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Rare Cancer Types. Description of the species of all cancer tumors. Lungs' cancer. The most dangerous view of cancer

Treat the detachment of arthropods, the animal is quite ancient, which appeared about 130,000,000 years ago, in the Jurassic period. Over the past period, the appearance of this crustacean has practically not changed. This is a clansic, also called European freshwater or noble cancer. The population of this animal continues to grow, it actively multiplies in almost any European reservoirs. The name "River Cancer" is not fully consistent with the truth: these arthropods besides rivers live in lakes and ponds, for this reason call them freshwater significantly more efficiently.

Appearance and characteristic features of the structure of river cancer

River racks, have a torso reaching a length of 15-30 cm, covered with a rigid, chitine sheath, forming a durable skeleton that can withstand predator attacks. The shell of this animal can be painted in brownish, greenish-brown, or black, with a bluish color. Color depends on the characteristics of the composition of water and other habitat. Such colors of the shell allow cancer successfully hiding at the bottom of the reservoir.

The torso of this animal form a powerful headband and consisting of 6 pieces of abdomen. At the top of the head you can see a sharp chitin spike, and on both sides there is a pair of eyes sticking on moving stalks. The functions of the touch and smell are performed by the mustaches in the eye. It breathes this inhabitant of freshwater reservoirs with the help of gill cracks.

Upper and lower jaws located on the sides of the mouth, in fact, are modified limbs. Each of the parts of the breast is equipped with two simulatory limbs. In total, this animal has 5 vapors of the limbs, one of which is claws used for nutrition and protection against enemies. The remaining limbs are used to move.

From the enemies of cancer reliably protects the powerful shell. But he also does not allow him to fully develop, for this reason, cancer periodically resets the hard chitinous cover during the molting period. The approximation of this period can be determined by the shell, acquiring a matte tint. At the same time, young features of a molt occur more often than adults.

Male and female individuals of this animal differ in definitely in the structure of the body. The females are noticeably less than males, which also differ from them by more impressive claws and quite narrow abdominal segments. The females have a wider "tail", under which they are spawned, there are eggs and are cut to the full formation of the raschkov. The life cycle of these arthropods is approximately 6-8 years, but in some cases they live up to 10.

The habitat of cancer

Contrary to popular belief, river cancers are not so unpretentious in the choice of reservoir. Most of all, they love to settle in reservoirs with solid and not very fitted bottom, preferring to be located at a depth of 1.5 to 3 m, at the bottom and in the jamas at the shore. Young individuals can be found in shallow water, on a slight distance from the coastline. In a dense clayey day and on the cliffs are able to dug holes up to 1 meter of depth, which is carefully guarded.

These animals do not end in an increased level of acidity, the ideal pH indicator for their habitat should be from 6.5 and higher. In the salty water of the sea, these crayfish cannot inhabit. If the privacy is found in the reservoir, the crayfish in this place will grow much slower. The most suitable water temperature for these inhabitants of freshwater reservoirs is 16-22˚С. They prefer to lead a night lifestyle, clogging in the afternoon near the courts, hiding at the bottom, in various deepening or burying in il.

Types of river crayons

In total, it is customary to allocate 3 types of data segments:

  • Tolstopal (Astacus Pachypus). It can dwell both in fresh and saltwater water. This species is under threat of disappearance. Its number is gradually moving towards a critical mark, which ultimately can lead to extinction.

  • Wide-eyed (Astacus leptodactylus). In the past century, almost extinct due to the epidemic of the plague of cancer. A characteristic feature is the impressive duration of life (about 25 years). Lives exclusively in pure reservoirs.

  • Lucky (Astacus Astacus). It has a more elongated body and significantly more elongated cushions. Unlike broadcast, it can safely live in not particularly clean water.

Features of cancer

River cancer is the twilight inhabitant of water bodies. It is most actively starting to eat at dawn and after sunset. In cloudy weather, he can make food mining not only at night. River crayfish do not have the usual to move away from their dwelling, even in search of food. The distance passing by these animals from the hole is, in most cases, 1-3 meters. Preferred marsh preferably vegetable food, which is 90% of their diet, but sometimes they do not neglect the animal. Plant food includes: various algae and certain types of plants (in particular, the horsetail, RDEST, ELODA, as well as water lily and nettle). In winter, cancers can also eat with fallen leaves. The animal food belongs: insects and their larvae, worms, thaws and various mollusks. Do not be afrained crayfish and Padalu, which is the constant component of their diet. Often, the daughter's cancers eat the corpses of animals and birds.

There are several methods for catching river cancer. Most people prefer to catch these dwellers with their hands. Some use special devices for this: Rachevni, Rashalovka different designs.

For an ordinary person, the diagnosis of "cancer" sounds like a sentence. In fact, the disease is very different. Some of its kinds are easily detected and effectively treated. Others are rare and complicated, but if they manifest themselves, they are sure.

Science classifies oncological diseases, depending on which system, or which organ, they are affecting. In domestic medicine, cancer is only carcinoma, that is, a malignant tumor of epithelial cells of internal organs.

Actually, the very name of the disease appeared when the ancient sage Hippocrates, studying the causes of the death of some of his compatriot, the rake hitting the body and decided that the tumor discovered there reminds him of cancer (in Greek - Karkinos). Later, the ancient Roman doctor Cornelius Celsis translated the term to Latin: Cancer.

Other diseases that do not affect the epithelium are referred to themselves: in the muscles, bones and connective tissue, sarcoma appears, lymph is striking lymphoma and so on.

Blood cancer, brain cancer is common, but inaccurate, philistine terms.

Species of malignant tumors, if they classify them on the amazed organs and tissues, are several dozen. But only 12 types of cancer make up almost 70% of all cancer in Russia.

Fortunately, the most common does not mean the most deadly. Let's talk about the first and second, focusing on three parameters:

    What are the risks to die from a particular illness during a certain period of time, for example year. This indicator is called mortality.


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  • Considate: 692,297 people
  • Died for the year: 22,098 people
  • Mortality: 3.0%

Seals in the chest are often found, caused by a variety of factors, including tumors. In most cases, neoplasms appear in slices of dairy glasses (cells responsible for the formation of milk) and ducts connecting slices with nipples.

Milk height cells, like all others, use receptors so that the chemical signals that received the necessary cell reactions caused. The way the receptors behave helps determine the type of breast cancer and find the most effective treatment.

Estrogen-dependent tumors

Normal milk glazes and some cancer cells contain receptors that can capture, attract estrogen and progesterone into the cell. Getting a hormonal feed, tumor grows.

Those types of cancer that are formed by such cells are well reacting to hormone therapy. Certain drugs block the receptors taking estrogen and progesterone, hormones stop acting into the cells, the tumor stops growth.

Most of the oncological diseases of dairy glasses are such.

HER2-positive tumors

Other receptors that perceive the HER2 protein (epidermal growth factor receptor) also stimulate the development of cells. HER2-positive cancer subtype is more rare, but also more aggressive than estrogen-dependent tumors. However, it can be influenced by certain drugs that block the HER2 protein.

In oncology, sensitivity is a good indicator. The more sensitively tumor, the better the body will respond.

Three times negative subtype

If the tumor does not have any of the receptor listed above, it is called three times negative. This is the most rare of the above-forming type. Such tumors quickly apply and difficult to treat. They are more often found in women with mutation in the BRCA1 gene, overwhelming cancer cells.

  • Consistent: 531,981 people
  • Died for the year: 5,588 people
  • Mortality: up to 3.7%

Melanoma is not the most common, but the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. The malignant tumor in this case grows and metastasizes with a huge speed.

Other, non-green cancer types (basal cell and flat-stitch) are much more common, but they are less dangerous, it is better to treat, and in general they have higher survival rates.

The best way to recognize skin cancer on time is to pay attention to new or changing the color or form of education on the skin.

Especially carefully need to be treated to moles, unlike others either changed their outlines.

