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What a poisonous ivy looks like. Allergic reaction to a plant poisonous ivy. The main symptoms of allergies on poison ivy, oak and soums

Poisonous ivy, poisonous oak and poisonous sums contain the same substance that causes the same rash. This substance is called urushiol, it is colorless and without a special smell of oil, which is contained in the leaves of plants.

You can meet these plants anywhere, and in the forest, and in your yard. Green leaves of the plant are mixed with leaves of other plants, and there is a high probability that you can not even notice them. But symptoms and itching you can appear a little later.

A little know what looks like plant of poisonous ivy. In poisonous ivy, there are several types - and he may look different, depending on the time of year.

Leaves plants of poisonous ivy Release urushiol when they are damaged. After the plant produces urushiol, it can easily get on the skin of a person. When the plant produces urushiol, the leaves become shiny or in the black spots of the resin on them.

The rash can be formed, even if you were not in the forest and did not trigger to the plant. Urushiol can be transmitted from man to man. Another urushiol can be transmitted if a person contacted something that in turn in contact with Uruschiol. For example, a dog who likes to run in the forest. Urushiol can pass through the airIf someone burns grass, after cleaning in the yard.

Urushiol is considered an allergen, since it causes allergic reactions - rash, and sometimes swelling. Not u All the reaction to manifest itself, but 60-80% will definitely manifest itself. Such a reaction appears a few hours after contact with the plant, but the most later reaction can occur in 5 days. As a rule, the skin becomes red, swollen and bubbles appear. The place of defeat is Zudit. After several days, blisters, become solid and start peeling. Their treatment takes 1-2 weeks.

If you have such a rash, or you have a fever, then you must consult a doctor. Consulting a doctor on the phone is not appropriate here. If the rash is a reaction to a poisonous ivy, the doctor will advise you to take a cool shower and apply sun burns. In more severe cases, antihistamine drugs may be required to reduce itching and redness. In some cases, the doctor can also register steroids. This medicine can be applied directly to rash, or take as tablets, or in liquid form.

To avoid contact with this plant you need:

learn to recognize poisonous ivy, oak and soums, just so you can stay away from them. (you need to be especially careful if the leaves look shiny);

avoid those places where, according to your information, there are such plants.

Be healthy, and never fall into such situations.

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Some plants in our garden can hire dangers even behind the most beautiful appearance. You plan to decorate the curly ivy arch or a wall, and subsequently it turns out that this is a real weed, and quite aggressive.

And how to deal with him now? There is a way out - they say experienced gardeners. But it is better, as with any problem, pay attention to the prevention so that you do not cope with the consequences later. Therefore, today we will talk about the differences between decorative and poisonous ivy, as well as how to get rid of the aggressor.

Dark side of ivy

Ivy (Hedera or English ivy) belongs to the family of evergreen curly plants, in the amount of more than 20 species. That is why you can find out so difficult to find out. The main differences of ivy are chain processes that are perfectly located on any surface, including vertical walls.


The first feature that does not like the gardeners, it is invasiveness. Once you will be distracted and incorrectly build your relationship with ivy, be prepared that it will be located on all free spaces.


The second unpleasant characteristic is that it causes allergies, both in animals and people. Especially strongly can suffer from ivy kids, having received skin reactions And even vomiting.

Harm for other plants

If we talk about the neighborhood with flowers or shrubs in your garden, then this is not the most friendly plant. Ivy selected nutrients In colors, absorbs quite a lot of moisture, not leaving her neighbors. And in the thickets of ivy, mice, rats, insect pests, who are hardly to like your garden, are perfectly located.

In order not to cut the mistake of decorative ivy, you need to know the main characteristics of a poisonous variety.

  1. Collection of three leaves.
  2. The ability to grow not only upwards, but also in any direction.
  3. The color of the leaves can be not only green, but also reddish.
  4. The preprovers of translucent fruits.

