Repair Design Furniture

Smell in the bathroom from the sewer what to do. Unpleasant smell of sewage in the bathroom: how to eliminate, the reasons for its appearance. The smell of tobacco in the bathroom

Humanity has managed to make a comfortable place out of the bathroom. But even modern baths and toilets can produce an unpleasant odor that even the best air fresheners cannot deal with.

And it is not worth doing this, because the stench is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately start looking for the cause.

There are several reasons for the spread of sewer amber: from a banal blockage of a pipe to a disruption in the operation of ventilation. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Incorrect installation of the system

If the "odor" of the sewage system began to spread in your new or just renovated housing, then the reason is most likely in the incorrect installation of the drainage network.

In this case, violations often manifest themselves in three ways:

  1. The most difficult case is non-observance of the slope when installing the wiring... An insufficient angle of inclination of the pipeline leads to stagnation of drains. Excessive slope is also bad as liquid will quickly evacuate and larger, heavier waste will stagnate and clog the pipe.
  2. Incorrect installation of the water seal leads to the fact that water is not stored in it, which should prevent the penetration of gases from the sewer. Errors in the arrangement of sewer ventilation can also lead to the snatching of the water seal when large portions of wastewater are flushed away.
  3. If, when connecting pipelines the joints were not well sealed, then it is these places that are the source of the stench.

Latent violation of the integrity of pipes and the accumulation of condensate

Leaks that are invisible at first glance are another common cause of stench in the bathroom. Such defects are very difficult to detect, since they can appear in hard-to-reach places, for example, on a section of a pipe walled into a floor or wall.

In this case, the situation is aggravated if moisture seeps into the floor, forming diaper rash, and destroys the wooden elements of the subfloor.

Moistening of floors can also occur when condensation forms on the pipes. This phenomenon is possible if the pipeline runs in places of temperature differences.

As a result, putrefactive bacteria and molds are actively developing.

Faults in the water seal

Malfunctions in the operation of the water seal can occur not only as a result of incorrect installation, but also during its operation. Problems appear for several reasons:

  • as a result of clogging or freezing of rub b;
  • due to stretching of the corrugated pipe with time;
  • due to clogging of the drain pipe leading to a violation of sewer ventilation and snatching of a water plug when draining water into a riser;

In the latter case, when a large volume of liquid gets in, for example, when flushing from the toilet or operating the washing machine, you can hear a characteristic squelching sound coming from small siphons.

Loss of water from the siphon can occur if the plumbing is not used for a long time... The liquid will simply evaporate.

Insufficient ventilation

In addition to the sewer ventilation riser, the bathroom needs air ventilation, which can be forced and natural. Air exchange is especially important for the bathtub, as it is a humid room.

The accumulated liquid leads to the development of mold and putrefactive microbes and the spread of an unpleasant odor.

How to equip good ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, find out

In an unheated room, it is good to equip flow ventilation with heating. How to do it .

Clogged pipes

Sewer pipes are highways, through which polluted water moves with hair, grease, animal hair, sometimes thick paper and sand trapped in it.

Large debris can lead to the formation of an obstruction... Also, during operation, the pipe walls are overgrown with plaque, which causes a narrowing of the lumen.

A blockage not only in itself is a source of an unpleasant odor, but also disrupts the operation of the entire sewer system, including water seals. And it is in the siphons that the accumulation of dirt occurs most often.

Smell from the washing machine

Sometimes the source of the odor is from the washing machine, which can develop mold.... This is especially common if the technique is used often, and for washing, a mode with a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees is almost always chosen.

Sometimes the drain hose is clogged or the drainage pump malfunctions.

Thus, many of the causes of bad smell in the bathroom are related to each other. In many cases, you can eliminate them yourself.

How to deal with bathroom odors?

After establishing the cause of the stench, you can proceed to measures to eliminate it. If we are talking about an apartment building and problems, for example, a blockage, are in the common house drainage system, then it is necessary to involve employees from the management organization.

It is very important to install and install correctly, because in most cases it is the improper arrangement of the sewage system that causes an unpleasant odor in the bathroom.

Arrange the sewerage system in a private house with your own hands.

How to properly use a drainage pump for sewage and what it is for.

In case of localization of faults inside an apartment or in a private house, you need to remove them yourself or with the help of hired specialists.

  1. If it is found that the sewerage system has been installed with violations, then it will be necessary to completely redo it or make changes to some areas. For this, it is better to call an experienced plumber.
  2. Leaks occur more often at joints... The pipelines must be disconnected and reconnected and sealed. If the leak occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the pipe, then it is necessary to seal the crack and subsequently replace the damaged section.
  3. Condensation build-up on the pipe due to temperature differences prevented by insulation.
  4. The operation of the siphon can be restored in various ways., the choice of which depends on the reason. This can be clearing the blockage, eliminating the sagging of the corrugation using clamps, pouring hot water into the pipe to defrost ice, restoring the patency of the fan ventilation pipe.
  5. Air ventilation is cleaned by a specialist... If the movement is free, but the elimination of moisture is not enough, then you can install a grill with a fan that removes air forcibly.
  6. When the stench comes from the washing machine, it is necessary to start a dry wash in the boiling mode with detergent. Then wipe the drum and cuff thoroughly. Another measure is to clean the drain pump and hose.
  7. Blockages in sewer lines eliminated with the help of special tools, cables. There are even electric pipe cleaners used by experts.

