Repairs Design Furniture

What a means for washing dishes. We remember the safe "grandmother" means for washing dishes. Criteria for which the owners choose detergents

Those washing fluids for cutlery, which offer us in stores, most often contain a huge list of substances harmful to health. And the only correct way here will be the replacement of them on one of the best tools for washing dishes, which is both safe for health, and effective. Just today we made their selection, in which you can find products for cleaning plates, saucepan, etc. both in the dishwasher and arms. The advantages and disadvantages of proposals for vegetarians, children and other categories are considered here. This rating will help choose the most optimal option!

  • Better Life. - Under this brand, products for cleaning dishwashers, floor, tiles in the kitchen and bathroom, as well as windows and glasses are sold. Most of all this is the concentrates that require dilution with water. The detergent liquids of the trademark are popular due to the lack of "side effects" (do not harm the skin of the hands and do not leave tracks on plates, cups, etc.), as well as because of their safety.
  • Attitude - This is a Canadian company producing natural, environmentally friendly and biodegradable household chemicals. The basis of her formulas is purely vegetable, safe to health and environment. In its assortment there are washing fluids with a good smell of lemon, apples, olives, etc. It creates inexpensive compositions and packaging them into large packaging (on average, 700 ml).
  • Method. - The firm creates one of the best means for washing dishes in terms of combining adequate price and efficiency. It uses many aromas, ranging from grapefruit and ending with cucumbers. Also, several types of packaging are offered to choose from - economical (packages) and more comfortable (bottles).

Rating of the best dishwashing tools

The selection was carried out taking into account the reviews of buyers, the number of positive and negative statements. We paid attention to the following characteristics:

  • Product type - gel, soap, powder or tablet;
  • The naturalness of the composition, whether there are artificial dyes and fragrances in it;
  • Side effect for the skin;
  • The amount of foam formed during washing;
  • Simplicity of flushing composition;
  • Smell;
  • Color;
  • Consistency;
  • Quality and efficiency;
  • Cost;
  • Volume;
  • Convenience of packaging;
  • Flow rate;
  • It is possible to dilute with water.

The availability of the product and the reputation of its manufacturer has become an important parameter when inclusive of the best means for washing the dishes.

Natural dishwashing agent

Better Life, Dish It Out - This is the unconditional leader of our ranking in terms of safety, naturalness, versatility and efficiency. In addition to the extract of lemon, Bergamot and some other components of natural origin, there is no hint of chemistry. The gel has a delicate consistency and a normal smell. It aggressively affects fat and even for old traces of food on plates, saucepans, etc., but at the same time there is a hand, so the gloves are simply not needed here. In this case, the means for removing fat from cutlery is quite inexpensive.


  • Small consumption;
  • Fast washout;
  • Lack of irritation even with the sensitive skin of the hands;
  • Does not leave behind the smell on plates, forks, etc.;
  • Does not cross the skin;
  • Hurry-free.


  • Bad foams.

Choosing one of the best means for washing dishes Better Life, Dish it out, remove fat with a saucepan, plates, frying pan can even be in cold water - so effectively it cleans the surface!

Price: 185 rub.

Volume: 651 mg.

Method, Clementine, 1064 ml - Among the budget liquids to clean the kitchen appliances, according to customer reviews, this is the best in our ranking. It very quickly and effectively dissolves fat, without applying harm to the lungs and skin of the hands. Those who do not like the smell of citrus, although it is not very strong here, you can choose the same product, only with the aroma of sea algae or lemon and mint. Yes, the packaging here is not the most practical, but the manufacturer offers to use a branded bottle. The advantages should be attributed to the biodegradability of the composition.


  • Well copes with fat on glass, plastic, wood and other surfaces;
  • Large volume;
  • There is enough enough;
  • Does not lose efficiency when diluting with water;
  • Thick consistency;
  • After use, kitchenware does not smell "chemistry";
  • Does not irritate the skin of the hands;
  • Easily washed off with water.


  • Without a bottle, the washing liquid is difficult to dispense correctly;
  • SLS in the composition.

Price: 212 rub.

Volume: 1064 mg.

According to buyers, the washing gel Method, Clementine has a normal smell and really well launders cups, mugs, plates, etc.

Without animal components

Attitude, wild flowers, 700 ml - This is one of the best tools for washing dishes in the form of a concentrate. Not only is it sold in one package quite a lot, so the gel can also be diluted. On the sink of ordinary sizes is enough and 15 mg. As a result, according to customer reviews, it is enough for more than 3-4 months. It is important that the product is tested by an independent laboratory and is recognized not only effective, but also safe to health. It is possible to put a good assessment for transparent color, and the absence of a sharp smell, indicating that there are no dangerous artificial dyes and fragrances.


  • It is easily washed off with water;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Weak smell;
  • Biologically decomposed;
  • Does not clog pipes;
  • Not tested on animals;
  • Large volume.


  • It is not always possible to guess with the proportions during water dilution.

Concentrate for the laundering of Attitude cutlery, wild flowers cleans the fatty pieces, spoons, the plates are so good that all this is not even noticed. They can also wash the tile in the kitchen, stove, etc.

For washing children's dishes

ATTITUDE Eco-Baby liquid 700 ml From a fairly popular manufacturer - a permanent leader in this nomination. It is interesting to what is designed with the most stringent standards of security and quality, which guarantees the absence of an allergy child. Moreover, the company declares that the product can be used even in order to wash infant kitchen accessories. Traditionally, this firm produces a concentrate that requires dilution with water, and this ensures economical flow. Well, naturally, since this is the best tool for washing children's dishes, it has a natural composition.


  • A lot of foam;
  • Flushing without residues;
  • Volume;
  • Economically spent;
  • Density;
  • Versatility;
  • Natural composition.


  • The dispenser would not hurt;
  • Opaque packaging, because of which it is difficult to control the consumption.

Helm for washing dishes Attitude Eco-Baby can be cleaned both children's kitchen accessories and, for example, baby toys.

Best Dishwasher Tablets

Method, Smarty Dish, Pink Grapefruit - This is a practical option that helps to quickly wash the mountains of the dishes. Moreover, they do not just remove fat, but also eliminate various spots, giving the kitchen utensils natural shine. And again, it was produced by the famous Method firm, which prefers not to experience the products on animals and uses natural components. In one package - 20 tablets that can be divided into several parts. Buyers especially like light floral fragrance, but the composition still leaves small divorces on some surfaces.