These signs should make you consult with a doctor (dermatologist or oncologist):

  • asymmetry (one half of the mole does not correspond to the size of another);
  • uneven edges (rough, blurred, served);
  • the color is not like others, with the splashes of yellow, brown or black in a separate molest;
  • diameter more than 6 mm;
  • any size changes, colors, forms.

Surface propagating melanoma

The most common form of melanoma (about 70% of cases). Looks like a flat or slightly convex area of \u200b\u200bleather with nonsense uneven boundaries, changing color. May appear on the site of moles.

Lentiginian melanoma

It looks like a previous look and is formed close to the surface of the skin, often from pigment spots. It is found in the elderly and those who spend a lot of time in the sun.

Acrolentiginian melanoma

Appears as a black or brown spot under the nails, on the soles, palms.

Nodular melanoma

Very aggressive form. By the time I detect, as a rule, cancer will penetrate deep into the nearby fabrics. This process is called invasion.

  • Considate: 238,122 people
  • Died for the year: 12,565 people
  • Mortality: 5%

Timely diagnosis of prostate cancer can save lives. But early detection puts a difficult question: what is terrible - the disease or side effects of treatment?

The fact is that many prostate tumors are developing very slowly and years, or even decades may not deliver serious problems. But the treatment sometimes leads to undesirable side effects, including incontinence and impotence.

In order not to miss the development of this type of cancer, all men after 50 years have been recommended to consult a doctor and start annually examine the prostate. And if the nearest relatives discovered oncological diseases, regular surveys are desirable to start from 45 years.


More than 95% of all malignant prostate tumors are adenocarcinomas that are forming from the epithelium of the gland (the "Adeno root" is translated from Greek and means "iron"). But inside this category, the cells of neoplasms take various forms. WHO Classification describes options: from bloated cells, colloidal, pistevel cell (the kernel is shifted to the periphery, so the cells are similar to rings with stones). And this is not all kinds.

Oncologists use the Gleason classification, which is based on differentiation (that is, to the degree of maturation) cells.

The smaller the cells of the tumor are differentiated, the more difficult form of cancer. Such tumors are assigned the fifth gradation: they are dangerous and quickly distributed. Well differentiated cells are obtained first gradation. They look almost like healthy.

Fleecellular carcinoma

A rare and aggressive form of prostate cancer, which is difficult to reveal. Unlike adenocarcin, it does not highlight the marker signal protein - a prostatecific antigen (PSA), which is usually detected in blood test. It consists of a tumor of small round cells, hence the name.

PlateLock carcinoma

This type of prostate cancer is not related to iron tissue. The plane carcinoma is striking the fabric of the plane epithelium of the prostate, and since the PSA level does not increase, it is difficult to detect it. Carcinoma is very aggressive, the average life expectancy after it is detected - a little more than a year. Fortunately, it is rarely found: less than 1% of all cases of oncological diseases of the prostate gland.

  • Consistent: 177,755 people
  • Died for the year: 8,386 people
  • Mortality: 5%

Almost all cases of cancer begin with the epithelium of the tube tubes - these are the main kidney cells. Unfortunately, at an early stage, the disease practically does not show itself. Detect a tumor. It is possible for the ultrasound kidney if for some reason it will be appointed.

As cancer progresses, symptoms appear. Usually they include blood in the urine (it can be present, then disappear), pain in the field of peritoneum and a seal in the kidneys, which can be forgiven.

Kidney cancer for a long time was considered insensitive to chemotherapy, but researchers achieve increasing success in medication treatment.

Until recently, any kidney cancer was classified as kidney cell carcinoma. Now the disease was divided into subcategories.

Svetlochochny kidney cancer

The most common type, its share accounts for up to 85% of cases. It is difficult to diagnose at an early stage.

Papilingual kidney cancer

This category, in turn, is divided into two subtypes. The first accounts for up to 5% of all cases of kidney cancer, on the second - up to 10%. They differ in the dimensions of the amazed cells and the risk of formation of metastases: in the first case, these cells are small, in the second - large and more often lead to metastasis in other organs.

The first subtype often has a hereditary nature. Mitogen (this is a gene, which causes the appearance of a tumor) transfers from parents through sex cells - Gametocytes.

  • Considate: 167 585 people
  • Died for the year: 1,117 people
  • Mortality: 0.6%

The thyroid cancer is well amenable to treatment. Sometimes it is discovered after the appearance of a bump on the throat (it makes itself known to know the increased thyroid), sometimes - when the patient complains about difficult swallowing, breathing or manifolding voices.

Only 5% of the thyroid tumors develop aggressively and threaten to other organs.

Many neoplasms grow so slowly that they recently even stopped considered malignant.

Most thyroid tumors do not react to chemotherapy, but some new developments instill hope. For example, kinase inhibitors help block the enzyme present in the cells of formations. They also impede the growth of new blood vessels.

Differentiated tumors

About 90% of thyroid cancer cases are highly differentiated tumors. They are divided into subgroups: papillary, follicular. More often in women and young people and have favorable forecasts.

Medullar Cancer

Sometimes his cause is the inheritance of mutation in the RET proto-currency. Patients with such deviation are often recommended to remove the thyroid gland. Otherwise, the chances of successful treatment are significantly reduced.

Anaplastic cancer

The most aggressive type of thyroid carcinoma. Such neoplasms grow rapidly, react poorly to treatment and actively give metastases to other organs.

  • Considate: 128,64 people
  • Died for the year: 4 946 people
  • Mortality: 5.3%

Lymphoma is any malignant process that begins in the lymphatic system. Most often, lymph nodes are suffering - small oval organs that purify the body from garbage like viruses, bacteria and cancer cells. The nodes are connected by vessels for which it does not flow blood, but lymph. This is a liquid containing white blood tauris - lymphocytes.

The lymphatic system takes fluid and decay products from blood flow. Lymphoma weaken the immune system, the risk of infections increases.

If you have increased lymph nodes, as soon as possible, refer to the therapist. This is not necessarily a lymphoma: other diseases can be manifested.

The lymphatic and blood systems are interconnected and permeate the whole body. These are the paths that cancer uses to spread metastases.

The lymphatic system is difficult to arrange, so that the lymphomas are complex diseases. There are a great many of their categories and subcategories that differ significantly from each other.

Lymphoma Hodgkin

Starts with lymphocytes. Most often there is a classic form of Hodgkin lymphoma, which is characterized by the appearance of giant lymphocytes. They are called Rid - Berezovsky - Sternberg cells. In 5% of cases, malignant cells are histiocytes, externally similar to popcorn.

Most of the cancer cells are sensitive to the destruction of DNA. It is chemotherapy that is directed.

With the help of special substances, doctors destroy DNA threads. The affected cells cannot multiply and die.

The first chemotherapy for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma, approved by the FDA (Sanitary supervision management of the quality of food and drugs of the USA), was carried out in 1949. Nitripritis was used - an analogue of a combat poisoning substance Iprit.

Today, other drugs are used in chemotherapy. And used successfully: according to statistics, recover 9 out of every 10 people.

Non-Hodgkinsky lymphomas

These forms are much more diverse. Many subgroups are more aggressive than the Hodgkin form. If the cells are kept together, the lymphoma is called follicular (from the Latin Folliculus - the "bag"). Cancer cells can spread inside the lymphatic tissue and evenly without grieving. In this case, it is said that the lymphoma is developing according to diffuse type.

A new promising method of treating non-Hodgkin Lymphomes is based on the use of T-lymphocytes. These are immune cells that are present in the blood. Genetics work on them in laboratories to place special chimeric antigenous receptors on their surface (CAR). These CAR-T-lymphocytes can recognize proteins by which tumor cells are hidden from the patient's immune system. This is the fundamental principle of immunotherapy in general: to identify cancer so that immunity can attack it.

  • Considate: 113 182 people
  • Died for the year: 6,094 people
  • Mortality: 4.5%

Blood in the urine is characteristic and often the first symptom of the bladder cancer. This occurs in 8 out of 10 cases of the disease, often affecting men.

