Repair Design Furniture

What is the best bathroom cleaner. Choice of cleaning products. universal remedy for plaque and rust

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 13 minutes


The bathroom is, as you know, the “face” of the owner of the apartment. It is by the cleanliness of the bathroom that they judge the cleanliness and hard work of the beautiful half of a particular house. Of course, cleaning always takes a lot of time, but the bath must remain perfectly clean - even if there is a creative mess around.

True, to a large extent, the purity of the bath depends on the material from which it is made. If, for example, it is enough to wipe an acrylic bath with a regular sponge and soap, then wash cast iron bath sometimes oh, how difficult it is ...

The 8 best store-bought cast iron bath cleaners - what to look for when buying?

Each cast iron bath, as is known, is covered with enamel, which is applied inside this container by electrostatic method, after which the product is “baked” in a heat chamber.

It is with the cleaning of the enamel that the hostess has problems: the enamel on cast-iron baths quickly loses its appearance under the influence of external factors and in the absence of preventive measures.

What is the cast iron bath usually washed from?

  • First of all, from limescale , which covers the enamel with a nasty color due to bad water and the presence of various impurities in it.
  • Rust. How older pipes, the more unpleasant rusty smudges will be on the bathtub. It is worth noting that zirconium components were used in the production of enamel in old cast iron baths for greater strength and increase in other properties, but, alas, they contribute to a more rapid formation of rust, corrosion and cracked scratches. In modern production processes, titanium salts are used, which ensure the smoothness of the product and high wear resistance.
  • Fat. All the dirt that a person washes off the body, along with sweat and skin particles, settles on the bath machines. Naturally, with rare cleaning of the container, all this settles on the walls of the bath and gradually builds up on top of each other, as a result of which a serious and difficult-to-clean plaque is formed.

It is also important to note that the enamel of old bathtubs is very, very fragile, and cleaning with aggressive means can quickly damage the coating, up to the terrible "gaping" dark spots at the bottom.

How do Russian buyers clean their cast-iron bathtubs?

Video: How to wash a bath quickly? How to make the bathtub snow white?

8 best store-bought cast iron bath cleaners

  1. White. It will help you restore your bathtub to its original whiteness and get rid of bacteria, grease stains, paint residues, mildew and mildew. True, it will not cope with either limescale or rusty stains. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product where a tough and urgent resuscitation of the container is not required - only “add gloss and return whiteness”.
    The product is diluted 1 to 2 and the container is washed with a hard sponge (not metal!). Can also be poured into full of water bath 100 ml of whiteness, shake and leave overnight. It is categorically not recommended to use the product in its pure form! The average cost is about 60-80 rubles.
  2. Mister Muscle. It will help you to disinfect the bath, clean it from limescale, dirt, grease. This composition penetrates very deeply (at correct use) into the structure of stains and quickly destroys them.
    Also, unlike whiteness, Mister Muscle is much easier and more enjoyable to use. Pros: the presence of a trigger, no abrasives. The average cost is about 200 rubles.
  3. Cif. One of the most popular cleaning products in general today. Sif is used with success both in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
    This tool instantly and effortlessly removes even old rust and powerful limescale, and all surfaces after it shine. We recommend Sif Ultra White, which has whitening properties. The average cost is about 180 rubles.
  4. Comet. Another ideal cleaner for cast iron bathtubs. Today it comes in plastic convenient bottles in the form of a gel, does not scratch the enamel, easily removes all the "troubles" from the surface of the bath, and at the same time all microbes.
    It is enough to apply the product and wait 10 minutes, then wash off the dirt with a sponge. The average cost is about 190 rubles.
  5. Sanox. A powerful product for the toughest dirt. We can say "heavy artillery" in household chemicals. Sanox allows you to wash everything that the previous products did not cope with. And white. Also, this gel will remove all bacteria and unpleasant odors. Remember that this product is very “vigorous”, and for thin enamel it is better to choose a product with a more gentle composition. The average cost is about 100 rubles.
  6. Sun Wedge. This product is free from phosphates and harsh abrasives and will be suitable for any bath. It has no nasty chemical smell, it is easy to apply with a trigger, quickly removes any dirt. The average cost is 170 rubles.
  7. Frosch. A fragrant eco-product based on fruit acids. Not suitable for heavily soiled baths, but ideal for prophylaxis and regular cleaning of the tank.
    The product is safe for people and can be easily washed off. The average cost is 250 rubles.
  8. Mr. Chister. Product with effective composition, which will help remove fungus and mold, destroy bacteria and odors, wash off light dirt. Has a spray bottle, has a pleasant aroma. The average cost is 150 rubles.

