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Nutrition in a hiking school of the tourist training of the entry level. Report: Nutrition in the campaign day rate Nutrition in a tourist campaign Presentation


Food in hike. Day norm

Goals and objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the stages of preparation for the tourist campaign, taking into account the solution of food tasks.
  2. Teach dinner cooking at hiking conditions.
  3. Educating the careful attitude towards nature, rational use of products, self-preservation of their own life and health in the campaign.

Travel course.

Organizational moment and TB.

Input part

Work on theme

1. To preserve health, "rest from the city", to obtain "muscular joy" man goes to nature. Heavy backpack is not the best satellite in the campaign. Easy it is not a simple matter. But it is necessary and you can learn. What types of hiking do you know? (Weekend Hike, multi-day categorical travel).

One or two day trips are a holiday, this is a holiday. Therefore, everything should be festive here: both mood and meals. The diet is trying to make their festive. A shortened running day also affects the organization of food.

It is necessary to develop the menu not only for multi-day trips, but also for output hikes. To do this, choose the headshite, which will develop the menu and distribute the preparation of dishes among the participants in the campaign.

2. The composition of the daily diet of the tourist.

Matching power mode is a three-time hot and one dry bundles on a large privala. Although it can be different, but about it a little later. By constituting the daily diet, it must be remembered that the more diverse the products and the dishes themselves, the greater the tourist's body receives the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. How do we call such food? Rational, balanced.

So that the food is rational, the following products should be taken with them:

Proteins are obtained with meat food. It can be canned meat, sublimated meat (this is a drying method), broth meat cubes, smoked meat, smoked sausage, which does not deteriorate for a long time. Food rich in proteins is given in the first half of the day, as it contributes to the production of energy, and if you use it for dinner, it will prevent sleep offensive.

Fats are obtained with butter, vegetable oil, lard, crackers. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use halva. Use a mixture of nuts with raisins, dried apricots.

From 15 to 25% of the caloric content of the diet should be cereals.

The campaign uses food concentrates, soups, ready-made porridge, fast food: Potato mashed potatoes.

Most of the products are taken on dried.

Approximate menu in a one-day campaign

Total power calorie per day 2700-3 000 kcal.

Breakfast (1000-1100 kcal)

Buckwheat porridge with butter and sugar. Compote. Crackers and galley.

Food at the privals and in motion (700 kcal), g

Cheese 25. Sausage, Koreka 25. Canned fish 25. Sukhari 40.

Sugar, candy 50. Glucose 10. Sweet drinks.

Dinner (1000-1100 kcal)

Vermichel with meat. Kissel. Crackers and cookies.

How to breed a fire?

The dishes are hiking can prepare on a fire, preims, in an earthen oven

The fire should be located no closer than 8-10 meters from the tent. When breeding a fire in the coniferous forest, a large bonfire should not be breeded, as the sparks can lead to the most dangerous rigor fire. And do not breed a fire close to trees and shrubs, on sites with dry grass, on cutting. From the fireplace, it is necessary to remove the turf, to remove dry foliage, chew. It is better to use the old fireplace.

Leaving the prival seat, the fire is poured with water, the fire is closed by a turf. Such a careful attitude towards nature will allow for many years to use the same beautiful places.

First use a bonfire of the "Shalashik" type to quickly obtain the required flame value. As soon as such a bonfire turns well, large-sided firewood is added - this is the type of "well".

Security rules for cooking food at the fire.

  1. Buckets and bowlers hanging over fire, move or shoot, only pre-put a mitten.
  2. It is impossible to work by the fire without clothes that protects the body from burns.
  3. You can not put utensils with hot meal to the ground next to people. Nothing suspects of tourists may accidentally hurt a bucket and ribbon foot. Buckets with cooked food should either hang closer to the rack (not over fire), or stand on Earth near the rack itself, "in sight" or placed on a specially installed crossbar in a prominent place.
  4. It is necessary to constantly monitor the bone.

What dishes is used in the campaign?

