Repairs Design Furniture

The box of plastic panels in the bathroom. How and from which it is beautiful to make a box for pipes in the bathroom. Bathroom Features

Laying on the walls of communication is unlikely to decorate the interior of Santehuzla. For masking and decorative design of pipelines, a variety of structural forms are used, one of which is a box. With his structure, any home master will cope with without any problems if technological subtleties are familiar to him. So?

We will tell you how to make your own hands a beautiful and durable box for pipes in the bathroom. For independent owners, we led a number of the most popular options available to the inexperienced performer. The councils presented in the article will ensure immaculateness of the result of the effort.

The wiring in the bathroom includes pipes connected to various plumbing devices (bath, washbasin, and with a combined bathroom and to the toilet), as well as various devices and devices: valves, filters, water meters.

So that communication systems do not catch the eyes, they are hiding using various ways.

When organizing a hidden layout of pipes, hide in specially elevated channels in the walls. It should be noted that this method has many restrictions

One of them is a hidden layout. In this case, the pipes are hiding inside the walls, having arranged in the latter special pulp.

True, this method is not universal because it has a number of restrictions:

  • it is possible to carry out the walls of the walls only during overhaul, since in this case the complete elimination of finishing coatings and replacement of communication equipment is required;
  • when installing the hidden wiring, it is impossible to hide the filter, a meter or other device;
  • construction standards are prohibited from punching shorts in carrying structures, since they dramatically reduce the strength of the walls;
  • there are limitations on the dimensional characteristics of pipes that are used for hidden wiring: their diameter should not exceed 50 mm. Consequently, this method is not suitable for masking thick;
  • this method is not suitable for risers, the form of which is unlikely to decorate the interior bathroom.

An alternative to the hidden wiring is the combined system, which provides for the device of the box on the surface of the walls. In this case, the pipes are placed in a specially selected space, and the outer walls are separated in accordance with the interior stylistry.

Advantages of a camouflage box

In the design of modern bathrooms, similar structures masking one or several pipes are often used, since the cores have a number of indisputable advantages.

The box for pipes from plastic panels or drywall will allow you to enjoy the interior of the bathroom. This design successfully will fit into any room.

Similar structures are characteristic:

  • Neat appearance, which is achieved by using high-quality materials for the manufacture and design of the structure.
  • Easy installation. The system can be performed not only with the capital, but also with cosmetic repair, since the box can be installed even on top of the finished finish.
  • Ensuring easy access to the pipeline, which allows not only to take the readings of the meter, but also monitor the condition of the pipes, and if necessary, repair the instruments and communications.
  • The possibility of combining a box with installation for the toilet, shelves and other details, which achieves the optimal use of the area even a small room.

A carefully executed and decorated box can be a real decoration of the bathroom, combining functionality and aesthetics.

Choose building materials for mounting

For the manufacture of the box, you must first build the frame, which is then covered with the casing material, and is often also completed, for example, covered with tiles. The base is made of galvanized metal guides (vertical and horizontal).

Different types of building materials can be applied as a covering, which should have a number of qualities, namely:

  • Moisture resistance. Coots are arranged in bathrooms, which contains an increased percentage of water vapor.
  • Light weight and small thick. These factors depends on both the simplicity of installation and the size of the finished design: too dense walls can "take away" a significant part of the space.
  • Ecology. Such designs should not be isolated toxic substances or have a pronounced allergenic effect.
  • Aesthetic appearance or possibility of additional finishes.

Most often, the following varieties of materials are applied to the trim.

Option # 1: Plastic panels (PVC)

Polymer panels have a beautiful appearance. They are produced in a large assortment, which allows you to choose a finishing material, ideally combined with a color palette of the bathroom.

In the assortment of construction machines, you can find plastic panels of various colors and shades. In addition to the wonderful appearance, this material is also distinguished by strength and durability.

In addition to aesthetics, PVC panels have high consumer qualities:

  • perfect water resistance;
  • stability to deform and mechanical damage;
  • durability: flexible and durable plastic can serve for many years;
  • easily care - pollutable parts are enough just to wipe out with a damp cloth;
  • simplicity of installation: Special professional skills and special equipment are required to work with this material;
  • availability: PVC panels - budgetary finishing material having low cost;
  • the possibility of fast repair: damaged structural elements can be removed without destroying the entire box;
  • compactness. The panels have a small thickness, so the construction structures do not occupy a lot of space, which is extremely important for miniature premises.

