Repairs Design Furniture

How to remove old paint from the pipe metal. How to remove old paint from metal. There are two types of ways to get rid of old paint

Many owners of their own housing, during the examination of the pipelines in the apartment, you have to observe the problems with metal pipes (most often - plumbing), in which traces of rust and contaminants are viewed through the damaged and swollen colorful coating. Leave them in this state is extremely undesirable, since the further destruction of the metal can lead to a serious accident. It is better to immediately figure out how to clean the pipe from paint and paint it again.

When swelling the protective coating, it is necessary to carefully examine the state of the damaged area, after which it will be possible to decide on further actions. If in the process of examination under the layer of paint detected a strong destruction of the metal - you should think about the complete replacement of this part of the pipeline. But if the corrosion was subjected to only the top layer of the metal - it is enough to carry out the cosmetic repair of the pipe, which is coating in cleaning it from the old paint and rust (followed by the restoration of the protective coating).

Methods and nuances of cleaning

The choice of a method for restoring the damaged area depends on the possibility of accessing it, which, in turn, is determined by the location of this part of the pipeline. Thus, on the plots of direct laying of pipes to get to the damaged place is not difficult, which allows us to use conventional mechanical cleaning methods for these purposes.

Note! In some parts of any pipeline there are always spaces, access to which is limited. In this case, you will have to take advantage of the so-called chemical method involving the use of special cleaning facilities.

Consider some of the features of each of the specified methods of stripping damaged places.

In order to remove the paint from the area located on the direct run of the pipeline, you can use the following mechanical receptions:

  • use a construction hairdryer to warm the place of damage, followed by cleaning it from paint using a spatula or knife;
  • in the absence of a powerful hair dryer, you can take advantage of a classic grinder or an electric drill equipped with a special nozzle in the form of a metal brush;
  • in the event that a layer of paint on a damaged place is thin - it will be possible to use a soldering lamp to warm it.

And finally, in the case when the paint is easily lagging behind the metal - you can try to clean the surface using the emery paper of the required grain. Upon completion of such cleaning, it will be necessary to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, removing the remains of emery dust from it.

Note! When access to the damaged place is limited (or with reluctance to spend time not for a long-term removal of old paint mechanically) - you will have to take advantage of special chemicals. Note that their use is possible in the case when you failed to completely remove the old paint with mechanical means.

When considering the purification process, we will proceed from the need to share these two methods, which must be taken into account both during the preparatory operations and when choosing the required tool.

In the case of chemical processing (or when using one of the mechanical methods, with subsequent additional chemical cleaning), you will necessarily need the following tools and materials:

  • medium-sized spatula;
  • a set of brushes of various sizes;
  • rag;
  • special chemical solvent;
  • scraper and knife;
  • manual metal brush;
  • set of emery paper of different graininess;
  • drill with a special nozzle;
  • workwear and safety glasses;
  • respirator (mask).

Preparatory activities

Immediately before cleaning the paint tube by any of the considered methods, it is thoroughly prepared for repair work. Such preparation is as follows:

  1. First of all, from the room in which toxic chemicals will be applied, it is necessary to remove children, older people and animals, and then ensure the possibility of fresh air in this place (all windows and doors in the apartment usually open to ventilating the room).
  2. If there is close to the place of work of carpets or palaces, they are removed and temporarily transferred to another room. Such prudency will not allow the fibers of carpet products to be caught by caustic smells of chemicals, and also eliminates the possibility of random damage during pipe treatment.
  3. In addition, it will be necessary to remove all objects that interfere with it.
  4. Before starting work with reagents, you need to change clothes into work clothes, as well as put on safety glasses and respirator. In the absence of a respirator, it will be possible to use a marry bandage (mask), which is desirable to change every half hour.
  5. After that, it should once again carefully examine the place of damage and finally make sure that the metal base of the Tumble tube does not need to be replaced.

Features processing

Purification of pipes with a mechanical method is reduced, as already noted, to heat the surface with a damaged protective layer and to subsequent stripping using a spatula, a knife-cutter, a metal brush or ordinary emery paper (the choice of a particular tool depends on the surface state).

In the case of chemical cleaning, you can use a whole set of special means (solvents and washes), widely represented today in the domestic market. Special attention deserves the following names:

  1. B-52 solvent, allowing to remove dyes of various brands. Its use is reduced to the impregnation of a rag with liquid, followed by wetting the damaged space with paint residues. For better decomposition of the dye, a rag with a reagent is recommended to leave on the processing place for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Special washes used for both metal and iron pipes, most often having an unpleasant, sharp smell. It is that this case refers to the requirement of compulsory repair of the premises, as well as on the use of a respirator or a protective mask.

Note! The washes is applied to the treated surface using the brush impregnated with a reagent at a time from 5 to 30 minutes (depending on the result required). Before painting purified in this way, the pipes must necessarily give time to completely dry.


In this video, it is shown how to clean the pipe from paint:

See how you can remove the old paint with a metal pipe wash:

The word "repair" for many is terrible. After all, you agree to a lot of trouble, starting with the choice of design and ending with building materials. By doing repairs, we update everything, glue wallpaper on the walls, we will drag the new floor covering and much more. But it is important not to forget to update the pipes. At first glance, it seems to be completely easy, you just need to clean the old pipes and cover fresh paint, but not so simple. Of course, if you plan to cosmetic repairs, then the pipes you need to cover the paint in the places of chips, for sure you will not need to be seriously cleaned. But if you moved to the old house, where for a long time there was no overhaul, then you just do not get caught, you will need a more serious approach.

Tools for cleaning pipes from paint

Where to begin? Of course with tools. To remove paintwork pipe covering. You will need:

  1. technical acetone and solvent;
  2. metal brush;
  3. paper elaborate varying degrees of grainability;
  4. spatula and chisel;
  5. rag;
  6. knife and scraper;
  7. overalls;
  8. drill.

Preparatory work before cleaning pipes from paint

You must temporarily transfer all interior items, you will need a space, and also do not forget about carpets and pales. After all, you do not want to stain a carpet cover, besides everything if you use chemicals, then the smell is very quick and hard to enter the fiber;
Will open all the doors and windows, because if you prefer chemicals, then fresh air you need in order not to suffocate, in addition, odors can be very saturated;
Put protective clothing, glasses and respirator. If you do not have a respirator, then use the mask. It is important to consider that the mask must be changed at least in every half hour;
Carefully inspect the pipes, it is recommended to treat a small area to make sure that the metallic base is integrity. If not, then you need to change them completely. If small spots of rust are observed, they can be treated with simple metal or chemical methods that we will tell a little later;

Due to the toxicity of some chemicals, it is recommended to produce repair work in the absence of animals, children and the elderly.

Chemical Pipe Cleaning Methods

The most common problem when removing a paint coating from pipes is the hard-to-access site. Pipes in apartments are not always designed as smooth segments, the most often observed designs with hard-to-reach places. In this connection, there is a certain discomfort when girdbing and stripping pipes. In such cases, it is better to use chemical methods. Also, this method of stripping is the best option if you do not have a lot of free time or below or above you for riser live misunderstanding and grill neighbors. Thanks to a large assortment of chemicals to eliminate fat paints in construction hypermarkets, you will be able to choose the most affordable solvent or washing.
Excellent cope with the solar paint Solvent B-52, which has been successful for not the first year at the repair field. It is perfectly coping with all types of paints and varnishes. To remove the solar paint, you need to moisten the rag in the solvent and wipe the surface of the pipe. Paint instantly remains on the rag. In the event that the desired result is not reached, it is necessary to leave the paint, moistened with B-52 for a couple of minutes.

