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Mineral resources of the Earth. The main types of natural resources. Mineral resources, their placement, the largest deposits and countries that allocate in the reserves of the main types of mineral resources

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Natural substances and types of energy that serve as the existence of human society and used in the economy are referred to .

One of the varieties of natural resources is mineral resources.

Mineral resources - These are rock rocks and minerals that are used or can be applied in the national economy: for energy, in the form of raw materials, materials, etc. Mineral resources serve as a mineral resource base of the country's economy. Currently, more than 200 types of mineral resources are used in the economy.

Often the term is synonymous with mineral resources. "minerals".

There are several classifications of mineral resources.

Based on the accounting of physical properties, solid (various ores, coal, marble, granite, salt) mineral resources, liquid (oil, mineral water) and gaseous (combustible gases, helium, methane).

By origin, mineral resources are divided into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.

Based on the scope of use of mineral resources, combustible (coal, peat, oil, natural gas, combustible shale), ore (rocks of rocks, including metal useful components and non-metallic (graphite, asbestos) and nonmetallic (or non-metallic, non-combustible: sand, clay , Limestone, apatite, sulfur, potash salts). A separate group is precious and diverse stones.

The placement of mineral resources according to our planet is subject to geological patterns (Table 1).

Mineral resources of sedimentary origin are most characteristic of platforms where they are found in the sedimentary covers, as well as in the foothill and edge deflection.

Magmatic mineral resources are confined to the folded areas and places of exit to the surface (or close to the surface) of the crystal foundation of the ancient platforms. This is explained as follows. The ores were formed mainly of magma and distinguished from carrying hot water solutions. Usually, the rise of magma occurs during the period of active tectonic movements, so oretable minerals are associated with folded areas. On platform plains, they are confined to the foundation, so they can occur in those parts of the platform, where the power of the sedimentary cover is small and the foundation suitable close to the surface or on the shields.

Minerals on the world map

Minerals on the map of Russia

Table 1. Distribution of main mineral deposits for the continents and parts of the world


Continents and parts of light

North America

South America




Paul and metals

Rare earth metals



Potash salts

Rock salt




The sedimentary origin has, above all, Fuel resources. They were formed from the remains of plants and animals, which could accumulate only in fairly wet and warm conditions favorable to the abundant development of living organisms. This happened in the coastal parts of the shallow seas and in the lake-marsh conditions of the sushi. Of the total reserves of mineral fuel, more than 60% have to coal, about 12% - on oil and 15% - on natural gas, the rest - on combustible shale, peat and other fuels. Mineral fuel resources form large coal and oil and gas pools.

Coal pool (The coal pool) is a large area (thousands of km 2) of a continuous or intermittent development of coal deposits (coal-eyed formations) with reservoirs (departments) of fossil coal.

Coal basins of one geological age are often formed belt of coalcasing, spreading thousands of kilometers.

More than 3.6 thousand coal basins are known on the globe, which in the aggregate occupy 15% of the territory of the earthly sushi.

More than 90% of all coal resources are located in the northern hemisphere - in Asia, North America, Europe. Coal is well secured by Africa and Australia. The poorest coal is the mainland - South America. Coal resources are divorced in almost 100 countries around the world. Most of both common and explored coal reserves is concentrated in economically developed countries.

The largest countries of the world on proven coal reserves Are: USA, Russia, China, India, Australia, South Africa, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland, Brazil. Approximately 80% of the total geological reserves of coal are only three countries - Russia, USA, China.

The qualitative composition of coal is essential, in particular, the proportion of coking coals used in ferrous metallurgy. Their most largest share in the fields of Australia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, USA, India and China.

Oil and gas pool - The area of \u200b\u200bcontinuous or island propagation of oil, gas or gas and gas deposits, significant in size or reserves of minerals.

Deposit of minerals A portion of the earth's crust is called, in which the mineral substance has occurred as a result of certain geological processes, in terms of quantity, quality and conditions of occurring suitable for industrial use.

Oilganizmone There are more than 600 swimming pools, 450 are developed. The main reserves are located in the northern hemisphere, mainly in the sediments of the Mesozoic. An important place belongs to the so-called giant fields with reserves of over 500 million tons and even over 1 billion tons of oil and 1 trillion m 3 of gas in each. Such oil deposits are 50 (more than half - in the countries of the Middle and Middle East), Gaza - 20 (such deposits are most characteristic of the CIS countries). They contain over 70% of all stocks.

The main part of oil and gas reserves is concentrated in a relatively small number of largest pools.

The largest oil and gas pools: Persian Gulf, Maracaybsky, Orinoksky, Mexico Bay, Texas, Illinoisky, California, West Canadian, Alaskan, Northwestern, Volga-Ural, West Siberian, Daqsinsky, Sumuryansky, Guinean Gulf, Sahakhan.

