Repairs Design Furniture

What insects are helping the ammonia alcohol. How to escape from mosquitoes and midges. Selection from the forum. An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

Did you know that the ammonia alcohol is perfectly coping with insects, pests and helps indoor plants? It can return the heels to children's softness, as well as well wash your windows and whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol: Application against insects.

Sometimes there are simply no strength to fight ants that endless blacks appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where. Here will also help the ammonia alcohol!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all the kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us. And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.

Another embarrass will help from Haling mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It will be enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool and the rest you will be provided. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

Summer alcohol: Application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool. It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine a pleasant with useful: pour houseplants with such a solution. Neither smells, nor mosquitoes, and at the same time - fertilized flowers :)

Itching from mosquito bites can be removed, races scene of the bite of ammonia alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonia alcohol and water) or a solution of drinking soda (1/2 h. Spoons per 1 cup of water).

Washing windows

In order for longer to keep the window glass with clean and easier to launder them later, then the pure glass is cleaned with a mixture of water (30 pieces), glycerin (70 parts) and several drops of ammonia alcohol. Glasses, rubted with such a mixture, are less polluted, Failed in winter it is not formed. When washing the glasses together with the glycerin film, the dirt on it is easily washed off.

Dry ultramarine blue glasses glowing with blue tint.

Warm salt solution helps to quickly clean the window from the ice. Glass then wipe dry.

Your heels will become like a baby ...

This very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracks on the heels, natoptyshi, nails on the legs "coronal" and "terrible". In general, there are two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work." Iberin, I I buy 5 bubbles at once. In the first case, it is possible with a vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol. The suitable bubble with glycerin is not fully filled, so the vinegar is in it, shake. And if with the ammonia alcohol, then mixed in proportions 1: 1 ( Glycerin and alcohol). In this mixture, you can like in the morning, and in the evening, on the night of the heel, soles, fingers and in a few days you will see a stunning result. Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. Also you can lubric This is cheap, affordable, faithful.

How to whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol is an excellent bleach. When washing linseed or cotton products, when soaking, pour 5-6 table into soap water. Spoons of ammonic alcohol. The ammonia softens the water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, actually because of which white things acquire a yellowish tint. To enhance the effect of the ammonic alcohol, you can add a couple of bupidar spoons. After washing, leave the underwear clouded for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5: 5.

For whitening woolen and silk things, prepare this solution:

12 liters water

8 st

50 gr. Powder

3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide

30 ml. Ammona alcohol

It is soaked for 4 hours, at 40 ° C of temperature.

Healthy bulbs without chemistry

Damage to the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest.

Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week. This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor.

So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

Fighting tool

And I read another remedy: 2theful spoons of ammonic alcohol are taken to the water bucket and a bit of washing powder is added (for better sticking) and this solution is repelled by the plant, like a wave will get away from the ammonia, and he evaporates quickly and if only falls on the leaves The benefits will (as a fertilizer) ...

I found: it writes that Kurdumes writes in his book "Smart Garden"

If a bottle was great, the easiest way to hit her ammonia *. Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder. Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to process the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (Max ammonia concentration of 0.1%). You can use the ammonia alcohol - 1 ml. on 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

I will be very glad if my feedback to someone will come in handy and help. I live with my family in the village. We have our own vegetable garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medveda (in the people - Kapoolenka). What did it escape all, ranging from seeds and ending with a seedler. And in the countryside, the summer without a crop is a year without billets. Seed out, I eat it, and the Medveda eats it (the maximum of the week and the vegetable garden at all as nobody saved). And the main poison does not take it. I have already tortured. I went to the market for a new sediment. Standing grandfather and grandmother sell cabbage seedlings (beautiful such, big, green), well, just do not take sin. I take and perhaps that I will plant for the third time, and the Medveda eats everything. Grandma me and says: I will teach you now how to deal with it. At the pharmacy you buy the ammonia alcohol, then dilute its 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when they plant the seedlings, then under each bush, they pour out the floor of a liter jar. And all, and with a seedy will be with a harvest. I have been doing this for the second year, and you know, helps. This year I planted my greenhouse. As the seeds sowed, he poured the garden with a solution with the ammonia alcohol and I want to say the result on my face (its seedlings). Now the ammonious alcohol buy large bottles of 100 mg) and I advise everyone. In my case, a sharp smell is even plus than minus.

With the onset of heat activated activities, midges and other annoying insects. They not only deliver discomfort with their presence, but can also bite, leaving a painful trail. Chemicals are often impossible to apply due to the presence in the house of small children and pets. Therefore, in this case, the most proven is in the struggle. Naming alcohol from mosquitoes and midges has many advantages and therefore received such a number of supporters.

