Repairs Design Furniture

Storage of covers in the kitchen with their own hands. Organization of storage of covers from a saucepan. Storage of bulk products

Each hostess faced the problem of storing a saucepan of various volumes and pans with all sorts of diameters and handles. Where to give the lid from this utensil? Another difficult question we will consider in the article.

Features and difficulty storage pots and pans in the kitchen

Typically, the pans and frying pan have to lay out in those boxes that are already provided in the finished kitchen furniture. The hostess with humor keeps a frying pan, shutting up the pipe of the central heating. If you suspend special shelves for a saucepan, they can collapse under the weight of metal dishes.

It is convenient to hide the pan alone. But then the covers are uncaptured. To get the biggest saucepan, everyone else needs to be removed, to keep in one hand, putting forward a heavy kolymag at that time. Real "Equilibristics". To cope with such a task, you must possess well-pumped hands.

Pans are often falling, they have enamel. The covers in an ordinary dryer for plates occupy a lot of space and do not fall exactly in the grooves of the design. The developers thought about what types of furniture could be offered by the hosts so that it was convenient to decompose any items?

Kitchen cabinets for saucepan and pans - what better fit

Cabinets for a saucepan and pan must be volumetric and spacious. Today there appeared furniture with large drawers located at the bottom. Choose such a model - it means to solve the question of storing a large utensil once and for all.

High facades, decorated with veneer or metal decorative inserts, close everything that is located inside. On the inner walls of the housing are the durable metal stalls, the grooves are gently slide, thus the box is able to leave the depth and not tip over.

The tall and deep box is easy to divide into 3 parts, in which the covers and all metal dishes will be placed.

Outdoor kitchen stands

Recently, outdoor kitchen furnishings have become popular, in which retractable boxes and platforms with high facades are built. This platform does not overturn, extending, because it slides on the guide clamps, highly built into the walls of the couch. If at the bottom of the installation of the pallet with fastening and separating parts, there can be placed several pan and saucepan. In the top, the back of the retractable platform can be installed box for covers. Here the lids are placed diagonally and at an angle, if the box is divided by special partitions. The narrow compartment in the high drawer is also perfect for the covers standing on the side.

There are various types of outdoor Tumbers: angular, modular, cubic. They consist:

  • from the tabletop, which is convenient to cook. There are additional techniques, such as coffee machines, toaster, steamers;
  • corps usually made of chipboard;
  • the facade and the base behind which the durable, stable legs are hidden.

Inside the case, a dryer for ordinary dishes, daily use, plates, tea sets is often placed. The second tube can be equipped with a basket with wide grooves, stainless steel, where it is convenient to hide pancakes and frying pan, covers lying on the side. Outdoor tube is more convenient for heavy items than a suspension cabinet. It will not collapse under the weight of the metal.

Kitchen pencils

Special model of kitchen furniture - penalty. This is a narrow and high wardrobe. It can be installed in a niche often found in the kitchen and in the corner. The width and depth of the case is convenient to choose the size of a niche or the remaining space next to the buffet of the finished headset.

Facade doors are glass and opaque. The fridge, microwave, dishwasher, often hide inside Penal. Here you can arrange a deep platform, silently leaving on the polls, where pots of different dimensions and frying pan will be kept. You can equip a whole penny under the cabinet for a saucepan. In the platform, one of the offices is arranged for the covers. Thus, the problem of the preservation of large-sized utensils will be solved. Facades in Penalykh often make in the form of harmonica, rising up. If you use various closers as accessories, noise from closing doors will decrease. Boxes in this case are open with a slight movement of the hand.

For the covers of different shapes, the restraints and pins on the inside of the facade of the platform with a carousel or on the door of the foam, outdoor stands. In this case, internal structures should be developed taking into account the size of the covers, so that the doors are tightly closed, without resting in the items stored inside.

Forms of kitchen cabinets for saucepan and pan

There are a variety of forms of cabinets:

  • straight;
  • m-shaped;
  • trapezoidal;
  • docking.

The straight wardrobe under the pot is distinguished by the classic form of a rectangle and easily joins the side of the extreme elements of the headset. The main plus of a straight suspended cabinet is a comfortable combination with an angular sink or a flooring bed with a sink. The negative moment of this cabinet is the inaccessibility of its side wall. Straight cabinets are also called docking. They are joined with any headsets.

