Repairs Design Furniture

How to flip the bunting window glass. Than sticking a crack on a glass jar. How to stick the crack on the glass with your own hands - effective ways. Bonding two-component composition

Damage to the windshields of the car is expressed by cracks, chips and even spacers. Sometimes it happens due to the fault of the air conditioner included in the heated machine, as a result of the temperature difference. But more often there are mechanical damage from hitting the stones during the passage of the oncoming machine. How to cope with this misfortune and can it be done with your own hands?

Today in the Chinese sites you can find ready-made sets to eliminate defects on the glasses. Their quality does not always correspond to the stated, although they are an order of magnitude cheaper and sold with whole sets with tools. The best and more prolonged effect give branded polymers for fracture cars, such as Pit Filler, Long Crack or Delta Kits. The problem is in most cases solved, but it is necessary to apply such a restoration. Let's see that professionals advise on this score.

Required tools and tools

  • Specialized polymer of different viscosity;
  • A set of translucent celluloid plates.
Restoration tools AutoCula:
  • Bormina with diamond conical boots;
  • Scraiber for laying hole;
  • Blade scraper;
  • Expander Crack (Suckers on the Rake);
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

Preparatory work before restoration

Before starting the sealing of defects on the glass, you need to conduct their diagnosis. The best solution will appeal to a professional master for the advice, whether it is worth it to try this case at all or better acquire a new windshield and not spend money on expensive polymers and tools.
All factory branded windshields are made from triplex, and carry L or Wl marking. Their main damage is as follows:
  • Chips;
  • Potholes;
  • One-sided cracks - only outside the glass;
  • Double-sided cracks - on both sides of the glass;
  • Rude cracks - "Star" or "Pautinca". The crack leaves one point in different directions or around the circumference;
  • Combined defects - a combination of several types of cracks, chosel, chipping, etc.
Only a professional master, analyzing a defect, can confidently say how much the crack will be embedded, which will remain visible and how much material will be needed for work.

Close up the crack on the windshield with your own hands

The defect, on the example of which we will consider the restoration of the glass today, refers to the combined and fairly common. In the lower right corner there is a point of impact, and as a result, potholes like "horseshoes" or "bullish eye". From her the one-sided crack is departed. Before the main works, a set of measures was held at its stop at the extreme point. The boring hole was taken, and filling it with a special pressure injector.
The order of spraying with a polymer is the following - the crack itself is filled out, then the stop location and then the place of impact. Before working, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the fill area with a clean cloth dry. If necessary, use the detergent.

Gently fill in the crack from the bottle with the polymer, moving from the silk screen of the stop and fixing the crack.

If the crack is well disclosed, and does not require the use of the expander, it can be poured with a polymer. Polymer can remain on the surface without entering the crack. The problem can be solved by pushing the glass from the reverse side. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the glass from the salon, slightly pressed the finger on the place of stagnation. The effect of leakage of the polymer should manifest immediately.

In order for the fragment of the crack filled with polymer, did not gain air when the glass is melted, it is necessary to seal it immediately. To do this, lubricate a celluloid strip by a polymer, and cover the treated surface. This material is worth cut into small strips with a length of 5-7 cm so that they are convenient to use.

Polymer should be fired successively with a solid line so as not to leave the blind zones that can be subsequently filled with air. Possible formations of microposses are clearly visible in the light. Such zones are worth passing the polymer re-, if necessary, press the opposite side of the glass.

Also, during the use of the polymer, it is impossible to dry out on the end of the filled surface. This can lead to irreparable consequences, and to reduce all the works for no.
Around the final zones, which are fixed in advance, the most difficult to drive out the air from the crack. It is necessary to urge the glass here extremely gently. There is a big risk that the crack is simply going further by adding a good amount of work.

If everything has passed successfully, the crack must be as transparent as possible and invisible from different viewing angles. After that, we exhibit the UV lamp, and dry the polymer with the plates.

No car owner can be insured against cracks or chips on the glass of its car. This not only does not decorate transport, but also spoils the review, which can lead to an accident. Since it is not to get rid of the reason for the appearance of such cracks, it should be learned to correct the consequences on their own. This can help even the usual superclauses.

Causes of cracks

Often the sizes of damage at first are insignificant and they do not pay attention to them. However, with time from a small scratch, a whole network may appear, which covers most of the glass.

