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Specifying the consoles N and NN. Complex cases of writing n - nn

First you need to understand what form It is adjective:

Then you need to find out from which part of speech The word is formed: from nouns or OT verb.

Full shape
I. adjectives from nouns II. Adjectives from verbs (communion)
- -N - -N
-an, -yan, -in

lion - lion
salt - Salo
leather - leather

! Glass

1. -One, -nn

revolution - revolutionary
foliage - deciduous

! Windy
But - Sleepy

2. N + H \u003d Son +

young, ruddy,
pork, spicy,
drunk, frown,
green, blue.

It also includes words: single, phase, climb, barracks, sazany, seals, peacock, crimson, zealous, boulane.

3. Me i \u003d Yann

temporary (time)

1. without a console

ice cream Som (frost)

not frozen
semi frozen

1. with the prefix

per sOM.

2. dependent word

ice cream mom. Som.

3. Suf. ov, Eva, Irova


! Worn, vigorous, cool

! desirable, unexpected, unexpected, negand

Brief form
1. The value of the action (what are made?) - "H"
father are raised, storms are excited
2. The value of the attribute (what?) - See full form: how much "n" in full, so much in short.
They are educated nN.and education nN.s (educated and educated).

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling" H "and" NN "in adjectives and communities"

  • Spelling of communiments - Communion Grade 7

    Lessons: 3 tasks: 12 tests: 1

  • Spelling of communities involved

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 11 tests: 2

  • Spelling names of adjectives - the name of the adjective grade 6

    Lessons: 5 tasks: 10 tests: 1

  • The name is adjective as part of speech - Morphology. Independent parts of speech grade 10

The adjectives are written by NN in the following cases:

1. If adjectives are formed from noun:

With the help of the suffix - from nouns with the basis of n - (cast iron - cast-iron);

With the help of suffixes - Onn, - ENN - (dissertation - Thesis, morning - morning); Exception: windy;

2. In brief adjectives with NNs in full form (bottomless abyss - the abyss of the bottomless).

Written in adjectives H:

1. In adjectives not educated from other parts of speech (green);

2. In the adjectives formed from the nouns with the help of suffixes - An -, Jan -, - in - (sand - sandy, clay - clay, goose - goose); Exceptions: tin, wooden, glass;

3. In brief adjectives in the absence of NN in full form (green Street - Zelen Street).

A significant group of words in Russian is the so-called ungalled adjectives (adjectives formed from verbs).

When writing H or NN in these adjectives, it is necessary to install: from the verbs of which is formed, or another adjective (perfect or imperfect): offended from "offending" (the verb of the perfect species), braided from "weighing" (verb of the imperfect form).

In adjectives, it is written by n if they are formed from the verbs of an imperfect species (mowed - koshenny), NN is written if the adjectives are formed from the verbs of the perfect species (offend - offended). Exceptions: Named, imprisoned.

However, it should be remembered that the words of type: Koshennaya, wounded, formed from the verbs of an imperfect species, can go to the communion, and then they are written with NN (Krestny, wounded). Communions, in contrast to adjectives, have dependent words (wicker basket, but: woven from iV Prunev basket).

Communions can be formed from submissive verbs (woven - woven), NN is written in them.


1. Do not confuse communion and adjectives.

2. In complete suffering gestures, NN is written:

If there is a prefix or dependent word (corrected manuscript, the manuscript right by the author).

If they (communion) are formed from the verbs of the perfect species (submissive or smoothly): break - broken, throw - abandoned, but: breaking - broken;

In short pieces, one letter H is written (redeemed candle - candle redeemed);

On the spelling N and NN, the adjective does not affect the prefix, i.e. In the presence of this console, it is written as much as it and without it (ironed costume - a cheated suit, painted fence - uncoated fence).

3. Pay special attention to what the vowel is written in communities before H or NN. If in the verb of an indefinite form, from which the Communion is formed, before, there is a or or me, then in the communion, it is also written a, I (roll out - okay), in all other cases, only e (roll out - dumped).

4. Remember Writingwords:

This, desirable, sacred, unexpected, non-delicate, unprecedented, unheard, is despite, unprecedented (in these adjectives formed from the uniform verbs of an imperfect species, sometimes with denials are not written).

5. Supported partitions are applied - Yulanaya (organized, bald, lined) are written with NN, but: vigorous, wrought.

The task.

Mark the numbers of words, phrases, proposals in which there are spelling errors.

