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What dreams of washing dishes: details and predictions. What does the dishes mean in a dream? Why wash dirty dishes in a dream

Homemade troubles in night images are most often associated with life. No exception and plot with sink and plates. In a dream, wash the dishes - to the tension between households. Dirt - something bad, unpleasant. Is it always so, let's figure it out.

Just see dirty dishes in a dream

Rogue sleep about plates and saucepans, pay attention to the surrounding environment. The fact is that dirty utensils in a dream has completely different interpretations. The most common is the foresight of household difficulties. Well, what else might think the hostess if she had dreamed of dirty dishes? The house will be a mess, and it is not enough to settle his strength. Get ready for cealing, exhaustive not so much by the scope of difficulties as their abundance and pettyness. Men give this dream also does not promise well-being. In general, in a dream to see the dishes for them - to break with his wife in reality. Harmony will leave the house for a while, leaving the feeling of longing and cold. Fortunately, the case is corrected. You only need to take advantage of the hint and slightly "enforce" to the belly. Little present or warm word, which has been said on hand, can evaporate the adverse effects of sleep.

What does dream dirty dishes mean for a girl

Young charming, busy, in a dream, washing the dishes - to the appearance of a rich patron. It is necessary to judge by labor results. If the plates are flushed clean, then you can prepare for the wedding. The groom will be reliable, faithful, desirable. If the girl in a dream can not the daughter of laundering objects, it means that the new buddy will only let dust in the eyes. He will be bankrupt and bad person. Even more interesting, if it remains in ignorance about the purity of the dishes - she is waiting for excitement about the new Uhager. The results of the results and qualities of the candidate is silent. Only predicts his appearance.

Wash clean dishes in a dream

If you wondered that you in the rustling of economic activity began to rinse unwrapped plates, it means that the desire to change something in their lives will become relevant soon. Apparently, you and so everything is in order, just satisfaction you do not feel. Such a zeal is very commendable. Just do not overdo it. In a dream, washing the dishes, which looks so ideally, - to vain anxiety and bustle. Rely on your destiny and enjoy the current moment. Nothing is required, everything is so great!

Many dirty dishes

Such a dream only for restaurant workers does not mean anything. For the rest of the mountains of dirty plates - to big problems. There are processes, the result of which depends only on durability and diligence. If you had to wash the dirty dishes in a dream, it is not afraid of her quantity, then you will handle everything, no matter how terrible difficulties seemed. There is a different case if you with squeamishness turned away from all of these "mountains". Sleep means that you surrender in a winning situation, without even trying to use the received chance. Perceive the dream as a hint. Where imagination draws you insurmountable obstacles, in fact there is a "cunning" passage for a purposeful person.

Dirty dishes in the dreams of students

This is not only a reminder that it's time to take up the mind and bring order in the room. Students in a dream to wash the dishes - to confusion with the control and credit. Apparently, the student forgot about his duties. It's time to return to business, otherwise you can fill up not only the session, but also to lose a student ticket. In addition, sleep about dirty plates can tell about the frivolousness of a person in choosing friends. Especially relevant for young people. There was a lot of evacuated dishes around - this is your environment. People who are constantly on the road are gossip and loafers. This is exactly the case when you warn you about a bad company. The environment draws into empty events that only forces and time are intoulable and time. As long as you do not take out of a vicious circle, you will not achieve success. A business is clean items. In a dream to see the dishes - it means that new acquaintances are coming. Young people see a good pure frying pan - love on the threshold, a saucepan - a job offer.

Tableware in the wrong place

It happens that imagination draws completely incredible paintings. For example, what does the hill of plates in the middle of the forest see in a dream? Wash dishes in the place where it is completely unrealistic, in reality means a collision with oddities in relations. You can get completely unreasonable and unforeseen claims from people who did not expect anything like that. The more unrealistic picture, the greater surprise you expect. Get ready, since nothing is good, this turn does not promist. We will have to be explained and justify, without understanding what, in fact, you are accused. Avoid the situation of chances of little. Especially unpleasant if I had to see dishes in the restroom. This is definitely to problems with the law regarding the receipt of unlawful income. Its innocence will have to prove for a very long time.

