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Autochemistry for chrome car details. How to remove rust with chrome-plated auto elements. Polishing - the use of industrial and folk remedies

A distinctive feature of cars of past years - application in the external and interior decoration of chrome details. Chrome - is the coating of the surface of steel parts chrome. The chromium layer protects the metal from corrosion and improves the appearance of the metal surface, gives the car an original look. But over time, under the action of an aggressive external environment, the glossy surface of chromed parts is muttered, spots and scratches appear on it. This reduces the attractiveness of the exterior or the interior of your car. To restore the initial look and do not damage the thin layer of chromium, you need to know how to clean the chrome details of the car correctly. Following the instructions below, you can clean the chrome-plated surface from the tax and restore its original shine.

You will need:

  • Clean rag
  • Cleaning products (one to choose):
    • Tool for cleaning chrome-plated surfaces
    • Baking soda
    • Steel cleaning agent
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Medical alcohol
    • Vinegar
    • Lemon juice
  • Tassel for manicure
  • Lemon skin
  • Metal polishing fabric
  • Napkins for rubbing cars
  • Carnaub or car wax
  • Short bristle brush

Cleaning chrome car parts

  1. If possible, rinse the metal under the jet of water to wash away from the surface any dirt. If there is no such possibility, wipe the chrome detail with a damp cloth.
  2. Select the cleaner from the list above. Moisten in it a rag or grouse for manicure and clean the chrome details. Food soda well cleans stains and divorces from a chrome surface.
  3. Carefully rinse the remnants of the cleaning agent from the metal.
  4. If the chrome-plated surface is sweating, wipe it with lemon skin or metal polishing tissue. Rinse the treated part with water.
  5. Sutitate the chrome detail to the shine with a dry cloth or napkins for wiping cars.
  6. Cover the metal with a thin layer of carnab or car wax - it will help keep the appearance of the chrome detail longer. Try so that the wax does not get into the place of the joints, as it will be difficult to remove it from there and with time the dirt can be accumulated under it.
  7. If still the wax falls into the place of the joints and seams, then immediately delete it. For this purpose, a car brush with a short bristle or a large painting brush with a short bristle (or wrapped with adhesive ribbon at the base) is well suited for this purpose.
  • Always use the minimum amount of abrasive substance and a more sparing tool for cleaning chrome parts. If necessary, try stronger cleaning products.
  • You can polish the chrome surface. Use the number of cleaning agents needed to clean the chrome details.
  • Grind chrome parts follows only if it is necessary to remove stains.
  • Rubbing chrome surface with baby oil will remove some types of stains.
  • Never use chlorine bleach or severe acid to clean the chrome parts, as this will damage the protective chrome layer and the appearance of small holes on the metal surface.
  • If you need to store some kind of chrome product for a long time, lubricate it with vaseline - it will protect it from corrosion exposure during storage.

The chrome coating of steel parts is considered to be one of the most reliable and practical. With proper care, this surface is capable of retaining a beautiful appearance and protect the metal from corrosion and destruction under it. This method is very popular in the automotive industry. The coverage of the details of the chrome began to practice in the middle of the last century, but by now this decision is not obsolete and is still relevant. However, with all its advantages, chrome is still unable to give 100% protection against environmental impact and with time the quality of the coating deteriorates. Therefore, the question of how and what to clean the chrome details of the car is equally relevant.

Why chrome coating spars

The main reasons are somewhat:

  • the impact of salt or special reagents against road icing;
  • the use of low-quality aggressive chemistry for washing the machine;
  • prolonged and regular foundation of an open-air car;
  • mechanical damage.

It must be remembered that chromium is not inert with respect to different chemicals. By exposing them to effect, it starts to lose its properties over time, and in the surface of the coating there are incommable divorces, "dirty" film, rusty points and other defects.

What and how to clean the chrome car details

There are many ways. Conditionally, they can be divided into "garage" and professional. The first will only help if the defects have not grown beyond the lungs of the surface or the appearance of a wave that does not be a rag and non-laying alcohol or ordinary soapy water.

"Garage" methods of cleaning

Immediately we can say that such "smart" tips like using Coca-Cola, chalk, soda, vinegar, lemon peel and other exotic, you need to discard immediately. They will at least be ineffective, and in places even harmful (trimming a thin chrome coating of food soda is much easier than many can imagine). It is best to give preference to conventional kitchen or soft plumbing chemistry, which is represented in the form of various sprays, pastes, gels, milk, etc. You can find in any large store or supermarket in the section with detergent and cleaning means. If there is nothing at all, there is nothing at all, then you can try to clean the usual citric acid solution, which is used to remove scale from kettles.