More than half of the exploited oil reserves are timed to the seaside deposits, the area of \u200b\u200bthe continental shelf, the coasts of the seas. Large accumulations of oil revealed off the coast of Alaska, in the Gulf of Mexico, in the seaside areas of the northern part of South America (Wpadina Maracaibo), in the North Sea (especially in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe British and Norwegian sectors), as well as in the Barents, Bering and the Caspian seas, in Western shores Africa (Guinea writing), in the Persian Gulf, at the Islands of Southeast Asia and in other places.

The countries of the world with the largest oil reserves are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Iran, Venezuela, Mexico, Libya, USA. Large reserves were also found in Qatar, Bahrain, Ecuador, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Gabon, Indonesia, Brune.

The provision of exploited oil reserves during modern mining is in the world as a whole 45 years. On average for OPEC, this indicator is 85 lay; In the US, he barely exceeds 10 years, in Russia - 20 years, in Saudi Arabia he is 90 years old, in Kuwait and the UAE - about 140 years.

Countries leading to gas reserves in the world- It is Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Large reserves were also found in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Algeria, Libya, Norway, the Netherlands, Great Britain, China, Brune, Indonesia.

The security of the global economy by natural gas at the modern level of its production is 71 years.

An example of magmatic mineral resources can serve as the ore of metals. Metallic ores include iron, manganese, chromium, aluminum, lead and zinc, copper, tin, gold, platinum, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, etc.. Often they form huge overhead of ore (metal-shaft) belts - Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific Both serve as the raw material base of the mining industry of individual countries.

Iron Ore Serve main raw materials for the production of ferrous metals. The iron content in ore on average is 40%. Depending on the percentage of iron, ore is divided into rich and poor. Rich ores, with an iron content above 45%, are used without enrichment, and poor undergo pre-enrichment.

By sizes of the general resources of iron ore The first place is occupied by the CIS countries, the second - Foreign Asia, the third and fourth divide Africa and South America, the fifth - occupies North America.

Many developed and developing countries have the resources of iron ores. According to them General and confirmed reserves Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, China, Australia is highlighted. Great reserves of iron ores in the USA, Canada, India, France, Sweden. Large deposits are also located in the United Kingdom, Norway, Luxembourg, Venezuela, South Africa, Algeria, Liberia, Gabon, Angola, Mauritania, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan.

The security of the world economy by iron ore at the current level of its production is 250 years.

In the production of ferrous metals, alloying metals (manganese, chromium, nickel, cobalt, tungsten, molybdenum), used during smelting steel as special additives for improving the quality of the metal.

In stock manganese ore South Africa, Australia, Gabon, Brazil, India, China, Kazakhstan are highlighted; nickel ore - Russia, Australia, New Caledonia (Islands in Melanesia, South-Faded Part of the Pacific Ocean), Cuba, as well as Canada, Indonesia, Philippines; Chromites - South Africa, Zimbabwe; cobalt - DR Congo, Zambia, Australia, Philippines; Wolframa and Molybdenum -USA, Canada, South Korea, Australia.

Non-ferrous metals Focus are widely used in modern industries. Ore non-ferrous metals, in contrast to black, have a very low percentage of useful elements in ore (often tenths and even hundredths of percent).

Raw base Aluminum industry make up bauxites, Nademina, Alunites, Shenites. The main type of raw materials is bauxites.

A few boxal provinces are allocated in the world:

  • Mediterranean (France, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, etc.);
  • coast of the Guinean Bay (Guinea, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon);
  • coast of the Caribbean (Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Suriname);
  • Australia.

Reserves are also available in the CIS countries and China.

World Countries The largest common and confirmed bouquite reserves: Guinea, Jamaica, Brazil, Australia, Russia. The security of world economy by bauxes at the current level of their production (80 million tons) is 250 years.

The volumes of raw materials to obtain other non-ferrous metals (copper, polymetallic, tin and other ores) are more limited compared to the raw material base of the aluminum industry.

Stocks copper ores Concentrated mainly in Asian countries (India, Indonesia, etc.), Africa (Zimbabwe, Zambia, DRC), in North America (USA, Canada) and in the CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan). The resources of copper ores are also available in the countries of Latin America (Mexico, Panama, Peru, Chile), Europe (Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia), as well as in Australia and Oceania (Australia, Papua New Guinea). Leading in stocks of copper ores Chile, USA, Canada, DR Congo, Zambia, Peru, Australia, Kazakhstan, China.

The provision of world economy by the explored stocks of copper ores with the current volume of their annual production is approximately 56 years.