M-shaped cabinets repeat the shape of the straight angle of the wall.

Their advantages:

  • easy access to the inner space, even when the door canvas is not completely open;
  • a wide range of fittings, which allows the use of modern decorative parts and turn a wardrobe in the room decoration.

There is a minus - a small place for storage. However, the creation of new types of design allows this space effectively.

The trapezoid cabinet has a beveled corner on one side. It is characterized by good functionality:

  • other modules are simply attached to such a closet;
  • if such a mounted cabinet is located above the sink, the frontal part of the trapezium will be used for storing dishes, side - for useful kitchen trifles.

The only minus of trapezoidal Tumbers and cabinets is large volumes. They are difficult to use in a small modern kitchen.

Types of storage systems

With new systems and accessories, ordinary cabinets become more suitable for storage not only croup, small things for washing dishes, plates and cups, but also for a saucepan of different volumes, pans, as well as covers from all the dishes.

Well thought-out storage scheme is the main dignity of the kitchen.

Features Storage Systems Pan Cases for Kitchen Cases

Secret Systems:

  • deep drawers for a saucepan, capable of extending the entire depth, without falling out, should replace boxes with small sides. Design of ergonomic boxes. In order to get a subject from the depths itself, you do not need to remove everything in front. The box is easy to install on a comfortable height for a person, in accordance with the growth of man;
  • most of the internal space is used due to the equipment of deep boxes with high side sides and rear wall;
  • retractable boxes filled with heavy pots, useful to equip pneumatic mechanisms. This allows them to put forward without effort, even if the load reaches 16 kg;
  • so that the boxes move gently and silently, they are equipped with closers and shock absorbers;
  • separation elements, pins and waste trays help maintain a strict order in the box. Transverse and longitudinal separators in a special tray at any time can be rearranged in the right place and place objects in a different order. These devices allow you to maintain the perfect order inside the cabinet;

Storage Systems for Frying

Often, kitchen cabinets combine both systems in both the saucepan and pan. But there are special systems for storing only frying pan.

Features of the cabinet for pans:

  • perforated rear wall with hooks in the holes will allow you to hang a pan if there are hinges on the handles;
  • radings, a number of durable rails, can be fixed on the back side of the door closing in the usual way. Frying pans can be hooked on the rails or to be laid on the rails with their main building, in this case there must be wooden columns or planks from below;
  • in a deep box, you can arrange a dryer from aluminum alloy, with wide lumen, in which frying pan can be laid on the side.

Organization of storage covers and pans

So that the lids are not stored far, it is convenient to put them in one deep box of the cabinet, with a high facade, next to frying pan:

  • the upper, side or back of the deep box leaving the "rails" is left for covers from pan. In this case, metal holders are made in the form of high sideways, with a bend in the midst, where the arrangement is located or the button of the lid standing sideways;
  • in a narrow and high compartment, the covers from the pan are installed diagonally, keeping each other and walls.

Opening options for cabinets

Ergonomics and ease of use of facades is determined by the applied door opening mechanisms.

The following systems are known:

  • swing;
  • retractable.

Classic and inexpensive at the price option - swing doors. This system is simply arranged: the facade canvases are attached to the cabinet hinges and open "on themselves". If the door canvases orientate horizontally, the swollen systems will be opened up or down.

Such schemes are called:

  • folding;
  • lifting.

Until recently, I kept the saucepan in the closet, folding them alone in another, and the covers attached somewhere nearby. I must say, it was terribly annoyed, because it was sometimes very difficult to find the subject of the right size. And then I decided to organize the storage of covers in scientific, using all the newest household appliances. If you also have similar problems, I will gladly share my workshops.

Store covers from above on the saucepans, as most of the inexperienced owners do, - it means to rise in the taire all the kitchen. And since in most apartments its area is very limited, this method can immediately take it.

In most cases, another storage method is not suitable: a stack or "matryoshka". If such an organization is fully justified for a saucepan, the protruding handles of the covers will create a very unstable design, which will scare you the roar every time you want to open the box.