Alternatively, plastic panels are usually played by plasterboard, which is widely used in construction.

Option # 2: Moisture-resistant plasterboard plates

There are various varieties of this popular material. For the design of the bathroom, you should not use standard plasterboard (GLC), intended for the premises where moderate humidity reigns (up to 70%).

Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets are often used for devices of boxes. This inexpensive material is easily mounted; It also has good resistance to water vapors.

At the same time, a moisture-resistant type of plasterboard is well suited for the decoration of the plumbing unit - GKVL, which is easy to learn on the green surface of the plates. Such sheets are suitable for standard facing and creating complex structures with convex, concave and curves (in this case, however, working with plasterboard requires special skills).

Another additional plus of GKVL is the impregnation of plates with anti-grapple drugs that prevent the development of malicious mold.

At the same time, when the material is selected, some features of the drywall should be taken into account:

  • Installation of structures from HCL or GKVL requires more effort, rather than installing plastic systems or MDF plates.
  • The plasterboard will not be able to make a collapsible design, so in the manufacture of the box, you must certainly provide a door or hatch that provide access to valves, counters and other elements of the communication system.
  • HCL (GKVL) plates are not an finishing material: making a box of them, it is important to think about the finish. Taking into account the high humidity in the bathrooms, the covering of the panels of the cafeter is usually used, but other types of design can also be used: paint, decorative plaster, wallpaper.

It is important to note that experts are advised to additionally soak even moisture-resistant plates to increase the strength and resistance of the element of moisture.

In addition, it is possible to build a box from other materials.

Option # 3: Waterproof Plywood

This modification differs from ordinary plywood with a special composition of the glue used. Sheets have a thickness from 6 to 40 millimeters and quite good consumer properties, however, despite the name, it is better to further treat them with special compositions that improve water resistance.

The main minus waterproof plywood is a high cost, due to which it is used less often than other building materials.

Option # 4: MDF and XDF plates

Sometimes you can find tips on using for devices of boxes from MDF panels (medium density-fibrillers). It is hardly worth following such recommendations, since this material absorbs water pairs well and is not too suitable for wet rooms.

Significantly advisable to cover the design of the HDF sheets (high density board High Density Fiberbord). This material is well resisting moisture, so that the designs made out of it do not lose properties for 10 or more.

Option # 5: OSB plates

Another suitable option, which allows you to successfully, can become oriented chipboard (OSP, OSB, Oriented Strand Board) - multilayer sheets glued with resins in which synthetic wax and other additives are made.

There are several varieties of this material. For the manufacture of boxes, it is best to stay on OSB3 sheets (with additional impregnation), as well as on OSB4 sheets. The latter can be applied to particularly durable designs or in places to which a large load falls.

For the construction of a box with an inspection of PCP, plastic panels, a plywood box is better to build out lumber:

Gallery of images

In this material we will talk about such a method of hiding pipes in the bathroom, like installing a drywall or plastic box, as well as consider the main points on its installation.

As a rule, laid in the bathroom in sight pipes for cold and hot water look at least, unattractive. Naturally, the owners of apartments make every effort to hide them. Currently, several uncomplicated ways to solve this problem are practiced, the most common of which is the installation of a box for pipes in the bathroom.

Before making a box for pipes, you need to organize the possibility of access to laid pipes after installing the finished design. This will make it possible to pretty much to simplify the performance of possible future work in preventive or repair purposes.

Manufacture of carcass box

Constructs of boxes for plumbing pipes may be several, but the stages of their installation in any case will be the same.

To begin with, decide on the framework for the frame and cladding. The frame can be made from an aluminum profile or wooden rail. Next, the dimensions of the space are measured, which is occupied by pipes, after which they go to the assembly of the frame from sections. To the wall and semi design is attached by self-drawing.

It is worth noting that in order to relieve work, at the point of fastening the framework you can install wooden bars in advance.

After collecting and locating the frame, go to facing operations.

Breeding varieties

Gypsum Carton

Most often, the box for closing pipes in the bathroom is made precisely from the drywall.