If the dream of the dishes did not come at home

Overnight on the journey is always associated with certain inconveniences. The bed is stranger, the pillow is not that and so on. Dreams in a new place are not often. An iconic event, if the dirty utensils were hardened. This dream can be applied not only to the nearest events, but to all life. To see such an image, spending the night in a completely stranger place, it means that your careless attitude towards events of life does not withstand any criticism. There is nothing bad in an easy relation to reality, but not in the case when the fate of others depend on you. Try to get together and change. It is necessary to raise the level of responsibility slightly in order to not become a source of trouble for your favorite people. Only if the dream has come to a young girl - this is the foresight of happiness. Perhaps it is in this place (where spent the night) you will meet your destiny.

See how someone washes dishes

Watching the work of others is always more pleasant than working yourself. Especially if the case applies to such an unloved by many of the Labor, so, to see for this occupation of a friend in a dream - to the need to provide him with full support in reality. It is this person who thinks in the root to change his life, inspired by high ideals. You will need to support a friend morally so that a good undertaking is not rinsed into the summer because of the lack of Will's strength. To see in a dream, like Mountains of the dishes are smiling unfamiliar people, means that you will be observed from the side of someone's attempts to stabilize a very sharp situation. According to the first impression it will seem that people are engaged only after some time you will realize that the result of their efforts can become a grand breakthrough. Do not be lazy to render the satisfaction (let a small) promotion of workings - you will not regret!

If dishes wash animals

A fantastic image of a squirrel (rabbit, dogs), busy shops, can predict the most incredible turn of life. For lonely - this is an unexpected appearance of a loving and dedicated heart. At the same time, the events will follow this scenario that the Lord God cannot predict the outcome. Nevertheless, you will remain very pleased with the result. If a cat washed in a dream (Tiger, lion, and so on), the tricky enemy clogs the wedges between you and expensive people. Be alert. The leaf (most likely) fought his favorite person, trying to slander you and dear relationships. Need to take active protective measures. When you see that the household, namely, washing the dishes, they are doing quite unreal characters, then stop coming up with non-existent problems. Most often, such a dream, prone to exaggerations of a very pessimistic nature. You need to look at the world and the events taking place in it.

What does dream dream for spiritual development

If you are engaged in raising the soul, then immediately determine your problems from the image. To see in the dirty dishes means that you just started a solution to some particular task. The path is to be long and difficult. Wash dirty dishes in a dream - to the emergence of unforeseen obstacles in spiritual growth. And in general, this vision suggests that until the completion of this work is still very far away. Most likely, you were fascinated only by one aspect of the soul, for example, with their globalism, and do not take into account the influence on other people. To allow such an extremely immoral on your part. Development can only be integrated, otherwise he does not lead to growth, but to degradation and skews.

Dreams of washing dishes most often characterize the state of home affairs. The cleaner the plates are shiny - the greater you are well done! Tip this dream - be attentive and gentle with others. The quality of your life directly depends on the smallest things, sometimes invisible, but important.

Any family celebration always ends with washing dishes. From this not going anywhere and often have to argue about who will be dishes. Most people hate it to do some, on the contrary, like the process of pointing order. But if a person had to wash the dishes in a dream, what does this mean?

Any family celebration always ends with washing dishes

Dream Interpretation offers a rather wide interpretation of dishes. Here are the most common of them:

  1. If a person dreams that he washes the dishes - this is a very good sign that foreshadows happiness in family life. Such horses are fed a dream understanding with his second half.
  2. The dream dreamed that someone washes the dishes - it means that he will spend a lot of time with his faithful friend. Communication with him will deliver a lot of pleasure.
  3. If the washing instruments do not give pleasure - the dreams will be strongly jealous of his beloved person.
  4. Such a dream means that a person will be surrounded by care and attention from the members of his family.
  5. To see how a familiar man washes the dishes - it means to have pleasant communication with him. Also, the dreams will hold a lot of happy hours with him.
  6. If in his dream the mistress of soap cutlery - it will reveal, as it should, rest. Most likely, recently a dreamy was engaged in an organization of some troublesome event, and it turned it out.
  7. My (I dreamed that my dishes) - it means so much to the nervous system. If the man was very nervous on the eve of this dream, worried or suffered, it would be very soon, everything will change and long-awaited peace will come for him.
  8. Wipe clean plates in the Greem - it means to live in harmony with your loved one.
  9. Any actions that the dreams undertakes with cutlery in his dream, promise him positive changes in life.

