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The remedy for inquitations in a pan. How to clean the pan from Nagar, proven ways. Mix of food soda, salt and table vinegar

Even attentive chefs sometimes burn frying pan. Too fast boiling of milk, infrequent mixing or leaving the frying pan without proper supervision - all this can lead to the burning of food, and it seems that this burnt layer cannot be cleaned. Instead of immediately try to dug a burnt layer with a wire washcloth, try using other tools that will probably have in your kitchen. Although the cleaning procedure will take some time, it will allow you to protect the kitchen utensils from further damage.


Using detergent

    Fill the fill in the pan with warm water. Take a dirty frying pan and fill the water into it, so that it covers the burnt plots. Pour water with a reserve so that it covers the bottom of 5-8 centimeters, as part of the water evaporates when heated.

    • After you fill in the pan with water, wipe it bottom to bottom so that the water does not drip on the burner with the subsequent warming up.
  1. Add a few drops of dishwashing to water. Since to remove a bigar of one water is not enough, you will need several drops of cleaning agent. Issue in water 3-4 drops of an ordinary dishwashing agent and twist the frying pan so that it spread through water.

    • For hard-scale spots, it is better not to use a liquid soap, but a means for washing dishes in the form of a powder or tablets. You can add one tablet, a few drops of liquid or 1-2 tablespoons of powder powder for washing dishes.
  2. Bring water to boil. After you dissolve the detergent in the water, put the frying pan on the stove. Turn on a strong fire and bring water to a boil. Get off the water with a detergent for 10-15 minutes to dissolve all the dirt from the bottom of the frying pan.

    • Watch that water can boil, and not slightly bouffrox. At the same time, large bubbles should be raised from the bottom of the pan, and steam will constantly go from the water.
  3. Cool the pan and crush the bottom. After you boil the water for about 10 minutes, remove the pan from the fire and wait until it completely cools down (it will take about 20 minutes). Then pour water with detergent. Most likely, you will notice that the frying pan has become a little cleaner. After that, you crush the bottom of the frying pan, adding hot water into it with detergent to remove the prigar layer and dirt.

    • To complete the removal of the prigar, you may need some kind of rigid sponge or other tool. Wire urine is suitable, but it is possible to scratch the bottom of the frying pan, which will result in further damage. It is best to use a sponge in a plastic grid - with its help you will be able to bother the rush and do not scratch the frying pan.

    Council of the specialist

    Andrii Gurskyi.
    Cleaning Guru and Owner Rainbow Cleaning Service

    Our specialist agrees: "With friction, the frying pan with steel washcloth is a great risk of damaging its surface, especially if it is non-stick. It is better to do this: pour a dishwashing detergent in the pan and add hot water; Put the frying pan on the middle fire. While it will be hot, loosen the litter with a wooden spoon. If it does not help, try using the napkins for drying. "

    Add vinegar to the water and bring it to a boil. After you put a sufficient amount of water in the pan, you should add vinegar to it. Pour 1 cup in the pan (250 milliliters) of vinegar and slightly screw the frying pan so that the vinegar mixes with water. Put the frying pan on a strong fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil it for about 10 minutes.

    • The required amount of vinegar depends on the volume of water used. Add 1 part of the vinegar to 1 part of the water.
  4. Remove the pan from the fire and add the food soda. After you boil a mixture of water and vinegar for 10 minutes, remove the frying pan from the fire and pour 2 tablespoons in it (40 grams) of food soda. The soda will react with vinegar, as a result, the hissing will be heard and bubbles will go, which will help clean the bottom of the frying pan from the prigar and dirt.

    • When adding food soda, the frying pan will be hot, so be careful and do not touch it so as not to burn.
    • Give food soda and vinegar to react to the end and wait until the frying pan cools.
    • Instead of food soda for cleaning frying pan from the prigar, you can use wine stone. However, it should not be added to the water vinegar - simply add 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of the wine stone on a glass (250 milliliters) of water.
    • Food soda well purifies stainless steel frying pan, but it and other alkaline cleaners should not be used to clean the anodized aluminum utensils.
  5. Square dirt. As soon as the frying pan cools, drain the mixture of water, vinegar and food soda and wash the frying pan with hot water with soap. Draw the bottom of the frying pan with a sponge in a plastic grid or a brush to remove the tar and dirt.

