring to your attention the top 10 tips that have benefited our regular visitors:

  1. Clean glass and windows. With the help of a newspaper collected in a lump, glasses can be rubbed to a perfect shine without stains and streaks in one minute.
  2. Remove grease stain. Often after dinner, greasy stains remain on things. You can fight them with chalk. Powdered chalk should be applied to the greasy stain. After several hours, when the fat is absorbed into the natural sorbent, the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bmaterial can be washed.
  3. A terry sock worn on the hand will help to wipe the dust in a hard-to-reach place.
  4. Velcro roller protects against dust in hard-to-reach places.
  5. Stains on the carpet. If candy or juice is the source of dirt, clean the stain with a vinegar solution. To prepare it, you need one part vinegar and two parts water. Spray the solution over the site of contamination using a standard water sprayer. In order for the solution to begin to act on the stain, put a damp rag and iron it with a hot iron.
  6. Remove stains from wood cutting board. To do this, you need half a lemon and salt. Fine salt is poured onto the board with a thin layer, and the lemon is led in a circular motion along the surface of the board. After five minutes, the board will shine in a natural color.
  7. To make the faucet shine for a long time. Waxed paper was brought in the hostess's closet for these occasions. After sanitary cleaning of the tap, rubbing to a shine with paper, which is coated with wax. With the help of wax, the surface will repel grease and water for a long time.
  8. Quickly clean the microwave from grease and food. Apply a few drops of detergent to a damp sponge and lather. If you put a sponge on a plate and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds, it warms up well and removes grease with ease.
  9. A magical solution will help to preserve the beauty of the bouquet in a vase for a long time. In one liter of filtered cool water, dissolve two drops of alcohol and a teaspoon of sugar.
  10. The most useful tips for the home, according to men:
  • a nail dipped in vegetable oil is easily driven into a hard surface;
  • so that the tile is easily cut, it is dipped in water;
  • after wallpapering, it is forbidden to ventilate the room.

Lifehacker news

Our section contains life hacks and useful tips for the home.

Here are the best ones:

  1. Remove flies on the mirror. Apply a mixture of one tablespoon of water, ammonia and tooth powder in an equivalent proportion. The mass should have the consistency of a paste. Apply the mixture to the mirror with a soft cloth, and clean with a newspaper.
  2. Remove the sticky price tag. With the help of a glass washer sprayer, only chic and shine remain from the price tag.
  3. Bleach a white item. With the help of crushed aspirin tablets, you can get rid of traces of sweat, the mixture is applied for three hours, after which things are washed in a typewriter with the addition of three aspirin tablets.
  4. Remove traces of blood and ink. Contaminated things are poured with milk for several hours.
  5. Creative fixtures. There are a lot of such devices:
  • from empty cans to make a cabinet with drawers in the garage;
  • rip open a pocket from old jeans and sew on a pen made of cloth - they got a charging bag for a mobile phone;
  • so that the lock in the pants does not go down, you can attach a ring to the zipper and attach it to the top button - in this way, the protection will be reliable;
  • after arriving from the sea, you can bring pebbles and small colored stones of a rounded shape. If you stick stones on a coaster for a cup, you get a coaster for hot;
  • a wine glass, at the bottom of which lies a lit candle, can be decorated with a lampshade, get stylish mini-lamps.

Lifehacker is constantly updating useful tips for the home. We constantly follow the news and delight our visitors with new and useful inventions of craftsmen.

A place of inexhaustible inspiration - a garden and a kitchen garden

It is on earth that many draw strength and inspiration. In summer, weekends and free time are often spent in the country, which means that useful tips for home and garden will help in the management of the countryside.

