Repair Design Furniture

Spindle tree Japanese care. Japanese spindle tree: description and care of the plant. Home friend and decoration - Japanese euonymus

You can grow a wide variety of plants on your backyard. And decorative foliage crops that remain bright and beautiful for a long time can look especially attractive. It is with this appearance that Japanese euonymus differs. It belongs to evergreen crops, and is not very moody. Today we will talk about what a Japanese euonymus is in a little more detail, clarify how it is planted, and what care it needs in the garden.

Japanese spindle tree looks very attractive. It is covered with many large pointed dark green leaves, on which there is a lighter border. The whole bush, as it were, tends upward, the leaves look dense, leathery and uneven at the edges.

In the photo, Japanese euonymus

Japanese euonymus grows quite interestingly. In the absence of full-fledged conditions, it can only grow in early spring, the rest of the time the plant will be frozen. But with a comfortable growth, the bush will grow rhythmically, increasing by fifteen to twenty centimeters per year. It is believed that under natural conditions it can grow up to seven meters in height. But the height of the grown specimen depends on its variety; there are dwarf varieties of such plants.
A distinctive feature of such a shrub: the ability to tolerate gas pollution of the environment and shade.

Planting Japanese spindle tree on a personal plot

The Japanese euonymus, as we have already found out, is not very capricious. It can be grown in an open area, in partial shade, and even in the shade. But the most comfortable place for such a plant is partial shade. In such conditions, the leaves of the plant are saturated with blue-green hues, and the spots or framing on them look especially clean.

When the Japanese spindle tree is planted in an arid place, its foliage can begin to curl and even dry out, if the pet is not regularly watered.

The optimal time for planting such a shrub is from May to September. The main condition for a safe landing is that it should be carried out exclusively in cloudy, cool weather and in moist soil.

The soil in the garden for Japanese spindle tree should be neutral or alkaline, it should be characterized by sufficient nutritional value, and contain sand.

Readers of "Popularly about health" who want to make a soil mixture on their own should combine two parts of the turf, with one part of the leafy soil, the same amount of peat and sand. A mixture of three parts of turf soil, two parts of greenhouse soil and one part of sand is also allowed.

If the soil on the site is sour, it is worth adding lime to it.

For planting euonymus seedlings, it is worth preparing pits, which will be twice as high as the root of the seedling. They should be placed at suitable spacing considering the size of the future mature shrubs. At the bottom of each hole, it is necessary to place a drainage layer; broken brick, expanded clay or crushed stone can act in its role. Next, it is worth laying fertilizers, represented by rotted humus or compost.

Landing is not very deep. After it, the soil near the plant must be compacted and watered. By the way, systematic moistening plays an extremely important role in caring for the euonymus bush in the first time after planting.

Features of caring for Japanese euonymus in the garden

Such a plant needs regular watering. But at the same time, it is extremely important not to allow the plant to become waterlogged. Watering is carried out after the soil has dried. It will not be superfluous to carefully loosen the soil near the bushes and eliminate weeds.

As for feeding the euonymus, in the spring it should be fed with fertilizers, which contain quite a lot of nitrogen. This will stimulate the active growth of the green mass of the shrub. In the summer, potassium-magnesium mixtures should be used for feeding. And in the autumn, lime and ash are brought in for digging.

To form dense and compact bushes of Japanese spindle tree, it is necessary to pinch the tips of the branches. If you abandon this procedure, then the dwarf plant varieties will begin to grow in breadth and actively take root with branches in contact with the ground. As a result, the bush will be overly loose.

For the winter, euonymus will not be superfluous to mulch using peat, leaves or stale sawdust. Young plants also need to be covered, for example, with spruce branches. Adult shrubs do not need shelter.

Japanese spindle trees are quite resistant to pest attacks. However, such plants can be affected by ticks or aphids. As a result of such lesions, their leaves can curl and fall off. Unhealthy bushes should be treated with colloidal sulfur or actellic.

From diseases, Japanese euonymus can be affected by powdery mildew or rust. Many experienced gardeners advise not to wait for the appearance of such ailments and to carry out preventive spraying of shrubs with fungicides at the stage of cold snap and / or prolonged dampness.