The main causes of stench in the bathroom are blockages and leaks in pipes, as well as problems with sewer ventilation and a siphon.

You can eliminate faults yourself or with the assistance of specialists. But prevention is much more effective, which includes several events.

  1. When installing the sewage system, it is necessary to avoid a large number of joints. and turns and place them in accessible places.
  2. Important use pipes and fittings of the correct diameter, high quality and observe the slope when installing.
  3. Construction waste must not be disposed of down the drain, rags and other waste that will cause pollution.
  4. Costs clean the siphon regularly and sewer pipes.
  5. After kitchen sinks and dishwashers, it is recommended install grease traps.
  6. If the pipeline passes in places of temperature differences, then need to be insulated his.
  7. Entrust the installation of the entire sewer network to professionals.
  8. If you have to leave your home for a long time, it is recommended pour a little vegetable oil into the siphons which will prevent the liquid from evaporating.

Compliance with these simple rules will help prevent odors.

If the bathroom stinks of sewage, then you need to urgently begin to find out the reasons. After all, it is impossible to endure this unpleasant smell. It usually has the ability to spread throughout the apartment. Without eliminating the cause of the smell, air fresheners and airing the room will not help.

Do you need to fight bad odor?

If the bathroom stinks of sewage, what to do? The appearance of an unpleasant odor is the main signal that there is some kind of problem. If everything in the bathroom is installed correctly and properly operated, then no aromas, except for pleasant ones, should arise. The appearance of a nasty smell is a sign that it is necessary to begin to eliminate it. In addition, odors of a chemical or putrefactive nature of origin are extremely hazardous to human health.

Dirt, grease, detergents and hair enter the drain. Rotting, they release ammonia compounds into the air. The smell comes from a combination of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and a methane mixture. People should not breathe with the resulting combination, it is fraught with negative consequences.

Features of communications

Before you figure out why the bathroom stinks of sewage, you need to understand how it works.

The bathroom drain is connected to the common system with a flexible pipe. It necessarily has a curved shape and a drop so that dirty water does not return back to the bathroom. The tube has a special "shutter" made of water, which protects against unpleasant odors. If such an obstacle in the form of a liquid disappears, then the bathroom is filled with a stench.

If the bathroom communications are combined, then the number of possible causes of an unpleasant odor increases. In this case, check the common riser, the toilet, as well as the pipes leading to it.

If there is no toilet in the room, then the possible cause is easier to find. In many cases, the bathroom stinks of sewage, if there are defects in the connection of the communication network with sanitary facilities, as well as errors that occur during their installation. The stench occurs in rooms in which the water seal is damaged or the rules for the operation of the sewage system have been violated.

If there is a washing machine, inspect the pipes associated with it. This is a drain hose that connects to a common communications system.

Ventilation system

Why does the bathroom smell like sewage? The cause of trouble with air is a violation of its circulation in the room. Ventilation is very important, especially in the bathroom. It is able not only to remove unpleasant odors, but also to dry the air, which prevents condensation and moisture from forming.

If there is no ventilation system in the room or it is clogged, then the room is filled with stench.

It is not difficult to make sure that the hood is working correctly. To do this, lean a sheet of paper against the hole, if it is attracted to it, then the air exchange is normal. If this does not happen, then the ventilation system may be clogged. Not all causes can be eliminated by yourself.

Sometimes unpleasant odors penetrate from neighboring apartments, this is manifested by violations in the general ventilation system. Birds can fall into it. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to call the ZhEK employees.


The second reason why the bathroom stinks of sewage from the sink is a blockage. It is considered to be the most important contributor to the stench. When water flows into the bathroom or sink after washing, grease and other dirt accumulates on the walls of the sewer. Plaque that builds up inside becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. In this case, remove the grate and mechanically remove the resulting dirt.

Usually a siphon is clogged - a curved tube located under a bathtub or sink. It is in it that the water seal is located, which keeps the sewer drains. If the self-cleaning corrugation is stretched or sagged, then an unpleasant odor penetrates into the room.

It is necessary to return the tube to its place and fix it with a special fastener. After passing a small amount of liquid, the valve will start to work as usual. There are other reasons for the smell as well.

If the bathroom has not been used for a long period and the liquid has evaporated, then water should be passed into the drain. To avoid this in the future, you need to use the following advice. Before leaving, pour oil into the drain or close it with a stopper, which will prevent the evaporation of water.

If it stinks like sewage in the bathroom, and the blockage is large and cannot be removed mechanically, you can use chemical agents to dissolve the plaque. Sometimes a plumbing cable is used.

Plaque on pipes

For another reason, due to which the sewage stinks in the apartment and in the bathroom, the deposits are attributed to This reduces their initial diameter, and the functioning of the liquid is disrupted (the water seal does not work).

To eliminate the smell, the pipes are periodically cleaned, especially if they are cast iron.

Incorrect installation

The sewer in the bathroom stinks, how to fix the problem? If the reason is a kinked siphon or not enough water in it, then this is easy to fix. The corrugation is brought into a position where the liquid leaves, and it is checked that the plastic pipe enters the water in the siphon-flask. Parts that are loosely fitted together are capable of letting in an unpleasant odor into the room.