When you see that the poisonous ivy is located around you, you need to take action to be accurate. Remember that just cut the shrub is too small. A few days later you will see almost the same picture.

You will need a month of patience and some chemistry, but do not be afraid, it is better than a poisonous plant in the neighborhood.

In addition, prepare the following inventory :

  • rubber garden gloves,
  • gardening scissors,
  • saw for thicker vine branches Ivy,
  • spray,
  • means for the destruction of weeds
  • long sleeved shirt, long pants and boots.

Now operate in order.

Step 1. Find and mark all the basic roots of the plant.

Step 2. Leave some additional ivy roots for later processing.

Step 3. Start cut off ivy, while pulling each branch at the same time.

Step 4. Gently fold everything that you cut to get rid of it after chemical processing.

Step 5. Spray the freshly cut branches and the remaining leaves tool for the destruction of weeds containing glyphosate.

Step 6. Repeat this process every few weeks until Ivy is defeated forever.

Remember that ivy leaves glossy and poorly permeable for most herbicides. But if you find a means with glyphosate, you will penetrate into the vascular system of Ivy. This slow but effective methodwhich will make the plant die over a few weeks. Just do not spray spray on the plants you want to save.

We hope now it will not be difficult for you to cope with the pest, and your garden will not be attacked by Ivy. In order not to lose such important information, save the article in bookmarks and share in social networks.

Poisonous ivy is a curly plant, with beautiful foliage and white berries. In the fall of ivy leaves change the color of the leaves with a green on bright yellow-red. It is His beautiful view forces people touch To this unsafe and poisonous plant.

Plant Description

Poisonous ivy or toxicodendron belongs to the genus of woody, the type of shrub curly plants and belongs to the family of the summam.

Distinguish three types of this family:

  • ivy to poisonous;
  • poisonous oak;
  • varnished tree.

Wild ivy reminds something lianoHe wures the standing trees nearby or stele on the ground. Young shoots from this plant may not have foliage, or are found with hairs. The leaves of a diamond form, also occurs an egg-shaped form in the leaves. Collected leaves in the triller, usually have light green color. The lower surface of the sheet is covered with hairs, with something resembling small needles, the upper surface is smooth and brilliant.

The length of the sheet is in general from 10 to 14 centimeters. His flowers are small, collected in small inflorescences, yellow-green. Small berries white color with a large bone (bones). Flowering in wild ivy occurs in June-July, and in early October, berries ripen, with something similar to small balls. On sunny plots, it is more like a shrub, and in the shaded places cooling a neighboring tree like liana.

Where is the poisonous ivy grow?

Poisonous ivy is found everywhere, but North America, and especially often in the eastern part of it. On the territory of Russia from the kind of summary, there are only two species that are found on South Kurilla. There it is a tree height from two to eight meters with a subtle barrel. Also in His sophisticated unpaired leaveswho are assembled at the top of the plant. Because of this, wild ivy looks like a similarity with a palm tree.

What is dangerous to poisonous ivy?

Toxicodendron contains Milky Juice, this juice is oxidized and black inverse. Milky juice is very poisonous and when contacting him with him can get a strongest burn, with blisters. The crust of this plant also contains poisonous substances, such as Lobitin, phenolic compounds and glycosides. This plant is absolutely absolute, from the stem and to berries, but despite this medicinal drugs make medicines. Back in the XVIII century, homeopaths with tincture of poisonous ivy There were diseases such as influenza, rheumatism and, oddly enough, skin diseases.

The poisoning can be expressed not only in the damage to the burns of the skin, but even with a strong disruption of metabolism. Interesting factBut not all people after touching with this shrub get burns. Approximately three people out of ten does not occur allergic reaction to the juice of poisonous ivy.

Wild ivy can cause not only burns on the skin, but also appear culprit of food poisoning, in case of falling leaves, berries or parts of plants in food. Even a dead plant retains its poisonous properties for several more days.