(Kites, buckets with lid, 2-3 plywood: for cutting products, as a stand, kitchen knives, bowls, spoons, habervel)

And if we forgot the staff? (Canned jar attach to a wooden handle)

Do not forget about ecology. Going to the campaign, do not forget that we can adversely affect nature: to pull the soil, destroy vegetation, animals, insects. Polyethylene containers, glass bottles, disposable utensils clog the edges of forests, glades, river and reservoirs, so all waste, not subject to decomposition by naturally (rusting, rotting), should be collected in the trash can and are attributed to the first settlement at the route . Without an extinguished fire often becomes a cause of fire. Remember that we are visiting NatureAnd nature loves order and needs it very much.

Task at home. Raw herbal tea and make sandwiches with various products for the campaign (oil, cheese, fish, sausage).

Practical part

Campfire. Cooking boiling water for tea. Brewing herbal teas.

Tasting of cooked tea with sandwiches.

Then relay with checkers, contests for agility and vestibular apparatus.

You can read: ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Alekseev A. A. Power in a tourist campaign. http: // Daikicat. Narod. RU / Library / Pit / Index. HTML; Shikov A. Food in a tourist campaign. http: // www. Skitalets. RU / FOOD / ARTICLES / FOOD_SHIKOV /; Lecture at the NTP School + STP under Turkluba MSU Yarykina A.N. Power in mountain campaigns. http: // www. Skitalets. RU / FOOD / ARTICLES / MGU / GORY 1. HTM; Lecture School of Mountain Turklub MSU. Nutrition in mountain campaigns. http: // www. Skitalets. RU / FOOD / ARTICLES / MGU / GORY. HTM; Lebedev A., TK MAI. Nutrition in mountain campaigns. http: // www. Mountain. EN / USEFUL / EQUIPMENT / 2001 / Lebedev_Pitanie /; Articles on sports nutrition site http: // Fatalenergy. COM. RU; Other materials.

Requirements that must be satisfied with the power hike: 1. Compensate energy consumption (caloric content). 2. Be balanced. 3. The weight of the consumed products should be minimal possible to provide the necessary requirements for calorie content, nutrition balance (not stew!). 4. The speed and simplicity of cooking. 5. Hiking dishes must be delicious, diverse and take into account the gastronomic preferences of the team participants. 6. Hiking products should not be cleaned (not boiled sausage!) And be "correct" packaged for transportation.

Energy costs ¥ in full peace on maintaining life (primary exchange) An adult consumes approximately 1 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight. This is about 1500 for women, for men - 1800 -1900 kcal per day. ¥ Sitting - 1. 5, standing - 1. 6 kcal per hour per 1 kg. When walking on a flat road - 3, with a backpack 10 -15 kg - 6. ¥ Tourist with a backpack of 20 kg, climbing in a slide of steepness 20 ° spends about 8 kcal per hour per kg of body weight, or 500 -600 kcal per hour. Energy consumption during movement depends not only on the mass, but also on physical training: what it is better, the less energy is required. Thus, in the city and simple hiking and aqueous campaigns, we spend 2500 -3500 kcal per day. ¥ In mountain and ski trips III to. S. Energy consignments are on average 3 -4 thousand kcal per day, and on certain days - up to 6 thousand kcal. In complex campaigns, they increase to 5 -6 thousand kkal per day on average, and in assault days - up to 7 -8 thousand kcal.

¥ If the nutrition is hiked, it fills more than 2/3 of the energy consumption of participants, this is considered a permissible energy deficit that does not affect seriously on the performance and health of tourists. ¥ Hiking a small category of complexity The overall calorie content of the diet should be 2,200-2500 kcal. , with the weight of the layout will be about 550 -750.

For balanced nutrition, it is necessary "the right" relationship of BJO - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. ¥ Proteins - main building material. The most valuable protein of animal origin, since it contains an indispensable amino acids. ¥ Fats - the main source of energy alone and with low-probsis work. ¥ Carbohydrates - main source of energy. It is absorbed faster than fats, while the amount of oxygen is spent and the substances harmful to the body are practically not formed. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume them with intensive work.