The bladder cancer often spreads metastases into other parts of the urinary system, including kidneys, ureterals and urethra.

And it happens even after the course of treatment.

About 95% of the bladder cancer develops in cells lining the organ from the inside. These cells - urobes are constantly in contact with urine and, more importantly, with substances that it takes out of the body, and this is carcinogens. For example, chemical compounds contained in tobacco smoke or exhaust gases may thus provoke the development of malignant neoplasm.

This type of cancer quickly adapts to medicines. Therefore, it is important to choose new types of treatment. For example, one of them is gene therapy - uses modified viruses acting specifically on the bladder tumor. As a result, cancer cells are marked with a hormone, which gives the immune system sign: this is a danger, this cell must be attacked and destroyed.

  • Considate: 86 129 people
  • Died for the year: 7 208 people
  • Mortality: 6%

Most types of leukemia - so correctly called blood cancer - begin in hematopoietic stem cells. These cells are responsible for blood formation and are in the bone marrow.

At an early stage, leukemia can hint about themselves signs related to blood characteristics:

  • The appearance of violet and red specks on the skin. Most often, these point hemorrhages (petechia) are formed on the chest, back, hands. The specks are small, often they are taken for rashes and ignore.
  • Unusual bleeding. For example, the smallest scratch can bloody long.

If these symptoms are accompanied by other signs - a decrease in immunity, inexplicable weight loss, an increase in lymph nodes, rapid fatigue, weakness, a visit to the therapist is obligatory.

Lakehouses are divided into acute and chronic. Sharp quickly apply, chronic - no. Many types of chronic leukemia are well controlled, patients can live with them for years and decades.

The number of cancer, which can be called chronic, only grows. Today, people living with cancer are more than ever in history.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

The lymphocytes are affected - white blood tales responsible for fighting infections. This is one of the most common oncological blood diseases.

It is difficult to get rid of the recurrent CLL: tumors become insensitive to the already conducted treatment, especially in chemotherapy.

A new type of drugs should slow down the spread of the disease. It aims to identify specific mutations that increase resistance to chemotherapy.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all)

Children more often suffer from this disease. Standard treatment includes chemotherapy, and five-year survival in minors is significantly higher than in adults (85% against 50%).


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  • Consistent: 19 837 people
  • Died for the year: 18,020 people
  • Mortality: 39.9%

There are no errors in numbers: mortality from pancreatic cancer is truly almost equal to the registered quantity of the fallen. But it says not so much about the aggressiveness of the ailment (although it should not be written off with accounts), how much about substantial inhibit primary patients. That is, cancer proceeds so asymptically that it is diagnosed either at the final stage, when to help a person is no longer possible, or in general posthumously.

Simplify early diagnosis can chronic pancreatitis, adenoma or cyst pancreatic gland. These diseases may be harbing cancer.

Pancreatic cancer develops slowly. It is necessary for about 10 years so that the first conductive cancer cell began to grow aggressively. But even after that it takes another 5-7 years in order to form a defined tumor.

As soon as the first metastasis appears, the process is accelerated: from that moment on the death of the patient passes an average of 2.7 years. The chances of recovery or suspension of the development of the disease, unfortunately, is small.


Doctors numbered five forms of pancreatic cancer. Adenocarcinoma, which is formed from the epithelium of the ducts, is the most common one. It is observed in 80-85% of cases of cancer.

Acinaro-cell cancer

In this case, the neoplasms develop from cells that produce digestive enzymes - acinuses.

PlateLock Cancer Cancer and Others

Flake carcation, as well as undifferentiated cancer and cystadecinocyne are much less common. Like other forms of pancreatic cancer, they have an unfavorable forecast.

  • Considate: 8,590 people
  • Died for the year: 9,859 people
  • Mortality: 38.4%

In this case, things with a diagnosis are still growing. Liver cancer is often determined either posthumously or already at the final stage, when very few months remain the patient, and even weeks.

The reason for this is the same as when the pancreatic cancer. Overcoabouts of the liver most often develop almost asymptomatic.

This means that a person does not bother anything. And when pain appears in the right side and other signs arise, medicine is already powerless.

Depending on the origin, malignant liver neoplasms are divided into two types.

Primary liver cancer

This species is primarily a seamless cancer, it is hepatocellular cancer (GPC), or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). So called a malignant tumor, developing directly in the cells of the liver - hepatocytes.

More often there are other three types of disease:

  • cholangiocarcinoma (cholangiocellular cancer) - tumors, developing from the epithelium of intravert bile ducts;
  • mixed hepatocholangicarcinoma - they affect cells and liver, and intrahedral bile ducts;
  • fibrolmellar carcinoma.

Primary, these types of cancer are called because the oncoprocess begins in the liver itself, and not coming to it from other organs.

Metastatic liver cancer (secondary)

Such tumors penetrate the liver with metastases - from other patients. Secondary cancer meets much more often primary, since metastases in the liver can put almost all organs.

  • Considate: 13,820 people
  • Died for the year: 6 903 people
  • Mortality: 29.9%

As with all the most dangerous types of cancer, it has no symptoms in the early stages. Malignant neoplasms, developing, narrowing the lumen of the esophagus. It does not hurt and almost imperceptibly. So, some difficulties with swallowing - first dense and hard food, then - half a trip, and later - even water and saliva.

These difficulties grow gradually.

When a person realizes that something is wrong with him, and goes on doctors, cancer already reaches the 3-4th stage.

Unfortunately, almost incurable.

Depending on the place where the tumor appeared, the breast cancer is isolated (in its upper, middle and lower third), cervical and abdominal departments of the esophagus.

Adenocarcinoma of esophagus

This tumor develops from the cells of the inner shell - the mucous membrane of the esophagus and is distributed deep into its wall. Adenokarcinoma, as a rule, is formed at the bottom of the esophagus, near the stomach.

Flake carcing cancer of the esophagus

This type of malignant neoplasms appears in flat cells, lining the lumen of the esophagus. Flake carcury Cancer is most often found in the upper and middle parts of the esophagus.

Other malignant primary esophageal tumors

Less common, but still meet: spindle-cellular cancer (low-differentiated flatclellular cancer), wart cancer (highly differentiated flat-milk cancer), pseudo-card, mukoepidermoid carcinoma, iron-colored carcinoma, cylindrome (iron-cystic carcinoma), primary oat-milking carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, Carcinoid and primary malignant melanoma.

Metastatic cancer of the esophagus

Occasionally, the oncoprocess in the esophagus is running from outside - metastasis from other organs. Most often it is metastases melanoma and breast cancer. In addition, tumors of head and neck, light, stomach, liver, kidney, prostate gland, eggs, bone tissue metastasize the esophagus.

Metastases are usually distributed in a connective tissue stroma surrounding the esophagus, while the primary esophagus cancer grows from the mucous membrane or the subliminate base of the esophagus itself.

  • Consistent: 144,010 people
  • Died for the year: 50 176 people
  • Mortality: 21.9%

In Russia, this type of cancer is particularly deadly. Each second patient who diagnoses the disease, dies during the year - this is called annual mortality.

So there is a partly because the complex structure of the lungs interferes in time to detect and start treating the tumor. It grows, gives metastases in the bloodstream, lymphatic system and other organs.

More than 80% of the neoplasms are found at this stage, when it is almost impossible to help the patient.

Small flower (oatmeal) cancer

Fleecellular neoplasms are often formed in bronchi (airways) and very aggressive: metastases appear quickly. This type of cancer is more common in smokers.

Non-cellular cell cancer

More than 90% lung cancer is non-cellular neoplasms, and about 40% of them are adenocarcinoma.

From 25 to 30% of the neotlocyllular lung cancer is formed on the inner surface of the bronchi - these are flat-bell carcinomas. The remaining tumors are combined into the category "Largelectic Cancer".