The correct solution includes checking the joints of all pipes and other parts. The places of their contact are covered with silicone, wrapped with fum tape and re-fixed. Correct isolation can contain the stench.

Washing machine

Why does the bathroom smell like sewage? An unpleasant smell is caused by an incorrect connection of the drain hose from the washing machine. In this case, it is located after the water seal. The stench fills the room through the drum of the machine.

Leaks and condensation

If it stinks of sewage in the bathroom, then it may be some kind of decay of water that the owners of the apartment cannot see. This is possible when there are leaks and condensation accumulates in one of the corners. In this case, it may drip from the water heater, bath or tap. It is imperative to check that water does not get into the shelf containing the perfumery products or into the basket with dirty laundry.

When a leak appears behind the bathtub, washing machine or under the sink, it can sometimes be difficult to spot.

If this happens constantly, it will be able to spoil not only the air in the room, but also the tiles on the floor, interfloor ceilings and the ceiling of the neighbors below. Constant humidity leads to the development of mold and mildew. And the smell that comes from them does not please the inhabitants of the apartment at all.

How to get rid of the smell

If it stinks of sewage in the bathroom, then there are two ways to solve the problem:

  • masking or temporary;
  • radical.

The concealing method consists in replacing an unpleasant odor with another. For these purposes, it is worth using a strong-smelling product and sprinkling it in the bathroom. A temporary measure that postpones the use of the correct method.

The radical method means the use of chemicals, as well as the mandatory repair work in order to remove defects in the sewer system. This is the most effective way to prevent unpleasant odors.

The use of chemicals

Eliminate the unpleasant odor by pouring special agents into the pipes through the drain holes, in which there is a cleaner. After that, the pipes are flushed with a strong pressure of water.

This method helps to remove bacteria that develop on the pipe walls and on the siphon. It is they who are responsible for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, and therefore the main efforts are directed to their destruction.

You can clean the system with products that are sold in supermarkets. There are many of them, so there are usually no problems with acquiring them.

You can also use products that are easy to prepare at home from well-known components. Popular recipes include:

  1. A mixture is made, which includes soda and salt. Pour boiling water over it. Bacteria are destroyed by soda and salt in a chemical way, and by water - thermally.
  2. Sometimes a concentrated solution consisting of mustard powder and boiling water is used for the same purposes. Has similar properties to the previous product.
  3. Ordinary whiteness can also act as an effective odor control agent. True, it will also spread the smell of bleach throughout the room. As a result, the unpleasant amber from the bathroom will disappear.

Therefore, you can destroy the smell with acidic and alkaline solutions. Sometimes homemade remedies cope with the problem as effectively as purchased ones.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the smell of sewage in the bathroom, you need to use the following tips:

  • The simplest method is a regular one. However, this procedure is not cheap, and it is not always clear whether it is needed at this moment or not. Sometimes it's just a waste of your own money.
  • Pay particular attention to the siphon. It is there that waste accumulates in the form of residues of toothpaste, soap and more. Sometimes siphons burst due to exposure to hot water. Cleaning does not take much time, and as a result, the exact cause of the unpleasant odor will be determined.
  • If there are any problems with the odor trap, it becomes the cause of the stench in the bathroom. This can be dealt with quickly. To do this, replace or clean it.
  • The joint between the socket and the pipe requires constant checking. This is the weakest point of the sewer system, along with the siphon. If the gasket deteriorates on it, then all the fetid odors begin to penetrate into the room. In this case, they change it, use a fum tape for a reliable connection.
  • You should purchase a special drainage mesh that is installed on the bottom of the bathtub and sink. This will prevent hair, large debris and more from getting into the siphon and pipes. It is they who cause the formation of a fetid odor during the decay of bacteria. One of the simplest ways is to protect the drain from unpleasant moments.

Odor from pipes is common. Many people have to deal with it. In some cases, this does not require calling a plumber, and the problem is solved on its own. To do this, you can use preventive measures, one of which is the establishment of a special mesh for the drain.

An unpleasant smell in the bathroom occurs for various reasons that can harm the body and poison not only the air in the apartment, but also the life of its inhabitants. The most important thing in the fight against "anti-aroma" is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence, be it a blockage in a pipe or mold, or maybe a leaky ventilation system. How to identify the causes and eliminate the stench from the bathroom is described in detail in the article. Follow the instructions to fix the bathroom problem.

Ventilation does not work

If the ventilation in the bathroom is broken and the air circulation system does not work, then a musty smell of mold and dampness may occur. This is very harmful to the lungs, especially if there are children in the house. Allergies, asthma and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract develop due to mold. To eliminate the smell of mold in the bathroom, check that the ventilation duct is working properly. Remove the grate from it and rinse with warm water. Then put it back in place. If the problem lies much deeper and concerns a malfunction of the entire system, then contact the utility service to repair the ventilation system of an apartment building.

In a situation where the ventilation system in the whole house is disrupted, and the utilities are in no hurry to help the residents, you can install an electric hood. The mechanism, when turned on, works in such a way that the air from the bathroom comes out with the help of blades on the ventilation hole or a special exhaust pipe. If this cannot be done, then more often open the door to the bathroom and the windows in the apartment. This will ensure active air circulation in all rooms. Also open the door to ventilate after every shower or bath.