Features method

The principle of operation of this means is simple. It has a strong, sharp and unbearable fragrance. For congenital reinforced sense of insects, which, with the help of smells, find their home and food, it is simply unbearable.

For a person, this component is fully safe and quickly loses its strength. Therefore, the ammonia alcohol can be easily applied even in those houses where children and pets have. In addition to the fight against midges and mosquitoes, Ammonia is indispensable in the economy. With it, it is also effectively possible to get rid of Tsley, carrot and onion flies, a wire carrier. The solution is actively used and in everyday life. After treatment with ammonic alcohol, plants grow better, microbes in bulbs disappear, stop sweating the windows and disinfected the surface.

On a note!

The ammonia from mosquitoes and midges is quite affordable. The cost of 1 bottle with a capacity of 40 ml on average is about 15-25 rubles. Also, it can be applied against pests in the country or in the apartment.

Use options

Ammonia from mosquitoes and midges can be applied in various ways:

  • For it is necessary to conduct careful surface treatment. You need to moisten a soft fabric by ammonic alcohol and rub tables, window sills, chairs, furniture.
  • Will help the method. To do this, pour clean ammonia alcohol into the container with a sprayer and process the walls of the tent, clothes and even the walls of the lounge. The action of the alcohol will be maintained until its fragrance is completely illuminated.

Prepare a solution for surface treatment should be directly before use, since the amazing alcohol quickly disappears and loses its abilities.

If the mosquitoes managed to leave traces of their stay on the skin, then this tool can help and in this case. Helps the ammonious alcohol from mosquito bites, if you just wipe the affected area with a solution. Apply alcohol is allowed in a pure undiluted form. Its active ingredients neutralize the effects of insect poisons. You can also strengthen the effect if, after processing with alcohol, the injured place to anoint the ice cube or simply gauze dipped in ice water.

To save children, the ammonia from mosquito bites need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

To more clearly appreciate the effectiveness of the use of ammonic alcohol against midges and mosquitoes, you need to get acquainted with the opinions of those who have already managed to try the method. Reviews about the use of amazing confirm its effectiveness.

In our house, the ammonia alcohol is a means of essential, especially on the care of the linen. But this year in the apartment on the first floor there was literally the invasion of mosquitoes. They were not even saved on the windows. We decided to handle the windowsills and some furniture by ammonic alcohol every evening. The result struck from the first day. The buzzing guests really, as blew.

Artem, Volgograd

The ammonia got rid of the midges in flower pots for several days. It was no longer necessary to reuse the solution, so I am very advised that such a simple and inexpensive way of struggle.

Alina, Klimovsk

Mosquitoes were not allowed to sleep in the country. Various not very helpful, so I tried the ammonia alcohol. The result justified expectations. to. Acted in both cases.

Irina, Sergiev Posad

Thus, ammonia against mosquitoes is a deserved useful means. Only one small packaging of the means - and all households are reliably protected from the appearance of insects in the house and the consequences of their bite.

Did you know that the ammonia alcohol is perfectly coping with insects, pests and helps indoor plants? It can return the heels to children's softness, as well as well wash your windows and whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol: Application against insects

Sometimes it is simply no strength to fight ants, which endless string appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where. Summer alcohol will help here!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all the kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us. And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.

Another embarrass will help from Haling mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It is enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool, and the peace will be secured. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

Summer alcohol: Application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool. It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine a pleasant with useful: pour houseplants with such a solution. Neither smells or mosquance mosquance, and at the same time - fertilized flowers.

Itching from mosquito bites can be removed, races scene of the bite of ammonia alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonia alcohol and water) or a solution of drinking soda (1/2 h. Spoons per 1 cup of water).

Washing windows

In order for longer to keep the window glass with clean and easier to launder them later, then the pure glass is cleaned with a mixture of water (30 pieces), glycerin (70 parts) and several drops of ammonia alcohol. Glasses, rubted with such a mixture, are less polluted, Failed in winter it is not formed. When washing the glasses together with the glycerin film, the dirt on it is easily washed off.

Dry ultramarine blue glasses glowing with blue tint. Warm salt solution helps to quickly clean the window from the ice. Glass then wipe dry.

Your heels will become like a baby

This very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracks on the heels, holoptyshi, nails on the legs "coronal" and "terrible".

In general, their two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work." Take glycerin, I buy 5 bubbles at once.

In the first case, you can with vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol. The pharmacy bubble with the glycerin is not fully filled, so we throw vinegar into it, shake.

And if with the ammonia alcohol, then mixed in proportions 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol).