Professional cleaning

What to clean chrome car details if damage are solid? At first, you need to save the review of the manufacturers of auto chemicals and car cosmetics and choose a suitable polyrolol for cleaning chrome surfaces. There are many such means today, so the search is hardly difficult. You can only say that currently the best "chemistry" for these purposes is produced by manufacturers such as Turtle Wax and Liqui Moly. But in general, cheaper means of type Runway, Sonax or Doctor Wax, cope with a stronger worse. Also need a polishing paste based on chromium oxide with graininess of not more than 0.3-0.1 microns.

The process itself is time consuming and requires a special tool. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the onbuts and microcracks, filming the surface. To do this, use a corner-lining machine and special nozzles with felt circles to which polishing paste is applied. When the item becomes clean and smooth again, it is necessary to "bring" it manually. Here it is already useful to bought in advance polyrolol. It should be prepared for the fact that the occupation is long and labor, so if there are doubts about your abilities, it is better not to start and immediately go to the car service.

Online store site will provide you with everything you need for cleaning and polishing chrome details. The assortment has abrasive pastes for primary processing, cleaning polyters for finishing finishing, as well as special polishing fabrics. They gently envelop the surface during operation, allowing you to achieve the highest possible result. Here you can also purchase various protective compounds that will allow for a long time to preserve the results of your works.

Chrome body elements allow you to betray special elegance and car style. Each car manufacturer uses such elements in the car style. However, beauty requires victims. This is due to the fact that chrome coating is subject to corrosion, but with the right approach to cleaning chrome elements, you can keep the perfect look. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations made to cleaning and restoring chrome coating.

Polishing of chrome details: general rules

First, if you have a new car, then it is necessary to clean the chrome coating in a timely manner. It will help you keep the shine of chrome elements for a long time.

To clean and restore chrome coating, a special tool will be required that is sold in the auto shop or home remedies that are listed below. As a rule, the store is called a chromium reducing agent or an autosampane with a coating reducing agent. There may be other names, so specify the information from the seller. Also purchase a coarse and soft sponge for washing. For the final polishing, you can use microfiber or woolen fabric with a large pile.

Fight sponges, cleaning agent and forward. The process is sufficiently long. For example, one chrome-plated rear bumper molding will require about 80 grams of cleaning agent and 2 sponges.

After you have made a coarse cleaning of the chrome coating, it can start polishing the part. Polished item must be absolutely dry. For the highest quality effect, it is recommended to use a hairdryer, microfiber or woolen fabric with a large pile. When polished, you can use a special chromium polyrolol. It will help to avoid covers on the coating and create a protective layer. Polishing is made by circular motion by wrapping the entire surface. After polishing, it is necessary to leave the car for 30-40 minutes, and then walk once again on the polished microfiber part to remove the excess polish the polish means.

To maintain the perfect state of chrome elements, it is necessary to carry out these operations 2-3 times a year. The effect that will be achieved will meet all your expectations.

How to remove rust with chrome parts of the machine

In this case, it all depends on the size and depth of corrosion foci on the chromed part. If the foci of corrosion looks in the form of small rusty dots or scratches this is a floor of the case, but if the hearth corrosion has already grown enough and has an impressive depth or at all the chrome swept away, then it is practically not possible to save the coating or will not succeed.

1. Corrosion in the form of points and scratches.

If the chromed part has corrosive damage in the form of rusty dots with a small depth or scratch, simply tools are suitable for cleaning the surface and removal of this rust: it is polyters, acetic or citric acid, and soda, etc. The ideal option will then coating the purified part of the protective polyrolol for not the arrangement of the former corrosion foci.

2. Corrosion in the form of serious foci or swelling.

If the chrome part has significant corrosion damage, for this it will be necessary to clean it first almost the smallest sandpaper, and then proceed to the method described above in the first case. It is worth paying attention if the chrome coating fell completely, then something to do will not work. You can resort only to special services that are engaged in the chrome of details. Or you can cover this part to cover the chromed film itself. It certainly does not take much time, but still the effect will not be that whatever I wanted.

What to clean the raid on the chrome details of the car

Currently, there are quite a lot of funds that can be cleaned and remove the plaque from the chrome parts of the car. Moreover, it is important to mention that for this there is no need to run into the automotive store and spend money. And by the way, each means for cleaning chrome elements can cope with it. To some extent can cope, but the cleaning process can delay for a long time. Therefore, further listing the funds that are probably in every home. And this:

  • Baking soda;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Citric acid (especially effective);
  • Acetic acid;
  • Foil and water;
  • Washing liquid or windows.

At least one of the above list is definitely in every home. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on cleaning products in the auto shop.