Smell of sewage in the bathroom

Try to remove the disgusting smell from the sewer pipes using household chemicals. Fortunately, stores offer a very wide range of tools for cleaning pipes and blockages. You just need to read the instructions on the package, follow the directions, pour the liquid into the drain hole and withstand the time recommended by the manufacturer. You can prepare a special cleaning solution yourself. To do this, mix the baking soda and salt in a one-to-one ratio and pour five tablespoons into the drain of the bathtub and sink. As it dissolves, this mixture will eliminate the stench and unclog the pipe and elbow.

The smell of tobacco in the bathroom

If you live in a large high-rise building with a common ventilation system, and the neighbors smoke in the apartment and tobacco smoke gets into your bathroom, then you can fight the smell in the following way. Hang wet cotton towels in the bathroom, with a couple of them on each wall. The fabric absorbs odors and freshens the room. Another way is to use an air freshener that has smoke absorbing and neutralizing properties. But this method is not suitable for allergy sufferers and people with intolerance to synthetic drugs. If this is the case, try lighting a slice of orange or lemon peel in the bathroom. Be careful when applying the zest to prevent a fire.

Plumbing problems

The most common reason for an unpleasant "odor" in the bathroom is an improperly installed siphon on the bathtub, toilet or sink. This violation affects the "water lock", which prevents the penetration of odors into the room. If there is no S-shaped bend in the pipe under the sink, or it is not fixed correctly, then the smell will easily enter the bathroom. Violation of the integrity of the sewerage system in the house or depressurization of pipes is also the reason for the appearance of a stench in the bathroom. If you find problems with the plumbing, it is recommended to replace the siphon.

Replacing the siphon is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare the following tools and materials: a screwdriver, pliers, a hammer, a grinder-drill with a cut-off disk, silicone sealant, and a sealing tape.
  2. Using special pliers, remove the old drain and siphon. Turn clockwise.
  3. Place a rag on the bottom of the floor so that it absorbs a small amount of water that will pour out of the pipes.
  4. Accessories for installing a siphon, as a rule, are available in the same package. Take the gasket (white rubber ring) and seal it with silicone sealant. The second larger gasket, which is in the same package, does not need to be coated with sealant.
  5. Install the gaskets in the drain hole (first small, then large), check the reliability and accuracy of fixation.
  6. Now align this hole with the drain connection, tighten the hollow screw, while doing this, try to tighten the threads carefully so as not to rip it off and not destroy the plastic parts.
  7. Then connect the siphon to the branch pipe.
  8. And screw the corrugated pipe to the sewer outlet using a nut, put on a conical gasket on its other end and insert it into the drainage system.
  9. Perform a tightness test by simply turning on the tap and draining the water.

If everything is done correctly, then the water will go down the drain without any problems and will not form a puddle under the sink.

If an unpleasant odor appears in the bathroom, start removing it with a general cleaning. Quite often, mold smells unpleasant in the seams between the tiles, old dirt in the drain of the sink, bathtub and washing machine, or maybe a damp rag that has long been forgotten and rotted under the bathroom stinks. If, after everything has been cleaned and washed, there is still a smell, look for a malfunction in the plumbing or hood and follow the recommendations described above.

The smell of sewage in the apartment appears for various reasons. Sometimes it arises due to the long-term use of plumbing, or the reasons may be of a more global nature. What happened in your case, let's figure it out together.

Often the smell of sewage in an apartment becomes a problem for the whole house and appears from the ignorance of its residents of the rules for operating drainage systems. The first reason is the pushing out of the water seal. This problem arises when three local drainage systems in the toilet are drained at the same time. In this case, the amount of air drawn in from the ventilation system is insufficient to ensure the free fall of water in the riser. Therefore, a weak water seal is pushed out, which leads to the destruction of water plugs and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the pipes.

In practice, this is rare. But a one-time discharge of a large amount of liquid (15–20 l) after washing floors or carrying out repairs is a frequent case. Therefore, we advise you to drain the water in batches. This problem poses a great threat to the residents of the lower floors, their volley discharge leads not only to a malfunction of the hydraulic seal, but also to the compression of water inside the riser, and as a result a geyser is formed and breaks the pipe.

Odor problems are often caused by odor problems

With the onset of winter, pipe problems become a headache for many. The reason for this is the narrowing of pipes from frost and icing of the ventilation system of the riser. All this leads to a decrease in the lumen of pipes, a malfunction of the water seal, blockages and the spread of odor from the sewer. There is a solution. Clean the common outlet from the riser from ice, scald the drainage system with boiling water.

The hidden problem of unpleasant odor in the sewer, which you may not even guess about, is often created by neighbors from the upper floor. They cut off part of the common riser, put a plug or make a narrowing, installing a drainage system instead of a standard pipe, which is 2 times smaller. Such manipulations simplify repairs, but do not make life easier for others. As a result, it's obvious why the bathroom smells like sewage. Full or insufficient ventilation leads to the already familiar odor and odor trap problem.

