Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a sofa from the cast-iron bath. How to make an armchair from an old bath. Installation of the bath in the country area as a reservoir

If you are the owner of an old and unnecessary bathroom, do not hurry to throw it away. We will tell you how to make a soft and comfortable sofa from your cast-iron bath.

Marking and cropping

1. Measure and place the place where you would like to cut part of the bathroom for the sofa. We advise you to make lines direct, it will be easier to cut.

2. Draw along the lines of the grinder. Do not forget to wear safety glasses. Be careful, because the fragments are very sharp. When the trim comes to an end, hold the cropped sheet so that it does not fall and damaged enamel inside the bathroom.

3. Stick the edges with a grinding machine. They must be smooth and smooth for safe use.


1. It is necessary to clean the lower part of the bath from the old paint. Take advantage of the grinding skin, a manual scraper or any other tool for your choice.

2. Use the solvent to remove the residues of the paint. Obviously, all the paint does not tear, but this is normal. A little provence does not hurt.

3. The edges of the bathroom can be seal with a painting ribbon or film. 4. The drain hole can be removed or left. At your discretion.

Grinding - Responsible and Long Process


1. Scroll. A couple of primer layers does not hurt.

2. Bathroom legs, unscrew and drive. Skure them a couple of times.

3. Paint the bath. Paint and her color to your choice. You can take any facade paint.

Design of sofa

1. Take the foam rubber - it will be a bottom of the sofa. Measure the inner width and the length of the bath and cut the desired size for the bottom.

2. Take the pillows and wrap them into the blanket from batting. Cover the cloth. Turn the edges and shove them around the edges of the foam rubber.

3. You can sew the case.

Sofa do it yourself from the old bath is ready. Now you can sit and relax.

If the old bathroom served his time, do not hurry to throw it into a landfill or donate in scrap metal, it is possible to make a rather original and creative sofa with your own hands. Such a sofa can become a decoration of any dwelling, starting from the apartment and ending with the country house, he also will well fit into the interior of various salons and offices for the provision of services.

For the manufacture of such a sofa, an old cast iron or metal bath is suitable, although it is better to give preference in favor of iron, it has good stability and the original shape especially if it is an old sample. Make a sofa from the bath is quite simple, all that is needed for this, an old bath, angle grinding machine (Bulgarian) with cut-off circles for metal and grinding nozzles, enamel paints for painting a bath and a foam rubber with a cloth for seating and pillows.

Removing the legs consider damaged and detached areas of paint and enamel.

Setting the bath, the side of the alternative shape of the sofa frame, everything depends on the wishes and its own fantasies. Cutting lines can be smooth, oblique, lectured, semicircular, etc.

Cutting machines produce a grinder and do not forget about personal protective equipment.

Cutting an extended bath detail is minimized by the line of the cut from the burr and make it more rounded. You can paint with any paints designed for the metal base, these are all sorts of enamels, nitrocracies, aerosol and the like.

The legs in such bathrooms are the invalid itself tightening under weight, they need to be cleaned, paint and wear in the slot inserts. In cases of their absence, you can cook the necessary frame of pipes or squares and install in it, you can also make stands from stone or wooden beams.

Make a sidewit quite simple work, we take the foam rubber suitable thickness and cut out the necessary form from it.

Wrap a cut-off foam blank with syntheps or spandbon.

Then cover the cloth, if possible, you can sew a cover and insert a foam rubber into it.

Pillows for the back and side armrests can be sewn independently or get ready-made in the store suitable in color and size.

Here you see that the base of seating is made of wooden boards, which in turn can be covered with a blanket, a covering or a soft blanket.

In this embodiment, the entire inner part is saved by foam rubber and sewing a one-piece case.

The patch back and head restraints will give the business type to this sofa.

The correct combination of paints and colors will betray the sofas of the unique glamor.

By cutting the bath, in half, we will get two original and pretty comfortable chairs that will become a spectacular addition to your sofa made from the old bath with your own hands. Requirements for the Top Casino Rating of 2019 are here How to choose the top casino?