For "ordinary life", as well as for uncomplicated short trips, normally, the relationship of BZH - 1: 1, 2: 4, 6, as a rule, it is simplified -1: 1: 4. Tourist practice recognizes the optimal ratio ¥ 1: 0, 7: 4 For the Caucasus ¥ 1: 0, 7: 5 for hiking in the mountains of Central Asia at the heights of more than 4000 meters. Observe the optimal ratio, it is necessary not in every day diet, but on average, in a few days. In the mountains, where there is not enough oxygen in the air, the body cannot assimilate a large amount of fats, since their oxidation is consumed more oxygen than when the proteins and carbohydrate oxidation.

The speed and simplicity of the preparation of products is one of the features of cooking in a mountain campaign. In order to save time on the preparation and weight of the fuel, it is recommended to use fast food products and, if possible, package them for the convenience of cooking. The cooking time of cereals or a different product after the boiling can not exceed 25 minutes.

Approximate list of day diet. Breakfast. Porridge (Crupes, Flakes + Milk + Sugar) 40 (50) g \u200b\u200b+ 15 g Cheese 40 g Sukar 5 -10 g Sweet 35 g Tea 2 -5 g Sugar 5 -10 g

Approximate list of day diet. Dinner. 0/2 -5 g 30 -50 g Sukar 5 -10 g sweetness 20 -40 g sugar hot lunch with / without tea sausage / cheese snack 5 -10 g Soup 40 -45 g spices 15 -20 g sausage / cheese 30 - 50 g Sukar 5 -10 g Sweet 20 -40 g tea 2 -5 g sugar 5 -10 g

Approximate list of day diet. Dinner. Porridge + Meat (50 -80 g) + (20 -30 g) Pasta + Cheese / Meat (50 -90 g) + (30 -40 g) / (20 -30 g) Lentil + Meat (50 -80 g) + (20 -30 g) Potato mashed potatoes + meat (50 -80 g) + (20 -30 g) Spices / Vegetables to the OSN. Dish 20 -30 g Sukhar 5 -10 g Sweet 20 -40 g tea 2 -5 g sugar 5 -10 g

¥ Pocket food (Carpite, KP) - Snickers, Mars, Picnic and Other chocolate bars, dried fruits, caramels, nuts, chocolate candies, Cuccats, Chewing marmalade and so on (55 -110 gr.). ¥ More than a variety of menu - the better, the options for cooking should be at least 3, it is better than 4 or more, they must be alternate among themselves. ¥ Spices and dried vegetables in the campaign should be a lot. The more diverse they will be - the better. Thin aromatic seasonings such as Khmeli-Sunnels are perceived in the mountains. Good apply: Different varieties of pepper (red sweet, sharp, black), dried paprika, garlic, onions, carrots, tomato, dill, parsley, etc. Drinks It is advisable to take different: teas of different varieties and flowers (black, red, Green), Breakfast Sometimes you can diversify cocoa, coffee is not desirable, you can cook compote from dried fruits, dried berries.

Packaging should: ¥ keep the taste quality of products and their original shape throughout the hike, ¥ be durable, ¥ be easy, ¥ conveniently placed in a backpack.

Basic recommendations on the drinking regime in the campaign of 1 -2 complexity category: ¥ The total amount of fluid consumed should be proportionally increased depending on the intensity and load volume, air temperature, the volume of the fluid consumed can be 2, and 3, and 5 liters per person in a day. It is important not to rearrange! ¥ Consider that the water is absorbed into the blood in 10-15 minutes after drinking, then the thirst disappears. ¥ The most efficient way to compensate for fluid loss is fractional water consumption with small portions of 50150 ml during short privals. ¥ Drink water with vitamin and mineral additives. ¥ During dinner, refund fluid loss by the body in a volume of up to 350 -400 ml of beverage.

The role of the group participants in the organization of food. Leader: ¥ Appoints the head of ¥ sets the weight of the layout ¥ gives the "Plan" renovation of the route for the layout of ¥ controls the timeliness and correctness of the layout, procurement of products, distribution of products by backpacks. Medic: Consistent with Zavogoz and Head, use in the campaign of vitamins, mineral additives, etc., organizes their purchase. Member: With pre-first training: ¥ expresses an opinion on a set of products in the diet ¥ necessarily informs the reserves about the presence of food allergies ¥ participates in the purchase, packaging and packaging of products in the campaign: ¥ carries its part of the product ¥ on duty.