How to clean a cast iron bath from rust and plaque at home - 7 best folk remedies for cleaning baths

Not everyone uses store funds when cleaning the house.

Some don’t want to spend their money on expensive household chemicals in principle, others don’t use it in principle, choosing safe home remedies. Still others are allergic to household chemicals, while the fourth simply suddenly ran out of all the "saving bottles" in the bedside table under the bathroom. In these cases, "grandmother's means" are used.

Among all the popular recipes used when cleaning a cast iron bath, we have selected the most popular and effective ones for you:

  1. To remove rust. We take 1: 1 ammonia and ordinary hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply to areas with spots.
  2. We remove rust and yellowness. Mix salt and vinegar 1: 1 and lubricate problem areas with this paste. You can leave the mixture for several hours - they will not harm the coating.
  3. From limescale. Mix 1: 1 salt and soda, apply the mixture to problem areas for 2 hours, then wash off the already softened plaque with a regular sponge.
  4. From limescale. We dilute oxalic acid to a semi-liquid consistency, grease the plaque, wait 1.5 hours.
  5. For regular cleaning. We put ordinary soda on a sponge and, instead of a powder, we treat a bath with it. Simple, economical and without damage to the surface.
  6. From rust. Mix turpentine (35 ml) and salt (about 100 g), apply to the surface and clean.
  7. From rust and plaque. Mix 3 parts of mustard (dry) and 1 part of baking soda, clean as usual powder. Ideal for cleaning your bath once a week.

Video: How to clean a cast iron bath from plaque at home?

Bathtub cleaning tools and products - what cannot be used to clean a cast iron bathtub

If you inherited an old and rusty cast-iron bathtub along with an apartment (or, while you were on a business trip, your family brought the bathtub to the “easier to throw away” state), then you should remember what tools and tools are not recommended to use, so as not to damage the enamel:

  • Chlorine products (unless you're struggling with mold).
  • Products with aggressive acids. They are used only "pointwise" on problem areas and are not left for a long time.
  • Products with abrasives ... They can scratch the enamel, which in turn will be the beginning of the end of your bath. Rust and plaque will penetrate deeper through scratches, cracks will be more and more, and there it is not far away to the very cast iron.
  • Products with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
  • GOI paste. It is not used to polish enamel! If you decide to polish, then use a super soft car polish and a regular soft white cloth for the enamel. Polishing will take you 20-30 hours, but you will like the result.

When choosing tools for cleaning a cast iron bath, avoid ...

  1. Hard brushes.
  2. Sponge and brushes with metal.
  3. Fiberglass sponges.
  4. Blades and other auxiliary tools.

Perfect option - moderately hard sponge or ordinary brush with a handle.

Also today housewives successfully use and melamine sponge - but, for all their magical effectiveness, they remain extremely toxic when melamine enters the body, so the question of their use remains controversial.

Prevention of contamination and plaque on cast iron baths

No one will argue that it is much easier to keep the whiteness of the bathtub if it is washed regularly and properly maintained. Moreover, if it is a cast-iron bathtub, which requires a special approach.

You can extend the life of your bath and postpone its replacement (installing liners, etc.) by simple manipulations called prevention:

  • We rinse the bath with a mild agent every evening after everyone has washed ... Be sure to dry with a towel to exclude the appearance of rust.
  • Twice a week - or at least once - we thoroughly wash the bath - with a serious remedy.
  • We repair taps / mixers immediately upon detection of their malfunction. Leaking tap = deep rust.
  • We use soft products and tools for cleaning.
  • We monitor the temperature of the water. At temperatures over 65 degrees, cracks can form in the enamel.
  • We quickly eliminate all cracks and chips - with the help of a specialist or independently - using a special putty and epoxy resin.
  • We give preference to gel and pasty cleaning products ... Powders contain abrasives that will scratch the enamel.