Symptoms of poisoning wild ivy

First of all, the poisoning is manifested in the form of a rash on the skin, which has a vesicular type. In the future, the inflammation of the skin begins. Burning from contact is not manifested immediately, but about seven days. Symptoms of poisoning are long pass, they can manifest themselves for a month. The poison of the plant, who fell into the skin of a person, fortunately, will not spread to other parts of the body.

Toxins that contain this shrub can lead to affecting mucous membranes The gastrointestinal tract, which may be the cause of inflammation of the stomach and even the intestines. It is not recommended to burn wild ivy, when combustion, poisonous substances can get into the respiratory tract and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat, as well as to the appearance of a dangerous rash in the lungs, and cause the strongest inflammation of the respiratory tract. In some cases, poisoning can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of poisoning wild ivy

The main methods of treating poisoning are:

  • thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • the use of antihistamine preparations;
  • application of ointments of burns.

The treatment of poisoning is primarily to start in order to reduce itching on the skin. To do this, rinse the burn as soon as possible. detergent Or use soap. Wash damaged areas of skin with soap must because the substances causing the burn are simply dissolved, and therefore do not wash off the skin of the victim. And it is also advisable to use ointments and creams containing antihistamines. You can still use braids from burns that cooled the skin.

Blisters formed during burns should not be pushed, it may entail infection of the wound, as unacceptable contact of close and pressing clothes with a burn site. If the blister burst, and there is a chance of damage to the wound with clothing, the wound must be wrapped with a sterile bandage. To avoid accession secondary bacterial infection It is impossible to exclude an application of antibiotics. In case of poor well-being, pain or unpleasant sensations in the throat, light or stomach requires an immediate appeal to the doctor.

Everyone knows that indoor plants are a source of beauty and benefit for people who grow them. Plants give us their beauty and at the same time perform a number of useful functions: participate in the process of photosynthesis (absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen), and also support optimal microclimate indoors (humidify air).

However, not everything is so rosy: and in vegetable world There are outsiders exist - hazardous plants that can cause significant harm. Especially strongly from such representatives of flora suffer from animals and children, because they are not able to distinguish potentially dangerous plant. That is why, families with children and animals need to be especially carefully approaching the selection of home plants.

So, in front of you 20 of the most dangerous plants:

  • Ivy evergreen - Liano evergreen shrub belonging to the family of Aralia. Stems are long, curved, leaves - with a carved edge dark green. Poisonous leaves and berries of the plant, when ingested in the body. Especially strongly from ivy suffer from cats that attract juicy greens plants.
  • - highly beautiful plant With bright greens and magnificent flowers of white, pink or red, belonging to the family of heers. Poisonous plants leaves, they contain a toxic substance - glycoside, which causes poisoning. It is necessary to place pots with azalia in places inaccessible to children and animals. Azalia is not recommended to keep in the bedroom.
  • - Plant with large decorative colors And dense dark green leaves. The seminine to which the cyclamen belongs is the original color. Especially poisonous cyclamene tubers, they contain a poison similar to the curar poison. These same tubers are often used in folk medicinewhile observing all precautions.
  • Triocereus. - a reprehensive cactus with long curls. Blossoms with white grain-eyed flowers. Cactus contains hallucinogens and alkaloids causing paralysis of the Central nervous system. IN wildlife With the help of poisoning substances, cacti are protected from eating animals.

  • Croton - Representative of the family of Rochetia. Very popular home plant with big beautiful leaves Original colors. Like many representatives of the family family, Croton poisonous. The poison is contained in the seeds and the Milky Society of the Plant, which appears, if breakdown a leaf or stem of Crotone. When the Croton juice gets into the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly wash his hands with soap.
  • Spurge - A very popular homemade plant, which gave the name to a whole genus (Rocha). Looks like a mini-palm: a bundle of dense green leaves is located on the top of a thick stem. As with the previous crotone plant, the dairy poisonous seeds and milky juice. It is necessary to observe special caution when transplanting the plant and other work with it.