    • When washing, frying pan can use a sponge in a plastic grid or a brush for dishes, although under the influence of food soda and boiling water, the Targar must separate from the surface of the frying pan, so it will not be difficult to remove it.
    • If in some places, the Targar still does not leave, take a little food soda and add a few drops of water into it, so that there is a pasty mass. Apply this mass on problem areas and wait 10-15 minutes, after which I wash the frying pan as described above.
    • If the stains of the Prigar are hard to withdraw, you may have to repeat this procedure several times.

Using the equipment to clean the oven

  1. Make sure the frying pan does not have a non-stick coating. The equipment for cleaning the oven helps to wash the utensils from the prigar, but it should be used as an extreme measure, since it is extremely caustic and can change the color of the pan. In no case do not use this tool for cleaning a frying pan with non-stick and other protective coatings, as it will remove the coating and hurt the utensils.

    • Since the tool for cleaning the oven can damage the utensils, use this method only if other methods did not give the result. If nothing helps and you are going to throw away a dirty frying pan, try this method.
  2. Put the gloves and open the window. The tool for cleaning the oven contains aggressive substances that give caustic evaporation, so the precautionary measures should be taken before work. Put rubber gloves on the hands to protect the skin from caustic substances. Make sure that the kitchen is well ventilated, and open the window (or windows, if there are several).

    • If you have an increased sensitivity to various smells, it is possible to cover the nose and mouth with a marry bandage to protect against evaporation when using the oven cleaning agent.
    • Be sure to read the safety instructions on the packaging to clean the oven and perform them.
  3. Apply a means to clean the oven to the bottom of the frying pan. When you should prepare to use the means, apply it to the burnt plots of the pan. Since this agent is very aggressive, do not use it too much - enough if it covers the bottom of the frying pan with a thin layer. You can confuse it for the bottom of the frying pan with a brush.

    • Although the most common means for cleaning the oven in the form of spray, they are also available in the form of a cream or foam, which is more convenient for cleaning the burnt frying pan.
  4. Cover the frying pan and retain it aside. In order for the cleaning agent to penetrate the prigar layer and affects it, it is necessary to leave it in a pan at least half an hour. Because of harmful evaporation, it is better to put the pan with a cleaning agent out. Cover the pan with a lid and set it on a table in the courtyard, a balcony or a loggia.

    • If you do not have the opportunity to set the pan outside the house, open the window and place it on the window sill.
  5. Dry and how to wash the frying pan. After the cleaning agent works around for half an hour, sweete the frying pan with a rigid brush or sponge. Targar and dirt should be easily lagging behind. Fully clean the frying pan and thoroughly wash it so that there are no traces to clean the oven on it.

    • If you are afraid that a cleaning agent could remain in a pan, after washing, wipe it with a dry towel and see if it polluted. If you notice any precipitate on a towel, be sure to wash the frying pan again, even if it seems clean.

    Council of the specialist

    Cleaning Guru and Owner Rainbow Cleaning Service

    Andriy Gursky - the owner and founder of the Rainbow Cleaning Service, the New York Cleaning Company, specializing in the cleaning of apartments and residential buildings, including when moving. Founding Rainbow Cleaning Service in 2010 in New York and since then has already provided services more than 35,000 customers. RCS uses non-toxic means without artificial flavors that are safe to apply in homes where animals and small children.

How to cleanse the pan from Nagara - one of the most painful questions for any mistress. How much strength, tools and time is spent to achieve a sparkling surface! In this article, I will tell you how to clean the frying pan from Nagar effectively, starting with mechanical methods, ending with the use of homemade tools.