Sewerage in the basement

The presence of an unpleasant odor on the lower floors is a sign of a malfunctioning sewage system in the basement. As a rule, the pipes become clogged and damaged, which leads to leakage of waste water and the spread of "odors" in the apartments of the residents. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of utilities. Call the masters and ask them to fix the problems, because, in addition to the unpleasant odor, malfunctions and leaks of the central sewage systems can lead to dampness, erosion of the foundation and its destruction. At the end of the repair work, you should thoroughly ventilate the basement to get rid of excess moisture.

Smell from the sewer in the apartment, in the bathroom: how to eliminate it, what to do, why it smells from the pipes

The smell from the sewage system in the apartment - we carry out an audit and eliminate The smell of the sewage system in the apartment appears for various reasons. Sometimes it occurs due to the long operation of the plumbing, or the reason

Why it smells like sewer in the bathroom, how to get rid of the smell

Why it is important to get rid of sewer odor

The unpleasant amber from the bathroom indicates that there are some problems with the sewerage system. Usually, a properly designed and maintained bathroom does not generate any foreign odors (read also: “Sewer smell in a private house, how to clean it and why it occurs”). If a stench is present, it is a sign of a problem. Undoubtedly, it is important to figure out why the sewage stinks in the bathroom, but do not forget that this smell is very unhealthy.

Bathroom features

The bathtub is connected to the common sewage system with a flexible pipe. It should be curved and have a drop sufficient so that dirty water does not return. This tube should also have a water seal (as in the photo), which will allow you to protect yourself from the problem when the bathroom smells like sewage. If the water blockage obstruction disappears, the unpleasant odor gains unhindered access to the bathroom.

Most often, the reason why it smells like sewage in the bathroom is irregularities in the connections of sewer pipes with bathrooms or mistakes made during installation. An unpleasant odor often occurs in those rooms where the rules for operating the system are violated or there are problems with the water seal.

A washing machine is often installed in the bathroom. It is important to correctly insert the drain hose. In addition, there is a ventilation hole in the bathroom, thanks to which the flow of fresh air is carried out. The cause of the trouble can also be hidden in the ventilation duct.

Impaired air circulation

Ventilation in the bathroom is needed not only to eliminate odor, but also to dry the air. Therefore, if the sewage stinks in the bathroom, you need to check the condition of the ventilation system - if it does not work well, then the smell may appear due to excessive humidity. In addition, high humidity can lead to mold growth.

Why it smells like sewage - the occurrence of a blockage

Another reason why it smells from the sewer in the bathroom is the formation of a blockage. Dirt, grease and hair collect on the pipe walls. Therefore, they need to be cleaned periodically.

The tube must be returned to its normal position and fixed with a special fastener at the required height. In order for the water seal to work again, it is necessary to pass water into the pipe. The flask siphon should be disassembled and rinsed. If no one has used the bathroom for a long time, it is enough to drain the water into the drain. In the event of a serious blockage, you can use a special chemical pipe cleaner or a plumbing cable.

Plaque on pipes - stinks of sewer in the bathroom

Deposits in sewer pipes can also cause unpleasant odors. Because of them, the inner lumen of the pipes and the work of the water seal are reduced. In this case, it is necessary to clean the sewer system. This problem occurs especially often in cast iron pipes.

Wrong choice of pipes and installation errors

A common reason why the smell of sewage in the bathroom is observed immediately after the repair is the wrong choice of components and mistakes made during installation.

The washing machine can also be a source of unpleasant odors if the drain hose is inserted after the water seal. In this case, an unpleasant smell goes through the drum of the washing machine.

Condensation and leaks

If all these methods did not help and it is still not clear how to get rid of the smell of sewage in the bathroom, then you should not exclude the possibility of the existence of leaks and accumulations of condensate. Water can rot and give off an unpleasant odor. Drops can fall from the water heater, taps. You need to check if water gets into the laundry basket, on the shelves with cosmetics.

Leaks can also form in hard-to-reach places - under the washing machine, sink, behind the bathtub. In addition to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, water will eventually destroy the flooring, interfloor floors, and the ceiling of the neighbors below.

In order to avoid the appearance of such a nuisance in the future, you need to regularly clean the pipes, monitor the state of ventilation, and keep the bathroom clean. Of course, this cannot completely eliminate the likelihood of odor, since this often happens and not through the fault of the apartment owners, but it will significantly reduce it.

Why it smells like sewer in the bathroom: the smell from the sewer, how to get rid of, why it stinks in the bathroom, photo and video tips

Why it smells like sewer in the bathroom: the smell from the sewer, how to get rid of, why it stinks in the bathroom, photo and video tips

How to get rid of the sewer smell in the bathroom and toilet

Sometimes it happens that at the end of even a perfectly done renovation or after replacing an old bathroom with a new one, an unpleasant smell appears in the toilet. Why does the bathroom smell like sewage? If the toilet smells like sewer or the kitchen, you need to find the reason. There can be a lot of them, although outwardly this is imperceptible. To understand this and eliminate the smell in the toilet and bathroom in time, this requires considering the main causes of its occurrence.

It is rather difficult to determine the main reasons for the unpleasant smell from the sewage system, they are outwardly invisible and are located in places that are difficult to reach. At the beginning, the hood is checked for serviceability, since the situation will worsen if it is faulty or does not work well. But if, nevertheless, it works fine, and at the same time it still stinks, then you will have to look for another reason.