If you follow all the rules, you can extend the life of your favorite bath by 10-15 years.

However, there is always an option with acrylic liner placed directly in a cast-iron bath.

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Bath cleaning with natural products

Cleaning the apartment has always been not the last place in a person's life, and cleaning an apartment after renovation can be attributed to one of the most difficult tasks. The most problematic place is the bathroom, which we are often accustomed to seeing shining whiteness and cleanliness, but after renovation we are simply horrified by limescale, rust, and leftovers. cement mortar or tile glue. And then it becomes before us main question: how to get rid of leftovers building materials and how to wash the bath to its former whiteness?

The bathtub can be cleaned by many means, whichever you choose, carry out the work exclusively with gloves.

Hoping to get the tub cleaned as quickly as possible, we resort to chemical miracle cleaning products that line the counters of hardware stores. Such funds are quite effective, but, firstly, they are much more powerful than required, and secondly, the active substances in their composition are very allergenic and harm not only the human body but also the environment.

Each housewife has her own secrets in her arsenal of how to wash the bath from heavy pollution and implement general cleaning safe means that are always at hand.

Natural bath cleaners are very easy to make at home, don't take too much time, and can do the job just as well without harming you and your family.

Basic rules for cleaning bathtubs

Before you start cleaning and make the bathtub perfectly white, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules on how to do it correctly and not spoil the coating of the bathtub itself:

  1. For different baths it is necessary to use different cleaning agents, because what can perfectly clean a cast-iron bathtub will completely ruin the acrylic bathtub.
  2. It is not recommended to clean the enamel bath with aggressive agents containing various acids, as well as to resort to using metal brushes and fiberglass sponges. Otherwise, you risk destroying or damaging the enamel.
  3. Acrylic baths do not tolerate alcohol-based products and emulsions, as they corrode acrylic.
  4. Abrasive substances can harm any coating, so it is better to use liquid and creamy solutions.
  5. If a cleaning agent is effective enough to remove dirt, a soft sponge or regular rag will do.

Despite the fact that many are already seriously thinking about replacing the good old cast-iron bathtub with a new acrylic one, it still remains popular. You should not trust commercials and take your word for the unique properties of acrylic, because along with certain advantages, such baths are very capricious in cleaning and have a rather low mechanical strength. Therefore, not all natural hygiene products are suitable for cleaning such a bath.

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How to clean a bath without chemicals?

Highly effective remedy for cleaning the bath after renovation is soda, which can always be found in household use. Besides, excellent helpers in this matter, vinegar, mustard and salt can become. Next, we will take a closer look at how to prepare an effective cleaning agent at home based on these components, and how to use them to wash a cast iron and enamel bath.

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Baking soda

Baking soda is classified as a mild abrasive. It is a versatile and completely safe "cleaning powder" for enamelled surfaces. Just sprinkle with baking soda problem areas baths, after wetting them, and rub them with a wet sponge. If pollution in hard-to-reach places, you can use an old toothbrush to remove them.

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Begin cleaning the whirlpool tub by washing the whirl system.

Vinegar is not only a powerful cleaner, but also an excellent antibacterial agent. It perfectly dissolves various deposits, deposits water stone and minerals.

Often, gray and yellow spots form on the walls of the bathroom, which are the result of salt deposition. The easiest way to clean them is with vinegar, which will act on them as a solvent. To do this, soak a rag in vinegar and place it over the stains. After half an hour, the salt deposits will be easily washed off with water.

For general cleaning of the bath, it is necessary to use not pure vinegar, but a solution. Dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water and use a sponge to wipe the soiled areas. Such a solution is harmless and will perfectly eliminate not only dirt, but also an unpleasant odor. The sharp vinegar smell will disappear after a few minutes; you can avoid it by adding a couple of drops of any essential oil to the solution.

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You can replace vinegar with lemon juice, which has the same properties. Pure lemon juice will do the same for stains, rust, and building grime just like scouring powder. For heavy dirt, lemon juice is squeezed out and spread with a washcloth. Half an hour later, the entire surface of the bath is wiped with a rough sponge moistened with lemon juice. All dirt is wiped off very easily, while nothing threatens the enamel.

The bath is the main item in the bathroom of every apartment; it is the place where hygiene procedures, relaxation, washing, and other household operations are performed. To withstand such intensive use results in accelerated wear and heavy soiling.

