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Which country has the rarest Pokémon. The rarest Pokemon: where to find them and how to catch them

There are Pokemon in Pokemon GO that are of particular interest to fans because of their strength or rarity. To find them, players are ready to hatch infinitely many ten-kilometer-long eggs, explore every corner of their city and go straight through the bushes, seeing the desired silhouette on the radar.

The rarity of Pokémon in Pokémon GO is different for different regions or cities, but there are general trends in prevalence. It is difficult to list the most, because there will always be lucky ones, near which there will be a spawn point of these exclusive fighters.

10 - Dragonite

Opens our TOP-19, the next stage and one of the strongest Pokémon in the game. Unlike many top Pokemon, he has a very kind and sensitive heart, often helps people, especially seafarers. In Pokemon GO, it is desirable not only because of its rarity, but also because of its colossal development potential.

9 - Omastar

The second form, a strong and rare water Pokémon with a very durable protective shell. In the anime, he is almost extinct due to a heavy shell, and therefore it is not strange that in the game he is considered very rare.

8 - Tauros

He looks like a bull not only in appearance, but also in the manner of attack. He swiftly rushes into a frontal attack and is extremely dangerous in battle.

7 - Clefable

predominantly female, which is the next stage of development. In battle, it is almost useless, but has perfect hearing and is able to hear the sound of a falling leaf for a kilometer. Even in the anime, this Pokemon tried to avoid meeting people, and in the game it is completely difficult to find it. Confirming the fact that the rarity of Pokemon in Pokemon GO also depends on the region, it can be noted that almost everyone in the CIS has already acquired this cutie. True, some have done it thanks to evolution.

6 - Blastoise

A ferocious and powerful Pokemon has grown from a little cute. In combat, he uses devices similar to fire hydrants on his armor. His powerful water attacks are capable of shattering any, even the biggest enemy.

5 - Charizard

Another starter Pokemon -. One of the most coveted Pokémon in the game, sometimes confused with. Uses fire attacks in battle.

4 - Venusaur

The last stage of evolution is the third of the starting Pokémon. A huge flower on his back is needed not for beauty, but for transformation solar energy and then using it in battle.

3 - Mewtwo

Genetically bred Pokémon is considered the most cruel of all, and is also listed in the TOP of the strongest. It opens the TOP 3 of the rarest Pokemon, which are also called legendary in the English-speaking gaming community. It is extremely rare in the game. It is noteworthy that the Pokemon associated with him is also unique and has such big amount abilities, which is recognized by some descendants of all Pokémon.

2 - Zapdos, Artikuno and Moltres

Today we conducted a small analysis of the entire community of Pokemon GO players around the world and prepared for you TOP 10 Rarest Pokémon in Pokemon game GO... Since in different countries Pokemon can meet in different ways, there will be no places and order in our top, but we are obliged to list all these rare animals. So let's get started ...

Pikachu (Pikachu)

A type: Electric
View: Mouse
Ability: Electric charge

Pikachu is one of the most popular and famous of all Pokémon. Pikachu is the kindest and most balanced Pokemon he finds perfectly mutual language with other "Pocket Monsters" also very quickly gets used to them. He has a unique ability that is not inherent in other Pokemon, gives out the strongest electrical charge of varying degrees of charge.


A type: Water / ice
View: Transport Pokémon
Ability: Water absorption

Laplace has a rather unusual appearance, he has a small horn on his forehead and curled ears that resemble shells. His carapace of blue color, he does not have paws, instead of them he has fins (the front ones are longer than the hind ones). Laplace is great at walking on water, and he can also carry people on him.

Scyther (Skyter)

A type: Insect
View: Praying Mantis
Ability: Technician

Skyter is quite similar in physique to a human. His head has interesting difference from a human, there are three protrusions on it. It also has a very long body and four wings very similar to those of a dragonfly. A skyter can inflict severe wounds on his opponent thanks to his sharp blades on his hands. In addition, he is characterized by high speed, he can attack his opponent from any side.

