Repairs Design Furniture

Furniture from bottles your own. Furniture from plastic bottles: design with your own hands. Comfortable plastic raw materials seat

The stunning property of plastic bottles is that they are all new applications. Of these, you can make not only any kind of funny trinkets, if you have enough source material, you can try to create something more serious. Furniture from plastic containers will be useful and on the site, where children are played, and in the garage or shed. It is possible to grab it with him when you are traveling to a picnic, and this furniture will not become a serious cargo, because it is easy when carrying. Fashionable and popular recently began to use furniture of this kind on street presentations, as well as for field events of various nature. The master class on the manufacture of beautiful furniture from the most common plastic bottles, which have not been needed for a long time, do it yourself - for clarity, consider some examples, told about how it can be done.

Master class on creating a table for breakfasts on the nature of bottles

Such a convenient device can be built easily and quickly. And only the plastic tray and four of any plastic containers will need from materials. If the bottles are thin and long, then the product will be able to be used as a coffee table.

The very idea is very simple:

  • It is necessary to glue bottles to the surface of the tray of the bottom. It will be the legs of the table, and the tray itself is the surface of the table.
  • In order for the product to look more attractive and has a nice view, bottles can be covered with acrylic paints or wrap thin and durable beeps or jute twine.
  • The countertop can be decorated by gluing various items to it. This technique is very popular and called decoupage. As items, you need to use old photos and postcards, unnecessary playing cards. It is quite suitable and pieces of matter. For sticking, it is possible to use both ordinary glue and plow glue. The countertop can be put on both flat shallow pebbles.

The fact that it will look just amazing, you can make sure the photo.

If you taste, then build a bigger table.

Here, act about the same way. Only as the surface of the table, it is necessary to pick up the material. It is quite suitable for a piece of plywood or, which is even better, already visited the countertop from the old table.

In order for the table to be durable, you need a greater number of bottles.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  • Put the surfaces of the intended form. The table can be made like rectangular and square. If there is a desire, even round.
  • Make the necessary marking on the back of the surface. In these places, it is necessary to connect bottles with caps with the back surface of the table top.
  • For the legs are longer and stronger, the second row of bottles can be glued to the first row, so that the bottoms of the first row join the subcases of the second. As glue, use special glue for plastic or universal.
  • If desired, the container can be painted or painted.

We try to create your own hand-made furniture from plastic containers

Catering furniture from plastic containers is an excellent option. It is convenient, comfortable and attractive, and most importantly - mobile. It can be put on both in the house and on the veranda or in a gazebo. From this material it is possible to build a single bed on which you can relax, putting it in the shade of the Dacha Garden. It is also convenient for the fact that it is easy to transfer from one place to another.

To craft furniture, you will need from 600 to 800 plastic bottles.

After you made simple pieces of furniture from plastic. You can try to do and something more complicated. On the example of the manufacture of the chair, it will be convenient to show how to fasten the bottle, and this will be useful in turn to create the most ambitious things. The source material will serve "login" (modules) made of four plastic containers.

Stages of work:

  • By cutting the bottle in half, the upper part should be turned over and insert into the bottom.
  • Whole bottle should be inserted into this design. Cutting the other bottle, the bottom to wear from above.
  • To fasten the module, it is wrapped with transparent scotch.
  • Also with the help of tape (you can take the food film) connect a large module.
  • Increasing the modules in this way, make the details of the chair. Sew the cover of chairs from chosen matter.
  • Put on a cover on the product, under the seat laying soft material (foam or sintepon).

When a desire for creativity lives in a person, and the desire for themselves is going to organize everything, any "garbage" in his house turns into colorful masterpieces. He will save toys for children from old clothes and rags, from cardboard and paper makes beautiful garlands to decorate the room to the holiday.

For more information about what comfortable things you can create for your own comfort and decorating a country house, find out, looking at the video.

The most ordinary thing in the world is a plastic bottle. But not to recalculate cases of how many times it can come in handy in the farm. From her it is possible to create as very small, but extremely useful things, for example, a pot for seedlings, and to build very global buildings for the garden and a household plot.

Video lessons on the subject of the article

You can independently implement grand ideas and make the necessary things from unnecessary plastic bottles you can, looking, selected by us, videos.

Masters and beginners use crafts from plastic interior bottles, like a garden decor and in the form of practical furniture. Colored covers from plastic bottles - excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and hedges. The best ideas with detailed instructions and the photo are easy to implement at the cottage, turning a naked plot in the "Polyana of Fairy Tales", and the house is filled with useful trifles.

