Repairs Design Furniture

How to embed a pipe under pressure. Broke in a plumbing pipe: a description of all possible options. Cut in the cast iron water supply

Cut the individual discharge into current centralized communications in several ways. It all depends on how far the collective well is, if it comes to the insert outside the apartment or at home. Such work require permission. When it becomes necessary to join the additional removal inside the apartment, no coordination is needed.

Work on the insertion into the plastic water pipe, in steel or pig-iron pipeline is charged with a water voltage or a qualified contractor (from the knowledge of the water supply organization).

Independent insert Even in a plastic water supply tube is prohibited by law. Illegal is an additional cut in centralized water supply bypassing accounting devices.

Note! Starting the planning of individual junction in the centralized system follows from the registration of official permission. An independent connection is punishable by material and administrative punishment.

Apply for the appropriate resolution follows the department to which the desired pipeline belongs. In the case of a water supply system, it is a highways or an organization that is engaged in the maintenance of water supply communications in the village, the settlement. For registration of permission for the insertion into the pipe, the documents on the land and the house should be kept.

The permission to the insert in the centralized pipe will contain:

  • accurate data on the place of the insert;
  • indication of the diameter of the pipeline and the removal;
  • additional information depending on the purpose of the work.

After receiving the permission, contact the SES. After that, the draft of the insertion is prepared and registered, the estimate of the work is made.

Scheme of inserts to centralized water supply

If in the zone of the location of your home or site there is a collector well, then the insert is carried out (if allowed) in this well. If such is located far, then access to the pipe is carried out through an additional well.

For this:

  • in the specified project, the square yum of 1.5 \\ 1.5 meters is digging;
  • from the pit, in the direction of the house digit a trench for the future removal;
  • upon completion of all work over the scenes, an extra well with a lid is built to access the connection location.

In your private house plastic communication systems and they need upgrades or repair? Perform the installation of plastic on its own is easy, thanks to the features of this material, because right? But how to crash into a plastic pipe, if under pressure? And is it possible to do it yourself?

We will tell you the answers to the questions that have arisen. There are several ways to organize a removal from the existing highway. The sinking options are equipped with a detailed description of the process and supplemented with photos, which will make it possible to understand the subtleties of the installation technology of cheap and durable plastic pipes.

Plastic pipelines exist different. Some are used for water supply, others for her lead.

There are high-end highways, but there are personal domestic and intra-ordinary networks. And each option has its own nuances of performance.

For the insertion into the street tube of the central water supply or settlement sewage, permission from the owner of the networks is required, to independently carry out similar installation work prohibited

To crash into a common centralized system and not to nourish itself problems with the law, it is necessary to undergo prior approval. It is best to sign all the necessary securities and the work on the rods to reassign a specialized organization. It greatly simplifies life.

But in the plastic pipeline inside the apartment or private house, no one interferes. You can do it almost at any point. It is only necessary to observe the elementary rules and do not overload the system with an abundance of sanitary devices.

Water pressure in the water supply line should be enough for all devices and all users. And the sewer pipe is capable of accepting only the volume of the effluent on which it is originally calculated.

There are several types of plastic pipes:

  • "Pp" - polypropylene;
  • "PE" - polyethylene (most often it is PND);
  • "PVC."- polyvinyl chloride;
  • "PEX" - from stitched polyethylene;
  • "REH-AL-REH" - Metal plastic.

Differences relate to the methods of connecting them to fittings and among themselves in cases where an additional element is inserted into an existing pipeline.

In everyday life, plastic pipes today are even more often than metallic. Ease of material, insensitivity to corrosion, ease of installation - All this makes products from plastic most optimal option.

Therefore, the question is how to make the insert in the plastic pipe, relevant for many homemade craftsmen.

The mechanism of the process is quite simple. To crash into the pipeline, you need to drill a hole in the desired area. If we are talking about any trunk version - a water supply system, a sewer system, where there is no possibility to turn off the water, it is necessary to immediately solve the problem and with the overlap of water in the workpiece.