  • - The popular homemade plant, very beautiful and decorative. Diffenbachia is an evergreen shrub, with large oval leaves of motley color. Grow up to two meters in height. Unfortunately, in all green parts of the plant (stiffs and leaves) contains poison. You can get a serious poisoning if the Diffenbachy juice falls into the mouth. Especially suffering animals that can be enjoyed by a plant by negligence.
  • Brunefeliaindoor plant, especially common in America and Europe, a representative of the Parenic family. Perfectly smells and beautiful flowers flowers lilac color. All parts of the plant is poisonous, especially a lot of poison is contained in the fruits and seeds of Brunfels.

  • - A spectacular plant, not so long ago received distribution in our homes. At the top of a thick widespread stem is a bundle of green leaves and bright and large colors of red. Adenium is one of the most poisonous plants. Until now, adenium poison is used by African tribes for the poisoning of arrows. All parts of the plant are toxic and poisonous, but its milky juice is especially dangerous. If your family has pets, children or koto from family members suffers from asthma, think well before starting to grow adenium.
  • - Great homemade plant, blooming very beautiful flowersgrouped into an umbrella for 12 or more flowers. Plant leaves are dense, glossy, elongated form. The most poisonous parts of Clivia are leaves and roots. It is necessary to observe increased caution when working with a plant and be sure to use rubber gloves.

  • Glorioosis luxuryexotic plant With very spectacular and unusual colors, changing the color throughout the flowering. At the same time, glorioosis is one of the most poisonous home plants. All parts of glorye luxury poisonous. Once in a living organism, the poison of the plant causes nausea and vomiting, and also leads to a violation of the work of the kidneys and hair loss. To avoid so unpleasant consequences poisoning should be very careful with the plant. In addition, it is necessary to protect domestic pets and children from contact with glorioos.
  • Ficus - All the well-known inhabitant of many houses, one of the most popular plants around the world. Luxurious rich chose of ficus attracts many flowerflowers. Is this homemade favorite poisonous? Of course, it is impossible to state so categorically. Ficus got into this list because the plant is a powerful allergen. Ficus juice is especially dangerous: hitting the skin, it may irritation and even burn. Do not be afraid to breed ficuses in your homes, but still try to abide by the precautions.

  • Philodendron - Plant family of aroid. Part of the phyloodendrons is a liana, and a part - bushy plants. Filodegenron is especially valued for its beautiful thick greens. Unfortunately, Filodendron Juice, like many representatives of the Aoid family, poisonous, but only when entering the skin and mucous membranes. If the plant is not damaged - it is absolutely not dangerous.
  • Acalifa - The genus of the plants of the Mu-Field family, combining about 400 plants. Feature acalifa - leaves with patterns of unusual coloring and inflorescences in the form of fluffy earrings. Acalifa is a weakly poisonous plant, in the Milky Society of which contained hazardous substances.

  • - a large shrub plant, perfectly suitable for large premises, Orangery I. winter gardens. Hepherler just like acalifa is a weak-poisonous plant. It is unlikely that the reader will burn you hardly harm, but still try to wash your hands after contact with the plant.
  • Primrose - A very beautiful plant with the colors of a wide variety of shades surrounded by velvety green leaves. Often primulla are placed in children's rooms due to bright flowers plants. However, all parts of primrose poisonous and carry potential danger. First, during the flowering of the formula, special substances are distinguished - alkaloids, inhaling which you can feel nauseous and dizziness. At the same time, if there are several plants, their impact is enhanced. Secondly, the poison is contained in the hairs of the leaves of primors. If you touch the leaves of the plant, the poison can lead to a burning and itching. If after contact with the plant, always rinse hands under water - no harm will not apply.