And this is not good. All because of several reasons:

It should be remembered: the glass defects may be one of the reasons for the problems of the passage of technical inspection. Moreover, traffic police officers have the full right to write a fine of 500 rubles, if we consider that this damage can prevent the normal level of review.

To avoid all these problems, take action on time. To begin with, immediately after the detection of the problem, it should be sealing it with a tape from both sides with any material so that glue from the tape does not get inside.

What to use and what to do

With a special desire, you can use the usual superclauses, but it is advisable to deal with which types of glue are.

However, to independently solve the problem of one glue will be little. You may need a number of tools.

For example:

  • injector to fill the emptiness;
  • electric drill to remove the surface voltage;
  • applicators for fixing the injector;
  • UV lamp is necessary for drying;
  • scruber to remove excess glue.

But you can do and easily with the easiest effort! First of all, it should be cleaned by a crack from dust and rubble. And then carefully and slowly apply glue into the fault cavity. An ordinary syringe can help with it.

Perhaps you will need to heat the adhesive with a hair dryer to a more liquid state. Now you should leave glue to drying, and after removing the residues using the solvent.

In some cases it will be enough to correct the problem, for example, if the crack is small. However, it still will be much more reliable to contact the car service.

There are professionals who can solve the problem in the best way. And the fee for correction of the crack will be much lower than buying a new glass.

At home to glue the cracked surface of the tree, use joinery (metering or bone), as well as casein glue.

The tiles of joinery glue are crushed with a hammer and poured with water. After 6-12 hours, the excess water is drained, and the swollen glue is welded, putting dishes with it in a saucepan with boiling water, and stirring.

To determine whether the glue is ready, it should be applied to a glass or wooden surface and check the tightness with your hands. The glue retains its qualities for two days. Cook his future, especially in summer, is not recommended. The splits glued with a glue seam can determine the quality of glue.

If the spanning takes place on a tree, the glue is quite reliable. But if the crack passes through the glue itself, then something is wrong with him: the glue itself should be replaced, whether to clarify the technique of its preparation.

If you need to glue a cracked wooden surface or just two wooden blanks, it is better to do in warm dry room.

Preparation for gluing.

The surface of well-dried glued parts (cracked items) needs to be aligned with a file or a planer or clean the sandpaper, remove fine dust and then wipe with water or solvent. It is desirable to warm the solution of up to 50 degrees, as hot glue will better penetrate into a wooden surface.

Bonding wooden surfaces.

When gluing it is desirable to lubricate with glue both surfaces twice. At the same time, the glue seams in thickness should not be more razor blades. At the same time, the film should cool and dry a little (to the touch surface should be sticky and stretch the thread).

To firmly glue both wooden surfaces, they need to be connected, a little touch, so that the layer of glue has the same thickness throughout the inlet. If we are talking about gluing a cracked wooden surface, then you need to pay attention to the pitch of all the faces. Then the details are compressed by viska, soak the bandage. In this form, the product should remain for 2 hours, and when the plywood is pasting up to 5 hours. Further processing of the product is not earlier than two days later.


Objects that are exposed to moisture must be glued with casein glue - it is a waterproof. The adhesive solution is prepared by kneading powder in cold water (1 part of the powder to 2 parts of water). Powder Powder gradually and thoroughly stirred until complete dissolution. The solution is not recommended to store more than 4 hours. Bonding wooden products with casein glue produce the same as joinery.


An unpleasant principle is a crack in. It seems that the problem is not catastrophic, and water may not be cooked, but the appearance of plumbing is spoiled, and the risk that flows are formed, high. Especially disappointing when the toilet is dear and beautiful. You can make a spindle and your own hands. For this there are several ways: adhesive sealant, epoxy resin, cold welding type and others. Video and recommendations of specialists will help you figure out how the repair process takes place.

Toilet crack: species and reasons

The choice of a method for eliminating cracks on plumbing depends largely on its type:

  • skol, which does not disrupt her hermetic;
  • one-sided crack (most often inside the bowl of the toilet);
  • a double-sided crack that affects or potentially affects hermeticity.

Tank damage toilet bowl

If such damage is formed in a bowl or tank, they simply glue them.