  • Considate: 139 591 people
  • Died for the year: 28,512 people
  • Mortality: 14.4%

Stomach cancer is among the most common in Russia (and in the world) species of cancer. The malignant tumor develops from the cells of the inner mucosa of the stomach.

Depending on the place where the neoplasm is located, distinguish:

  • upper cancer (proximal - close to esophagus) departments of the stomach;
  • cancer of the middle departments - the bodies of the stomach;
  • lower cancer (distal - closer to the duodenalist) departments.

However, this classification is incomplete: the tumor can spread to two or more department and capture the entire stomach.

Like other malignant neoplasms, the gastric cancer can grow deep into the walls of the organ, as well as other organs and tissues.

For example, spread along the digestive tube to the esophagus, a duodenum, in the pancreas, the liver ... Tumor cells can be transferred with blood flow and in remote organs - for example, light and bones.

The main problem is that on the initial, curable stages of the gastric cancer often passes asymptomatic. Or is masked for other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the same gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis or ulcers. The tumor is found randomly: for example, when the patient is prescribed an endoscopic study due to strange sensations in the stomach.

But often the gastric cancer is detected only when he has already shown himself with rectifying symptoms, metastases and became incurable.


This type of cancer is formed in the glandist of the stomach epithelium. Adenocarcinoma may be:

  • highly differentiated (high cylindrical epithelium);
  • moderate diffreated (flatter, similar to cell cubes);
  • unfifferentiated (video cells are almost not towering above the epithelium surface).

From the point of view of the shape of the cells hardly, not the most aggressive variety of adenocarcin is the pisner-cell grade of the stomach.

PlateLock carcalete cancer

The most dismissed tumor type. It occurs between the layers of ferrous epithelium of the stomach of flat cells.

Irony-plane carcury cancer

This tumor combines elements of adenocarcinoma and flat-flossing cancer.

Neuroendocrine carcinoma

This is a rare, but extremely malignant shape of the stomach cancer. As a rule, gives a lot of metastases.

Untifferentiated cancer

This is a tumor whose cells have different sizes: can be both small and large (accordingly, we are talking about finely or large milking cancer), as well as polymorphic - in this case there are all transient cell forms.

  • Considate: 383 510 people
  • Died for the year: 40,543 people
  • Mortality: up to 8.1%

In the intestine, two departments: a thin and thick intestine. The main division of the latter is the so-called colon with a total length of 1.5 meters. It is her cancer strikes most often.

Intestinal mortality is relatively low. But due to the prevalence, it is inferior in the number of deaths only with lung cancer.

Tumors affecting the intestines can grow long, up to 15-20 years. Sometimes neoplasms develop from polyps - these are abnormal growth of tissues over mucous membranes. They have every third or even every second, but there are few people notice. Less than 10% of polyps is reborn into malignant tumors.

Cancer cells can penetrate in veins and intestinal arteries, as well as in the vessels of the lymphatic system (this process is called lymphovascular invasion). Blood and lymph wash the whole body, so the risk of infection of other organs increases.

Mucus-forming tumors

These tumors quickly apply and differ in that they have a lot of extracellular and intracellular mucus. The latter pushes the kernel to the cell wall, which is why the cell becomes like a ring. Pisnous types of cancer can be treated worse than others.

Important facts about cancer

    Tumors are benign. This means that they are stable, surrounded by a cloth from which are formed, and will not spread through the body. They are harmless.

    Other tumors capture adjacent fabrics. These are malignant neoplasms.

    Cancer can be preinstalized, that is, in the initial stages of development, when tumor cells do not germinate into the body on which they are formed. At this stage, the treatment gives the best result. But over time, developing, cancer penetrates the surrounding tissues and can give metastases to other organs.

    Cancer cells can penetrate in veins and arteries, as well as in the vessels of the lymphatic system. Blood and lymph wash the whole body, so the risk of infection of other organs increases.

    In the form and type of tumor cells, it is possible to determine what treatment will be the most effective.

    Tumor cells are tested for sensitivity to treatment. What it is higher, the better the forecast. Most of the cancer cells responds to DNA destruction. It is the destruction of DNA threads and preparations for chemotherapy.

    Tumors often survive and speed up their growth, because they germinate blood vessels that feed them. This process is called angiogenesis.

    After treatment, it is important to determine how many amazed cells remained in the body. Modern studies, such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction), even the trace amounts of such cells are detected.

    Methods for treating oncological diseases are actively developing. Tests passes vaccine from cancer, which is made on the basis of patient cells. These cells are trained in laboratories to activate the immune system to combat cancer, and then return to the human body.

    After operations are applied adjuvant therapy - chemotherapy, which destroys small metastases and mutations underlying tumors.

    Some types of cancer are inherited. It is possible to identify genes that increase the risk of developing the disease, and warn or detect alert at an early stage. This procedure is called sequencing genome.

    All oncological diseases at first do not show themselves. Therefore, if any unusual symptoms have appeared, it is worth consulting with the therapist. And of course, regularly undergo scheduled preventive examinations.

Designers - Oleg Selivanov, Ekaterina Denisenko.

Editor - Alina Mashkovtseva.

Corrector - Olga Sytnik.

The vestigur - Dmitry Naumov.

Our bodies consist of billion cells. Cells are so small that we can see them only under the microscope.

Cells are grouped together to draw up fabrics and organs of our body. They are very similar, but differ differently, because the body organs are very different. For example, nerves and muscles make different things, so cells have different structures.

We can group cancer depending on the type of cell in which they start. There are 5 main types:

  • carcinoma - cancer, which begins in the skin or in tissues that build or cover internal organs. There are different subtypes, including adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, flat-milk cancer and transition carcinoma
  • sarcoma - Cancer, which begins in connecting or supporting tissues, such as bones, cartilage, fat, muscles or blood vessels
  • leukemia - Cancer, which begins in the hematopoietic fabric, such as bone marrow, and causes the formation of abnormal blood cells and enters blood
  • lymphomas and myeloma are cancer, which begin in the cells of the immune system. Open Glossary
  • cancer of the head and spinal cord - they are known as cancer of the central nervous system.


Carcinomas begin in epithelial tissues. They cover the body appearance as the skin. They also cover and build all organs within the body, such as the organs of the digestive system. And they align the body cavities, such as the inner side of the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.

Carcinomas are the most common type of cancer. They constitute about 85 out of every 100 cases of cancer (85%) in Russia ..

There are various types of epithelial cells, and they can develop into different types of carcinoma. These include the following.

PlateLock carcinoma

PlateLoth carcinoma begins in flat-cell cells. These are flat, covering the surface of the cell detected in areas such as leather or lining throat or food pipe (esophagus).


Adenocarcinomas begin in ferrous cells, called adenomatous cells. Glankular cells produce fluids for tissue hold.

Transit cell carcinoma

Transitional cells are cells that can be stretched as the organ expansion. They make up tissues called transitional epithelium. An example is the facing of the bladder. Cracks that begin in these cells are called transient cell carcinoma.

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cells build the deepest layer of skin cells. Cancers that begin in these cells are called basal cell carcinomas.


Sarcoma begin in connecting tissues that are supportive tissues of the body. Connecting tissues include bones, cartilage, tendons and fibrous fabric that support organs.

Sarcoma is much less likely than carcinomas. They are usually grouped by two main types:

  • sardhing soft fabrics.

In general, they constitute less than 1 out of every 100 cases of cancer (1%) diagnosed every year.

Sarcoma bones

Bone start sarcoma from bone cells. As a rule, they are formed in tubular bones. The cunningness of this tumor is that he is striking the sarcoma of young people (from 20 to 50 years).

Another type of sarcoma is common - Sarcoma Yinga. This tumor affects only young children.

Sardhing sarcoma

The sarcoma of soft tissues is rare, but the most common types begin with cartilage or muscles.

Crack cartilage

Crack cartilage is called chondrosarcoma.

Tumor in muscle

Muscular cell cancer is called a rhabdomyosarcoma or leiosarcoma.