It turns out that from all dreams Greens about plates and pans have one of the most pleasant interpretations.

Tableware in the dream book (video)

Wash dishes in a dream: What does Miller mean?

The psychologist Miller suggests that the interpretation of dreams depends on several factors. First, it is important to take into account the emotions of the dream during washing dishes, and secondly is its condition, well, thirdly, other details associated with lighting, atmosphere, etc.

  • Miller's dream book connects the image of kitchenware with well-being and financial replenishment. Soon the dreams will fulfill its cherished dream and will be able to acquire what has long wanted, but could not afford. Perhaps he will increase wages.
  • The disappointing future is waiting for the dream, in the night fantasies of which were dirty pan and skillers. Soon instability comes in his life.
  • It is possible to count on luck in all endeavors in the event that a man took a plate in the dream. If she is beautiful and white - the dream will come very happy time.
  • Broken dishes - bad sign. In life, the device is considered a good admission, however, in the dreams of its value is the opposite. The man will leave fortune, and failures will follow one after another.
  • Weight in the house will be from that dream, which in his fence admires the dishes sparkling on the shelves.

Miller's dream book connects the image of kitchen utensils with well-being and financial replenishment

If a young girl in a dream buys plates - a successful marriage is waiting for her. And if the store was dirty - in her life there will be confusion.

See that you wash the dishes in someone else's house, at work, visiting

In someone else's house

  • Scrap to shine white plates, being in someone else's house - it means to live a long and full of happy events life.
  • There is also another interpretation: if the fastement of the devices occurs in the house of a dream friend - it speaks about his too fast in vital pace. Dream interpretation recommends more time to spend rest.
  • But if the dreams shoved the whole mountain of beautiful plates - it means that soon he will have a new passion.
  • Assist the owner of the house with the cleaning of cutlery from the dirt is to experience respect for him and trust. Are these feelings mutual? It all depends on the emotion that a person is experiencing during washing. If he likes to do it - the owner of the house also experiences confidence and respect for the dream and respect, if the wash process brings a dream of suffering - it is not necessary to count on respect for the owner of the house.

Scrap white plates, while in someone else's house - it means to live a long and full of happy events

At work

  • Such horses are promised by a person conflict with close relatives. Since this dream is a warning, the differences can be avoided.
  • Failure lies the dream at work. Perhaps he will begin to be rebuilded with the boss.

In a guest

  • Mad life rhythm is something that he lives with a dream, helping to cope with the dirty dishes to his friend at home.
  • Wipe the pan with a towel after it dries - to a profitable deal.
  • To ask the owner of the house to include warm water for washing dishes, but get a refusal to betrayal. Perhaps a person betrayed this person.

Wash very dirty dishes in a dream

  1. If a person dreams that he carefully launders the dirty dishes - its most grandiose plans are destined to come true in the coming days. The dreams will be in pleasant shock from the capabilities that he will appear.
  2. The unforeseen circumstance will arise in the life of a person who, in the night of the night, discovered in his sink an uncompanied dirty plate. This circumstance will bring confusion in his life.

If a person dreams that he carefully launders the dirty dishes - his most grandpane plans are destined to come true in the coming days

If the pots, cups and saunts are so dirty that the dream has to wash them several times - it means that it will rejoice and smooth.

Clean the dishes from different material: what does it mean?

  1. Gold appliances are an excellent image in Grenc, which foreshadows career growth and financial well-being. The trial of the dream will go perfectly. Perhaps he will soon be offered to enter a new position. Relations with colleagues at work and bosses will be well.
  2. Stop silver devices to shine in a dream - to be an authority among your friends in reality. Dream Interpretation recommends to be less powerful, otherwise people's trust can be lost.
  3. Clay utensils in dreams - alarming sign. The dreams are currently vulnerable and needs support. Dream Interpretation recommends a person to be more prudent and not to make risky actions.
  4. Copper devices in dreams are a bad sign that foreshadows a dream of a quarrel and finding out relationships with a loved one. However, if in a dream all the copper dishes are washed and wiped - the conflict situation is resolved.