One of the most crazy handles Runet Roman Ursa presented a plastic video, which showed 70 ways to use plastic bottles.

Advantages of crafts from plastic capacities

Successfully made souvenir or bauble over time will turn into a hobby, if there is no fantasy limits. Do not cease to admire summer houses that have passed from simple hedges on the wire to buildings admiring the scope.

From an affordable material that many emit, someone builds:

  • greenhouse;
  • canopy for cars;
  • summer shower or bath;
  • cottage toilet or shed;
  • summer gazebo or sun visor;
  • terems for children or a playground;
  • sandbox with decorative sides;
  • various temporary buildings on the site.

Plastic over time becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to dispose of it. But it should be attracted to cleaning the territory of all those who are not indifferent, and there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for building greenhouses, cascade flower beds or vertical landscaping. The only drawback is the long collection of the same container, since the capacity produce different colors and volume.

To create an original decoration required:

  • interesting intent;
  • ready sample imitation (illustration);
  • material for crafts with tools;
  • step by step guide to the educational plan.

In the hands of this Master, plastic bottles acquire the second life, becoming functional objects. Souvenirs are better to do for a seasonal principle. For example, New Year's toys Mastery in winter, practical country buildings - in the summer, and in the spring and autumn it remains to build a "glade of fairy tales" at the house for children.

Furniture and interior items from plastic bottles

Furniture from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece, not available to everyone. For them, there will be a lot of plastic containers of the same sample. Sofas and puffs are impressive with their design and convenience, not yielding real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made on blocks - seat, back, sidewalls. If the containers are not enough, the blocks of the sofa can be made alternately. It is better when collecting bottles from a single beverage, such as a two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of "assembly" of furniture from bottles is simple - they are exhibited by layers and firmly wrapped with scotch. In order for the furniture to be softer and spring, it produces some air from each bottle and tightly twist. To the place where the cover, the cap is cut out of another bottle and primed with scotch. It turns out a block that, on both sides, the Donette is the basis of furniture.

Further all depends on the fantasy, such as furniture and the number of bottles available. Scotching 7 tanks of the same volume, the base is obtained for the POPI. What will be his appearance and stylistics, depends on the master. For soft seating, you will need a round pillow or a block of foam rubber in the size of the vertex. The case is exhibited by the size of the PUPPIC in the form of a cylinder, and on the side seams it is convenient to insert zipper, but it is easier to sew the upholstery.

To build a coffee table, you will need 4 racks from plastic bottles and plywood shield as table tops that can be hidden a long tablecloth. Similarly make a comfortable stand under a laptop or a remote table for giving. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or armchair) from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and source material.

Useful trifles for houses from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

Decorate a schoolboy's bedroom or a children's room with crafts from plastic containers will not be difficult. You can build a whole bouquet of artificial colors. The resulting chrysanthemums, chamomile or roses put in a vase from the same material, supplementing the middle of the diode light bulbs on the insulated wire. Thus will look like a night light of an extraordinary beauty, where weak light shifts in plastic petals.

Council: To give a special form leaflets, use the heating of the blanks and turning the corners of the forceps!

To accommodate a homemade bouquet, a suitable vessel will need, just cut off the part of the bottle - not aesthetically. The edges of the cut are placed according to the ruler to make cutting, securing the result by heating bends. A small transparent bottle is cut under the top, a large container is cut around half. We choose the material with the rifer or the "waist" in the middle so that there is an interesting basis.

Then we do the way that fantasy allows, but the edges are beautifully bend. Bach cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal plastic base. The formed bands are evenly bend on the outer side.

Note! It is important that all the notes and the depth of the slot be absolutely the same, then all the product will come out neat.

Depending on which region is desirable, the strips of a vase (the edges of any other product) are fixed in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • stapler brackets;
  • pointing;
  • gluing transparent polymers.

Cachepo, Flower Pots and Capacity for Seedlings

Color plastic container in the form of bottles and butches of different volumes is suitable as capacities for growing living plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony of 3 liter tanks - Cascade of ampelnaya petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut tanks will help bring the dream of a beautiful paradise.

Cut in half large bottles and tanks hang and donate down and lid. It is recommended to put a large pebble for drainage. Excess water after irrigation leaves to plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - a hydroponic way with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh greens and seedlings (in urban and country conditions) also germinate in prepared plastic bottles.

