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What is this plant? Use of therapeutic properties of the European cyclame

Cyclamen purple is widespread in Europe in both wildlife and gardens. This is the most northern of cyclamen, but countries with a harsh climate, including us, this type of cyclameman is grown only as a potted plant. The cyclame of the purple there is no brightly pronounced rest period, it remains with the leaves all year round. Flowering falls on the summer (from June to September-October). Many varieties have a subtle pleasant fragrance.

(Cyclamen Purpurascens)more famous called Cyclamen European, however, this name is not quite true. Under the name "European cyclamen" on sale at once three types of cyclamen, which can grow in Europe - purple cyclamen (Cyclamen Purpurascens), verified cyclamen (Cyclamen Repandum)and plude cyclamen (Cyclamen Hederifolium). At one time it was customary to consider the titles "Purple" and "European" synonyms, but in 1972 at the conference of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature in Seattle, the name "European" was completely canceled.

For sale more often than cyclamen Purple, Cyclamen Persian (see Cyclamen Persian: Care at home). These two species differ in their biology and require different care, so it is very important to know how to distinguish the Persian cyclamen from the purple cycle when purchasing. You can meet the assertion that the Persian cyclamen flowers are larger, however, with the abundance of modern varieties, it is difficult to distinguish between these two types in size, color or flower shape. There is also an opinion that it smells only in purple cyclame flowers, which is also mistaken.

The most striking distinctive feature is the color of the lower side of the sheet - at C. It is an anthocian one in purple, in c. Persian - green. Usually a tuber c. Persian stands on the level of soil, and the tube c. Purple is immersed in the whole thing. In the future, it will be possible to navigate the structure of the tuber itself - at C. Persian he is spherical-flatted, child tubers does not form, roots depart from the lower surface of the tuber. At c. The magenta tuber is growing over time and gives subsidiaries, and the roots are located along its entire surface.

In the fall and in winter, cyclamen Persian, spring and summer are sold. Purple. There are natural varieties of the cyclame of purple:

  • C. Purpurascens f. Purpurascens. - flowers from pink to purple;
  • C. Purpurascens f. carmineylineatum - White flowers, with thin strip of carmine color;
  • C. Purpurascens f. Album - Flowers are completely white.

Varieties there are few.

The advantages of the cyclame of purple can be attributed to its year-round decorativeness at the expense of beautiful leaves with silver divorces, as well as the fact that with age, his bloom is only improving.

When growing a purple cycle, you need to focus on the conditions in which it is gracious in the wild. This is a forest plant growing on the litter, most often under beech. He needs a place protected from the Sun and a rich moisture supply throughout the year, since it does not drop the leaves. In nature, this plant can make frosts up to -20 ° C but, like many other tuber plants, may suffer from rot, if the extreme cold is conjugate with excessive soil moisture.

The acquisition of this type of cyclameman usually falls for the warm season, when there is no threat to fascinate the plant on the way home. Stop your choice follows only the flowering plant. Its leaves should be dense, without yellowness and soft brown spots, without a gray mold. The tuber is usually fully immersed in the ground, only the most top can act (the roots are located below and on the sides of the tuber, so it is cheered deeper than C. Persian).

Temperature. To provide long-lasting flowering, in the summer it is necessary to find a non-fit room (+17 ... + 19 ° C). In winter, we need more cool conditions, up to + 15 ° C, you can put pots between the window frames.

The location is bright, with protection from direct sunlight, the optimal windows of the Eastern orientation, in the summer you can take it on the shaded balcony. The air cyclamen prefer clean, without smaller, poorly tobacco smoke and avgar from gas stoves.

Watering In the summer, regular, the soil should not strongly rehabilitate, but excessive watering leads to the rotting of the tuber. Watering better from above, carefully, on the edge of the pot, trying not to fall on the leaves and the tuber. Excess water from the pallet should be filled shortly after watering. Water for watering should be the temperature of the room where the plant is worth, or 2-4 degrees are warmer. In the fall, cyclamen finishes flowering and enter the period of rest, without dropping the leaves (replacing the leaves will occur the next summer, simultaneously with flowering). In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced, but do not stop at all.

