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All Evolutions of Ivi with names in Russian. How to control IVI to develop in Pokemon Go: Old Legend

Ivi in \u200b\u200bPokemon GO is such an element of surprise. And the thing is that the IVI is not developed as as the rest, but Randomno. In one of the three Pokemon. And it is believed that the evolution of Ivi cannot manage the player. In the sense that he only looks at, who will work out from the next Ivi - Jolteon, Vaporon or Freason.

However, as it turned out, not everything is so mysterious. More precisely, it was mysterious. While the real Ashakals have not entered the game, who are familiar with those themselves, original pokemons, anime, and not virtual toy. Moreover, you are familiar not by the heal, but in fact personally, and with everyone.

And, it seems, the developers of the game were also waiting. With gifts, as it should be. And everything misterious story With the development of IVI in Pokemon Go, he finally received his quite beautiful explanation. Just only the real Pokemon fans could know that in the series "Four Brothers Evi" about the real anime coxy, the Evi T-shirts were brothers, Pyro and Sparks, who trained their Vaporon, Freareton and Jolteon. And T-shirts did not want to develop their Evi further. Therefore, Pokemon remained small and fluffy, but, nevertheless, then saved everyone in real battle.

Why are we telling it all, and what does modern IVI here?

And to the fact that if in Pokemon Go and to develop in the usual way, then it will really evolve rendero, and will turn into any of the three Pokemon mentioned.

But if Ivi is renamed before evolution, the result will be the same as necessary, and not how it turns out. We call him Sparky (Sparks), he evolves in Jolteon, Rainer (Rainer) - will turn into a vaporon, and if Pyro (Pyro) is in the flareon. Such an unusual focus, and one-dimensional - taught surprise for fans of an ancient, but very popular Cogd TV series.

Now that you know how to control Ivi to develop, it is necessary to be very determined from Pokemon, in which he evolves. There is an opinion that it is better to start with a vaporone, from all three options for "health" and CP initially more. Actually, precisely because it is so popular, and it is precisely because to find a wild vaporon is considered a noticeable luck. On the initial levels, at least.

Ivi is one of the few Pokemon who constantly received new branches of evolution with the release of new games about Pokemon. Currently, there are 8 different available "Ivilutions": Vaporon, Jolteon, Freareton, Espeon, Ugreon, Leefer, Glaseon and Sylvion. Available evolutions are determined by the game in which you play. Improving IVI to one of its evolution can provide a significant increase in characteristics, as well as the ability to learn new skills.


Part 1

Vazrange, Jolteon and Flight

    Decide, in which element pokemon you want to improve IVI. If you give Ivi a stone of water, zipper or fire, it can evolve in Vaporone, Jolteon or Flareon. If you give Ivi one of these stones, it is immediately evolving into the form associated with this stone.

    • These evolutions are possible in every game about Pokemon and these are the only evolutions that are possible in the Blue, Red and Yellow Games.
  1. Find the required stone. The location and method of producing stones depends on which version of the game you play. It is easiest to find them in the original games about Pokemon, as you need only to buy them.

    • Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow - Stones can be bought at the store of the city of Seladon.
    • Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald - You can exchange fragments on the stones at the underwater treasure hunter. The water stone you can also find on an abandoned ship, a zipper stone in New Movil, and the fire fire on the fiery trail.
    • Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Stones can be found by mining them in the subway. In the Platinum version, they can also be found in the ruins of Solseon.
    • Pokémon. - Stones can be found in dusty clouds in caves, as well as in various shopping mates, depending on the version of the game.
    • Pokémon x and y - Stones can be bought in Lumios in Stone mall, get in the process of super secret workout or win, defeat invest 18. Stone fire and water You can also find on the way 9, and a zipper stone on the ways 10 and 11.
  2. Apply a stone. When you get the desired stone, you need to give it IVI. After that, the evolution will immediately begin and after a few moments you will have your new Vaporon, Jolteon or Freasure. Evolution is not reversible and can be performed at any level.

    • After evolution, the stone will disappear.

    Part 2

    Espeon and Umbonon
    1. Depending on when you increase its level, evolve Ivi in \u200b\u200bEspeon or USD. In order to fulfill one of these evolutions, your IVI should have a high figure of friendship or happiness with a coach. The level of friendship must be 220 and higher.