The role of the group participants in the organization of food. Zahosis: At the stage of pre-delivery preparation, it is planning a nutrition in the campaign, in other words, the layout of ¥ will coordinate the layout with the head (weight, day, power regimes) and participants (a set of products) ¥ will agree with the physician vitamin and mineral supplements ¥ instructs participants to purchase products or The joint purchase of products is organized ¥ organizes a joint packaging and packaging of purchased products (if necessary) ¥ constitutes a product plan for backpacks directly in the campaign ¥ gives orders to the menu on duty and informs some of the participants are the necessary products; ¥ controls the uniform output of products on the route; ¥ saves or vice versa, depending on the situation;)

Laying is the number and range of products for every day. The composition of the layout depends primarily on what eats or does not eat people in the group.

Types of layouts The main indicator of the layout is the average weight of food consumed by one participant in one day. According to this indicator A. Lebedev divides layouts by ¥ Extremely light - less than 580 g / day per person; ¥ light - from 580 to 660 g; ¥ Lightweight - from 660 to 740 g; ¥ Normal - from 740 to 820 g; ¥ Heavy - more than 820. If we talk about the hits of a low category of difficulties with small energy consumption in the summer, then it seems logical: ¥ less than 450 g - extremely light ¥ 450 -550 g - light ¥ 550 -700 g - norm ¥ more than 700 g - severe (in this classification takes into account the total weight of the layout, including pocket food)

By the nature of the power, you can highlight the layouts: ¥ meat. ¥ Vegetarian. ¥ Mixed. The layouts can be: ¥ on paper ¥ using the Excel or analogs program ¥ in specialized programs, for example, Outdoor Food Ration Calculator, will be filled 3. 1., Zanezosis, etc.

¥ Separately allocate the concept of "floating" layouts. Under the "floating" layout refers to the layout in which the number, product range, the total caloric content of the diet varies depending on the various circumstances.

The procedure for compiling layouts. 1. We learn from the manager an approximate schedule of physical exertion on the route by day (route thread). In the mountain hike, the load is mainly determined by the high-altitude graph and the character of obstacles (complexity of passages). 2. We learn from the head the weight of the future layout. 3. We find out whether there will be a raver or not. 4. Coordinate with the physician use of vitamo and mineral additives on the route. 5. Interview member groups about food preferences, the presence of allergies, food intolerance to certain products. 6. We decide the question: will the hot lunches be arranged or not. 7. On the load schedule, we conceal the diet for every day - make up the menu, pretend to be it calorie. For convenience, the menu can be repeated with cycles after 3-4 days. At the same time, depending on the required caloric content and the estimated complexity of the day, the main dishes are complemented by those or other products. However, the menu should depend primarily on the route conditions, and not from the order in the cycle, on the route in real conditions it can change everything. 8. We make up the menu for spare days. 9. We draw out the received layout and we take on the discussion of the Group.

What needs to be taken into account when compiling floating layouts? ¥ The primary acclimatization period (1-3 days, it can individually reach up to 5) ¥ the "main work" period on the route when the group overcomes the determining obstacles. - Transfer days. - Rest days. ¥ Ending a campaign - time when most groups can open a gastric pit (14 -16 day, individually 10). ¥ Possible issues - spare days. ¥ Force major circumstances - usually occur unexpectedly, but they need to be ready for them.

Caloric distribution ¥ Breakfast - 30% calorie. It should ensure performance before lunch. Breakfast should be not only calorie, but also a good digestible, small in size and, very important, pleasant to taste. ¥ Pocket food is used for rapid reinforcement, and also helps to deceive the feeling of hunger. Carbohydrate products are isolated in it - cookies, candy, dried fruits. Sour candies and dried fruits help also from drying out the mouth. It takes 10-15% of daily calorie. ¥ snack - 30 -35%. Here you need a combination of accessible products for rapid restoration of the spent forces (sugar, waffles, sherbet, juices) and difficult fatty products (sausage, fat, halva), which will slowly oxide until dinner. ¥ Dinner - 25% calorie. It must compensate for daytime energy. Here are good protein and carbohydrate products: meat and dairy cereals, pasta, soups. T. to. In the evening, there is usually time, you can easily drink tea.