Stop silver appliances in a dream to shine - to be an authority among your friends in reality

Wash porcelain appliances in Grenc - to face misunderstanding from close people.

Dirty utensils are considered a symbol of trouble, annoying incidents and ungrateful dirty work. Also, mud laundering is a subconscious desire to cleanse, wash off sins from themselves, forget about the past. What dreams of washing dishes? Consider in detail all interpretation.

People's decryption of dreams about washing dishes

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of annoyance at the sight of a pile of dirty plates and a saucepan in the sink. Mountains of unwashed plates and cutlery We are foreshadowed hard work and lack of time for rest. The unwashed tableware on the table symbolizes discontent with the circumstances and the internal desire of change.

Also, the meaning of sleep will depend on the characteristics of the picture seen:

  • wash dishes in an unfamiliar place;
  • wash dishes in the house of relatives / acquaintances;
  • quality and material manufacturing dishes.

If you dream that when washing dishes the number of grocery plates does not decreaseSo the dream seeks to wash off the feeling of guilt. Also such a plot can be dreamed of forced communication with unpleasant personalities or when trying to hide information from others.

If a dirt with dishes is not washed offSuch a plot foreshadows discontent and irritation to the actions of loved ones, their unwillingness to correct and compromise. Often, such a dream comes when misunderstanding reigns, the relatives are in a state of confrontation.

If you or your household wash dishes in the house of relatives or friends, such a plot foreshadows a disease of someone from the family. If the husband saw a dream, soon there is a long separation with his wife - unplanned departure or even divorce. A bad meaning has a sleep with washing dishes in the house of the sister - it foreshadows a grave ailment, you will have to take care of her children.

Washing dishes in a state institution Indicates the unpleasant responsibilities that will have to be performed. It can also be a symbol of humiliation or responsibility for an unpleasant matter. Work in a rich house indicates a conflict with a person, with a flaw in whose character will be difficult to reconcile.

What does it mean if spot from a plate or pan is not washed off? This plot symbolizes a vain attempt to rinse the traces of the past with your biography, try to mask the secret act, hide the traces of their acts.

Wash dishes in the house of grandmother - Soon a trip to her, help and support from your part.

Dirty dishes

What dreams of dirty utensils? The value of sleep depends on who he dreamed. If Son. saw young girl, you can forget about the wedding - it is not foreseen. However, if the girl in the dream of a muddy dishes, the wedding is not far off.

If sleep with dirty plates dreamed on Novokuya, Ahead is waiting for a very unfavorable period until ruve. Food balances on the plates after the visit of the guests are promised to help friends in difficult times.

If the plot is dreaming, in which someone is deliberately dumping the plates, "in reality, you will also have a dirteness from interest.

It is difficult to wash the spot? In reality, you will hardly restore your stained reputation.

Interpretation of famous dreams

  • Dream Stranger Sees a good sign in the image of clean dishes: wash the plates - to friendship.
    Ancient Russian dream book foreshadows harmony and consent to the family.
    Small Velezov Dreamniest prophesies guests and change.
    Women's dream book believes that dirty dishes dream of trouble.
  • Dream Miller He considers the image of dirty dishes by the foresight of the disappointing future. She washes a plate of someone from home - awaits a family scandal ahead, wash the plates itself - to confusion in the affairs. To the brilliance, rub the dishes - your feelings for a person will remain unanswered. Wash plates in someone else's house - to great regret of the missed opportunity.
  • Dream of Freud. Sees in the image of dirty dishes a symbol of illegibility in choosing a partner. Missing dirty plates - a desire to make a family and children. Smash the dishes - to the rupture of family relationships.
  • Esoteric dream book . Collect dirty plates and appliances from the table - to the change of the environment. See how mother washes dishes - you are not able to solve life questions yourself. Wipe the washed plates - to harmony in a relationship with your loved one. To give the unwashed dishes to someone - to an increase in welfare.
  • Modern dream book Considers - dirty dishes foreshadows the disease. Joint washing dishes with someone symbolizes harmonious relationships with this person.