1. Puggy

2. Slendy

3. Loaded

4. Stray - Procedure

5. If the book is poorly read, it cannot be supplied back to the shelf forced by other books.

1. Illustrated Journal

2. Labor misconduct

3. Saved fence

4. Groomed milk

5. Closed - suit.

1. Necky water

2. boiled water water

3. Smooth cloth

4. Low-lived road

5. Fresh-frozen fish.

1. Pushed on time production

2. Daily rights people

3. The plots of these works are complex and confused

4. Sometimes simple questions are artificially confused

5. The artist's manners are very exquisied.

1. Wailed suit

2. Fancy trails

3. Uninvited and unborn guest

4. The girl is very tactful and raised

5. Theatrical youth is raised in the classical tradition.

1. Sucanted dough

2. Sushing crime man

3. Rished from the basement barrel

This note is addressed to those who still have not learned to determine how many letters n. Write in one way or another. Or to those who reread rules for the tenth time and cannot understand them. Welcome tea to yourself, make sandwiches. The conversation will be serious.

How to lower the likelihood of proper writing

Easily. Writing at random or because it looks beautiful. Or the first and second at the same time.

How to increase the likelihood of proper writing

Do not be lazy and do not miss any of the points of the algorithm. Only then will you bring the skill to determine the number of letters n. In the word before automatism.

Supreme pilot - determine the number n. on the run.

You can, but not immediately.


To begin with, always define a part of speech. You need to do this on the question that we ask for the Word.

  • Noun - who? what?
  • Adjective - what?
    • Brief adjective - what?
  • Adverb as?
  • Participle - what?
    • Brief Communion - what?
  • Ungalled adjective - what?

You have already called the question: how to distinguish those parts of the speech that answer the same question?

The names of adjectives and communion

Adjective is formed from the noun, and the communion is formed from the verb.

A long - This is an adjective because it answers the question what? and formed from noun length.

True - this is a communion because it answers the question what? and formed from the verb sleep.

By the way, the communcies have characteristic suffixes. In the forms of the present time: -the-, - ,- ,-, -, -th-, -th-, -im- In the forms of the past time: -In-, -t-, -in-, -t-, -nn-, These suffixes are used as an additional check of whether you have determined part of speech.

Communions and exclusive adjectives

Now we have another problem: both the communion, and the exclusive adjectives are formed from the verb. Both answer the question what?. How to distinguish them?

Firstly, the exclusive adjective is formed from the verb of an imperfect species, and the communion is formed from the verb of the perfect species.

How to determine the type of verb? Easily. If he answers the question what to do?The view is imperfect (denotes an incomplete action). If he answers the question what to do?The view is perfect (denoted by the completed action).

Secondly, there are no dependent words among the exclusive adjectives.

The dependent word is the word to which you can ask a question from the main word.

Try to independently determine which of these words is communion, and what is the exclusive adjective: solved problem, loaded machine.

Answer. Solved - participle. That's all the arguments: it answers the question what?; Educated from verb decide; This verb of the perfect species, because it answers the question what to do?.

Loaded - Otgal adjective. And that's why: answers the question what?; Educated from verb ship; This verb of an imperfect look, because it answers the question what to do?; Dependent words are absent.

In order for the ungalled adjective to become communion, it is enough to do one of two:

  1. Add a dependent word.
    Man-loaded car. Loaded by whom? - man. Now it is a communion.
  2. Change the type of verb.
    Uploaded machine. Educated from verb downloadwho answers the question what to do? And therefore refers to the perfect form.

Brief adjectives and brief communities

The sequence of action is:

  1. Realized that the word answers the question what?.
  2. We think from what complete form the word is formed.
  3. We determine the part of speech in the full form (the differences between the adjectives of the ads are read above).

Here is a table for clarity.

Hooray. Now we know what part of speech our word is.

We apply rules

See how simple it is when we know part of speech:

We also write two letters n. In communities with suffixes - and -Eve-.

In a word asphalted We write nN.because there is a suffix -.

Make sure that - or -Eve- They were suffixes. In words forged and chew There are no such suffixes. They have roots car and zhev-. One letter is written in these words n.Because they belong to the exclusive adjective.

We still need to remember the words: an unexpected, neganded, seen, unprecedented, visible, readable, heard, unheard, desirable. Just remember them.

It remains to deal with the names of adjective, noun and adverbs.

In adjectives and nouns we write one n. Only in one case: if there is a suffix -an-, -, -in-: leather an.silver jan.yi, Kur. iN.hay, sand an.iR. Exceptions: Glass, tin, wooden.

In adjectives write nN. In the following cases:

  1. In suffixes -he N-, -n: Station he Na time eNN.
  2. If the word is formed from the noun, the basis of which ends on -N.: Tuma nN..
    Pay special attention to the second item. Without him you would write in the word fog One letter n.because there is suffix -an-. But in this word there is no suffix -an-! Why? Because -an- is part of the root. The word is formed from the noun fog, the basis of which ends on n.. By analogy, the adjectives are written pocket, a long, citric and many others. Do not forget about this rule.

The words windy, oil, oil are not adjective because they are formed from verbs: wind, oil. Everything works according to the rules of ungalled adjectives and communities. Or just remember that these three words are written with one letter n.. In other cases, with two (wind n.cleverver nN.hay).