Do it yourself

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If you have an old bath, do not hurry to throw it away. From it you can make a good chair, or even two. It's still quite simple, you need to attach the greatest amount of strength to cut the bath and welcome support. Consider the manufacturing process in more detail.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- Old bath;
- support from the old armchair;
- bolts with nuts for attaching support;
- paint;
- sandpaper for grinding the metal surface;
- Bulgarian;
- welding;
- spanners;
- a piece of steel plate;
- LED tape (optional).

Chair manufacturing process:

Step one. We prepare bath
First you need to clean the bath from the mud. The author with a bath drank domestic cattle, so it was quite a lot of dirt. Pour dirt, mine so that with the material it is convenient to work and not to smear into the dirt.

Step second. Place the locations of the cuts
Take a pencil or marker and spend the line of the future cut. As for the sizes, then decide here yourself. The bath must be cut at an angle, as the author did.

Step Three. Cut the bath
We take a grinder with cutting discs and cut the bath. It is not worth a hurry in this business, make the front, use safety glasses and gloves.

Step fourth. The base of the chair
As the basis for the chair, the author used support from the old office chair. The chair is old, so the support is not made of plastic, as modern, and from metal. Cut off the extra and prepare the plate for fastening the chair.

Pitch fifth. Fresh support for seat
We weld the fastening nuts to the metal seat. Thanks to him, the support can be removed if necessary, that is, the chair is collapsible. In the metal plate, the support drill four holes, they will turn out bolts.

Step six. Cut off the bolts too much
For bolts you can fasten the support, they need to be shortened. Take the grinder, clamp a bolt in a vice and cut off excess. Cover the cut edges so that the screws are screwed into the nuts without problems.

Step seventh. Trial assembly
At this step, you can already collect a chair. You need to make sure that the chair is assembled smoothly and reliable.

Step eighth. Align the place of bending a bath
So that in this chair no one can see the bath, you can close the place of bend. Take two steel plates for such purposes and breed them in the right places. First grab the welding, and then finally weld.

Step ninth. Metal preparation to painting
You are not so easy to paint the bath, because it is not every paint to enamel. The essence of the preparation is to make the surface matte. This can be achieved using a grinding disk. Also working can be sandpaper and other means. At the end, the entire surface was rubbed steel wool.

Step tenth. Primer and painting
First of all, we appline the primer, the author and paint and the ground in the cans. Well, further, when the primer dries, we apply two layers of acrylic paint on the surface. You can use gloss or matte paint.

Step 11. We clean and polish the support
Support from the old chair The author polishes to the brilliance.

Step 12. Enchaater Edging
So that the chair does not cut and looked more solid, the author starts the author along the edge.

Step 13. LED Tape
Since the author made the chair for his son, who is fond of computer games, it was decided to equip it with LED backlight. The author for such purposes used LED tapes. We glue it to the chair, as well as connect the power supply to which batteries protrude.

If the old bathroom served his time, do not hurry to throw it into a landfill or donate in scrap metal, it is possible to make a rather original and creative sofa with your own hands. Such a sofa can become a decoration of any dwelling, starting from the apartment and ending with the country house, he also will well fit into the interior of various salons and offices for the provision of services.

For the manufacture of such a sofa, an old cast iron or metal bath is suitable, although it is better to give preference in favor of iron, it has good stability and the original shape especially if it is an old sample. Make a sofa from the bath is quite simple, all that is needed for this, an old bath, angle grinding machine (Bulgarian) with cut-off circles for metal and grinding nozzles, enamel paints for painting a bath and a foam rubber with a cloth for seating and pillows.

Removing the legs consider damaged and detached areas of paint and enamel.

Setting the bath, the side of the alternative shape of the sofa frame, everything depends on the wishes and its own fantasies. Cutting lines can be smooth, oblique, lectured, semicircular, etc.

Cutting machines produce a grinder and do not forget about personal protective equipment.

Cutting an extended bath detail is minimized by the line of the cut from the burr and make it more rounded. You can paint with any paints designed for the metal base, these are all sorts of enamels, nitrocracies, aerosol and the like.