Feeding. Fertilize cyclamen purple from spring and to autumn half doses of fertilizer with a low content of nitrogen (a universal fertilizer is suitable). The feeders begin no earlier than a month after the acquisition of the plant. During rest, they are completely stopped.

Transfer.Cyclamen Purple is not often transplanted, once every 2-4 years. It is better to make it before the start of a new growth wave (spring), carefully passing into a little big pot. The tuber falls asleep completely, but do not bury deeply.


Cyclamen is propagated by purple seeds or a tuber division.

With the age of the tuber of this cyclameman can give daughter branches that are easily separated from the parent tuber. This should be done during the period of rest, carefully processing wounders with charcoal or Fundazole, be sure to dry before planting.

Seeds germinate similarly to the seeds of the Persian cycle (link). After flowering and pollination (at home - artificial), the blooming turns into a spiral and tilts the box with seeds to the ground. Seeds ripen the next summer, it is better to sow them immediately after opening the box. When growing from its seeds, you can expect splitting in the offspring, young cyclamen may differ from the initial plants.

Diseases and pests

From cyclamen diseases most often amazed with gray rot, gray raid appears on the leaves, the leaves begin to rot. This mushroom disease occurs in non-compliance with the care, due to the overalling of the soil, the lack of good ventilation and wetting the leaves during watering. Change your care, remove the affected leaves, treat fungicides.

With regular revengery of the soil, the tuber is dropped. Disease is poorly treatable, but you can try to delete all the drilling places of the tuber, sprinkle with coal or foundazole, to dry and plant in a fresh substrate.

With a damage to various ticks (web, cyclamen, etc.), the leaves acquire yellow color, deform. The plant often stops in the growth, on the leaves you can see a whitish or grayish flare, flowers and flowers can also be deformed. Cellite ticks are activated at high temperatures and dry air, cyclamen are actively multiplied with high humidity (80-90%). Conditions should be adjusted and treated with acaricide.

Under the defeat of the tool on the leaves there are these small winged insects or their sticky allocations. It is necessary to handle insecticide.

If silver strokes appear on the leaves and colors, the flowers are deformed, and the leaves are often bend up, then this may be a trips. Damaged leaves and flowers are removed, the plant is placed in an insulator, treated with insecticide. It is also recommended to carefully inspect other plants in the house.

If you believe the old legend, it was in the form of a cyclamen flower decided to make his crown Tsar Solomon. Cyclamen faced the king with his careless beauty and became a reminder for him that modesty was the quality of the truly wise ruler. Cyclamen flower really resembles a crown - gentle petals grow on a long elegant bloomer. It is not surprising that this charming touching plant won the sympathy of professional gardeners and amateur gardeners.

Very often, different types of cyclamen (and in all of them about twenty) are also called "Alpine Violet". This is not entirely correct, as the Alpine violet is only a European cyclaman or a busty cyclaman (purple). In a wild form, as evidenced by the name, it is found in the Alps. But in indoor culture, this type of cyclameman is rare. Only the most experienced flower flowers will tell you where you can buy tubers and seeds of the European cyclame.

European cyclamen is often confused with a so-called Persian cyclamen - a larger plant with a relatively early flowering period. Meanwhile, the "Europeans" has characteristic, inherent in him features. First, it is the only non-foliage type of cyclameman. When the rest period comes, he stops growing, but does not reset the leaves. Secondly, European Cyclamen has smaller leaves and flowers. The leaves of the round shape, slightly stretched to the tip. The edges of the leaves are smooth. Thirdly, the European Cyclamen's Flowers is usually a bright pink shade. There are also very rare, so-called "Alba-forms" - just white flowers or white with raspberry eye.

Finally, the European cyclamen flowers are very pleasant to smell; As the owners of the "Europeans" write, the fragrance varies from "just pleasant" to the "aroma of expensive perfumes" and even the "divine". The fragrance intensity depends on the intensity of the color of the flower itself: the lighter flower, the thinner the fragrance. Interestingly, on the day of disclosure, the flowers can not smell at all, and the petals at first they first very thin and pale. Over time, the fragrance is enhanced, and the petals are typing color, spread and thicken.

It has already been mentioned above that as a room flower "European" is now quite rare. So you are lucky if you really have a real alpine violet on the windowsill!