      • Improve IVI in Ugreon or Espeon you can only in the second generation games and later. All because in the original games, as well as in the cochones of Firered and Leafgreen there was no time element.
    2. Love the level of friendship with IVI. The use of IVI in battles, as well as its presence in the group will help raise its level of friendship, which will allow it to evolve. To quickly raise friendship, you can also perform special actions.

      • Guarding for IVI will give you a big bonus for friendship.
      • With each increase in the level of IVI, it receives a bonus for friendship.
      • Every 512 steps give a small increase in friendship.
      • The use of objects of treatment will lower the level of friendship, and from each loss of Consciousness IVI will also lose a little friendship. Do not treat Ivi in \u200b\u200bthe battle, use the center for Pokemon instead.
    3. Check your friendship level. You can check the level of friendship, talking to the Woman in the city of Goldenrod. If she says: "He looks very happy! Probably, he loves you much! ", So Ivi is ready to evolve.

      In order to get the desired evolution, you must improve IVI for a certain time of the day. From that will be this day or night, you will get a different evolution. You can evolve the IVI either in battle or with a rare candy.

      • Improve Ivi during the day (from 4 am to 6 pm) to get Espeon.
      • Improve Ivi at night (from 6 pm to 4 am) to get the mind.

    Part 3.

    Leefer and Glaseon
    1. Improve Ivi in \u200b\u200bLeafeon or Glaseon, raising its level next to the right stone. In the fourth generation of Pokemon games (Diamond, Pearl and Platinum) and above, you can find a mossy stone (Leeferon) and an ice stone (Glaseon) exploring the world. Improve Ivi in \u200b\u200bthe same zone as one of these stones in order to start evolution.

      • The evolution of mossy stone and ice stone will push out other available evolution, like Unsbone and Espeon.
      • These stones are subjects on the game card and cannot be selected or purchased. You only have to be in the same zone as these stones, they don't even have to be on your screen. Depending on the version of the game, the stone can be found in different locations.
    2. Find a mossy stone. Mossy stone will improve Ivi in \u200b\u200bLeafeon. One mossy stone can be found in every game.

      • Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - mossy stone in the eterna forest. You can fulfill the evolution anywhere in this forest, with the exception of the old palace.
      • Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 - Mossy stone can be found in the Swimmed Forest. You can perform evolution anywhere in this forest.
      • X and Y. - The mossy stone is on the way 20. You can perform evolution anywhere on this path.
    3. Find the ice stone. Ice rock will improve your IVI in Glaseon. In each game you can find one such stone.

      • Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - The ice stone can be found next to the Snowointe's city on the way 27. You can improve IVI anywhere next to this stone.
      • Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 - Ice stone is located on the lower floor of the grinding mountain to the west of the city of oscirrus. In order to transformation, you must be in one room with an ice stone.
      • X and Y. - Ice stone is located in the cave of frost, north of the city of Dentereyl. In order to get to the stone and make an evolution you will need Surf skill.
    4. Improve IVI. To fulfill the evolution, it is necessary to raise the IVI level. Make it you can in the battle or use rare candy. Evolution will automatically happen if you are located next to the stone.

The very first system of evolution, when improving Pokemon was possible with the help of special fragments and stones was changed to the Candy Evolution. This system implies the use of candy creatures for the evolution. This means that to develop any type of Pokemon, you must collect a certain number candies. Use candy for EEVEE evolution only those that were obtained for the capture of this Pokemon. Consequently, to evolve the creature, it is necessary to catch it several times.

As already known, in virtual world pokemon. Go There are about 151 species of creatures. For players will be great luck rare Pokemon. Such creatures are not only found not often, but also have amazing abilities. But often found may have a unique gift.

Among the most popular Pokemon in game pokemon. Go You can allocate IVI (Eevee). It is very often found in the gameplay and does not stand out at first glance. Today we will tell about the evolution of this Pokemon.

Most REDDI users on a certain branch are combined and share information in order to find out the entire pattern of evolution. But on this moment No success brings this company. But the game independently solves the result of evolution in the presence of some conditions. That is why all the players are no longer anything else to do, how to hope for good luck and devote a large number of time every creature.

In the process of the appearance of updates, the game most likely there will be an explanation that concerns directly Eevee. But so far it is possible only to observe the process of experiment on Reddit. We will definitely keep readers aware of all events.