Alakazam (Alkazam)

A type: Parapsychic
View: Psi Pokemon
Ability: Magic guard

Alkazam's body structure is also very much like a human, but in face he looks more like a fox, has large pointed ears and a very narrow nose. No one can defeat Alkazam in intellectual abilities... The IQ of this Pokemon is equal to approximately 5000 thousand. Even any super - computer cannot be compared with his intellect.

Gyarados (Gyarados)

A type: Water / flying
View: Ferocious Pokemon
Ability: Bully
Gyarados has a blue coloration of its body and only the abdomen and spots on the sides. Brown... There is a very rare type of Gyarados - which turns red. The attack of this Pokemon scares everyone with its fearsomeness.


A type: Fiery
View: Legendary Pokemon
Ability: Bully

Arcanine has an unusual tiger coloration. Considered a large dog Pokemon, it also has a very thick coat on its face and head, which certainly makes it fearsome. It is famous for its loyalty and devotion. And only because of this, he became an integral part of the police.


A type: Ghostly / Poisonous
View: Pokemon Shadow
Ability: Rises in the air

Gengar are malicious Pokémon, but at the same time they can be mischievous and playful. These Pokémon are fans of practical jokes, and they also have the ability to impose curses on other Pokémon. They have legs, arms, pointed ears, and some fur on their foreheads.


A type: Flying
View: Dragon Pokemon
Ability: Inner focus

Dragonite's habitat is considered to be the sea. This Pokemon helps sailors of sunken ships to get to the coast. He is considered one of the most powerful Pokémon. Almost always in battles with other Pokémon, he wins, some people mention Dragonite in legends.


View: Turtle
Ability: Stream
A type: Water

Blastoise has a blue carapace, his body large sizes, and this animal walks on two legs. Its shell is strong and can withstand any blows, it also has two water cannons made of steel, Blastoise belongs to the first generation of Pokémon.

Charizard - The rarest Pokemon in the game

A type: Fiery Flying
View: Fiery
Ability: Flame

Charizard is the only Pokémon that belongs to the dragon type, which gives it its uniqueness. He can easily learn all kinds of attacks, for example: dragon claw, dragon breath, dragon fury and dragon pulse. He is the rarest Pokémon from the entire game world, most often found in the mountains, or near volcanoes.

It was Top 10 rarest Pokémon in Pokémon Go, but do not forget that now only 151 characters from the animated series have been added to the game, and there should be more than 700 of them, so this list may change with each update.

Certainly catching Pokemon in Pokemon go very cool, but much cooler if you find rare representatives. On the this moment there are no one hundred percent tactics that tell you exactly where and how to find them. However, in this guide you can find tips that you might find useful while hunting rare, epic, and legendary Pokémon.

As known, different types Pokémon are tied to their element - for example, aquatic ones are most often found near water. There is a suspicion that this formula also applies to rare species, so try to look for them in unusual places, always trying new, yet unexplored locations / buildings.

Also, many players say that there are often golden leaves in places where rare Pokémon can be found. Thus, you need to more thoroughly explore the area in search of golden leaves.

Another way to get rare Pokémon is by subscribing to the Pokémon Trainer Club for the newsletter, where free codes are sometimes sent.

It is worth adding that the chances of catching rare view increase with your level - the longer you are in the game, the more likely you are to catch a rare Pokemon.

While these are tips for catching rare Pokémon, there are also suggestions on how to get the Legendary Pokémon. This is possible during events such as where humans are tasked with fighting Mewtwo.

Another way to find epic and rare Pokémon is through another Niantic game, Ingress.

Step 1: Install Ingress and complete the tutorial(download link)
Pokemon Go uses geo targeting in the same way as Ingress. The main task in Ingress is to collect XM (white dots) and gain energy, which is similar to PokéStops. Typically, XM appears primarily near crowded areas such as shopping centers and attractions.

Step 2: Find Rare Pokémon
While playing Ingress, look for the spot with the highest XM and then head into Pokemon GO to see which Pokemon are shown in the nearby list. Look at the Pokémon 2-3 steps away, then head back to Ingress to find a location with a high XM concentration nearby. Head there and then open Pokemon GO to find the exact spot where the Pokemon spawn point is.