This method is suitable exclusively for large kitchens. The horizontal location is though very convenient, but the places takes a lot. The ideal option will place the covers in a shallow (from 5 to 15 cm in height) the extensive box, which is above or under the storage location of the saucepan. If there is a similar design in your kitchen in your kitchen - boldly load it with covers. They need to be located in one layer, because otherwise you do not optimize, but on the contrary, clutch your workspace.

Another horizontal storage option is hooks under the suspended boxes in the kitchen. If in the boxes themselves and on them, as a rule, something is worth something, then the space is absolutely free under the boxes. And if your handle covers are not solid, but in the form of loops that can be hung on the hook - this is exactly what you need. However, for solid pens in economic stores, you can also find holders, but they will still be attached less reliable.

Vertical storage

The vertical organization of covers for the saucepan is the most optimal for small and medium-sized kitchens, and the ideas for its implementation today invented a lot. Consider the most popular of them.

Desktop plastic or metal coasters for dishes. You can also install chopping boards, big dishes and even a pan. To buy such racks is not a problem, but you can have them on both the countertop and inside the kitchen cabinets. By the way, even the banal plastic dryers for plates will be quite suitable as desktop supports for plates, which can be found in any economic store.

Wall racks. Specialized stores sell designs for storing covers that can be attached to the wall. They are inexpensive, there are places at a minimum, and the desired kitchen inventory will always be at your hand.

It is very practical to install the racks on the walls in the form of horizontal crossbars with hooks. On the hooks you can hang a variety of kitchen utensils, and behind the crossbars - store covers. Another interesting idea: perforated boards, which previously could be seen except in the garages. Now they are increasingly found in the kitchens, because they can easily "fit" under the design of the room, and hang on them a hook or a storage rack for storing small things is simpler.

Special compartment in a large drawer. The lion's share of space in such a box will occupy pan and frying pan, and on the sides of them there are compartments for covers. You can make them alone or order at the stage of planning a kitchen headset. In this case, the drawer width should be at least 60 cm, otherwise the pan and skille can not fit there.

Hinged structures for swinging doors and walls of cabinets. It can be both industrial and homemade racks. They are hung on the inner side of the walls and the doors of kitchen cabinets, and your budget and sizes of a particular door are the main criterion of their choice. There are three main types of such designs: retractable containers, towel hangers and hooks that can be attached with screws or simply lipukes. Retractable containers are made in the form of mesh shelves with limiters moving along the guide clamps. Such an organization will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than hooks and hangers for towels, but it looks very stylish, and you will not be ashamed to open the cabinet in front of the guests.

By the way: when cooking, dishes are very convenient to use the stand for one lid and spoon. This design will make your stay in the kitchen more comfortable and convenient.

Do it yourself

If you do not want to spend money on the acquisition of organizers, you can be made with your own hands. Any man is quite able to fasten hooks under hinged lockers for organizing horizontal storage.

It is not difficult to attach to the wall with screws and holders a few metal stick-places for towels. With the help of similar home-made rails, it is very convenient to store in the kitchen not only the covers for the saucepan, but also other household trivia.

Similarly attach holders for towels and on the inside of the walls and the door of the cabinets. By the way, they can be both metal and wooden, so if you have the necessary installation skills, the system from such holders will look no worse than the purchase racks.

On the door of the cabinets, you can attach a simpler design, which will also hold the kitchen inventory. To do this, take a metal rod or twist into several layers of a thin wire and attach it with the help of screws at the place of the intended storage. Now it remains only to shove the covers for the wire and enjoy the order in the kitchen.

Another fastening option is to glue a few hooks with velcro on the back onto the door or the inner wall of the cabinet. The capacity for one lid is made using 3-4 hooks attached according to its perimeter.

To organize a large-scale storage of a variety of devices in the kitchen, you can hang a homemade perforated board. It is easy to buy in a construction store, taking the appropriate hook set. Mounted at an angle, such hooks will reliably store your covers. In addition, on the board you can hang on hooks pans, halves, knives, boards, graters and other kitchen utensils.

Your domain.

Lifehaki for the kitchen in the storage of products, dishes, packages and other trifles are not in vain are popular. They allow not only to optimize their placement, but also facilitate the cleaning of the room.

Especially for you, we have prepared seven effective techniques that will be suitable for both small and in a large kitchen.

Package with packages - Eternal Classic

Probably, it is impossible to find a person who has no such artifact at home. Package with packages can really be considered the national invention.