Cleaning frying pan

First of all, the cleaning method depends on the material from which the frying pan is made. This is no difference for men, on what to fry! And women understand all the subtleties and know which frying pan is better to use for pancakes, and which for the kitlet.

The frying pan can be made of the following materials:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel.

There is also a frying pan:

  • with teflon coating;
  • with ceramic coating.

Depending on the surface, methods of cleaning from Gary will differ.

Coating 1. Teflon

Such dishes are most simple in care. Frying pan with non-stick coating prevents Nagar's formation and does not give food to burn.

Minus is what coverage is missing from the outside. Therefore, to care for the inventory will have very carefully.

The problem, how to wash the frying pan from Nagara so as not to damage the surface, is solved simply:

  1. Machine dishes in warm water for 30-40 minutes.
  2. For better cleansing, add a couple of drops of detergent and 3-4 tablespoons of soda.
  3. After half an hour, three surface with a sponge.

It is important to understand that when cleaning the Teflon coating cannot be used abrasive agents or metal heroes and washcloths. They scratch the surface.

Coating 2. Ceramics

If you have dishes with a ceramic coating, then you know that careful and neat care is needed. Even small scratches on the surface will lead to the burning of food.

  • It is possible to clear the frying pan from the Nagar using special means that are intended for ceramic surfaces and will not harm them.
  • As in the case of Teflon coating, it is not recommended to use abrasive substances and metal brushes.

  • For this material, a dishwasher will use an excellent solution. She will carefully make all the work instead of you.

Coating 3. Aluminum

For cleaning aluminum, alkali and acid, as well as metal sponges are not suitable. It is best to wash inventory with soda:

  • We recruit soda on the sponge and three polluted areas.
  • You can also boil the frying pan in the soda solution for 30 minutes.

Lemonic acid also cope with the removal of Nagara. The instruction is this:

  1. On the bottom of the skillet, add 2 tablespoons of citric acid and water.
  2. Boil the mixture and leave for some time in a frying pan.
  3. We pour the solution and rinse the ass thoroughly.

Another way to clean is a mixture of 10 grams of borants, a glass of warm water and ammonia alcohol:

  1. Welcome a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe all the surfaces where the black layer was formed.
  2. After that, we rinse under running water until complete cleansing.

Coating 4. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel utensils are most whimping in care. It is immediately visible to all scratches, roughness and scratching. So how to clean the pan from Nagar and do not leave scratches and scuffs?

This can be done with the help of healthy tools, the price of which is minimal, and they are always in the house:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar and citric acid;
  • activated carbon.
  1. We take a half-ward salt and pour into the bottom of the frying pan.
  2. We leave for 2 hours. Salt interacts with Nagar and softens it.
  3. Using the resulting solution, you can easily remove contamination from the surface.

Clean the walls of the soda frying pan is easy and simple. For this:

  1. Welcome surface with water and apply a thick layer of soda.
  2. For a better result, I recommend to leave everything for a couple of hours. Then the entire black layer will be easily separated and you can quickly put the dishes.

For the following method, we need vinegar and citric acid:

  1. We pour vinegar to the pan, add a couple of citric acid spoons and put on fire.
  2. We bring to a boil and observe how the black layer will be separated from the walls.
  3. If the solution began to boil strongly and wrap, remove from fire.
  4. After that, you can easily clean the surface with the brush.

Activated carbon packaging will help to cope with Nagar. Grind it and pour it on the bottom. After that, we clean detergent.

Coating 5. Cast iron

Although today, ceramic and teflon dishes are gaining popularity, cast-iron pans are unchanged lovers of the owners. But that she does not lose a presentable species, you need to know how to clean the cast-iron frying pan from Nagar outside and inside.

I allocated 3 basic ways with which you can remove contamination:

Method 1. Mechanical

This is the most radical and fast way to clean the dishes from strong nagar and rust.

  • You can use a special metal brush that goes on a shock for a drill or a grinder.
  • You can apply a vibration or ribbon grinder.