This method is to fulfill the following works:

  • First of all, draw the support lines on the wall, retreating from pipes by 3-5 cm on both sides. For lines to be smooth, you can use the construction level.
  • Next, the profile is set on the drawn lines, and the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm is fixed to it.
  • Now you cut off another piece of profile and fasten it to the outer end of the blanks. The forefront is mounted, which is attached by self-drawing every 25 cm.
  • The docking places are perfectly put off, and then the surface is either painted, or we are lined with any material that the owner liked the most.

It is worth noting that the place of adjustment of drywall to the wall can be hidden by setting the decorative plinth, for example, a corner intended for the bathroom.

Use polystyrene panels as a box

Also a fairly popular material for finishing bathrooms and toilets are polystyrene panels. It can be installed without the design of the frame. That is, a plastic box for pipes from polystyrene is also perfect for solving our problem. These panels have special legs that can be adjusted in height, which is also a big plus when used in rooms with a slightly curved floor. The legs will be allowed to take into account all the irregularities, up to 10 cm.

Installation of the box for plastic pipes is carried out in such a sequence:

  • A terminal support is fixed to the wall.
  • The edges of the panels located on the sides and from above are lubricated with glue, then they are installed and customized.
  • Spanners adjust the legs of the panels to obtain the desired height. After that, we can assume that the installation of the box is over.

The finished box of plastic material is obtained very high quality and durable.

Opening a box of a cafenel

The ceramic tile is suitable as a facing of a box made of fiberboard, moisture-repellent plywood or drywall. The tile is most suitable for use in the bathroom, because it is very strong, no moisture is afraid.

In addition, it happens to many shades and textures. Facing, as a rule, begins with the front side, and after that they go to the sidewalls.

Note that the tile is attached using a special glue.

Marking, creating a work plan, installation

The box on the pipes in the room can be mounted anywhere where it is required. The main thing is to produce the whole list of calculations in time, even before installation, so that, thanks to the correctly selected place to place the box, it was possible to use the existing space as efficiently as possible.

Even before purchasing all materials, you need to make a estimate and make marking. So that the calculations were as accurate as possible, it is necessary to consider not only the size of the box, but also furniture and plumbing, which will be installed in the bathroom.

In the installation of the box there is nothing complicated, as this construction is nothing but a typical frame, collected from profiles for arches, partitions and other similar designs. It is noteworthy that in the bathroom it is even easier to use it, because there is no need to give a chalk form to the frame - only a smooth rectangle should be made.

In addition, the frame is most often installed in the corner, which makes it installing it even easier and heshes sustain. To mount the box in the corner you need to buy only three profiles in height from the floor to the ceiling, and the fourth profile for cutting jumpers. To install the box, you need to fix the profile to the walls, the ceiling and the floor, after which jumpers can be born to each other to get a strong design.

It is important to know that in order to fix the finishing materials after installing the box it was easier, you can install pieces of a wooden bar in the middle of the box.

Last Stage: Conduction and Conditioning

The final stage, which consists in the trimming of the box, can also be called complicated, because all the markup is already produced, you only need to accurately cut the material, and start suturing the framework.

The trimming material must have moisture-repellent qualities, as the bathroom refers to premises with excessive humidity. In such conditions, the service life of a large number of materials is very reduced.

It is worth noting that the box needs to be additionally insulated and sealing so that the condensate is not going inside on the pipes. To do this, you can use the mounting foam, sealants and other thermal insulation materials.

In the article above, we looked at how to make a box for pipes in the bath. It can be concluded that it is quite simple to fulfill all the work, the main thing is to acquire with high-quality and right materials, and make an accurate markup.

. On this page we gradually look at how to make a plastic box in the bathroom and a plastic ceiling from the panels.

Bathroom in Minusinsk, plastic ceiling and plastic box.

Plastic ceiling I do a little peculiar, not as in most cases, but it seems to me that this method is easier and faster than the others. The plastic ceiling is made at the end, already after the tile is pasted and expanded, electricity is connected for point lamps (if they, of course, will be). In my photo the ceiling without lamps, lamps in this bathroom walls.

Unlike the ceiling, the plastic box is better to do before laying the tile. In my photo, the box was made before laying (meaning from profiles), and I closed plastic after laying the tile. The box for pipes is done before laying the tile for the reason that when laying you need to know, to what place to glue the tile or from where to start (depending on which picture or design).