In stock Polymetallic orescontaining lead, zinc, as well as copper, tin, antimony, bismuth, cadmium, gold, silver, selenium, tellurium, sulfur, leading positions in the world are occupied by the countries of North America (USA, Canada), Latin America (Mexico, Peru), as well as Australia. Western European countries (Ireland, Germany), Asia (China, Japan) and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Russia) have resources of polymetallic ores.

Place of Birth zinc Available in 70 countries of the world, ensuring their reserves, taking into account the growth of the need for this metal amount to more than 40 years. Australia, Canada, USA, Russia, Kazakhstan and China possess the greatest stocks. These countries account for more than 50% of the world stocks of zinc ores.

World deposits Tin Rud. They are located in Southeast Asia, mainly in China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Other large deposits are located in South America (Bolivia, Peru, Brazil) and in Australia.

If you compare economically developed countries and developing in their share in resources of different types of ore raw materials, it is obvious that the first have a sharp advantage in platinum, vanadium, chromites, gold, manganese, lead, zinc, tungsten, and the second - in cobalt resources, Boxitors, tin, nickel, copper.

Uranium ores Make up the base of modern nuclear power. Uranium is very widespread in the earth's crust. Its potential stocks are estimated at 10 million tons. However, it is costly to develop only those deposits whose ores contain at least 0.1% of uranium, and the cost of production does not exceed 80 dollars per 1 kg. The explored reserves of such uranium in the world make up 1.4 million tons. They are located in Australia, Canada, USA, South Africa, Niger, Brazil, Namibia, as well as in Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Diamonds It is usually formed at depths of 100-200 km, where the temperature reaches 1100-1300 ° C, and the pressure is 35-50 kilobar. Such conditions contribute to carbon metamorphization in diamond. Having spent billions of years at large depths, diamonds are taken to the surface of kimberling magma during volcanic explosions, while forming indigenous deposits of diamonds - kimberlite tubes. The first of these tubes was discovered in southern Africa in Kimberly province, named this province and began to be called a kimberlite tube, and a breed containing precious diamonds - kimberlite. To date, thousands of kimberlite tubes have been found, but only a few dozen of them are cost-effective.

Currently, diamonds are mined from two types of deposits: indigenous (kimberlite and lamproit tubes) and secondary - placer. The main part of diamond reserves, 68.8% is concentrated in Africa, about 20% - in Australia, 11.1% - in South and North America; Asia accounts for only 0.3%. Diamond deposits are open to South Africa, Brazil, India, Canada, Australia, Russia, Botswana, Angola, Sierra Loan, Namibia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, etc. On diamond mining lead Botswana, Russia, Canada, South Africa, Angola, Namibia and DR Congo.

Nermetal mineral resources - This is, first of all, mineral chemical raw materials (sulfur, phosphorites, potash salts), as well as building materials, refractory raw materials, graphite, etc. They are widespread, meeting both on platforms, gas and in folded areas.

For example, in the hot arid conditions in shallow seas and coastal lagoons, salts had accumulated.

Potash salts Used as raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers. The largest platforms of potash salts are located in Canada (Saskachivani pool), Russia (fields of Solikamsk and Bereznyaki in the Perm region), Belarus (Starobinskoe), in Ukraine (Kalushkoe, St Bnik), as well as in Germany, France, USA. With the current annual extraction of potash salts of explored reserves, it is enough for 70 years.

Sulfur It is primarily used to obtain sulfuric acid, the overwhelming part of which is spent on the production of phosphate fertilizers, pesticides, as well as in the pulp and paper industry. In agriculture, sulfur is used to combat pests. Significant reserves of native sulfurs have the United States, Mexico, Poland, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan.

The reserves of certain types of mineral raw materials are not the same. The need for mineral resources is constantly growing, which means that the size of their production is growing. Mineral resources are exhaustable non-repaid natural resources, therefore, despite the discovery and development of new fields, resource resources are reduced by mineral resources.

Resource Supplence - This is the ratio between the value (explored) natural resources and the size of their use. It is expressed either the number of years to which there should be enough of a resource at a given level of consumption, or its reserves based on per capita under the current rate of mining or use. The resource resource resources is determined by the number of years to which this mineral should be enough.

According to the calculations of scientists, global natural reserves of mineral fuel at the current level of production can be enough for more than 1000 years. However, if we take into account the reserves available for extracting, as well as a constant increase in consumption, such security can be reduced several times.

For economic use, territorial combinations of mineral resources are most beneficial, which facilitate complex processing of raw materials.

Only a few states of the world have significant reserves of many types of mineral resources. Among them - Russia, USA, China.

Many states have deposits of one or more types of worldwide resources. For example, the countries of the Middle and Middle East are oil and gas; Chile, Zaire, Zambia - Copper, Morocco and Nauru - Phosphorites, etc.