Such cleaning must be performed very carefully and take all precautions:

  • use the respirator and safety glasses;
  • it is better to do work on the street, as Nagar particles will fly away.

Method 2. Chemical

Household chemicals do not cease to replenish the assortment of detergents that quickly and effectively remove the Nagar. But:

  • It is best to choose drugs that directed to the destruction of fat. They will help get rid of even from the thick layer of Gary.
  • Removing the top layer of fat, easily clean the surface of the dishes using metal scraper.

  • Do not forget that detergents are aggressive. Using rubber gloves and mask.
  • Such work should be performed in ventilated room.

Method for 3. Folk remedies

Cleaning pan from Nagar at home by submitumed means is the most common method. You can use, for example, by a soldering lamp:

  • Cleaning with a soldering lamp follows stand only on the streetwhere there is no nearby flammable items.
  • Possible to such work attract a man.
  • The flame on the black layer is sent And worked out about 5 minutes. From the cast-iron pancakes, the Nagar will simply fly away.

Less dangerous to use sand:

  1. Sand on the bottom and put on a slow fire for about 3 hours.
  2. Time will need so much until it starts to lag soot. It all depends on the degree of the nagwed layer.

Plus such a method is that it is not necessary to clean the pan, at the end you just need to dry the dishes. The minus is the smell that stands out when the sand is heated.

You can prepare a cleaning solution with your own hands using vinegar and water:

  • We divor into the ingredients in the proportion of 1: 3 and put on a slow fire at 3-4.
  • It will be necessary to monitor the fluid so that the water does not evaporate.

Applying this method, you should air the room or turn on the hood. In the closed room it is not recommended to carry out, you can get poisoning.

  • To get rid of acetic smell on the surfaces of the dishes, it should be boiled in soda solution.

When using activated carbon, it is necessary to moisten the frying pan and pour crushed tablets. Leave the dishes in this state for an hour, and then wash in any cleaning agent.

Economic soap will also help cope with burnt foods:

  1. We rub half the soap bar on the grater.
  2. Put the chips in the pan and fill with water.
  3. Put on fire.
  4. After half an hour, we get shining dishes.

Cleaning the dishes with the help of glue and soda is the most famous and common method. Suitable even for modern dishes.

We need:

  • 500 grams of calcined soda;
  • terror soap bar;
  • 2 packs of silicate glue.

  1. We put on the fire bucket of water.
  2. In a small grater, three household soaps and add to the bucket.
  3. Follow the soda and glue.
  4. Thoroughly mix all and follow so that the soap is completely dissolved.
  5. We put in our solution to the frying pan and bring to a boil.
  6. Gray for another 15 minutes.
  7. Then turn off the fire, cover the lid bucket and leave everything for 1-2 hours.

After this procedure, a strong nagar can be easily removed with a knife. The frying pan is thoroughly rinsed under running water.

It is possible to boil the frying pan in salt, vinegar and soda:

  1. Fall on the bottom 2 tablespoons of salt, pour vinegar to get covered bottom.
  2. I bring everything to a boil.
  3. Add 70 grams of soda and reduce the fire.
  4. After 10 minutes we rinse everything with detergent.

Let's sum up

As you can see ways to remove the net from the surface of the frying pan, it is enough to pick up suitable for a particular surface. But to less often resort to cleaning methods, it is necessary to make preventive measures. Those. Do not run before the formation of a perennial layer of soot.

Explore details this topic in the video in this article. And if you want to learn anything additionally, ask in the comments.

Depending on the material from which the frying pan is manufactured, various methods of cleaning in Nagara are used. Cast-iron frying pan shows perfectly carry the effect of strong chemicals and folk methods, while for aluminum only narrow-controlled methods are suitable. Teflon frying pan can easily spoil mechanical effects, so preference is given to the chemical. For cleaning, a household soap is used, ammonia, peroxide, stationery glue, activated carbon, soda, salt, soap foam and professional agents.