Leukemia: blood cell cancer

Leukemia is a condition in which the bone marrow makes too many leukocytes. Blood cells are not fully formed, and therefore they do not work properly. Anomalous cells grow in the blood.

Lakes are unusual and constituted only 3 of all cancer cases (3%). But they are the most common type of cancer in children.

There are various types of leukemia.

Lymphomas and Mieloma

Lymphomas and myeloma are cancer tumors of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a system of pipes and glands in the body that filters the organism fluid and struggles with infection.


Lymphomas begin with cells in the lymphatic system. Since the lymphatic system proceeds throughout the body, the lymphoma can begin approximately anywhere.

Some of the lymph systems are white blood cells (lymphocytes) begin to share abnormally and do not die as usual. These cells begin to share before they become fully grown (mature) so that they cannot fight infection.

Abnormal lymphocytes begin to be collected in lymph nodes or other places such as bone marrow or spleen. Then they can turn into tumors.

Lymphoma make up about 5 out of every 100 cases of cancer (5%) in Russia.


Myeloma is also known as multiple myeloma. This is a cancer that begins in plasma cells. Plasma cells are the type of leukocytes made in the bone marrow. They produce antibodies, also called immunoglobulin, to combat infection.

Plasma cells can be abnormal, multiply unmanagen and only make the type of antibody that does not work properly to fight infection.

Myeloma is about 1 out of every 100 cases of cancer (1%) in Russia.

Brain cancer and spinal cord

Cancer may begin in the cells of the head or spinal cord. The brain controls the body by sending electrical messages along the nerve fibers. The fibers come out of the brain and are connected together to make a spinal cord, which also takes messages from the body to the brain.

The brain and the spinal cord form the central nervous system. The brain consists of billions of nerve cells called neurons. It also contains special cells of connective tissue, called glial cells that maintain nerve cells.

The most common type of brain tumor develops from glial cells and is called glioma. Some tumors that begin in the brain or spinal cord are not cancer (benign) and grow very slowly. Others are cancer and more likely to grow and spread.

Very often fast-growing brain tumors are inoperable.

The tumors of the brain and the spinal cord make up about 3 out of every 100 cases of cancer (3%) in Russia.

No vain scientists call oncological diseases of the disease of civilization.

Cancer does not occur at one point, this process is quite long, developing for more than one year. For example, with a lung cancer, the tumor grows up to size in a centimeter for 5-10 years. A large number of malignant neoplasms is laid in the human body in an eating. And the diagnosis is made only after many years. Tumor growth time depends on various factors. The good resistance of the body is able to suspend growth, and physiotherapy procedures in some cases - to increase.

The person who was diagnosed oncology is experiencing quite appropriate fear. But he should not immediately fall into panic, as medicine has learned to fight this ailion, even if not with all its manifestations. Many types of cancer at the initial stage are good to treat. The most important thing is to follow your health, to undergo surveys by the doctor to detect this ailment as soon as possible.

5 types of malignant tumors

The human body consists of a variety of cells of various types. Healthy cells multiply in the case when the body needs it. This happens by dividing them. Those cells in which no need are dying. So healthy cells work. In cancer cells, the process is different. They are quickly divided and do not die. As a result of such a violation, oncology develops.

Scientists describe 200 with excessive varieties of cancer, which affect different human bodies. Different types of cancer have their own characteristics.

  1. Carcinoma. Epithelial cells contribute to the appearance of this tumor. The thick intestine, prostate, lactic iron and cervix - these organs are more often susceptible to carcinoma.
  2. Melanoma. Skin cells with an uncontrolled division cause skin cancer.
  3. Sarcoma. Caused by cancer cells of the connective tissue. Pretty rare tumor, meets less than one case from a hundred diagnosed.
  4. Leukemia. In this oncology, the reason lies in the bone marrow, the stem cells of which cause cancer.
  5. Lymphoma. Develops due to cancer cells of blood-made tissue. Lymphoid fabric can also cause lymphoma.

In medicine, other types of cancer tumors are described, but they are rarely diagnosed: glioma, teratomas, choriocarcinoma.

Treatment of malignant tumors is carried out surgically, the use of radiation therapy and chemotherapy methods. The doctor chooses the type of treatment depending on the form of cancer and from many other factors.

The operation is prescribed to the patient only after a deep survey. For the successful outcome of surgical intervention, it is necessary to determine all metastases. Along with the tumor, the nearby fabrics and lymph nodes are removed, that is, the places of available metastases. If the stage of the disease is early, then, as a rule, cost one operation. Otherwise, other treatment methods, such as chemotherapy, are additionally used.

The methods of radiation therapy are used in the fight against far-sized metastasis and with oncology that fear radiation. Cancer cells as a result die.

Chemotherapy most often complement surgical treatment. These are medicines that are able to damage the tissue of cancer.

The most common types of oncology

In Russia, among the male population, the species of cancer in the first three places are the following:

The cause of the development of lung cancer most often serve epithelial cells of the bronchi. The tumor grows quite slowly. A person for several years does not realize that such a terrible disease settled in his body. Therefore, such types of cancer have greater mortality among patients: by the time of diagnosis, the disease is strongly launched. This oncology is also dangerous by the fact that it is inclined to rapid growth of metastases. Fans of cigarettes are in the risk group. They are encouraged to examine the lungs for the presence of a disease every three years.

The cancer tumor of the prostate gland is developing, as a rule, in men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Improper nutrition also contributes to the appearance of the disease. In the risk group of a man over 50 years old. They are recommended to examine an prostate at least two years.

Sun rays in an excessive amount provoke skin cancer. Cigarette smoke also has carcinogenic properties. With the appearance on the skin of incomprehensible spots and neoplasms of various types, you should contact a dermatologist.

In women, the picture looks like this:

  • breast tumors;
  • oncology of the skin;
  • cancer and body uterus.

Due to its prevalence, breast cancer studied quite well and is successfully treated. But only if the disease is not running. As a rule, the woman itself discovers a tumor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the neoplasm is removed operational. Cancer cells that remain in the body after tumor removal, special treatment is applied. In the risk group, almost all women over 40 years old. They need to pass surveys at least once every two years.

Skin cancer, as a rule, develops from amateurs over measures to burn apart from frequent visitor to Solyariev. It is necessary to monitor the skin, and at the slightest changes to visit the doctor. Like the breast cancer, the cervical tumor and the bodies of the uterus are well studied and is successfully treated. It is found in gynecological inspections that women need to visit at least once a year.

Different types of cancer determine different treatment methods. There are many medical drugs, and scientists work on the production of new and new ones.

Ways restoring methods after chemotherapy

What is the forecast of survival during lymphoma?

Application of a mumor's tincture during oncology

How to recognize and cure breast cancer?

Types of cancer

Posted by: Admin 04/22/2016

A malignant tumor (cancer) is a tumor, which has negative properties and is a greater danger of both human health and life (this feature has become the basis of its name). The same tumor consists of malignant cells.

Malignant neoplasm - pathology, which flows in the form of uncontrolled division of cells having the ability to penetrate into neighboring tissues and let metastases in almost all human bodies.

Today, cancer processes are a greater threat to the lives of people, as the incidence rate is very high, and the treatment methods are not thoroughly developed.

General information about cancer

Malignant formations have properties to develop as a result of muting normal organism cells. In some cases, they can be uncontrolled division and lose the ability to the process of programmable cell death. In normal physiology, each cell must disintegrate into separate apoptotic tales bounded by plasma shell. In most people, the immune system is not capable of determining the presence of such transformations, which leads to the growth of the tumor and the beginning of metastasis. Metastasis from modified cells can penetrate any organs or tissues.

Malignant tumors have their own classification. It distinguishes them by the affected organ, and by the type of cells that succumbed to the transformation. The area of \u200b\u200bmedicine, which studies all types of cancer, is called oncology.