That is, you need to achieve at once 2 goals: make a hole and overlap water under pressure with some kind of locking mechanism. Moreover, the reinforcement should also provide for the possibility of mounting the next branch.

The insertion into the plastic sewer pipe or, on the contrary, fastening the branch to the cast iron main, require compliance with 2 main rules:

  • the diameter of the pipe in which the pipe is cut, which is mounted;
  • the diameter of the drill must accurately coincide with the diameter of the cut segment.

The design of such a device depends on the type of pipeline. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the scale of the work itself.

The main pipeline implies the flow of fluid under pressure, and very tangible, and this means the use of special equipment and special shut-off mechanisms. To get to the highway, you need to pull out the trench, for which, as a rule, the shovel is not enough, and the excavator services will be needed. To carry out any work on connecting to main systems can only be obtained by a special permit confirming the qualification of the wizard. All this makes it possible to independently cut into the highway, the occupation is extremely expensive and unprofitable.

In domestic sewer and plumbing systems, the insertion of a plastic pipe can really be made by itself, both in both plastic and steel pipeline.

Mounting Technology in Metal Pipeline

Today, private homes and apartments serve cast iron and steel pipes. To install a new segment, special devices are used - clamps. The design of the latter can be different, and the rules for working with metal alloys are different.

Box in steel pipeline with their own hands requires the following recommendations:

  • for work it is best to use the saddle clamp. Use different species depending on the system - sewer, plumbing, heating. In addition to the saddle itself - parts adjacent to the pipe, the device includes drill and shut-off valve;
  • before installation, the surface of the pipeline is cleaned with rust and dirt;
  • the device is fixed with bolts, use sealing gaskets;
  • drill the hole and immediately install the locking valve;
  • split valve, overlapping the water supply. Install special equipment for drilling holes for the pipe. Guide coupling allows you to drill in the required direction;
  • after that, the fitting or adapter is fixed and the new branch is connected. In the photo - the moment of installation.

Cast iron compared to steel is a more fragile material. The cutting of the plastic pipe into the cast iron is carried out according to the same scheme, but in compliance with additional requirements: bimetallic crowns and fixtures of a special type are used for drilling. It is important not to allow the crown overheat and work only on small turns. Independently installing the cast iron pipeline practical unrealistic.

Insert in a plastic pipe under pressure

This household surgery is fairly easy to do with your own hands. The main plus installation in the house is the ability to overlap the water supply. However, in cases where it is impossible, the task is easily solved with the help of electric welded Kohdelki.

The saddles are equipped with a drilling mechanism, heating spiral and are performed from a special, more durable plastic.

  1. On the saddles there is a barcode, the decryption of which provides complete information about the parameters entered: the welding time, the duration of the cooling and so on.
  2. A fixture is fixed with bolts.
  3. Connect the welding machine and weld the taps.
  4. After an hour - plastic saves plastic during this time, drill holes with a special milling and install shut-off valves. Then proceed to the installation of a plastic pipe.

On the video is shown how to use saddle bears in plastic pipes.

Do you want to organize a country house water supply by connecting it to the current central highway? Automatic water supply will significantly simplify the life of households, because right? But to implement your plan there is no possibility to overlap water in the main pipeline and you need to cut into a plumbing under pressure?

We will tell you how to perform a knock in practice, avoiding the disconnection of the consumer driven from the highway - the article considers the process of fulfilling the connection with all the requirements of the legislation. The material is equipped with thematic photographic materials and useful video reconditions.

The attentive study of the stages of connecting to the central water supply of their household will help to avoid fines for violation of existing norms during unauthorized ripping in the pipeline. If you wish, you can also save, after performing a part of the earthworks on your own.

Works on the insertion into the plumbing highways, as without welding, it is impossible to be carried out without obtaining appropriate permissions.

The fulfillment of the illegal frame is traditionally completed by attracting the owner to material and administrative responsibility.