Okay. How to deal with brief adjectives?

Here everything is simple: the same letter is written in them much and complete.

How to deal with adverbs?

Here is the same story. We write as much n.As in the Word, from which the impurity is formed.

Slow - adverb, because answers the question as?. Educated from the adjective slow. In this adjective we write nN. in Suffix -n, therefore, in adverbs we write the same way.

Attention! Advanced can be formed not only from the adjective, but also from other parts of speech. For example, putano explain. Logic here is tricky. Adverb putano Educated from the Word confusedwhich is a deductive adjective (answers the question what?; no dependent words; Educated from the verb of an imperfect confuse). Insofar as confused - the exclusive adjective, then we write one in it n.. And if so, then in the adverb, which is formed from him, write as much.

Small exercise. Explain the production nn. in a sentence.

Marinated Mushrooms, Podzhannnaya Savbas, Oil Rzhana Pellet, Condensed OE Milk, Beef Liver, liver potatoes, slightly reserved in ash, and a sip of a drink, infused on some kind of ohm drug, will seem delicious in the fresh air He is superprograkennyy Gourman.

The spelling is - and -n - in the suffixes of different parts of speech

In this task, knowledge is needed about the ways of education of words!

Prompt.You can find information about them in the task B1.


Depending on the part of speech, the rule is divided into three parts.

Full adjectives and communion.

Remember!Both parts of speech in primary form answer the question: what?



























nameN.hay (brother)

pricingN.bY (Father)


Brief adjectives and communion.

To cope with this part of the rule, you need to know the signs of each of the parts of speech.

Nouns and adverbs.

In adverbs, it is written as much as in words from which they were formed:

personed Beach? Oh - Beeshe? Ji (see Part number 1 Rules: Educated from the verb to clarify an imperfect species, without the prefixes and suffixes -OV / -EEV \u003d Mad \u003d mad)


Before you come to apply the rule, see if this is the word exception! These include:

mosheNN.iR RoachN.iK

tribeNN.iR PridaN.oE




Algorithm actions.

1. We define what part of the speech are the words in which are missing -n- or -n. This is necessary in order to know which part of the rule to use.

2. Remember whether this is an exception.

3. Think, from which words are educated words.

4. According to the rule, we defined the writing.

Help the task.

In which version of the answer, all the numbers are correct, on the site of which NN is written?

Its manners did not differ simplicity, but were the delight (1) s. In the labyrinth of curves, narrow and weak (2) of the streets, the people are forever. The chaufferes argued with the loaders that the machine is underly-loading (3) a.

1) 1,2 2) 1,3 3) 1,2,3 4) 1

Manners (what?) Razis (1) s.This is a brief adjective, as it can be replaced by a full form. exisk ... Sy. Determine the writing of the full form: exisk ... Sy Educated from verb find outin which there is a prefix from-. Thus, both in full, and in brief form we write two NNs.

Impression (2) s (what?) Streets. This is a complete adjective formed from the verb of an imperfect pOST. The prefix does not affect the writing, suffix -OV / Christmas No, the dependent words are also absent. We write one N.

Machine shortage (3) A (what is done?). This is a brief communion, as you can replace the verb underwear. One N. is written in brief communities.

In this wayThe correct option is the answer number 4.


1. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers on the site of which NN is written?

The house was somewhat away from the forest; Its walls here and there were a reproduction (1) with fresh lasies, the windows of painting (2) s Bellyl, a small porch side, isoching (3) thread, still smelled of resin.

Orfogram: spelling - and -nn- in different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, communion, adverbs).

1. Two letters of N. Writing: 1) in adjectives formed by suffix - from nouns with the basis for N. (sleep - sleepy); 2) in adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -In-, -n (station). An exception: windy.

2. One letter N. Writing: 1) in the suffix -in- (goose); 2) in suffix -an- (-jan.-) Adjective formed from nouns (leather). Exceptions : tin, wooden, glass.

3. B. brief adjectives written as many letters n., so much in full. Tumanny (foggy).

4. Two letters N. they are written in suffixes of complete communities and adjectives formed from the verbs: 1) if they have a prefix, except not-; 2) if dependent words include them; 3) if there is a suffix in the word - (-Eve-); 4) If the word is formed from the smooth verb of the perfect species, except for the wounded. Dried, galvanized, deprived (from depriving - verb. Owls.), Merry

5. One letter N. Writing in suffixes: 1) short suffering communities; 2) smooth adjectives formed from the verbs of an imperfect species, as well as not having a dependent word (confused answer). Exceptions; Slow, desired, sacred, despite, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected.

6. In adverbs on -about (-E.) writes as much many adjectives they are formed. Usually (ordinary).

Table "Spelling - and -nn- in different parts of speech"

The announcement of the lesson "Spelling is - and -n-in different parts of speech".