Distribution and accounting of products. ¥ During the distribution of products by backpacks of participants, we consider the following: Ø The need for proportional food spending from backpacks, Ø Physical forces of participants Ø Availability / absence

Rabosis is part of the products that the team does not bear with them from the beginning of the campaign, but leaves in advance in any point of the route. ¥ Place the products for throwing better in large bags. Inside the bag it would not be superfluous to put a detailed sign. Around spread the cheapest tobacco, you can sprinkle with gasoline, (only not for the slack itself;)), vinegar. Watch so that the rain does not frighten. In the slack, you can put not only products, but also personal items. It is necessary to hide securely.

Nutrition Requirements: Nutrition should be a variety of meals must match the type of day (day of arrival, the usual chassis, chassis with the load (cargo carrying), a transfer day, a day of rest (day), half the day. Nutrition should be easily and fast food must be maximum Easy to specific weight (usually it is achieved by dermole or sublimation)

Product Groups (Conditional) Cereals and Pasta, Canned Flour (Meat, Fish and Vegetable) Fats Baking (Cookies, Sugari) Seasonings (Spices, Salt) Vegetables and Other Sub-products and Dried Fruits Sweets (Candy and Sugar) Meat Products (Sausages, Salo, Fish) dairy products and similar (cheese, milk powder, egg powder, foiled oil) Drinks (compotect mixture, Kisel, cocoa, coffee, tea)

Tactics: how to cook dishes (bowls, pots, midnight) heat sources - primus, gas burners, bonfire auxiliary accessories - screens from wind, gravity, midnight, destruction from wind, openers for canning cans. In addition, additional plastic bowls are very convenient - for breeding or dissolving something, as well as washing croup.

The bonfire for cooking dinner for cooking dinner is decomposed so that it does not bloom, and the flame smoothly overtake the bowler. Buckets, boilers hanging over fire, you need to move or shoot in a mitten or cloth so as not to burn ways to accommodate the kittel over fire

Cooking Salt Put in the food to taste. Approximately on the circle of cereals you need a teaspoon of salt, for dairy and sweet porridge half a spoon. In the concentrates of soups, porridge and stew already have salt. Porridge to thickening is cooked (when stirring) on \u200b\u200bstrong fire, and then on weak

Lecture 6.

The value of the correct nutrition in the campaign

Power \u003d.
Power \u003d.
+ Building material
Elevated risk
emergence of emergency
Continued hike

Responsibilities of the head of the head

1. Credit knowledge of the basics of proper nutrition
Applied to the campaign.
2. Suites the campaign layout, starting with the menu
for every day and ending with the list of products to
Purchase. Manages the procurement of products.
Distributes products for carrying
3. Whatsoever, what exactly is to prepare every time.
Must have information at any time about
state and location of food
stock In the event of a shortage of products produces
Adjusting layout.

Main characteristics of daily nutrition: calorie, nutritional value and digestibility

Energy consignments in the campaign - 3-5 thousand kcal / day and above
Critical rate for a campaign of 2.3-2.5 thousand kcal / day
Critical norm for wishing to lose weight 1.2 thousand kcal / day
Caloriciness of some products:
Cereals - 300 ... 350 kcal / 100 gr
Sugar - 405 kcal / 100 gr
Caramel - 230 kcal / 100 gr
Beef stew - 220 kcal / 100 gr
Salted salo - 770 kcal / 100 gr
Gray oil - 874 kcal / 100 gr
Chocolate - 500-600 kcal / 100 gr


Proteins - main building material
For the body, proteins are especially valuable
animal origin (organism
man does not synthesize)
Fats - the main source of energy alone
(1 gr fats - 9.3 kcal)
Carbohydrates - the second source of energy,
digested by the body much faster and
with less costs than fats; much
Less calories (1 gr - 4.1 kcal)

The ratio of BJW in the daily diet

1: 1: 4 - Hiking and water hiking in the summer
1: 2: 4 - Winter and sophisticated summer hiking
1: 0.7: 4-5 - hot climate and highlands