For metal and cast-iron pipes, special washes are presented in the building markets. A substantial minus in them is a caustic smell that can cause dizziness, poor well-being. While working with a washes, it is necessary to air the room as often as possible and of course not forget about protective clothing and the respirator. Before proceeding with work, you must carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.
Many are mistaken when they acquire a bow for acrylic paints for oil paints, this acquisition will be thrown into cash. It is important to take into account this cleaning feature and not to be confused with the solvent. Method of application: Apply a wash at 5-30 minutes, depending on the desired final result, after which the pipes need to dry. Duration of drying at least one day. After that, the surface of the pipe can be coated with a paintwork. A significant minus in this method of getting rid of the solar paint on the pipes is a high cost. But, it pays off a good and rapid result, without much effort.

Paint video with batteries

Mechanical method of cleaning pipes from paint

If you have free time, and closely decided to repair in our own housing, then you can further familiarize yourself with the most effective mechanical methods for removing the solar paint on the pipes.
Construction hairdryer. The most common and efficient, the main essence is in heating the surface of the pipe, after which it is possible to remove the paint with a spatula or knife. If you wanted to use a hairdryer when processing the gas pipe, you need to be extremely neat, in order to avoid fire and accident.

Bulgarian or drill. Beautiful alternative to the construction festival. The configuration must be a special brush that perfectly patches the pipe from the solar paint coating. It is important when working with a grinder or a drill, you must be in a mask, since it is not to avoid a large amount of dust and small grainbones.
Grinder machine. Excellent option, if you wish in a short time get rid of the paint coating on the pipes. Completely sold special nozzles. After completing the work, the surface of the pipe must be wiped with a solvent.

Blowtorch. Pipe processing technique, as with a construction hairdryer. In the end, it is necessary to wipe the pipe with a solvent.
Iron (Soviet production). A couple of dozen years ago, in the absence of new-fashioned devices, our grandparents used iron, Soviet times. It was heated and led through the foil to the surface of the pipe, after which the paint was dumbfounded with a knife, emery foil or solvent. Do not experiment with modern iron.
Sandpaper. If the paintwork is easily removed, then you can use sandpaper. But you need to be in a mask and in glasses, as a lot of dust is formed. Ultimately, pipes will need to wipe away from dust.

Let's summarize

We have told you the most common and efficient methods of getting rid of the solar paint on the pipes. Now you do not need to spend extra money, inviting experienced workshops in the field of repair, you can do everything yourself.

Preparatory work and staining process is very laborious work, requiring not only forces, but also patience. To achieve perfect paint staining, the surface of the pipe is necessary to clearly clean from the old layers of paint.

Before removing paint from the pipe, you need to learn how to achieve this goal: a chemical and mechanical method. It is impossible to unambiguously say that both methods are suitable for removing old paint from the metal surface, since the quality of the metal and the degree of worniness are different. Take, for example, a pipe that has broken and swelled with a layer of paint.

As a rule, from rust, the integrity of the structure is destroyed and if it is started to clean the paint from the layers with a mechanical way, then cracks may appear on the pipe, and it will begin to leak. To prevent this, it is necessary to spend gentle cleaning with a construction dryer and brush.

Method number 1.

Before removing the paint from the pipe, the brush is scrubbing the stripped layer and rinse with water, the paint layer, which remained on non-rusty areas, warp the construction hairdryer. From increasing the temperature of the paint will begin to swear, it will also be necessary to remove the brush. Purified surface from rust and paint should be washed off with warm soapy water, dry and cross the anti-corrosion composition and apply a new layer of paint.

Method number 2.

Removing the old layer of paint with heating cast iron pipes can be carried out by a special chemical composition - washes.

It is necessary to do this in the respirator, rubber gloves, protective clothing and at open windows.

Washing to apply to the entire surface and after a certain period of time is removed. The first sign that paint is ready for removal is the formation of bubbles and "wrinkles".

Remove the swollen layer of paint can be a spatula or brush for metal. If, after primary processing, the paint remained on the surface, then it is necessary to repeat the procedure with the application of a new layer layer. In conclusion, the surface is inspired by sandpaper or construction grinding net.

After surface treatment with a wash, it is necessary to rinse the pipes with water with the addition of alkaline tools in order to neutralize the acid. Then handle the surface with a soil composition and apply a new layer of paint.

To process vertical pipes, it is best to apply gel wash or pasty. This texture is well covered and long holds on the surface, rather than liquid, which evaporates in minutes.

Method number 3.

This method is very simple, it can be considered most of the surface in a short period of time. To do this, you need an electric door with special nozzles that are intended to remove the paint coating and surface grinding. The nozzle rotation mode is hard. If there is no electric drill, you can use the usual grinder, remove the disk and install the brush or put another nozzle instead.

Method number 4.

This method is designed for surfaces of pipes that are painted with oil paint. Oil paint with time becomes very strong and dissolve it is very difficult. In this case, you can use gasoline, acetone or limestone dough, quenched soda.

The limestone dough perfectly cleans the oil surface, which is not more than 4-5 years. Surface treatment with these means should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, in protective clothing and rubber mittens. Take care of the eyes to be protected by glasses.

Method number 5.

Purification of the surface of the pipes from the layer of old paint can be carried out by a soldering lamp. At the time of burning the surface, make sure that there is no fire. The choice of a certain method depends on the presence of the necessary materials.

16.08.2011, 23:47

On pipes in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are already very old paint. I want to update all this or repaint. How to remove old paint?

At first I tried to hide a rough skirt - I won all the hands, and the effect of meager.
Then the iron scraper screames - the pipes are rapidly gamble than paint peeling.
I tried both a construction hairdryer - terribly slowly, and electricity eagerly eagerly.
I even tried the solvent - smells so that the glitches went.

Is there any modern and advanced tool for this? So how to smear with something and everything is easy to tear?

[Email Protected]

17.08.2011, 00:06

17.08.2011, 00:31

Come in builds. Shop and ask a means for removing oil paint .... smear on pipes, it is type of gel, leave for a while. The instructions are written and everything ... removed like oil .. only stinks.

Are there many different types of this wash or some one?
Seller will definitely show? Or maybe you know the name and tell me?

Does it really stink? I just allergic and I can not make the same Way-spirit, for example.

17.08.2011, 00:40

Is there any modern and advanced tool for this? So how to smear with something and everything is easy to tear?

17.08.2011, 00:55

Ancient old oil paint resists the washes quite successfully - i.e. There will be a big consumption, and a lot of time on n layers and dichloromethane will have time.

I only know the alcoholic cocktail in 52 :))

The paint is put in 1 layer - that's for sure, I screamed and looked.

17.08.2011, 00:57

washing of old paint - in St. Petersburg most famous in-52 (production vertex)

Rummaged on the Internet. B-52 firms "Top" is a rust shredder! : 005:\u003dItem&id\u003d13285

17.08.2011, 00:58

Rummaged on the Internet. B-52 firms "Top" is a rust shredder! : 005:

17.08.2011, 01:00

I only know the alcoholic cocktail in 52 :))
And German at what price about ???

Take or not even worth spending money?
rubles 300 per 0.7 liters

17.08.2011, 01:01

rubles 300 per 0.7 liters
1 layer of 5 years old paint will also take the vertex (if you smear an elder)

I will look for this top.
Smear with a brush? Stinks kill? How then to consider?

17.08.2011, 01:05

17.08.2011, 01:15

yes ... tolerant (on sale there are respirators with cartridges and for absorption of organications)
... spatula (hands take care) ... Purified from paint and washing pipe wipe with a rag with a nitro-solvent

Oh shit! Is this this thing for me to buy? Well, this is too ...... it's easier not to paint the pipes :))

Do you protect your hands because it is prohibited as an acid? : 001:
Nitro-solvent is something like White Spirit to dilute paint?

17.08.2011, 01:25

The thing makes it possible to not inhale the pairs of solvents, you can do without it with good ventilation / ventilation
- There is no acid, but a poorest solvent (dichloromethane), when hitting the skin it causes irritation and burning, in the eyes - God forbid
- Nitro-solvents are acetone, xylene, toluene, ethyl acetate, or mixtures thereof in the form of R-646, R-647

17.08.2011, 01:51

The paint is put in 1 layer - that's for sure, I screamed and looked.
Well, not especially she is ancient - 5 years lies (from the date of delivery of the house).