Before starting the procedure, you need to put the goal to clean the burnt fat from the pan, while without damaging its surface. Depending on the material that was used for the manufacture, a variety of methods are relevant.

Soda and salt are used as abrasive drugs that can physically destroy even a very thick layer of burnt fat.

For this, the frying pan needs to pour into a small amount of hot water and pour a moderate amount of dry soda or salt, thus obtaining a saline solution. With the help of an elastic sponge with uniform movements, the powder is rubbed into fat until the sharp corners of the crystallines begin to destroy fat. Periodically dirty salt and soda are washed off from a frying pan with fluster slices, after which the procedure begins from the very beginning.

The soda itself is of great activity. Chemically in the presence of hot water it is capable of splitting fat, dissolving it in the form of a liquid. The effect is enhanced if adding vinegar to soda is a stormy reaction capable of dissolving fat and launder even a goose fat from a frying pan or.

Economic soap is a universal means against any pollution, including a pan. With a very thick layer of Nagara, soap is unlikely to cope, but with a completely fresh one will be able to compete.

The household soap bar is rubbed on medium grater into a deep clean plate, which is added a small amount of hot water. The mixture is stirred before the formation of a homogeneous thick paste, which is transferred to the Nagar. In this form, the frying pan is better to leave for several hours so that soaps as it should have worn. When the paste is completely dried and turn into a crust, it must be washed with hot water together with some of the hip fat.

Tip! The household soap does not have great activity, so it will not be able to remove the NAG card at once. The procedure will need to repeat several times.

Liquid means

In the domestic departments of household stores, special fluids are sold, which are created to dissolve even the most durable fat deposits. The components of liquids enter into an active chemical response with fat, literally dissolving it in front of the eyes. These funds are much more efficient to purify the pan from Nagar than the people's methods, but the cost of them is very high.

Such funds are recommended to use either for branded dishes, or if the folk methods defeat the flight did not work. Clean the teflon frying pan from fat is preferable due to the harmfulness of the ceramic coating.


Special tools are sold not only in the form of liquids in bottles and jars, but also in the form of sprays.

The fat purifier is sold in a special container with a convenient sprayer, which allows economically and evenly to apply a liquid to the surface of the pan. Thus, it is possible to rack the fat from the frying pan.

Gels and creams

In the form of gels and creams, the most concentrated professional agents are manufactured, which are designed to quickly and efficiently clean the fuma from fatty sediments of any complexity.

They can be applied to the outer or inner side of the frying pan with hands in gloves, or with special tassels. Fat that loves sticking to metal very much in front of the eyes, after which the residues will remain rinse with ordinary water.

Cleaning foam

Foam contains superficially active substances, the purpose of which is to clean the solar dirt from home frying.

Quickly cope with it, both foam from ordinary detergents for dishes and special means, which were described above. Usually, foam has a rapid, but short-term effect, allowing you to extort the surface of the non-stick frying pan from fresh fat.

Activated carbon

Activated coal is another popular means that can clean the external and inner side from fresh and old frozen fat.

The frying pan is wetted in water, activated carbon in large quantities is applied to the fatty surface, after which the frying pan is left for a long time.

Tip! Dishes treated with activated carbon, it is desirable to leave for the night.

Cleaning stationery glue

Stationery glue is able to significantly strengthen the properties of the economic soap.

It is based on a special solution in its basis, in which a fibrous flare pan is or needed to rejuvenate. The carial soap bar is rubbed into the container capable of accommodating the pan. There are also several tubes of the stationery glue. The mixture is stirred before the formation of a homogeneous mass, into which the frying pan is laid out.

Note! When digesting the dishes, the extractor should work, a pair of glue can be toxic for the human body.

After some time, the pan needs to get a lot of water and a metal scraper to remove the residues of fat and dry thoroughly.

In addition to glue, you can use the ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

How to Clean Aluminum Flash

Aluminum reacts well with fat growths, which greatly complicates its cleaning. Ordinary means for cleaning the aluminum frying pan from fat will not suit, preference should be given either by the folk remedies or use narrow-controlled household cleaners, which are intended for aluminum surfaces, including pan.