Dream interpretation wash dishes

We often make any actions automatically without thinking about the process itself. Despite the fact that such activities in real life is usual and is familiar, in a dream it acquires a mysterious and symbolic meaning. What dreams of washing dishes? Cozy evenings, anniversary and solemn events eventually end in this occupation. Dream Interpretation will give true interpretation and will open the secrets of the subconsciousness, because it is trying to convey to us a faithful life road.

Own or someone else's house?

Wash in itself, be it dishes, an entrance or an apartment as a whole, a rather routine lesson. On this occasion, there are many fatigue domestic quarrels. What awaits the hero of sleep, producing in his or miraculous house?

Wash dishes visiting

If you dreamed like my dishes

Sometimes after a noisy feast, we have to help guests in the cleaning of the apartment. The attitude to the owners may be different, but each of them bears its special meaning.

Who is the owner?

It is advisable to remember who one has happened to be cleared. Was it a friend or malicious enemy?

  1. In relatives. This circumstance in a dream suggests that your life is routine, boring and craves for change. New, unusually bright impressions will not make themselves waiting for a long time.
  2. At the best friend. In this case, the dream book advises to make a little more calm in the usual way of life, otherwise there can be many annoying troubles.
  3. From a stranger. The interpretation of sleep speaks of the acquisition of a new favorite classes. And if you happened not only to wash, but also the entrance, porch or terrain outside, then perhaps, soon you will find your calling.

Material dishes

What was the dishes

Not only the fact of which has happened to clean, but also the appearance of objects, their material is of great importance. What dishwater dishes watched in a dream?

  1. From gold. A wonderful sign for those who are pierced up the career ladder. You are waiting for a new position, recognition of colleagues and approval of management.
  2. From silver. You will have an authority in certain circles. However, the dream book warns of caution. By purchasing power, it is often possible to overdo it, which will lead to the disapproval of the environment and cost problems.
  3. From clay. Now you are in the most vulnerable position. It should be careful and avoid possible risks.
  4. From copper. Interpretation warns of possible quarrels with his second half. The conflict will occur on household soil and leave both unpleasant sediment. To avoid unpleasant consequences, try not to allow verbal overhangs at the very beginning.
  5. From porcelain. What exactly happened to wash in a dream? So, porcelain clubs promise a holiday in the walls of the native home, but the plates are not understanding from close people.
  6. With precious stones. Soon you will find yourself in a difficult material situation, however, a person will appear, which will support you under any circumstances not only in monetary, but also in the spiritual plan.
  7. Old and very dirty. It is hardly a very polluted dishes, a yard or an entrance for a dream hero. But this is a fairly favorable sign that encourages active actions.

Wash dishes at home

It also happens that the class is familiar to us, which we carry out every day may appear in a dream. In order to get a complete interpretation, it is necessary to remember all the comprehensive details that are extremely important.

What happened to wash?

What dishes soapy

In real life, we have to move countless dishes. And what prevailed in a dream?

  1. Plates. This means that you burn with strong love to someone. It is worth rejoice, because the feelings are mutual and will lead to a strong and long union of souls.
  2. Cups. It is necessary to talk to your beloved person to souls. He has accumulated a lot of discontent towards your person and his interest is greased.
  3. Service. The vintage set foreshadows a long, but fruitful business trip. It will improve the financial situation and take a new, higher paying position.
  4. Pans and pans. Wait for the uninvited guests, which will soon move the threshold of your home. The feast will be noisy, cheerful and full of bright emotions.
  5. Modern devices. The sleep hero should wait a bit in the implementation of his plans. They are crowned with success only in the case when the abilities and talents will be fully fully.

Important details

In the world of dreams, we will have a variety of circumstances, which also require their decoding. So, just one plate in its own sink will lead to the circumstances to which you will be absolutely not ready. We'll have to take yourself in hand and solve unexpected troubles. But a whole bunch of dirty devices speaks about the success of the business, over which you worked so hard.

If a quarrel occurred due to harvesting, then the reality is waiting for a vacation on an important occasion for you. But when you had to move the dishes, the entrance, the whole house as a whole several times, then you pay too much attention to unnecessary details.

If the dream has strong negative emotions from washing dishes, he will experience jealousy towards a partner.

Other interpretations

The world of the dream is so diverse and multifaceted that sometimes there is not enough interpretation of a common picture. What will be answered to our question leading predictors and psychologists?