And why you wanted to certainly remove the paint, especially since there is only one layer, not such a big heat loss from the second layer of paint.
In your situation, one layer of paint age, however, about ten years old, it was not possible to shoot it, perhaps because of laziness, it was possible that the removal procedures were frightened. Just stabbed a bit to starrant, which is removed itself, rubbed a rag with a solvent and painted paint in the color of the wallpaper. Everything is beautiful and to this day, the pipes merge with wallpaper, they are not visible, and in detailed consideration, they are the same as at the moment of repainting, and the time from that event passed enough. It was no longer frozen from the second layer of paint.

17.08.2011, 12:33

And why you wanted to certainly remove the paint, especially since there is only one layer, not such a big heat loss from the second layer of paint.
In your situation, one layer of paint age, however, about ten years old, it was not possible to shoot it, perhaps because of laziness, it was possible that the removal procedures were frightened. Just stabbed a bit to starrant, which is removed itself, rubbed a rag with a solvent and painted paint in the color of the wallpaper.
If the paint is partially irradiated, then just a bit of missing does not remove visible irregularities, and the new glossy paint on top of the old has the property of such irregularities and emphasize.
In the event of a good condition of the layer of old paint without visible and tactile defects, you can soak the skin, remove dust and painted.

17.08.2011, 12:49

washing of old paint - in St. Petersburg, the most famous in-52 (production vertex), German abbeizer-s (a PUFAS, such as PUFAS) will be more efficient, but much more expensive.

The manager in the store today suggested here such anti-corrosion primers:



The latter, it seems cheaper a little bit.

In general, how are these primers - worth buying or divorce for money?

17.08.2011, 12:57

17.08.2011, 13:05

In general, how are these primers - worth buying or divorce for money?
On the pipe you freeze a glass of primer, well two. In a 0.9 liter bank, the rest will roll until he dries: (

17.08.2011, 13:08

And yet the manager I told me that ideally you need to put this primer and leave it for 4 weeks. Then clean the surface (fine-grained press No. 120) and then paint enamel. He says that only for the month this primer acquires a full fortress ...
Listen to such "managers" in the comedy theater can not go. : 004:

17.08.2011, 13:36

Hairdryer Dumbleed room. I closed the electricity today for a thousand rubles, probably, and the paints took off a small leap: (
And yet the manager I told me that ideally you need to put this primer and leave it for 4 weeks. Then clean the surface (fine-grained press No. 120) and then paint enamel. He says that only for the month this primer acquires a full fortress ...

I also do not understand: why need such titanic efforts, and even by allergy from the ...

17.08.2011, 14:01

Useful topic ... I here singer I bought a bow - I wanted to wash the palate with the door of paint ... Well, no matter how the result is :) The first 2 layers were filmed with a spatula, just going out))) to coat ... but the lower 2-no. ..time times do not work, too complicated)
I went to wash off the battery, again, the top layer of tears immediately, the bottom is not so easy, but also he dug and almost everything moved :) I'm squeezing :) In general, I think for pipes in the bath fit :) But it's not worth waiting here)) )) And I waited so much, I waited :)))))

17.08.2011, 14:26

on the pipe you freeze a glass of primer, well two. In a 0.9 liter bank, the rest will roll until he dries: (
Tikk. The materials are not bad, but it is hardly a special meaning to spend on them.
Steel batteries ("pancakes") for decades Masso GF-021 are ground and nothing is done.

And GF-021 is much cheaper, right?

17.08.2011, 14:28

I also do not understand: why need such titanic efforts, and even by allergy from the ...

It was convinced of: when the repair was made, after a while you forget about the flaws that were allowed. And on these symbolic irregularities that will be, if you paint right on top of the old paint, no one will pay attention.

You have hit the mark! I am a perfectionist and this is my biggest in life problem: (
I just can't live when something is done bad: 010:
I would be happy to get rid of this misfortune, but I can not yet.

17.08.2011, 14:33

listen to such "managers" in the comedy theater can not go. : 004:
Okay, it would just go through the hall and did not interfere with anyone ...: 015:

Paint: EURO 12 (Ticcurila).

17.08.2011, 15:13

17.08.2011, 15:26

I painted alpin for radiators and heating pipes (radiators did not paint - they were new to me then), the paint is well konding, but I don't remember she, I didn't bought such such or I bought it, but I was very suitable, t. To., as he wrote above, nor not necessary in my situation with a gloss, nor the color is distinguished against the background of wallpaper.

Copper yourself?
By the way, I also want without a gloss - I do not like shine.
Paint does not smell? Is it easy to apply?

17.08.2011, 15:44

There was enough time, so I do not remember everything in the trifles, but if there were some difficulties or unpleasant feelings, I would remember necessarily. Coleered herself, the probes made in small transparent caps, struck the tassel on trimming wallpaper, achieved a complete coincidence. It was painted with a tassel on warm pipes, was October and the heating was already given, though they were just a little warm.

17.08.2011, 16:24

And GF-021 is much cheaper, right?
yes, at times

I stand now on a stepladder, it means to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. Suddenly I see the inscription on the bank with my paint: "Suitable for the painting of heating radiators" :)) :)) :))
Paint: EURO 12 (Ticcurila).

I didn't even know that the pipes and batteries do not necessarily paint the oil (smelly) paint, but you can paint here such lately, water-based. So it's great, it will be possible to paint without chasing and respirator! : Support:

It is better to take the heat-resistant radiators (including on a water basis), and not a versatile, which is for ... and for ... Suitable.
Rusty dots will appear on the bare-tired metal after the water paint.

P.S. This, of course, can not paint, causes doubts of this inscription. Buy special for radiators. Probably the fact that you advised: element or alpina if they are tied, of course.

P.P.S. And what is the difference between latex and acrylic paint?
Not all latex acrylic :)

17.08.2011, 16:58

17.08.2011, 17:04

Not all latex acrylic :)
And in this matter, every second interprets who in what is much
There are latex acrylic paints

FSE, I confused inkone in these paints: 010:

17.08.2011, 17:04

And we did not shoot the old paint, it was simply painted on top of the balloon. There is nothing like that, black, you can not see anything behind the curtains!

Black ... Oh ...

18.08.2011, 01:52

FSE, I confused inkone in these paints: 010:
Pick up Gevier - white juice will flow from cut - this is essentially latex, or colloidal solution (dispersion) rubber particles. When the particle of the dispersion (globule) is dried and the rubber is turned off, in the form that we are essential - elastic, easily stretching weight.

18.08.2011, 14:31

pick up Gevier - white juice will flow from cut - this is essentially latex, or colloidal solution (dispersion) rubber particles. When the particle of the dispersion (globule) is dried and the rubber is turned off, in the form that we are essential - elastic, easily stretching weight.
Latex is natural - contained in the juice of gevent, dandelion, cleanliness ... or synthetic - vinyl acetate, acrylic, styrene acrylic, styrene butadiene, polyisoprene, etc.
Paints made on the basis of synthetic laters are called latex, according to the material of the binder, they will be acrylic (acrylate), vinyl acetate, copolymer (styrene-acrylate), etc.

Thanks for the explanation! Very clear and most importantly interesting! : Flower:

18.08.2011, 14:34

Yesterday in the "Builder" watched paints for radiators: Element and Alpina.

18.08.2011, 14:45

Thanks for the explanation! Very clear and most importantly interesting! : Flower:
The truth did not quite understand: acrylic paints are not latex? But this is the case, a question for general development ........
There are\u003d25&type\u003d73
Yesterday in the "Builder" watched paints for radiators: Element and Alpina.
So the first is 2 times almost more than the second. With the same volume. What is such a difference in price?

18.08.2011, 14:56

there are\u003d25&type\u003d73

Water heat-resistant acrylic and alkyd, the first is usually always more expensive due to a more complex technological cycle and raw materials

Alkyd - is it with a smell?
I just looked at these two specifically because you advised them: 008:

18.08.2011, 15:02

18.08.2011, 16:25

Alpina Heizkorperlack is an alkyd, alkyd material optional "with the smell".
These two were given as an example, there are enough analogs on the market and from other manufacturers :)

Alkyd \u003d Oil or not?