The legs in such bathrooms are the invalid itself tightening under weight, they need to be cleaned, paint and wear in the slot inserts. In cases of their absence, you can cook the necessary frame of pipes or squares and install in it, you can also make stands from stone or wooden beams.

Make a sidewit quite simple work, we take the foam rubber suitable thickness and cut out the necessary form from it.

Wrap a cut-off foam blank with syntheps or spandbon.

Then cover the cloth, if possible, you can sew a cover and insert a foam rubber into it.

Pillows for the back and side armrests can be sewn independently or get ready-made in the store suitable in color and size.

Here you see that the base of seating is made of wooden boards, which in turn can be covered with a blanket, a covering or a soft blanket.

In this embodiment, the entire inner part is saved by foam rubber and sewing a one-piece case.

The patch back and head restraints will give the business type to this sofa.

The correct combination of paints and colors will betray the sofas of the unique glamor.

By cutting the bath, in half, we will get two original and pretty comfortable chairs that will become a spectacular addition to your sofa made from the old bath with your own hands.

When the apartment is long-awaited overhaul, many moves a single desire - to get rid of old things in the house, as a result of which most of them begin to move safely to the balcony, in the garage or to the cottage. When it comes to the queue before repairing the bathroom, an urgent question arises - what to do with the old cast-iron bathroom? It regularly served so many years that it was a pity to throw it and storing such a heavy large-sized attribute of Plumbing and there is no need. Ideas from this article show this problem will be solved, showing how you can make the so-called upgrade and give a new life with an old bath.

Little reservoirs and ponds are always perfectly harmonized with landscaped design of the country area. To build an independently small pond will not work if you have an old bath. The most naturally such a pond will look if the bath is almost up to the very edges in the ground. In the place where the pond is planned to be organized, it is necessary to make marking on the basis of the sizes of the bath, dig a hole corresponding to its parameters. Next, you should shut down the side and lower drain holes with a wooden plug, wrapped with a cloth. From the inside the bath is better to paint into black, so that the bottom of the bath does not shine anti-abnital white. However, if you do not plan to periodically merge water out of the pond and clean the surface of the bath, then a certain amount of the bathroom, the bath itself will acquire a natural look due to the nanile dirt, plant residues and insect vital products. And here are still ways.

You can lay out stones around the pond, plant such plants like a shipyard, bells, iris, ferns, Badan. You can also make a pond lanterns and a variety of animal and bird figures.

Cozy sofa for giving from an old bath

Applying some efforts and creative approach, you can turn the old bath into a stylish and original sofa. It can be put on both the dacha and in the house. To implement this idea, you need to outline on one of the lateral sides of the bath line of the cut and remove the bulgar from the excess part. The edges should be smoothed and then paint the bath outside and from the inside into any colors that are suitable for the interior of the room. After painting on the cropped edges, lock the edging. On the legs with liquid nails should be glued with decorative lining. Mattress and pillows are stacked on the bottom of the bathroom. The sofa is ready.

Beautiful flowerbed from old bath

Make an excellent flower bed for flowers from an old bath will not be difficult. In addition, it is practically ready. You can dry the bath completely into the ground, as in the case of a pond, then fall asleep the earth and plant plants. And you can leave the bath stand on the legs or insert only legs into the ground. In this case, the bath should be painted and you can even turn on all your imagination and paint the bath with beautiful patterns. Also, with the goal of the decor you can lay out a mosaic on the outside of the bath from the tile of the tile. And a few more ideas for your cottage.

Old bath as a water storage for watering

Many dackets use an old bath as a container for water storage in the country. But in order for the old bath does not spoil the appearance of the country area, you can easily build a funny cow from it as in the photo that will give a smile and a good mood to all family members and neighbors. Such an excellent cow can also be used as a mini pool for children.

In general, in any old thing you can breathe a new life, to embody it in another form, to use in a different intended purpose. The old bath is an excellent material for creating truly amazing and main decor functional elements for the country area, whether it is a picturesque flower flower bed, a quiet pond in plants, a stylish sofa, an original water storage capacity or even a mini pool.

Elvira Goli for the site