Dream of Freud.

The psychologist considered comprehended phenomenon from the point of view of psychoanalysis. According to his opinion, the dishes itself symbolize the feminine start. Hence the fact that the kitchen utensil is noting about the desire of a young girl or a woman to continue their genus.

Perfectly washed cups and plates show incredible attractiveness and charm in love. It is also worth noting that the dreams are in excellent physical form and does not have pronounced health problems. Conversely, dirty dishes calls to look at their chosen one. The likelihood is that one day the choice was incorrect. With broken devices, it is necessary to closely follow their health and make a planned visit to your doctor.

Seasonal dream book

The fact that the time of the year had to wash kitchen utensils.

When soapy dishes


Dream interpretation speaks of a big desire to diversify his life. You want weekdays to be filled with bright colors, and comfort and comfort reigned in the house.


I had to wash dishes from ceramics or nickel? Your spouse or beloved wife need help. Show maximum attention and support.


Review your attitude towards money. You can open new sources of income, but the use of money should be used.


You are lucky to meet with personalities who have a good reputation in society.

Gypsies argue that the dishes are a symbol of a life path. Its state depends on the state of the came the devices.

Dindle the dishes directly reflect the current state of affairs and the inner mood of the dream. This sign symbolizes the relationship between his family members. In order to interpret such a dream, the dreams will not be extended, which will most accurately interpret. They will answer the question of what should be prepared when dirty, broken or new dishes dream.

Characteristics of dreamy items

Pure or dirty

Clean dishes in a dream - such a dream promises a dream of the onset of a new life stage, with whom success and prosperity will come.

Cases are going, in work and career is waiting for promotion, material well-being, and at home - warm family hearth, mutual understanding.

The reality of the dream is awaiting success in endeavors. You will be free from the load of the past years and begin a new happy life. So strokes are answering the question of what is dreaming washing kitchen utensils.

Many dirty dishes - a dream warns of threatening troubles in the matters of heart and in service.

New or old

The new dream is waiting for a happy period, well-being, wealth and happiness. Do not worry - a new undertaking will bring an enchanting success, the patron saint will support. You are waiting for financial stability, promotion over the career ladder.

Despite your youth, inside you feel yourself tired of human life. Favorable changes are postponed - that's what the old dishes are dreaming.

Crystal or glass

Crystal dishes in a dream - full family well-being, wealth and financial growth, work will bring success and recognition of management, stability, success and prosperity in endeavors.

The dream is awaiting a quiet life without special success and losses: everything flows smoothly and measured. So dream interpreters answer the question of what the glass dishes are dreaming.

Frightened or broken

See in a dream fighting dishes - the fragile happiness of the dream need to be preserved as the anti-sod. The well-being of the dream is so shaky, which is able to collapse from the slightest blow. The same interpretation at a dream in which the dishes crashed.

Answering the question, what dreams of already broken dishes in a dream, in particular the plates, dream interpreters warn that the unexpected life of the dream is threatened with danger: unexpectedly everything that matured with such difficulty, collapses, leaving behind the fragment of the former happiness. Welfare will remain in the past, serious trials await you ahead. About this, according to Dream, says that in a dream you had a chance to see the bitter dishes or directly beating.


Your soul is full of kindness and compassion for people. Everything will get up - do not be sad. Good temper and the nature of the dream will conquer the love of others. This will tell a dream in which there is a beautiful dishes.


Wealth and wealth to expect at this stage do not have. This is what the dream speaks, in which empty dishes were present.

White or black

Acquaintance with sincere, direct person, friend or lover. Work argues, things will go uphill, prospects in service, the authorities will notice you, and work will be rewarded. So dream interpreters answer the question of what the white dishes are dreaming.

Black - threatening sign. Be extremely careful: the enemies have conceived unkind. The thoughts of the dream prevent him in reality.




To see dirty dishes from the outside - will witness a stunning exposure. Try to refrain from gossip and perekov - it can entail troubles and repentance.

Wash, pump, wipe

We learn what to dream to wash the dirty dishes, namely the plates, in a dream, being in your home. Altarkers argue that you will want to defame, but the enviousness has not achieved success.

The dreams will enthusiastically discuss someone's shortcomings, careful - we are not without sin. This is what the dream is in which the dirty dishes had to wash in someone else's house or visiting.