P.S. Why do you hold: when in the kitchen, the ceiling was painted by the paint Euro 12, it accidentally poured on the battery and did not immediately notice. When it was noticed that he watched the White Spirit and adjusting very carefully, erased these blunders! In how!

18.08.2011, 19:10

no, oil paint \u003d Olife, Syccativ, Pigments, Fillers, Solvent
Alkyd \u003d alkyd resin (oil modified), Syccativ, Pigments, Fillers, Solvent

19.08.2011, 20:54

Bought b-52. I smeared one pipe. Waiting.
Stinks terribly :(

20.08.2011, 00:22

20.08.2011, 01:15

Nothing is possible :(
On a pipe with hot water, this gel instantly evaporated and curled the film.

Well, who takes off on the hot tube? At night, it is necessary when the minimum waterscence and if there is no circulation.

I smeared coldly then, buried 30 minutes, began to scribe a spatula (as it was written) - it's no better than a scrambled place without any gel ........

Washing of old paint - in St. Petersburg, the most famous in-52 (production vertex), German abbeizer-s (a PUFAS, such as PUFAS) will be more efficient, but much more expensive.

Ancient old oil paint resists the washes quite successfully - i.e. There will be a big consumption, and a lot of time on n layers and dichloromethane will have time.

20.08.2011, 10:43

well, who takes off on the hot tube? At night, it is necessary when the minimum waterscence and if there is no circulation.

Speak at night ... Hmm ... We have the same hot tubes at night, as elsewhere. No cold. And there is a water intake, because many lead a nightlife :) youth :))

20.08.2011, 10:46

Ancient old oil paint resists the washes quite successfully - i.e. There will be a big consumption, and a lot of time on n layers and dichloromethane will have time.

I managed to hide yesterday, yeah :))

Docker S4.

A chemical agent for removing paint is applied to the surface of the pipe with a tassel. A good example of such chemicals can be a fairly effective washout of all types of paints without damage to metal and plastic pipes - Docker S4 (manufacturer Docker Kemikal GmbH Rus.)

After 10-15 minutes after applying a Docker, the docker paint is scraped with a spatula or an acute chisel, we are cleaned with a metal skurt, and then the surface of the pipe is wiping with a cloth moistened with a solvent.

Decapant Gel Express

DECAPANT GEL EXPRESS to remove universal chemicals to remove paintwork, which can be used to remove obsolete paint, varnish, plaster, mastic, glue (except for two-component coatings) from any type of surface - wooden, glass, metal, cement, with ceramic tiles . This gelling agent does not lead to blades of wood, does not flow when applied to a vertical surface. The medium layer 2-3 cm is applied to the brush on the surface of the surface, it is maintained with a maximum of 30 minutes, the destroyed and softened old coating is removed by the scraper, and the surface is washed with warm water with a rigid synthetic brush.

Large metal surface can be cleaned wet grinding: The surface is wetted with water and removed an outdated layer with a waterproof skin.

Painting of the radiator with a normal paint and varnish coating

In normal condition, paint without visible flaws, if the layer is only one (or two) and they lie smoothly, you can paint on top without removing the old coating. Only pre-processing is needed.

Prayer Aluminum and Bimetallic Battery

If you want to paint an aluminum or bimetallic battery in which you only do not suit the color, think well, is it worth spoiling a good coating. Maybe it is necessary to close the radiator in this case? And one more point: if you have the radiators on warranty, then after painting the plant (or seller) will refuse to refuse warranty repair. Even if the reason is completely different.

If you want to get a coloring like "Factory" contact a specialized service station. They paint cars by the same technology. Can agree to paint your radiators

If the need to paint an aluminum or bimetallic radiator is still there, it is better to contact a specialized car repair shop. Only they can professionally help. If you want to do everything with your own hands, you can use the paint for cars in the canister. But with this option, there is a chance that in those places where the radiator is often touched by the top layer, although it depends on the quality of the auto-email and the starting coating of the radiator.

If still decided to take advantage of the authemal, you need to work on hot batteries. And the more hot, the better. Drying time at 130 ° C - 20 minutes, at 60 OC- 40 min, and at 20 oC - month.

Important condition: during work and all the time, while the paint dries, the window should be open, the doors to other rooms are closed. Create work in a mask and gloves

Paints in the cannters a lot, but they need to spray them for hot batteries

Everyone around will have to close with paper, old rags. The balloon thing thing is good, but I almost turned there, and everything is painted into the tone of the radiators ... While working, observe the distance that you need for uniform spraying is about 20-30 cm, but it is written exactly on the package. And in general, even before buying, carefully read both instructions and recommendations for use. So you will understand whether to ensure the required conditions for applying paint.

The same order: Start from the inner surfaces, then go through the outer-down-down. Do not strive to achieve perfect coloring from the first time. It is almost unreal, especially if the base color is white, and some bright shade is applied to it. If it is too long to keep a jet in one place, there will be influx and drums. It is much more difficult to fight with them than with disgraced places. Better after complete drying, apply another or two layers. The result will be better.

If you hold a jet in one place for a long time, or to bring the can, it turns out such a drop

Change the color of cast iron

Most often in coloring need iron batteries of an old sample. Works, unambiguous, it is better to spend after the end of the heating season: and safer for you, and the color will be better. Then the order is:

  • Fully and thoroughly clean the radiator from dust and dirt. It makes "dry" - vacuum cleaner and brush. If there are contaminants that are not deleted in this way, try water with detergent. Fat is well removed with dishwashes or special acids. This is not the easiest and most pleasant process, but if you do not remove the contamination, then the paint will be tubercles and irregularities. Therefore, we clean diligently. Let the battery dry.
  • Then remove the skin of the upper layer of paint. It is necessary to create a rough surface. Only so the paint will go to the smoothly. You do not need to consider paint completely if it is smooth and without cracks. Shallow emery paper make the surface of a rough, aligning, if necessary, shallow flaws.
  • Wash off dust with water and give the radiator to dry.
  • Cover all primer compatible with selected paint for batteries, wait until it dry.
  • Apply paint with tassels in several thin layers.

    First you need to sand old paint, then wash off dust and primed

Prayer panel radiator

There may be two options. If there is a factory deposition of enamel, it is better to use the cartridge with the aircraft. If the paint is usual, the order of action is for cast iron. With the only difference that the front panel is easier to paint with roller, and not tassels.

But in the panel radiators you need to change the color of the lattices. They will already need to paint with tassels. If there is a rust on the lattices, they should first be cleaned, then process rust converter, primed (composition with anti-corrosion effect), and only then paint. All these means is easiest to buy on the car market - there are many of them in different packaging.

Mechanical removal methods

The main condition for choosing one or another method of cleaning the surface of the steel pipe is to preserve its integrity. In particular, this concerns the mechanical method, since too much effort can lead to a decrease in the wall thickness.

Mechanical restoration

If a small amount of work is planned - the metal brush can be used as the main tool. With it, it is effectively removed by a layer of paint even in hard-to-reach places. The disadvantage is a big difficulty. For processing the entire surface of the highway, it will take a long time.

Therefore, the power tools are most often applied:

  • Drill. By setting a special nozzle, the outer part of the pipe is processed. It is important not to damage the metal surface. Complete processing of the back of the highway;
  • Angle grinder. The use of the grinder is more practical, as its disk has a sufficiently large diameter to remove paint from the mounting nodes.

Along with the task, the mechanical processing allows you to clean the pipeline from rust. Additionally smoothed irregularities. At the end of the work, the residues of the paint are cleaned with a solvent.

Thermal method

This method is based on the heating of the enamel of the jet from the industrial hair dryer, as a result, the coating will begin to separate from the metal. You can then remove the soften paint with a brush or spatula. But the industrial hair dryer does not always help.