Therefore, all homeowners are interested in the question of how you can easily clean the bath from plaque, yellowness, especially if it is made of such a capricious material as acrylic. are expensive enough to change every 5 years, so it is more rational to keep the wash container clean and tidy. In this article, we will show you how to care for an acrylic bathtub so that it stays white and shiny throughout its life.

Material characteristic

Acrylic is called modern polymer material, from which modern, technologically advanced bathtubs are made. They are lightweight, have low thermal conductivity, high wear resistance and a beautiful glossy sheen. Huge assortment of forms, inexpensive price and a large size range of acrylic products have become the reason for the huge popularity of these products. Acrylic bathtubs have the following advantages:

Note! Cleaning an acrylic bath and removing limescale, yellowness or other contaminants is a responsible task, from correct execution the appearance and service life of the product depends.

Causes of damage

The price of a high-quality acrylic bathtub is 7-35 thousand rubles, so hardly anyone wants such an expensive purchase to become unusable without proper care after 1-2 years of use. Not knowing how to clean an acrylic bathtub, the homeowner runs the risk of getting a damaged washing container after a few months of operation, suffering from limescale, yellowness and dirt. To make cleaning an acrylic bath easier, the following manufacturer's recommendations must be followed:

Important! It is important for homeowners to understand how to care for an acrylic bathtub to protect the product from limescale, stubborn dirt and yellowness. To clean the garment if the wash container turns yellow, you can use a special mild foamy consistency cleaner. The use of abrasive products will cause scratches. Small fresh dirt can be washed off with plain water and a soft sponge.

Washing methods

Owners acrylic baths often wonder what to do to prevent it from turning yellow, and how to avoid the formation of limescale. Acrylic is a dirt-repellent material that can be maintained with a little maintenance if you know how to clean an acrylic bath.

  • To keep the acrylic bathroom clean, rinse it with running water after each use without using a cleaning agent. To dry the container, you can wipe it with a soft absorbent cloth to protect it from plaque and yellowness.
  • Once a week, you need to wash the product using an acrylic bath cleaner to clean it from rust, stubborn dirt, plaque and yellowness. The product is foamed and then applied to the bath with a soft sponge. For it to work, it is left on the surface for 10-15 minutes and washed off. big amount running warm water.
  • If small cracks or scratches appear on the acrylic surface, they are removed by sanding with a fine-grained sandpaper... In order to return the shine to the material after processing with sandpaper, a special polish is applied.

Manufacturers claim that the most frequent reasons loss of acrylic products of attractive appearance and shine are the poor quality of running water, as well as the use of abrasive, strong or aggressive cleaning agents.


What to do to maintain the appearance, whiteness and gloss of an acrylic bathtub? The answer is simple - rinse the product with running water after each use, and also regularly clean it with special products. ... If you do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub, you can use the manufacturer's recommendations. They recommend using the following brands:

Please note! When deciding what means to wash an acrylic bathtub, give up the use of potent, aggressive brands, which include acids, ammonia, solvents, acetone, alkalis.

Also, apply detergent apply only with a soft sponge, the use of brushes is highly discouraged, as they leave scratches on the surface of the material, into which dirt is subsequently clogged. Before washing the acrylic bath, make sure that the product does not contain abrasive particles, which also injure this delicate material.

Video instruction

Complex cleaning of an apartment involves putting things in order in all rooms, without exception. I would like to always pay special attention to the most difficult areas apartments. Today we will try to tell you how to wash the bath itself from various materials: cast iron, enameled, acrylic, how to remove traces of rust and yellowness simply and quickly.

Water treatment rooms can look different

The kitchen and bathroom will tell you how good the hostess is. After all, not only the reputation of the keeper of the hearth, but also the health of the household depends on the cleanliness in them. This is especially true for the bathroom, because high humidity creates a favorable environment that generates mold and other fungal bacteria, therefore, timely disposal of different kind stains and streaks will help prevent some ailments of family members.

