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Bathroom detergent. Cleaning agent San elite Cleaning oxygen gel - "I found the best bath for cleaning the bath! Changes with any pollution. (photo in business). " To remove rust

The bathroom is a place where a person spends a lot of time. This room can be careful for this room, because it is a place of accumulation of bacteria due to moisture. Many people do not pay for the cleaning of the dwelling of due attention and enjoy those bathroom washing products, which fell first in the household chemicals store. Not everyone is conceived, whether the cleaning agent is suitable for a specific coating of products that are located in this room.

Popular household chemical manufacturers

Now on store shelves you can find a large number of household chemicals of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. They all try to apply only innovative technologies in their funds. Cleaning tools differ at prices. You can buy an inexpensive product or more expensive professional preparation.

Despite the presented wide range in stores, it is difficult to determine what the cleaner tool to give preference. Funds are different forms of release:

  • Spray.
  • Paste.
  • Powder.
  • Gel.

Often, the sellers use the buyer's confusion for their own purposes, and are offered to acquire what it is beneficial to them, and not products that satisfy the goals of the consumer. To not be confused in a huge assortment, you need to know what means for the room are the best. Now enjoy special popularity Buyers have the following cleaner manufacturers:

  • Frosch.
  • Bass.
  • Bagi.
  • Oricont.
  • COMET.

Some of the brands presented in the ranking, unfamiliar to the consumer, so they can cause concerns. In fact, these firms have existed for a long time and conquer the trust of an increasing number of buyers. This is due to the high efficiency and quality of products.

Cleaning cast iron baths

Its effectiveness in combating The following popular products were confirmed with various pollution on cast iron baths:

  • COMET gel.

These products meet the basic requirements for household chemicals using enamel for cast iron baths. They qualitatively clean even complex pollution and do not contain as part of substances that can damage the coating.

Delicate and efficient CIF cream

This cleaner allows you to achieve rapid results when cleaning cast iron baths. It acts quickly, efficiently and carefully. In addition to the bath, it can be used to sacrifice tiles, mixers and other surfaces in the shower. The means for cleaning enameled baths and cast-iron foaders contains special micrographs in its composition, which are surrounded by bubbles. Pros tools:

  • Strong pollution is quickly cleaned due to their dissolution.
  • There is no damage to enamel, which is usually covered with cast iron baths.
  • If the product is used regularly, the surface will shine white without a yellow flying.

The delicacy of the impact and power of the cleaning cream is known among consumers who very often give preference to him. To clean the bathroom, the product must be applied to the bottom and the sides of the product and leave for 5 minutes. Then surface needed to rinse with plenty of water . The CIF product copes with the following problems:

  • Rust.
  • File.
  • Entered spots.

All available contaminants are removed using CIF CREM. The product does not damage the surface of the products, has a pleasant smell, reduces cleaning time, perfectly copes with all pollution and is conveniently applied due to a creamy consistency. The disadvantages of the tools include a small amount of bottle - only 500 ml.

COMET gel against bacteria

The detergent for the cast iron bath perfectly copes with its task. Cleaning agents having a gel or cream are especially recommended for tender enamels. Gel Comet is an excellent choice for cleaning the bath from pollution. This product is advertised by a lot on TV, but in this case the product is not a marketing pacifier and actually works well. An unusual formula consists of a cleaner base, the elements of which can cope with any kind of spots, a lime bloody, old subteps and many other pollution.

After applying the means to the surface of the bath, it must be withstanding 10 minutes so that it is well soluble pollution. Then the product is immediately washed off with clean water. If there is a need, then in places of clusters of pollution you can walk the sponge to which comet is applied. The product contains disinfecting additives, unique polymers and mineral acids, entering the latter. They form a protective film that repels the dirt from the bath surface. Thanks to this, the product retains cleanliness for a long time. Comet has a lot of advantages:

Minus money is the smellwhich may not like everyone.

Acrylic baths

Among the wide variety of products used for, manufacturers have proven in the best possible way:

  • Bass.
  • Acrylan.
  • Frosch.

The surface of the baths from acrylic is very capricious and requires special care. It is afraid of the effects of aggressive acids or coarse abrasives in the composition of cleaning compositions. The products described here are absolutely safe for the baths of this type.

BASS for gentle materials

The BASS product is considered one of the bathroom. The tool is specifically designed to care for products from "gentle" materials. The detergent product is perfect for fast superficial cleaning or for emerged spots, plates or solar pollution.