Cyclamen care

It is believed that cyclamen is a very demanding and capricious flower. Indeed, it will not be attributed to an unpretentious plant. It requires attention and care, but if you comply with all the rules for the care of him, it will rejoice you for a long time wonderful colors. It is important to remember that this flower does not tolerate straight sun rays, heat and drafts. It is best to grow cyclamen in a shaded cool place. According to experienced flower flowers, it is possible to achieve abundant flowering if in the winter to keep pots with a cyclamen between double windows of windows, and in the hot season - on the balcony.

But to the shape of a pot, as well as to the material from which it is made, European cyclamen is indifferent. Will you plant it in a round or square, plastic or ceramic pot - cyclamen is captured in any. It is important to take into account the following: if the tuber has "kids", it is necessary to choose a pot of this size so that, growing up, "kids" do not pushed the pot on the wall, otherwise it can slow them development. On average, the distance from the tuber to the wall pot must be two or three centimeters.

Although in nature, European cyclamen grow in the mountains, and under coniferous trees, and in the open area - that is, on various types of soil, - as room colors they "agree" and on the standard substrate for cyclamen (humid, sand, leaf land and peat). At the bottom of the pot thin layer, pour drainage (fine ceramzite or minor ceramic trekking). The substrate in which you disembark the cyclamen tuber must be almost dry - too wet substrate can lead to loss of leaves. You can fall asleep the top layer of soil with pebbles, although it is not necessary, because the European cyclamene tuber is buried in the substrate entirely so, you put the tuber, cover the pot of the food film and put in a non-jar of shaded place. Watering is minimal.

In the future, when watering, adhere to one simple rule: to each subsequent irrigation of the upper layer of the substrate should be satisfied. If you do not comply with this rule, the stalks at buds can soften and rotate.

It may seem surprising, but experts do not recommend feeding the European cyclamen fertilizers. It is believed that if it is fertilized, he may die, as it becomes too susceptible to diseases. It is enough just to change the substrate every year or two.

The reproduction of European cyclamen

European cyclamen is multiplied by two ways: either the division of the tuber or seeds.

Delivery of the tuber

European cyclamene tubers give processes of the oblong shape, the so-called "fingers". They are the same color with the tuber. If the processes are thin, do not worry, over time they will definitely become thicker. Thin processes give very small leaves, which are revealed directly on the surface of the substrate. "Fingers" cut off and disembark in a separate pot. This can be done only during rest.

Reproduction of seeds

The reproduction of the European cycloveman seeds is a more laborious process. If the cyclamene tubers can be purchased in the store, then the seeds get, pollinating flowers artificially. If pollination has passed successfully, the fruits of "boxes" appear with small seeds. Experts believe that cyclamen should be in the room with a temperature of five degrees, only then the seeds will cause. In no case cannot be touched and even more so try to open a box with seeds yourself. If you are worried that, ripening, seeds can be saturated in a pot, just put a piece of fabric under the boxes.

Before the sowing is recommended for twenty-four hours to soak seeds in water. Then they are filled into a pot at a distance of about two centimeters from each other and sprinkled with sand (they will not go to the light, so you can even cover the pots with the seeds with a dark film). Earth must be regularly moistened, but not to fill. If the seeds are cut or pour water - they will die, and with humidity jumps, they can sleep, go to the state of rest. The most favorable temperature for germination of seeds is 16-18 degrees.

Seeds should germinate four weeks after sowing, but in order to wait for flowering, you will have to be patient - with flowers such a cycleman will please you no earlier than in three or four years. But, as if in gratitude for your care and patience, the first blossom of the European cyclamen will be the most magnificent.

European cyclamen disease

Chubmer's rotting

The possible reason for this problem is too abundant irrigated or water from entering the tuber.

If you have discovered the places of rotting on the club, you can clean them and sprinkle (or even carefully launched) extractive activated carbon.

Deformation and discoloration of leaves

The cause of deformation and discoloration of the leaves can be pests (for example, cyclamenite tick). Infected plant must be isolated from other colors and process to destroy pests.

