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What does the plant wolf beroda look like. What is wolf berries? Considered completely poisonous all parts of the plant

It so happened that under the term "wolf berries" are hiding different concepts.


First, wolf berries are one of the folk spares, which is called wolf Lyko (Other names are a wolter year, a typny, daphne). This amazing plant already in the spring begins to behave not as the other "good" bushes and trees: they first appear leaflets and only then - flowers. And the wolter year is first covered with beautiful pink flowers (in April-May), and only then releases on top of the branches of the vortex branches of narrow egg-shaped leaves.

Bright red wolf berries magnitude with a pea, sit right on branches of 2-3 pieces, like sea buckthorn.

Despite the fact that they look very appetizing, there are them in no case, as they are very poisonous! However, all parts of the plant have toxic poisonous. Even a small droplet of the plant juice, hitting the skin or mucous membrane of the lip or eye, causes irritation. If you eat a bridge of a typny, burning, nausea, vomiting, weakness, cramps can begin, the temperature will rise ... so try not to approach this beautiful bush!

"Wolf Lyko" ... why wolf? Probably because the wolves have long been in the people who were the personification of cunning, cruelty and evil. Why Lyko? But because the bark of the wolf (more precisely, the Lubyana layer under the crust) is very durable. Previously, it was made of paper, ropes, ropes and even napty splas. Anyone who tried to rip the branch of the wolf "for memory", knows: it is easy to break it, but it's already more difficult to tear off the bush. The reason is durable Lyko.

Only by reading these lines, please do not contact this plant, as with the enemy, if you are lucky enough to meet him in the forest! First, it is quite rare and listed in the Red Book. Secondly, Wolf Lyko is a wonderful honey, and it blooms at that time when other colors are still very small. Thirdly, a typical is a medicinal plant. Fourth, despite the poisonousness, for some reason, the birds can eat the fruits of the stupid without any harm for themselves, so do not deprive the birds of this food source.


Wolf berries are sometimes called forest honeysuckle. Its berries are very similar to the wolf scroll berries:

It is possible to distinguish it from the stubborn in two signs: its berries on short flower makers depart from the nodes (that is, from there, where leaves come from), and not from interstitial. In addition, the berries of the honeysuckle are sitting two. They are not poisonous as the berries of Wolf Lyk, but still inedible. I share the berry - and at the first moment there is a sweet taste, but almost immediately feel a strong bitterness in my mouth, which is not going through for a long time.

By the way, the honeysuckle Forest - close relative of the honeysuckle edible. Its blue, with a sizem, berries, have a thin aroma and a bitter-sour taste, resembling a blueberry, contain a lot of useful substances and are valued as healing. It is bred in the gardens.


And finally, the "wolf berries" is a collective folk name of all berries with black or red berry fruits, which are inedible or poisonous. Here are some examples of such plants.

Under the name of Wolf Berry imply several plants at the same time. So called Belladonna, Crushina, Voroniye Eye. But most often the so-called Wolf Lyko or the wolper-year ordinary. In appearance, it looks like a low-tech leaf-type shrub, the maximum height of which is 1.2 m. The plant is a representative of the Wolfkin family. On the shrub, narrow dark green leaves are formed, which are attached with short cutters at the very top of the shoots. The plants are very durable and has a dark brown, almost black shade, which gave the reason to call the plant with a scroll.

In the middle lane of Russia, the plant blooms early in the spring, before the appearance of foliage. Flowers can be white or pink, which are distinguished by a pleasant aroma, but with prolonged inhalation cause headaches. The plant is pollinated by bees and the collected honey is not toxic. In the middle of summer, bright red fruits ripen.

Chemical composition of berries

Beautiful appearance of berries attracts attention, but you should know that the wolf of the berry is a poisonous plant. In the older, her juice lubricated the spokes of arrows before going to the hunt.

A description of the chemical composition that plants makes such poisonous:

  • mesterin - has a strong irritating effect, after which redness and small acne appears on the skin, and when inhalation of dust of the cortex acts annoyingly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • glucoside Daphne - has an antibacterial property, but it causes bleeding.

Also, the composition of the wolf berries includes tubyl substances, flavonoids, mineral salts, wax, gum.

But due to its special composition, the plant has not only poisonous properties, but also therapeutic. Therefore, it is widely used in homeopathy. In pharmacies, you can purchase funds made on the basis of a wicked year, which effectively treat skin diseases, as they remove inflammation and eliminate various types of suppuration.

Consequences of consumption of wolf berries

The wolper year berries have a pronounced burning taste, so it is unlikely that someone can eat them in large quantities. But to obtain intoxicating the body, it is enough to use 3 berries, which causes poisoning of the digestive system. As a result, the person feels the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • abundant salivation;
  • stomach spasms;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions of the limbs;
  • feeling of burning in the mouth;
  • swelling of the oral cavity;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness.