Council: Use the compact form and the ability to hang the tank for vertical landscaping with automatic irrigation. In the absence of the owners of watering can with water, immersed in the ground, will cope with moisturizing plants.

Traps and feeders

With the help of plastic bottles, you can scare pests or attract birds to the site. For this, the tank is used as a feeder, and the roots of fruit trees are placed traps from bottles with chemicals. From the double plastic capacitance, the craftsmen build traps for the OS, where they flush on sweet water and cannot get back.

Equipment of the country area

At the cottage, "an ambulance" is easy to build crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an improvised washbasin, hanging a full bottle upside down. It is worth a slightly lid, and a small flow of water will help to wash and wash your hands. It is also worth making a shop and organize lighting with beautiful owls or dwarves of their plastic. Any garden decor for inspiration - on interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional home objects

Make the original cosmetics from 2 dyshk plastic bottles, stitching the edges of the zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

From a similar ball suspended somewhere nearby, it is convenient to knit, pulling up a thread from the ball invested inside. Nail polish or lipstick collection is easier to find in an improvised lightning box.

New Year's decor

Original All seasonal flower beds

The summer season passes, and self-made flowers from plastic comes to replace the living flowers, not inferior on the beauty of the beauty. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower beds are blurred against the background of living plants, but early in the spring and late autumn only they attract enthusiastic views.

For daisies, you will need small plastic white tanks (petals), yellow (middle) and green (leaf). It will also need to be selected and the candle (for heating), "liquid nails", scissors and rigid wire in green isolation.

The basis of a white bottle is cutting up to the center, setting 16 segments - these are petals. Neat edges bend over the flame of the candle, we also perform 2-3 camcakes of chamomile, which we connect in the center of Sil. The stem with the leaves on the green wire is fixed here, closing the middle. Flower center fill in a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a bent over a candle with a fringe. We supplement the flower with green cups from the bottom, wech the parts and fix together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, we cut leaves with a hole at the base (for the rolling) and give the desired shape, warming the candle over the flame. On the cutting of the wire, the leafs are fed, they must slightly go through it. It remains for daisies to make several "companions" and find a bouquet of a worthy place.

All seasonal flowerbams include mosaic compositions from tanks filled with land. From the covers make wall panels. "Butterfly" or "Ladybug" - in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles on the playground

The incredible beauty of the bird with a plastic lap is a whole "glade of fairy tales". It is a peacock or a fireband, swans, pigeons, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made of empty PET bottles according to a common principle:

  1. Emboss the aesthetic bird head with eyes and beak;
  2. To build a torso and neck;
  3. Ride plastic operenim;
  4. Supply wings and tail;
  5. To put on the paws or fix on the selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off by the blue "lake" of inverted plastic bottles. Skyline birds will decorate the trees in the garden corner, which is assigned to children's games. You can choose the thematic decor, for example, uninhabited island with palm trees and parrots.

The material is collected for a whole year, but it is easier to connect to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ecological" cleaning of neighbors and acquaintances. In the courtyards there are special containers for plastic - to dial much easier.

Preparation for work - removal with plastic bottles of labels and glue residues, it is important to rinse well and threw a deformed material.

If vertical hedges are built, they must be filled. Depending on the idea, sand, stone crumb or dry ground, burying down on 1/3, poured into the PET bottles.

For selected purposes, plastic of different elasticity are used. Thermal processing is required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat sliced \u200b\u200bfragments.

For fabulous characters, an additional painting is sometimes required. For example, pink piglets for the playground is better to cover with an aerosol from the canopy, consolidating the transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles - excellent material in skillful hands. Using them as a basis, it is easy to teach children a lesson to environmental education and fill the house or plot with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and form of plastic bottles themselves will tell new ideas for an exciting creative process.


In a big cheerful company, there is never unnecessary chairs. Therefore, hospitable hosts often think about how to make new inexpensive sofas, puffs, stools or chairs.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe secondary use of plastic bottles is useful from any point of view. First, plastic is a durable material that decomposes within a few hundred years, and therefore polluting the environment. And secondly, it is light durable, ideal for creating furniture frames of almost any size and shape. For furniture from plastic raw materials there is a place in the country and on a big loggia, on the beach or playground.