Gray raid on the leaves

The gray raid on the leaves of the European cyclameman means that your pet is amazed with a gray rot - a fungal disease caused by the revengery of soil, poor ventilation and moisture in the leaves during watering. The affected leaves need to be removed, processed by fungicides, and further comply with the rules for the care of cyclamen.

Yellowing leaves

The leaves of the European cyclamen are yellow, if it is to keep in a room with too high temperatures, in a bright sun and not provide sufficient watering.

Fallen leaves

The leaves of the European cyclameman can begin to be condensed with a sharp change of lighting.


The main pests of the European Cyclamen are cyclamen ticks, faults, trips, weevils and slugs.

  • With cyclamen ticks, it is very difficult to fight: they are practically invisible and found when the plant has already suffered a lot from their appetite. Spraying chemicals does not always help, so these pests are protected by already deformed (twisted) leaves or buds. It is possible to treat the leaves with a mixture of an agvertin (0.2%) and a solution of liquid soap (0.1%). The mixture is better to do on acidic (for example, using orthophosphoric acid) water. The soap is necessary in order for the mixture better "sticking" to the leaves. Sometimes such a mixture can cause burns, so start with the trial processing of one or two leaves. Do not forget to process and pot to destroy and eggs cyclamen tick. Processing must be carried out three times, with a break per week, at a temperature of 18 degrees.
  • Wheel to fight well with the help of the Aktara preparation. It is poured onto the substrate (it is not necessary to breed), we translate the plant to the upper irrigation (not through the pallet), and after a few days the TL will disappear.
  • TRIPS are small insects (1mm), they affect the leaves, sucking juices from them. At the same time, the leaves lose their color, and along the edges are covered with many points - traces from punctures with trips. For the destruction of tryps, three-time processing of insecticides is necessary. Specialists advise use "Apacha" or "confident."
  • With weevils, they also fight with the help of "Aktara", "Apacha" or "confident". As a rule, in cyclamen affected by weevils, the stem is easily separated from the tuber. If you run the problem, the plant will die.
  • Slug, fortunately, are more often the problem of those cyclamen that grow in the open ground. In the apartment they fall rarely. But if it still happened, they will have to lure on the bait, and then collect their hands. If we use drugs from slugs, cyclamen may die.

Remember that when defeated by any kind of pests, infected plants should be sent to Quarantine - isolate from healthy.

Use of therapeutic properties of the European cyclame

European cyclamen is used in medicine for a long time. His juice perfectly helps with routine, sinusitis, colds, diseases of the female reproductive system, neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, liver diseases, intestinal colic.

Geimorita treatment

Squeeze the juice of one small cyclamen tuber, mix with boiled water (1:10) and daily bury this solution into the nose two or three times. The juice of cyclameman is imperative, otherwise you can get a nasal mucos.

Treatment of radiculitis

Cyclamen Cyclamen Tube, pour vodka (1:10), let it be broken during the week and strain. Roll up lower back.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The crushed cyclamen tuber to pour hot boiled water (1 tbsp. Cyclamen on 500 ml of water), insist for about two hours, strain. Take on the tablespoon three times a day after eating.

With independent treatment with the help of cyclamenot, remember that it is sufficiently poisonous and the use of its juice inside requires prior consultation with the doctor.

Magic properties of the European Cyclameman

Another ancient Romans believed that cyclamen was protected from evil and unkind strength. It is believed that cyclamen is capable of moving bad dreams, get rid of anxiety and unfortunate fears, insecurity and creative stagnation, protect against the evil and envy. So that cyclamen does not lose its magic force, it should be water, adding water into the pallet.

Keep cyclamen is best in the bedroom, not far from the bed, because it is in a dream a person is more susceptible to the beneficial effects of this flower. If you believe the signs, cyclamese flowers help to forget undivided or lost love, drowning the feeling of sadness and longing. Cyclamese flowers can also help with infertility.

Of course, cyclamen is a plant behind which careful care is required. But these gentle, touching flowers will decorate your apartment. This Alpine Spring on the windowsill is not wonderful?

Discussion 1.

Related Materials

In winter, floral counters are filled with various pensing flowers. Among them are the most tender and joyful cyclamen. It seems that they send hello from spring. Multicolored moths: purple, white, red, pink, blue, blue colors with various splashes downtown on birds of birds. Alpine violet is so called this beautiful winter plant. One look - and now you are already buying it. However, a few days after arrival in our house, the cyclamen begins to wake. But the whole thing is in very scrupulous proper care.