Types of malignant tumors (cancer)


Carcinoma (actually cancer) is a malignant education, which originates from the cells of the epithelial tissue, it can be formed on different organs where this tissue is present. Carcinoma is a very dangerous disease, since the mortality from it is in second place (after the pathologies of the cardiovascular system). In most cases, the carcinoma is striking the dairy glands, the cervix, light, stomach. In men, a prostate, liver, esophagus, lungs.

Today, the effectiveness of treatment is quite high. The very best treatment is therapy in the initial stages of the disease, the place of education plays a small role. The more time it develops, the less chance to cure.

Symptoms: Symptoms indicating the presence of carcinoma may be different, it will depend on the location of the tumor and its size.

  • As the tumor grows, there is an increase in swelling at the place of its placement;
  • Increased bleeding;
  • Severe pains;
  • Dysfunction of affected organ;
  • Bad appetite;
  • Weight loss and weakness.

Diagnostics: In time, the carcinoma is detected makes the chances of cure more high. To date, doctors use many methods for diagnosing oncological diseases.

  • Planned medical examinations for men and women every year, which includes onco-inspections (especially after 40 years), fluorography of the lungs and others;
  • Palpation of unknown neoplasms on the skin, checking some organs (Palpation of mammary glands in women, Dr. Mammologist);
  • Endoscopic instrumental research;
  • Surrendering blood tests, especially on the antigen of flat-bell carcinoma;
  • Modern methods of diagnosing the entire organism MRI, CT, radiography with contrasts;
  • Histological study after a tumor biopsy.

Treatment: diagnosed carcinoma is amenable to treat differently and always unpredictable. What an accurate forecast of the end of the disease is exactly unknown, but the stage of development of the process has a major role. Modern methods of treatment include:

  • Surgical excision of the tumor. In some cases, it produces a complete removal of the affected organ and regional lymph nodes;
  • Chemotherapy - reception of drugs that adversely act on cancer cells and are able to slow down the tumor growth;
  • Radiation therapy is used to treat unexplained formations and is carried out before surgery;
  • Immunotherapy - an increase in resistance to special types of vaccines, as a result of which cancer diseases become the goal for the body;
  • Neutron therapy - the latest technique for combating carcinoma, in which the irradiation of tumor neutron is used;
  • Gene therapy is an effect on cellular division.

Combined treatment methods have a good effect when doctors simultaneously use several methods above.

Prevention: There is no accurate cause of carcinoma, which means that the measures of prevention cannot be determined. But doctors oncologists strongly recommend passing planned medical examinations, every year. Special attention should be paid to the dairy glands of women, they must be familiar with the methods of independent surveys.


Melanoma is a dangerous form of cancer, which arises from mutated melanocytes (pigment cells in the skin). Melanoma is characterized by a rapid pace of metastasis and a high level of complications and mortality. It is easy to determine the melanoma, because it is formed on open skin covers. In some cases, eyes, nails, feet, oral mucosa can be affected.

  • Long stay under sunshine. The effect of ultraviolet from the Sun, or solarium.
  • Moles All moles on the human body are divided into normal and atypical (those that have an asymmetric shape, rise above the skin of the skin).
  • People with delicate skin (especially albinos) are considered a contingent of increased risk in the emergence of melan.
  • Anamnesis. The presence of any skin cancer in the past, even after remission, increases the risk of repeated cancer.
  • Weak immune system.

A large role in the emergence of melanoma, like any other type of cancer, is playing genetic predisposition. According to statistics, 10% of patients with a diagnosis of skin cancer, in the family there were people with the same problem. This feature increases the risk of pathology by 50%.

Symptoms: Melanoma has the opportunity to grow from the birthmarks present on the skin, in some cases the process occurs on clean skin. Most often it is localized on the legs and back, occasionally on other areas of the body.

The main sign of the growth of melanoma is the visual changes in the size, the forms and the colors of those who are already present or the birth of spots, accompanied by the unpleasant sensations in these places. If on the body, a new mole is noticeable, which increases rapidly and has an abnormal appearance, it should be shown to those skilled in the art, since there is a high probability that melanoma develops on the skin.

In more running stages, the tumor on the skin begins to be covered with a crust, highlight different exudate, and new blackouts appear around the main focus. Then all this changes to pain, bleeding, destruction of the skin. Ultimately, Melanoma will allow metastases into the entire body, and the formation of a cancer process in other organs and tissues is inevitably.

At the same time, the general condition changes radically, the patient rapidly loses weight, is depleted, convulsive seizures are possible.

Diagnostics: diagnose melanoma is very difficult, even an experienced dermatologist. Due to the fact that the characteristic symptoms of skin cancer appear not always, for this doctors recommend paying attention to the presence of moles, and at first suspicious changes, immediately report to those skilled in the art (especially if there were already cases of defeat by this type of cancer).

In addition to visual inspection, the doctor may prescribe a skin biopsy, and biopsy of lymph nodes. The final diagnosis can be delivered only on the basis of a histological research of the material taken from pathological education.

Early diagnosis is of great importance in the treatment prediction, in connection with which people are recommended to undergo regular surveys. For an independent inspection, you need to have some pretty simple things (lamp, 2 mirrors, two chairs, hairdryer).

  • With the help of mirrors, it is convenient to inspect the face and the head. To check the hair of the head, you can use hair dryer.
  • After the head, hands and nails are inscribed, elbows and armpits are checked in the mirrors.
  • Next should be checked the skin of the neck, chest and body. For women, you need to check the skin under the breast.
  • Using mirrors to inspect the back, buttocks, shoulders and legs.
  • At the end, check the legs and genitals.

Treatment: produce one of two methods - surgical and combined.

The combined is the most successful, since the compound on the irradiation in time allows you to make a tumor in more ablastic conditions. To begin with cancer, the skin section is permitted by native radiotherapy, after which surgeons are excised tumor with the seizure of 4 centimeters of healthy skin around the lesion, as well as subcutaneous tissue and fascia. The formed crater in the skin is sewn with rare seam or closes with the help of plastic leather.

The negative feature of melanoma is its ability to rapidly metastasis in the nearest lymph nodes. In case of detection of their increase, they are subject to complete removal.


Sarkoma is another type of malignant education, which occurs from the cells of the connective tissue. In the human body, all organs have connective tissue in the structure, therefore sarcoma can be localized anywhere. According to statistics, only 5% of cancer diagnoses are in favor of sarcoma, which is characterized by a high level of mortality. Another feature of this type of cancer is considered to be its emergence in young people (more than 40% of patients have age less than 30 years).

  • Heredity;
  • Development from precancerous diseases;
  • Body poisoning by carcinogens;
  • Foreign bodies in the body;
  • Mechanical damage to the connective tissue;
  • Hormone imbalances in women during puberty.

Symptoms: Very often, Sarkoma begins to manifest in the form of a growing education. In the sarcoma bones, the patient complains of night pain in the affected bone, which cannot be anesthetized by drugs. Due to the fact that the tumor is constantly growing, the clinical picture is filled with additional symptoms. When squeezing or germination, the venous grid is increased - the venous grid increases, when exposed to nervous trunks - they begin to disturb the pain along the affected nerve.

Diagnostics: for timely detection and setting the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to use a whole range of diagnostic procedures:

  • Physical inspection and collection of anamnesis;
  • Laboratory research;
  • Ultrasound, radiography, MRI, Doppler angiography, etc.;
  • Biopsy affected fabrics.

Treatment: the best method of treating the disease is an operation. If it is well positioned, then the removal of the tumor does not affect the normal functions of the body and the treatment will not lead to disabilities. Although there are quite often situations occur when after removal of sarcoma, malignant growth in the lungs begins. Additionally to surgical intervention, methods of chemotherapy and radiation irradiation can be applied, which can be applied both before and after the operation.

The compound of several treatment methods is considered the most successful, but more dangerous way to overcome cancer.


Leukemia (leukemia, blood cancer) - malignant pathology of the hematopoietic system. The disease begins with a bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of blood cells (red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets). When the cell is amenable to mutation in any phase of its development, it acquires the properties of cancer, while it does not fulfill its usual functions and begins uncontrolled division. For the development of blood cancer, just one mutating cell in the blood is enough.