There is another type of crack - at the base of the toilet. They usually appear if pouring boiling water into the toilet bowls, and are most dangerous because they will continue to constantly increase in size. It is almost impossible to repair them, it's easier to replace.

Attention! We saw a crack - put it up as quickly as possible. The deferment of solving the problem threatens an increase in the size of the fault.

How to close the crack with glue

The method is relevant in the case when not responsible for the tightness of the fragment will fall from the toilet. Usually, this happens in places of connecting the bowl with a tank (ear or the edge of the base) or on the tank itself, sometimes - on the rim of the toilet. For this purpose, the usual universal glue will be suitable. It is important to buy reliable, because many models are presented on the market, many of which are not distinguished by quality.

Attention! Good glue will not be cheap. Better purchase a means of a well-known brand. For example, Henkel. Mars and Rapid have proven well from domestic well.

The process of gluing a broken ceramic element consists of such steps:

Restoration of a small crack with glue

  1. Clean the surface of the fragment and the toilet in the place of donomas from mechanical garbage and ceramic crumb.
  2. After drying, the degrees of the surface, taking acetone or gasoline.
  3. Apply glue and press the broken item. Time and the force of pressed must comply with the recommendations in the glue instructions.

Attention! No matter how good the glue is, it is not able to return the toilet to the toilet to the toilet. Therefore, do not test the glued fragment.

Seeling cracks with epoxy resin

This method is great for a situation where some item fell into the toilet and damaged ceramics. The crack turned out to be shallow, does not pass water and from the opposite side is not visible. Universal glue is also suitable, but "epoxy" is better. More precisely, resin plus hardener:

  1. Prepare both components and a container for mixing them.
  2. Discharge water supply to the tank. Wrap carefully and dry the surface.
  3. Declaring it.
  4. Mix two gluing components using recommendations in the instructions for substances.
  5. Apply a mixture evenly on the desired surface.
  6. Fix the gluing place in any way. Even the winding of scotch will come true. It is important that the glued parts are pressed one to another.

Epoxy resin.

After drying, the resin seam is better to glue. This is important not only to improve the appearance of the toilet, but also from the practical necessity. Small neotiness of the seam will accumulate dirt. For the grout, use the m20 or M40 sandpaper, and then felt.

Council. For a quick drying of the surface, a hairdryer or fan fit.

Gluing cracks with silicone sealant or cold welding

These funds also perfectly cope with shallow cracks and fragments of faience. Together with universal silicone-sealant-sealant, prepare solvent for silicone and household soap. Application work is convenient to perform with a plastic spatula:

  1. Clean the crack fine-grained emery paper. The procedure requires care and care: the surface should not be the little things that will reduce the quality of the gluing.
  2. Decrease the solvent those part to which the sealant will be applied.
  3. Soak surface with silicone. Exterior clean the spatula.
  4. Machine hand and walk around the place of gluing, smoothing it out.

With the correctness of the procedure, the sealant will freeze after 20 minutes., And the toilet can already be used.

Silicone sealant

In the case of cold welding, you will have to wait at least 4 hours. The process is similar:

  1. Clean and degrease the place of gluing.
  2. Cut part of the substance and disintegrate it in the palms (pre-valid gloves). Must get a homogeneous color mass.
  3. Apply a paste to the surface, tamping, if necessary in the slot.
  4. After 4 hours, the seam becomes affordable for grinding sandpaper.

Council. After drying, the seam can be painted in the color of the toilet.

Large fracture gluing: methods and materials

If the crack is bilateral and passes water, then a two-component epoxy resin is used. However, in this case, the crack needs additional processing:

After the restoration, a serious crash can break again

  1. Drill two end-to-end holes around the edges of the fault. To do this, you need a drill with a special drill on the tile of thin diameter. Such a reception should stop the crack growth.
  2. With the help of a grinder (stone disk), do the length of the crack in half the thickness of the toilet material. With which side, from which side of the plumbing, you will make this work, because the result will remain noticeable. Be careful: do not allow the faience overheating.
  3. Resin and hardener pour inside. Excess least removed in a non-hardened state.
  4. Spell the sandpaper place after drying. If necessary, fracture.

It is possible that after the procedure, the crack will continue to grow in time. In this case, you will have to buy a new toilet, because it will be unsafe to use the old. Fayans, with fault, forms sharp pieces.