If there are a lot of paint layers, it is best to use a soldering lamp. It instantly dispels the paint to the boiling point, but be prepared for the soot and the release of harmful substances. It is best to remove the battery and enjoy it in the open air. Deciding to produce firing in the house, do not forget about the respirator. Be especially careful, working with open fire in the room.

Mechanical method

This method of cleaning radiators from old paint is the easiest and most effective. The essence of this method is to remove the enamel. You will need a spatula for work. Relief cast iron batteries are easiest to clean using special devices. For example, wear a wire brush on the electric drill. Of course, it will have to clean the batteries in the respirator and protective glasses. The procedure is dusty and quite laborious, dust is formed during cleaning. But you will finish work in a few hours.

Before starting the cleaning process, open the windows and clog the openings that lead to neighboring rooms so that the dust does not spread throughout the room. Warn the neighbors, because the noisy procedure.

Preparatory activities

Before cleaning the pipe from paint by any of the considered methods, it is designed to prepare to prepare for repair work. Such preparation is as follows:

  1. First of all, from the room in which toxic chemicals will be used, it is necessary to remove children, older people and animals, and then provide the possibility of fresh air inflows in this place (all windows and doors in the apartment are revealed in most cases) .
  2. If there are closest from the place of work of the carpets or Palasas, they are removed and temporarily transferred to another room. Such prudency will not allow the fibers of the carpet products to be soaked in caustic odors, and will exclude the possibility of random damage to the processing of pipes.
  3. In addition, it will be necessary to remove all objects interfering with it from the work.
  4. Before you begin work with reactivities you need to change clothes into work clothes, and put on safety glasses and a respirator. In the absence of a respirator, it will be possible to take advantage of the marry bandage (mask), which you need to change in times of thirty minutes.
  5. Then it is possible to intently examine the place of damage and completely make sure that the iron base of the Tumbler and does not lack the replacement.

Methods and metal removal means



Funds commercially available are universal, as they are intended for softening almost any soil, paintwork, and some - and to remove rust. Approximately half an hour (± 10 min, depending on the manufacturer), the scattered mass of paint is easy to remove mechanically. For example, a spatula, a knife, a chisel.

Price - from 188 rubles / score. (0.5 ml).


Such means are called. Unlike aerosols, they are not sprayed, but are applied with a brush. The processing process is longer, but as practice shows, their consumption is much lower.

Price - from 258 rubles / l.


The specific agent is chosen depending on the type of paint. This technique is applicable to remove the old layer only in separate areas, and that if its thickness is insignificant. No high efficiency and is used less frequently.

Features - any "chemistry" contains toxic components. Before use, it is necessary to take care of the means of protection and provide high-quality ventilation in the room.


The choice of tools and devices is limited only by the presence of what is in the house.

  • EL / Drill (perforator, "Bulgarian") with a nozzle (). It is advisable to use if you need to remove the paint from the pipe on a fairly large (over longness) area.
  • Brush with metal "VILLINS".
  • Frame with large teeth (for example, rasp).
  • Paper emery with large abrasive fractions.


The meaning of such a technological operation - in the warming of the metal, after which the softened paint layer is removed by mechanical method

Basically, this uses a hair dryer (construction), less often (with some precautionary measures) - soldering lamp.

Using mechanical methods for cleaning pipes from paint, rust, should not be made to considerable effort. The "Mode" of surface processing must be gentle. Why? It is visually difficult, especially under the layer of paintwork, determine the degree of metal wear. Therefore, excessive zeal can lead to cracks, depressurization of the joints. The result - the emergence (maybe after some time) leaks and new, but already more voluminous and complex repairs.

Before processing the pipe by any drug, it should be securely cover all adjacent surfaces. Moreover, it is not a newspaper, which is done quite often before painting, but by a waterproof material (better - rubberized cloth).

Such a suspension will not be superfluous, as it is not known how "chemistry" will behave when contact with floor-coating, wall decoration, plinths (especially if they are from the newcomer plastic).

Watch the video to remove paint from the heating radiator and pipes:

Methods of cleaning radiators

Before you begin painting the heating devices, you must remove the former coating from them. There are several ways to remove the old paint with batteries.

Option One - mechanical cleaning. To implement it, you can use:

  • special brushes for metal work;
  • angular grinding machine;
  • different nozzles for electric drill;
  • coarse sandpaper.

This method is characterized by the complexity, it will take a lot of time and patience to implement it, especially the ribs of radiators.

Option is the second - cleaning with the use of chemical reagents. Paint with batteries are usually sold in glass containers. If a construction wash is applied, it is necessary to ensure the air ventilation and use the respirator.

There is a certain sequence of actions in how to remove the old paint from the heating battery:

  • a little liquid is poured into the plastic cuvette;
  • with the help of the brush, the compositions are neatly applied on all surfaces of the device;
  • withstand the time gap specified in the instructions for the composition, most often it is 20 minutes;
  • when the coating flashes and begins to flap, it is cleaned with all the surfaces of the radiator, the metallic spatula of the medium width is best suited for this;
  • the final cleaning is performed by a metal brush.

One liter of chemical reagent will be enough to remove paint from a battery consisting of 10 sections. To facilitate the work before removing the paint from the heating battery, its surface must be thoroughly rinsed with soap water and dry.

When the radiator is ribbed, the chemical composition is more convenient to apply with a sprayer. Before proceeding with the work, given the features of the mixture, from the processing zone you need to remove objects produced from plastic and rubber, and on top of the floor covering the liner.

To remove paint and primer from one battery, it is necessary about one chemical reagent can. After 30 minutes, the coating begins to swell. The paint becomes soft and it can be easily clean with a brush on a metal or just a spatula.

Sometimes one time is not enough to remove the previous coating and then the procedure must be repeated.

Remove paint with heating battery

The way to remove the old paint from the battery is selected individually.

Stripping and primer surface radiators

If the procedure, how to remove paint with cast iron batteries, is understandable, and the composition can be completely removed, then from the radiators of the new sample with a powder coating, it will be difficult to do it.

The smooth polymer surface is an obstacle to getting a good clutch of old and new paint. In this situation, only one way is possible how to remove the paint from the battery is a mechanical cleaning of the surface of the device with emery paper.

When the gloss is removed and the old coating is cleaned, the entire radiator is degreased by White-spirit, nephrase or similar solvent. Subsequent actions depend on the type of selected paint. Enamels made on the basis of heat-resistant varnish or silicone can be applied directly to the metal, and alkyd and acrylic compositions need to be founded, providing good adhesion of the new coating with the surface.

In order to extend the life of a newly colored heating equipment, it is necessary to perform a qualitatively primer, and the composition should be prepared in advance for this. The GF-021 brand is most popular, which is intended for acrylic and alkyd paints. Usually it has gray and red-brown.

Painting battery

For painting, heating radiators are used with tassels, roller or paint.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. The paint is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Then poured into a small cuvette or a different container.
  3. If it is necessary, the coloring composition is diluted with the solvent of the desired brand. This moment is particularly important when working with the paintopult when a more liquid consistency is required.
  4. When using alkyd enamels and heat-resistant varnishes, the White spirit is used, neoprase, and acrylic compositions are diluted with simple water.

A roller or brush is immersed in the paint and begin to paint the radiator from top to bottom into two layers.

Method of use of chemistry

Different chemicals for removing old paint are sold in construction stores. All of them are poisonous, you need to use the respirator or at least a gauze bandage. You can try to eliminate the paint with a special means B-52.

Before proceeding directly to the cleaning process, you need to perform a number of requirements:

  • Clean the room from unnecessary items.
  • Remove the carpets, as the caustic smell of chemistry can absorb them, and you will create unnecessary problems.
  • Make sure the room will not run in the room.
  • Open the windows and doors so that the room is constantly ventilated.
  • Finally, make sure that they may have to be replaced.