Well, before making a box, it is necessary to replace the pipes for hot and cold water if necessary, bring the heated towel rail, change the sewer pipes and make the pipe laying from the meters to the superscript. In my photo shows a layout made of polypropylene. In this case, the layout of polypropylene and the sewage drain made himself, the iron pipes and the towel did before me.

So, in the photo it can be seen: two branches (cold and hot) on polypropylene cranes are going up from water meters and from them to the exits to the water heater. From cold water down the faucet towards the toilet, then cold and hot water leaves the mixer to the bath, kitchen and tulip. The sewer output to the toilet was supplied in the corner, the toilet will stand at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall.

The pipe for pipes is made from the profile for plasterboard 27 * 28 and 60 * 27.

Finish plastic panel

After the tile glued to the box, screw the plastic panel. We have a black-colored panel with flowers, according to design, she matured very well to decorative inserts. Before fastening it, it was taken a hole for the pipes of a towel rail, water-meters, a hole for the crane of cold water to the toilet, brought the ends of the pipes to the water heater, and inserted P-shaped plastic corners along the edges (edge \u200b\u200bof the panel with a tile). When screwing the P-shaped corners, the edges flex a little (carefully, to not be born), screw the panel to the profile (screw metal / metal with press (screw) and the edges, releasing, smooth out the hand. If everything is done correctly, the edges should not be separated from the panel anywhere.

Plastic corner had a little bit

The outer corner of the panels after screwing to the profile by self-assembly is closed with a plastic corner, I have a 3 * 3 * 3-minute width.

Glue "Liquid nails" moment Installation of white under gun.

Holes in plastic under the water metering I made under the size of the plumbing hatch 20 * 30 cm, taking into account that through it it was easy to bring up and overlap the taps of the water heater. A hole for the toilet crane is made in the size of the plumbing hatch 10 * 10.

On the right, the P-shaped corner closes the edge of the plastic, on the left, the outer corner closes the plastic. Luke 20 * 30 is set horizontally.

Making the ceiling.

When edging the ceiling, I use aluminum corners for a white-colored cutting ceiling (the full name "Cant is white for a rush ceiling"). They go 3 meters long, width, in my opinion, 2 * 2.5 cm. On such a bath, as I have 4 such corners.

Corner is cut off the wall size length. On the other side that will be pressed to the cafée, applied (bluing) Glue "Moment Installation White" and pressed against the wall, during the drying of the glue corner can be fixed with painting scotch.

So that there are no cracks between the corner and the tile, inside the slit with the help of a gun squeeze the adhesive "moment installation", spend on it with a finger, removing excess glue, and if necessary, if the glue is squeezed into the panel or corner, wipe it damp sponge. So we pass glue throughout the perimeter of the edging. Glue sponge must be wiped almost immediately, as it is very quickly dying.

The edges of plastic panels will fall on the edge of the plastic panels. In order to fix the middle of the panels from sagging, the ceiling center in the perpendicular direction from how the plastic panels will be laid, the profile 60 * 27 will be secured to the ceiling. The profile is attached to 2-3 straight suspensions, the edges should be approached to the corners of the edging and, if you look at the bottom up, then be above the top edge of the edging corner on the thickness of the plastic panel, which makes the ceiling. In the future, the plastic panel will be the edge to start between the profile and the edge of the corner and so fixed, and the middle of the panel is screwed to the profile of the metal / metal with a press.

The plastic panel is better to start tissue from the "visible" edge and bearing to the less "visible". Before the panel is screwed, it must be cut off on the floor to the desired dimensions with such a calculation so that its edges freely laid on the edge of the edging corner, without resting, but also not slipping from them. If the edge of the panels in the corners is slightly moving away from the edge of the corner of Kant (the slot is formed), then you can click the panel from above, such as a piece of tile, (just need to be done immediately, and not after you continue to insert the following panels, since Then, perhaps you can not get to the corner).

And it is important - a plastic panel start to start to the wall of those groove, which is inserted into the next panel, and the edge of the groove, in which the next panel is inserted, is screwed to the profile (if you do on the contrary, you will not succeed, since you can not Insert the next panel).

Before you screw the panel, it must be cut off on the floor by the desired.