The consistency of the means is thick, so it slows down from the surface of the products. The composition acts very carefully, without damaging the acrylic layer. That the result was more efficient, the product must be distributed over the entire surface of the bath with a soft sponge or napkin. The gel must be left for 15 minutes, then wipe the surface with a sponge, and only after that the product should be washed with enough water. To achieve a more resistant result, you can use polyrol for acrylic baths. The product enshrines the result and gives a sparkling look. In addition to the bathroom, the bass can be used for cleaning shower cabins. Product advantages:

  • The acrylic layer is not damaged.
  • There are no coarse abrasives and aggressive acids.
  • Due to the thick consistency, the means can wash vertical surfaces.
  • Perfectly copes even with old and empty pollution.

Disadvantages of the detergent bass was not detected.

Acrylan with lemon acid

This is a cleaning agent from the Bagi manufacturer. The product is a foam that carefully and carefully removes pollution from the surfaces of products. Acrylan copes perfectly with mud, bloom, rust, spots, as well as with fungus and mold. In addition to acrylic bath, the product can be used to clean the enamel, ceramics, tiles and glass. When the cleansing works were carried out, the product leaves a protective film that prevents the accumulation of dirt and plaque for several days.

The acrylan manufacturer warns that it is possible to use the means only in protective gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands. The product is applied to the surface of the cleaned product, then wait a few minutes so that the acrylan affects, after which it is necessary to wash off the tool with a large amount of warm water. The product includes seals and citric acid, which jointly have a disinfecting and cleansing effect.

The product can not be left on the surface of the acrylic bath until complete drying or mixed with other household chemicals. Advantages:

  • Acceptable packaging cost.
  • Can be used for different surfaces.
  • Convenient and quickly working with the product.
  • There are no coarse abrasive components that damage the acrylic layer.
  • Foam has air consistency.
  • Changes with all kinds of pollution.

Acrylan practically does not have drawbacks, but many people may not like a strong chemical smell.

Luxus Professional: Professional Care

The enameled surface is very capricious, so you need to carefully care for it. This cleaning product from the Oricont manufacturer has repeatedly received awards for high detergent and quality. It perfectly copes with pollution on the bath, faucets, tiles, mirrors, glass and plastic products. The special formula of the cleaning composition well removes a limescale, rust, soap divorces, and also struggles with harmful microorganisms. When using Luxus Professional Bath and other products, mechanical damage is not applied.

The tool is produced in the form of a convenient pulverizer. The composition sprinkles on the surface of the product and clears from contaminants. The tool must be removed after 15 minutes, and you can enjoy the shining white and clean bath. The product is easily flushed with water, does not leave after a divorce. If there are spots on the product, then the polluted place must be additionally developed with a soft sponge. Products of the Oricont can be used for acrylic products. Advantages:

  • An acceptable cost for the volume of the vial of 500 ml.
  • Gives a bath and other white products and well-kept views.
  • After using the product, a protective film remains.
  • Can be used for acrylic surfaces.
  • There are no aggressive acids damaging the bath.

The disadvantages include a strong and not very pleasant smell..

Hypoallergenic FROSCH

This product is an alternative to ordinary chemical compositions. It is made of a biodegradable foundation. FROSCH is a grape acid that allows you to use the means to people suffering from allergies. And the product will like consumers who do not carry a sharp smell. The tool effectively purifies enameled surfaces without damaging them. The product is convenient to spray from a pulverizer having a protective castle from children.

The work time depends on the depth of pollution. If you need to conduct preventive surface cleaning, then the tool can be sprayed for 10 minutes, after which the product must be washed with flowing water. If a general cleaning is carried out, then the composition should be left for 20 minutes, and then the contaminated area needs to be worked out with a soft sponge or brushed. FROSCH does not contain harmful additives, such as phosphates and formaldehydes. Advantages:

The minuses include the mandatory use of the product in protective gloves.

Cleaner selection criteria

One of the leading products is CIF CREM. Many consumers celebrate its high efficiency. It is a universal product, because sheers pollution from many surfaces, including cast iron baths. SIF copes perfectly with different pollution, and at the same time has a budget price. Therefore, cleaning cream can be advised to all buyers.

The COMET gel is recognized as the best product for cleaning cast iron baths. It eliminates plaque, rust, spots, dirt, as well as microbes and bacteria. The product gives a festive whiteness and protects against the occurrence of new pollution.