Interesting video for cleaning chrome detail

In this video, it is shown, oddly enough to clean the chrome surface occurs with water and ordinary falms.

Methods for restoring and cleaning chrome parts from plaque and rust Was Last Modified: October 15, 2018 by Administrator.

In domestic conditions, we often encounter the advent of rust on various types of metal objects. Chrome products, such as plumbing in the bathroom, are also exposed to this trouble. Although there is an opinion that the chrome coating is most resistant to the emergence of corrosion, it is not so. Under certain circumstances, when several adverse factors affect the chrome, the products can be covered with red spots. In this article we will tell you how to remove rust with a chrome surface and how to avoid this problem in the future.

Chroming is a special technology for applying the thinnest layer of chromium on metal products.To date, electroplated chromium is most often used. The process consists in deposition of chromium with an electrolytic solution on a metal surface directly under the pressure of electrical charges.

The popularity of this operation is due to the fact that the chrome detail acquires improved technical and operational characteristics: strength, resistance to negative environmental factors. All this allows the use of metal not only in finishing, but also in decorative purposes.

Chrome elements are widely used in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and plumbing is created, which can be seen in almost every bathroom.

The disadvantages of such surfaces undoubtedly refers to low mechanical exposure resistance - small scratches, holes and chips appear fairly quickly. If the material is used for external finishing works, then the influence of oxygen (oxidation reaction) may also appear rust.

Causes of the appearance of a rusty laid

The main cause of corrosion on the surface of chrome-plated products is excessive strength and mechanical loads. They lead to the appearance of small scratches and cracking the surface layer of the material. This happens as follows: the metal is under the chromium coating, it is oxidized due to the negative effect of oxygen and other organic substances. Thus, rust appears.

It should also be noted that metal household appliances are constantly experiencing an aggressive effect of chemical reagents (soap foam, detergents, dust formations, mold). The feeling of purity and comfort is lost - the coating becomes muddy and loses its original natural shine.

Rust removal tools

The removal of rust from metal surfaces can be carried out both with the help of specialized chemical compositions and using folk remedies. It all depends on your personal preferences and material opportunities.

Specialized formulations

Currently, a wide range of compounds are presented on the market to effectively eliminate corrosion and rusty spots. When choosing, it is necessary to focus on the label indicating the possibility of using the tool for cleansing. Among such products you can select the WD-40 tool.

To prevent the subsequent occurrence of this problem, it will not be superfluous to use the protective polishing for chromium. Professionals clean metal products DOCTOR WAX and AUTOSOL METAL POLISH. Such polishing pastes contribute to a decrease in the degree of wear of nickel-plated and other metal surfaces.

You can also use multifunctional cleansing agents for cleansing a chrome coating, for example, Mr. Muscle from plaque and rust.

On video: Comparative test of chromium polyterols.

Screw tools

If you want to save on this process, you will come to the rescue. To combat corrosion, you can apply:

  • toothpaste and unnecessary piece of soft tissue;

  • metal sponge (in running cases);

  • tin foil.

By independently removing rust with a nickel-plated surface, it is important to use suitable material, with which you will apply a cleansing agent. Specialists recommend abandoning the use of sandpaper, as it can cause the appearance of new scratches.

How to clean the chrome with the help of folk remedies?

Frequently, our ancestors came across the problem of rust on metal objects. Therefore, today there are many folk methods that will help remove rust from chrome surfaces. Before cleaning household appliances from rusty stains using specialized compounds, try applying to the described means.

Application of vinegar

Vinegar is considered to be the most effective means against rust. Pour the solution into a polyethylene package, after that rust details place in it for several hours. Small elements in size can be completely immersed in the solution, you will have to attach a package with the help of gum or clothespins. After two or three hours, corrosive stains will disappear, the surface will remain only to dry and wipe with a clean cloth.

Chroming is the application of a thin chromium layer on a metal or plastic surface in order to give it a more attractive appearance, increased metal strength and increasing its corrosion resistance. However, as it is used, a chrome coating occurs, which is why it loses its aesthetics, so many people think about how to remove chromium with plastic at home. To date, there are several basic ways to do this, each of which implies the use of certain equipment, special solutions or other remedies. Regardless of which method of removing chrome spraying, you will choose, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and precautions.

Removing chrome-plated spraying with specialized equipment

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chrome with plastic, then the most simple and most common way is the use of specialized equipment. At the same time, it disappears the need to use various chemical solutions and contact them, but it is necessary to understand that such equipment is quite expensive.

This includes:

  • abrasive installation;
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Using abrasive installation

Abrasive installation is an equipment that uses a special powder. Under the influence of large air pressure, this powder gradually erases chrome spraying. Such installations can be found in specialized stores or in many enterprises whose activities are associated with construction.