You can rub this mixture as in the morning and evening at night: heels, soles, fingers - and in a few days you will see a stunning result.

Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. You can also lubricate your hands. This mixture is cheap, affordable, sure.

How to whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol is an excellent bleach. When washing linseed or cotton products, with soaking, pour 5-6 table into soap water. Spoons of ammonic alcohol.

The ammonia softens the water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, actually because of which white things acquire a yellowish tint.

To enhance the effect of the ammonic alcohol, you can add a couple of bupidar spoons. After washing, leave the underwear clouded for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5: 5.

For whitening woolen and silk things, prepare this solution:

  • 12 liters water;
  • 8 st. Salt screws;
  • 50 gr. powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 30 ml. Summer alcohol.

It is soaked for 4 hours, at 40 ° C for temperature.

Healthy bulbs without chemistry

Luka damage by the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest.

Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week. This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor.

So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

Fighting tool

And I read another remedy: 2theful spoons of ammonic alcohol are taken to the water bucket and a bit of washing powder is added (for better sticking) and this solution is repelled by the plant, like a wave will get away from the ammonia, and he evaporates quickly and if only falls on the leaves The benefits will (as a fertilizer).

This Kurdumes writes in their book "Smart Garden":

If a word was great, the easiest way to hit her ammonia. Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder. Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly in the sheet - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding.

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to process the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (Max ammonia concentration of 0.1%). You can use the ammonia alcohol - 1 ml. on 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

I will be very glad if my feedback to someone will come in handy and help. I live with my family in the village. We have our own vegetable garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medveda (in the people - Kapoolenka). What did it escape all, ranging from seeds and ending with a seedler. And in the countryside, the summer without a crop is a year without billets.

Seed out, I eat it, and the Medveda eats it (the maximum of the week and the vegetable garden at all as nobody saved). And the main poison does not take it. I have already tortured. I went to the market for a new sediment. Standing grandfather and grandmother sell cabbage seedlings (beautiful such, big, green), well, just do not take sin. I take and perhaps that I will plant for the third time, and the Medveda eats everything.

Grandma me and says: I will teach you now how to deal with it.

At the pharmacy you buy the ammonia alcohol, then dilute its 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when they plant the seedlings, then under each bush, they pour out the floor of a liter jar. And all, and with a seedy will be with a harvest.

I have been doing this for the second year, and you know, helps. This year I planted my greenhouse. As the seeds sowed, he poured the garden with a solution with the ammonia alcohol and I want to say the result on my face (its seedlings). Now the ammonious alcohol buy large bottles of 100 mg) and I advise everyone. In my case, a sharp smell is even plus than minus.

Excellent methods for using ammonia alcohol, simple and inexpensive. Share them with friends!

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Some dacms resort to the help of insecticidal drugs, while others use ammonia for such purposes. Summer alcohol as one of the people's folk methods is acceptable, and on the effect of impact on ants is very effective. In his arsenal, all the necessary characteristics capable of destroying ants and other pests.

What harm do ants apply plants?

Interestingly, the greatest danger comes not even from ants, but from the Tly, which they use to power. Insects feed on a sweet secret that distinguishes the failure, so they protect it, contribute to its reproduction, which allows them to increase the amount of food (after all, the population is constantly increasing).

The symbiosis of the Tly and the ant reaches even the fact that in the fall of the first cold insects insects carry it into an anthill, they have on the roots of plants, and in the spring they take it back to the foliage.

Symbiosis of two types of insects

I decide to enter into an active struggle against ants, the first thing to be done is to get rid of the Tly, thereby depriving their insect power supply. After that, black ants, as a rule, learn the site themselves, and with the remnants it is easy to cope, using, including ammonia alcohol in vegetable garden and professional insecticides.

Some experts believe that the struggle should be inverse - first need to remove the ants, and the wave will disappear. In practice, neither the other form will not completely disappear completely, so it is necessary to build both types to be scenario to save your site.

Fight black and red ants can and safe ways.

In search of permission, such a problem situation can be resorted to the help of folk remedies. The ammonia alcohol from ants is also an excellent fertilizer for plants that can be used by almost without restrictions. But what to ride ants on the plot, you will learn a little later.

Video: Head mixture against disease and pests in the garden and garden

How to get rid of insects with the help of amazy

Summer alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia) with a very sharp odor. The ammonia alcohol is used not only to bring a person to consciousness, but also for provoking vomiting, like a disinfector for washing the hands, for the anesthesia of the place of the bite of insects, etc.

Naming alcohol is used in everyday life and medicine

But in everyday life, such a tool is very useful, in particular, ammonia in the garden, for the country area and even in the house where there is a winter garden and where the waves and ants settled.