Step 3: catching rare Pokémon
You are now ready to find the location of a rare Pokemon. The next location will appear as soon as you collect XM, it will take about 5 minutes to respawn. Go to the next location and find another rare Pokemon. Catch them all!

To make it easier for you to navigate, there are two tables that divide Pokémon into rarity types and how often they are found.

So you've played a little Pokémon Go and now want to catch a rare Pokémon?

You are lucky. our team long time studied the game and explored the internet for the best tips and advice. So this article has everything you need to know to find and catch a Rare Pokémon, including details on which Pokémon are Common / Rare / Legendary.

Once you know all the information you need about rare Pokémon, check out the other articles on our website. In them you will find rules and tips, details on how to play, how to download the game in your country, why everyone is talking about this application, and other important information about Pokémon Go.

The rarest Pokemon

In general, there are two types of rare Pokémon in the game: Rare and Legendary. Legendary Pokémon are the rarest creatures in the Pokémon universe. In fact, few people have met them in the game. Users have confirmed (by looking at the source code of the game) that Legendary Pokémon exist and hide well. So far, only a few players have managed to spot the legendary birds Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos and the rare Pokémon Ditto. Rumor has it that Niantic, the game's developer, is preparing an unusual surprise related to these characters, and therefore is hiding them.

Now about which specific Pokémon are considered rare ... It's a little more complicated here. Pokémon can be rare in one place, and at the same time common in another. Although, there are a few Pokémon that are very difficult to find and catch almost everywhere. Below is a list of 20 Pokemon that are considered to be the rarest (compiled by the official Poke Assistant website and based on information provided by thousands of users from different countries).

List of the 20 rarest Pokemon in Pokemon go:

How do I find rare Pokémon?

The most common Pokémon in Pokémon Go are Pidgey, Rattata, Caterpie, etc. Most likely, after playing the game for a couple of days, you will notice that you constantly meet these animals, and rare ones, like Marovak, do not come across at all. So how do you find these exclusive creatures? Simple: level up the Trainer. How often a particular Pokémon is found depends on the level of your trainer and the CP (Combat Power) of the Pokémon.

You can see the Trainer level in the lower left corner of the screen. To go for more high level, you need to earn experience. To do this, visit as many PokeStops as possible, fight in Gyms, raise Pokemon from eggs, walk a lot and just play. You can even buy the Lucky Egg from the in-game store, which will double the XP collected in half an hour. Starting at level 10, you will come across some rare Pokémon.

How can a Pokémon card help you?

The Pokémon Map is a locator that determines the location of Pokémon in Pokemon Go. It uses the Niantic API to locate Pokémon in the vicinity of the player and display them on a city map in real time. That is, if a Pokémon appears on the map, you can go and catch it right now.

It is very convenient to see which Pokémon are nearby at a given time. The map even displays a timer so you know how much time you have left to catch the Pokémon you want. Plus, you can know exactly where to look for them, which are hiding nearby. All this greatly simplifies hunting. A request to determine the location of Pokémon can be sent every 30 seconds using a special button.

How do I catch a Rare Pokémon?

If you click on the Nearby button in the lower right corner of the screen, a list of Pokémon that are hiding nearby will appear. If you want to hunt down rare characters, then take a look at the gray silhouettes in the Nearby menu. These are Pokémon that you haven't caught yet and are therefore not in your Pokedex.

Be sure to keep the Nearby menu open. The silhouette of the Pokemon you need to move up and down depending on the distance from you. If the silhouette descends to the lower right corner of the screen, then you move away from it. If the Pokémon moves to the right and down, then try to move to the other side and check if it is coming. In any case, the Pokémon indicated in the Nearby menu is somewhere near you, so be careful and keep looking.

Now short instruction how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go... If you are catching a rare Pokémon, try to narrow the ring around it as much as possible before throwing the Poké Ball. The narrower the ring, the less chance it will break out of the Pokeball. If a Pokémon does break out of the ring, you still have a chance to throw a few Pokeballs at it before it escapes.