  • After washing, water must be drained immediately, this can prevent the accumulation of dirt and salt sediment on the surface.
  • A light rinse immediately after use will wash away the residue dirty water, traces of yellowness.
  • It is advisable to ventilate the bathroom after use, and wash the bath itself and ensure that it dries or directly wipe off the remaining water with a rag.
  • It is strictly not allowed to clean the enamel or acrylic surface of the container with coarse metal sponges and brushes, so as not to destroy the coating. Alcohol and acid-containing agents also damage the enamel and acrylic layer.
  • It is recommended to install the hood in this room. Air circulation will help dry the surface and prevent the growth of fungi.
  • It is necessary to resort to the use of special cleaning solutions as soon as it gets dirty or at least once every 7 or 14 days.

Only regular maintenance will keep you clean and tidy.

Cleaning a glossy white surface is best done with special products.


The industry offers a variety of gels and powders for cleaning surfaces of all kinds for today's consumers. They are designed to eliminate those contaminants that may appear on the surface of the bathroom:

  • yellowness from smudges;
  • lime sediment;
  • traces of rust.

The reasons for their occurrence may be the presence of various salts and other impurities in the water, as well as the mediocre condition of the water pipes. To prevent the appearance of rust, you can replace metal pipes with plastic ones, at least within the apartment or house. To prevent yellowness, installing a filter will help, but a filter will not help against heavy water salts.

Modern plumbing offers consumers steel, acrylic and plastic bathtubs, cast iron options remained far in the past, although in some places in residential buildings there are still cast-iron containers. All materials require maintenance, but not all products will clean steel or acrylic surfaces equally well. Separately, I want to endure plastic options, since the products for their cleaning have a completely different composition than SanClin and Domestos, suitable for the care of steel and cast iron surfaces.

Household chemicals of the Domestos brand are popular and recognizable

Note that household industrial facilities formulated for cleaning bathtubs at home, nearly all have toxic ingredients and can cause allergic reactions, even if all application rules are followed. There are cleaning solutions and gels made without chemical compounds, but due to the cost, not every housewife will be able to spend money on them.

In order not to buy expensive products and keep the steel, acrylic or cast iron surface clean, you can purchase:

  • Soda ash, for making soda ash.
  • Vinegar for washing and removing odors.
  • Mustard powder for removing stubborn dirt.
  • Baking soda for mixing with vinegar for rough surface cleaning.

All of these components are inexpensive and are available to every housewife. At home, they can be used to prepare a gel or mixture no worse than a factory product, adding some more ingredients from the available ones.

Cleaning methods

How to clean a bathtub with baking soda so that it turns white again? With slight drips and fresh stains of plaque, rust on the walls of enameled and cast-iron containers, you can use water-soda gruel. A little soda is diluted with water, then applied to the spots. After a quarter of an hour, wipe off the dirt with a sponge and rinse with water.

With strong traces of rust and old lime stains, the following recipes are suitable for working at home:

  • From warmed vinegar mixed with salt, apply gruel to the stain, wipe. Then rinse the surface with warm water.
  • Soak a sponge in a solution of borax and vinegar, rub the dirt well until it disappears completely.
  • Stir salt with turpentine until smooth, apply on yellowness, traces of rust and wipe well.

Systematic cleaning of the water treatment room

Limescale roughness can be removed with vinegar, salt, lemon juice and ammonia. At home, such pollution is removed as follows:

  • With vinegar and salt, the pollution is elementarily wiped off, even unnecessary force is not required.
  • Lemon juice is applied to the surface of the enamel bath and after 10 minutes it is washed off with water.
  • The ammonia is diluted with water, applied for 10 minutes, then all that remains is to wash the entire bath. When working with ammonia, it is recommended to wear a mask so that its vapors do not irritate the mucous membranes.

All of the above recipes are suitable for cleaning cast iron and steel surfaces. A plastic and acrylic bathtub must be cleaned differently. The acrylic surface, in contrast to the enameled one, is afraid of ammonia and other types of alcohol.

You should not use products containing:

  • alcohols;
  • acetone;
  • chlorine;
  • acids;
  • formaldehyde;
  • alkalis.

The acrylic bath should be cleaned no more than once every two weeks. When dirt arises, of course, they should be removed immediately, and not wait until they are absorbed. For cleaning it is recommended to use special means, but if they are not at hand, then it will do laundry soap... The entire surface of the container is treated with soap, then it is left for disinfection for 1 minute, after which it is necessary to wash all the treated areas with warm water.