To learn how to create such products, you only need to understand the main idea - how to turn the container with a lid into solid and elastic material. Each craftsman offers its original way:

  • For example, you can leave open bottles on the night in the cold, and close the capacitances in the morning and put in a warm place. After such a thermal hardening, the material becomes more durable, the products made from it for a long time retain this property.
  • In another case, we recommend using whole blocks. To do this, one bottle is tightly closed with a lid. In the other, it is cut about a third or a quarter at the top. The remaining bottom is worn from the side of the cover on the first container. The location of the cut is wrapped with scotch. Thus, the material will be not only strong, but will acquire good depreciation properties.

Comfortable plastic raw materials seat

Do not throw away the plastic container from under sweet water, beer, other drinks. Gently rinse them and fold in the pantry or garage. We advise you to make a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For its manufacture you will come in handy

  • from 200 to 250 empty two-liter tanks, preferably one form;
  • wide scotch;
  • stationery knife or scissors.

Work description

  1. In the design, we will use as whole bottles (a) and cut (B, C, D, E). The cut parts will be needed to compile strong building blocks. Pay attention to the image below.
  2. Now it should be placed the part with in the Bowl.
  1. A closed whole bottle and insert the bottom into the part from B and C
  1. Now the bottom of the bottle D is put on the design from the side of the lid. We got a sample block, from copies of which will be done by the seat of our chair. Total to manufacture 16 such elements.

  1. Connect, tightly wrapped with scotch, 2 such details.

Attention! When forming large and small blocks, put elements on a solid smooth surface. Crepe details tight. Then your design will be sustainable and strong.

  1. Next, connect two two two.
  2. Then four and four.
  3. Fully seat is a block of 16 bottles.
  4. Start the formation of the back of the remaining material. Set three parts C + to each other on a block, similar to those used for the seat. It turns out a high tube item. Total need two.
  1. Now make 2 higher items. They will become extreme elements of the back of the chair.
  2. Install in the same plane: two low parts in the middle, high on the sides. To ensure the reliability of the back, secure the block of scotch at three levels.
  3. Couple together the back and seat. While the details with three strips of adhesive tape.

Chair is ready. You can use the product in this form or sew a soft tissue cover with plywood base and a dense foam on the seating. And then no one guess that this soft and beautiful chair you did it yourself.

Plastic Bottle Puff

Puf is the easiest piece of furniture, which can be quickly made from plastic containers. It can be a big and small, square or round - it all depends on how to connect the containers as their amount to use. A good stable pouf is easy to turn into a table, foot stand. A little imagination and creativity will make your pouf a unique attractive stroke in the interior.

Materials and tools

For medium pouf, you will need

  • 16 double-liter plastic containers.
  • Scissors or stationery knife.
  • Motion wide scotch.
  • A little bilateral scotch.
  • Dense cardboard or a piece of thin plywood.
  • Lobzik (if you use Phaneur).
  • Decorative textiles for the cover.
  • Clay joiner or pva.
  • Technical textiles.
  • Thick foam.
  • Needle, thread.
  • Roulette.
  • Sewing machine.

detailed instructions

  1. Prepare bottles to work: Rinse them, dry, close the lids tightly.
  2. Form the circle of the circle. Start with the first, then add one by one, tightly fixing everything in turns of the scotch. Make an assembly on a flat surface (on the table or on the floor).
  3. Measure the roulette diameter of the resulting design. Cut 2 circles from the foam rubber and 2 of the plywood of the same size.
  4. At the bilateral scotch, attach to the top and bottom of the design of plywood circles.
  5. Glue the foam circles on top of the plywood, applies glue strips on them.
  6. Measure bottles height. Add another 2-3 cm and cut the strip from the foam rubber. Wrap the design of this piece. Shoot ends.

Interior and exterior objects are expensive designs that require people to invest pretty significant cash. Therefore, the desire often arises to save, for which numerous products are made independently. An excellent solution for the cottage is the furniture from plastic bottles with their own hands, which will not require investments of significant money or effort, and at the same time one can embody different unique ideas. With carefully and thorough approach, it is guaranteed to obtain truly beautiful designs that fit well into any territory or room.

If you plan to manufacture furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands, the master class of this process is very useful. For this, pre-materials and tools for work are determined. These include the following items:

  • plastic bottles themselves;
  • high density cardboard;
  • porolon if planned to do a soft object;
  • fabric for skin sheat, and it should be specifically designed to form high-quality upholstery of different items;
  • scissors and Scotch.

The number of plastic bottles is completely dependent on the size, destination and other parameters of the future design. Additionally, during operation, other tools and materials may be needed, as it depends on what is created from bottles, and how the product will be decorated.