Periodically throw them away, but after a week they are reborn in the kitchen, as before, occupying the place and make it difficult to find the desired Kul.

Undoubtedly, there are situations when you can not do without a plastic bag: for example, when you need to pack products in the freezer or fold something.

However, admit to honestly - You forget to take them with you to the store, often due to the fact that it is inconvenient to look for the right size?

There are many tricks for storing packages. We will show you some most convenient ways:

  • Just gently fold them in a cardboard box from under the napkins. It will not take a lot of space and looks neat stuffed theft, and you can get packets through a slot.
  • For the same purposes, it is possible to use a plastic tray in which you need to fold the killes with squares, putting them vertically.
  • Another good way - suspended grids for children's toys. Conveniently position one or more (for different sizes) on the wall. The problem is solved!

A small advice: everything that does not fit - throw away!

As you can see, the optimization of storage packages does not require much costs and labor. And what about other, more overall objects?

Knives - Convenience and Security

First that you need to remember- If you have a child at home, you should not leave knives just in the drawer:

  • First, it's just unsafe for him.
  • Secondly, from such an appeal, even from good steel (you can see the best models in our article) gets micro-damage that poorly affect their sharpening and use.

Exists several convenient ways of storing knives,which will help save place and facilitate care for them:

  • The most popular, perhaps - special stand. It is easy to make it yourself. Just beautifully decorate the porous soft wood and stick in it knives. They are sold in stores, more often with knives sets. If you have where to put a stand, think about this option.
  • Little kitchen and every centimeter of roads? Everything is solved - acquire Magnetic suspension board. It can be a narrow strip specifically for a knife, and maybe a wide structure on which you will post also and jars with spices (you can read more about their storage in a separate article).
  • Another interesting decision - retractable panel. Mount a special board with recesses for knives under the kitchen countertop. The implementation of the idea is quite costly, but the effect is worth it.

Covers for saucepan

It seems that it is impossible to cope with them. If you store them on suitable saucers, you will need a lot of space - it will not be possible to make tanks in each other.

Folding the stack is inconvenient because of the handles, and the whole mountain risks collapse at any move.

Do not get upset: we have advice and keeping the covers for the saucepan.

1. The most popular way White photos are often found on the Internet - make special hooks on the inner panel of the kitchen cabinet door. So you will immediately see the desired cover if necessary, but they will not take a lot of space and rushing into the eyes of guests, port your interior.

2. Another method is borrowed from the past section - special retractable panel. It is convenient, simple and functionally ... but quite expensive, as such kitchen headsets need to be made to order.

3. If you have original and beautiful dishes, and the kitchen is framed in a rustic style, shatter cap on the wall - They will serve as an original decor element.

How to keep glasses

Thin crystal or glass glasses need particularly gentle storage. In addition, if you just put this dishes in the closet, they will be dust, and you will have to regularly rearrange them, trying to find the right one.

It is better to take advantage of the simple and efficient ways of placement of glasses in the kitchen:

  • Suspended design Under one of the lockers will help conveniently arrange any number of glasses. Use the metal grid, just make sure that it fastened it well.
  • This option is the upgrade of the previous one. Make the grid curly and hang it to the ceiling at a convenient height. So glasses will become a beautiful and original element of the interior, convenient to use. If you see a clear surplus, turn it into the decor - for example, apply glasses to create a chandelier or actor.

Careful storage of plates

Another kind of dishes, quite uncomfortable in storage - plates.

Stacks look untidy, and leave them constantly on an open dryer is not an option for those who take care of the beauty and accuracy of the kitchen.

However, the last statement is not always true - if you bought beautiful plates, harmonizing with your interior, a stylish dryer can become a laconic addition.

Even a variety of dishes can be stored so that it will look interesting and will not take a lot of space:

  • Built into the kitchen headset dryer It does not take much space. At the same time, it does not matter, printing or monophonic with your dishes. The main thing is to pick it up with one size. Reception looks beautiful and easy.
  • Another option - simple vertical design. It is compact, and the plates in it look original and stylish. You can make it yourself, decorating to your taste.

Cooks, forks, spoons ...

It is simply impossible to do without a variety of canteens and kitchen appliances. However, it is convenient to organize their storage conveniently - you need to be able to.