Apply a chemical solution to the surface. Try to avoid the method of chemical processing, if you can remove the paint with a mechanical way. If after a mechanical method still remains some kind of layer, then in this case without chemistry it is not necessary. After applying chemistry to the surface, you need to wait from 10 to 20 minutes, as indicated in the instructions, after which a spatula or knife remove the remaining paint and remove the remnants of the means with a rag.

Delete paint with chemicals need in the respirator

Is it possible to paint a hot battery

In principle, you can. But then you need to pick up the paint with a suitable application mode, and they cost two times more expensive, require compliance with security measures (respirator and open windows), much stronger "smell", exist in a much smaller assortment. So the controversial decision.

Is it possible to apply ordinary paint on a hot battery? Do not recommend this. But, as usual, many do this. The smell is then much stronger, but when working in a mask and with an open window, the risk to poison is minimal. But this is not all trouble. Some species of paints with hot applying change color, there is a risk instead of a white battery get

There are special paints for applying hot surfaces. They can paint a hot battery


Second trouble - paint on the hot battery dries very quickly. It is impossible to break or distract, you need to work intensively with a tassel. And still achieve smooth color will be hard. If you only need to "update" the color, it is still possible, and radically change - unreal. Wait for the end of the heating season or disconnect the battery with ball valves.

There are several types of paints, which are desirable to apply on hot radiators. These are some types of auto email. Another acrylic enamel "Rainbow" for metal and radiators of heating. It is desirable to apply it to a hot battery or pipe. On cold will appear after drying the crack. But before work carefully read the instructions and follow her exactly. Enamel is good, odorless. If the repair is needed urgent - look for such suitable colors.

Read more about paints for radiators here.

Features processing

Construction Fen

Purification of pipes with a mechanical method is reduced, as already noted, to heat the surface with a damaged protective layer and to subsequent stripping using a spatula, a knife-cutter, a metal brush or ordinary emery paper (the choice of a particular tool depends on the surface state).

Shredder paint and varnish coatings

In the case of chemical cleaning, you can use a whole set of special means (solvents and washes), widely represented today in the domestic market. Special attention deserves the following names:

  1. B-52 solvent, allowing to remove dyes of various brands. Its use is reduced to the impregnation of a rag with liquid, followed by wetting the damaged space with paint residues. For better decomposition of the dye, a rag with a reagent is recommended to leave on the processing place for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Special washes used for both metal and iron pipes, most often having an unpleasant, sharp smell. It is that this case refers to the requirement of compulsory repair of the premises, as well as on the use of a respirator or a protective mask.

Note! The washes is applied to the treated surface using the brush impregnated with a reagent at a time from 5 to 30 minutes (depending on the result required). Before painting purified in this way, the pipes must necessarily give time to dry

Chemical methods

Paint removal

The least time consuming is the use of special chemical compositions. To use them, it is enough to apply to the surface of the pipeline, and then with the help of sandpaper or the wind remove the layer of paint.

Chemical compounds can be liquid or pasty. The first is required if there are hard-to-reach plots in the highway. Pasty are more efficient, since they have an increased content of solvent components.

Features of chemical cleaning of old paint from the surface of heating pipes:

  • Ventilation indoors where work is carried out;
  • Compliance with all security measures, the use of protective agents;
  • Compatibility control means with pipe manufacturing material. After it is applied on the surface of the steel structure, defects should not appear.

Sandpaper or chisel is also used to clean the residues of the paint coating. Upon completion of processing, the tool is removed by gasoline or acetone.

The choice of one or another method depends on the quality of the old coating, as well as the location of pipelines. In residential premises it is not recommended to apply thermal processing.

Effective paint removal methods

Among the existing ways to remove old paint are the most effective:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

Each of them has its advantages and cons, so it is worth studying all the options in more detail before you give preference to a particular method.

Preparation for paint removal in different ways, recommendations

Cleaning pig-iron batteries is best done, not starting repairs on the street. However, such ideal conditions are not always possible. For work, a metal staple, gloves, rigid brush, safety glasses and rags will be required.

The solvents used must be in a tightly closed factory container. Damage to rubber gaskets located on the border of the joints of sections can lead to the flow of the radiator, so they should not be treated with aggressive compositions.

If the mechanical cleaning is performed in the room, fresh air should be provided. When using this method, the drawing is not required.

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How to remove paint from the battery

During repairs, among others, it is necessary to solve the question of how to remove paint from the battery. Cast iron radiators are often used in the design of the premises, especially if they have an unusual look. Therefore, before applying a new coating, it is necessary to remove perennial layers of old oil paint.

How to quickly clean the battery?

All known chemical washes can be used to clean the cast-iron radiators. This is the easiest way to get rid of many layers of paint. But among chemicals there are special means to remove nitroemals and oil compositions, epoxy or polyurethane varieties. Their use may be ineffective for paints of another species.

Most often there is no way to find out what exactly painted the battery. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire universal drugs that can dissolve several types of enamels. In the nearby past for repair work, nitrocracy and oil enamel were most often used. Both species well removes the WFT Wash.

The composition of Paint & Varnish Stripper on a water basis does not flow from vertical surfaces and is economical. For the processing of the heating battery from 12 sections, approximately 1 liter of washing is sufficient. It operates after 15 minutes.

For work it will be necessary:

  • chemical washes for paint;
  • flat painting brush medium size.

Before removing the old paint with heating batteries, you need to close the floor and furniture with polyethylene or newspapers. Safety technique when working with chemicals provides for a person, the presence of gloves, respirator, safety glasses. It is advisable to open the window in the room.

The washes can be applied with a painter brush, trying to evenly moisten the composition of all surfaces of the heating battery. If the fluid is in an aerosol cylinder, then it is sprayed according to the instructions. The composition is valid for 30-60 minutes. At the same time, the old paint swells and softened. It can be quite easy to remove a spatula or knife. Places that cannot be processed, cove your wash again.

After removing the paint, the radiator washed with warm soapy water. The inner surfaces of the sections are conveniently rinsed from a domestic sprayer. Pure battery wipe with a rag and dry before painting.

Mechanical cleaning method

This is the most time-consuming method. To remove the colorful layer, instruments with an abrasive surface are used: rashpille, files, emery skirt. But the durable layer is not easy to remove in the hollows of the grainy and uneven surface of the cast iron.

If the farm has a drill or bulgaria (angular grinding machine), the use of technology can significantly facilitate the task. For these devices there are special nozzles similar to round brushes made of brass or other metal. Before starting work, it is necessary to wear safety glasses and a respirator, as many harmful dust are formed in the process (when using a grinder) and randomly flying sharp sharp coating fragments.

Metal brush to fix in the cartridge drill or on the grinder. Turn on the network tool and clean, slowly moving along each section by removing the old coating. If the bristles of the nozzle extended the hard cast iron before the end of work, the brush must be replaced, and then continue the process.

Thermal battery cleaning method

If the radiator is not fixed on the wall, and already purchased in the removed form, then clean it is easiest with the help of fire. This will require:

  • soldering lamp (burner, construction hairdryer);
  • putty knife;
  • brush with steel bristles;
  • solvent for paints universal.

It is better to produce work with the assistant, as you have to warm the paint almost simultaneously and delete it. Eyes and respiratory bodies protect with glasses and respirator, put on gloves. Works are carried out only in the open air, in places safe from a fire point of view.

Radiator put on the floor, light the lamp or burner. To direct the jet of the flame for one of the sections and heat the paint until it starts to bubble. The softened layer quickly remove the spatula. Continue to heat and scrape the coating until the radiator is completely cleaned.

When the battery cools, the residues of the paint carefully remove the metal brush. Apply a solvent layer, wipe the surface of the radiator. After that, evaluate the quality of the work done. If necessary, the process can be repeated or improved by the result, processing the surface of the grinding machine.

Batteries, cleaned with fire or rigid brushes, covered with a layer of dust. This hoist needs to be carefully removed before painting, using soap warm water. After removal of dust, the radiator must be dried within 24 hours, and then decorate according to its own taste.


