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Warming edible plants. Clover meadow. Nettle dwarm. Miracle plant clover

The clover plant is widespread and is of great importance in the harvesting of feed for the winter. The proposed description of the plant clover allows you to create an initial idea of \u200b\u200bit and prepare for right cultivation on the household site. Ferry Culture Clover can be used as an effective Siderate (green fertilizer). Also it is beautiful gentle flower Excellent shades larger buds, and. Botanical description Clore includes including the listing of its numerous species. Depending on the growing area, it may be mountain or white View, meadow or hybrid pink. Full description Each variety accompanied by a large number of illustrations will create a loyal impression of the wealth of varieties and paintings of petals.

What does clover flower look like: description and photo

Latin name Rod Clover - Trifolium. - Translated into Russian means "Visitnik". Such a name of the plant was obtained for the characteristic structure of the leaves: all types of clover are three of them. It is very rare to be found among the three-leaf leaves. For folk accepting such a discovery should bring happiness. What looks like a clover flower with four leaves, you can look at numerous illustrations.

Observations over the leaves of clover helped scientists to open the phenomenon that was called " night sleep plants. " Such a dream manifests itself in the fact that with the onset of darkness the leaves fold along, rising upwards, as if falling asleep. With dawn, they straightened - wake up.

Starting a description of the clover flower, it is worth noting that its structure is equally in all kinds, except for their coloring, presence or absence of flowers. The difference may also appear in the relative length of the bunny or a cup. Separate clover flowers are small, but, collected in inflorescence, rounded or an oblong head, dramatically stand out among the meadow greenery and are stronger attracting insects.

Studying clover by photo and descriptions, it can be understood that this aft culture can be applied on the household plot as a soil industry:

Over red, pink, white inflorescences of different types of clover with honey smell all day are circling large, cute, shaggy insects - bumblebees. Insects in their long trumps get to the sweet nectar, which is located at the bottom of the elongated whisk of each flower in inflorescence. At the same time, cross-pollination occurs, and then in small frods-beans are tied and ripen seeds. In some types of clover, in the absence of insects, self-pollution may occur, only the fruits with seeds will be less. European types of clover brought to New Zealand in the XIX century, for a long time Fruits and seeds were not formed, until there were brought pollinators-bumblebees.

See how the clover flower looks like in the photo, where different stages of plant development are illustrated:

Older russian name Clover - Kashka, and no wonder. His literally filled with nectar inflorescences are happy to eat children. In July, even ordinary our bees take bribes with a red clover, which, as is known, is usually pollinated only by bumblebees with longer trull. At this time, nectar in cluster so much that it not only completely fills the flowers, but also flows out of them.

The clover has long been considered one of the most valuable herbs in the meadows - they make a very nutritious green food, they dry well in the hay, quickly and well grow out after Senokos. The clover grass contains a large amount of protein, many sugars, starch, vitamins, including vitamins C, P, carotene, E, folic acid.

Clover meadow lives three years, individual plants up to five years. In a year, sowing is developing slowly, full development reaches for the second year of life, by the fourth-fifth year its amount in the grasshose is sharply reduced and is 2-10%.

The clover grows well when the moisture is increasing (70-80% of the smallest moisture in the soil) and snow cover. Mesophit. Do not stand low temperatures (-15-16 ° C). Flooding withstands no more than 10 days.

Types and varieties of clover with photos and descriptions

Many types of clover are widely embedded in crop rotations, short and medium-term haymen and pastures, grows in the floodplains of rivers, on short meadows, on forest glades and forest edges, in shrubs. The varieties of clover are growing on podzolic, gray forest and chernozem soils, requires good drainage and looseness. On acidic and light soils develop badly, intimacy groundwater Does not tolerate. Better grows at pH 6-7. Obviously responds to liming, organic and mineral fertilizers.

Starting the descriptions of the types of clover, it is worth saying that all of them in the conditions of the Southern Urals grow in late April - early May, bloom in the second half of June - early July, the seeds ripen in August. Valuable feed plant. Used on green feed, hay, sieuzh, herbal flour, as well as in grass.

Studying the description of the types of clover with the photo, it can be noted that the wealth of the paintings of petals can be even more luxurious on rich organic soils:

Well eaten by all types of livestock in green and dry. Like other clovers, when eating in a green form, can cause tympanite in animals (bloating). Therefore, one should not be allowed to clove the hungry animals, especially on deleting and after the rain.

Clover hay cells are used on the hay, but when drying there are losses of leaves. In mixtures with other bean (alfalfa, donnik) and cereals will dry better. Excellent raw material for the production of Senate, herbal flour, protein-vitamin hay and green feed. Clover meadow is good predecessor and honey.

On the Southern Urals There are valuable populations of meadow clover, characterized in winter hardiness and high yield. Organization in the Urals of the commodity production of hybrid seeds clover meadow on a heterosecred basis will contribute to increasing the yield of seeds and the hay of this valuable culture. More sustainable yields give the oldest clovers included in the state register of breeding achievements by region.

Check out the main types of clover in the photo, where distinctive features and characteristics are illustrated:

Interestingly, all clovers bloom only on the second or third year, and live different time. If the clover lives not long, then in the meadows from time to time (usually after three or four years) there are so-called clover years. During these years, the clover is almost the main plant in the meadow. In subsequent years, he almost completely disappears, in any case, among the blooming herbs, it is rare. This is caused by the fact that the seeds of clover will not attend simultaneously. Seeds who pumped out of the inflorescences will appear for several years in a row, germs continue to appear even when not a single new seed in the soil falls. Thus, after the clover year, part of fresh seeds will take place, which will begin to bloom in a year, and during this year flowering plants There will be a little, only remaining from past years. The next year, the first time asked last year's bushes and many new ones will appear - "solid" seeds will come up, and on the third year they will bloom all together - again it turns out a clover year.