A few words about cyclamen europaeum

European cyclamen or as it is also called, purple looks like his fellow and actually on the progenitor of the Persian cyclameman. This is a perennial grassy plant, the root system of which is represented by a tuber-like root. Popularity was provided to him with compact shape and smooth emerald leaflets in the shape of a heart. Silver accommodation protrude on each leaf. Some varieties are beautiful even when the cyclaman does not bloom. When he blooms, the entire crown is covered with miniature flowers, towering on thin legs. The inflorescence is similar to soaping butterflies, since the bulk of the flower is tilted down, while the petals themselves are bent up.

However, if you consider all the details, you can pay attention to some differences. Cyclamen Purple winter rests. Smaller than Persian, flowers bloom in summer. But they have an excellent fragrance. Another difference in placing the roots, namely, throughout the tuber, which allows you to immerse the flower deeper into the pot. A pleasant supplement for flowerflowers are subsidiaries, thanks to which the European cyclamen has popularized, care at home by making much easier.

Correct care - pledge of flowering cyclame

When it comes to how to care for European cyclamen, then we are confronted with Halior contradictions. So, it prefers abundant lighting, but does not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, the light should not be associated with the temperature. Therefore, it requires accommodation on the Western or Eastern window. Tip: Since these parties can come to the kitchen window, many generally put cyclamen simply on the table in the room and attach a fluorescent non-heavenly lamp to it. Problems with accommodation in the kitchen are associated with the special sensitivity of the alpine violet to the stubble air, sharp smells and smoke. In addition, the windowsides, usually placed batteries. Due to dry air and high temperature, the cyclamen will begin to wither, so under the pot you should put a wooden board for insulation, and pour a wet small gravel to the pallet. But it is important that the roots are not in the water, otherwise the flower starts. Nevertheless, no matter how dry it is in the room, please note: this species do not need to spray.

However, for which the flower products do not cease to love the European cyclamen? To the essential advantages of this species include the absence of a clearly defined rest period. It will not discharge the leaves and continue to green all year round. Therefore, and care for it is necessary throughout the year. What exactly do we need to know about the care of cyclamen purple?

  1. Temperature. The optimal temperature is considered to be 11-14 ° C. Using the temperature you can control flowering. Considering that it blooms in the summer, then with the approach of winter, you can begin to fix the temperature of the air indoor. If you want to give it to relax, place it in the cooler rooms or, for example, on the loggia.
  2. Humidity. Due to dry air, cyclamen can start to push. However, this criterion is not so significant. Air drying can be avoided if the pallet is filled with moisture. The main thing is to remember: this type of cyclamen can not spray!
  3. Lighting. Requires saturated diffused light without direct ray. In the opposite case, burns will appear on the leaves, and the flowers will begin to fade and dry out.
  4. Watering. There is one immutable rule: unacceptably contact the water from the core of the tuber, the beginning of the growth of shoots. It is recommended to perform watering only through the pallet or by the edge of the pot.
  5. The soil. Many flower products use the soil from open dacha soil or land for roses. In general, for cyclamen, this composition is recommended: half of the leaf land and half of the sand mixture, peat and humus.
  6. Podkord. It is advisable to fertilize cyclamen in the period of growth and flowering 2 times / month. You can use both complex fertilizers and specialized. Some use feeding for violets or roses.
  7. Bloom. Before laying buds, it is recommended to gradually reduce watering and feeding. During the formation of buds, it is necessary to monitor the lack of a number of drying or binking leaves. When European cyclamen begins to bloom (spring - summer), the plant needs to shift into a new soil and care for more intensively and carefully.

Reproduction of cyclamen

Cyclamen can be cultivated by daughter tubers and seeds. In order to formed a seed box, it is necessary to make artificial pollination with the help of pollen from neighboring flowers, because the cyclames of European biscuits. Then, the main thing is not to blink the moment when the seeds begin to be proposed. The seed box will fall under the foliage and you need to carefully monitor it, then collect seeds in advance. Saw seeds of purple cyclame at the beginning of autumn. For seeds you should prepare a pot with peat. Seeds are somewhat deepened in the ground and spray with a spray gun. Cover the containers with the seeds of the film and place the room where the temperature does not rise above +17. Shoots will appear in a month and they will need to transplant in a larger pot, repeating the procedure in two months. Save moisture around the young tuber will help you moss, sphagnum.