  • Quality;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Cost economy;
  • Unobtrusion odor;
  • She is washed to shine, although sometimes leaves a divorce.


  • After use, traces may be noticeable;
  • Poltailed lacks on the pan and skillet.

Method tablets, Smarty Dish work well with cutting devices from ceramics and metal, but with glass and plastic coped harder. At the same time, divorces remain largely due to rigid water, and not because of the bad composition.

What a means for washing dishes is better to buy

If possible, to preserve health, it is necessary to avoid compositions with artificial dyes and aromatic additives. Washing fluids should either smell not much and pleasant or not to have odor at all. The same applies to color, natural products are unlikely to be saturated blue, green, etc. For the profitability of use, it is worth seeking concentrates that can be diluted with water.

  • If you are focused mainly on the use of a dishwasher, it is better to buy special Method tablets, Smarty Dish with a grapefruit aroma.
  • To clean the children's plates, spoons, the forks can be selected specifically for this fluid, for example, Attitude Eco-Baby.
  • Those who are looking for a universal product, which could be used to clean not only kitchenware, but also sinks, stoves, tiles, etc., it is worth paying attention to the Better Life, DISH it out.
  • Strict vegetarians and those who do not want to apply detergent gels with animal components will suit the product Attitude, wild flowers.
  • Those who wish to buy a product with a small flow and so that it also laundered well, it is best to choose a Method concentrate, Clementine.

Having bought the best tool for washing dishes from this rating, it will be possible to significantly facilitate the process of guiding the purity and order, making it safer and efficient. Good luck shopping!

Greetings to everyone who looked into my blog!

Today I took the next package with shopping from Faberlik, in which, in addition to cosmetic products, there was a dishwashing agent.

Having considered and tying it, I decided to write an overview article on the dishwasher we use and try to figure out the better wash the dishes.

A set of certain requirements for washing dishes are presented to the dishwashing tools for which we judge their quality. Consistency of the means, and foaming, and the smell, and the convenience of packaging, and, of course, the price is also important for hostesses.

But in the first place is still safety, which is above all. Naturally, it's not a shoe cream - then all that was not washed off from the plates, we will use together with meals. And we will use, if you believe the information, quite a few.

As they write, for the year a person on average "eats" about 0.5 liters of detergent.

Let's fill a little on the safety of detergents. Unfortunately, when you start to read the composition of the dishes, then, usually, get upset, no wonder the manufacturer often writes the compositions tiny, barely distinguished letters - completely chemistry, the words "natural" or "organic" in the composition are not found, well, at least Extent in most formulations.

According to specialists in the field of detergents - many dishwashers leave after themselves a steady, poorly washed film, and the cause of this is surfactants. They are several species, but I will not upload you extra information, and I will consider only those who met me in the test facilities for dishes: anionic and non-ionic.

Poor, if the tool contains lauryl sulfates - which are anionic surfactants. They are especially aggressive, can cause allergies, damage to the kidneys and lungs, break immunity. Also, PAV has the ability to accumulate in the body: in the brain, liver, heart, and especially in fatty sediments.

And since we use dishwasher, we actually daily, then PAVI regularly replenish our body, continuously applied harm to it. Surfactants are considered harmful and, personal hygiene products, that is, where they are used outdoor, and we use them after washing the dishes inside, there is no harm and thinking about harmful.

All surfactants are partly soluble in water, notice - partially. That is, to wash them off from the dishes it is necessary to rinse it well. It is recommended to wash each cup-plate in running water 15-20 seconds. Laurisulfates have a bad mixability indicator, for clarity figures: Lauril phosphate is 0.47 mg / dm3, and the maximum 0.5 mg \\ dm3 permissible, that is, their washout at the limit.

I do not know how you, and I honestly confess that even knowing the harmfulness of detergents, so much dishes do not blame - or once or forget. For the purity of the experiment, once again my dishes, I tried to dress each item for 15 seconds. What to say?

First, the occupation is not for the faint of heart, it is for a long time and boring, secondly, takes away a lot of time, thirdly, the water consumption for the month will be colossal, and if you have counters for water, it is better to consider buying more expensive But less harmful and not requiring such long rinsing means.

Due to the harmfulness and poor blurredness of surfactants, experts advise you to choose products for dishes with the content of surfactants at least up to 15%.

I saw information that in Western European countries there are restrictions on the use of surfactants - their content is allowed in the range of 2-7%, unlike our 15%. I can not say how true it is true, but apparently voicing the numbers for our consumer, experts were guided by the saying: "That Russian is good, then the German death" 😉

Now about non-ionic surfactants. These surfactants have full, 100% biodegradability, therefore do not harm the environment and human health. And if the non-ionic surfactants are part of the detergent, they contribute to the reduction of the content of anionic substances on the skin.

Experts and GOST argue that after using a dishwashing detergent, a protective layer of the skin, which is covered with a layer of fatty film from above and, of course, destroyed under the influence of pavov, should recover within 4 hours at least up to 60%.

You can imagine how we are degreasing and dry our skin with one washware washings, and because not all detergents provide 60% restability.

Focusing on the above data, I conducted a "palace analysis" in relation to the funds used most often. See what happened.

To begin with, let's make a review of the compositions of the three most popular and advertised funds: "Fairy", "Morning Fresh" and "AOS".


Somehow my mother listened on TV, in some useful transmission that when testing for dishes, Fairy showed the best results on washing from dishes. Let's see whether it is reflected on the labels with the compositions.

Means for washing dishes "Fairi" Composition: surfactant is presented both anionic and uninogeneous: "5-15% anionic surfactants,<5% неионнгенные ПАВ». Кроме того, в составе: консерванты, ароматизирующие добавки, гексилкоричный альдегид и лимонен – и то и другое являются разновидностями отдушки, наличие этих веществ в концентрации, превышающей разрешенную, должно быть обязательно указано на этикетке. На этикетке о превышении не указано, видимо все в допустимых пределах.