In a specially reserved drawer, they quickly mix and find something from the first time becomes a real problem. Help will help increased accuracy, but let's confess to honestly: this quality is not inherent to everyone.

You can come up with many methods of rational storage for forks and appliances for cooking. We will tell you more about the most convenient:

  • Suspended design with hooks for kitchen utensils and dining room capacities can be a real salvation. Everything is in sight and easily gets. Yes, and immediately understandable where the place of a certain thing.
  • Already mentioned magnetic panels can also be healthy. Just divide them with flowers into several sections to be more convenient to navigate.
  • Use a special stand. Make it with your own hands or buy in the store. It will take less space than a separate locker, and choose the desired device will become easier and faster.

How to store pans?

Anyone who loves to cook knows that one or two frying faces can not do. Little and large, ceramic and cast-iron, for pancakes or grill ...

Standard option - put them with a stack in the oven. But what to do those who have a cooking panel in the kitchen? And admit to honestly, to remove the lower frying pan is uncomfortable - the whole design collapses.

It is better to use one of the following methods:

  1. 1. On professional kitchens, pans hang on special hooks on the panelto see the entire range before your eyes and quickly remove the desired one. Take a way to armared. But note that you have to carefully look at the purity of the dishes.
  2. 2. Special drawer with sections For each frying pan, it is also convenient: they do not occupy a lot of space and are securely hidden from prying eyes without disturbing the stylistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior.
  3. 3. As in the case of covers from a saucepan, you you can raise a frying pan on the wall.Here, again, you will have to trace them for their cleanliness and pick up the original and pretty color.

Storage of covers from a saucepan and frying pan is an important moment on a small kitchen. Store them together with dishes are problematic due to the progress of the place, and it is impossible to allocate a special place because of their noncompact form.

Where do you store the covers for a saucepan and pan? Many stored pan in the closet, folding them alone in another, and the lids are attached somewhere nearby.

Store covers from above on the saucepans, as most of the inexperienced owners do, - it means to rise in the taire all the kitchen. And since in most apartments its area is very limited, this method can immediately take it.

In most cases, another storage method is not suitable: a stack or "matryoshka". If such an organization is fully justified for a saucepan, the protruding handles of the covers will create a very unstable design, which will scare you the roar every time you want to open the box.

We collected the most interesting ways to storing covers. And you can only choose the optimal option - depending on the size of the kitchen, the volume of cabinets.

1. Special boxes

In a sufficiently spacious kitchen, where the saucepan and frying pan is allocated for the storage of the saucepan and pan.

If there is a similar design in your kitchen in your kitchen - boldly load it with covers.

2. Compartment for storing covers in a deep box

If you make the kitchen to order or are ready to spend on comfortable internal dividers, pay attention to the practical organization inside the boxes shown in the photo in this section. A special narrow compartment is separated from one or two sides, in which the covers are perfect.

Optimally use for deep boxes of floor cabinets with a width of at least 60 cm, otherwise there will be no place for the saucepan and pan.

3. Retractable sections

If you are ready to spend on the retractable metal internal elements of kitchen cabinets, look for those options where special covers are provided.

Pots and skillers will be kept in the same closet that, of course, very comfortable. What kind of utensils will be at the top, and what is the bottom, depends on the manufacturer.

Store them together with dishes are problematic due to the progress of the place, and it is impossible to allocate a special place because of their noncompact form.

Where do you store the covers for a saucepan and pan? Until recently, I kept the saucepan in the closet, folding them alone in another, and the covers attached somewhere nearby.

Store covers from above on the saucepans, as most of the inexperienced owners do, - it means to rise in the taire all the kitchen. And since in most apartments its area is very limited, this method can immediately take it.

In most cases, another storage method is not suitable: a stack or "matryoshka". If such an organization is fully justified for a saucepan, the protruding handles of the covers will create a very unstable design, which will scare you the roar every time you want to open the box.

I must say, it was terribly annoyed, because it was sometimes very difficult to find the subject of the right size. And then I decided to organize the storage of the coherent covers, using household appliances.

I collected, in my opinion, the most interesting ways to store covers. And you will only have to choose the optimal option - depending on the size of the kitchen, the volume of cabinets.

Let's see what options are?