Of course, in a culture, where all seeds are sown at the same time, such a phenomenon should also remain, but over the years, the plants are faster. In practice, the harvest of the green mass reaches the maximum on the third year, then thickets are waiting and the clover has to beg. Solid seeds are capable of spiting for 20 years. Cultural clovers are developing faster and more magnificent, but dying earlier, less resistant to weather conditions, it is easier to die, dry, but they give a colossal harvest.

Clover Gorno.

Clover Gorno. - Perennial, 20-60 cm high. Rod roots, two-three-chapped, deeply penetrating into the soil. Stems cylindrical or ribbed, strongly pubescent, not branching. The leaves are trees.

Elliptic leaves, on the edge of the gear, on the top stupidly pointed, on top smooth, and silky-pubescent. Highlights of leathery that have grown with a leaf camp.

Flowers are collected in white heads. Fruit - Bob. Seeds light brown. Blossom occurs in June and July. Seeds ripen unevenly - at the end of June, in July and August.

Clover Mountain lives 5-8 years. Full development reaches on the third year.

After mowing and stevullation, it grows well. Drought-resistant. Plant dry habitats. It grows on the slopes, sudidal meadows, high-level floats, on forest glades and edges. It is often found in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. However, there is no big abundance in herbs.

It is well eaten by sheep, horses, large and small cattle, especially at a young age. Medonos.

The productivity of the mining clover is low. The plants are generally coarse-leaving, pubescent and weakless, which indicates its low economic and industrial value.

Clover meadow: Plant Description, Characteristics and Application (with photo)

Bush perennial. Start a description of the plant clover meadow stands with the fact that this is a valuable feed plant for the forest and forest-steppe zone. Plant height 40-65 cm, sometimes up to 1 m. Root system rod. The characteristic of the meadow clover is based on the fact that it has a large number of lateral roots located in the soil horizon up to 50 cm. The main rod root is plunged by 1-1.5 m. The roots are formed by non-nitrogen, where bacteria are absorbed by the air nitrogen enriching them the soil. From the top of the main root (branch or root cervices), branching shoots are formed.

The meadow clover description will continue the fact that the main stem is shortened, has many roasting leaves, from the sinuses of which flower stems come out. Stems - ribbed, filled or hollow, pubescent. The bushes of the semi-solid or dividious form.

The leaves are complex, trees, with a white spot in the middle of the leafy plates. Shape of sheets of sheet round or reverse ovoid. Sheet plates are solid, pubescent, especially from the bottom. Coloring leaves from bright to dark green. High-shaped alpine shapes, pointed, film, weakly pubescent, which have grown with a cherry sheet.

Flowers are collected in inflorescences - heads, round or oval shape, bright red or red-purple. Heads sitting, leaves depart from their base. Flowers with a green cup and a five-point wedge, a moth. Pestik one, stamens 10. Pollination cross. The fruit is one hundred and less than bob. The seeds of the wrong beobovoid form, the value of 1.8-2.3 mm, the length of the root is less than half of the length of the semilar, the spine is departed at an angle of 45 ° to the seedlies. Seed painting from light yellow to dark brown, heterogeneous. The mass of 1 thousand seeds of 1.6-1.8 g. The average number of seeds in 1 kg is 550-580 thousand.

Clover meadow is divided into two main types: single-axis (lateVier) and double-axis (early).

In the Southern Urals, it grows mainly a single-axis type of clover, characterized by a seeming development type. He is more long and winter-hardy than a wounded clover. Early clover - Skore type plant.

Red clover It is pollinated only by bumblebees, his flower is too long, so that the bee can reach the columns to his short trump, although they sometimes get the nectar, but only small flowers pollinate. Americans removed by selecting bees with longer trumps, but they did not get much spread.

The use of meadow clover is possible as feed for cattle or in cooking as a vitamin supplement. The grass of this type of clover contains up to 14% soluble sugars. Leaves and young clover shoots are used as a salad or spinach. The dried and crushed leaves are molded into the flour and add it to bread, which increases its nutritional value, such bread is a dietary product. The green mass of the clover, in addition to sugars, contains up to 25% protein, about 5.6% fat, and protein is contained in an easily-friendly form.

Look at the clover meadow in the photo, where different stages of growth and development of culture on the fields are shown:

Grass white clover: description and photo

The grass is white clover - this is a fluttering lower perennial, 7-20 cm high. Root rods, with many side roots and with a mass of doves from them. The creeping shoots in the nodes form roots. So there are a number of bushes related to escapes. The breakdown of shoots leads to independent plants. The root system is shallow, and therefore the plants of a small resistance against drought.

Starting a description of the white clover, it is worth noting that the main stem is shortened, the side shoots are sharpening. Leaves are trees, on long stiffs. The lobes of the leaves of the back-ovoid shape, along the edge of the gear, on short hairy stiffs. Polyfilia leaves occurs. Highlights of the film, which have grown with a cherry sheet.

White flowers are collected in spherical, loose heads. Inflorescences for long, weakly squeezed under the head legs without leaves. Fruit - Bob with 3-4 seeds. Seeds are small (1-1.3 mm), heart-shaped, from light yellow to light brown color. The mass of 1 thousand seeds of 0.7 g. It blooms from the end of May - early June to September. Blooming heads go below. Seeds ripen unevenly in July - August.

In the year, sowing is developing slowly, full development reaches on the second or third year of life. Lives up to 10 years or more. In the spring, growth is rolled early, growing energetically. Shading does not endure.

It grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones, in low places, according to the valleys of rivers, in the floodplains, on sudodolas, in light forests and forest edges, on the bottoms of the beams, slopes, along the edges of the swamps, the banks of rivers and streams, roads and residential areas, Less - on the cooled and salt-tanta meadows.

It makes a slightly increased acidity of soil and close grounding of groundwater. Having developed. Mesophit. Lightweight. The plant is winter-hardy and the spring-resistant, well pulls out flooding with hollow waters (up to 15 days). One of the most valuable pasture species, it grows well after the booming and reacts well to the grazing. Among the pasture herbs occupies one of the first places, for the growing season can give up to three OTAV.

Green mass - nutritious, gentle food, well eaten by a large and small cattle and horses. Distinguished by high protein content minerals and vitamins. For hayfosses, little is suitable, since the height of its plants is insignificant.

See how white clover looks like in the photo, where shown different forms Growth and development of the plant:

Clover pink hybrid: description and photo

Clover hybrid pink - This is a bush perennial of the spring type of development, a height of 40-80 cm, a hybrid form between white and meadow clover. Rod roots, with strong branched side roots. The main rod root penetrates into the soil to 2 m, the side roots are located in the soil layer to 40-50 cm.

Let's start the description of the pink clover with the fact that its stems are cylindrical, sometimes ribbed, branched, well-designed, inside hollow, unopened, reprehension or lifting. Complex leaves, tremendous, without omission, roasting and stem with horses. Flame plates oval, stupidly pointed, serrated, white spots do not have. Highlights of film, egg-shaped or egg-lanceal.

Flowers of white and pink and pink color, are collected in spherical heads, on a blooming. Swimpberry blossoms come out of the sinuses of the leaves at an acute angle, weakly pubescent. There is no leaves at the base of the heads.

Fruit - bob, oblong shape, naked, two-daisy, less often with 4 seeds. Seeds are small, dark green, heart-shaped. Mass of 1 thousand seed 0.7 g

Minor, lifetime three or four years, for the fourth-fifth year is significantly spent. In a year, sowing is developing faster than clover meadow, full development reaches for the second year of life.

In natural conditions, it is pure european plantBut as a cultural is listed in Asia, North Africa and North America. This is a typical meadow plant. Loves the filler meadows, it is better to endure an excess of moisture than its disadvantage. In the spring, in the flood, can live under water up to two weeks. Like other clovers, it grows well only at sunny places. Also has clover years. Flowers from May to autumn. In culture rarely lives for more than six years.

The plant is winter-hardy, spring-resistant and moisture. Grows in forest and forest-steppe zones. Soils are unable. It grows on raw and floodly meadows, along the banks of the rivers, in the mountain forest area, on moderately wet heavy soils. Mesophit. Less reacts to the acidity of the soil than clover meadow, transfers pH 4-5. It grows on soils of podzolic, alluvial, peat and chernozem. Prefers structural loamy and clay soils.

Compared with clover meadow more frost and moisthed, less resistant to drought. Clover pink well winter, tolerates the proximity of groundwater, withstands flooding with hollow waters for 10-15 days. Therefore, it is acceptable for reduced places, on flooded, low-spirited, wet meadows and dried peatlands.

Plant hay and pasture. Nutritional value is not inferior to the best. bean plantsHowever, it has a bitter taste. In the Seine and the pasture eaten by all types of livestock, well eaten in grass and cereals. However, his eaten is worse than the clover meadow.

Like a haystone culture is used at the beginning of flowering for the preparation of hay, herbal flour and a hay. When drying the hay clover pink does not black. After mowing and stewing, it grows slowly, the collapses. Good honey. The harvest of the hay is 35-60 c / ha, seeds 3-4 c / ha. The crop seeds over the years is more stable and high than the clover meadow. According to the crop of green mass and hay is inferior to meadow clover. The seeding rate in clean crops on feed 8-12 kg / ha. Sowing depth of seed 0.5-1 cm.

In the region test, the rose clover varieties was not carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the best local populations in order to introduce them to culture.

Clover hybrid is very sad, so it is less tailed and for animals and for humans. Beautiful honeycomb plant. He has shorter flowers, and bees easily get to nectar. If this type of clover prevails in the meadow, such a meadow gives from 52 to 125 cent a honey from one hectare.

See how clover pink can look like in the photo, where its decorative distinctive qualities illustrates:

Clover Middle

Rhizome perennial, 20-50 cm high. Rod roots, deeply flowing into the soil. Rhizomes coated with modified leaves are formed from the root neck. Rhizomes are developing overhead reply or raising shoots, in this way there is a resettlement of subsidiaries from the parent plant. In vivo, it often forms thickets.

Stems winding, cylindrical, sometimes ribbed, with the downsion. The base of the stems is covered with hopes. The leaves are trees. Leaf plates lanceolate-elliptical, on top smooth, bottom and edges with hydrochildren, one-piece. Film sticks, half have grown with a cushion.

Flowers are collected in large inflorescences - heads. The head of the elongated ball shape, sit on short bluers. The bunny of dark red or red-purple color. Often the base of the heads are covered with top leaves.

Fruit - bob, ovoid shape, single-hearty. Seeds of light brown coloring.

The plant has long, lives up to ten years. Full development reaches on the third year. Flowers in June and July. Seeds ripen in August. Multiplied by seeds and vegetative way.

The clover medium is widely found in the forest and forest-steppe zones, grows along the edges of the forests, on forest glads, floodplain and sudidal meadows. Soils are not demanding. Winter articles. Mesophit. It is abundantly developing on sufficiently wet soils. At the same time, the plant drought resistant, thanks to which it is of interest to cultivate in the hay and pastures of the forest-steppe and partially steppe zone.

Will eagerly eaten by all types of livestock. Its productivity is average. It has good feed dignity. The clover is medium in advance to introduce into culture, its drought-resistant forms are especially valuable.