"Fairy", I think we used almost everything. A pretty good remedy for economy, thickness, foaming and variety of smells. Although the last "Fairy" bought by me (called "tradition") with Aloe Vera and Cocos, it turned out simply with the impossible smell, at least in the means for dishes. Too sweet, too rich and absolutely not associated with the kitchen. In general, with fragrances sometimes overdo it.

"Morning Fresh"

From the pavov, only anionic, and in the quantity exceeding the recommendations of specialists: 15-<30%. Остальные составляющие: вода, отдушка, краситель, консервант. Средство, которое почему-то полюбилось моему мужу, и он периодически хочет видеть его в кухне. Я думаю, ему нравиться консистенция и ненавязчивые запахи. Но судя по объемам содержащихся в средстве анионных ПАВов, а также по отсутствию неинногенных, мыть посуду «Morning Fresh» нам больше не светит.


AOC dishwashing agent, composition. Here the following painting is here: an anionic - 15% or more, but less than 30% (that is, too, an excess), unnogenic less than 5%. Also comprises: the salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is less than 5% (which can cause skin irritation, mucosa, respiratory tract), flavoring additives less than 5%, glycerin, preservative, pH regulator.

As a result of the analysis of the composition of these three means:

i want to say that the mother was right)) - the greatest degree of blend should have "Fairy". In his favor, I will refuse two other dishwashers due to the increased maintenance of surfactants.

By means that are sold in household chemicals, heard positive feedback on "Pril" and "Frosch". They did not use any time, from the company "frosch" bought something out of the cleaner, but was not satisfied with the result, so I did not attend funds for dishes.

But for the sake of purity of the experiment, the composition of the components declared on the labels was viewed. That's what they look.

5-15% Anionic surfactants,<5% неионногенные, также содержаться амфолитные ПАВ (относительно безопасные, повышающие безопасность рецептуры) - менее 5%, консервант - молочная кислота, ароматические добавки. Прочие: косметические красители (в незначительных количествах), лимонное масло, композиция.


As part of: 15-30% anionic surfactants, 5-15% amphoter (the same as ampholite) surfactants. In addition, there are preservatives (2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone) and flavors (HEXYL CINNAMAL, LIMONENE, LINALOOL). Well, also not wow, too, the exceeding the anionic pavs. Plus methyl chloroisothiazolinone - antimicrobial and antifungal agent, which is used for conservation purposes, and, according to manufacturers, is completely safe for the skin. Although, according to other data, in some cases can cause allergies and dermatitis.

Almost no on any bottles in the content was indicated which flavors, preservatives and fragrances were used. Most of the means are also too brief. But from the manufacturer and does not need to indicate the entire composition of the funds, this is explained as the protection of the manufacturer, preventing, for example, theft know-how. Although for the consumer it is, of course, minus.

Now about two funds purchased not in stores.

Means Ginger Yuzu.i bought at Iherb, where a rather large choice of means for washing dishes, and probably it was possible to find anything very eco-friendly, but I, of course, was seduced for a beautiful bottle 😉

Manufactured by Method. Method positions itself as specializing in environmentally friendly detergents that do not contain toxic ingredients and are sold in unique packaging design. With a unique design of the container, I agree, but about the ecology of the ingredients it is difficult to agree.

We look at the composition of the means that looks like this: purified water, sodium laurylsulfate, Lauramin nitrogen, decile glucoside, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, aromatic oil, methylisothiazolinone, methyl chloroisolinone, sodium polysparty, benzophenone-4, sodium chloride, citric acid.

That is, in the lead, again, our "precious" Laurilsulfate, not far from it methyl chloroisothiazolinone, we have already met it from "PRILA". And maybe it is only 2-7% there as in the recommended European standards, but we can not know this, so there is no percentage of the packaging. And although the remaining ingredients are no less harmless, I do not plan to buy more.

Left a beautiful designer bottle to buy and pour it there. Many manufacturers produce their products in the so-called refilla, spare tanks with b aboutby the volume of the product.

Dishwashing means Faberlik, review

If, in relation to the leaving and decorative cosmetics, Faberlik, I have not yet fully figured out, I haven't to like it or not, still testing cosmetics process long, then in relation to household chemicals, I am increasingly inclined to positive opinions.

This time it was bought "concentrated means for washing dishes with Sage extract". First, it must be said that all the packages and vials of the house for the house, produced by Faberlik, which I gained during this time are made stylish and gently, pleasant to use. This time the purchased tool for the dishes was in a very pretty bottle, here:

Secondly, what a wonderful breath was the smell! From the proposed range I chose with the aroma of fresh lime. I don't know how much the rest smells, but this one turned out to be just an ideal to fit dishes, thin, unobtrusive smell of Lyme, what's need!

About the composition: water, 5-15% fatty acid sulfate (based on coconut oil), 5-15% of non-ionic surfactants based on coconut oil, less than 5% fad, sage extract, citric acid, preservative, cook salt, food dye.

Also, as in other means, the manufacturer did not decipher the name of the preservatives contained and food dyes and fragrances, but it was put in the installed 5-15%.

Best dishwashing agent

Let's summarize what of the all above the dishwashed dishes is the best and most secure.

Of all the above, I would stop at Fairy, Frosch and Faberlic.

Although I will not say that they are environmentally friendly and useful. But, on the other hand, if the means is written "absent surfactant" is equivalent to the application that there are no detergents and then it is not clear what is for such a means for washing dishes ... not yet found a decent and harmless replacement of the pavam , And if you exclude this component, then all means for dishes lose their detergents, they simply will not be foaming.

Conclusions according to the results of the above:

1. We try to rinse the dishes well, as Pavits remain on the surface in very small quantities that are invisible to the eye. Little rinsing dishes in a lot of water, we will additionally secure ourselves.

2. Many of the dishwashers are concentrates (!), And the manufacturer in the instructions for use writes - the tool is better to breed with water, to which we usually do not pay attention. Therefore, another way to reduce the impact of surfactant, it is to dilute the detergent water, and also not to apply too much detergent on the sponge.

3. It is worth teaching yourself to wash the dishes in gloves. I myself think it is inconvenient, you do not feel that we are walked, but somewhere I read the interesting phrase, the essence of which came down to the fact that the surgeons make many hours of complex operations in gloves and everything is fine with their sensitivity, and you see dishwashes Sensitivity is enough 🙂.