Scissors and cattle

Plastic bottles

Instructions for manufacture

Crafts from plastic bottles are numerous. To create each design, their own instructions are used, which assumes the implementation of certain actions. Photos of different products are presented below.

If you carefully disassemble the features of working with the material, then even furniture for dolls can be made with your own hands with unsurpassed attractiveness and originality.


How to make furniture from plastic bottles? This process is considered fairly simple. The following is a step-by-step instruction that explains how to get a full-fledged soft bafficle from bottles:

  • in the widest part of the bottle, an incision is made;
  • it inserts the neck of another bottle;
  • this process is performed until the moment is as long as the optimal height design is suitable for the planned POPIC;
  • the resulting enough long workpiece must be well fixed, for which it is tight and reliably wind from all sides of the scotch;
  • there are several such billets with the same height;
  • they are tightly connected to each other with a scotch, resulting in a round design, which resembles a standard aspect of the standard "
  • next, such a product is trimmed from all sides by foam rubber so that it turned out to be really a soft ottoman, which is comfortable for continuous use;
  • the design made by any cloth for upholstery, so that it was attractive and fit well into a certain interior.

Thus, from plastic bottles it turns out a comfortable ottoman with optimal dimensions. It can be covered with different types of fabric, so the material is selected, perfectly suitable for the tastes of future users. Photos of different types of otfikov are presented below. If doll furniture is done, it is desirable to acquire small bottles, and you will also have to act more paintakingly, since it will have to cut a plurality of small elements from the elements.

Cut the bottle

We connect scotch

We are trimmed

Create upholstery


For beginner masters who do not have experience with bottles, the creation of a simple shelf is considered an excellent solution. You can position such shelves not only in the country outdoors, but even in residential premises. They are considered relevant for use in the storage room or even in the children's room. The resulting shelves are recorded to the wall of the room, so do not occupy a lot of space in the room, and at the same time can be used for storing various items.

The entire process of creating the shelf is divided into steps:

  • the optimal shape and size for the future shelf is determined;
  • cropped bottles in the part where there is a neck, and these elements are not needed for subsequent work;
  • the elements are covered with acrylic paints so that the resulting structure has an attractive view;
  • after their drying, they are connected to each other, after which are covered by different decorative elements;
  • properly made shelves are fixed to the wall with self-draws or other suitable fasteners.

Shelves can be made using plywood to which the blanks are fixed, and such a design will be the most reliable.

Cut the bottle

Covered paint

Connect bottles

Krepim her to the wall


An interesting solution for any garden plot or giving will be a sofa made of plastic bottles. For this, sequential steps are performed:

  • two-liter bottles are purchased, and their number cannot be less than 500, since fewer is not enough to obtain optimal sofa;
  • as a fastener, standard tape is used, but it should be wide enough;
  • bottles are not too durable elements, so under the action of significant loads are easily frozen, therefore, it is certainly necessary to make a durable and rigid base for furniture;
  • from each bottle, the upper part is cut, after which it is inserted into the bottom element down;
  • in the resulting base, the following bottle is inserted, covered with a previously cut with a donkey;
  • next, the bottles of 2 elements are connected in the same way, after which they are securely and firmly wrapped with tape;
  • a direct design is formed from the modules, and for the seating, it is usually necessary about 17 modules;
  • from these elements, the seat is collected, then the back, and then armrests;
  • all obtained parts of the future sofa are connected to each other by scotch.

In the process of work, you will need a large amount of scotch, so it is recommended to purchase a lot of this material in advance.

Cut the bottle

Connect all the elements


The most simple in the creation is considered a small stool. It can have different unusual forms, so it is often intended for children. The process of its creation is divided into steps:

  • it is prepared approximately 10 two-liter bottles;
  • they are densely rewound with a scotch;
  • separate sections are made of 3 or 4 bottles, which are tied to the main design in different ways and from various sides;
  • it is important to enjoy a large amount of tape to get reliable and resistant to design deformations;
  • to increase stability, it is allowed to fill bottles with water or sand;
  • the seat is cut out of plywood, screwed or navigable to bottles.


You can decorate ready-made designs in different ways, but the most popular are considered:

  • fastening soft elements on the otfiki, sofas or stools, for which the foam rubber, syntheps or other materials for packing are used;
  • different types of fabrics and even leather can be used for the trim, and the finished cover may also be purchased;
  • it can be placed by photographs, different decorative films or other attractive materials.

Such images, furniture made of plastic bottles are quite interesting and unusual designs. They can be represented in different kinds, and at the same time easily created with their own hands. With competent decoration, they possess an attractive appearance. They are considered optimal for use on the street in the country area.