BASS gel does not include strong chemical acids, so it is a good helper in the fight against stains, a raid and rust on an acrylic bath. The bass penetrates deep into pollution, breaks them and removes them without a residue.

Acrylan is a universal cleaning product. It is capable of cleaning almost any surfaces from the dirt, while he disinfects and removes mold with fungus. Comfortable packaging with a spacing allows you to select 2 spray modes: foam or liquid.

Supporters of environmentally friendly funds will appreciate frosch, having a pleasant smell and non-allergy.

ATTENTION, only today!

One of the main conditions for a comfortable stay in the bathroom is the purity of the plumbing equipment. To comply with the requirements of hygiene and keep the bathroom in order, it is enough to buy a cleaning agent for the bath.

Consider what products are in demand in domestic stores than it is good, and what does not satisfy users.

Due to low demand, manufacturers are unprofitable to engage in the release of special solutions for washing baths, cleaning or shells, so most of the compositions in the market are universal. Modern sprays and gels are suitable for ceramics, tiles, glasses and chrome elements.

If there is an inscription "for cleaning plumbing" on the bottle label, it does not mean that the solution is suitable for acrylic or enamel - Be sure to read everything that is written in small font

Oddly, universal solutions are the best means for cleaning the baths. Top-10 presents samples that scored more positive feedback and are relatively safe for health.

Place # 1 - Synergetic Spray

A pleasant smelling makeup hit first due to versatility, environmental friendliness and low cost. This is a biodegradable means that does not contain chlorine. Hypoallergenic, so suitable for cleaning the bathrooms that children take. In addition to plumbing, you can handle a tile, an artificial stone surface, plastic, enamel.

The composition of the fund does not harm the systems of biological water purification, so Synergetic often buy owners of private houses and cottages. Shears pollution with qualitatively, and acts effectively and in combination with cold water.


  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

The main advantages of the detergent - in its composition, which does not destroy chrome, nickel-plated, ceramic, plastic surfaces. The liquid smells pleasantly, does not cause unpleasant sensations when inhaling the flavor. Perfectly copes with lime and divorces, especially fresh.

According to the reviews, the solar inclination spray is not on the shoulder, it is better to apply it for daily or frequent cleaning. You can meet complaints of embelling enamel with baths - it is possible that the acid contained in the spray destroys low-quality enameled coatings of steel and cast-iron baths.

Place # 2 - Spray GRASS GLOSS

The liquid means applied using a sprayer is universally and suitable for almost all surfaces that can be detected in the bathroom: ceramics, tiles, plastic, glass. The manufacturer recommends using acrylic bath spray and ensures the preservation of appearance and structure.

The active ingredient is citric acid, which is actively struggling with lime sediments and salt divorces. Well-selected composition copes with rust, especially fresh traces from metal objects - chains, a tube with shaving foam. Suitable for the treatment of materials sensitive to acid, but with one condition: the cleaning fluid is applied on half a minute and immediately washed off with water.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

Due to the availability and low cost of Spray GRASS is one of the popular funds. Buyers like that with the help of one bottle you can put in order wall, floor, plumbing and a mirror in the bathroom. Fresh spots and sublifting are removed without difficulty. Users argue that even without protection, the liquid does not corrupt the skin, although the manufacturer advises how to wear rubber gloves.

Worse, the means copes with spots and old lime divorces. Perhaps this is the only minus spray.

Place # 3 - Gel Comet

COMET brand products are known for a wide range of users thanks to successful advertising. And, as a result, the sale of the bathroom gel is hired. However, the cleaning composition really qualitatively removes the dirt from the ceramics and tiles, which hundreds of positive feedback speak. The destruction of rusty divorces is particularly well managed, which leaves water water on the surface of the bath.

The name of the series "7 days of purity" partially reflects the reality - after cleaning the bathroom with a universal gel, the tile and plumbing begin to glisten, and the gloss remains for some time. The manufacturer warns that it is impossible to use a means for cleaning products from natural stone, metals, as well as for washing dishes.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

The product with acid users is estimated mainly positive. Mark high-quality cleaning of ceramics and tiles from rusty divorce and lime. The composition is great for washing sinks and toilet bowls, but when processing other items, caution is needed. The manufacturer advises to make a test cleaning to make sure that the composition is safety.