As you can see, this is a very labor-intensive process. Therefore, the reproduction of tubers is preferable. To do this, it is necessary to simply separate the child tubers and put them in a separate container, continuing to care for the standard rules.

Diseases and pests of European cyclamen

Cyclamen refers to one of the most sensitive and pending indoor plants. Therefore, all his diseases can be associated with improper care. For example, the yellowing of the leaves occurs because of the dryness of the air, and the flower gets rotten and rot the flower due to the convergence. More sensitive to drinking tubers. If this happens, the cyclamen will be saved will not be possible. Feldation and no ripening of colors occurs due to lack of feeding. As for pests, it is much easier to deal with them:

  • The defeat of the tuber and the leaves is associated with the Zhukom-elephant, to destroy which it is possible by changing the soil and processing it by pesticides;
  • The yellowing of the leaves, the lethargy of the stems is associated with the loss of vitality due to the shield or shield tilt, which should be sprayed with soap-tobacco solution or insecticides for complete destruction;
  • The slowdown in growth, the wilting of buds and twisting of the leaves threaten a serious danger - the cyclamenite tick, with which it is necessary to fight strong insecticides.

Summing up, you can see: the cyclaman is not the easiest of the flower care. But the European counterclaim is not so whimsical, and does not require rest. A successful result is the longest and diligent labor. In addition, if we consider that all types of cyclamen have therapeutic properties: everyone knows the "Sinufort" medicine. Cyclamen juice helps with the treatment of eyes and from nerve female diseases, from headaches and cold, from purulent inflammation and for cleansing the body. Cyclamen juice can be obtained from tubers. It must be divorced with water 1 to six. And it can also be used to treat the hood from the roots, the bay of them with water and putting it to be in the dark for two days. The root tincture is made by alcohol poured (1:10) the stolen roots. So this flower will not only decorate your home, but will come to the rescue when there is a common cold, for example.

European cyclamen in Europe is more famous as "purple". But neither one nor another name can fully reflect the essence of this plant. Under the name "European" cyclamen on sale you can see at once three different in our appearance of the flower, which grow in Europe. These include cyclamen magenta, plush-free, leaked.

ATTENTION: Someone believes that the name "magenta" and "European" are synonymous. But in 1972, at a conference, which was conducted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the Name "European" was challenged. But it does not interfere with gardeners still use it in everyday life.

This is an evergreen perennial plant. It is attributed to the form of tuber and herbaceous. The tuber has a round and flat. The diameter comes up to 10 cm. From above and below, the distinctive feature of the plant is added. The root system of the tuber can evenly cover the entire surface.

As for old plants, they begin to distort the root form with age.. It can produce thick processes that become subsidiaries.

Leather leather, long, depart from the root. The color of such a plant varies depending on the climatic features of the territory where it grows. Color can vary from green to silver, the drawing is somewhat broken along, around the edge of the sheet. The bottom side of the sheet has a purple-green shade. Plant stuffing is the same color. The sheet shelter itself has a heart-shaped form, and its tips are pointed, have a gear edge.

Flowers that appear on cyclamen from June to October, have five petals, are located singly. Out of the root of the plant. There are long bloomrs. Oval flower petals themselves, slightly twisted in the spiral. The average length of the petals is about 2 cm. Flowers have a gentle aroma, which allows the use of cyclamen as an aromatic additive to various perfume products. Color painting can be pale pink or light purple. The color of the plant depends on the climatic conditions of the growth zone.

Scientists allocate several types of flowers that may appear on the plant. Gently pink, purple flowers, white with red edge at the edges, monophonic white or pink flowers with silver streaks.

Differences from Persian


Cyclamen is not only a beautiful healing plant, but also a wonderful gift. Surely every fan of living flowers on the windowsill settled such a resident. Carefully take care of this plant, because only with proper care it will reveal all its beauty and beneficial properties in front of you.

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