Plastic panel start to start to the wall of those groove, which is inserted into the next panel, and the edge of the groove in which the next panel is inserted, is screwed to the profile

if you look at the bottom up, then the profile is appreciated above the top edge of the edging corner on the thickness of the plastic panel

We recruit the panels if you need to cut holes in them under point lights

If you have point lamps in the ceiling, before making panels, you need to mark the places where they will, and when assembling panels in the right place in the panel, make a hole in the size of the point lamp and insert it into the panel.

When installing the extreme (last) panel, it usually has to be confused on the desired width. Its width should be such that when its grooves enter the panel, the reverse of her edge lay down on Kant, without resting in him, but without falling off him.

When all panels are assembled, I am so that there is no cracks, I'll take the edge of the edge of the edge between the edges and panels again. With a very big skill, the ceiling is smooth and without any slots, curvature, and similar disadvantages. When assembling the ceiling in the bathroom, which is shown in the photo, I went about 2 hours of time.

Ready plastic box in the bathroom

No communication systems in the bathroom can not do. However, water and sewer pipes are unlikely to give your room an aesthetic look. Therefore, most residents, in the process of repair, try to hide all communication. To implement the conceived, there are several ways: hide pipes with furniture, boxes, rolls or closed in the wall. Choosing a disguise option, it is worth considering the possibility of maintenance of communications. In order to break the room decor in case of breakage. By installing a box for pipes in the bathroom, you can make a collapsible design or to build small doors to access communications.

Depending on the location of the highways, the box can be installed in two ways: closing only the pipes or the entire wall on which they are located. In the first embodiment, closing only those areas where pipes are available, you save on the material. The sewing of the entire plane on which highways are located, looks more aesthetically, but reduces the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom. To at least some of the use of space in a box not occupied by pipes, small storage facilities are built there for various things.

What is better to make a box?

Before closing unsightly communications, it is necessary to choose correctly the material for the box, which will be hidden in the bathroom. He must meet several requirements:

  • have sufficient resistance to moisture;
  • have a small weight and thickness;
  • manufactured from environmentally friendly ingredients that do not distinguish harmful substances.

Accordingly, these criteria from the available materials for the manufacture of the box in the bathroom can be used: MDF, resistant to Faneur, moisture-resistant plasterboard or plastic.

Preparatory stage

Most often, the problem of the pipeline happens in places of compounds. Therefore, than them less, the better. If the installation of the box is made after laying new pipes, it is necessary to take care that the highway has as little connections as possible. If the replacement of the pipeline into your plans is not included, before hiding the pipes in the bathroom, it is necessary to carry out their careful inspection. Examine all highways for the presence of defects and if they are eliminated.

It is believed that without fear of leaks, you can close the sealed and welded connections. But to fittings that have threaded connections, there should be free access. It is necessary to periodically inspect them. Therefore, threaded connections can not be meditated. It is also necessary to provide free access to valves, sewer audits, counters, filters.

Manufacturing box step by step

Installation of the box in the bathroom consists of several stages. Consider each of them in more detail.

Measurements and Definition of Design Sizes

Before sealing pipes, you need to make the necessary measurements and refine the location of the box. In places of unreliable compounds, to the counters and valves, it is necessary to provide a removable part or the door. It does not prevent the plan of the room on which all structural parts will be marked. During the measurement process, do not forget about the thickness of the finishing material.

Having determined the outline of the future design on the floor, with the help of a plumb tolerate it on the ceiling, and then make markings on the walls.

Mounting frame for subsequent sheat

Before sewing communications to the box, you need to set the frame around the pipes. It is best to make it from a galvanized profile. Since the air is constantly wet in the bathroom, the use of wooden bars is undesirable. If you still decide to use them, choose the bars made of breed resistant to rotten. And before use, process all wooden parts by antiseptic.

The adhesion of the frame elements between themselves is produced by self-drawers or using a barbecate. To secure the profile to the wall, dowels and euro shops are used.

Mounting profiles to the wall needed, taking into account the finishing material subsequently lightened close to the pipes

The first thing is mounted a profile on the walls. Then set the racks forming the front face.

Depending on the design of the future box, the front racks may be somewhat or only one. They are attached with their own curved edge or suspension

After that, the guides on the ceiling and the floor are mounted.

Basin vertical and horizontal profiles are convenient with each other.

If the length of the racks is more than 1.5 m should be made between them jumpers. They will also be needed for a frame, whose width is more than 0.25 m. The distance between the jumpers makes no more than a meter.