In fact, the plant is quite unpretentious. It quickly grows a bush and looks attractive very soon after planting. If you notice that your plant starts growing several times per season, then you are caring for it completely right.

This shrub was accidentally discovered by me in a local nursery while looking through the catalog of plants. I liked it because it is evergreen, has bright green and green-yellow juicy colors of leaves. Therefore, he immediately hit me on the "pencil".
The only thing that confused me was its low frost resistance indicated in the literature (in the region of -5 ... -10, and then under the snow). Therefore, I planted it at my own peril and risk. He was not going to cover, tk. I had enough covering exotics even without Beresklet.

I bought 2 bushes - one with green, the other with yellow foliage. They were planted in a sunny place, watered during the summer ... and everything, there was no more care, they grew by themselves. In winter, to be honest, I completely forgot about 2 Euonymus. In the winter I was not in the garden. But when I arrived in the spring and realized that the sources were lying about its low frost resistance. It was -20, but you can't tell by them. Even the fact that they were exposed to the winter sun did not harm them.

In the spring, the bushes have grown noticeably, unfortunately, there is no photo of the first year of life of the Bereskletov, tk. I did not think then that it was necessary to photograph such a quite common plant for an article.

In the summer, I began preparing flower beds for planting palms for permanent residence next spring. On the site where I plan to plant one palm tree, two bushes of Beresklet interfered. I decided to dig them up in the middle of a hot summer (!), And also managed to destroy an earthy clod from their root systems. But I was immediately glad that both of my Beresklet's bushes "crumbled" into small bushes, which asked to be planted. In total, I got 5-6 bushes out of 2 bushes. Pleased with this, I immediately planted them in the flower bed. They took root very quickly, as if there was no interference.

They hibernate well, again we moved our "peak" at -20 frost for 2 nights in a row. Moreover, they perfectly tolerate both frosts under the snow and snowless frosts. A couple of bushes survived the peak frosts with almost no snow. they grow under the canopy roof edge. They do not react in any way to the winter sun. The only thing when snow is falling is to knock it off the bushes, otherwise the Euonymus begins to bend strongly under the weight of the snow and, although it is very flexible, I think there is a limit, and it can break off. But in more severe conditions, I think, it will be possible to use this circumstance, bending the Euonymus to the ground, and cover it for a period of severe frosts.

February 2017, a wave of long light frosts

February 2017, a wave of long light frosts

Planting and grooming recommendations
Planting in the sun / partial shade, watering is moderate, abundant in the heat, -20 degrees of frost tolerates without problems. I think its frost resistance is at the level of Cherry Laurel, i.e. in the region of -25, and maybe more, judging by the fact that there was no hint of damage ... In this case, the bushes can be easily bent to the ground, wrapping them in an agrospan and covering them with snow from above. Reacts well to pruning - the bush becomes more lush. In general, an unpretentious plant from the category of "lazy".

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Japanese euonymus is a representative of ornamental shrubs. Beautiful green bushes in the wild grow up to 5 meters in height, produce white-green flowers and form reddish fruits.

Houseplants of euonymus are much smaller and rarely bloom. The shrub is covered with beautiful smooth leaves, they are slightly elongated and, as it were, incised along the edges. Due to the varied color and shape of the leaves, Japanese euonymus is divided into subspecies.

The most famous varieties include euonymus with a monochrome green leaf color. Variegated shrubs are also particularly attractive:

  • golden euonymus (the middle of the leaf is yellow);
  • silver euonymus (white-green leaves).

With Japanese at home, the main concern will be the preservation of its decorative color. It does not need special conditions, since it is absolutely unpretentious, however, it is still necessary to adhere to some recommendations for caring for Japanese euonymus at home.


One of the important points in caring for a plant is to provide it with sufficient lighting. For simple green euonymus, a little sun is enough, they grow well even in the shade. But variegated bushes need more lighting, otherwise their color will disappear over time and they will become monochromatic.