Layout is a quantity and range of products.
on every day
"Floating layout" - accounting of periods of the campaign:
Acclimatization (less norm, 2000-2500 kcal)
Most route (rate, 2500-3500 kcal)
Exit from the hike area (increase
calories, increase in volume and quality,
"FOOD", bookmark, 3000-4000 kcal)
The aftermooting period ("Pan of Stomach" on the way)


Drawing up a route thread and motion schedule,
Determination of the amount of the day, running days and their
Calculation of the number of s, o, y and n and their types
Hike (including days of entrance and departure).
Drawing up a list of products for 1 person and (or)
on a group for each zoo
Calculation of the number of products for the whole hike,
Drawing up procurement Vedomosti
Determination of the procurement order and packing products,
Adjustment of the procurement statement in accordance with
This order.

Weight requirements for products

Alloys, basic camps - up to 2 kg per day
on man
Non-hiker hiking, category
Water hiking - up to 1 kg
Hiking 2-4 k.s. - 600-800 gr
Hiking 5-6 k.s. - from 300-350 to 700 gr

Products for hike

Not complicated
Fresh vegetables
(meat, fish,
Patty, cheese
Complex hikes:
Cereals and flakes
Dried vegetables
Soups from packages
(homemade) meat
Chocolate, Halva
Cookies, candy
I. Fine oil
Vegetable, mayonnaise
Powdered milk
Salo, smoked sausage
Same as in
Complex campaigns
For the new year -

Products are not for the campaign

Dairy products: Fresh milk, kefir,
yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
Boiled sausage, chicken, meat, fish, etc.
Fresh and boiled eggs
Any products in glass jars
Cakes and pastries (if only the campaign is not
1 day)
Other perishable products


Three-time hot food (zoe)
Double hot nutrition with 1-2 snacks (PSU, ZPU)
The distribution of calorieness of the daily diet:
Breakfast - 35%
Lunch - 30-40%
Dinner - 25-35%
Approximate routine hike:
Lifting, breakfast
3-5 transitions for 40-50 minutes
Lunch (snack)
4-7 transitions for 40-50 minutes
Stop overnight stay and dinner

Weight for 1 person., Gr
If the manka - 50 gr
Powdered milk
Oil foiled
In winter, you can normal
Not necessary
4 things. 1/4
Tea coffee
Sweets ("shock", 25 ... 35
"Step", medelok) (or 2 candy)

Norms Bookmarking Basic Products

1 person, gr

Lunch hot
Batch soup
1 package for 3
Pasta (or other
Outpid) in soup
Onions, garlic, mayonnaise
4 things. 1/4
Meat (stew)
stews -

Norms Bookmarking Basic Products

Weight for 1 person., Gr
Lunch: There are options - hot or cold (snack)
Dinner cold
Additionally on day
4 things. 1/4
Meat (with / to Meat, Sausage, Salo)
two kinds
Onions, garlic (fresh), mustard,
Adzhik, horseradish (in tubes)
1 pack. for 5 ... 6 people and 1.5 liters
Sweets (Halva, Cookies)
two kinds
(3-7 pcs. on

Norms Bookmarking Basic Products

1 person, gr
Groats, pasta (or soup - 70 ... 80
Type of hot lunch)
Onions, garlic, mayonnaise
Meat (stew)
Sweets (at discretion
Potato mashed potatoes 50.
4 things.
Stews - more!
Norm on day

Power Diversity Requirements

Different types of croup (millet, rice, Grech, Hercules,
corn, wheat, bone, peas, lentils -
"CCP"); "Fast" and "slow" cereals
Different types of soups (borsch, soup, brideller, with rice, with
vermicellus, soup goulash, with mushrooms, etc.; "Blast")
Selection of refueling and missing for each type of soup
Different types of drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, compote, etc.)
Different types of sweets (cookies, waffles, chocolate,
Halva, Twitter, etc.)
Different types of sausages, bass, chocolate, superstars, candies
A variety of spices and additional products
(Mustard, Adzhik, dry sauces, etc.)
Human gifts