Battery paint

When painting, there is an important rule: better two or three thin layers of paint than one thick. And do not try perfectly paint the first time

Taking more paint on the brush, you will most likely get fatties from which it will not be so easy to get rid of. At the same time, it will be no closer to an ideal native surface than to paint. Therefore, paints take little and thoroughly rub it. Let even a little visible metal or old paint. All fix the following layers.

There will be different brushes for work.

First stain inner surfaces. This can help a brush with a bent knob. They may need several: from rather thick, up to the thinnest. You can only climb into some places with the old toothbrush, so find it. We start painting on top-down from the most extreme section. From where to the right - right or left - how comfortable.

After everything inside was processed, starting to paint the outer surface. The sequence is the same: from one edge to another, top-down. Why not the opposite? Because when painting from below, drops will fall on the already painted surface, they will again need to rub the tassel. Excess work and time.

After applying the first layer, wait until it dry. Drying time before applying the next layer is usually indicated on the label. Then, in the same sequence, apply the second one. Then determine whether it is required to paint again.

You need to start painting from internal surfaces, otherwise you will be painted no worse than the battery

Another point: if after the first layer I went unevenly, there were drips and irregularities, after drying, take the skin and challenge them. The second time already experience will be more and everything will work out better.

How to remove paint from heating radiator

Hello! If you saw that in your heating radiators crackled or paint swept, it will need to remove it. To do this, you can use different ways.

The easiest and fastest way to remove the old paint from the radiator is to use chemicals. Such a tool can be bought in a construction store. These funds are sold in the form of powders, gels and aerosols. You need to buy this or that means only after you learn how radiators were painted paint. This is due to the fact that for each type of paint, a different chemical substance is used.

For example, if the heating radiators were painted with oil paint, then to remove the paint it is best to buy an aerosol. It is applied to the surface of the radiator for 15-20 minutes, after which the paint is removed with a dry cloth. In those places where the paint did not take out, the procedure is repeated

During the removal of paint with chemicals, it is very important to comply with the elementary safety regulations. These rules include the fact that all works are performed only in gloves.

During paint with a chemical way, it is best to air the room, since such substances will negatively affect health.

You can still use chemicals that will have a water base. This method of washing is that the wash will need to be applied to the surface of the battery with a conventional tassel. Before you put a wash, you will need to be displayed the floor so that it does not get on its surface. In order to have a chemical wash on a water basis, it will be necessary to correctly calculate the number of sections. The consumption of such a washing must be calculated from the fact that 1 liter of washing goes to 12 sections.

It will be possible to use a thermal method for removing old paint from the surface of heating radiators. This method of removing old paint involves the use of a soldering lamp or a construction dryer. With these simple devices, you can remove the paint. To do this, the old layer of paint is well warmed up and removed using a conventional metal spatula. When you take paint in a thermal way, you will need to open the windows, since in the process of heating the paint will be highlighted quite unpleasant odor.

If you do not have a soldering lamp or a construction dryer, but there is a Bulgarian, then you can use a mechanical way to remove paint from radiators. To do this, you will need to wear a special circle on the Bulgarian, which will have the same surface as sandpaper. After that, the battery surface is well processed. And in order to be able to remove the paint between sections, it is desirable to remove the batteries and disassemble the prosecution. After the paint is completely removed, you will need to apply on all sections 2 - 3 layers of paint and connect together. After all sections are fastened together, they can be put on the previous place.

If your finances are allowed, then you can use an effective way to remove old paint from the surface of radiators, and in this way there is sandblasting. This method of paint removal will not require expensive equipment from you, but will require some skills. For the removal of old paint, this method, you will only need the presence of a compressor and nozzle, which is necessary for working with sandblasting. All other works will depend directly from you. Paint in this way is removed quite quickly and easily, and most importantly, it does not even take much time.

Radiators Heating Novelty or Tradition

In modern apartments, you can find all types of heating radiators - from ancient cast iron batteries to modern high-tech products. All of them can be divided into two groups: convection radiators and radiating heating devices. To us, in the context of our interest, their form and material from which they are manufactured are more important.

Sectional radiators of water heating.

As a rule, several such radiators are connected in the battery. By material manufacturing, sectional radiators are several species.

  • cast iron radiators;
  • aluminum sectional radiators;
  • bimetallic (contain aluminum and steel parts).

Features of work and the right choice of paint

To change the appearance of the radiator with staining, it is necessary to conduct such steps:

  • Choose paint.
  • Conduct preparatory operations.
  • Paint the battery.
  • Dry paint.

For painting heating devices, heat-resistant compounds are used:

  • Acrylic. Compositions having a water base, which includes an acrylic polymer, do not smell, remain bright for a long time. The paint can be given any shade, while the corresponding pigment is added to the basic enamel.

Tip: When choosing a coating, its thermal resistance should be taken into account.

Acrylic paint for applying on the surface of radiators is designed for heating temperature to 80? P.

  • Alkida. In such compositions, the basis is organic solvents, the strength of the coating above acrylic.

Tip: Choose alkyd enamel does not follow the surface in white color or light colors, such coatings are rather quickly yellow. Compositions on an alkyd basis can be painted batteries, but it is necessary to pick up dark colors.

  • Heat-resistant varnish where you can add powder from aluminum, bronze.
  • Silicone resin.

To apply paints to cast iron radiators to give them a more aesthetic appearance, two-component compounds are used, in which the heat-resistant varnish is mixed with a powder having a certain color under:

  • Gold.
  • Silver.
  • Bronze.

Their price is relatively low, the coating is well applied on the product and has sufficient durability. Silicone coatings have the same properties, only for their applying enamel is very expensive. The appearance of radiators can be updated by applying the compositions in aerosol cans having a wide color gamut, and the coating process is significantly accelerating.

Removing multilayer paint chemical washes

This method involves the use of aerosols and liquid solvents. Aerosols are considered more efficient to manage even with hard-to-reach places. They are sprayed evenly on the surface of the radiator. After half an hour, as a result of the chemical reaction, the paint softened and easily removed with a metal brush or spatula.

Important! To achieve a good result and effective action of the composition, the room temperature should be at least 10 ° C. . Plate cast iron batteries can be cleaned with liquid washes.

It is applied by a uniform layer on the radiator and withstand 15 minutes. Cut paint is removed with a spatula or a metal brush. Before you buy a tool, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions and specify, for what coating it can be applied.

Plate cast iron batteries can be cleaned with liquid washes. It is applied by a uniform layer on the radiator and withstand 15 minutes. Cut paint is removed with a spatula or a metal brush. Before you buy a tool, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions and specify, for what coating it can be applied.

Heat treatment

The paint under the influence of high temperatures is distinguished by hazardous substances, so such a procedure should not be carried out in a closed room. If the conditions allow you to cope with the perennial layer of paint will help build a construction hairdryer or soldering lamp. It is convenient to have an assistant who will quickly remove the preheated paint.

Before painting and decorating a layer of dust with batteries is removed by soapy water. Applying these methods, you will make heating radiators worthy decoration of your home.

What is better oil or enamel

Heating radiators work in complex thermal conditions. Therefore, the most important factor affecting the durability of the painted surface and its beautiful appearance is the choice of paint.

Requirements for contemporary paints for heating radiators.

The paint should perform functions on the effective protection of the surface from the effects of moisture, do not change its color and structure under the influence of high temperature. The factor of mechanical strength is also important. The heating systems of our homes are designed for temperature to 80 ° C, so for work it is quite suitable for both domestic enamels and paints of foreign manufacturers.

Which paint choose .

Emale PF-115

Frequently used pentafal enamel PF-115 is the optimal option for the criteria for the price / quality. Not bad results can be obtained using PF-156 paints, PF-167, PF-187, PF-223, PF-519. Silonyorganic KO-168 enamels have proven perfectly, being heat-resistant and resistant to the abrasion of materials. You can successfully apply alkyd paints and enamels, they successfully cope with a temperature of up to 100 degrees and have high mechanical strength. However, they have significant disadvantages, such as a strong sharp smell and longer drying time.