Gallery of images

Hello dear reader! The topic of today's conversation will be plastic pipes. They have already received the widespread distribution and the question of the household masters often arises: how to crash into a plastic plumbing pipe? In the proposed article, you will learn the most affordable and, its step-by-step algorithm, nuances, advice of professionals on how to avoid mistakes in this operation.

The need for such work occurs when:

  • replace pipes;
  • installation of water meter, additional plumbing;
  • connecting the drain of the washing machine;
  • change the location of kitchens, baths, bathrooms;
  • other similar situations.

Appointment procedure

The purpose of the procedure is to connect the discharge to the main pipe or highway.

Inside the house you need to make a new wiring.

Accession to the general pipeline occurs when erecting an individual house or another object of capital construction, the organization of the discharge to another direction. At the same time, the water intake is calculated, the diameter is selected and the material of secondary pipes. The discharge pipes are chosen based on pressure values \u200b\u200bin the highway.

Essence of the process

To connect the removal to the main pipe, it is necessary to drill a hole in it, with the help of soldering or fittings of various types to attach the tap pipe.

If you can not turn off the water supply, the hole and connection are made using special clamps.

During the operation, two general conditions must be observed:

  • the diameter of the drill and the diameter inside the discharge pipe must coincide;
  • additional pipe diameter is less than the main one.

What documents are drawn up for inserts to the main water supply

Making the insert in the overall highway water supply without resolving local authorities can not. This will entail penalties and attracting administrative responsibility.

  • To connect to a common trunk water supply, the owner of the household must be obtained in the department, which includes the pipeline.
  • A statement with the application of documents confirming the rights to the land plot and the house, as well as the cadastral plan of the site is submitted to the local water unit.
  • Vodokanal specialists will prepare technical specifications with an indication of the applicant's volume of water intake and connection location.
  • After that, in the district SES, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion on joining the plumbing network.
  • Topographic shooting in the form of a drawing with all the necessary information about the site built on it objects, including underground, indicating the place of the water well, will make cadastral engineers.
  • In the design department of the Vodokanal, the water supply project is ordered.
  • In communal services, an orders for carrying out earthworks.

To perform the insertion into the overall plastic, steel or cast iron pipeline, only representatives of the Vodokanal are entitled.

After connecting to the SES highway, the samples selects and checks the water quality, draws up a flushing and disinfection act.

The Water Management Service takes works, issues a certificate of performance of technical conditions. It concludes with the owner of the home ownership agreement on the operation of the water supply pipeline.

Variants of the inserts

In its technology, the methods of the insertion into plastic pipelines are divided into two conditional groups.

  1. Fixing on a pipe with an outlet for removal.
  2. Cutting the pipe and connecting it to the ends in the section of the section of the tee.

The first method is to fasten the crimping pad on the pipe with bolts or welding the heating elements embedded in the lining.

In the second embodiment, the compounds are manufactured using welded work with a special apparatus or using various types of fittings.

Consider existing ways to join the taps.

With the help of crimp chomut-lining

Such a clamp consists of top and bottom linings that coincides in size with pipeline dimensions.

A rubber sealing part with a hole is stacked on the pipe. Its function is to prevent leakage. Next, the lining are installed on the gasket on top and bottom of the pipe, tighten with bolts and nuts.

Through the hole of the output nozzle located in the upper pad, the pipe is drilled. Then the removal is connected to it.

Attaching a tee or collector

The tiering of the tee is considered a classic example of the insert. The essence of the operation is that part of the pipeline is cut, and a tee or a collector is installed on its place. They are joined by a tap tube (if a collector is immediately a few taps).

Connections with a pipeline with a special apparatus or fittings of a different plan.

Electric welded saddle

The usual saddle pad is the cutting clamp already considered by us.

Unlike the insertion of the tee, it does not provide for a cutting of the pipe product, thereby does not violate its integrity. To create a discharge, it is enough to drill a hole in the main pipe.

The principle of the design of electric welded saddle does not differ from the usual, but it is equipped with heating spirals embedded in its body. When connected to the electrical network, these elements heat the plastic, the parts of which are welded and form an inseparable connection.