The benefits of grass and clover flowers and their use

The benefits of clover flowers is that they improve the soil, because, like all legumes, have on the roots of the tugs, in which bacteria live, absorbing atmospheric nitrogen and translating it into the compounds digestible plants.

Troy leaf of clover was considered in Europe a symbol of the Holy Trinity and is often found in ornaments, in embroidery, jewelry and even architecture, especially the Gothic style. Special luck was considered to find a clover with four leaves - it brings happiness. The image of the clover leafle gave the name of one of the masters in the maps - "Tref" in French "clover". By the way, the drawing, named with our peaks, was originally a lept leaf.

Folk medicine compares the action from the use of clover, especially red, with the action of ginseng. It regulates the metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reducing cholesterol in the blood, removes toxic substances from the body and restores the body resistance to infections and adverse conditions.

In the USA and Canada, the clover grass finds use in the following form: it is supplied in the form of salad and in the form of dried leaves and colors. In the Asian cuisine, dried clover is used as seasoning in soups, sauces, etc. In the Caucasus, the clover flowers are quaschent, like cabbage, and served in winter in the form of a delicacious salad. During the war, red clover was appointed wounded and weakened soldiers - he strengthens his legs. However, the clover should not be abused, in large doses and during long-term use, it can cause latency of menstruation in women and reduce the potency in men.

But what was written about clover in 1942 in blocade Leningrad: "As clover foods have become widely used relatively recently. In Ireland, the dried colors heads were crushed into flour and added to bread. In Scotland and Ireland, dried and ground leaves were used for the same purpose. In Germany and Austria, meadow and creeping clover in last years Frequently used for the preparation of soups like a spinach plant.

You should eat leaves and young, that is, not swing clover stalks. Leafs can go in fresh, raw form on salads. The main way clover should be used to prepare the first and second dishes. The greenery of the clover is very gentle, easily and quickly welded and gives good nutrient soups. For taste, it is recommended to add a little sorrel to the soup. The clover comes out and good puree, especially with adding the same sorrel. From clover you can make second dishes. In pancakes from the dough on yeast, you can add a clute mashed puree in an amount of five or six times greater than the test volume (approximately at the rate of 10 g of flour per panca). Cutlets are prepared from the clover mashed potatoes, adding a strained porridge or barrel to it (approximately at the rate of 10 g of cereals onto the kitlet). Pellet or casserole of clover mashed potatoes are prepared without adding other products.

Clover can be dried by the future, but when drying, leaves usually disappear. For ease of storage, the dried mass can be crushed. Apply other ways to preserve clover. "

Trifolium Pratense
Taxon: Bean families ( Fabaceae.)
Other names: Clover Red, Dyatlin
English: Beebread, Cow Clover, COW GRASS, MEADOW. Clover, Purple Clover, Wild Clover, Red Clover

Generic title Trifolium. - triple pratense - Meadow.

Botanical clover description

Clover meadow - a perennial grassy plant with a height of 20-50 cm. The root of the rod, branched, often with nitzerki nitrogenous bacteria. From the sinuses of the roasting leaves, flowering stems with tremendous leaves folded overnight. The leaf is trech-complex, lower on long, top on short stiffs; The leaflets of the lower leaves are inversely, the upper - oval or ovoid, the bottom is usually more published. Flowers clover incorrect form, pink or red, 11-14 mm long, are situated, located in the heartfelt inflorescences, at the base two last sheets Rate. The fruit is a single-sided egg-shaped bob with small egg-shaped flexible seeds of yellow or brown. Flowers clover meadow from May to September.

Places of growing clover

Clover meadow grows throughout Europe, in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Western and Central Asia. In Russia, it is found in the European part, Siberia, in the Far East and Kamchatka.
Clover grows on moderately humid and sudidal meadows, glades, edges, in thickets of shrubs, in the outskirts of fields throughout Russia.

A bit of history

The cultivation of the clover began in the XIV century. In Northern Italy, from where the culture has penetrated to Holland, and then to Germany. In 1633, Red Clover got into England. In Russia, he was cultivated from the middle of the XVIII century.

Collection and harvesting clover

Drug raw materials of the clover serve inflorescences with top leaves. Collect them during flowering. Weeping the whole inflorescence with a knife with a knife with a knife with a knife, without a coloring, the swarrels are laid in the basket, and quickly dried in the shade, under a canopy or in the dryer at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, following the raw materials dry, because it loses His value. Store inflorescences in a closed container 2 years, grass - 1 year. Sometimes clover roots are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Dried in the usual way.

Chemical composition of clover

The green mass of the clover contains essential and fatty oil, tannilic substances, trifoline glycosides and isotypes, organic acids (P-kumarovaya, salicyl, ketoglutar), siestosterols, isoflavones, resins, vitamins (ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene,). During flowering, the aboveground part contains protein (20-25%), fats (2.5-3.5%), carotene (up to 0.01%), ascorbic acid (up to 0.12%), free amino acids (up to 1.5%), fiber (24-26%), bezotic extractive substances (more than 40%), calcium and phosphorus salts. Flavon and Flavonola (Kempferol, Quercetin, Pratoletian, etc.) were found in the grass and flowers (Kerpferol, Quercetin, Pratoletian and others).
The clover leaves contain Maakiain - flavonoid from a group of pterocarpanov, which has fungicidal properties.
In the roots of the clover after mowing the aboveground part, up to 150 kg / ha nitrogen are accumulated.
The content of essential oil in clover flowers reaches 0.03%, its composition includes a furfurol and methyl oxygen coumarin.
In the clover seeds, up to 12% of the semi-having oily oil was found.