Air temperature

The plant does not respond well to elevated indoor temperatures. It feels most comfortable at 23 degrees Celsius in the summer. In winter, it is advisable to put the pot in a room with a temperature of no more than 12 degrees. In a warmer room near the euonymus, foliage may fall off.

Watering and spraying

Euonymus is a fairly moisture-loving plant. In the summer, it needs regular watering. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out completely so that the leaves do not wilted. With the onset of autumn, the intervals between watering are increased, and in winter they are rarely watered with warm water.

The shrub will be very grateful for regular spraying, and even a shower, especially on hot summer days. So that after this procedure, the remnants of impurities do not appear on the leaves, the water must be taken out of water, or better filtered.

Top dressing and transplanting

Once a month, the plant is fertilized with mineral fertilizers, starting in spring and ending in autumn. During the growing season, complex organic fertilizers are applied once a week. Young shrubs are fertilized with nitrogen to stimulate the growth of deciduous mass.

Young spindle tree plantings need an annual transplant, and for adults, once every 3 years is enough. If the adult spindle tree is impressive in size, you can simply renew the topsoil.

To give the bush the desired shape and stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, it is cut off (it is better to do this in the spring). Since the bush itself branches very weakly, such pruning is done regularly. It is better to remove weak shoots too, so that they do not take away the strength from the bush.

Young cuttings cut from the tops are used for breeding new plants. It is worth noting that a stalk that has at least 3 internodes after ripe buds will be suitable for reproduction. Also, euonymus reproduces with the help of seeds.

Spindle tree care at home - video

It is also known under the name of the pseudolaura, in Latin the name of this plant will sound like this: Euonymus japonicus. Japanese euonymus is one of the plants of a family called euonymus, in Latin the name of this family will be: Celstraceae.

Description of Japanese spindle tree

For the favorable cultivation of this plant, it is recommended to provide it with a solar light regime, however, the partial shade regime is also acceptable. Throughout the summer, it will be necessary to maintain moderate watering, while the degree of humidity should remain medium. The life form of the Japanese euonymus is an evergreen shrub. It should be noted that all parts of this plant are poisonous, for this reason it is recommended to be extremely careful when handling Japanese euonymus.
This plant is quite common in cool winter gardens. Very often, gardeners grow this plant indoors: for this it is recommended to select light, but slightly shaded windows. It is noteworthy that for the summer period it is permissible to grow a pot with this plant in the open air. As for the maximum size in culture, the Japanese euonymus can reach a size of about one and a half meters.

Description of the features of the care and cultivation of Japanese spindle tree

It is noteworthy that the plant requires a fairly frequent transplant, which should be associated with the fact that the root system of the Japanese spindle tree will grow rather quickly. The roots themselves can grow into the drain of the pot. It is recommended to replant the plant from the spring to the autumn. The plant will need a larger diameter pot, while it is quite acceptable to cut off some of the roots. As for the composition of the land mixture itself, it will be necessary to mix in equal proportions sand, leaf and turf soil. The acidity of such soil can be either neutral or slightly acidic.
The most common pest of this plant is the spider mite, in fact, in case of damage by this pest, it is required to perform treatment with acaricides two to three times with an interval of about five to ten days. Sometimes the plant is also affected by the scabbard, and as a fight against this pest, it is required to use exclusively chemical treatment.
Throughout the rest period, the optimum temperature should be maintained between twenty and twenty-five degrees of heat. Watering this plant requires moderate, and air humidity can remain standard. It is noteworthy that when Japanese euonymus is grown in indoor conditions, then such a dormant period will be forced. The causes of this period will be low air humidity and insufficient lighting.
Reproduction of this plant can occur through cuttings, while a mixture consisting of peat and sand is required, and the temperature should be about twenty to twenty-five degrees. The optimal time for such reproduction is the spring period of time and the very beginning of the summer season.
As for the specific requirements of this culture, it is important to remember that Japanese euonymus needs quite bright lighting. However, the plant should be protected from the afternoon sun. It is noteworthy that the plant can also be grown in the form of a bonsai. The crown of the Japanese spindle tree should be formed by pruning and pinching, in fact, in such ways it is permissible to give the plant very interesting shapes.