You can eliminate the ubiquitous malicious insects using such recipes:

  1. The easiest way to use ammonia alcohol in the garden. We take 1 l of water and a pollock of the ammonia. Thoroughly mix these two components. Finished liquid watering the entire anthill. Before making an ammonia solution, the experts strongly recommend removing the top layer of the anthill (at least 50 mm). Our task is to get to the eggs and uterus of ants. Due to this, it will be possible to quickly and effectively carry out disinsection.

Validia is needed only in boiled or filtered water. This will avoid the ammonia reaction to all sorts of impurities, which, in turn, will reduce its effectiveness.

  1. Preparation of a solution for processing the plant itself to eliminate the Tly. To do this, connect 8 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. We transfix the working fluid into the spray gun and irrigate the damaged colley plant or wood. The time of inciting the solution is 20-30 minutes. Due to this, it will be possible to achieve the uniformity of the distribution of the active substance in the total water mass. Do not be afraid that ammonium water will harm your plant. Such a slight dosage of the ammonic alcohol stands for plants even more like fertilizer.
  2. Ammonary alcohol against ants can also be used for prevention. Once a week, process trees and vegetation in the garden with a solution at the rate of 10 ml of ammonia per 10 liters of pure water. Plants are poured directly under the rhizome.

After and during the use of this fund, a distinct ammonia "ambre" will be felt. But it will last not so long. After a few minutes, the aroma will disappear, but the effect will be maintained for a long time.

Where can one buy?

You can purchase the ammonia alcohol both in the pharmacy and in specialized stores, where goods for the disinsection are implemented. Depending on quality, there are a lot of varieties of this drug. In addition, the manufacturing country also affects the price policy.

On average, the price of ammonia tincture is 20 rubles. There are, of course, samples for 14 rubles, as well as for 30 rubles. When choosing such a product, it is necessary to see the concentration of the active substance. This will allow to organize the proper preparation of the working solution for the disinsection.

Another use of nasharya

If after disinsection you have such a means against ants, then you can find him and other use:

  1. To protect yourself from mosquito attacks and moshcars, you need to process the space next to you with a slight solution of the ammonia using a spacing pulverizer. And not a single midge, nor one comarers "dare" take care of the place processed in this way.

Ammonia and mosquitoes copes to "excellent"

  1. Applied by the ammonia not only in the garden, but also in the house. After washing windows, it is necessary to wipe their ammonia tincture. This will facilitate their subsequent purification of pollution. Moreover, thanks to such actions, it will be possible to create a certain film on the windows, which will prevent dust sediment on the glasses.
  2. The mixture of ammonia and glycerol (in equal proportions) is a great remedy for cracks and dry soles. If every day rub in the morning and in the evening with glycerolo-ammonious sole solution, it will very soon become smooth and soft.
  3. Use the ammonia and when washing linen, cotton and woolen things. If you wash the things in the water with the addition of 5 tbsp. l. Ammonia solution, it will be possible to cleanse them from the solar stains. Also with the help of this drug you can whiten the darkened things.

What is useful for ammonia for plants

Most often, the use for plants is recommended, since ammonia contains nitrogen molecules in which the soil needs. The lack of nitrogen fertilizer leads to pale the deciduous system, its yellowing and fading.

If you use such a tool in the garden, you can enrich the soil with the necessary nitrogen minerals, without using other helpful drugs for this.

The ammonia is practiced as fertilizer not only when the first signs of nitrogen deficit, but also as prevention.

Knowing how to apply the ammonia alcohol, you can not only protect your land from the encroachment of malicious insects, but also to fill the lack of nitrogen in the soil, providing plants full nutrition.

Video: Summer alcohol from pests. Recipes

Did you know that the ammonia alcohol is perfectly coping with insects, pests and helps indoor plants? It can return the heels to children's softness, as well as well wash your windows and whiten the underwear? Summer alcohol: Application against insects.

Sometimes just no strength fight antswhich endless blacks appear in the kitchen it is unknown from where. Here will also help the ammonia alcohol!

It is necessary to add 100 ml of the ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all the kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not fear the specific "aroma" - it is disperse in a few minutes. For us. And the "apartment" will feel it for a long time and will forget the path in your home.

Still ammovar will help with Haling mosquitoes and midges During a picnic in nature. It will be enough to sprinkle the place of recreation by this tool and the rest you will be provided. Again, the fragrance for people will be implanten in a couple of minutes.

Summer alcohol: Application in the country

Fans grow flowers, tomatoes and other floral and vegetable crops should also be asked for help to alcohol. Lily, Clematis, geranium, cucumbers with this tool. It is enough in 4 liters of water to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia and your plants will thank you with your healthy view.