But the legendary oil paint seems to go back to non-existence: its color is extremely unstable when exposed to elevated temperatures.

Variety of painting materials

From more expensive foreign analogues, you can recommend acrylic and alkyd enamels designed specifically for staining radiators and hot water pipes. It should be noted that acrylic and acrylate paints and varnishes practically do not smell and differ in high drying rate. To date, this is the most promising material for the finishing coating of heated surfaces.

Previously, all central heating batteries were painted in white. Indeed, it is most immelled in the windows under the windows and combines with any tone of the finish. Now the pigmenting of paints is still becoming increasingly, due to this, they reach the coincidence of the colored radiator with a common tone of the room.

Tip: If you plan to paint the cast iron batteries of an old type or aluminum radiators with a rough outer surface, choose a matte paint - it will help effectively hide all defects and irregularities.

How to remove old paint with battery

Often the question is not in how to paint, but in how to remove the old paint. There are several ways.


You can remove the paint from the radiator with a drill and a special nozzle. Even the mechanical methods include the processing of the radiator with emery paper. But this is a very long process that will select a lot of time and no less strength. If there is no drill, you can pay for its rent, and for a few hours remove all the layers of paint to metal. Manual will have to spend on this all day, and maybe not one - depends on the size of the battery and the amount of paint on it.

For the processing of the radiator, the emery paper needs considerable patience.


A special paste is often used to remove paint. It has the kind of gel. Take a clean brush and apply the composition on all surfaces. If a lot of paints, processing in 20 minutes you need to repeat (right on top of the previous layer). Then the radiator is recommended to cover with the film - so the impact will be more intense. After waiting the time lapse specified in the instructions, you wear a mask, gloves, armed with a spatula and a brush with a metal bristle. First remove the paint with a spatula, then clean the remnants of the brush. Especially "harmful" or hard-to-reach places can be lost by sandpaper.

These are washes for paint and the result of their work

Thermal method

The paintwork on the batteries is applied thermally resistant, but it starts to peel at certain temperatures. Because to remove the old paint from the radiator, it must be heated.

The metal radiator will sufficiently heat the construction hairdryer or a soldering lamp. When the metal temperature exceeds the paint-critical point (it is 120-140 ° C usually), it will sweep and start bubble. Here and you need to remove it with a spatula.

The cast-iron battery will have to warm in this way for a long time, time will leave, and the effect will be insignificant. Very large heat capacity in cast iron, heat the construction hairdryer to 120-140 ° C is very difficult. As an option: Partially use the chemical method, partially - thermal, places without hands or drill.

Sometimes it can only help high temperature

There is one way, but only for older "accordions". It will part-time will remove all the sediments that have accumulated inside. But for this, the battery will need to be removed, and then completely repack. And immediately about sad: when using this method, there may be lack of casting. In the process of cleaning, the rusted particles fall off and fistulas may appear. But on the other hand, it is better to immediately exclude all the proceeded sections than to eliminate damage during the heating season. Especially since it will still have to sort out the entire radiator.

Now about the method itself. Remove the radiator, and throw it into the fire. All the paint is burning, you can only clean the surface with a metal brush or a drill with a nozzle. The cooled battery needs to be disassembled into the sections, remove the boosted gaskets on the collectors. Then every section to catch up with Cyanka and pour out all the garbage, which has accumulated there for the years. When assembling, put new gaskets, you can use new nipples, and you can put old if they are in normal condition. The collected battery is pressed, and then paint. Time leaves a lot, but it is not only painting, a and "general cleaning".

How to paint a cast iron radiator

After the old paint is removed, the battery will begin to the metal shine (a drill with a cord brush). Then carefully, treated with a "low-fat" solvent, for example, acetone or pure gasoline. You need to wipe everything until the rag, wetting in the solvent, will not be clean.

After drying, cover the entire surface and inside and outside the primer. For the cast-iron battery, it is necessary to take the composition that provides anti-corrosion protection. Otherwise, after a while, rusty stains and drips will appear on the surface. You can (and even need) use primers for cars. They provide high-quality protection. The method of applying paint is described above: We begin with the inner parts, and the starting from above, we move down. Then in the same principle handle the outer surfaces. Separate layers. Every time we wait until it dry completely. I obey the flaws, then we pass the second, and if necessary, the third time. Only so you can achieve high-quality coloring.

Paint iron radiator can be in any way

How to prepare a battery for painting

Before painting an old heating battery, you need to properly perform preparatory work, otherwise the high-quality coating will not work.

Before painting the radiator is necessary:

  • Prepare tools and properly organize a workplace.
  • Remove the old paint and the rust appeared.
  • Clean and degrease the surface.
  • Perform priming.

Beautiful coating is most convenient to apply on dismantled radiators. When connecting them to the heating system using American or special kits, it is easy to remove the batteries. If they are rigidly fixed in the heating system, you will need to protect the walls and sexual coating from dirt, paving a polyethylene film or any other material. In advance, it is necessary to prepare the tools and the necessary materials for the work.

What methods are purified by batteries

Before painting old batteries, it is necessary to remove the paint on them.

It can be done:

  • Mechanically. In this case, the coating is considered:

special brushes for metal;
sandpaper with large grain;
various nozzles for electric drills;
Angular grinding machine.

This method is very laborious, requires a lot of patience and time, especially when cleaning surfaces inside and ribs.

  • Using chemical reagents. Such construction workers are designed to remove old paint from any surfaces. Fastened the composition is usually in glass container.

Tip: When using a construction wash, you should ensure good ventilating room and be sure to use the respirator.

When removing old paint:

a little liquid is poured into the plastic cuvette;
The brush is neatly applied composition on all surfaces of the radiator;
The instruction indicates the time interval that needs to withstand after applying the composition is usually about 20 minutes;
After the coating is wrinkled and start peeling, it should be removed from all surfaces of the radiator. For this, the average width of the metal spatula is good, as in the photo, which is convenient to clean the surface from the thick layer of old paint in the corners and in the joints of the sections of the radiator sections;
Final cleaning is performed with your own hand with a brush for metal.

The chemical composition of one liter is enough to remove paint from the radiator consisting of 10 sections.

Tip: For convenience, the surface of the battery should be additionally rinsed with water with soap and dry.

To remove the coating from the ribbed radiator, it is more convenient to apply a universal chemical substance with a spray. Before work, taking into account the characteristics of the mixture, it is necessary to remove all items made of rubber and plastic from the processing zone, the floor covering is protected by oil.

To remove paint and primer for one heating battery, you will need approximately one chemical spray. After half an hour, the coating begins to swell. In this case, the air temperature is not lower than 10 ° C. The paint becomes sufficiently soft and it can be easily cleaned with a brush for metal or spatula. If one time is not enough to remove old paint, the procedure should be repeated.

Method How to remove old paint from the battery, chooses the owner of the room itself. And in detail how to remove the old paint from the battery, tells the video in this article.

How to clean and progress the surface

If you remove the old paint from the cast iron battery, it is clear and can be removed completely, then to prepare for the painting of the batteries for heating a new sample having a powder coating, remove the old will not fail. But the smooth surface of the coating of polymers prevents the good clutch or adhesion of the new paint with the old.

In this case, only one option is possible:

  • Mechanical cleaning of the surfaces of the radiator with emery paper.
  • Subsequent priming (see primer for steel pipes: how to apply).

After removing the gloss and purification of the old coating, the entire battery should be deguted with White spirit, nephrane or solvent-like solvent. Further operations depend on the type of new coverage. Thus, enamels made on the basis of silicone or heat-resistant varnish can be applied to bare metal, and alkyd and acrylic coatings will need an adhesive base to ensure good adhesion of the nanny sparking with the surface.

Tip: High-quality priming should be carried out before any type of coating, which will extend its life.

Metal primer, which is suitable under the applied composition, must be prepared in advance. The most popular GF-021 brand, under acrylic and alkyd paints. It is usually gray or red-brown.