Fig. 1. Principles of rational environmental management

The rational use of resources is more complete processing of mined minerals, integrated use of their use, etc. (Fig. 1).

Mineral resources of the planet are all minerals that produce humanity. Resources are available and suitable for industrial use are called a mineral resource base. And today is used over 200 types of mineral raw materials.

Natural minerals become resources only after their extraction and application in industry, economy. For example, coal people began to use a long time ago, but he received an industrial significance only at the end of the XVII century. Oil began to be widely used in industry only in the XIX century, and uranium ores are at all - only in the middle of the last century.

Mineral Maine Maintenance Map

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The placement of mineral resources on the planet is uneven, and to a greater extent due to the tectonic structure. Every year all new deposits of minerals are developed and developed.

Most stocks are contained in mountainous areas. Recently, the development of mineral deposits at the bottom of the oceans and the seas is actively being actively underway.

Types of Mineral Resources Earth

There is no single classification of mineral resources. There is a fairly conditional classification by type of use:

Ore non-ferrous metals: aluminum, copper, nickel, lead, cobalt, zinc, tin, antimony, molybdenum, mercury;

Mining and chemicals: apatites, salt, phosphorites, sulfur, boron, bromine, iodine;

Rude and precious metals: silver, gold,

Precious and diverse stones.

Industrial raw materials: talc, quartz, asbestos, graphite, mica;

Building materials: marble, slate, tuff, basalt, granite;

There is another classification of mineral resources:

. Liquid(oil, mineral waters);

. Solid(ores, salts, coal, granite, marble);

. Gaseous(combustible gases, methane, helium).

Mining and use of mineral resources in the world

Mineral resources - the basis of the modern industry and scientific and technological progress. Without them, it is impossible to imagine the existence of most industries: chemical, construction, food, light, black and non-ferrous metallurgy. Mechanical engineering with its numerous branches is also based on the use of mineral raw materials.

Fuel resources are of great importance. They have sedimentary origins and most often arranged on ancient tectonic platforms. In the world, 60% of fuel mineral resources are accounted for by coal, 15% - natural gas, 12% - oil. Everything else is the proportion of peat, combustible shale and other minerals.

Stocks of mineral resources (by the countries of the world)

The ratio of explored reserves of mineral resources and the size of their use is called the resource of the country. Most often, this value is measured by the number of years to which these most reserves should be enough. There are only several countries in the world with significant mineral reserves. Among leaders - Russia, USA and China.

The largest coal mining countries: Russia, USA and China. 80% of all coal in the world are produced here. Most of all coal reserves in the northern hemisphere. The poorest coal of the country is located in South America.

Officer deposits in the world were examined over 600, another 450 is only being developed. The richest oil countries are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Russia, Iran, UAE, Mexico, USA.

With the current rate of oil production, on the assumption of geologists, the reserves of this fuel in the already developed fields will be enough for 45-50 years.

Countries that lead in the world in terms of gas reserves, these are Russia, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Gas deposits are found in Central Asia, Mexico, USA, Canada and Indonesia. The global economy of natural gas reserves is enough for 80 years.

All other mineral resources are also distributed on the planet very unevenly. Iron are most mined in Russia and Ukraine. South Africa and Australia are rich in manganese ores. Nickel is most mined in Russia, cobalt - in Congo and Zambia, Wolfram and Molybdenum - in the USA and Canada. Copper is rich in Chile, USA and Peru, in Australia there is a lot of zinc, and China and Indonesia are leading on the reserves of tin.

Problems of production and use of mineral resources

Mineral resources belong to the non-renewable natural reserves of our planet. That is why the main problem is the depletion of world mineral reserves.

To rationally use the mineral resources of our planet, scientists constantly work to improve the methods of mining and processing all minerals. It is important not only to get as many mineral raw materials as possible, but also use them to the maximum, and take care of the complete disposal of waste.

(The largest diamond career, the village is peaceful, Yakutia)

When developing deposits, a whole range of works aimed at protecting the environment are the atmosphere, soil, water, vegetation and animal world.

In order to preserve the reserves of mineral raw materials, synthetic materials are developing analogues that can be replaced by the most deficit fossils.

To create potential reserves of mineral resources, pay great attention to geological exploration.

The main types of mineral fuels include oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Usually, fuel resources take into account two main categories - general and explored (reliable, confirmed) resources.
The total oil reserves are estimated at 270-300 billion tons, but reliable amounts to 156 billion tons.