The main complaints relate to the sharp smell, which is still preserved for some time after cleaning. Many notice that the gel is not thick enough, because of which it is quickly spent and acts less efficiently.

Place # 4 - Gel Sanfor Expert

Highly flavored, universal, inexpensive variant of the cleaning agent for the bathroom and the bathroom. A pronounced floral smell, spreading during use, is called "Alpine Freshness". Blue gel when mixed with water is strongly foaming, as a result, it takes more water to wash.

Does not contain chlorine, the main components are acids. For this reason, the manufacturer does not advise the cleaning of products on which the enamel slot, as well as objects made of natural stone. Also before washing the enamel and acrylic baths, it is customary to test small areas in order to not get an unpleasant surprise.

Like the remaining acidic products, a comet gel should not be mixed with other cleaner powders, gels and sprays to avoid an unexpected reaction, dangerous primarily for the health of users.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

Buyers do not complain about the quality of bathing with weak pollution - fresh divorces are removed without a trace. It is more difficult with the solar water stone, he disappears after "soching" in the gel, others remain. The smell of irritation does not cause many, it seems pleasant and relevant.

No negative moments are a large amount of foam and the impossibility of cleaning the surfaces sensitive to acid.

Place # 5 - Unicum Spray

Effective tool for the owners of acrylic baths that are not satisfied with universal solutions, but prefer special compositions. Spray is suitable for regular washing both baths and shower cabins, the body of which is also made of acrylic.

The means sprayed on the polymer surface acts carefully, while deletes rusty sublifting, lime and soap divorces, causes the surface to glisten and retain the cleanliness for a long time. But it has a large drawback - a very sharp smell, which is caused by either an antifungal component, which is part of, or other aggressive additives.

Perhaps that is why the composition must be applied for only 15-20 seconds, a maximum of 1 minute, and then it is necessary to wash off.


  • purpose - Cleaning acrylic surfaces;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

Cleaning quality is rated as good. It easily copes with pollution, even the old spots on the baths and lime-based divorces on the transparent plastic cabins are removed. The fluid is consumed economically due to the sprayer, so the bottle is enough for a long time.

The main minus is a caustic smell that can not be taken out. Due to the sprayer, the smallest droplets fall into the air and interfere with breathing. The tool is not recommended to use people with sensitive skin.

Place # 6 - Sarma Gel

The main operating component is oxalic acid, which is often used to remove lime. However, the gel is universal and is designed with the same efficiency to deal with rust, mud, microbes and even mold. Simply put, this is a good disinfectant that will help preserve the purity of plumbing during regular use.

There are similar varieties: a wagon, anti-frug, disinfection, etc. The baths for cleaning the baths are distinguished by the standard form of the vial, while the toilet gel is in tanks with an easily recognizable neck. The composition of all listed funds is practically no different. Therefore, any of them can be applied to put into order shells, baths, toilet bowls, bidets, cabins.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

Buyers positively appreciated the quality of cleaning inexpensive tool: enough to apply gel, leave for a few minutes and wash off, like a tile, ceramics or enamel begin to glisten with purity. Many make up the view that the solution not only launders the dirt, but also blends the surfaces.

Unfortunately, like many acids, Sarma does not cope with yellow and spots characteristic of old cast iron baths.

Place # 7 - Spray Tub & Shower

The Hypoallergenic product of the Canadian company Eco Mist is designed to remove all types of pollution in the bathroom. It removes soap divorces and splashes from the walls of the cabins, lowering the cranes, stains on the bath. Cleans the tile to shine. Fights with fungus and mold: For this, it is necessary to spray the tool throughout the damage zone and leave for 10-11 minutes, then wash off.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - no;
  • from rust - no;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

Users like the safety of the use of funds at home, lack of toxicity, a convenient dispenser.

The inconvenience gives the lack of efficiency inherent in more aggressive versatile funds. For example, the composition is badly fighting with traces of rust on enamel and ceramics, so another tool will have to use them. And one more negative point is a high cost characteristic of natural biodegradable cleaning solutions.

Place # 8 - Ecover Spray

Acid tool that many refer to natural due to the lack of chlorine. The main acting component is citric acid. Also, the composition includes fads with the smell of citrus and NPAV. The means made in Belgium copes well with lime deposits, slightly worse - with rust.