Also, fat with aluminum can be removed using a soldering lamp, which frying pan is evenly heated from all sides.

Since the most ancient times of its invention, the pan has become an integral attribute of any kitchen. Reliable, durable, comfortable and durable - frying pan is practically no equal among all kinds of dishes and is suitable for cooking a variety of types of food. But its frequent use, and without proper care, leads to the formation of a car and the layer of oily climb on its surface. In addition, there are situations when the food is burning in the frying pan. Wash it all happens oh how not easy, but perhaps! About, how to Clean Flashor From Nagara, depending on the type of frying pan, today will be discussed.

The frying pan can be made of various materials, and in the kitchen almost any hostess there are no less than 2-3-skaters, from the most common aluminum, steel or cast-iron to more fashionable - teflon, ceramic or stone. Methods for cleaning the skin is most dependent on which they are made, and more precisely, on which material is made of the coating.

Skin types:

How to Clean Stainless Steel Flash

If it needs to be cleaned strongly contaminated or burned frying pan of stainless steel, the most natural way to clean it is to use a table salt. To do this, it is necessary to pour out half a glass of large salt to the bottom of the pan, to dissolve, moisten with water and leave for a couple of hours. After that, easily laundering a frying pan with a conventional detergent and well to slip in warm running water.

Another way to get rid of stainless steel frying pan from Nagara - to lose several tablets of activated carbon and pour a powder to a burnt place, pour into a small amount of water and let it stand for about 15 minutes, after washing under running water.

Cleaning with vinegar or citric acid: pour into the pan of water, add some citric acid or vinegar, put on the middle fire and give fluid boil, bother 10-15 minutes, turn off the fire, drain the liquid and, when the frying pan cool down a little, rinse the frying pan Usually, then rinse under running warm water. Consider that this method of cleaning is suitable for stainless steel pans, but for aluminum pans such a method is unacceptable!

To clean the frying pan from Teflon, a lot of labor costs will not be required because these frying pans have a non-stick coating that does not allow adhesion of food. It is enough to soak the teflon frying pan in warm water, and then wash the sponge with a non-abrasive detergent.

Important: The Teflon surface of the frying pan can not be cleaned with rigid rods from the wire and use abrasive tools for washing them, as it is possible to damage the coating.

How to Clean Aluminum Flash

Clear aluminum frying pan from anything more complicated because this material is very sensitive to mechanical effects, and to the effect of alkalis and acids. Most of the cleaning products that are sold today, hardwood and abrasive means cannot be used to clean such a pan, as they can spoil its surface. Sometimes such dishes are advised to clean soda, but aluminum does not like soda. Website website recommends instead of soda and chemical cleaning agents use dry mustard (mustard powder). If the contamination is not strong, dry mustard with them will easily cope. To overcome more serious pollution will help a mixture of dry mustard, salt and vinegar: to the contaminated frying pan are approximately 1 chain. A spoonful of mustard and salt, pour a few table vinegar (9%), wipe the sponge and this composition of contaminated places, and the entire pan, including the bottom, leave the mixture to act for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly wash off.

Cast iron pans still remain very popular, because the food prepared on them is especially tasty. Apparently, therefore, today many hostesses when buying a set of pans for their kitchens necessarily acquire at least one cast-iron. The cast-iron frying pan, of course, is contaminated not worse than any other, therefore also require timely cleaning and from a bold fly, and from Nagara, and sometimes from burnt food, and even from rust.

If food is burned in the cast-iron pan, then clean the frying pan is needed immediately after this trouble, since after cooling the frying pan do it will be much more complicated. What to do:

  1. Put two spoons of salt in the pan.
  2. Pour it with vinegar so that the mixture covered all the bottom.
  3. Bring to a boil by putting on a strong fire.
  4. Shipping a glass of drinking soda and boil to a complete evaporation of a liquid on slow fire.
  5. Rinse with warm water with detergent for dishes.