4. Select the least harmful dishwasher. Of course, there is always a choice, you can abandon synthetic detergents in favor of natural products, this is, for example, mustard, soda, economic soap. Although this option is not suitable for everyone. For example, I know in advance that smells will be annoyed and the consistency of such detergents, but this is, of course, my personal opinion. You can always try.

5. We continue to look for a tool that will satisfy us in all respects. Almawin and Ecover brands, which produce funds containing only vegetable safe (sugar) surfactants are considered well-proven. Ecover I will definitely try to buy on Iherb.

I hope you have determined for yourself what is better to wash the dishes, and I already ordered another ecological tool in the online store, and I will definitely share with you with your finds 🙂

The range of washing liquids, gels and balsams today is very wide. However, only some of them are deserved to be called the best in the category. A good facility for dishes should be effective and environmentally friendly. After all, even the smallest particles remain on the cups and plates, the smallest particles can affect the health of people. Therefore, safety is of great importance. And this is far from the only important quality you need to remember when choosing a means for washing dishes.

The most significant properties inherent only to the best representatives include:

  1. Effective removal of fat and spots.
  2. Elimination of odors.
  3. Safety. The most harmless is the eco-friendly biodegradable means for dishes. Also among the safest products include fluids suitable for washing fruits and children's accessories.
  4. Hypoallergenicity. Often, gels and balms for dishes cause allergies, dried skin. Therefore, those who wash the plates without gloves are recommended to give preference to hypoallergenic means.
  5. Universality. Some products are suitable for washing not only dishes, but also children's toys, nipples and even fruits, work both in warm and cold water, have an antibacterial effect and careful with their hands.
  6. No fragrance or light natural flavor.
  7. Acceptable price.
  • customer reviews;
  • test results;
  • recommendations dermatologists.

Most popular dishwashing agents

The most popular facilities for dishes are usually known to each mistress. Many of them boast a powerful composition. Therefore, representatives of this class are suitable for use in cold water. Also many products are characterized by a variety of output forms.

5 Sorti Lemon

Works in warm and cold water
Country Russia
Average price: 62 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Sorted - a budget for dishes, which can be found in almost every store. At the lowest price, it is one of the best inexpensive gels for washing cutlery both in warm and cold water. In terms of its capabilities and composition, it is comparable with a number of more expensive means. Only enough liquid consistency does not allow to forget about the product belonging to a cheap class.

The sign feature for washing the dishes became a special formula, preventing the appearance of divorces on glass glasses. But the powerful composition, of course, there is also the reverse side of the medal. Effective, but not very natural active substances, as well as dyes and aromatic additives, despite the positioning of the means as suitable for sensitive skin, can be slightly dried. At the same time, allergic reactions to individual components are not excluded.

4 Sarma Lemon.

The most fiscal option
Country Ukraine
The average price: 45 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of the cheapest rating tools from SARMA proves that the best should not be expensive. This nominee is often compared with Fairy, which is several times more. The formula is perfectly laundered with dishes in hot and cold water, slowly spent. It has the aroma of lemon. The drug goes in a comfortable plastic bottle with a latch cap. In the edges, ribbed strips are depressed, the tool will not slip out of wet hands. The dispenser issues a small drop that produces a lot of soap.

In the reviews, the gel consistency for washing dishes. It is similar to the transparent water of medium density, does not spread through the sponge. Excellent copes with its task, plates and cups will creak from cleanliness. The manufacturer speaks about the antibacterial effect, although its users could not check. The smell, although slightly obsessive, quickly dishes. The advantages allocate the price and the composition, which is no longer inferior to more expensive analogues of this group.

3 SOONSAEM olives

Well launders frozen fat
Country: Korea
The average price: 238 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Effectively remove the frozen fat, passing all the microbes on the dishes, capable of SOONSAEM. The formula is easily flushed, does not leave traces. As the manufacturer says, there are no dyes in the composition, he compensates with environmentally friendly ranking competitors. The tool for washing received the highest category and approval of the Korea Ministry of Health. It is packaged in a plastic green non-standard vial bottle with a comfortable wide spout.

SOONSAEM has a fuse from a random press, it is convenient to travel with it. When pressed, the dispenser issues a rich foam. The formula smells of olives and citrus, the fragrance does not cling to the dishes. Despite not the most natural composition, the drug does not dry hands. As a consistency resembles water, it spreads a little sponge.

2 mama lemon lemon

Efficiency. The best combination of efficiency and safety
Country: Japan
The average price: 141 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Only a bit inferior to the leader of the rating in the intensity of fat splitting, the goods of the famous Japanese brand conquers an honorary position. Mama Lemon is a high-quality concentrate, and therefore funds are enough for more dishes than competitors. At the same time, there are practically no analogues of the analogues actually equal in the ratio of the ratio.

Like some other dishes made in Japan, Mama Lemon is distinguished by high quality and versatility. It is recommended not only for a saucepan and pan, but also for children's accessories and washing fruits. After all, unlike other state employees, Mama Lemon is instantly washed off. This does not prevent the media to cope with its task in cold water, which makes it one of the best. But, like all representatives of the class, it contains fragrances and dyes, therefore it is not suitable for allergies.

1 Fairy "Juicy Lemon"

Effective fat removal
Country: USA (produced in Russia)
Average price: 134 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first line gets, perhaps the most popular dishwashing agent in the category. The new Fairi with a classic lemon smell and foam-effect was loved by many hostesses due to the powerful effect on frozen fat and suichest spots. This means is the easiest to wash out such complex pollution as traces from fried fish, burned porridge and so on.

Washing liquid splits the fatty raid from the inside even in cold water, for which a lot of awards received. The remedy took the first place in the height and resistance of foam, according to Nitsbythim tests, and entered the six economical six. After all, one drops can be washed out the whole mountain of dishes. It is noteworthy that some buyers use Fairy not only for their intended purpose, but also to deal with stains on tissues and a stove due to its high efficiency. The agent developed in the Brussels Scientific Center is among the safe household chemicals and is easily washed off from the dishes.

Best tools for washing children's dishes

It is no secret to anyone that children require special care, increased security and attention to everything that surrounds them. Kids are more affected by bacteria, various stimuli and toxins. Therefore, a means for children's dishes should be chosen with extreme caution.