In addition to performing the main cleaning functions, fights mold, drowshes the smell of sewage with a pleasant aroma. Not suitable for cleaning products from granite, marble, as well as enameled surfaces. But it cleans nickel-plated and chrome cranes, shower watering cans, does not harm plastic.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

According to reviews, is an excellent tool for daily savings. Use the bottle with the sprinkler is convenient and pleasant. Does not cause irritation on the skin, refreshes the air during cleaning. Suitable for sewer sewer and SBO.

The main drawback is the high cost. Buyers who regularly use bathroom cleaning means preferred cheaper analogues of domestic production.

Place # 9 - Gel Sanoks

Inexpensive universal tool for those who appreciate the ratio of "price-quality". The composition is not concentrated, so there is a lot of baths for cleaning the bath. But, given the low cost of the bottle, it can be used, especially not saving. Removes fat stains, dirt of natural origin, rust and lime-based divorces.

Kills bacteria, but it is ineffectively struggling with unpleasant odors. Own "aroma" is not pleasant, causes negative sensations. It is immediately noticeable that the composition is "chemical". Like all acids, it is considered aggressive for enamel, so before the first cleaning it is necessary to make a trial cleaning of a small area.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - no;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - no.

The main positive quality is low cost. Thanks to her, the tool is bought not only for home use, but also for cleaning the bathrooms of children's institutions, hotels, public institutions, catering points.

Disadvantages - sharp smell, no dispenser. Contraindicated hostess with sensitive skin and allergies to chemistry.

Place # 10 - Easywork Cleaning Liquid

Large five-liter plastic canisters have gained popularity due to efficiency. Inside the tanks there is a fluid, which is necessary for high-quality cleaning to be distributed over the surface, and this is quite difficult to perform due to the fluidity. As a result, cleaning is obtained by time consuming and ineffective.

However, the manufacturer declares that the tool is intended for cleaning surfaces of various kinds, especially for ceramic products, plumbing, chrome cranes - that is, almost for all items in the bathroom.

Cleaning quality fluid gets due to the presence of chlorine, or rather, hypochlorite having more than 90% of the active chlorine. This component can struggle with mold and fungus, which is useful in rooms with high humidity.


  • purpose - plumbing plumbing;
  • antibacterial - yes;
  • removes the smell - yes;
  • from rust - yes;
  • from lime deposits - yes;
  • acrylic bath - yes;
  • chlorine in the composition - yes.

The main advantage of the funds is in economical cost. Technical containers are often purchased not for domestic use, but for cleaning toilet rooms in public institutions. For home use it is better to choose a more concentrated, but less safe and effective composition.

The main drawback is toxicity. Many buyers refused home chemistry with chlorine content, since it has long been a negative impact on human health, especially with constant contact. Before cleaning the home bath with a chlorine fluid, try more sparing composition - at least a solution of soda and economic soap.

Household chemicals copes well with the removal of lime plates, soap divorces, oily dirt, traces of rust due to aggressive substances included with the composition of solutions. However, caustic components together with mud can remove part of the coating, after which the bath will look neglected.

Rust stains, at one time not a remote flare and precipitate are a reason for doubt clean at home. How to clean the bath of doing something, while retaining the result? What funds are most effective and least safe, and what are the opposite?

The surface of the bath can be cleaned with a sponge and detergent (dishwashing detergent or economic soap).

Choice of cleaning products

Shelves of economic departments in supermarkets are replete with cleaning agents for the bath. Their names are more than a dozen. But not knowing the rules of their use, you can choose a tool that will not have actions or, on the contrary, it will affect very much, driving enamel.

To remove persistent spots from the acrylic bath surface, you need to use cleaning products for acrylic baths: Triton, Mr. Chister and San Klin.

With the fact that the bath has not met so long with the brush that the enamel darkened from time to time, the situation is not corrected by the usual means. The optimal solution will be the choice of a highly efficient, comprising an acid of the cleaning agent in the form of any liquid composition or gel. But for the plumbing contained in the proper purity, it is better to acquire a soft tool and with not such a "slaughter" effect.

Before cleaning the bath, you should remember that, applying great efforts when washing, it is important not to overdo it with them.

When cleaning rust is required on an enamelled product, then do not reserve the too strong tool and do not hold it for a long time on the coating. For example, Sanoks has an instant effect, removing the whole rust fall. But at the same time it is washed away gradually and enamel on the surface, exposing the unsightly gloss of metal.