If the outer part of the cast iron frying pan was covered with a layer of fat, then it can be cleaned like this:

  1. Throw on a cold pan with a drop of detergent for dishes.
  2. Pour hot water and wash with a nylon or metal sponge.
  3. Rinse the frying pan with water, wipe dry.
  4. Spray the oven cleaning agent to the pan, leave for the time specified on the packaging of the means.
  5. Wash off the cleaning agent, rinse the frying pan using a regular dishwashing agent, rinse and wipe dry.

IMPORTANT: It is worth considering that a thin fat layer on a cast-iron pan plays the role of a non-stick coating, so it is not necessary to clean such frying pits to clean up so far. If you have already cleaned the cast-iron frying pan, then before use, it will be reasonable to hide it together with vegetable oil, as indicated below.

In order to often not clean the pan from Nagara, wash the frying pan with a nylon washfall in hot water immediately after cooking, do not let the dishes completely cool.

To clean the frying pan from rust, which can be formed in a pan due to its long non-use, you can do the following:

  1. Partially or completely remove rust with a metal sponge for dishes and detergent.
  2. Put a frying pan in the oven, warmed up to about 250 ° C, and rolled two hours. After the procedure, the frying pan needs to cool. Such a procedure can be carried out only with frying pan from which the handle is metallic or removable wooden, in the latter case do not forget to remove the handle. The bottom shelf in the oven before heating is desirable to be sealed with aluminum foil, then the NAGA from the frying pan can be easily removed at the end of the procedure along with the foil.
  3. If necessary, it is necessary to carry out additional processing of the frying pan, silent it for 2-3 hours in a solution consisting of hot water and a table vinegar (9%), taken in equal parts, with the addition of 1-2 table. l. Dishwashing fluids. Time for soaking may be required and more depending on the degree of rust lesion. Then the frying pan needs to be thoroughly wash with the help of conventional and metal sponges and detergent, wipe dry.
  4. Apply a bit of vegetable oil (sunflower or linen), wipe the cast-iron frying pan from the inside and outside (if a cast iron handle, then the handle too) and rolling in the oven at 180-200 ° C for an hour. Then let the frying pan cool and you can use.

How to Clean Ceramic Flask

When cleaning the ceramic frying pan, do not use hard sponges and do not allow sharp temperature drops, as cracks can form on the ceramics surface, therefore, before washing the frying pan, you must first give it to cool, and then wash it, using a soft sponge and warm water. Washing is allowed using non-abrasive detergents. It is prohibited to use a rigid part of the nylon sponge, metal sponge and abrasive substances.

How to clean the pan with a stone coating

Caring for a stone coating frying pan is practically no difference from the care of teflon dishes. No need to clean the frying pan with metal brushes and sponges to prevent mechanical damage to the coating. Soaking such dishes follows the usual way - in hot water using a conventional detergent non-abrasive agent (dishwashing liquid). Can be washed in the dishwasher.

The sharp drops of the temperature of the frying pan with a stone coating are extremely harmful (for example, it is impossible to substitute it hot under cold water).


Clear the frying pan will be the easier, the better it is to care for it:

  • wash pan should be immediately after cooking with hot water with a nylon sponge;
  • do not forget every time the frying pan washbuffs and the outer side, carefully specking the naiga or fat, then in the future, when cooking, the frying pan will not smoke and stink, and it is not necessary to carry out for it "general cleaning";
  • after washing, the pan must wipe dry;
  • store pans need in a dry clean place.

As you can see, the rules for the care of such an ancient and useful kitchen attribute is much easier way to clean. Moreover, any frying pan deserves an attentive attitude towards himself because it is preparing the most favorite dishes many of us!

Perhaps the problem, how to clean the pan from Nagar, periodically occurs in each kitchen. And, in spite of the huge selection of detergents, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result of cleaning soot and airborne fat. Especially hard to remove Gar from the outside, because in this place there is a direct contact fat with fire. Since the frying pan is made from various materials, then for each species there are its cleaning methods.