Most of the popular fluids known for the instant fracture splitting are too toxic and is not well flushed. So, for children's accessories it is better to choose a high-quality specialized agent. Representatives of this category are most safe, well wash off, do not contain persistent synthetic dyes and flavors, and some even refer to the eco-class. Consequently, the risk of allergies, skin reactions or poisoning is minimal.

5 Eared Nian

The most popular and inexpensive gel for children's dishes
Country Russia
The average price: 87 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Top best tools for children's accessories opens the most common and affordable participant in the ranking. Although in the composition of the gel is still being present and preservatives, they are quite a bit. The rest of the components are quite suitable for washing children's dishes. At the same time, the eared nanny has a pleasant smell of chamomile and aloe vera of natural origin. In contrast to the common household chemicals, not intended for use to the plates of the child, plant extracts and citric acid became flavored drugs, which makes it enough harmless.

Also, the advantages include an antibacterial effect, which will help prevent the appearance of bacteria on the dishes, even when washing in cold water. Many buyers separately note a pleasant thick consistency, hypoallergenicity and the fact that the tool foams well and does not remain on the dishes.

4 Aqa Baby

Best for washing bottles in cool water
The average price: 131 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

German dishwashing agents are traditionally allocated on a universal background with a simple composition without an abundance of dyes and chemistry, and AQA Baby is no exception. The agent does not contain phosphates, formaldehydes, caustic flavors and other harmful components. Therefore, it is recommended for children's dishes, including bottles, nipples and pacifiers, and for cleaning fruits and vegetables from wax and other substances.

However, a small number of pavs are still traced, so it is better to use it not for infants, but for children a little older and rush as carefully as possible. Fortunately, the tool is designed for washing dishes and in cold water, so it is perfectly washed off, not leaving the smell. By the economy of AQA Baby, you can call the middle manner. The liquid is not too thick, but the packaging is equipped with a convenient dispenser, which will allow you to control the consumption.

3 Babyline

Natural composition on herbal basis
Country: Germany
The average price: 209 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The honorable third line of the review gets one of the safest means for washing children's dishes and even products: fruits, vegetables, lettuce leaves and so on. A distinctive feature of Babyline was a herbal component that gives a light fragrance and an antibacterial effect that is important in eliminating pollution. Without flavors, of course, the remedy also did not cost, but they are a bit and they are food, and therefore will not harm.

Moreover, Babyline almost does not contain pavov, the admissibility of which disputes are often conducted. They almost completely replaced glucose APG - a biologically decomplapable ingredient extracted from corn, sugarcane or coconut. Therefore, the remedy is recommended for washing the hotels of the smallest, including bottles and nipples for infants. But because of this, the gel is somewhat inferior to less natural competitors in effectiveness.

2 Meine Liebe

Economical Ecocrement without fragrances and dyes
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Average price: 182 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The concentrated remedy with a practical dispenser is perfect for washing both children's dishes and toys and various vegetables, fruits and berries. Forming persistent, but not excessively thick foam, gel meine Liebe successfully eliminates the products from wax and paraffin, and the sacks are fat. Due to the effective composition, the agent is also suitable for pans with a serious touch.

However, this is the happiest case when effectiveness does not threaten security. Produced under the strict control of the German brand, the remedy does not contain any artificial flavors, dyes, solvents, phosphates and other aggressive ingredients. The only source of aroma was the natural extract of Aloe Vera. Therefore, a transparent gel for children's dishes is deprived of annoying sharp odors and is very easily washed off.

1 frosch for children's dishes

Best effective formula with provitamin B5. Without smell
Country: Germany
Average price: 192 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The leader of the rating becomes a powerful tool, absolutely devoid of smell, which is a big rarity for household chemicals. The lack of flavors, fragrances and dyes, of course, highlights frosch against the background of analogs. After all, only such a means for dishes can be called really hypoallergenic and suitable for cleaning children's accessories.

The product passed a number of clinical trials. Dermatologists confirmed its safety for the skin. In this case, the remedy was not tested on animals and consists only of natural elements. Even the surfactant here is not synthetic, but vegetable origin, and therefore frosch can be used from birth. An additional plus has become a caring effect due to the content of provitamin B5.

Best Eco-friendly Ware Detergents

Cooking washing ecocrerements are rapidly gaining popularity among those who care about their health. The absence of fragrances, dyes and other poisonous chemistry, like high-quality ingredients, makes representatives of this class by a separate elite category. The best environmentally friendly agent includes only biodegradable substances.

5 Pure Water Hypoallergenic

Not only safe, but also useful ingredients
Country Russia
Average price: 142 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Eco-friendly products are not only safe, but also useful. This proves the preparation for washing dishes Pure Water. The formula does not contain products of oil refining, fragrances, dyes. These substances are replaced by natural, delicate components. Essential oils are excluded, as they can cause allergies. Formula is suitable for washing children's dishes, people with sensitive skin. It has a weak natural aroma. Judging by the reviews, Pure Water is completely washed off with dishes. Buyers use it for toys to create soap bubbles to a child.

Allergies highly appreciated the drug for naturalness and safety for the mucous membrane. No stimuli inside. It is pleasant to surprise the composition: despite the low cost, the manufacturer did not leave any chemical. Even the surfactant surfactant, the most gentle. However, the tool gives very little foam, especially if you compare with Fairy and similar formulas. Because of this, consumption increases.

4 Mama Ultimate Ecosoda

Packing variability. Substance with soda
Country: Japan (produced in Russia)
Average price: 97 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The food soda is considered the best natural means for the effective removal of rust and all sorts of plaque with a saucepan and pan, as well as absorbing unpleasant odors. Therefore, its presence in the composition of dishwashes is definitely a significant advantage. Also, many will pleasantly surprise the variety of ecosis variations. The choice is quite wide: a small packaging of a volume of 500 or 560 milliliters, a liter bottle with a dispenser and even a canister weighing two liters.

Mama Ultimate not only is effectively laundered dishes, but also moisturizes the skin of the hands. Glycerin and almonds almonds are hypoallergenic and have a mitigating effect, due to which people are also suitable for chemistry. However, due to a small amount of methyl chloroisotiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone, despite all the company's promises, it is better not to use a tool for children's dishes.