Reasons: influence the development of leukemia such factors can:

  • Genetic predisposition - if in the family there were relatives affected by any kind of cancer, the risk of leukemia increases at times. Such a contingent is advised to be examined 2 times more often (especially women);
  • The impact of ionizing radiation is the working conditions that are directly related to irradiation. Direct evidence that radiation affects the development of leukemia, you can consider atomic explosions at the Chernobyl NPP and in Japan, which dropped a sharp increase in patients with a diagnosis of blood cancer.
  • The reception of carcinogens is the reception of some drugs that affect the blood-forming organs.
  • Viruses - some viruses are able to embed into human DNA and provoke the mutations of the cells of the body.
  • Food - Modern food manufacturers use a mass of chemical preservatives and dyes, whose action is carcinogenic.

Symptoms: the clinical picture of leukemia is not clear, it is impossible to determine its presence independently, but if a person has several symptoms described below, it is worth consulting from a specialist:

  • Chronic weakness;
  • Weight loss and no appetite;
  • Bloodystavitsa and gum plow;
  • Pain in the joints and bones.
  • Symptoms of colds;
  • Reducing resistance, which threatens the emergence of infections;
  • Red spots under the skin;
  • Increased sweating, especially during sleep.

Diagnostics: To diagnose blood cancer, it is necessary to hand over blood for general and biochemical analyzes. Also, a bone marrow bioptat is taken for a clearer study.

Treatment: Bringing to the treatment of leukemia is needed immediately after the diagnosis of the oncological disease, because it has properties to rapid development. In the event of blood cancer, the treatment is to use chemotherapy, which is aimed at the destruction of cancer blood cells. Given the general condition and severity of the patient in the patient, additional measures are applied in the form of blood transfusion, reduction of intoxication and prevention of infectious complications.

6 types of cancer that are successfully treated

People are afraid of cancer diagnoses, perceiving them as a sentence. In fact, it is not always like this: from certain types of cancer (and more than 200 are known) today you can cure. Of course, the result of the efforts of doctors depends on many factors, including the condition of the body of a particular patient, its psychological attitude, the efficiency of circulation for qualified help, sequence and perseverance in treatment.

Nevertheless, medicine has achieved significant success in the salvation of patients who have some kind of malignant neoplasms. We want to tell readers about them.

Mammary cancer

Malignant breast taking - second in the world's view of cancer. About a million cases of the titled disease are diagnosed annually. In industrialized countries, breast cancer is widespread very wide. The fact is that, besides the huge family history and features of the hormonal background of women, the main risk factors for the occurrence of breast cancer are the so-called diseases of civilization (diabetes, obesity), smoking, alcohol abuse, abortion and rejection of breastfeeding.

The main method of treating breast cancer is surgical: the tumor is removed, and with a small amount there is a chance of removing the entire breast, but only the new formation itself. Methods of treatment, for example, cryomammotimony (freezing of the tumor with its subsequent removal) are actively developed.

The success of the treatment of cancer of this type directly depends on the efficiency of circulation for medical help. Doctors resemble women about the need to familiarize themselves with the techniques of self-examination and regular medical examination. Upon reaching the reach of 40 years, a woman must carry out independent breast palpation monthly and at least once a year to attend women's advice. In the early detection of the tumor and timely adequate assistance, the probability of curing from breast cancer is almost 100%.

Cervical cancer

The main reason for the occurrence of problems associated with the treatment of cervical cancer is difficult to diagnose. In the initial stages, the disease proceeds asymptomatic or manifests itself with general malaise. Only a gynecologist can detect a tumor during inspection, so such inspections must be regular.

In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the risk factors for the development of cervical cancer:

  • infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV);
  • smoking;
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • early start of sexual life.

The connection of the cervical cancer with HPV is scientifically proven. It has been established that the probability of infection during sexual contact is about 75%, but in the normal operation of the immune system, the overwhelming majority of pathogenic microorganisms die. Nevertheless, almost 90% of women of reproductive age are considered infected with HPV.

Modern medicine successfully fights cervical cancer. Treatment In this case, it is necessary to surgically, it may also include chemotherapy or radiation therapy. When applying in the early stages of the disease, almost 100% survival is ensured. Among those who began fighting cancer in the second stage, approximately 80% are cured.

Skin cancer

Cancer skin (different species) is about 15% of all cancer. Most frequently (in 88.2% of cases) there are basalomas and flat-mellular cancer. These types of neoplasms are not the most dangerous, as they rarely metastasize into other organs and tissues. Mulanoma (aggressive and rapidly metastatic tumor) is much more severe, which accounts for 11% of cases.

The success of the treatment of skin cancer is primarily associated with early detectability. The fact is that skin neoplasms are easy to diagnose visually. It is enough to notice the atypical changes in the skin and especially the state of the birthplace to suspect the pathology. The rapid increase in the number of moles, changes in their color, clarity of the boundaries, surface structure or size - reason for immediate access to the doctor.

In the early stages of skin cancer, you can cure with the help of surgical methods and radiation therapy. With timely appeal, the survival rate of patients suffering from melanoma is from 89 to 95%.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer (prostate) is one of the most commonly encountered malignant neoplasms in men. This is a parable of mature age, the risk of development of which increases after the achievement of a man of 50 years. In the early stages, pathology is successfully treated: with a small tumor size at the time of detection, the probability of recovery is 95%.

Unfortunately, in most cases, prostate cancer is diagnosed late. The reason is not only that the growth of the tumor can proceed asymptomatic. Often, men are shy or afraid to seek medical care, even experiencing noticeable discomfort. It is necessary to consult a doctor if such signs are observed:

  • unpleasant sensations when urination or ejaculation;
  • the presence of blood traces in sperm or urine;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • student urination (including night).

Men who have reached the mature age should follow their health and attend the urologist at least once a year or at the first appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Egg cancer

The disease is manifested by a painful seal in the field of scrotum, its increasing and pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Egg cancer can affect men even in his youth. The average age of the disease is 40 years.

The main method of combating such a type of cancer is a surgical removal of eggs with subsequent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. With a timely handling of the doctor, the probability of full cure is estimated at 96%.

Colorectal cancer

From cancer direct or colon with adequate treatment in the early stages you can get rid of 90% of cases. The presence of pathologies may indicate the following symptoms:

  • the presence of blood in feces;
  • intestinal problems (constipation or diarrhea);
  • feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying after defecation;
  • discomfort or stubborn abdominal pain;
  • fast weight loss;
  • constant fatigue;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness.

The main risk factor is the burded family history. The probability of the appearance of colorectal cancer increases with age: 85% of cases fall on patients over 65 years.

The best method of preventing a thick or rectum cancer is regular surveys. Many doctors recommend to people who stepped over a 40-year frontier, to visit the proctologist annually and take the analysis of the feces on the hidden blood, and if necessary, pass a colonoscopy. Especially vigilant should be those in whose families there were cases of called illness.

All types of cancer described are successfully treated at the initial stage. Therefore, it is important to show an oncological alertness: pay attention to the emergence of alarming symptoms and regularly undergo a medical examination.

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Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Therapeutic case".

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With a regular visit to a solarium, a chance to get skin cancer increases by 60%.

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According to statistics, on Mondays, the risk of back injuries increases by 25%, and the risk of a cardiac attack is 33%. Be careful.

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American scientists conducted experiments on mice and concluded that watermelon juice prevents the development of the atherosclerosis of the vessels. One group of mice saws ordinary water, and the second is watermelon juice. As a result of the second group vessels were free from cholesterol plaques.

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The blood of a man "runs" along the vessels under huge pressure and in violation of their integrity is capable of shooting up to 10 meters away.

The average life expectancy of the left less than right-handers.

Today, a very topical question is the treatment of cancer. Before you consider it, it is important to know which types of cancer there are and which of them is the most dangerous to health and life.