After reaching level 7, the Trainer can receive Razz Berries in PokéStops. Feed them to a wild Pokémon so it has less chance of breaking out of the Poké Ball. At level 12, you can use more powerful Pokeballs (for example, Great and Ultra Bols). It is more difficult for any Pokémon, even the most powerful ones, to break out of such Poké Balls. And if you first feed a Pokemon with a berry, and then use a powerful Pokeball, then catching is likely to be successful.

Rare Pokémon change location from time to time, and this depends on a number of factors, such as population density in the player's city, proximity to certain types of terrain, time of day, etc. In addition, some Pokémon live in areas associated with their type. Ghost Pokémon and usually hide near cemeteries, and fire pokemon tend to appear in arid places.

Based on information from Reddit, Twitter and our own experience, we have compiled list of tips "How to find and catch rare Pokémon":

  • Walk a lot and take your time.
  • Check out unknown paths, unexplored locations and sparsely populated areas.
  • Choose locations depending on the type of Pokémon you want to find.
  • Use Lure Modules to lure Pokémon.
  • Use Essence to lure a Pokémon if you are in this location for 30 minutes or more.
  • Pay attention to the movement of leaves on the map.
  • Check the Nearby menu often.
  • If you spot a Pokemon, turn off AR (Augmented Reality) mode on your camera (top right corner of the screen).
  • Choose the appropriate Pokeball and throw it without unnecessary jerking movements.
  • Make sure the phone battery is charged.

We already know about the location of some: one Pokemon lives in Asia (Farfetchd), another in Australia (Kangaskhan), there is also a Pokemon that lives in Europe (Mister Mime). As such, the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO are often not always available in one area. Knowing this, are you ready to take a plane ticket and travel the world, find new and rare Pokémon, and collect all the rare ones?

Very rare Pokemon GO from the entire list

The location of the following six rarest Pokémon remains unknown: Ditto, Articuno, Zapdos, Moldres, Mewtwo and Mew. Perhaps these are the rarest Pokemon Pokemon GO. And if you want to get yourself into a collection of such creatures, you need to learn a little about who they are and what they can do.


This Pokémon changes its structure at the cellular level. This ability allows him to change shape. Although his transformation does not always go as planned: if he tries to change "from memory", mistakes happen.


Articuno is a bird. As soon as she flies over the ground, it starts to snow. Perhaps because her wingspan causes the air temperature to drop. Therefore, everyone opposed to her is seized with panic as soon as they see the power of these amazing wings.


The bird is not far behind Articuno - Pokemon Zapdos. Powerful discharges of electricity obey him. Thunderstorms can give a Pokémon great power. Therefore, the habitat of this bird is very exotic - a thundercloud.


Another rare Pokemon. The power of this bird is also unique, because it subjugates the element of fire. It happens that in fights, Moldres is injured, but immersed in boiling magma, Pokémon is able to completely heal.


When scientists created this Pokémon, they either forgot or did not want to, but did not give it such an important sense of compassion and mercy. Pokemon doesn't have a heart to feel. Mewtwo is a product of genetic engineering.


The final Pokemon for this description is the “genetic bouquet” of all the previous ones. His ability is that he can become invisible at will, and this ability does not lose its power in the presence of people.

What is the rarest Pokémon and how do you catch it?

Of course, you want to know where to find them - all those rare characters hiding from human eyes in Pokémon Go. But there is hardly a person who can answer this to you, namely, which Pokémon is the rarest. There are players who believe that the developers of the game will definitely give the opportunity to catch legendary creatures during the massive Pokemon Go events that they organize. But whether the event will actually take place is still impossible to say for sure.

But according to the trailer for the application, thanks to which, by the way, the game Pokémon became so popular, several trainers caught Mewtwo in Time Square. Perhaps this pedantically can lead someone to a logical thought, and in the near future you will be able to catch valuable Pokémon, if, of course, you are nearby.