Depending on the layer thickness, a powder with a certain graininess is selected. In the process of working with installation, it is recommended to use the protection for the face and respiratory tract, since small particles of chromium, which will fall into the air, are dangerous to human health.

Modern ultrasound cleaners

How to remove chrome with plastic parts in other ways? Other equipment are ultrasound cleaners. They remove the chromium layer by exposure to sound waves. The chrome part is placed in the basket, which is descended into a special solvent, enhancing the effect of ultrasonic waves on chrome. Further cleaning the details are carried out in full compliance with the instructions for equipment.

Use of chemicals

If you are interested in how to remove chromium with plastic very quickly, then in this case you should resort to the help of special chemical solutions. They are very powerful and efficient and able to remove even the worst and high-quality layer of chrome spraying. However, when working with such means, it is necessary to be extremely careful and observed all security measures, since they are very toxic.

Chemicals include:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sulfuric acid
  • sodium hydroxide.

How to remove chromium with plastic with hydrochloric acid? You will need to make a 40% acid solution. To do this, distribute hydrochloric acid in the water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Also on sale there are already ready-made solutions, in the instructions for which it is described how to remove chromium with plastic. Krot is one of these means.

The chrome detail is placed in until complete removal of chrome spraying, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water with soap and goes on drying.

The principle of using sulfuric acid to remove the chrome coating is completely identical to the similar with hydrochloric acid.

Chrome with plastic with sodium hydroxide? "- You ask. Similarly, described above. However, there is one important nuance. When working with this substance, it should exclude its contact with water and aluminum, since, entering them into the reaction, sodium hydroxide Selects toxic and flammable gas.

For the preparation of the solution, there will be a plastic container in which it is necessary to mix 8 to 12 ounces of sodium hydroxide and add 3.8 liters of water. Next to the solution placed a chrome part to the full deposition lag. Immediately it is worth noting that it can take a fairly large period of time. After completing the removal process, the part is also well washed out in clean water with soap.

Some experts recommend one advice, how to quickly and qualitatively remove chrome. It consists in handling the galvanization process. This method is very effective, but it is not recommended to apply it on its own at home, since it is based on the use of electric current, as well as in the process of removing the binding of chromium elements to the metal, some very dangerous and toxic substances are selected. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to remove chrome from plastic, then you should not experiment with this, and it is better to choose another method described above or seeking help to a qualified specialist.

Removal of the thin layer of chromium with the help of improvised means

Before talking about how to remove chrome from plastic with the help of submitted means, it should be noted immediately to note that the methods discussed next only in the case of a very thin layer of chromium spraying, and in many cases will be extremely ineffective. Most of these methods are based on personal experiments of some innovators, so in your particular case, they may be useless. In most cases, they will help in removing fake chromium with plastic parts.

Removing chromium with prudent means

How can you remove chrome from plastic at home? An excellent option will be the use of abrasive. You can make it from ordinary food soda or cleaning powder, which you need to dilute a little with water to a pasty state and then rub into chrome-plated spraying until it starts to purs. This method will work only if you are dealing with a very subtle spraying. It should be very careful not to damage the main material.

Another means for removing chrome spraying, which is probably in every home, is a cleaning agent for the kitchen plate in the form of an aerosol. It has excellent degreasing properties, so it can help quickly remove a slight chrome spraying with plastic. Similar funds are applied to the part for ten minutes, after which they simply erase with her cloth along with the spraying itself. It is worth noting that some cleaners can have a negative impact on the main material, so the removal of chromium with their use is recommended to produce in several steps at small intervals. When working with household chemicals, be very careful and do not allow it to fall into the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

Chromium whitening

Another effective method is soaking the details with which you need to remove spraying in the bleach. The part is completely immersed in a solution of approximately 24 hours. The removal process may occupy a longer time. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the quality of spraying. The advantage of using the bleach is that it acts solely on chrome spraying, without causing any harm to the main material. An important nuance: a bleach in which the chrome detail was soaked, it is forbidden to be reused, since it will contain chrome toxic to humans.

Removal of chrome coating with brake fluid

The last method of removing the chromium layer is perfect for car enthusiasts. Since it is based on the use of brake fluid. The thing is that it has a similar impact on a light chrome-plated spraying, as a solvent on the paint, so the brake fluid can help remove a chrome coating with a plastic part. However, it should be immediately noted that this method cannot be called quickly, since the process lasts a few days.

The chrome part is wiping the brake fluid and is left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed under running water. It is not recommended to leave fluid into parts for a long time, since it can dissolve not only chrome, but also the main material. Repeat this procedure until the chrome coating comes completely.