Few housewives like to wash the bathtub

The novelty of our century is plastic bath, which is gaining popularity due to its low cost. Buyers pay little attention to the fragility and whimsicality of the container, they begin to face problems only later. One of these is plastic cleaning. The surface is very delicate, so no powders, including soda, can be used. At home, cleaning a plastic container is permissible:

  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • citric acid.

First of all, you need to put on gloves, choose the right washcloth and suitable remedy... And here everything will depend on what exactly and from which bath you need to remove.

How to clean different baths

  1. Enamelled cast iron baths. They should not be rubbed with steel wool or hard sponges. This leaves scratches, the enamel layer becomes thinner. Also, do not use aggressive products with a high chlorine content for cleaning.
  2. Enamelled steel baths. When washing, you can not turn on too hot water... The enamel can crack even on a new bath from sudden changes in temperature. As in the case of a cast-iron bathtub, hard and metal sponges are prohibited.
  3. Acrylic bathtubs. You need to wash carefully, because even sponges of medium hardness can leave ugly stripes on such a bath. Use only soft sponges and special cleaning agents, preferably gels or pastes. Do not use abrasive substances washing powders, emulsions with alcohol, acetone, gasoline, chlorine. A solution of baking soda and vinegar can be applied extremely rarely and only on very severe contaminants. In other cases, it is better to replace soda with lemon juice.

How to clean a bathtub from small dirt

Each time after water procedures, skin particles remain in the bath. It is very easy to remove this type of plaque: you just need to thoroughly rinse the surface with water.

Soap accumulates on the surface of the bathtub, so ugly streaks and stains appear. Regular baking soda can handle them.

  1. Wet the bath surface.
  2. Dissolve half a packet in a bowl of water baking soda so that a thick mixture is obtained.
  3. Apply baking soda with a soft sponge to the surface and let sit for half an hour.
  4. Sponge the tub and rinse off the baking soda with water.

How to clean a bath from limescale

Hard water contains a large number of magnesium and calcium salts. When they settle, plaque appears on the plumbing, which is more difficult to get rid of than soap.

Method 1. Acetic-soda solution

  1. Mix ½ cup baking soda, ½ cup water, and ¼ cup vinegar. If you are going to wash your acrylic tub, replace the baking soda with lemon juice.
  2. Apply the solution to the bath and leave it on for a while.
  3. Rub the surface with a sponge and rinse off the vinegar solution with water.

Method 2. Soda + lemon solution

  1. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste.
  2. Apply to the bath and leave it on for a while.
  3. Add to water citric acid in a 1: 1 ratio.
  4. Apply the solution to the baking soda and wipe with a sponge.
  5. Rinse the tub with water.

How to clean a bathtub from yellow plaque

Yellow plaque may appear due to poor quality tap water or rusty pipes. You can remove it with dry bleach diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. You should have a thick mixture similar to sour cream. Rub the bath with it, let dry and rinse with water.

But keep in mind that chlorine bleaches can destroy enamel, so it's best not to use them. And for acrylic bathtubs, as we wrote above, this method is definitely not suitable.

Rusty drips in the bathtub are the result of bad pipes or damaged enamel. In this case The best way forget about the problem - eliminate its cause. But there are some homemade recipes as well.

Method 1. Ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

  1. Pour 100 ml into a glass container ammonia and 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well.
  2. Using a cloth, apply the solution to the problem area.
  3. Wash off with water after 10-15 minutes.

Method 2. Lemon juice

  1. Squeeze some lemon juice onto the rust stain.
  2. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wash off with water.

Method 3. Soda

  1. Add water to a container of baking soda until you get a mixture that is similar in consistency to a paste.
  2. Use a sponge to apply the resulting paste to the rust spots.
  3. Rub and rinse with water.

How to use household chemicals

If you can't get rid of dirt with home remedies, use cleaning powders and gels.

  1. Read the composition and consider the type of bath.
  2. It is better to use environmentally friendly substances, but they are more expensive.
  3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. For example, sometimes the solution needs to be washed off immediately, sometimes it needs to be held for a while so that the bath becomes clean.
  4. Some funds have a sharp unpleasant odor... This means that in order to use them, yours must have good ventilation.
  5. Never clean the tub without gloves.