Cancer. General

Cancer is a severe malignant disease that develops from epithelial healthy cells and may affect any organ or human body system. Until today, the causes of the growth of pathological cells are not thoroughly studied. Therefore, the more we are aware of the facts known to modern medicine, the easier it is to avoid this or find the right way out.

There is a theory that the appearance of cancer is associated with the mutation of the body tissues. But this is not proven, like other versions.

Causes of occurrence. Types of cancer

Ownership of information about the causes of the occurrence can save everyone who for some reason is at risk. Here are a few common reasons that explain the nature of the emergence of other people's cells in a healthy body:

  • air pollution;
  • genetic deviations;
  • use of nicotine;
  • inflammatory processes in the chronic stage;
  • viruses and infections;
  • alcoholism;
  • carcinogens, which are now used almost in everything, and avoid the action of which cannot be.

What types of cancer are there? Some varieties:

  • carcinoma is the most frequent look of cancer, which affects the esophagus, prostate, dairy glands;
  • leukemia - cancer, which is localized in the bone marrow, but gives metastasis throughout the body;
  • sarkoma - cancer, which arises from the cells of the lymphatic system.

Blood cancer. Dangerous view

Blood cancer is also called hemoblastosis. This is a group of diseases of the circulatory system. Among them, there are particularly dangerous types of blood cancer, it is leukemia, hematosarcoma, lymphoma, angoma, chronic myelolomicosis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute monobolatite leukemia and others.

Leukemia is manifested by a disorder of differentiation and proliferation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. With this pathology, a large number of cancer cells accumulate in the body, which are not responsible for any function, but only slowly poison the body. More often leukemia is striking people in old age or children up to 4 years.

Cancer genital organs. Uterine cancer

Tumors of genital organs are malignant formations that may affect the external and internal organs.

Common among women is uterine cancer. Types of uterine cancer are striking women from 55 to 70 years, but exceptions often occur when very young women undergo a survey, and they put a terrible diagnosis - endometrial cancer. There is hormonal type and autonomous.

  • Hormonal is a more "young" cancer, it happens in women up to 40 years, which in young age suffered problems with conception, diabetes, hyperglycemia and other problems.
  • Autonomous is observed in women a rash. Such patients have reduced susceptibility to hormones and the lack of exchange disorders of the endocrine system.

Gastrointestinal Cancer

Tumors of the stomach and intestines are a very common disease. Known such types of gastric and gastrointestinal cancer:

  • the polypoid is about 6% of all kinds, and its action lies in the fact that cancer corrosive the walls of the stomach. Pathological areas affected by cancer are well distinguished on the background of healthy tissues;
  • carcinoma, cancer-ulcer or exposed - there are about 36%, clear edges are visible, but almost no different from the stomach ulcers;
  • partial carcinoma - clear edges does not have, protrudes over the level of healthy tissues and affects large areas of the stomach;
  • infiltrative cancer - develops inside the walls of the stomach, to diagnose is difficult;
  • adenocarcinoma - starts from the cells of the mucous membrane, or rather the ferrous epithelium.

As well as some types of intestinal cancer:

Types of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract can give metastases, but with a timely handling of an oncologist, a productive treatment can be carried out.

Lungs' cancer. The most dangerous view of cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that appears from the epithelium of the bronchi. Specialists, finding out what kinds of cancer are, and having studied their pathogenesis, determined that the tumor of the lungs is the most dangerous cancer.

  • central - the main bronchi is affected;
  • peripheral - tumor grows out of alveoli and small bronchi;
  • mediastinal - characterized by the rapid appearance of metastasis in lymph nodes;
  • disseminated form - a large number of foci of growth of pathological cells in lung tissues is formed;
  • sarcoma;
  • trachea cancer;
  • low-differentiated. Cancer of the lungs of this species is one of the most dangerous.

What are the causes of this terrible pathology? First of all, smoking affects the occurrence of the lung tumor. It does not matter, active this or passive smoking. The fact of inhalation of carcinogens is the main cause of cancer. The next factor that can cause similar types of cancer can be distinguished contact with poisons, such as nickel, cadmium, arsenic.

Heredity also plays a role in the occurrence of a tumor, along with such factors as radioactive irradiation, poor ecology, chronic pulmonary diseases and others.

Mammary cancer

What types of cancer are women? Most often in women are affected by the dairy glands. This disease is leading in the list of the most dangerous and frequent pathologies. They suffer from breast tumors predominantly women from 40 to 60 years old, but the disease is rapidly young, and the types of breast cancer are already distinguished, which are striking young girls.

Most of the neoplasms that make a mammologist or women themselves can be attributed to benign. It is a galactocele, fibro-cystic mastopathy and fibroadenoma gland. Such types of diseases, cancer diagnosed at optimal terms, are quickly revealed by oncologists, and treatment is carried out, perhaps even the removal of the mammary glands in order to avoid a re-process.

What are the reasons for the development of pathological growth of cells in the mammary gland:

  • anomalies in the development of the breast;
  • alcoholism, smoking and other bad habits are an important risk factor if we also take into account the genetic predisposition of a woman;
  • poor ecology, polluted air and low-quality drinking water;
  • late childbirth can also be launched in the early development of pathology;
  • long use of hormonal preparations and others.

Breast cancer with timely appeal to the oncologist is treated with the ability to exclude the repetition.

Symptoms of cancer

The problem is that at the initial stages of development of cancer does not make itself felt, and only early diagnosis will help determine the presence and severity of the pathological process.

Symptoms of cancer are:

  • fast weight loss;
  • long time increased body temperature;
  • state of apathy and constant fatigue for no reason;
  • color, shape, size of birth plates or moles may vary;
  • ulcers appear in the oral cavity;
  • over time, painful sensations increase.

In addition to the main symptoms, the specifications are also distinguished. Long healing wounds can talk about changing the cells in the body, losses with their function - cancer processes. Nepical discharge or bleeding, as well as urination problems may indicate the presence of cancer cells in the body.

Diagnostics of cancer types

To date, there are many unresolved questions that put oncology in front of them. The types of cancer are mutated and become invulnerable. For high-quality treatment, it is necessary to properly diagnose the disease.

To this end, we use Wood therapy, computed tomography, mammography (in order to identify the types of breast cancer), an endoscopic method for diagnosing tumors in the stomach, esophagus and intestines, magnetic tomography, radioisotope diagnosis and others.

Read more about X-ray studies - the main method of diagnosing oncological diseases.

X-ray applies with the slightest suspicion of pathological processes in cells. With this method, you can examine the lungs, colon, stomach, bones. Recently, special methods began to apply - bronchography, angiography, which significantly increase the likelihood of detecting cancer processes.

Treatment of cancer

Already over the years there is an active discussion and research of drugs for the treatment of cancer. But, unfortunately, medicine has not yet found the only way to cure such patients. Therefore, after detection of cancer processes, a comprehensive treatment is carried out using radiation therapy, chemotherapeutic preparations and surgical methods.

  • Radiation therapy of cancer patients: the principle of such treatment lies in the increased sensitivity of pathological cells to ionizing irradiation. After such a procedure in patients with cells, mutation occurs, and they die. Therapy is not shown for children, since their cells are still under development and are most excluded. Some types of lung cancer are successfully treated after the procedure.
  • Chemotherapeutic effects on cancer cells are very aggressive, and the procedure is shown only at launched stages, if other types of cancer treatments are no longer help. The dose is selected depending on the weight of the patient, the type of tumor, its position and state of the patient. Combine different drugs to effectively effect on tumor cells.
  • It is often resorted to surgical treatment, as this is the most efficient and reliable method. Treatment is to remove the focus of pathology. But the surgical method will be ineffective if metastases have already appeared in the body.

Heavy and most dangerous types of cancer, such as lung cancer, it is not always possible to cure. In this case, supporting therapy is applied, but the chance that the patient will survive, very little.

  • Are you here:
  • the main
  • Cancer treatment
  • The most dangerous view of cancer: treatment methods

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