Electric welding saddles, equipped with a cutter, allow you to make a mortise operation without closing water in the pipeline.

The workflow is to install the upper and lower parts of the pipe on the pipe. Power supply to the saddemka is served, as a result of which parts of the lining are glued to the pipe. After the material is frozen, the opening of the desired size is drilled, scrolling the built-in milling mill. Then it remains to attach the removal.

Cutting with a nozzle

The insertion using a nozzle is used in secondary sections, in low pressure pipes, for example, the sewage pipeline. This method is good because it does not require the cutting of the pipeline and it is possible to produce without welding.

The nozzle should be in the form of a clamp with girth, which would be enough for the entire diameter of the riser.

  1. Place a place to locate the nozzle.
  2. Drill a hole with a crown, in size corresponding to the diameter of the nozzle.
  3. Fasten the nozzle, tightening the ends of the clamp with a nut with a nut.
  4. A rubber seal is inserted into the nozzle, and through it - a tanning tube.

You can use the pipe adapter, significantly smaller in the diameter of the main one.

Considering that there is no long-pressure sewage system, such a connection will last long and securely.

What is the better way

The insertion of the tee with the use of welding with a special apparatus is considered to be the classic and most reliable method. Another thing is that it is not always available physically due to lack of space for work. Therefore, apply crimp lining of various types.

Convenient in the installation and simple technology has proven electrospass saddles with built-in heating elements and a cutter for drilling. They can successfully take advantage of people who do not have the skills of repair work.

Make or call masters

If the work is carried out inside the house, with a domestic water supply, then inviting the masters there is no particular sense. In the event of difficulties with the welding machine, you can use the electric welded saddle equipped with a cutter.

But when connecting the water supply to the total highway, without professionals with the appropriate tolerance, do not do.

Approximate cost of work

Connecting private home ownership to the main water supply network is the most time-consuming and cost-consuming process. The cost of works depends on the distance to the well, the volume of earthworks, the price level for services in the region.

Approximate figures are as follows:

  • obtaining technical conditions and other documents, coordination - 22 thousand rubles;
  • pipe costs and other network elements - 9-10 thousand;
  • fee for connecting to the central network and work on the pitch in the highway - from 20 to 50 thousand;
  • earthworks - up to 10 thousand;
  • works in the complex on the network laying - 2-2.5 thousand per 1 meter.

Thus, the total cost can range from 80 to 115 thousand rubles.

The exercise of the inserts do it yourself

For independent work on the insertion in the plastic water supply inside the house, it is necessary to outline a general work plan, acquire materials, prepare tools. Materials should be purchased after determining the required dimensions.

Such equipment as a welding machine can be useful for several years. It makes sense to borrow from acquaintances or rent.

Required tools and materials

Materials will be needed:

  • polyethylene pipes (PND);
  • tee appropriate size.

A set of tools will be:

  • soldering iron-iron;
  • truboresis;
  • construction pencil.

Stroke work

It is necessary to trim the tee in the plastic riser.

As a rule, the risers are located close to the wall. Therefore, for the convenience of mounting, the embedded knot is going in advance. It consists of a tee, removal and valve installed on it - valve.

The assembled node is applied to the pipeline, measure the cutout section, mark the places of the cut.

Water overlap, open the water tap and completely drain the remnants of water from the system.

Pipe cutting scissors cut out the planned area.

Mounting a node using an electric staircase for plastic. For PVC pipes, you can use glue.

Pipes often arranged in the walls with walls. There may be problems with the use of the soldering iron. In this case, collet fittings or press coupling are used.


Here you can see a great video to understand all the nuances:

If there are no skills in the use of the soldering iron, it is better to start to get practical experience on pipe segments.

Nuances of the inserts into a water pipe

To crash into the pressure pipeline, apply lining clamps or electric welding saddles, equipped with a cutter embedded inside the lining. It is located in a hermetically closed case and when drilling water splashes do not interfere with the process.