In case of small particles of the plant on the mucous eye, conjunctivitis develops. Under the action of intoxicant, the nervous system of man is affected, exchange processes deteriorate, sometimes renal failure is observed.

The adult organism is able to withstand the effect of poison, but when using wolf berries, a child may occur with serious health effects, up to death depending on the number of fruit eaten.

First aid for poisoning

After the first symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to know what first help you need to have a victim before the doctor's arrival to avoid more serious complications:

  1. 1. Thoroughly rinse the stomach with a weak milgantaneous solution of 0.01% per 1 liter of water, which will help to withdraw the unbearable remnants of wolf berries out of the stomach.
  2. 2. It is necessary to provide a person abundant drinking, which will help to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  3. 3. Throughout the first hour after eating berries, it is necessary to drink three times activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  4. 4. In order to stop vomiting, you should swallow small pieces of ice.
  5. 5. With damage to the skin, it is necessary to rinse them under running water, and then a solution of marring in the extension of 0.02% per 1 liter of water.

When the body intoxication, the wolf berries is prohibited to carry out therapy with diuretic or laxatives, as it will complicate the situation further.

Mulberry (Mulberry Tree) - Useful properties and application

Medical properties

Frequently, the berries have been used in folk medicine from some diseases. They have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property, therefore their use is effective during rheumatism, gout, radiculitis. In some cases, the use of funds from wolf berries for the treatment of gold, purulent angina, esophageal tumors and thrombophlebitis are allowed.

For treatment, it is necessary to collect the bark of the shrub before the start of the deputies in the branches, so the optimal period is January-February for this, and the berries must be separated already in the rock form. Collection of raw materials must be carried out by observing certain precautions:

  • work only in gloves and respirator;
  • after the procedure is completed, carefully flushed hands several times with soap;
  • sew one separately from other products and in an inaccessible place for children.

Before the start of treatment with preparations based on wolf berries, it is recommended to consult with a doctor who will determine the dosage and the duration of therapy based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

In most cases, folk remedies from wolf berries are used externally. For the treatment of skin diseases, inflammation and suppuration, it is recommended to prepare a tincture on alcohol:

  • pour into the capacity of 70 g of chopped dry wrecker bark;
  • pour 250 ml medical alcohol;
  • tightly close the lid and insist 14 days;
  • apply in the form of a mow on problem areas of the skin.

Based on this tincture, you can prepare ointment for the treatment of gout and rheumatism. To do this, 1 part of therapeutic tincture is necessary to mix with 2 parts of the cream oil, to store such a means in the refrigerator, separate from other products. Lubricate problem areas three times a day.

Wolf berry is a plant that, with imperative use, it may harm, but, subject to all precautionary measures, is an effective drug and brings significant health benefits. Recently, the shrub remains on the verge of extinction, therefore it requires a special relationship, it is not necessary to apply it without certain knowledge in this area.

And planting such a concept as "wolf" does not exist, in fact it is a collective name of a number of berries, which differ in toxic properties. These include:
- Belladonna,
- Derezu,
- wolter year,
- Voroniye eyes
- crash brushing,
- Snowy year.

The berries look like shrubs, up to 1.5 meters high with rare and round berries of a bright red shade, sometimes blue. In the toxicological departments of hospitals, it is often possible to see photos of these plants, because they serve as a frequent reason for poisoning.


This is a very poisonous plant occurs quite often in the middle strip forests. All parts of its poisonous, and berries, and the leaves contain a large concentration of toxic substances.

Many call the berries are still "Wolf Lyko".

Berries have a pronounced sharp taste, so, not even knowing that this is a dangerous berry, it is unlikely that a person can eat it in large quantities. Although, on the other hand, even 10 pieces can cause fatal outcome, it all depends on the human body.

Symptoms of poisoning manifest themselves quickly, they are following:
- vomiting,
- burning in the mouth,
- nausea,
- cramps,
- Weakness and even loss of consciousness.

First aid for poisoning

A person who evealed the fruit of the wolves year is necessary to provide first aid. We usually wash the stomach, with the help of activated carbon or other sorbents remove toxins. In stationary conditions, they conduct a course of therapy aimed at restoring the natural biochemical composition of blood.

Skin lesions can be caused by contact with leaves and wolf berries. In this case, blisters appear on the surface, redness, peeling is rapidly begins.

Rinse the affected areas of the skin can be a solution of manganese. Further treatment will write a dermatologist.