Condensation and leaks

A bathroom is a room that is always humid. Due to the fluctuating temperatures on various surfaces and a lot of evaporation, condensation appears. It should come as no surprise that odors and condensation are most likely to occur in small bathrooms with several types of equipment installed, such as a toilet, a bathtub and a washing machine.

The connection of a cast-iron pipe with a plastic

The worst and most negative quality of condensation is that it occurs in various hard-to-reach places, such as crevices, and creates an environment there for the emergence of a variety of harmful bacteria. Condensation is difficult to detect, since it appears most of all on sewer pipes, which are usually covered with a decorative casing, or appears under the bathroom and toilet itself, where we rarely look.

What to do about this problem? The answer is simple but costly. This is a complete overhaul of the entire bathroom, with the replacement of pipes covered with waterproofing materials with fully closed seams.

To avoid future odor problems, install as few different connections and tees as possible in hard-to-reach places. Each plumbing equipment is supplied with a separate pipe with water supply. In order to reduce various leaks from multiple connections on pipes.

Siphon without water

Bad smell is generated when the siphon is installed incorrectly. The plastic pipe is located at a different level with the water level, so the siphon is empty and odors can come from the bath and from the sink.

the toilet smells like sewage

What to do? A branch pipe is installed below the water level from three to five centimeters. But at the same time, it should not come into contact with the bottom of the flask. If you have not used the bathroom for a while, there may be no water in the siphon. In this case, water evaporates and various unpleasant odors arise from the sewage system. To make the water evaporate more slowly, vegetable oil is poured into the water drain or water is turned on and the siphon is filled.

Other causes of sewer odor

Odors can occur even if the siphon is correctly installed and without condensation. The reason most often lies in the depressurization of the sewer connection connected to the riser. So what can you do about it? The joint can be covered with silicone sealant.

If the smell disappeared for a short period of time, and then reappeared, see how the sewer pipe works. It will be difficult to do because of the peculiarities of the structure of the house, and because of the method by which the communications are laid. If the pipes and the sewer riser are outside the apartment, then for checking you need to contact the housing office, or call specialists. If pipes pass through living rooms, you can also look for the cause of the smell yourself.

The smell can appear if your neighbors have recently made repairs and may have cut pipes or installed plugs, it is best to ask them about it. If they refuse to talk to you, then contact the ZhEK.

To unclog a clogged sewer riser, special tools are purchased from the store to clean it.

The most reliable remedy for unpleasant odors is a siphon.

A large number of people do not know what a siphon is, what it is intended for. It looks like a bundle, pipes or corrugation separating two media. Such a device is specially designed so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate from the sewer.

People who do not understand how the siphon is installed may face a problem. Since installing it, some important rules are observed and at the same time it is important to know how the sewer system is created.

In order for the siphon not to let unpleasant odors pass, there are rules:

  1. There are certain rules for laying pipes. If the diameter of the pipes is small, a pressure drop may occur, so their diameter should be 11 cm. When the water is turned on, the water in the siphon can go into the sewer, so the barrier that prevents the penetration of odor will disappear.
  2. Frequently ingested hair creates a suitable environment for the formation of harmful microorganisms and various decaying residues.
  3. Periodically, work is carried out to clean the siphon, since the debris accumulating in the pipe clogs it and forms on the walls, due to which its diameter decreases.

How to remove the smell?

Taking into account all the possible causes of the odor, you can begin to work to eliminate it. The main source of the problem is identified first. If the siphon is faulty, you need to see if there is water in it. It is easy to determine by putting your hand to the drain hole, there should be no air felt, otherwise you will have to adjust the siphon. If it is completely serviceable, then the pipes are checked.

The main problems for those who have cast iron pipes installed- this is corrosion of metal and depressurization of pipes. With such a problem, the entire riser is replaced or a separate part of it. For plastic pipes, the reason may be a poor connection of the rubber seal or, conversely, its absence. Another reason due to which the tightness of the joints can be broken is the use of harmful cleaners. Aggressive cleaning agents such as "Mole" and its analogs, after a certain period of time, violate the reliability of the rubber seals and reduce their elasticity. Applying such means one-time, destruction will not occur immediately, only from its constant use, in the future it is better not to use them. It is best to use a plunger, it is much longer in time and you will have to apply a little physical force, but the joints on the pipes will remain intact.

If you have looked through all the possible options for the appearance of a smell, and there are no reasons, all joints are tightly connected, there is water in the siphon, there is no condensation on the pipes, then the following work is done:

  1. A statement is written about the problem that has arisen, then submitted to the utilities.
  2. In order to quickly solve the problem of unpleasant odors in the future, a spare siphon, silicone, and a pair of gaskets are bought in advance.
  3. For a cast-iron riser, a cement mortar is made similar in consistency to plasticine. Then all the joints on the pipes are covered with this solution.

The largest number of reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odors are due to a faulty sewer system. To reduce the likelihood of breakdowns, you need to regularly check the operation of all drains, the tightness of the pipe joints and the serviceability of the siphon.

Why does the bathroom smell like sewage what to do

The toilet smells like sewage from the toilet, from the ventilation in a private house. The smell of sewage in the toilet, what are the reasons and how to eliminate.