The richest oil and gas pools are located in the Persian Gulf Pool. The region of the Middle and Middle East concentrates more than 2/3 of world stocks. This is due to the fact that there are more than half of 30 giant (unique) oil fields known in the world. This category includes those deposits, the initial assessment of the reserves of which is more than 500 million tons. The world's largest deposit is considered to be the deposit of the Gavar (Saudi Arabia), the reserves of which are estimated at 12 billion tons.
Oil fields are known in more than 100 countries around the world, however, the concentration of oil resources in the Persian bay predetermined the first ten countries in the explored oil reserves.

Natural gas is distributed in nature in a free state - in the form of gas deposits and deposits, as well as in the form of "gas caps" over oil fields (associated gas).
The general reserves are estimated at 400 billion m. Cube;, and the explored are approximately 175 billion cubic meters
Almost 1/3 of world explored reserves of natural gas falls on Russia. Of the 20 giant fields available in the world (i.e., deposits with initial reserves of more than 1 trillion cubic meters.) In Russia, there are 9. The largest is the Urengoy field, the reserves of which are estimated at 10.2 trillion m.

Country leaders in natural gas reserves: stocks TRLN M
Russia - 47.57, USA - 5.0, 2, Iran - 23.0, Algeria - 4.5, Qatar- 14.4, Saudi Arabia - 6.2, Venezuela - 4.52

Coal. It is known about 4 thousand of its pools and deposits. In proven reserves, large regions follow in that order: North America, Foreign Asia, foreign Europe, CIS, Australia and Oceania, Latin America.
The first 5 countries in the explored reserves of coal (billion tons)
USA - 445, China - 296, Russia - 202, South Africa - 116, Australia - 116

Uranium is very widespread in the earth's crust. However, it is advantageous to develop those deposits that contain at least 0.1% of uranium in ore. According to the IAEA, the explored reserves of such uranium are 2.3 million tons.
Australia occupies the first place in the world in explored reserves. It goes Kazakhstan and Canada. About half of the world's reserves are concentrated in these three states. In addition to them, the top ten includes (in descending order) South Africa, Brazil, Namibia, USA, Niger, Russia, Uzbekistan.

The placement of natural resources on the planet is characterized by unevenness. There are noticeable differences between countries and major regions of the modern world in the level and nature of their provision of natural resources.

Accommodation mineral Resources are explained by differences in climatic and tectonic processes on Earth and various conditions for the formation of minerals in past geological epochs.

Fuel minerals They have sedimentary origins and usually accompany the cover of ancient platforms and their internal and regional deflection.

More than 3.6 thousand coal basins are known on the globe, which in the aggregate occupy 15% of the territory of the earthly sushi. Of the total coal reserves, 40% fall on brown coal and 60% - on the stone. Collected reserves make up 8% of the general. More than 90% of all coal resources are located in the northern hemisphere - Asia, North America, Europe.

Ten largest coal swimming pools in the world: Tungusky, Lensky, Kansko-Achinsky, Kuznetsky, Rour, Apalachsky, Pechora, Taimyr, Western, Donetsk.

Most of both common and explored reserves focuses in economically developed countries (Table 5).

Table 5. Countries allocated for coal resources (2007)

Oilganizmone The swimming pools are watered more than 600, 450 is being developed. The main reserves are located in the northern hemisphere, mainly in the sediments of the Mesozoic. An important place belongs to the so-called giant fields with reserves of over 500 million tons and even over 1 billion tons of oil and 1 trillion m3 of gas in each. Giant oil fields are 50 (more than half is located in the countries of the Middle and Middle East), gas - 20 (they contain over 70% of all reserves, such deposits are most characteristic of the CIS countries).

The largest oil and gas pools: the Persian Gulf, Maracaybsky, Orinoksky, Mexico Gulf, Texas, Illinois, California, Western Names, Alaskan, Northwestern, Volgo-Ural, West Siberian, Daqsinsky, Sumutansky, Guinean Bay, Sugar.

The global oil reserves account for about 170 billion tons, including:

Foreign Asia - 108 billion tons;

America - 26 billion tons;

Africa - 15.6 billion tons;

Foreign Europe - 2.1 billion tons;

Australia and Oceania - 2.3 billion tons.

Table 6. Countries allocated for proclaimed oil resources (2007)

In the CIS - 16.0 billion tons, of which: in Russia - 66%, in Kazakhstan - 30%, in Azerbaijan - 2%, in Turkmenistan - 2%. The global gas reserves are 135 trillion M3. In the reserves of natural gas, two areas are distinguished: the CIS (Western Siberia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) and the Middle East (Iran). By country they are distributed like this:

Table 7. Countries allocated for Gaza Resources (2007)

Uranus(nuclear raw materials) is very widespread in the earth's crust, but it is economically beneficial to develop only deposits containing at least 0.1% of uranium (1 kg - $ 80). According to the IAEA, in the reserves of uranium is allocated - Australia, South Africa, Niger, Brazil, Namibia, Rofficia.