  • - Plant related to the family of the Parotnic. It is a small shrub reaching a height of 35 cm. Flowering with purple, blue and white flowers. Browing is beautiful is a poisonous plant. All parts of Brovalia contain a poison that adversely affects the body, falling inside or on the mucous membranes. Most often, children and pets suffer from a plant with a plant, so it is very important to keep the plant in a hard-to-reach place.
  • Monster - A popular indoor plant that achieves impressive sizes. Usually, Monster is grown in public premisesas well as in greenhouses and winter Gardens. Monster leaves are large, dense, rich-green, with cuts around the edge. Before starting to grow a monster in his home - think carefully. The plant has a very poisonous juice that is able to inflict burn on the skin of the body or even damage the eyes. Symptoms of monstroy poisoning - burning in the mouth, strong salivation, inflammation of the digestive system.

  • Pahipodium Lamera, The second name of the plant is Madagascar Palma. Lamera has a thick prickly stem, similar to a cactus, whose vertex is crowned with elongated leaves. Pahipodium has poisonous and toxic milky juice, which is distinguished during the damage to the plant. However, this juice does not have any influence on the skin and can only be dangerous when entering the wounds and mucous membranes. Thoroughly wash your hands after working with the plant, and it will not cause you any harm.
  • - The plant of the aroid family. Home value Plants - Luxurious Greens: Large, Dense Leaves Rich Color, often with a bizarre pattern. The test perfectly cleans the air in the apartment and kills many pathogenic bacteria. However, at the same time, you need to remember that the Milky Juice of Aglionma is dangerous. The juice is highlighted when the plant is damaged, for example, when the sheet breakdowns, therefore, replant with agolao, be sure to use rubber gloves.

Attentive reader probably noticed that some family families are repeated on this list especially often: Aoid, Rochain, Cutter, Parenic. Indeed, representatives of these families are especially poisonous and require the most accurate circulation.

Family of Cutrov It is considered the most dangerous family in the world of home plants. Bright representatives of the Cutric - Adenium and Pahipodium, also include betraying, plumery, Allamanda, Stroofantus, Carissa and other plants. When working with the Coute Family Plants, observe increased caution, always use rubber gloves and grow these plants in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Aoid family Also different large quantity Poisonous home plants: alocation, Aglionm, Monster, Diffenbahia, Philodendron, Spatifylum, Anthurium, Singonium. Almost all plants of the aid family contain toxic substances: shanglyotic acid, Proteins and enzymes, which are often used as components of household chemicals due to their caustic properties. The juice of such plants is especially dangerous, so if the plant is damaged, contact it as carefully as possible.

Family Mokea Includes many plants, popular on our window sills: Mokha, Croton, Acalifa. The euphorine poisonous substance is part of the Milky Juice of almost all Rochetia. If you get on the skin and mucous membranes, euphorine can cause burning, burns and inflammation. Be careful with the plant of the family of Ruishary, always thoroughly wash your hands after working with them.

Parenic family It is probably known to everyone, because the most popular edible plants - Potatoes and tomatoes - belong to this family. Home Plants of the Parenic Family - Brovalia, Brunfelsia, Podpniki pepper, often grown at home. SAMI poisonous part Polenic - berries, which, when entering inside, are able to cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and subsequently unhealthy drowsiness and inhibition. Carefully make sure that the child or your pet is nailed to eat the berries of these plants.

And in conclusion: very many plants of poisonous, more or lesser, however, most of them are successfully cultivated by a person. Perhaps you should not buy a plant that can harm you and your family. However, if you have decided to grow a potentially dangerous plant, make every effort, in order to minimize its danger. Do not allow the contact of children and animals with such a plant, do not place it next to the bed, always wash your hands after working with it, use rubber gloves. In compliance with such non-good rules, the plant will not be able to cause any harm and will delight you with its natural beauty.

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The exact name of the poisonous ivy - toxicodendron rooting (Toxicodendron Radicans). Direct relationship to harmless Ivy plant has no plant. It is so called due to similarity in appearance. Often, poisonous ivy is called. But Sumy is a toxicodendron lacquer (shrub or tree), that is, it is very similar, but different plants.