Pharmacological properties of clover

Clover has expectorant, campular anti-inflammatory, anti-sequeurotic, antitoxic, hemostatic, wound-healing, and antitumor properties.

Using clover in medicine

The preparations of the meadow clover are used inwards in a small-class, painful menstruation of inflammation of the bladder, abundant uterine bleeding, bronchitis of bronchial asthma and shortness of breath, with chronic cough, for prevention, externally for baths with rickets in children.
The decoction of clover roots is shown in the inflammation of the ovaries and as an antitumor agent.
Fresh crushed clover leaves are used externally to stop bleeding, wound healing, with burns, abscesses and rheumatic pains.
Fresh clover juice of meadow is effective in the suppuration of the nail bed and fingers, skin tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes.
Vitamin concentrates are obtained from clover leaves.
Since ancient times, the clover serves as an integral part of aromatic healing baths and therapeutic teas.
Essence from fresh flowering plants is used in homeopathy. Floral heads and leaves used in domestic folk medicine: Inside - as an expectorant, and an antiseptic agent for cystitis, with gastrointestinal disorders; Outwardly - with furuncools and burns, as an empty and rheumatic and neuralgic pains. In folk medicine of various countries, decoction and infusion of flowers were used as a means that increases appetite, with tuberculosis, as antitussive with cough, bronchial asthma, in malaria, uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, pain. The juice of fresh plants was washed with allergies. Grid leaves were applied to purulent wounds and ulcers.

Medicinal preparations clover meadow

Buckle of Inflorescence Clover: brew: 250 ml of boiling water 20 g of inflorescence, cooks: 15 min, insist for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day with chronic cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, gold. Outwardly use for a row with frostbite burns, prlase, abscesses to rinse fuses, ulcers.
Infusion of grass clover: Raw 200 m. boiling water 40 g grass, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day with cough ,.
Infusion of inflorescence clover: Raw 200 m boiling water 30 g of flower heads, real 1 hour in a warm place in a closed dish, then strain. Take 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals with chronic cough, skin diseases, colitis, cholecystitis, diathesis. Wash wounds, ulcers, make a row on inflamed places, carbuncules, boils.
Tincture of license tips clover: Pour 500 ml of 40% alcohol or strong vodka 40 g of raw materials, insist 14 days, strain. Take 20 ml before lunch or before bedtime in atherosclerosis with normal arterial pressure, accompanied by and noise in the ears. Course treatment - 3 months with a break of 10 days. After 6 months, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Using clover in the farm

Salads are prepared from the leaves, they refuel green soups, Bottven. Dry legged leaves in the past were added to flour when baking rye bread, and also used for cooking sauces and in the production of cheeses. In the Caucasus, young unprecedented floral heads are quassed as cabbage and add to green salads.
Clover is one of the most valuable feed herbs. By nutrition, he is almost not inferior to alfalfa. The plant is widely used on green food, for the workpiece of hay, Senge and Silo. After cleaning the seed, the straw goes to feed. Azot accumulating in the roots remains in the soil after screeching, which helps to increase the fertility of the fields. Widely cultivated as a stern plant. A anti-grab substance is isolated from the roots - trifolirizine.

Clover essential oil is used in aromatic compositions.

Valuable honey, but nectar is available only by the bees with a long trunk, so the medical productivity is only 6 kg of honey with hectares of crops. Honey refers to best grades, long does not suprate.

Photos and illustrations of clover meadow

Wild growing plants are different. They can be found in the field, and in the forest, and even in the country area as weeds. It can be grass, flowers, and cereals. Those who are interested in nature native region, it knows that they are not only beautiful, but also can bring a lot of benefit. However, these representatives of the domestic flora can be also dangerous weeds representing a serious threat to gardeners gardeners. Get rid of these weeds is quite difficult.

Wild-growing plants can be both enemies and a person's friends, so it is very important to understand them, especially for those who live in the Nature Lona - in rural areas.

Warranty plants: examples

You can bring the great many examples of such fauna representatives. Among these plants can meet a variety of. In general, they can be divided into three groups. The first group belongs to plants that do not bring any benefit or harm to man. Most of these. As a rule, they use animals and birds as a successful feed. The second group belongs to plants that make a person benefit. And finally, the third group includes flowers and herbs, which are desirable to bypass the party, as they bring only harm to man.

To the "harmful group" includes poisonous shrubs (for example, poisonous milestones) and weeds that cause great harm to agriculture, drowning useful plants (for example, fermented roaster or odds) . The "useful" group includes the following:

Many wilderness there are "Effective" twins. As a rule, in this case, they differ from each other with dimensions and appearance. For example, the wild sorrel differs from sorrel, which is grown on a vegetable garden, smaller sizes and a different form of leaves. Similarly, the wild strawberry differs from its "indulgent" relatives, strawberries or Victoria, in the form of leaves, in size and taste of berries.


These representatives have flora many interesting features. This can be found in school textbooks on Botanic, as well as in special reference books. Among the most striking features, the following can be distinguished:

Among wild plants there are a lot of poisonousrepresenting a deadly danger to a person. One of the most dangerous - milestones is poisonous, he was even used in the old days as a poison when they wanted to destroy an incommary person. In order to avoid fatal danger, you need to know what you look like poisonous plants. You can see their photos on the Internet and in specialized literature. And children must firmly know that to tear and even more so to take them in their mouth without resolving adults it is strictly prohibited.

This elementary rule of safe behavior in the forest and in the field must be strictly observed. Also know the poisonous plants "in the face" must necessarily have farmers who themselves produce food feed. Among wildflowers there are herbs that are harmless to humans, but can cause serious food poisoning in domestic animals.