Ore minerals Usually accompany the foundations and protrusions of the ancient platforms, as well as folded regions. In such areas, they often form a huge ore (metal-hydrogen) belt - Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific, et al.

The largest reserves of iron ore raw materials are concentrated in the USA, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Liberia, Sweden. About 1100 million tons of iron ore is produced annually.

From non-ferrous metals is the most common is aluminum, the content of which in the earth's crust is 10%. Basically, aluminum ore deposits are in tropical and subtropical belts. Several bauxalone provinces are distinguished:

- Mediterranean: France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania;

- The Coast of the Guinean Bay: Guinea, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon;

- The coast of the Caribbean: Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Suriname;

- Australia.

There are also reserves in the CIS and China.

Basic resources copper Rud focused in Zambia, Zaire, Chile, USA, Canada, Peru, in the Philippines; from vintsovo-zinc ores in the USA, Canada, Australia; tin Ore - in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bolivia, Brazil, Thailand.

Nonetic minerals - This is mineral chemical raw materials (sulfur, phosphorites, potash salts), building materials, refractory raw materials, graphite, etc. They are quite widespread.

Land resources. Earth is one of the main resources of nature, sources of life. Land resources are necessary for the lives of people and for all branches of the economy. They are on the planet as much as sushi, component of 29% of the earth's surface.

Land resources - the surface of the Earth on which various facilities of the economy, city and other settlements can be placed. This is more territorial resources. But in assessing the territory, in terms of the possibilities of the development of rural and forestry, it is important to consider the quality of the lands - their fertility, since the land in this case is the main means of production. The provision of humanity by land resources is determined by the global land foundation, which is 13.4 billion hectares. Africa (30 million km2) and foreign Asia (27.7 million km2) have the greatest land foundation (27.7 million km2), and the smallest - foreign Europe (5.1 million km2) and Australia with Oceania (8.5 million km2). However, if we consider the security of the regions by land resources at the per capita per capita, the result will be the opposite: for each inhabitant of a minor Australia there are 37 hectares of land (maximum indicator), and on a resident of foreign Asia - only 1.1 hectares, approximately the same and in foreign Europe. The structure of the land foundation shows how land resources are used.

The greatest value is represented processed land (11%), which give 88% of food necessary for humanity and are mainly focused in forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of our planet. Have considerable meaning lugaand Pasture lands (23% together), which provide 10% of food consumed. Agricultural land - processed lands, meadows, pasture lands. Forests and shrubs occupy 30%. Urbanized points - 2%. Understanding and unproductive land - 34%.

In the CIS, countries of Africa and North America, the share of processed lands is close to medium-level. For foreign Europe, this figure is higher (29%), and for Australia and South America - less than high (5 and 7%). World countries with the greatest size of processed lands - USA, India, Russia, China, Canada. The processed lands are focused mainly in forest, forest-steppe and steppe natural zones. Natural meadows and pastures prevail over the land treated everywhere (in Australia more than 10 times), except for foreign Europe. All over the world, an average of 23% of the Earth is used under pastures. Resourcelessness of land is determined per capita. Australia occupies first place on the land foundation per capita. The greatest dimensions of the processed lands are in the USA, India, Russia, China. The main arrays of arable land - in the northern hemisphere: Europe, South Siberia, East, Southeast and South Asia, Canada and the US plains. Countries with the least security of a lot of per capita - China (0.09 hectares), Egypt (0.05 hectares).

Are unsuitable for processing polar spaces in Greenland, in the north of Russia, Canada, Alaska; The desert areas of Central Australia, the highlands of Central Asia, the Sahara desert, etc. Processes occur: desertification - the sands of the Sahara, the deserts of South-West Asia, North and South America occur - Destruction of land with quarries, falling asleep by dumps, flooding created by reservoirs.

However, the structure of the land foundation does not remain unchanged. The constant impact on it has two processes with the opposite character:

- On the one hand, lands expansion, mastering of virgin lands (Russia, USA, Kazakhstan, Canada, Brazil). Male earth countries are underway on coastal sites (Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, Japan, Canada, Singapore, etc.);

- On the other - all the time there is a deterioration, depletion of land. It is estimated that due to erosion, fever, salinization from agricultural turnover is about 9 million hectares. There is a growth of cities, in arid regions - desertification threatens to reach 3 billion hectares.

Therefore, the main problem of the global land foundation is the degradation of agricultural land, as a result of which there is a noticeable reduction in the processed lands per capita, and the "load" increases on them all the time.

Water resources. These are water suitable for use in the farm: rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs, groundwater, soil moisture, water glaciers. Relatively recently, the water was considered one of the free gifts of nature and the water resources belonged to the category of inexhaustible.