Poisonous ivy belongs to those plants, when touched to which you can get difficult consequences, namely, skin burns and general poisoning. Stem, leaves, flowers, fruits - all poisonous. It is not by chance in translating from Greek, his name sounds like a "poison tree" (toxicum poison, dendron tree).

Nevertheless, despite its high toxicity and danger to a person, poisonous ivy - medicinal plantused in medicine. Let's get closer to this interesting and contradictory plant. We learn what it is dangerous, and what is his benefit.

What is a poison ivy (roofing toxicodendron)?

It has strong differences from his relatives from the genus Toxicodendron Mill, which have trees. And our hero is a rustic Lian, and sometimes takes the look of a small shrub. It spreads his long, flexible stems on the surface of the soil or entangle the trunks of the trees using its apparent roots.

Like all dangerous, oxycodendron is very attractive. In the summer of its branches are covered with dark green, large, leathery leaves. In autumn, they become red and dark orange. In June, inflorescences appear on its branches. yellow color, And in the fall, they turn into dense borders of round fruit - greenish-white stokey.

The birthplace plants are North America, from Canada to Mexico. There it can be found everywhere in the forests and among shrubs.

In our country in wild form You can meet two types of toxicodendrons. They grow only on the territory of the southern smoked. One is called oriental toxicodendron, and the other - the toxicodendron of the volost-grade. It cannot be said that they are distinguished by a more friendly character. Both of these types are no less poisonous and can cause strongest poisoning from one touch to them.

What is he dangerous?

In general, the plant is not well understood quite well, and they speak differently about it. I now mean toxicodendron rooting, which does not occur. And domestic species did not investigate in any way. It is exactly exactly known one thing - poisonous ivy highlights the milky juice, which blacks in the air and it is it extremely poisonous.

According to one group of experts, the juice contains a non-volatile resin with the name "Urish". Other scientists argue that the juice has a substance - a phenol derivative called toxicodenendrol. And the third group of scientists call the poison of plants toxicodoloic acid, or they consider it a mixture of different glycosidic substances. It is also known that the bark of toxicodendrons contains poison - Lobitin.

In any case, a sufficiently minimal amount of this substance to get skin burns. When you touch any part of this Liana or shrub branches, a burn is formed on the skin, which resembles a damage to the iprite.

In his homeland, in North America, poisonous ivy very often becomes the cause of poisoning when its juice falls on the human skin. Such cases often end very sadly.

Some toxicodron excuses is the fact that not all living beings have the same sensitivity to its poison. For example, animals do not suffer from him completely. Among people, almost 35% have a small sensitivity to it. All other react to poison in different ways. Great importance plays condition immune system.

Medical properties

As most poisonous plants, toxicodendron are used in medicine, as people can heal. And it " medical history"Began at the end of the XVIII century. It was then that poisonous ivy began to be used in the treatment of paralysis and rheumatism.

The effect of its juice is expressed in the appearance of skin rash, nausea, vomiting. The victims observed the symptoms of fever and hotness. There is a swinging of glands, ulcers appear in oral cavity. But it is precisely this property of juice used homeopaths. The manufactured drug based on "Rhus tox" is used in the treatment of ailments, which are accompanied by fever, anxiety, ulcerations, swollen glands.

The medicine is made from plants juice, which are collected during its highest activity. The resulting juice is mixed with alcohol, filtered, add additional components and used externally.

Tincture stalks, leaves Homeopaths are used with a cold, flu, rheumatism, neuralgia, with eye and skin diseases. The toxicodenendron tincture is available as part of Dr. Laurie alcohol. With the help of this drug, the wet deprived, scarletin, malaria is successfully treated. It is used in abscesses and bubble rashes.

In traditional medicine, use medicine "Acofit", which also includes tincture of leaves. This medicine is used externally to get rid of rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis.

With a large probability, it can be argued that there are exactly the same properties domestic species of this plant. With appropriate scientific research They could treat people no worse than the overseas toxicodendron rooting.