Sewer smell in the bathroom: causes and elimination

Sewerage is a system that allows you to get rid of waste and waste products with the help of water. The sewerage system appeared more than two and a half thousand years BC, with the emergence of the first cities. The existence of a city without sewerage networks is unthinkable.

Fulfilling a sanitary function, the sewerage system is familiar to us for its specific aroma. These smells periodically appear over the city, especially in calm weather, but what if there is a smell of sewage in the apartment? How to get rid of the sewage smell in the bathroom? Let's try to figure it out together.

The most common sources of bad odor

An unpleasant smell in the apartment, where to look for its source? As practice shows, most often the cause of the problem is a malfunction in the connections of sanitary facilities with the sewer network.

Also, odors appear due to improper installation of such connections. The stench from the sink of the wash basin, from the toilet bowl or from the shower stall occurs due to the complete absence or malfunctioning of the hydraulic seal (siphon). The shutter is a bend of the drainage pipe or a special device that contains multi-level overflows. The water remaining in this area acts as a barrier against bad odors. The absence of this obstacle, non-compliance with the installation rules - these are the reasons that lead to their appearance.

The same situation occurs when automatic washing machines are incorrectly connected to the drain system. The smell from the washing machine is the result of "cutting" the drain hose of the machine into the sewer system immediately after the water seal, that is, the barrier for odors remains aside, and the whole "bouquet" freely fills the drum of your automatic machine.

What if it smells like sewer in the toilet?

There is a smell of sewage in the toilet, what could be the reason? Another thing is the toilet. Here, it seems, and the shutter is built into the toilet, and there is no special installation, but the smell is worth it. What is the reason what is wrong here? In this matter, everything is a little more difficult.

The problem of an unpleasant "amber" in the toilet room is a consequence of improper installation of sewer pipes, namely, non-observance of the required slope standards for pipes when laying them. Due to errors of this kind, the pressure inside the sewer system breaks through the water barrier in the siphons and gates, and stinking odors burst into our apartment.

Why can a sewer smell be dangerous?

How can the sewage smell be harmful or dangerous? What does this unpleasant and persistent smell consist of, how is it harmful to the human body and how dangerous is it? In fact, knowing that water with waste flows in these pipes, we understand that the main range is hydrogen sulfide. But besides him, these emissions contain ammonia and its derivatives: methane, nitrogen, carboxylic acids and a bunch of nasty things that it is better not to deal with. And if we associate hydrogen sulfide with the mud baths of the Crimea, which have only a positive attitude to health, then the rest is clearly capable of spoiling a healthy body.

And yet: is it possible to get rid of the sewage problem on your own?

Eliminating sewer odor, is it real or ...? Now we come to the most important thing, is it really possible to get rid of this problem on our own or is it necessary to resort to the help of specialists? Let's figure it out in stages:

  • If there is a smell from the sink - check the cleanliness of the siphon, it may be clogged and cause a problem. Simple cleaning and flushing will save you the trouble.
  • If the source of the "aroma" is in the shower stall, try using dry cleaning products, most likely the remains of soap and hair have created an artificial cork.
  • Odors that have entered the washing machine are the best solution in this situation - to use the drain hose without cutting it into the sewer system. Your machine comes with a special plastic attachment that allows you to hook the drain hose onto the edge of the tub or toilet. This arrangement of the hose ensures that the drum of the machine is ventilated after using it, therefore, there are no bad smells.
  • And finally, the dressing room. Here, as we have already said, an option that cannot be solved without the cost and help of specialists will not work. Correct pipe laying in compliance with the required angles is the only way to get rid of the problem.

It is possible to remove the smell from the sewer using air fresheners at the initial stage. But you must remember - if an unpleasant phenomenon made itself felt once, then the problem already exists and soon it will manifest itself in full. Find the causal place, diagnose and make the right decision - this is the recipe for your actions, how to get rid of the smell of sewage in the bathroom, toilet, apartment. Eliminating the problem at the initial stage will save you money and protect you from disgusting odors.

How to get rid of the sewer smell in the bathroom and toilet

The smell of sewage in the bathroom: causes and elimination Sewerage is a system that allows you to get rid of waste and waste products with the help of water. The sewerage system appeared more

Take a fragrant bath or invigorating shower, put yourself in order in the morning or relax before bed - a person begins his day with a bathroom and ends with it. The bathroom as a zone of comfort, hygiene and beauty must perfectly suit its purpose. Cleanliness and order play a vital role here, and bad odors can ruin everything. Let's try to figure out why the bathroom smells like sewage and how you can eliminate this smell.

There may be several reasons, from a local blockage of the pipe to malfunctions in the general sewage system of an apartment building. The main thing is not to try to disguise the problem with air fresheners, but to decide to get rid of it radically.

Faults in the general sewerage system

Problems in the sewer wiring at home can cause an unpleasant smell not only in the bathroom, but throughout the apartment, as well as in the entrance. In this case, you will not be able to solve the issue on your own. A communal organization or other management company is responsible for the central sewerage system. Therefore, your actions are limited to the following:

  1. Leave a request to the responsible organization to identify and fix the problem.
  2. Wait until it is executed and check the result.