Therefore, in order to clean the pan from Nagar, it is necessary to understand the modern classification of the pan.

Skin types:

  • Cast iron "They are the hardest and most durable, so they will serve you not one decade.
  • Teflon or non-stick frying pan. They are already equipped with a necessary layer for high-quality care and protection against burning. However, there are "pitfalls".
  • Frying pan stainless steel.
  • Ceramic Skin - requiring very careful care.

Before you figure out how to clean the pan from the thick layer of Nagara, it is worth learn what it represents. Nagar. formed during operation Pans, namely, because of heating the fat and its sediment on the walls of the dishes outside and inside. These Layers of Perennial Nagar have become a real nightmare for neat and clean owners, whose all should glitter and shine purity.

Oddly enough, modern household chemicals can not always cope with the Northwheel Fat, and some funds are not suitable at all.

  • For example, aluminum Skin It is impossible to clean with aggressive abrasive means using a metal sponge. For this type of dishes, it is advisable to use food soda and a soft sponge or cloth.
  • Frying pan with non-stick coating Also "afraid of all sorts of aggressive means. They can damage the Teflon and the skillet will remain just throwing out. Therefore, the hostesses are recommended to boil a frying pan in a special solution. For its preparation, dissolve 200 g of dishwashes and 3 soda handustrian soda in three liters of warm water. Mix and leave to warm on fire. Place a frying pan and boil it for half an hour. Then pull and need hot water.
  • When operating Teflon pancakes Remember 2 main rules:
  1. Do not use metal blades during cooking.
  2. Do not subjected a frying pan with sharp temperatures.
  • Brilliant and beautiful pans stainless steelUnfortunately, they can often burn. In this case, you can save the usual cook salt. To get rid of the margins of burnt food, take a half-pack of salt and scatter it at the bottom of the pan. After a couple of hours, the flight softening and easily meshes the surface of the dishes. Another effective way for a stainless steel frying pan is soda. By the way, it is possible to wash and pans from the same set, both outside and inside. Stainless steel is also cleaned with activated carbon. Split a few tablets of this medicine preparation and apply powder for blackened places. Pour a small amount of water and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, wash the solution with a sponge.
  • Ceramic frying pan It is best to wash with special means using soft sponges. After the first use, such a dishes need to be washed with brine, slip in warm water and wipe dry. So that ceramics served you longer, do not soak it in cold water.

How to clean the cast-iron frying pan from Nagara?

The most difficult thing, it is possible to wash the old good cast-iron frying pan. Firstly, this dishes can "live" in your kitchen for a long time and will fulfill its "duties" just perfect. Secondly, from the outside of the "Cartoon" mortgage layers of fat are collectedwhich are very tightly hard and cope with their removal sometimes seems simply impossible.

We will reveal to you The most common ways Our grandmothers from the removal of the noreded layer from the cast-iron pylon. After all, this is a high-quality and expensive dishes, and it will be much cheaper to clean it than to buy a new one.

  1. Naked fat can be easily cleaned with high temperatures. Put a frying pan onto the fire and try to evenly burn its sides over the enabled burner. Some experts manage to shoot a burnt layer with a gas burner, a soldering lamp and even grinding machine. These methods of mechanical cleaning can be called efficient, but apply them better outdoors or in the garage, and not in their own kitchen.
  2. In order to clean the cast-iron frying pan from Nagara outside at home, you can prepare a special solution:
    In the bucket of water, stir 100 grams of grazing household soap, 500 g of calcined soda and 100 g of silicate glue.
    Pour this tool into a large saucepan or welded and put on fire.
    Place all the wiggy pins and cast iron into the solution.
    Boil on a slow fire about half an hour, and then turn off, cool down a little, get the dishes and speed it under running water.
    All Gar will remain in solution, and your favorite cast iron dishes will gain a new life.

Video lessons: How to clean the pan from Nagara?