For the strength of the construction on the racks with a height of more than 1.5 m attaching jumpers

When using a wooden frame, handle the places of cutting by construction mastic. This will protect the box from damage and prevents its deformation in the process of temperature-wet oscillations.

Framework box shest

Craffting details for the box, try to make one-piece elements, and not from pieces. First cut lateral parts. Cologains them in such a way that the edges do not perform for the frame profiles, and there were twisted with them. After that, cut out the front of the box. It must close the side elements.

After cutting the material produce its installation to the racks. Make it with self-drawers (3.5-4.5 cm). The distance between them should be no more than 2.5 cm. Such a box will have sufficient strength, so it is not necessary to fix the material to the jumpers. To control the weaknesses of the pipeline, leave viewing holes with the doors.

In the box, you must leave a hole for free access to valves, counters and filters. It can be buried the door purchased in the construction store

They can be constructed independently or purchase ready. For the personnel making places of access to pipes make the door from the material that is used for the box itself. So that it does not open, furniture magnets are fixed on them.

The door for the control opening can be finished with the same material as the entire box. So it will be less noticeable

You can make a completely collapsible box. For this, the sheets of finishing material are attached to the self-tapping screw. By producing final finish, they are not closed with tiles.

In conclusion, plastic corners or plinth are fixed. When it is necessary to dismantle the box, clean the plinth, spin the screws and remove the finishing material.

Self-tapping screws, closed with plastic corner, are easily twisted to dismantle the box in emergency cases. After that, the box remains as integer and can be mounted in place

Final decorative finish

The final stage of the installation of the box is his finish. It depends on the material from which the design is made. Fanur, Gypsum and MDF can be fed by ceramic tiles or paint. Plastic panels do not need further finish. They themselves look quite attractive. Unlike drywall, plastic does not reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

To reap the bath build a frame from the profile

In the same way, the closure of pipes under the bathroom itself is performed. First, the framework is mounted, and then it is trimmed, leaving control doors.

On top of the frame from the profile, the moisture-resistant plasterboard is mounted and the tile on it. Be sure to leave the door for maintenance of pipes.

Now knowing how to mount the box, you can re-establish any pipes in the bathroom and make the room more attractive from aesthetic point of view. Hiding communications in the bathroom improves the design of the room. In addition, after closing the pipes, the noise level is reduced by the box emanating from them.

Video example of these finishing works

If you want to get a beautiful bathroom as a result of the repair, then you need to try not only with the choice of ceramic tiles and plumbing, but also the preparation of the room itself. For example, it is worth hiding too beautiful pipes that are unlikely to fit into the design of the room. How to make a box for pipes in the bathroom and from which you can make it you will learn from this article.

Is it possible to build a box?

The design of the box is usually quite rigid and does not imply easy dismantling for pipe repair. Therefore, before the construction of the design it is necessary to check their condition. If you have old communications, it is desirable to replace them with plastic. When replacing, try not to use the spike, mount one-piece pieces of pipes.

The smaller the connections in the communications, the less the chances of what you have to break the box to eliminate the leak. Perhaps it will never need.

How to make a box for pipes in the bathroom: 2 version options

You can close the pipes using the box, building it directly around them, or close the entire wall with communications, including pipes. The first option creates a small threshold if the pipes go parallel to the floor or column if they are vertical. In addition, you can save on the material from which the box will be mounted. The second option reduces the room space, but this can be partially fixed by making a niche for storage and closed niche shelves.

Box Materials

Bathroom - a special room of your home, so the materials for the installation of the box must be:

  • moisture-resistant;
  • environmentally friendly.

To install the box, you will need these materials to be also not too thick and not heavy. Given the parameters, you can use the following materials:

  • moisture-proof plywood;
  • plastic.

Convenient and more reliable to use to create a box of plasterboard or plastic.

Advantages of using drywall for a bathroom box

It is worth making a box of moisture-resistant drywall, because:

  • good focus points. It has been used in such premises for many years;
  • it is easy to cut;
  • all construction stores sell moisture-resistant plasterboard - there will be no difficulty with its purchase;
  • on top of the plasterboard, you can put the tile, paint or apply any other decorative coating.