Dangerous components

If we consider the composition of the wolf berries, then the main substance will be mezerin. This substance is very toxic, causes irritation of the mucous membrane and leather. Other components of wolf berries cause severe bleeding, so in the villages of the evacor gave a decoction from berries to women wishing to interrupt pregnancy ... Often at the cost of our own life.

The composition of some drugs wolf berry enters as an assistant in the treatment of kidneys, immune and nervous systems. But it is worth remembering that for medicine it passes a number of treatments and loses its poisonous properties.

Botanical characteristic

The wolper year ordinary, translated - Daphne Mezereum, the plant has a number of other names, for example, wolf lyco, boroval wolf pepper, wolf berries. His height is not more than meter, but sometimes it can reach 200 centimeters. This shrub is covered with yellow-gray bore, which is characterized by some wrinkleness.

The leaves are obliged, they are green from above, and the bottom is slightly sly, they are narrowed in a rather short stiff closer to the base, the next, at the ends of the branches are bored. Flowers of pink color, seating, fragrant, their smell is a bit like a hyacinth, a born of a novel shape.

Three flowers are located in the sinuses of the leaves, which remained since last year. The characteristic feature of this shrub is the fact that he begins to bloom even before the appearance of the first leaves.

As for the fruits, they are berries of light red, which have an egg-shaped, somewhat elongated form, which makes them recognizable, and this is important, since they are very poisonous, and they can not eat them in any way!


Shrub Wolf Lyko is distributed in the European part of our country, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. It prefers to localize in the shady terrain, and the soil should be fertile, well-fertilous. You can see it on forest edges.

Used part

With therapeutic goal of the wolper-year ordinary use flowering branches, as well as a bark. In these parts of the plant contains kumarins, Mereverin, Glycosides, Daphnin, gum, there are resins, coloring substances, wax.

Collection and harvesting

Corre is accepted to harvest early spring before the start of blossoms of Wolf Lyk. Since the plant is extremely poisonous, it is necessary to collect raw materials only in rubber gloves, and after work you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap, in order not to make random toxic substances into the oral cavity.

The collected raw material should be cut into smaller pieces and put them into an automated drying chamber, in which the optimal temperature mode is maintained, in this case it should not exceed fifty degrees.

When the raw material is finally dried, it should be packaged on the placus bags that should be sewn from natural materials. They are recommended to be placed in a ventilated room. The shelf life should not exceed three years, since after this time the bark expires its medicinal properties and becomes unsuitable for use.

Wolf berries - Application:

Once again I will remind you, dear reader that the plant is very poisonous! However, in past times, the poisonous berry wolf Lyko was used as a laxative, the korahs were prepared from her bark, which used for the treatment of injections and furunculus.

In homeopathy, the wolf white berries found their use, of course, these drugs should be applied on the recommendation of the doctor, for example, there is such a means as Mezereum, it is made from fresh cortex of the wolper year, and prescribed during dermatological diseases, for example, with eczema, dermatitis, during trophic ulcers, with itchy rash and herpes skewing.


If the juice of the plant in concentrated form falls into the skin, it can lead to the emergence of strong burns that can even cause tissue necromization. Therefore, if a similar situation happened randomly, it is worthwhile to rinse the causal section of 2% manganese solution.

The first signs of poisoning berries will be expressed by the following symptoms, an unbearable burning in the oral cavity will appear, pain in the epigastric region, dyspeptic phenomena, which will manifest themselves with nausea and subsequent vomiting, as well as disorders from the nervous system in the form of a convulsion.

In this case, it should be immediately called an ambulance, and while it goes, you need to repeatedly rinse the stomach, and drink about twenty tablets of activated coal, and wait for medical personnel. Remember, a person sufficiently use a literally a couple of wickey berries, and it can lead to a fatal outcome of the heart stop, so be very attentive!


Preparation of bravery. You will need twenty grams of the bark, which should be pre-crushed and pour boiling water. After that, the container should be put on the stove, and evaporate until exactly half of the fluid remain. It should be taken on one drop three times a day, after dissolving it in a small amount of boiled water.

Preparation of tincture. Take one gram of the cortex for sixty milliliters of alcohol or vodka, and place the container in a dark place for one week, the drug should be shaken daily, and then profile, and take a drop, divorced in water, three times a day.

Preparation of ointments. You will need five milliliters of the tincture that you need to stir with ten grams of butter. It is possible to process the mixture with the mixture during arthritis, as it will have a small analgesic effect. Store the drug only in the refrigerator.


Remember, a poisonous plant wolf berry is quite dangerous, so observe extreme caution when collecting it and use, while it is desirable to consult with the doctor, in order to clarify the dose of the accepted drugs.