Special boxes
In a sufficiently spacious kitchen, where for storing a saucepan and frying pan is allocated at least 1 whole wardrobe, and even more, it is possible to provide a retractable shelf (from 5 to 15 cm high), which may be above or under the storage location.

If there is a similar design in your kitchen in your kitchen - boldly load it with covers.

They advise themselves to have placed in one layer, because otherwise you do not optimize, but on the contrary, tighten your workspace.

Couplings for storage covers in a deep box
If you make the kitchen to order or are ready to spend on comfortable internal dividers (like rationale from IKEA), pay attention to the practical organization inside the boxes shown in the photo in this section. A special narrow compartment is separated from one or two sides, in which the covers are perfect.

Optimally use for deep boxes of floor cabinets with a width of at least 60 cm, otherwise there will be no place for the saucepan and pan.

Retractable Sections
If you are ready to spend on the retractable metal internal elements of kitchen cabinets, look for those options where special covers are provided.

Pots and skillers will be kept in the same closet that, of course, very comfortable. What kind of utensils will be at the top, and what is the bottom, depends on the manufacturer.

The cost-effective version is an analogue of the Ikeevsky retractable container of a white plastic variable.

A more solid has a narrow mesh shelf with limiters.

Both options are moving along the clamor-guides, which are fixed on the lower inner part of the cabinet next to one of the side walls.

Desktop coasters for pair of covers and other utensils
If the kitchen utensils are a bit, and there is enough space on the table top, you can store covers in a similar desktop stand. And with them - cutting boards, flat dishes and even small pans.

We place the lids on the shelves of wall or floor cabinets
This can be called table storage modifications, but more compatible. You can use desktop dryers for dishes or wooden storage racks, or - search for special fixtures for covers of this type. All this household is placed inside the deep boxes or (more often) on the shelves of cabinets, as a rule, outdoor.

Wall racks for covers
If you do not have anything against open storage of kitchen trifles, pay attention to the possibility of a wall organization space for covers from a saucepan and pan.

These racks are quite economical at a price, and the height (for how much the lids is calculated) can be chosen according to their own needs.

Now let's talk about the most economical (and original) methods for storing covers for a saucepan and pan. If instead of the waste of funds you prefer to invest your own skills and resourcefulness, - make rack-organizers with your own hands.

Realits for storage of covers - on the walls and doors of cabinets
The easiest and budget option. Suitable for storing covers on the wall or inside of the kitchen cabinet door. Measure the surface distance allocated for this purpose, and then simply purchase a suitable railing.

Type of fastening and material - any. Screw using the supplied (or specifically selected) fasteners and rejoice in the order in your covers from the saucepan.

If you use rails to organize a large-scale storage system on a free wall, it's just to place the covers there: you can hang a variety of kitchen utensils on the hooks, and behind the crossbars - to store covers.

Storage with suspended shelves with separators:

The method shown below in the photo is also easy to implement a homemade master's hands. It will take perforated board of the desired size + hooks to it. Frying pans can be hooked on the hooks attached in the usual way. And the covers are fixed with hooks placed at an angle.

We now turn to closed storage, which, for sure, will appreciate the hostesses, confident that only cabinets with doors can provide the desired order.

There are many ways here. The main advantage of any of them is hidden storage. How to choose? Focus on 2 parameters: the size of your cabinet and the budget allocated to these convenient accessories.

Cover on the cabinet door:

We are used to using only shelves in the cabinets. What about the doors? From the inside, they can attach additional hooks and baskets, so that important little things have always been at hand, and they did not have to climb the locker.
In the photo, I offer only some of the options for using this useful space, it's all about your fantasy!

In my opinion, it is best to highlight the place for the covers just on the inside of the door. Here are some ideas for fasteners: hooks, towel hangers or other devices, - the choice is yours, the main thing is that they are as easily accessible.

It is convenient to use devices specially designed for opening doors of floor cabinets or the most compact out of the walls. There is a large selection of such devices in IKEA.

A few more original ways - for economical owners:

Plastic hooks with reverse adhesive layer. I used this option to fasten :)

The capacity for one lid is made using 2 hooks attached according to its diameter.

It will take 2 pieces per lid, they will maintain it from the side-bottom.

Statches and stick. That's all things!