However, fresh water resources are 2.5% of the volume of the hydrosphere. As its consumption grows in many regions, its lack of land is beginning to be felt. In addition, as a result of pollution of rivers and their water lakes become unsuitable for human use. Therefore, water resources are among the exhausted.

Most of the freshwater is "moduled" in the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland, in the ice of the Arctic, in the mountain glaciers and are still almost inaccessible to use.

The main source of fresh water - river. Of all the river waters of the planet (47 thousand km3), you can really use only half. Water lakes relate to static reserves due to slow water exchange, although a minor share of reserves (on average 1.5-2% of their total volume, and in Lake Baikal - 0.3%) resumes annually.

Freshwater consumption is about 5 thousand km3 per year and is constantly growing, and river flow resources remain unchanged. This creates a threat to fresh water deficiency. The main consumer of fresh water is agriculture, in which its permanent consumption is great (about 89%). So, irrigation accounts for 69% of consumption. Industry consumes 21%; Communal services - 6%; Reservoirs - 4%.

To solve the problem of water supply, projects of the economical consumption of water, construction of reservoirs, desalination of sea water, redistribution of river flow are used; Aisberg transport projects are being developed. Countries in different ways are provided with water resources. About 1/3 of the land of Sushi occupies an arid belt, in which 850 million people live. Countries with insufficient water resources include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, FRG; with medium security - Mexico, USA; With sufficient and redundant security - Canada, Russia, Congo.

Freshwater reserves on Earth are extremely unevenly distributed. In the equatorial belt and in the northern part of the moderate belt it is available in sufficiency and even in excess.

The provision of water resources is calculated as the magnitude of the river flow, per capita.

The most intricate countries are those where there are more than 25 thousand m3 per year (New Zealand, Congo, Canada, Norway, Brazil). In the arid zone of land, which covers about 1/3 of the land area, the water deficit is felt acute. Here are the most low-water countries, where there are less than 5 thousand m3 per capita (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, China, India, Germany, Poland).

Only 1/3 of the population enjoys benign water, 1/3 is not provided with it, and another 1/3 uses poor-quality drinking water. In Africa, 10% of the population is provided with regular water supply, in Europe - more than 95%.

There are several ways to solve the water problem of mankind. Perhaps the main one - reducing the water-intensity of production processes and reducing loss water. It has great importance construction reservoir (USA, Russia, China), regulating river stock. In the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Mexico, China, Egypt, numerous projects are carried out or design. territorial redistribution of river flow With its transfer. In the countries of the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean, in Turkmenistan in the Caspian Sea applies obriction of sea water. There are projects transportation Icebergs From Antarctica. maybe termination of discharge Industrial, agricultural and utility wastewater in the inland reservoirs and the sea. Considerable amount of water can be obtained collection in underground storagerain and melting waters. Big resource - the groundwater,easily affordable in many areas of the planet, for example in Sugar. Freshwater resources can be increased by using closed recycled farm.

River runoff is used for electricity. China, Russia, USA, Zaire, Canada, Brazil are possessed by the greatest hydropower potential. The degree of use of hydropower potential depends on the level of development of the country.

Forest resources - One of the most important types of biological resources. Forests provide a variety of people needs. They not only serve as the raw material base of the forest and timber processing industry, but are one of the main elements of the recreational potential, human habitat medium, regulate and purify water drains, effectively prevent erosion, retain and increase soil fertility, the genetic diversity of the biosphere is most fully saved, enriched the atmosphere Oxygen and protect the air pool from pollution, largely form climate. The vegetable world of forests is a unique supplier of wild fruits and berries, nuts and fungi, valuable types of medicinal herbs and specific technical raw materials for various industries. On the threshold of agriculture, according to existing estimates, the forests were covered with 62 million km2, or more than 2/5 of the surface of the sushi of our planet, and given other types of forest vegetation, this area was 75 million km2.

World forest resources are characterized by two important indicators: sizes of forest fusion (4 billion hectares) and wood reserves for the root. Forest resources relate to renewable. But since the forests are reduced under arable land, construction, wood is used as wood as raw materials for woodworking and other types of industries (production of paper, furniture, etc.), the problem of reducing forest resources and deforesing the territories is quite acute. For the rational use of forest resources, it is necessary to comprehensively process raw materials, not cutting out forests in a volume that exceeds their growth, conduct forest-reserving work.

World forests are unevenly distributed. They form two approximately equal in the area and stocks of wood forest belts - North and South. Northern - in the zone of moderate and partly subtropical climate. The most armed northern belt countries are Russia, USA, Canada. Finland, Sweden. Southern belt - in the zone of tropical and equatorial climates. The main forest areas of the southern belt: Amazonia, Congo pool, Southeast Asia, Countries: Congo, Brazil, Venezuela.