Practical benefit

Among these plants a lot of medicinal. Also, many wild plants are excellent food for small and large cattle. If you read about the benefits of these plants, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Many herbs in Russia's time for centuries were considered therapeutic, useful, and even nutritional: In the hungry years, the fault of many herbs was eaten. Of course, among wild herbs and flowers, a lot of poisonous and harmful weeds. Therefore, it is very important not to be confused by the useful wilderness plants with harmful or "neutral" that do not bring any benefit or harm.

For example, wild sorrel happens two types: Edible sorrel (small small leaves) and the "horse" sorrel, having a nutrient value and not having a pleasant taste (a plant with thick long stem and large leaves, in shape resembling an edible wild-growing sorrel). Many wild plants with practical benefits are purposefully planted and grown. So, for example, a clover can grow by itself, but you can grow it on a large and small fodder cattle or as a frost plant for beekeeping economy.

Now there are few people who are well versed in the benefits of wild plants, with the exception of botany specialists. But, in the old days there were a lot of herbalists in Russia. They not only prepared medicines from them, but also attributed to some sacred herbs or magic properties. Practical knowledge of the benefits of wild plant plants mixed with superstitions. Currently, an ancient science of herbs turned into a practical industry of medicine - phytotherapy.

Modern phytotherapists are no longer attributed to wild herbs magic propertiesbut use them for making medicines that effectively attend many serious diseases, right up to oncology. Many people leading a healthy lifestyle are actively involved in their daily diet edible roots. Their main advantage is that they contain powerful antioxidants that slow down the process of physiological aging.

Wild-growing plants from ancient times play an important role in human life. They can be friends, "and" enemies ". Therefore, it is very important to know "in the face" both useful and poisonous. Useful wild plants - the first human assistants in treatment, nutrition, agriculture. In order to make the most effectively use them beneficial features, It is necessary to read specialized literature on the botanic, biology and nature of the native land as often as possible.

The world of plants on the planet Earth is very diverse. In the process of centuries-old evolution, they adapted to grow in different conditions: Survive in the northern regions with a cold climate, in the deserts, where there are practically no precipitation. This article we will talk about wild plants that are different. These are herbs, and cereals, and shrubs. Some of them have a beautiful appearance, others benefit to a person, and others are hazardous weeds that cause harm to gardening crops.

What plants are called wild

These are the types that are distributed by self-sow or a pig without the participation and human intervention. These plants do not need to create special conditions. To life in a natural environment, they adapt themselves. Cultural species Plants appeared much later wildly. For them a person cares to get good harvest. He sows them, fertilizes, watering, is stolegging, frills the soil in which they grow.

Dorticoros have a great energy value, so currently finding use as additives or as an independent dish. The fact is that they are not afraid of chemicalization of agricultural land, after which the soil contains a large number of poisons and nitrates.

If this is originally a non-union plant, it is impossible to poison them, as many vegetables, for the cultivation of which increased doses of various chemical fertilizers are used. Here is a small list of the names of wild plants that can be eaten:

  • Nettle.
  • Horsetail
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano
  • St. John's wort
  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Currant.
  • Thyme.
  • Hop.
  • Plantain.
  • Chicory.
  • Lope.
  • Sick.
  • Lungwort.
  • Clover.
  • Angelica.
  • Blooming Sally.

With the billet, the grasses must be taken care. If for some reason it is impossible to distinguish the useful herbs from others, it is better not to collect them, they can harm your health.


All plants are divided into cultural and wild. The species of wild plants are much, for example:

  • Herbs: nettle, mochal, cornflower, dandelion, plantain and many others.
  • Shrubs: Raspberries, grapes of forest, currant, blackberry, etc.
  • Trees: apple tree, pear, rowan, plum, oak, pine, birch, Iva, etc.

There are wilderos that grow in the garden: onions, garlic, watermelons. In addition, plants are divided into medicinal, useful, edible and poisonous.


In nature, there is a huge set of plants that are conventionally divided into groups with similar properties, a structure, appearance. Most of all on the planet of flowering plants, which are single-dollar and dicatular. Each of these classes is divided into families depending on the structure of the flower. The most numerous and common species belong to the following families:

  • Lilynyh are herbs with a perennial cycle of life. They form bulbs, clubnelaukovitsa, rhizomes. Differ in the form and conditions of growth. For example, lilies, tulips, goose onions.
  • Matlikovaya (cerebral) is a family of plants (wild and alturized) with a different cycle of life. For example, bamboo, reed, millet, kobyl, etc.
  • Polenic. Representatives of this family are mainly herbs or creeping shrubs and much less often trees. Among them are many poisonous species, such as Belen.
  • Rosicular - this family includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. For example, pear, allycha, apple tree, raspberry, currant, blackberry, strawberries, hemp, nettle, fig.
  • Cruciferous is herbs, less often - half-workers, as an exception - shrubs. Examples of wild plants of this family: a shepherd bag, a row, left, mustard, horseradish, cauldron.
  • Cost-colored - the family has 25 thousand species of grassy plants, shrubs, half-workers, lian, low-spirited trees. Example: Nather, meadow Vasilek, Bodyak, Dandelion, Sunflower, Yarrow.
  • Umbrella - this family includes herbaceous plants. Most famous species - Borshevik Siberian, Refront, Prap-mounted Boligols.

Many wild representatives of the flora are edible all parts, and some can only eat fruits, such as acorns. They can be collected after the first autumn frosts. Acorns are suitable for food, if they are correctly prepared. But it is necessary to beware of unworthy fruits of wild plants, they are poisonous. It is easy to distinguish them in green.

Favorite delicacy of children are wild apples. Especially they are good in winter when they are frozen. Lesteries do not pass by wild raspberries and currants. The berries of these plants are much smaller, but they possess a unique taste and aroma.