3 Safsu Olee Mastery Workshop

Strongest antibacterial properties
Country Russia
Average price: 213 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The relatively small brand "Workshop of Olee Mustayeva" manually creates the best domestic products from natural ingredients. Safsu is designed for washing cutlery, children's toys. The formula is enriched with silver - the most powerful antibacterial substance. It is safe for the environment, people and animals. There are no phosphates, flavors, PEG. Wash liquid has a water consistency with a yellow tint. The mesmer fragrance is quickly destroyed.

Reviews are pleasantly surprised by slow consumption. Other eco-friendly drugs spread through the sponge and weakly shame, but not only Safsu. One bottle is enough for 2-3 months. Foam is washing the dishes before the screenshot, it perfectly copes with glass, crystal, silicone. The drug goes in a plastic bottle. The dispenser would not prevent, there are no other minuses.

2 POSH ONE Charcoal

Double concentration for maximum purity
Country Russia
Average price: 208 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Highly in the list of the best rose Posh One. The drug solved the typical problem of eco-friendly compositions: poor laundering of frozen fat. Thanks to the highest concentration, the formula copes with any pollution. It is designed for washing dishes, children's accessories, vegetables and fruits. The drug is enriched with natural minerals and wood coal extract contains trace elements. He does not dry his hands, does not cause allergies. The consistency is similar to a transparent thick gel. One press is enough for abundant foam.

Reviews noted that the drug perfectly copes with its tasks. Removes fat from pans after frying, flushes dirt from the first time. There is no plaque on the dishes. Charcoal is one of the most famous antibacterial ingredients, it has powerful absorbent properties. Foam on the sponge is surprisingly long, which provides economical consumption. One bottle is enough for 3-4 months.

1 Synergetic Apple

Best universal ecocretion
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 118 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The unconditional leader among the best funds of a broad focus was the washing concentrate of truly German quality. Synergetic not only does not contain chemistry and allergens, but not tested on animals, which means it fully meets environmental and humane concepts, and therefore is absolutely safe for human health and the environment.

Thanks to the simple composition, which includes only natural plant components, and one hundred percent washouts, even in ice water, the tool is ideal both to eliminate the most complicated pollution of the dishes of adults and for washing children's accessories and food. The consistency of medium density is especially convenient for processing vegetables and fruits. Since only glycerin, occurring in sweets, as well as geranium oils, Bergamot and Santala, was entered to care for hands of hands in the gel, and Geranot oil, it is harmless even when swallowing a small amount. So, it can be used for washing berries.

The best hypoallergenic detergents for dishes without odor

People prone to allergies are very difficult to choose a suitable dishwashing agent. The lion's share of household chemicals, in addition to active substances for splitting fat and other types of pollution, contains synthetic flavors, dyes, fragrances and solvents. Of course, there are natural liquids, where a pleasant smell is achieved by the addition of essential oils and citrus concentrates or aloe vera, but some are allergic and on them.

A better solution for owners of very sensitive skin will be a high-quality remedy without fragrances. You should also give preference to transparent substances. Thus, the best class representatives are characterized by a modest, but effective composition and lack of flavoring components.

5 SynerGetic Antibacterial Gel

The most tender formula, biodegradable components
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 69 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Antibacterial gel from SynerGetic has been holding back in the best lists, is a brand bestseller. This is not surprising: the formula is odorless is suitable for washing children's bottles, toys, dishes. It consists of safe components. It is completely washed off with water, not absorbed into objects. The brand allows for the use of newborns. Natural composition has an unusual property: frozen at low temperatures. It is necessary to heat it, he will again become suitable for washing.

A bottle of translucent plastic allows you to see the amount of money. The portion controls the dispenser. The fluid formula of the medium density is trying to escape from the sponge, it turns out not very economically. At first, buyers are unusual, because the foaming is small. However, this is enough for a large number of dishes.

4 Biomio odorless

Popular hypoallergenic antiseptic with silver
Country: Denmark (produced in Russia)
Average price: 133 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The top five of the most harmless and practical means would be incomplete without a demanded liquid for washing dishes and fruits of the famous Danish firm. Biomio is distinguished by a complete absence of not only odors, but also preservatives. However, naturalness does not prevent him from successfully fighting bacteria. The natural antiseptic obtained during the mixing of citric acid and silver ions is not only at all threatens for health, but does not apply to potential allergens.

Cotton seed extract is also an efficient natural component that softens the skin and increases its own protection. The tool received many positive feedback due to good cleansing properties, efficiency, light flush, versatility and, of course, available for such qualities. Many hostesses enjoy Biomio to disinfect greenery, grapes and vegetables.

3 Celesta Bio-gel

Best quality for low cost
Country Russia
Average price: 73 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Bio-gel from Celesta is designed for the most sensitive to chemicals of people. There are no phosphates, aggressive surfactants, PEG, SLES, petroleum products. It is harmless to children and animals. The formula without smell and dyes is completely washed away from the dishes. The product is shown for children's items, toys. The drug is packed in the usual rectangular package without a handle. Saving on a plastic bottle, the manufacturer was able to significantly reduce the price.

The dishwashing detergent perfectly copes with saucepans, frying pan, ceramics. It is the best choice for people with sensitive skin skin, some even gloves are not needed. Simple packaging has a steady bottom, does not miss the sun's rays. It is safe for the environment. The formula gives the middle foam, it is quite economical. When applied to the washcloth does not absorb, does not spread. For the quality of laundering, buyers put 5+, but the packaging received only 2 points.

2 Meine Liebe

Organic Gel Olive Soap
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Average price: 166 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Olive soap - a natural antibacterial agent with a thousand-year history and outstanding detergents. Therefore, a thick gel for dishes containing such a powerful and time-tested component by definition is one of the prominent participants in the rating. After all, thanks to the olive soap, Meine Liebe perfectly foams, eliminates the marks of wax, phosphates, dirt with fruits and vegetables, frozen fat from frying pan and even suichest stains. The same component delicately affects the skin of the hands, softening and protecting it.

Despite not too high cost, the funds are enough for a long time, so it can be called a profitable purchase. In addition to olive soap, there are only superficial substances of plant origin and a small amount of preservative. Therefore, a transparent gel is not toxic, completely washed off with water and is amenable to biodegradation.