Choose types of days for a hike
Specify types for all days of the route
Calculate CCP, soup, meat, oil ...
Add to the consolidated table
Once again ("Calculation")
Clarify package purchases

Various ways to packing and transporting products

Various ways to packing and
Breakfasts (cereals, milk, raisins, caramel,
shocks) - by day; several participants
Soups + shaping to soups (attach!)
CCP, horns (+ milk to puree - attach!)
Meat (several participants; in
"Disposable" containers)
SUKHARI (several participants; in boxes of juice)
Salo, sausage
Sugar (several participants; in bottles);
Mayonnaise (in bottles)
Oil (sealed containers)
Cookies, halva (several participants;
His scotch!)
Transfer chocolates (in a big campaign)
Flour (in a bottle), vegetable oil
Spices, Lemon Acid, Zuko, Coffee
Types of packing products:
By product types
By days
+ mixed
On "trapes"
Product packaging types:
Plastic bottles and other capacity
Polyethylene packs + scotch
Cardboard boxes, plated bags

Distribution by participants and consumption of product consumption

Weight distribution:
All robust
Taking into account the coefficient
Unacceptable: one participant - all products
One species (except smallest things)!
Accounting cards (including "in the head")
Accounting by participants (independently)
Full arbitrary (with daily smoke)

Use of sublimated products and products of their own manufacture

Homemade meat (or
"Meat in Bereznikovsky")
Dried vegetables (potatoes, carrots,
Onions, cabbage, etc.), mince, cottage cheese.
Dried mushrooms (or chinese in
packs, pressed)
Refilling for soup (for cold
time of year)
On the
kilo minced (50% pork, 50% beef,
stuffing from the store, that is, to twist
It is necessary) 250-300 grams of foam
fat (from the store or escaped from
sliced \u200b\u200binterior sala), tablespoon
all this in a saucepan and let an hour and a half
Will be on slow fire. Occasionally
stir. How cool down
to room
by 10-12 poles
in disposable
and in length
Dried in the wafelnice under the press
Deliver in the oven

Products "NZ" and "Pocket Power"

Product "NZ" and
"Pocket food"
Products "NZ" Groups on 1
day, incl. Required - products
do not require cooking (chocolate, fat,
crackers, sausage, etc.)
Personal "NZ"
Pocket food: caramel,
Bar / Candy, Nuts, Dried Fruits
(Raisin, Kuraga, Prunes) and others. +
Personal "Snap"

Cooking on a fire

Water volume
Winter - drown water, push
In hot or cold water?
Ready and very crushed
Products - Last but
"Home Check"
"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!"

Kitchen duty

Duty for 1-3 people. During the day
With dinner before the end of the snack
Duty duty:
dilute fire (primus),
get products
cook food
pour around the plates
Wash boilers
return equipment and remnants of products to those who are them
Remove the preparing place (group)
At the snacks - share the products and distribute to participants

Human gifts

Salads (Highlander, Cuff, Onion +
Vegetable oil + LC)
Berries (compote; + sugar!)
Salted mushrooms (+ salt!)
Marinated Mushrooms (in LC)
Fish (with a fisherman)
Olenina (if there is a chum)


The need of the body in water:
Conventional conditions - 2-2.5 liters of water
Hike - 3-5 l
Water loss by organism:
1% - thirst
5% - fainting
10% - death
1 l sweat \u003d 5 grams of salt
Balance restoration: "REGIDROON", compotes,
Herbal teas, dry juices, citric acid,

The simplest ways of cleaning and disinfection of water

Filtering (through fabric, soil)
Boiling (at least 5-10 minutes)
Potassium permanganate
Rr iodine
Rowan leaves

Food in the Path

Dochyaraki, mashed potatoes
In dining room
and cafe (car,
Sausage, ham
in civilization,
Vegetables (salads) Treasurer (supervisor)
Salads in banks
Tea ("hamsters") sugar
Sweets to tea
On the route ~ 70-100 rubles / h * d
Beer, water
Fish, seeds, snacks in PVD ~ 150 rub / h * d
On the way ~ 250-400 rubles / h * d
That everyone is
In the train (there are boiling water) -
"Product Bag"
In the train and the registered car (no
boiling water)