Sewerage problems in the apartment

The cause of an unpleasant smell in the bathroom can be an incorrect connection of the sewer wiring to the central unit. Sewerage, as a gravity system, functions by tilting the pipes. And if mistakes were made during the installation of the wiring at the stage of building the house, the following problems may appear:

  • failure of the water seal in the siphons of sinks, shower cabins or bathtubs, which prevents the spread of odor from the sewer;
  • breakthrough or leakage of pipes.

Important! Only the correct angle of inclination of the sewer pipes will ensure the normal operation of the sewage system in the apartment. For pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, the minimum slope is 0.025, the normal one is 0.035. For pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, the minimum slope is 0.012, the normal one is 0.02. The slope is calculated in centimeters per linear meter of the pipe.

How to resolve the issue

Unfortunately, in this case, it will not be possible to get rid of the problem with small means. You can temporarily remove the odor by replacing the odor trap or sealing the breakout. But sooner or later the problem will have to be solved radically. Efforts and funds in this case are estimated at the level of major repairs: you will have to rip off part of the tiles and re-install the sewer system.

Siphon (odor trap) problems

All sinks, showers, baths and toilets are equipped with a siphon. It works on the principle of a water seal - a water plug, which serves as a barrier to the penetration of odors from the sewer. If the siphon fails, a sewer odor may appear in the bathroom.

Causes of malfunction of the siphon and remedies

Incorrect installation

If the branch pipe in the siphon of a sink or bathtub is installed higher than necessary, this can cause the smell from the sewer to go over the water seal and penetrate the room through the opening of the sink. It is necessary to place the branch pipe 2-3 cm below the water level so that the airlock can perform its task.

Lack of water in the siphon

This situation can occur after prolonged non-use of the sink or bath. It is enough to run running water for a few minutes, and the siphon will fill. And if you plan to leave for a long time, you can pour 100-200 grams of vegetable oil into the drain hole of the sink. The oily film will prevent water from evaporating, and an unpleasant odor will not appear in the bathroom.

In order to prevent the appearance of odors from the drain hole, you need to periodically disassemble and clean the siphon.

As a prevention of blockages, the following available means are suitable:

  • Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda into the drain and pour a glass of hot water;
  • soda, poured into the sink drain, pour half a glass of vinegar. Close the drain hole with a plug so that the formed foam will actively work inside;
  • Dissolve ½ glass of salt in ½ glass of hot water and pour into the drain. Wait 10 minutes and clean with a plunger.

Advice: it is not recommended to abuse specialized means to eliminate blockages, since the aggressive chemicals they contain corrode the rubber seals at the pipe joints.

Breakdown of the water seal

The odor trap can be torn off due to the large slope of the sewer pipes, their too small diameter, freezing or the ingress of foreign objects into the drain pipe (ventilation riser). What to do:

  • Install a siphon with a vent valve. The valve opens when the water is drained, and additional air enters the system.
  • Clean the drain pipe. A blockage in the ventilation drain makes it impossible for air communication in the sewer system, and the outlet for unpleasant odors is the drain of your sink or bathtub. Utility workers should identify the cause of the blockage in the pipe and fix it as soon as possible.

Siphon defect

Any thread chipping or stratification can cause the siphon to malfunction. Before buying, you need to check the siphon for defects.

Tip: When choosing a new siphon, choose a more complex angular design that can hold a water seal better than a simple curved pipe design.

Sewerage leakage or insufficient tightness of pipes

The foul odor can be caused by pipe leaks due to improper sewer wiring, chipping or pipe wear.

What to do if the pipe is plastic:

Find the leak: inspect the joints and the pipe along its entire length.

If it leaks at the junction:

  • clean the joint from dirt and cement;
  • dry;
  • wrap with a special winding;
  • lubricate with sealant;
  • do not use the sewer for several hours.

If the leak is along the length of the pipe, the best solution is to replace it. In the case of a plastic pipe, this is quick and inexpensive, and the compromises in the form of clamps and gaskets are a temporary solution.

A small hole in a cast iron pipe can be sealed with an aluminum clamp and a piece of rubber. If the damage is serious, the pipe section must be replaced.

Advice: if no leaks are found, for complete confidence and to eliminate this cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor, it makes sense to re-seal all the joints of the sewer pipes. To do this, you need to replace the rubber seals and treat the joints with sanitary silicone.

Insufficient ventilation in the bathroom

Poor ventilation is the cause of condensation on pipes, mold and unpleasant odors. The bathroom must be equipped with a forced ventilation hole. Decorated holes at the bottom of the bathroom door will serve as an additional source of air and will also help get rid of moisture. Windows with micro-ventilation mode will significantly improve air circulation throughout the apartment. High humidity will be compensated for and unpleasant odors will not occur.

From time to time it is necessary to check the sufficiency of the draft of the ventilation hole using the attached sheet of paper: if the draft is good, the sheet is kept on the grate. Otherwise, feel free to contact the housing office with a request for a ventilation check.


Whatever the reasons for the appearance of the sewer smell in the bathroom, you can still give general advice:

  • always make a choice in favor of quality materials and plumbing;
  • when repairing, use the services of professionals; when carrying out work on your own, use competent instructions;
  • take preventive measures;
  • don't make temporary solutions to problems permanent.