Edible wild plants

They are often found on our way, but many people do not know that they can be eaten, although they are often used to treat various diseases. About what wild plants can replenish our diet with vitamins, read below in the article.

Shepherd bag

The drug properties of this plant have long been known, but the fact that it is eaten, a few know. Nevertheless, in China, this grass is vegetable. Here the shepherd bag is used to prepare first courses, salads, salted for the winter. The best time to use the plant in food - Spring.


This plant is the most common. The place of growth is meadows, fields, gardens, pastures. All useful enclosed in the leaves. But they need to collect them until the plant blooms. This grass has a bitter taste, so it is mixed with other types of greenery when they are preparing a salad. Delicious and useful are pancakes from flowers, but completely blurred. However, people with diseases of the stomach and intestines are a wild plant is contraindicated.

Bolotnaya purity

This is an edible plant with unpleasant odor. But you should not immediately reject it. The smell will disappear as soon as you start cooking a dish. Food is suitable ripening tubers that should be collected at the end of summer. They are fried, boiled, dried, sued for the winter. The purity has a property quickly faded, so you need to collect as many plants as needed for cooking.


it unpretentious plant It grows in nature as an annual and long-term grass with flowers of white, red, pink shade. Clover is known for its useful qualities. It contains vitamins and trace elements in which our body needs. Many nations use grass in multiple video. It is dried for the manufacture of seasonings, additives to flour. In the fresh form, clover is used for the preparation of salads. In the Caucasus eating sauer flowers of the plant. This grass is an excellent honey, flowers pollinate bees and bumblebees. Honey produced by bees of nectar and pollen clover has a magnificent taste. This grass is an important component of the feed base of livestock.


This representative of flora refers to wild grassy plants. In nature, it grows around the reservoirs, on the swamps and the places adjacent to them. In this grass, the roots are edible. They can be baked, cooking, dried, marinate, as well as grind on flour. The leaves located at the rhizomes are suitable for salads.

Blooming Sally

This plant is also known as Creeps. All of its parts come in food. Wild plant Many people use to brew tea, but not everyone knows that from it you can cook flour, salad. Leaves and flowers go to the production of wine, and roots - for casserole.

Orly ordinary fern

Plants stuffed, until they blossomed, remind snails. It is them that is used in food. From the ferns prepare vegetable stew, it is sued for the winter. If the leaves bloomed, such plants are not suitable for use. Fern collection time is the end of spring or early summer.

Draveling wild plants

These plants in the period of flowering in most cases are beautiful. About colors are generally accepted as something special and elevated. But in nature there are many wild plants, the flowers of which will make a worthy competition of garden hybrids and varieties. And there is another category of plants. Putting them once for beauty deliberately, you risk never getting rid of them. In the garden and garden, they constitute competition to cultural plants, as they consume 1/3 of all nutrients contained in the soil and moisture. Weeds are very lively plants, they adapt even to herbicides with which they are treated. But many wild, herbaceous plants are so beautiful that they are difficult to consider weeds. These include:

  • Mayweed.
  • The bell is bored.
  • Lilia Kokured (locust).
  • Lily of Maysky.
  • Lichnis Chalcedony.
  • Day-lily.
  • Couping fragrant.
  • Chemacher black.
  • Pijma and many others.


These plants are considered the most common urban weeds. They are very unpretentious, grow everywhere, the exception is the Arctic, alpine areas and Antarctica. This flower refers to many years of wild plants. The dandelion race has more than 2000 apomics, but in our country the most common is a medicinal (field or ordinary).


The genus of wild plants, numbering 500 species, of which about twenty are found on the European part of Russia.

Violets are annual, two-year and perennial. They are most common in the northern hemisphere, regions where moderate climate is dominated. The violets of many species are evilored, they are grown as decorative plants, and in one place, without any transplants. But in abandoned gardens and parks, they again are celebrating.

Wild-growing medicinal plants

Flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. Among numerous families there are poisonous and edible plants, There are those who benefit for agriculture and other industries. But wild-growing medicinal plants, helping the person to cope with the disease or to warn it. Some of them are listed below in the article.

Mother and stepmother

This wild plant blooms in April, as soon as the gentle sun warms the ground. Flowers painted in yellow tint appear on well-lit areas, similar to small sun. This is a coltsfoot. The plant is medicinal, it is used in medicine. For example, the flowering and deciduous informas are used to treat cough. The plant is an excellent honeymoon for spring collection of pollen and nectar bees.

AIR ordinary

Refers to perennial wild plants. The height reaches 10 cm. Grows next to lakes, rivers, swamps, streams, on flooded meadows. It is believed that there are always clean water next to Air. Medicinal value have roots roots. It is necessary to harvest them early in spring or late in the fall. They are dried, used with nervous disorders, fever.

Dormon medicinal

This plant reaches a height of one meter. Growing places - meadows, fields, roadside roads. The leaves and flowers of the plant are appreciated, which should be harvested in June-August. The dried leaves go to the preparation of the tincture, which is taken to treat gout, rheumatism, insomnia. The plant also has diuretic properties. It can not be used in pregnancy and non-blank blood.

Lophch (burdock) felt

This plant is easy to distinguish large leaves and characteristic flowers and fruits. As a rule, the burdock grows on wasteland, roadside strip, in the forest. This is a famous and common representative of the Flora. Rhizomes should be harvested before the winter on the onset or early spring. Fresh roots prepare ointment for the treatment of wounds and burns. The leaves are used to protect against bacteria, they relieve heat well. They must be applied to the wounds. The decoction prepared on the basis of the roots helps in the treatment of intestines and stomach, it is used as a diuretic. The benefits of burdock in the treatment of various diseases has long been known, and the fact that the leaves and roots of the young plant eat, know a few. The roots of young plants are in food. But if the reurenik is wrong to cook, he will be pattering. It is better to fry it or cook.