The amount of garbage that every person "produces" is growing from year to year. The problem becomes global, as flying polyethylene packages and everywhere plastic bottles vozasoli all. Grief, it turns out, you can help, and even with benefit for yourself. In any case, it concerns bottles of plastic. You will be surprised what a variety of and, importantly, useful crafts from plastic bottles can be made literally in minutes. Well, or hours ... depends on the scale.

The buildings

PET (polyethylene terephthalate) - thermoplastic, from which bottles are made. It will be useful to know his physical properties:

  • density - 1.38-1.4 g / cm³,
  • softening temperature (T size) - 245 ° C,
  • melting temperature (T pl.) - 260 ° C,
  • fiberglass temperature (T Art.) - 70 ° C,
  • the decomposition temperature is 350 ° C.

Plastic bottles are very convenient to use, but harmful to ecology, as polyethylene, from which they are made, decomposes more than 200 years. This property, allows you to use practically okay raw materials as building material. Folk craftsmen are already building at home from plastic bottles, and still soras, cottages, greenhouses, greenhouses, fences. Various technologies are worked out - the approach is quite serious.

How to build a house of plastic bottles

The main idea is to pour into the bottle of bulk material, tighten them with covers and use as bricks. Fill bottles with sand, soil. Sand is preferable, since in the ground there are too many plant residues that can rot. It must be sifted, dry, fill the bottles, well to compact, shine even to the very top. There are peculiar bricks.

To build a house from plastic bottles, you will need a solution that fill the gaps between the "bricks". There are also options here. It can be a conventional solution that is used when laying walls of bricks, a clay solution can be made. To "bricks" kept in the wall until the solution is captured, they are binding to them on the side of the covers. Later, these "grid" will come in handy when you are plastering the walls. They are irregular, so do not do without alignment.

We make greenhouse, shed, greenhouse

From plastic bottles you can build a greenhouse or a greenhouse. In this case, only transparent plastic is used, since it is necessary that the light passes in sufficient quantity. For the construction of a shed, on the contrary, it makes sense to find plastic darling - less will be seen that inside.

The first technology is one in one

The second requirement for bottles, as a building material - a flat form. Such, you know, without recess. Otherwise, fold the walls so that they keep warm, it will not work - there will be a "siphon" in curly cuts. With bottles, we remove the labels, dry. It is still necessary to prepare pins or rods - bottles are riveted on them. The diameter of their small, so that the neck passed freely. Now you can proceed to the construction of a greenhouse / barn of plastic bottles.

For the construction of a greenhouse or a barn in the corners, pillars are bought. From the bar assemble frames in the size of the walls. These frames will be the basis for bottle walls. Their (frames) we collect on Earth and in ready-made crepary to the inserted columns. When you make a frame, do not forget the doorway and windows.

We build a frame, cut the bottom of the bottles, we ride them on the pin. From these "columns" we collect walls, roof

The construction process begins with cutting bottom. Cropped bottles We ride the pins, guiding the necks in one direction. Insert the bottle with effort so that they become very tight. Having collected a number of the necessary height, fasten it to the frame. You can fix clamps cut from metal strips, nails ... any way available for you. The second row is pressed to the first to be a small deformation. In this position, fastened. So, a number of nearby, we collect all the walls, then the roof.

By the same technology, you can make a gazebo. But here it is already a tightness of anything, so you can collect curly and colored containers. So even more interesting will be (an example - in the photo).

Second technology - sew plastic

Bottles are also needed smooth, transparent or yellow. Of these, the central part is cut out, getting the patchwork of plastic square shape. Slices of each other are stitched into long stripes. In the strip pieces are located so that they are twisted in one direction. Then the stripes are stitched in the canvas. In order for the canvas to be smooth, the bands are placed so that they are twisted in different directions. As a result, they align each other. Ready canvas are nailed to the frame. On this construction of the greenhouse of their polyethylene bottles is over.

Such a plan "Oven" for greenhouses perfectly tolerates winter, it should not be removed. Due to the firmware (many small holes), there is no absolute tightness, which allows you to adjust the humidity. You will not be able to turn such a greenhouse, but the autumn will move you to you, and the arrival of spring will accelerate.

You can cross plastic for the greenhouse manually, but it is not easy. It will be easier for those who have noncain sewing machines. Cool with such a task of old Podolsk cars. There may be problems with others.