By the way, you can combine a pleasant with useful: pour houseplants with such a solution. Neither odors, nor mosquitoes, and at the same time - fertilized flowers :) Itching from mosquito bites can be removed, races scene of the bite byamy alcohol (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonic alcohol and water) or a solution of drinking soda (1/2 h. Spoons on 1 glass of water).

Washing windows

In order for longer to keep the window glass with clean and easier to launder them later, then the pure glass is cleaned with a mixture of water (30 pieces), glycerin (70 parts) and several drops of ammonia alcohol. Glasses, rubted with such a mixture, are less polluted, Failed in winter it is not formed.

When washing the glasses together with the glycerin film, the dirt on it is easily washed off. Dry ultramarine blue glasses glowing with blue tint. Warm salt solution helps to quickly clean the window from the ice. Glass then wipe dry.

Your heels will become like a baby

This very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracks on the heels, holoptyshi, nails on the legs "coronal" and "terrible". In general, their two recipes with glycerin, but they both "work."

Take glycerin, I buy 5 bubbles at once. In the first case, you can with vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol. The pharmacy bubble with the glycerin is not fully filled, so we throw vinegar into it, shake. And if with the ammonia alcohol, then mixed in proportions 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol). You can rub this mixture as in the morning, and in the evening, for the night of the heel, soles, fingers and in a few days you will see a stunning result. Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. You can also lubricate your hands. This mixture is cheap, affordable.

How to whiten the underwear?

Summer alcohol - Great bleach. When washing linseed or cotton products, when soaking, pour 5-6 table into soap water. Spoons of ammonic alcohol. The ammonia softens the water, and reduces the effect of magnesium salts, actually because of which white things acquire a yellowish tint.

To enhance the effect of the ammonic alcohol, you can add a couple of bupidar spoons. After washing, leave the underwear clouded for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5: 5. For whitening woolen and silk things, prepare this solution: - 12 liters. Waters - 8 st. Salt Salt - 50 gr. Powder - 3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide - 30 ml. The ammonia alcohol is soaked for 4 hours, at 40 ° at temperature.

Healthy bulbs without chemistry

Damage to the hidden chub saw each: the feather brightens, strips appear on it. If you break such a feather along, you can see inside the small larvae of the pest. Helps in the first half of the summer, watering landings by ammonic alcohol (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket) once a week.

This is a nitrogen feeding, and disfiguring the odor. So that the smell of ammonia is preserved longer, after some time after irrigation, the garden must be cut down.

Fighting tool

On the bucket of water takes 2table spoons of the ammonic alcohol and a bit of washing powder is added (for better adhesion) and the plant is repelled by this solution. It seems like the word will get away from the ammonia, and he quickly evaporates and if it falls on the leaves, then only the benefits will be (like fertilizer) ... Kurdumes writes in their book "Smart Garden": "If the word was not happy, the simplest to hit her ammonia. Its solution in water is the ammonia alcohol. Two tablespoons of the ammonia on the water bucket plus adhesive - a spoon of shampoo or washing powder. Flow falls in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and gets into the sheet slightly in the sheet - this is an ordinary extraordinary nitrogen feeding. "

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to process the beds with a weak solution of ammonia (Max ammonia concentration of 0.1%). You can use the ammonia alcohol - 1 ml. on 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant to combat the bear

I will be very glad if my feedback to someone will come in handy and help. I live with my family in the village. We have our own vegetable garden. And that year there was just a nightmarish invasion of the Medveda (in the people - Kapoolenka). Moreover, it pulled everything from seeds and ending with a seedler. And in the countryside, the summer without a crop is a year without billets.

R Assad sits, and the Medveda eats it (the maximum week and the vegetable garden in general, as no one sagged). And the main poison does not take it. I have already tortured. I went to the market for a new sediment. Standing grandfather and grandmother sell cabbage seedlings (beautiful such, big, green), well, just do not take sin. I take and perhaps that I will plant for the third time, and the Medveda eats everything.

Grandma me and says: I will teach you now how to deal with it. At the pharmacy you buy the ammonia alcohol, then dilute its 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when they plant the seedlings, then under each bush, they pour out the floor of a liter jar. And all, and with a seedy will be with a harvest.

I have been doing this for the second year, and you know, helps. This year I planted my greenhouse. As the seeds sowed, he poured the garden with a solution with the ammonia alcohol and I want to say the result on my face (its seedlings). Now the ammonious alcohol buy large bottles of 100 mg) and I advise everyone. In my case, a sharp smell is even plus than minus.