Mock someone else's dishes in a dream - to take an active participation in solving not your affairs, rake "the challenge" at work.

To the question of what dreams of washing dishes after eating in a dream, dream interpreters answer that the prosperous period is approaching an end. Soon you will be waiting for less revealed and trouble-free life, you will have to "tighten the belt."

Washing dishes in the dishwasher in a dream promises success in affairs.

Washing already clean kitchen utensils - improving financial affairs, welfare growth. There is no threat to a happy future. Be calm - the authorities appreciate you, you will not lose work. Mix the dishes for someone - eliminate the consequences of other people's mistakes. The dream will have to redo the case for someone.

Wipe the dishes after washing - the cases are close to completion, soon you will enjoy well-deserved success. The dream effort will bring abundant fruits.


Buy dishes - start a new thing that will bring success and profit. Acquaintance with a pleasant person, a fateful meeting.


Give dishes - you will help close and leave them in a difficult position, mutual execution, will provide financial assistance to relatives or acquaintances. About what money is being shot, read.


Beat and break the dishes in a dream - the rapid actions of the dream will lead to the loss of good work, the collapse of hopes and plans, there is a threat and family well-being.

What exactly did was wash?

Where was the dishes in a dream?

A brewing conflict will affect all family members and destroy stability and calm. This is evidenced by sleep with dirty dishes in the sink. Read more about what dirt is dreaming, you can read.

On the table - the family will come in the family and the quarrels and quarrels. Keep yourself in your hands - otherwise you will lose peace. Leave internal experiences with yourself - your words are unfriendly using you.

Dirty dishes at work - gossip and intrigue colleagues will interfere with a common cause. Fear of envious - they do not sleep.

Tableware in the wrong place - an unexpected change of circumstances.

The dreams will be forced to attend a strong family scandal of acquaintances. You will witness someone and grade betrayal. This is a dream with the participation of dirty dishes in someone else's house.

What water was able to wash?

  • Wash in clean - solve accumulated problems. The dreams will come out the winner of the current situation. Difficulties will end the most pleasant and unexpected way.
  • In dirty water - dismantling with the affairs, the dreams will stick up even greater difficulties. An unresolved conflict in the family interferes to focus.

Who is soap?

To see in a dream, how he had to wash the dishes, "you will come out a way out of a difficult situation.

A relative was busy business - a near man will come to the rescue. You will have to participate in solving other people's problems.

If a close man, a friend or spouse, was washing utensils, restrain the anger, he will destroy the relationship. The dream should be remembered that friendship is not only a cheerful pastime, but also the feeling of "elbow".

Did you see a stranger for this activity? A new person will create a lot of difficulties with his appearance.

She washes the dishes in a dream - the old problem suddenly breaks the rest.

-: a friend will come to resolve a dream; : Enemies are building a carriage; : False loved ones.

The manual will take your side in the working conflict if dishes in your dream soap head.

Who dreams dream?

Lonely girl sleep foreshadows a new acquaintance who will be her fate. A pleasant acquaintance in the near time and a change of life for the better.

A girl in a relationship - the beloved will make a sentence, happy marriage.

Pregnant woman - given the condition of the body and internal hormonal restructuring, sleep does not need to be given a certain value.

Married - family well-being nothing breaks, material wealth, happiness.

Lonely guy - soon you will meet the girl of your dreams. Also sleep can designate promotion, career growth, profits.

A man in relationships Sleep is a successful marriage on his beloved woman, welfare growth, success in work.

Married - Wealth and Comfort will accompany you in life, the growth of financial opportunities, the new thing will be profitable.

Opinions Sonnikov

According to Miller, the dream will soon await well-being and prosperity. The house will be a complete bowl, the work awaits success.

Vanga: It is necessary to be attentive, the change of circumstances can bring success, and may be the beginning of a difficult conflict period.

Freud: Unsidian tireless in love intrigues. A new acquaintance and passion for a time will melt you. You are in excellent physical form.

Longo: the onset of the stage of joy, stability and happiness in the dream of a dream.

If the dream left the severity and grief on the heart, do not worry - it's just a sign that requires your attention, no more. How will the future begins - it depends only on you.