Fence and feet

Make a fence from plastic bottles in various ways. If you need a serious monolithic fence, you can use bottles as bricks. The technology is the same as during the construction of the house. To avoid plaster (nevertheless, the risk is the risk that it will fall) - pick the color of the plastic to get the necessary Rusink. But in this case, you will have to search for "building materials" of the same diameter or from different sizes lay out patterns. In general, the process is creative, no matter how much.

You can still make a plastic bottle filling for the fence. Frame to make, say, from wood, and from figure tanks and their parts come up with beautiful filling.

Furniture from girlfriend: We utilize plastic bottles

From plastic bottles, not only the house and fence can be made, they are used and as a basis for upholstered furniture. The idea is to use not wood for the frame, and plastic containers. With twisted covers, they have a high bearing capacity, and collected in blocks, completely able to withstand loads up to 100 kg and more.

Bed of plastic bottles ... need a good mattress, and the reason is not too difficult to do

Although the furniture make different, the overall action algorithm is the same:

  • Pick the "building material" the same in height, well tighten the covers.
  • Collect blocks of the desired size, fastening them with scotch.
  • Collecting the basis of the required form, sew the case. For soft, adding furniture foam rubber.

The whole focus is that the bottles are alone to the other aimed very tightly and did not move. The slightest backlash can lead to the destruction of the design. Therefore, collect blocks without hurrying, thoroughly fixing. You can add bottles in layers, fixing each layer in several places. For internal layers, bilateral scotch is better to apply - fixation will be more reliable.

Puffy / Banquets

The easiest way to do from plastic bottles of the pencil or a banquette. We act in order described above. It is necessary to find the bottles of the same height better if they are and the same form - it is easier to collect. Of plastic containers with tightly twisted lids, we collect the base in the form of a cylinder. It is desirable that the radius of the base was greater than the height of the bottles - the banquette will not turn over.

Next, it is necessary to cut two circles from the fiberboard, which will be slightly larger than the resulting radius of the base - this is "bottom" and the base of the seating. We fix them with the help of a scotch. We take the furniture foam and, according to the size, cut out the necessary spare parts. Case sew from furniture fabric, color that comes to the interior.

Such a banquette can be not only round. It can be done and square. And so that this furniture is not too easy, it can be pulled out, pouring water. But water is not too reliable. It is better to pour sand. And harder and more reliable.

Sofas, chairs, armchairs

If you need a greater height furniture than one bottle, act as when creating walls for the house. Find the "material" of the same shape and height. The first bottle leaves the whole, tighten the cork tightly (you can pour sand so as not to turn over). The other is cut off the bottom, sit alone to another. A bottle comes to a distance and continues not to move, whatever efforts you have attached. If the resulting height is enough - excellent, if not, wear the following. Thus, they collect the rows of the desired height, then fasten them into blocks.

There is another way. It is more reliable in the sense that the bottles are kept not at the expense of compressed air, and at the expense of mechanical stop. And the walls in them are double, which is also important. Minus - more work, more source raw materials needed. The whole process in step by step illustration.

  1. We take a bottle, cut around in the middle of the height (the upper part with the neck is less).
  2. The top of the neck (the cover is screwed) insert until it stops into the bottom.
  3. We take a whole, of the same size and shape, insert it down to the prepared design.
  4. The third cut by approximately half and the lower part is put on the top (with a lid).

Of these modules, we collect blocks of the desired configuration, tightening them with a tape. Scotchi do not spare. You can first bage two bottles, then from dual collecting large blocks of large sizes.

As you understand, with such technology there are many tops from bottles (half of the third bottle). They can be used making other crafts from plastic bottles: flowers, more practical things for the economy.

Methods of making flowers

The most common crafts from plastic bottles are features for the garden and flowers. Read about the garden figures there are also other interesting ideas, but a lot of interesting animals collected insects. And we will tell about flowers from plastic bottles below - it is probably those crafts from plastic bottles that deliver the most pleasure. The process is simple, the possibilities of mass, the result is amazing.

You probably noticed that donyshko PET bottles look like a flower. Everything that needs to be done is to find a bottle of beautiful color, cut off the bottom from her. Here you have already got a pretty flower. In the middle, you can add chopped from the central part of the petal, the core from the sliced \u200b\u200bnoodle of the plastic strip or glue the beads inward, but everything is a little more details.