Sometimes flowing in the aquarium. The store glass container is expensive, especially large sizes. However, you can take the aquarium yourself, and it will serve as a house for fish for many years.

The cause of the leaks lies in the damage to the gluing. Over time, the sealant connecting the glasses on the junction loses its properties and is damaged. To eliminate the problem, you can make the repair of aquarium with your own hands. If the flow is aquarium, you need to pre-prepare the capacity to repair.

Preparation for repair

Temporarily reset the fish and the inhabitants of the aquarium into another container. If this is not done, fish will experience stress due to interference. It is desirable that the vessel serving a temporary habitat was spacious. Place the aquarium plants there or place them in a separate bank.

Add water from the aquarium that proceeds to prevent sharp change of parameters and not disturb the bacterial balance of the aqueous medium.

Fold the repaired object outside and inside with a sponge, and the soil delete. After that, dry the reservoir, paper napkins will help.

Testing tightness

After cleaning and completely drying the outer part, an external inspection is performed. It is necessary to identify places that give the leak. Side joints between the glasses most often require repairs. To detect cracks, the tank is filled with clean water, a paper napkin or corrugated paper is applied to the outer surface of the glass. The paper keeps on each site for a few minutes. The place of leakage will be found, even if damage is visually invisible.

When repairing an aquarium at home, the glass, through the entire surface of which cracks pass, are subject to complete replacement. When water is poured into a glass vessel, an internal pressure is created, and even if everything is glued, and nothing comes, the glass is sooner or later burst.

If the cracks are small, then they can be treated with sealant for aquarium. Do not merge water, mark the places to be repaired. Making sure that all the problem areas are marked, drain the water.

Restoration is done with their own hands by brewing cracks or gluing surfaces with special glue - silicone sealant. It has silicon in its composition, providing durable gluing surfaces. Such glue often glove the glass in the manufacture of frameless houses for fish. You can purchase sealant in building stores, less often - in pet stores. Mandatory mark on the packaging, speaking about the suitability of glue for aquarium. For convenient application, enjoy a special pistol, it will make it possible to glue the new parts of the rectangular container.

Removal of old sealant

When the surfaces are dried, clean the sealant from the repaired seams. With the cleansing of large gaps, a knife or a nail file can cope, the blade is suitable for narrow openings. At this stage, skill and patience will be required. When the glass was purified from old glue, the surfaces are deguted with acetone or medical alcohol.

Do not ignore these steps. A frequent reason for which aquarium flows even after repair is a lack of attention to preparatory work.

Subsequent stages of work

Having completed the preparation, you can prosecute problem areas:

  1. If glass is replaced, prepare a replacement material in advance. The glass panel can be made of plexiglas. All joints and ribs are abundant with glue, then the new glass is installed in place of gluing and fixed with a rope. Wrap the vertical tank and horizontally. An hour later, you should repeat the operation.
  2. If flowing was formed at the wall of the walls, the sealant is applied along the seam and rolls deep into the help of a knife or sawn. For a good result, do not spare glue.
  3. Wet sponge distribute silicone on the seams.
  4. Wait for complete drying, it must take at least a day.
  5. When everything is ready, do not rush to run fish in the container. First, the aquarium is tested for gluing quality. To do this, it is necessary to fill it with water and observe leaks. If the leakage occurs, it will be necessary to repair the aquarium again.
  6. After high-quality performance, the test liquid is poured, the container is filled with old water together with fish and plants.

To high quality and gently close the joints, stick the cracks need:

  1. When choosing glue to read the supplied instructions.
  2. After the return of aquarium inhabitants, the compressor operation should be strengthened within 2-3 days.
  3. When you close the seams, you can accidentally stain aquarium glass, so the space along the seams must be closed with a ribbon used when painting windows.
  4. Having gained experience, you can carry out planned disassembly and replacement of sealant to eliminate sudden leaks.
  5. Take care that the fish has a spare aquarium in case of temporary resettlement. It will be required when the main cracked, as well as when there is diseases, cleaning or spawn fish.
  6. In order not to disturb the sealing of the vessel, using a metal scraper for cleaning from algae with extreme caution.

Showing patience and perseverance, you will save on the purchase of a new house for fish and get invaluable experience in fixing a glass vessel.