It makes sense to be patient and thoroughly read the surface than to overpay for restoring enamel or reinstalling a new product.

Do not forget about security. Especially the mistresses who have children, allergies and just households with sensitive skin type.

Ring off the cleaning composition from the surface is needed carefully, using a soft sponge or rag, not saving water on secondary rinsing.

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List of chemicals

The most effective and gentle coverage means are:

To clean the baths use such detergents as: "CIF", "Acrylan", "Sarma" and "Cillit Bang".

  1. CIF - preferred gel composition of the Ultra White series.
  2. Cilit Bang - applicable for regular use, on complex stains (rust, lime deposits) may not be raised.
  3. COMET gel is universal, applicable for different sanitary pribers and kitchen surfaces. It will help to overcome strong pollution. For baths Effective series "7 days of purity".
  4. "Pemiolux" is better than the option to clean the bath enameled, and do not.
  5. Domestos in a liquid or gell form is suitable for frequent care, can mask the stains of medium complexity (not particularly running). Minus - abruptly gives chlorine that is part of its composition.
  6. "Triton", "Mr. Chister", "San Wedge" - for cleaning hydromassage acrylic baths. They do not include potent substances, including acids, so ideal for processing fragile acrylic.

All specified means are certified, laboratory tests and tests on dermatology. And despite this, the manifestation of caution in the handling does not hurt them.

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Folk Methods

It happens that it is a pity for the purchase of a good cleaning composition to spend money or its application is inappropriate because of the weak health of someone from loved ones. How in that case? People's methods will be helped.

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Baking soda

Clear the bath until the ideal state will help the food soda together with the calcined. This option is budgetary, but one hundred percent effective.

Mixed with food soda (1: 1 ratio). The mixture is a uniform layer distributed over the surface of the device. 7-10 minutes will wait and go to the next step: a solution of vinegar and bleach in the same ratio is applied to the soda. For a regular bath there is enough small packet of bleach in the form of a powder.

After 40 minutes, all layers are carefully flushed. Plumbing, which becomes purified by this method with soda, shines new glitter.

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Purification bath with natural tools

Cleaning in the apartment has always occupied not recently in a person's life, and cleaning an apartment after repair can be attributed to one of the most difficult tasks. The most problematic place is the bathroom, which we often got used to seeing shining whiteness and purity, but after repairing we are just horrified by a limescale, rust, the remains of the cement solution or tiled glue. And then we are becoming the main question: how to get rid of the remnants of building materials and what to wash the bath to the past white?

You can clean the bath with many means, whatever you choose, work exclusively in gloves.

In the hope of laundering the bath as soon as possible, we resort to chemical miracle for cleaning, which are settled by the counters of economic stores. Such remedies are quite effective, but, first of all, they are much more powerful than it is required, and secondly, active substances in their composition are very allergenic and harm not only the human body, but also the environment.

Each hostess has its secrets in arsenal, how to wash the bath from strong pollution and make general cleaning with safe means, which are always at hand.

Natural cleaning products for the bath are very easy to cook at home, it does not take a lot of time and will make it possible to cope with cleaning with the same success, without applying harm to you and your family.

Basic Basic Cleaning Rules

Before proceeding to cleaning and make a bath perfectly white, you need to get acquainted with some rules, how to do it correctly and not spoil the coating of the bath itself:

  1. For different baths, it is necessary to use different cleaning products, because what can perfectly extort the cast-iron bath, completely spoil acrylic.
  2. The enameled bath is not recommended to be cleaned with aggressive means containing various acids, as well as resort to the help of metal brushes and fiberglass sponges. Otherwise, you risk destroying or damaging enamel.
  3. Acrylic baths do not tolerate alcohol-containing agents and emulsions, because they drive acryl.
  4. Abrasive substances are able to harm any coating, so it is better to use liquid and creamous solutions.
  5. With a fairly effective cleaning agent to remove contaminants, soft sponges or a common rag will be completely suitable.

Despite the fact that many are seriously thinking about to replace the old good cast-iron bath to a new acrylic, it still remains popular. You should not trust the commercials and to believe in the word in the unique properties of acrylic, because along with certain advantages, similar baths are very capricious in cleaning and have rather low mechanical strength. Therefore, not all natural hygiene facilities are suitable in order to launder such a bath.

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How to wash the bath without chemistry?