Forest resources (forests) are called "light" planets, they play a huge role in the life of all mankind. They restore oxygen in the atmosphere, maintain groundwater, prevent the soil destruction. The reduction of the tropical forests of Amazonia leads to a violation of the "lungs" of the planet. The preservation of forests is necessary, including for the health of humanity.

The provision of forest resources of individual countries is calculated per capita. For each resident of the planet accounts for less than 1 hectares of forests, in Canada - more than 8, in Finland - 4, in Russia - 5.3; And in the USA - only 0.8 hectares. Wood reserves for the root in the calculation per resident on the world are 65 m3, in Canada - more than 570 m3, in Russia - 561 m3, in Finland - over 370 m3 and in the United States - about 83 m3.

Sushi biological resources. Categories the category of exhausted renewable (but exhaustible) natural resources. The total number of people known for today on Earth is about 2 million units, and the actual number of their number is likely to exceed 10 million (mainly due to non-open types of rainforests).

Wild wildlife is the basis for agriculture and forestry, fisheries, hunting and other fields, for the whole manifold of economic and social activities of the population.

World Ocean Resources. These resources must be considered comprehensively, since they include: biological resources; Mineral resources of the seabed; Energy resources, seawater resources.

The state of stocks of water biological resources, effective management of them is becoming increasingly important both to provide the population with high-quality food products and for the supply of raw materials of many industries and agriculture (in particular, poultry farming). Available information indicates increasing load on the world ocean. In the 1980s, leading scientists predicted that by 2025. The world fisheries products will reach 230-250 million tons, including by aquaculture - 60-70 million tons. In the 1990s, the situation has changed: marine catch forecasts for 2025 G. decreased to 125-130 million tons, while forecasts for the production of fish production due to aquaculture increased to 80-90 million tons. At the same time, it is considered obvious that the rate of growth of the population of the earth will exceed the growth rate of fish products.

Biological resources- Fish, mollusks, crustaceans, cetacean, algae. About 90% of the produced fishing objects - fish. The shelf zone accounts for more than 90% of the global catch of fish and non-breaking objects. The greatest part of the world catch is mined in the waters of moderate and high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. From the oceans the biggest catch gives the Pacific Ocean. From the seas of the World Ocean the most productive are Norwegian, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese.

Mineral resources The world's ocean is solid, liquid and gaseous minerals. In the coastal marine places there are zirconium, gold, platinum, diamonds. The subsidiary of the shelf zone is rich in oil and gas. The main areas of oil production are Persian, Mexican, Guinean, the Bay of Venezuela, the North Sea. The shelf oil and gas areas are in the Bering, Okhotsk seas. From the underwater subsoil, iron ore (off the shores of Kyushu island, in the Hudson Gulf), stone coal (Japan, United Kingdom), sulfur (USA). The main richness of the deep-water base of the ocean is iron orders.

Sea water is also a resource of the World Ocean. It contains about 75 chemical elements. From the water of the seas, it is removed by about 1/3 of the coolest salt, 60% of magnesium, 90% of bromine and potassium. Water seas in a number of countries are used for industrial desalination. The largest manufacturers of fresh water - Kuwait, USA, Japan.

From the energy resources of the World Ocean, mainly tidal energy is used. Tidal power plants are available in France at the mouth of the Rhone River, in Russia - the oxygency PES in the Kola Peninsula. Developed and partially implemented projects for the use of energy of waves and flows.

With the intensive use of the world's ocean resources, it is contaminated as a result of a discharge in the rivers and the sea of \u200b\u200bindustrial, agricultural, household and other waste, shipping, mining. A special threat is oil pollution and burial in deep-sea parts of the ocean toxic substances and radioactive waste. The problems of the World Ocean require agreed international measures to coordinate the use of its resources and prevent further pollution.

Recreational resources.Recreational resources include: 1) Objects and phenomena of nature, which can be used for rest, tourism and treatment; 2) Cultural and historical sights.

The first group includes sea coasts with a favorable climate, the banks of the rivers and lakes, mountains, forests, mineral springs, medicinal dirt. Resort zones, recreation areas, reserves, national parks are created in areas with such recreational resources.

The second group includes monuments of history, archeology, architecture and art. The cultural and historical sights are rich in most of the ancient cities in Europe and Russia, worldwide fame have the Egyptian pyramids and the temples of Luxor, the Mausoleum Tajmal in India, the remains of the ancient cities of Maya and Aztecs in Latin America.

The richest recreational resources have countries where favorable natural conditions are combined with cultural and historical sights. First of all, these are countries of the Mediterranean - Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, European countries such as France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, as well as Mexico, India, Thailand.

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