We offer you to study a useful selection:

  1. Fruit picker. The bottom of the tin must be fixed on the tip of the stick. Felt or foam rubber is placed inside to create a soft layer. Depending on the size of the fruit and the height of the tree, these devices are made.
  2. Instead of pegs. When planting vegetables of different varieties, you need to immediately make notes, moreover, preferably without departing from the hole. For this purpose, it is good to use disposable spoons. On their inner surface, the name of the variety is applied with a waterproof marker and a peg is inserted so that the inside faces north. This will protect the recording from fading in the sun.
  3. Bad smell in the basement. Usually, a fungus develops quickly in the basement, and conditions are created for the accumulation of moisture. You need to act immediately - ventilate and dry the racks in the fresh air. Place several buckets of embers in the basement. They should cool completely, and the basement room should dry completely.
  4. How to quickly remove the gap. There are often gaps in the ceiling or basement wall. As the main material, it is recommended to use a bandage or gauze, stuffing it inside. Having painted the gap filled with material with paint, another strip of bandage is applied on top and covered with whitewash.
  5. Basement protection against rodents. The worst thing is to put poison from rodents near the products. This is a huge risk. The use of herbs is, on the contrary, a proven way. Elderberry, tansy, wormwood, field mint and wild rosemary are wonderful herbs that protect against small pests.
  6. After peeling potatoes and mushrooms, the skin on the hands acquires a dark shade, starch is to blame. To remove dark spots, a few drops of lemon juice or gruel from green sorrel leaves are applied to the palms.

Our site has collected all the useful tips for the home to save the precious time of its regular readers. Useful ideas and tips for the home help create a comfortable and warm environment of peace and tranquility in the home. New articles, tested by time and practice, are constantly added to the piggy bank of knowledge.

Regular visitors often give useful tips for the home and send photos. Thanks to warmth and support, we can do a lot, the main thing is to believe in yourself, set feasible goals and use useful tips for the home.

43 original tips!

Little household tricks that everyone should know (photo, selection)

Use hanger clips to keep food bags closed.

If the zipper on your jeans always tries to unzip

Freeze grapes and use them instead of ice in drinks

To heat food in two bowls at the same time, just do as shown in the photo above.

Great idea to turn a crib into a table when the kids are grown

To clear a clogged sink, pour 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar down the kitchen sink drain.

To accurately make holes for a particular item, simply make a photocopy of it and attach it to the wall

To get rid of bad smells, put tea bags in your shoes.

Insert a blue rod into a red pen, because no one needs a red pen and no one will steal it

Put your phone in airplane mode and it will charge twice as fast

Put old newspapers in the bottom of the trash can, they will absorb liquid from food.

Any food will warm up faster and better if you make an empty place in the center.

If you have problems with the sharpness of your smartphone camera, try covering the lens with transparent tape

To quickly cool a bottle of beer, wrap it in a paper towel, then soak the wrapped bottle and refrigerate, preferably freezer.

In order not to beat your fingers with a hammer, use a clothespin as shown above.

Use a can opener to open tough plastic packages

For a fresher pizza, warm it up in the microwave with a glass of water.

To hide scratches on furniture, rub them with a walnut

Lamp option in nature

To quickly smooth out a wrinkled T-shirt, rub it with a few ice cubes.

Use a staple remover to spread your key ring apart to avoid breaking your nails.

How to easily and quickly peel a banana

To cool something, use a frozen sponge soaked in water in a bag, it will cool and leave no wet marks.

If you are not comfortable eating noodles out of the box, you can simply lay them out like a plate.

Get rid of pilling jeans with a razor

How to make the perfect sandwich

Before going to the beach, put important things such as keys, money, phone, in a bottle of shampoo or sunscreen. So you protect them from sand and moisture, and it is unlikely that someone will want to steal a bottle of shampoo or cream from you.

To easily peel a boiled egg, add some baking soda to the water before boiling.

Put a wooden spoon on top of the pot, and if its contents decide to escape, it will slow this process down a bit.

Plastic cup lids can be used as coasters

Stack clothes vertically in drawers to save a lot of space.

How to easily and quickly pull the bones out of fried wings

When traveling, the smartphone can be recharged from the USB input of the TV

To quickly peel a boiled egg, peel one side of it, and on the opposite side, make a small hole, blowing into which, the egg will simply fly out of the shell

Use a plastic bottle to quickly and easily separate the yolks from the whites. Just squeeze the bottle a little and release, then it will suck the yolk itself

Folding clothes properly will save you a lot of space when traveling.

How to make a speaker for a smartphone with your own hands

Fold clothes like a ninja

Put your smartphone in flight mode and play ad-free games

No glass holder? Not a problem!

Strong coffee can be frozen in ice cube trays and then simply added to milk.

Use lit spaghetti to light a candle without burning your fingers.

Clip-on hanger can be used as a cookbook holder