A very effective bath for cleaning the bath after repair is a soda, which can always be found in home everyday. In addition, vinegar, mustard and salt can become excellent assistants in this matter. Next, we will look more detailed how to prepare an effective cleaning agent at home based on these components, and how to wash the cast iron and enameled bath.

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Baking soda

Food soda belongs to soft abrasive substances. It is universal and absolutely safe "cleaning powder" for enameled surfaces. Just sprinkle soda problem places of the bath, pre-mocked them, and spend their wet sponge. If the pollution in hard-to-reach places can be used to eliminate the old toothbrush.

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Bath cleaning with hydromassage Start with a hydromassage wash.

Vinegar is not only a powerful cleaner, but also an excellent antibacterial agent. It perfectly dissolves various raids, deposition of aqueous stone and minerals.

Often, gray and yellow spots are formed on the walls of the bathroom, which are a consequence of salt deposits. The easiest way to wash them out by vinegar, which will affect them as a solvent. To do this, moisten a rag in vinegar and put it on the stains. After half an hour, salt sediments will easily wash themselves with water.

For general bath cleaning, it is necessary to use vinegar not in pure form, but a solution. Distribute vinegar in an equal proportion to water and wipe the polluted places with the help of sponge. A similar solution is harmless and perfectly eliminated not only contamination, but also an unpleasant smell. A sharp acetic smell will disappear after a few minutes, it can be avoided by adding a couple of drops of any essential oil into the solution.

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Replace vinegar with lemon juice, which has the same properties. Clean lemon juice can cope with stains, rust and building contaminants nothing worse than cleaning powder. On severe pollution, lemon juice is extruded and distributed by a washcloth. After half an hour after that a rough sponge, moistened with lemon juice, is wiped off the entire surface of the bath. All dirt rubs away very easily, while nothing threatens enamel.

The quality of tap water, long-term operation, lack of proper care and many other factors often lead to bath contamination.

Even high-quality new plumbing is subject to negative influence, and what to say about the one that is no longer the first decades!

Rusty stains, not removed in a timely manner and the precipitate questioned the sanitation at home.

How to clean the bath to Bela and at the same time consolidate the result for a long time? What means are safe, and what no? Plumbing cleaning agent must be chosen very carefully, carefully reading the composition and instruction.

On the shelves of supermarkets of supermarkets, you can now find at least a dozen bath cleaning tools.

Oddly enough, they often do not have actions or, on the contrary, act too much.

What should be thought first when choosing a fund?

Composition and intended goal

If the bath has not seen the brush for a long time, and the enamel began to darken away from time to time, the situation is unlikely to save the ordinary tool.

In this case, you need to choose a potent cleaning, containing acid - the best gel or liquid substance.

But if plumbing is clean and simply needs regular cleaning, it is better to choose a less powerful tool.

Cleaning the bathroom from rust, for example, always requires great efforts - but no less important with these efforts do not overdo it.

If the enameled bath must be cleaned from rust, do not take too strong and leave it for a long time.

For example, "Sanoks" acts very quickly, flushing all rusty stains - but the enamel surface is quickly washed with rust, and the enamel bottom metal layer is completely washed.

It is better to make more effort and carefully rub the surface than to pay five more expensive for the restoration of enamel or for the purchase and installation of a new bath.


It should not forget about it never - especially this is relevant for those in whose house there are small children, allergies and just people with sensitive skin.

It is in the bathroom with not fully cleaned chemicals - it is guaranteed to get health problems.

Wash the detergent from the surface should be neat, using a soft cloth or a sponge, and also do not regret the water to rinse the bath.

Household chemicals for cleaning the bath

The best bathroom cleaning agent is something that does not require abundance of applying and washing efforts, does not harm the surface and safe for people and pets.

The most effective, but at the same time the coating, call the following means:

  1. "Cillit Bang" - suitable for regular cleaning, but with very complex contaminations (limescale, rust) may not cope.
  2. "CIF", preferably in the form of a gel. Especially effective series "Ultra White".
  3. "COMET" in the form of a gel is a universal means for the entire plumbing and kitchen surfaces, can help with complex pollution. Best for the baths fits a series "7 days of purity" - with it the effect lasts longer.
  4. "Domestos", liquid or in the form of a gel - is suitable for regular care, copes with the stains of medium difficulty or with not particularly launched cases of contamination. The disadvantage is a sharp smell of chlorine, which has a means.
  5. Pimolux is ideal for cleaning an enamelled bath, as it contains soda in its composition. Although the powder scratches the enamel slightly, it is still possible to apply it for regular cleaning of not the newest baths.
  6. Cleaning the hydromassage baths covered with acrylic is impossible without a means of "San Wedge", "Triton", or "Mr. Chuster". Since acrylic is a very fragile coating, only special agents that do not contain acids and potent substances are suitable, as well as not scratching its surface.