Use the power of fire

For work, you will need a marker, lighter or candle (with a candle more convenient). If there is, take pliers, tweezers or passatia - keep blanks during processing. We still need acrylic paints, you may need glue and beads. The entire manufacturing process is reduced to several steps:

There are a lot of options here. Just start doing. Immediately, maybe it will turn out and not perfect, but you will understand what you can fix it. See a few more pictures with a step-by-step photo of the process of manufacturing colors from plastic bottles.

The most simple

For novice needleworks, you can try to make flowers from plastic bottles of simple forms to decorate the garden. In this case, you can use milk containers. In order not to paint plastic, look for color. And it is not so important transparent they will be or not. They can be combined, getting different in the form of flowers.

To create such colors use a part near the neck. It is cut, forming petals. Next - to warm up, giving the right bending to the petals, a bit of paint, the core of a melted piece of carvings (a bottle of smaller diameter, and the pharmacy). So it turned out the buttercup.

Another option - to chop from the neck to the strips of equal width - 1-1.5 cm, bend them (heating a little at the base). Middle avenue to make a lateral milk bottle or paint transparent plastic acrylic paint.

Middle - any bright. Here - a piece of cork, but you can cut into a thin noodle, twist the roll and then heat. It turns out a shaggy heart.

The thing is in shape ... Despite the imperfection, they decorate the plot

The topic is actually inexhaustible. Flowers made of plastic bottles make a different one. From simple and uncomplicated, to very realistic. The point is not so much in the ability, but in different tastes and desires.

Useful ideas for home

Pet containers turned out to be so good material that they make a lot of useful things. In this section, we collected useful crafts from plastic bottles, which can be used in the farm.

For kitchen and not only

If you cut off the bottle with a capacity of 2-3 liters of donyshko, it turns out a pile or a bowl, and that it is smooth to the edges, they can be melted on a preheated iron. But so that the sole does not have to be cleaned, use a special silicone overlay. If it is not, you can do it through a leaf of parchment for baking.

Capacity for products. Plastic That Food ...

From the same bottle, cut off the part with carvings. 1-2 cm plastic should remain around the thread (the edges we melt according to the already known technology). Now it is not difficult for labor to hermetically close any package: we skip it through the sliced \u200b\u200bneck, we wrap the outside, tighten the lid.

From the bottom of the bottles attached to the bar, it turns out an excellent shelf for newspapers (photo on the right). You can also store umbrellas.

From the sliced \u200b\u200bplastic, you can weigh the different shape of the container. Bottles are needed smooth shape, with thick walls. They are cut into stripes of a certain thickness. It is necessary to cut on the helix - as a result, quite long stripes are obtained. If their lengths are not enough, they are perfectly stitched.


You can even make a lamp to the lamp, but under one condition: you will use such crafts from plastic bottles in the CO luminaires - only they are almost not heated. With the rest of the plastic lamps incompatible. We describe three ways to make lampshade from a plastic bottle.

First. Need a bottle of large tank. It is drawn on the strip of the same width. At the beginning and at the end of each band, heated soldering iron or mounted on fire nail we do holes. In this hole insert scissors, cut. It turns out even stripes.

When the bands are cut, in the bottom, we also do a hole, through the neck, we skip a thick fishing line, output through the hole in the bottom, on the reverse side, secure the decor on the reverse side. It is possible to buttons, you can - pebbles of suitable color. Now pulling the fishing line, we get an interesting form of lamb. You can put a light bulb of low power.

At similar technology, another lampshade was made. But they cut a piece of the neck with a neck on the strips, the strips were wrapped and secured on the neck. To give the desired shape, the bend place can be warm over the flame of the candle or lighters. The resulting "Flowers" Breppy on the base. So we get an unusual design.

They still make lampshades from bottoms. It is necessary to find a sufficient number of identical bottles, cut off their bottom, glue with each other with the help of universal glue (choose transparent). The main thing is that he glue plastic and quickly frozen.

Vases for flowers

Make a vase from a plastic bottle - what can be easier ... just cut off the neck and ready. But there is a technique that allows the patterned walls. You will need a soldering iron with the most subtle stale. His power should not be too high. Then everything is simple: with the help of preheated sting, burn patterns.

Magically! In order for the drawing to appear brighter, we take acrylic paint and paint the resulting beauty. Paint can be in a regular bank, but faster and more convenient to work by a canister.

These are the options ...

Photo idea

Crafts from plastic bottles are so extensive topic that it is impossible to tell about everything. What is nice, knowing several techniques, you can easily learn how and what to do looking only in the photo. So here we have collected several ideas that seemed interesting to us.

You can even make a boat ...

And this is just a decoration ...