This plant with a perennial life cycle, powerful, has large dimensions: two meters in height. Distributed everywhere. Growth place - meadows, fields, coniferous forests, Gardens, reservoirs. In folk medicine, the rhizomes and leaves are used, which are preparing soothing infusions for relieving seizures, prevention and treatment of skin diseases (for example, scabies), digestion disorders. Fresh leaves are used as rheumatism. Borshevik is an edible plant. His grass in dried marinated or salty form is added to the first dishes.


The plant has a small height (up to 10 cm) and creeping shoots. Places of growing - forests, shores of lakes, rivers. Acredice prefers to grow in a wet soil and in the shade. Based on the plant prepare herbal infusion. It is used in the treatment of liver diseases, kidneys. The grass has a diuretic and anesthetic effect. Using it and externally, it particularly helps in the treatment of mentioned wounds. In addition, the acid is suitable for eating. Soups prepare from it.


There are two types of medicinal herbs that use official and traditional medicine: the nettle is burning and netwoman. This plant has diuretic and expectorant, laxative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing, painkillers and hemostatic effects. In pregnant women taking closers from nettle, the level of iron in the blood is normalized. In folk medicine, nettle is treated:

  • Cold.
  • Water
  • Constipation.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gout.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Liver.
  • Bronchas and lungs.
  • Rheumatism and much more.


Rod has about 42 species, and this is not taking into account garden hybrids. It is valued as a medicinal plant containing in large quantities Menthol with anesthetic effect. This substance is part of the drugs for the treatment of heart disease, vessels: "Valokordin", "Validol", Drops of Zelenina. Mint has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes the work of the intestine.
  • Put in order the nervous system.
  • Eliminates insomnia.
  • Removes nausea.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Reduces puffiness, relieves pain with inflammatory respiratory processes.
  • Strengthens gums, destroys microbes. It is used to rinse the oral cavity.


IN therapeutic purposes Use two types of this plant: plantain flea and plantain Indian. They contain ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides. Plant Extracts obtained from plant leaves are used to treat ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice is taken with gastritis, enteritis. It improves digestion. Deciduous infusions help the withdrawal of sputum with bronchitis, pleurrites, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma. In addition, the plantain is used in the following cases:

  • For blood purification.
  • Tightening wounds.
  • Removing inflammation.
  • Anesthesia.


This plant is used in gastroenterology. Its leaves are rich in the human body with substances. The benefits of nettle as follows:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the reflex function of the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Contained in the plant essential oil excites the nervous system.
  • Present in the grass bitterness excites appetite, normalizes digestion.


This grass is well known to the older generation. In the military, as well as the faulty years, the seeds of the Swan was ground, added to rye flour and baked bread. He, of course, did not have an attractive species and was tasteless, but helped survive. The winch is valued for his chemical composition. It contains potassium and rutin in large quantities. Thereby medicinal grass Widely used in cardiology. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases:

  • Breath organs.
  • Stomach.
  • Skin.
  • Inflamed wounds.

The winch has a wound-healing and soothing, cleansing and expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effect. This grass is suitable for food. From it prepare soup, soups, cutlets, puree and even bake bread. Swan dishes are very satisfying.

The plant world is incredibly rich and diverse. Plants are able to live everywhere, adapting even to the most severe habitat. They can be found in hot deserts, fry marshes and northern pole. When many years ago, people began to engage in agriculture, all the vegetation world was divided into wild and cultural plants.

The difference between cultural plants and wild

All plants that can be found on the globe are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • Warming up - Herbs, shrubs and trees that do not need special care. They can grow anywhere, depending on where the seed fell from which the plant in the future has fallen.
  • Cultural - Plants that grown by man and whom he regularly cares. They grow in gardens, gardens, dumart sites, parks, squares.

All plants on our planet have a lot of general: the structure, features of nutrition, absorption of carbon dioxide and the production of oxygen. However, as a result of human activity, the plants acquired a lot of differences, and it concerns that, above all, the methods of their cultivation.

So, wild-growing plants are able to grow perfectly and without the influence of man. For this they use those natural resourceswho surround them. And even if the habitat conditions are completely imperfect, the plants manage to adapt to them. It is because they grow in wildlife, they were called wild.

Fig. 1. Forest Bow

Types of wild plants:

  • trees;
  • shrubs;
  • herbs.

Cultural plants, on the contrary, need careful and regular care. The person grows them to get a rich harvest.

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Types of cultivated plants:

  • vegetable;
  • grain;
  • fruit;
  • decorative;
  • spinning.

Fig. 2. Wheat - Typical Cultural Plant

How cultivated plants appeared

In ancient times, all plants on the planet were wild. Ancient people only collected edible berries, fruits, roots and herbs, and spent a lot of time on their search. The situation has changed when our ancestors guess to grow plants with seeds, and began to grow them near their settlements.

From this point on, the wild plants began to be gradually evilted. Under the influence of man, they changed: they became larger, tasty, crops. Thus, cultural plants appeared on the planet.

What is the ochultering of plants?

The quality of fruits of wild plant plants is very different from cultural fellow. It is enough to compare the berries of wild raspberry and an aligned: in forest raspberry, growing on "will", the fruits are very small and not at all so sweet, and the amount of them on the bush is much less than that of garden raspberry.

Fig. 3. Wild raspberry

Translated from the Latin word "culture" means "processing", "cultivate". For many hundreds of years, people have taken care of plants, carefully choosing only the best copies. So gradually improved the taste qualities of indulged plants, their yield increased.

Thanks to the influence of man, the range of products has grown. So, if the wild apple trees are small, sour, greenish color, now there is a huge selection of apples of various tastes, colors and sizes.