Advantages of using plastic for a box in the bathroom

Plastic panels are also a good option for mounting the box:

  • quick installation that does not require mass tools;
  • excellent moisture resistance, if you wash the joints with sealant during installation;
  • immediately get an attractive surface with which it is easy to operate;
  • the material is not afraid of the temperature drop;
  • simple and fast repair or disassembly.

Blouses for drywall pipes in the bathroom

To begin with, consider all the nuances of creating a box for pipes in the bathroom mounted from drywall. If you at least once turned drywall with your own hands, then briefly browse the most important advice in this section and its last part about the collapsible design. Everything else you know.

To mount the drywall box, you need such tools:

  • scissors for metal;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screw and perhaps a dowel;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level.

Surely most of the necessary, if not all, you already have.

Instructions for building a drywall box

  1. The walls should be measured, near which pipes are located. Make a detailed plan for placing connections (places of possible leaks) for the future. Opposite the counters and valves should be placed. If you want the box to look homogeneous, then make removable parts of the design instead of the door instead of the door.
  2. Make marking of the future design on the walls, on the floor and on the ceiling (for vertical structures).

The distance between the pipes and walls of the box - at least 2.5-3 cm!

  1. Using a galvanized markup on the markup Make a frame for a box. To do this, you will need a screws and a screwdriver if the walls are made of drywall. You can do without a screwdriver, but the work will take longer. If the walls are brick or concrete, then use a dubile and screws.

If you mount a box for vertical pipes, then first make guides on the walls. Then the front line is attached using suspensions or curved edge and only after it - a galvanized profile is mounted on the ceiling and on the floor.

In the case of mounting the vertical box, non-standard structures with several edges (angles) are quite possible.

If the vertical box is more than 1.5 meters, then when mounting the frame between the guides, jumpers are needed from the profile. The maximum distance between the jumpers is 1 meter.

  1. Prepare plasterboard sheets to the installation, so that there are as little junctions as possible.
  2. With the help of screws, attach sheetwall sheets in place. Do not forget to make a hole for further access to communications.
  3. Slip the angle or corners of the design and joints between the sheets.
  4. Decorate the box as well as the rest of the walls in the room, including the installation of the plinth.
  5. Insert the door to access communications.

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that even the box in the whole wall can be made with a useful design. See how you can make a niche in the video:

Collapsible design of a drywall box

Possible installation of the collapsible design of plasterboard when building a box for pipes in the bathroom. To do this, fasten the sheets along the edge itself and do not put them down. Finishing works on the edges are not made - they close with the help of the corners. Thus, when you need to disassemble the design, you just remove the corners and unscrew all the screws. It is not difficult to collect such a box after repair work with pipes - it will take 20 minutes from the strength.

Pier for pipes from plastic in the bathroom

The easiest option for the box in the bathroom is to mount it from plastic panels. Even if you have a ceramic tile everywhere, this material will fully fit into the interior. The main thing is to choose the desired color and do not rearrange with the pattern. The best option will be a monophonic plastic panels.

Tools for mounting plastic panels

For installation it will be necessary:

  • drill or a shurtpers with a drill in the Kafely, if you have finished with ceramic tiles;
  • self-tapping screw or dowel for box;
  • cutter for plastic, bulgaria or electrolybiz;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • silicone.

As you can see, the tools are much less than in the case of mounting drywall. And if you also add tools to finish the tile and time on its laying, it becomes clear that the box of plastic panels is the perfect option!

Instructions for building a box of plastic panels

Let's step by step, consider how to make a box of plastic panels:

  1. Make markup for the box. How to do this see above, in the instructions for plasterboard design.
  2. Install the box from the profile. It can be done the same as for drywall, and you can abandon the front face.
  3. Prepare plastic panels according to the design sizes.
  4. With silicone, glue the panel to the profile.
  5. Start a corner between the panels using silicone.

Options for communications access door

It is necessary to leave for yourself the possibility of access to counters, pipe connections and cranes. To do this, you will need a door or a few opposite these elements. It can be bought (hatch, blinds, embedded doors) or make it. If you do the door with your own hands, make it from the same material as the rest of the design. It should be decorated in the same way as the box itself. To make it convenient to use it, stick or screw the small furniture handle (such is usually installed on kitchen headsets). In order for the door spontaneously not opened, it must be supplied with magnets. You can make an imperceptible door. As it is mounted shown in the video below.