So, this pokemon can turn into eight different species. But in the game at the moment there are only three of them. Consequently, after improving IVI, it may turn out: Flareon, Vaporeon or Jolteon.

No player at the moment found regularities in evolution and faster it happens by chance. Not more than a thousand players from all over the world can be found in the collection of a rather rare Pokemon - Vaporeon.

How to get the most rare Eevolution Eevee - Vaporeon?

Video clip: "How to get a rare evolution?"

Those who see it for the first time can say that he is a pretty cute fluffy beast, which does not differ from the like. But in fact it is far away. The creature has a unique structure of DNA. Thanks to this, Pokemon can easily evolve into eight different creatures. This is its distinctive ability from the rest.

In order to improve this Pokemon, you need to collect special resources. These are candy. For the evolution of IVI, 25 pieces will need. To collect such a quantity, you need to find and capture about five IVI. We should not forget that for the evolution of a certain pokemon, only those candies that were obtained for the capture of this species are used.

IVI (Eevee) - Pokemon of the usual type.

IVI has an unstable genetic code that suddenly mutated due to ambient. Various natural emissions cause Evolution in other Pokemon - Flareon, Jolteon, Vagraon, Espeon and amreon.

This Pokemon can be grown in an egg incubator, passing 5km.

Room in PokeDex: #133

Height: 0.3m.

Weight: 6.5kg

Egg: 5km

Where can I catch IVI

Most often, IVI can be found close to residential buildings. But habitats are very extensions. It is also a great probability to catch this Pokemon in the parking lots, in schools, universities.

IVI is very common pokemon, you will definitely meet it one of the first. Appears 4 times less than the Piji.

Evolution IVI

25 candies

The secret of the evolution of IVI

If before carrying out evolution, give IVI other name, you can get the descendant you want. Renameing Ivi in \u200b\u200bSparky You will get Jolteon, in Rainer - Vagraon, Pyro evolves in Freareton, Tamao in ampson, and Sakura in Espeon. Otherwise, you will get one of them in random order.

CP Indicators for Effective Evolution of IVI

To pokemon IVI evolved in strong jolteon / flareon / vagraon, its CP should be not less than 525..
But better fighters are obtained after the evolution of IVI with 808 CP and more.

Battle characteristics IVI

AttackProtectionEnergyMax. CP.
104 121 110 969

List of attack IVI

Fast attacks that IVI can use
AttackForceA typeRollback (CD)EnergyDPS.
Quick Attack 8 Normal 0.8 10 10.0
Table 5 Normal 0.5 5 10.0
Suprudara IVI

Welcome to the Guide on the Evolution of IVI (EEVE) in Pokemon GOU. We will tell in detail about all 3 Eevites. Jolteon, Flareon and the most popular and strongest Vaporeon. First, we will reveal a small secret, how players choose the evolution of IVI and as a vaporone. Then we will explain why Vaporeon is the best of evolution and one of the strongest pokemon in the game.

Eevee does not look like other Pokemon. A delightful little similar fox creature is the only one of 151 Pokemon, which is capable of developing in different directions: Other Pokemon is evolving only one way, but Eevee can randomly become one of three different Pokemon: electric Jolteon, Flareon Flareon or Water-type pokemon - Vaporeon. It happens by chance if you do not use a specific method. There is a way to choose the evolution of IVI itself, and this one of the most interesting "easter eggs" found in the game.

You can influence evolution by calling a non-revolving Ivi one of the three names: Sparky, if you need Jolteon, Pyro for Flareon and Rainer for Vaporeon. Vaporeon, perhaps the strongest of these three now. I tried all three name and I can confirm that they work. Later you can change the name at any time if you need it.

Such a trick with Eevee, like a trick with Pikachu at the beginning of the game, originates from Anime. Once, ASH is found with three brothers, everyone has its own Evolution of IVI, and these names correspond to their pokemon.

Thus, if you notice that the Vapraons dominate your local gims, you can safely use this trick to get your own vaporon. EEVEE evolution is one of the strongest pokemon in the game, and their relative prevalence made them most popular among high-level players.

What evolution of IVI (Eevee) is the strongest?

Eevee is Pokemon, which you always need to catch, as it can turn into a fire of Flareon, in the Pokonona of the water type - Vaporeon and even in the electric pokemon - Jolteon. Vaporeon (Water Type) is the strongest on this list, Flareon - the second strength and Jolteon is the weakest of three.