1 LV.

Best for sensitive skin. Minimum components
Country: Finland
The average price: 316 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best in the category was the means for washing dishes and products marked by the National Finnish Quality Sign, which is considered a guarantor of security and reliability. The brand produces cleaning products and caring cosmetics not only for Finland and Russia, but also for many European countries and is among the industry leaders.

Liquid hypoallergenne and universal. Frying pans with burnt residues of food, children's toys, nipples, pacifiers, apples, grapes, cucumbers - a list of what can be washed using LV is almost infinite. According to numerous comments, the remedy is absolutely devoid of odor, has a rather dense consistency, not even annoying the very sensitive skin of the hands and removes fat in ice water from the dishes. At the same time, LV became the only distributed means in Russia approved by the Association against Allergy and Asthma Finland, which also speaks in his favor.

The health of all family members depends on the quality of household chemicals. So that harmful substances do not get into our body and have not caused various diseases, you need to know the selection criteria. In addition to direct duties, the detergent should not harm the skin of the hands. If you do not have a dishwasher, it is better to buy detergents that include natural substances. No matter how eco-friendly cleanser, it has a negative impact on the skin of the hands, so it is better to wash the dishes in gloves.

Cleaning Review Review

Among the huge variety of dishwashing agents should be allocated:
- Gheli.
- Rinsers
- Liquid
- soluble powders
- Ready concentrates

This is not a complete list. There are two important parameters for which the quality of detergent will determine. The first is a washout. After the various tests for the blurredness, it turned out that the reference among all is Pril. Behind him follow Fairy, Dosia, Aoc, Bingo. The following parameter is the definition of the amount of washed dishes with the same amount of detergent. Abundant foam and the highest rate of Fairy. Among the natural means to combat pollution of the hostess are distinguished by a conventional food soda. Experts are not recommended as cleaning products to use powders or economic soap.

Liquids, gels and solutions: advantages and disadvantages

According to the results of the surveys of housewives, the most convenient means for washing dishes are recognized as fluids. With their help, you can clean the dishes with high quality, but finally washed the composition is very difficult. The substance surfactant, which is part of the liquid means, can cause many severe diseases. Affordable price, health safety and high-quality fat laundering is a combination that must be inherent to an effective cleaning agent. When buying detergents, it is worth paying attention to the smell, it must be weakly pronounced; At the minimum number of surfactants in the composition of the means and on the presence of special additives that neutralize bacteria and chemistry. In terms of security, the best is frosch. The surfactant in its composition has a natural origin. There is another great dishwashing detergent - Amway Dish Drops. This tool has a dense consistency, so it should be diluted before applying. It is practically not irritating to the skin and is considered a hypoallergenic product. Due to high quality, it is possible to use the concentrate in cold water.

Each hostess takes care not only about purity in the house, but also about the health of your family. Some detergents for dishes can be harmful, so it is important to be able to find safe and high-quality among all means or make them independently. From this article, you will learn the names of the best purchased tools and some recipes for the preparation of cleansing gels for dishes at home.

Rating of purchased detergents for dishes

Rating tools for washing dishes from control purchases

One of the research that is trusted by many Russians is the program of test purchase. Leading testing Many products in special laboratories under the control of specialists and make a verdict, whether a particular product is suitable for use, whether GOST complied with its production and what is worth paying special attention when buying goods. The following professional funds were tested in the liquid means of washing dishes.

  1. DOSIA;
  2. Fairy;
  3. Sorti;
  4. Peumolux.

According to the results of laboratory studies, the pH level in all means is normal. Washing abilities and washouts from the dishes were at the decent level, but in the first indicator there were very distinguished by Fairy, so the control purchase recommends to buy this is the detergent for the house.

According to people who tested detergents, DOSIA (DOSIA) is economically spent and well copes with the task, the myth is very liquid, it is badly washed off and remains on the dishes, and Aos liked the more pleasant smell and thickness than washing capacity. Pemiolux was noted by good mud laundering with foam without divorce and even cold water. The best review and folk choice fell on Sorti tool, while the program leader was simply marked with a thick and economical means.

Rating of detergents in different categories

Sometimes when buying a detergent, the hostess is guided by their principles of choice - at a price, thickness, the aroma of the detergent or the manufacturer. Below is a list of best assistants in washing dishes in your category.

Best children's detergents for dishes

The health of children is especially important to all the items and things that they enjoy, including the dishes, were safe. To do this, you need to buy funds created specifically for cleansing children's dishes.

  1. Babyline is a detergent for children's dishes, which is recognized as one of the best in the category of hypoallergenic, with its help you can also wash fruits and vegetables.
  2. Eashable nanny - one of the best gels for washing children's dishes.

Top concentrated detergents for dishes

Concentrates are very in demand in the market, as they save your tools. Among the concentrated means for dishes are especially valued as follows:

  1. Amway - recognized as the best cleaning agent of network manufacturers. Products for the house of Amveu are very popular and are very economical, as they are sold in a concentrated form, so the consumption of detergent is very small. Pleasant bonus - concentrated remedy for sale in liter packaging.
  2. Faberlic is another concentrate for washing dishes. Faberlik company has created a whole direction "House", where all the goods needed to maintain cleanliness in the house are collected. It is pleasant to surprise acceptable prices and good quality.
  3. Nick is a super plus - a concentrated weakly alkaline dishwashing detergent without chlorine, created by the domestic manufacturer of the guests "Genix".
Dishwashing liquid:Faberlic.

The best domestic detergents for dishes

Russian fundraisers for home and washing dishes are not so appreciated by buyers, but there are separate specimens that deserve your attention:

  1. Palmia is one of the best detergents intended for people with sensitive skin. With this gel, you can wash vegetables and fruits, clean the dishes and even the skin.
  2. ecoGel Zero is a novelty on the Russian market, created on natural food soda, does not contain phosphates, parabens and formaldehyde. It gives good radiance with dishes and thanks to the main component - soda can effectively disinfect.
  3. BIOMIO is the best domestic dishwashing detergent manufactured by German technology, the manufacturer "Splat", more known to the manufacture of high-quality toothpaste.
  4. Zing is an online portal where you can find a variety of products, including the same qualitative detergents. Currently, Zing detergents can be found and purchased on the Internet and on other trading platforms.
  5. Unicum is expensive, but very effective biodegradable balm for washing dishes, fruits and vegetables.
  6. PRIL is the best dermatologically proven tool with neutral pH. Acne does not have dyes and perfectly copes with mud laundering.
  7. Organic People EcoGel is the best organic gel for cleaning dishes. Made in accordance with GOST under the control of the Institute of Ethical and Environmental Certification ICEA.