All these funds are officially recognized, dermatological tests and laboratory tests. However, it is necessary to contact them.

Folk remedies for cleaning baths

But what to do, if you use good tools just not for pocket or apply them does not allow the health of someone from home? In this case, tried folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Silver with regular use is quickly covered with a raid and black. Can be carried out even at home.

And all numismators will be interested in cleaning tips for old coins. Read what to clean the coins to glitter.

Even on protected ironing surfaces, pollution sometimes accumulates. Find out more about the cleaning of the iron sole.

To clean the bath to Bela, our moms and grandmothers have always applied soda. This is a universal remedy is very budgetary, but trouble-free.

It is necessary to mix the calcined and drinking soda in proportion to one to one and gently evenly apply it to a wet bath.

Leaving a mixture on the surface for 7-10 minutes, a mixture of bleach and vinegar is applied on top of soda. It is done in the same proportions. On the usual bath there is a small powder of bleach.

After forty minutes, the whole mixture is needed thoroughly. Bath cleaning Soda gives a striking effect - even the old plumbing shines like new or renovated.


If the soda is the method rather for old baths, then for new recently lost its gloss, you can apply a weaker agent: vinegar.

Cleaning with a vinegar can be stretched for several hours - to reap this tool is difficult. In order not to suffer with solutions and do not invent, how to wash the stubborn walls, it is better to do as follows.

Large paper napkins are strongly mixed with vinegar and remove the whole bath - from the edge to the bottom, leaving it soaming it for several hours. After it is enough to remove the napkins and wash off the residues of vinegar with water.

Vinegar is also the best tool for cleaning the cast-iron bath.

To remove unwanted yellowing with an old bath, a solution of the most ordinary citric acid is used. The solution is made from the calculation of one bag on a glass of water.

The resulting means with a soft sponge wash and wipe the whole bathroom, then leave it for 15-20 minutes. All operations should be carried out in gloves - citric acid is safe for enamel, but destructive for delicate skin of the hands.

After all the acid, it is necessary to wash off with water, if necessary, it is necessary to subscribe to soda's problem areas. Cleaning the cast iron bath is also not without citric acid.

Remedies for removing limestick

Often there is a situation when it is not enough to remove yellowness - it is necessary to deal with limestone nails, which leaves water on the walls of the plumbing. But for this, there are also their own funds!

  1. The ammonia alcohol dissolve in water from the calculation of three tablespoons on a glass of water. The resulting mixture to get into the fall and leave for 10-15 minutes - after that it will easily grasp even the water jet.
  2. Lemon juice or a concentrated citric acid solution apply to the field with a wave, leave for 10 minutes - after it will easily wash.
  3. If there is a strong or dye, a mixture of vinegar and salt will help well. Mix them in proportion one to one and spend the bathroom.

As we can see, even serious cleaning of the bath at home is possible not only with the help of the mass of special funds or efforts of the cleaning brigade - it can be performed on their own.

In order not to harm the coating of the bath, especially new and expensive, you should know at least the elementary rules for the selection of tools for cleaning.

For example, it is impossible to use the following objects to clean the enameled baths: metal broths and fiberglass sponges.

By choosing tools and means for, never take the following:

  • Washing powder;
  • Abrasive paste;
  • Emulsions and other means on alcohol;
  • Petrol;
  • Acetone;
  • Chlorine.

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Such a complex technique as a washing machine, needs quality timely cleaning. Read recommendations for the care of the washing machine.

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When cleaning in the bathroom, always use gloves. Rocking the bath with a potent means, never use hard brushes - acid droplets will fly around the room, fall on the surface, and what is the most hijacked - on the skin and eyes.

Remember that the bath is the whole family dust not one day, and not one week, and therefore do not seek to give her the primordial view of the day.

It is better to submit to plumbing gramnogo, starting with the most polluted complex sites - then the result will be visible and there will be a motivation for work. And sanitation in the house and a white shiny bath will prove that all efforts were spent not in vain.