Top Foreign Detergents for Dishes

For those who are accustomed to trust foreign manufacturers, the range of products for cleaning the dishes of the best foreign companies is presented:

  1. CJ Lion is the best Japanese tools for home. In the free sale, this brand is almost impossible to see, it is possible to order online the Internet in the online store. In addition to the means for cleaning dishes and washing products, you can also purchase liquid soap.
  2. Banzai Azia is one of the best Japanese production cleaning products with a tonic effect for hands. Bansean household products also have children's products.
  3. Mama Lemon is one of the best inexpensive japanese detergents without thickeners.
  4. Kerasys SOONSAEM - Korean Kerasys manufacturer makes permitted and certified in Russia home products, one of them is a detergent for Sunsem with wood coal.
  5. Frosch is the best balm among environmentally friendly products to purify German dishes.
  6. meine Liebe is the best detergent from Denmark, attracts its composition - without phosphates, parabens and chlorine.
  7. Morning Fresh - detergent for the dishes of Polish production, creating a steady foam.

Budget Detergents for Dishes

Cheap detergents are usually not distinguished by quality, but the following manufacturers have tried to create something inexpensive, but worthy:

  1. Cinderella is an inexpensive dishwashing agent, the minimum pollution is cleaning, but it does not work well with the grease.
  2. SARMA is the best inexpensive antibacterial dishwashing agent.
  3. Sorti - is recognized as one of the best detergents in the budget category. It is worth noting that the sort is made by the same company as AOS.

The best detergents for dishes

Among the variety of funds, 2 funds become leaders on numerous ratings and reviews:

  1. Fairy is a better degreasing dishes of dishes, which is suitable for cleansing the burnt and very oil pan. Thick consistency, convenient packaging, acceptable price - all this undoubted qualities of the leader.
  2. AOS - recognized as the best dishwashing agent among buyers. The effectiveness and antibacterial properties of AOS allow you to use the tool constantly, even with a large number of dishes.

Dishwashing liquid:Fairy.

When choosing a detergent, use the following tips:

  1. Try not to buy funds with the inscription "Universal", as high-quality products are intended for a certain kind of cleaning (dishes / tile / plates).
  2. Harmful detergents contain in its composition enzymes, for example, diethanolamine.
  3. A safe tool has a permissible pH level, for example, in a neutral pH 7 indicator, alkaline fluids have a pH of 8 to 14 and sour - from 0 to 6.
  4. When choosing a means in transparent packaging, you can make sure that the bottle is completely filled with liquid.
  5. Make sure that there is no precipitate on the bottom of the bottle with detergent.
  6. Choosing a detergent for dishware in opaque packaging, give preference to bottles with special notches for convenient retention of the bottle in hand.
  7. Pavits and betaine as part of the tool are required, since they are precisely removing pollution and increase the foaming, as you know, clean something without foam is very difficult.
  8. Sodium fluoride is responsible for the viscosity of the detergent.
  9. The presence of glycerol and fading Aloe Vera says that in the process of washing your hands will also be protected.

Also do not forget about what you need to apply the tool before starting to wash the dishes. Throw away the rag and the rash, for high-quality removal of contaminants, only the sponges are suitable for a special means, as they not only allow you to rinse the dishes better, but also save the tool itself. When choosing a sponge, give preference to small and buy packages with more, as they should be changed at least once a week.

Recipes for washing dishes homemade

If modern purchased funds do not cause you trust, try creating detergents with your own hands.

Viscous pasta for cleansing kitchen utensils

To prepare the next efficient tool, you will need:

  1. Economic soap - 1 pc.;
  2. Mustard - 3 tablespoons;
  3. Soda - 3 tablespoons;
  4. Ammonia - 4 tablespoons.

At the first stage, it is necessary to grate the household soap on the grater and dissolve it in 1 liter of hot water. As soon as the solution cools, connect with it soda and mustard, all mix well, complete the procedure by adding ammonia, after opening the window so that the pairs do not irritate the mucous membranes. Now the tool must be inspected at least 3 hours until complete readiness. The resulting paste can be laundered not only dishes, but also other pollution in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Sprayed tool for cleaning dishes

For the manufacture you will need:

  1. Food soda - 1 part;
  2. Hydrogen peroxide - 1 part (in the absence of peroxide it can replace vinegar);
  3. Water - 200ml for each tablespoon of soda.

The recipe itself is very simple - in hot water, dissolve soda and then add peroxide or vinegar. The finished means overflow into a container with a sprayer, it is perfect for the removal of persistent pollution and shine.

Glisherin Gel

Any hostess must also take care of themselves, so the next recipe will tell how to make an independently effective and gentle detergent. Take:

  1. Economic soap - 1 pc.;
  2. Glycerin - 4 tablespoons;
  3. Vodka or alcohol - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Water - 150ml.

Soap rubbed on the grater and poured with cold water. This mixture is put on a water bath and dissolve soap completely, if necessary, water is added. A sufficiently liquid mass is then cooled, mixed with glycerol and vodka, stirred. The finished agent is transferred to a comfortable container with the dispenser and insist 3 hours, then it can be used.

The most simple folk detergents

When there is no professional agent and time to prepare a home cleaner, remember that there is always something to replace the cleaning agent without unnecessary hassle:

  1. Food soda - it will easily replace any cleaning powder, while it can be used for processing vegetables and fruits.
  2. Dry mustard - does not smell, well cleans pollution, available and safe, suitable for porcelain products.
  3. Salt - well cleans stainless steel dishes.
  4. Wood ash - Hardwife was unlikely at home, but this folk remedy will help you in nature and in the country to quickly and efficiently wash the dishes with reservoir means.

So, now you know the names of popular detergents for dishes and identified the best of them. Following uncomplicated tips, you can always choose a safe and reliable dishwashing agent. If the purchased funds do not cause confidence, then cook homemade detergents in the prescription will not be difficult. In addition, you can wash the dishes even with priests. Choose what is suitable for you and do not worry about the purity of the dishes and the safety of the applied funds.