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Pokemon Map - Online Services for Pokemon Go. Where to look for Pokemon? Cards for Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO very quickly gained popularity. The game begins to play all large quantity Players. The purpose of this game is that you need to look for and seize Pokemon, train them in gimns and fight with other participants. The main feature of the game is an additional reality. In order to find Pokemon. have to go on foot in real world. But, many do not want to walk and they begin to look for ways, how to find out the locations of Pokemon. To do this, there are special services that will be able to provide such information.

Today we will look at the best online serviceswhich allow you to track the location of Pokemon. Also tell the principles of work and which services do it really help.

Popularity pokemon games GO grows every day. Players are looking for ways to track "Pocket Monsters" in your city. Together with the fame of the game, the demand for online services that can show all the locations of the nearest pokemon are growing. Here we have collected the best of all.

Pokecrew - works and there are locations

It is great and quite accurately indicates places where you can find Pokemon. Works without glitches and mistakes. Maps are filled with players themselves. In order to find out when the pokemon was caught, you just need to click on the icon with his image. The service has the opportunity to leave comments. Perfectly suitable for search in big cities. There is a huge number of players who fill the map. But unfortunately, the deception is not excluded there. So be careful when using the service.

Conclusion: Works. Locations B. sufficient quantity For such a service. But you should not trust the information completely.

Poke Radar - Map Created by Players

This project creates players. They celebrate those places on the map where Pokemon was caught and which one. This is one of the most popular resources today to track Pokemon. It is also possible to configure the filter to find out in where the concrete pokemon was caught and where it is most often found. You can do it in the upper corner on the left side. Since it is possible to add a false position, it is necessary to monitor the prompts in the swung windows. Since the service is popular, there are moments when it starts to slow down. This is due to server loads. In this case, you need to wait a bit. The authors of this project are asking each player to be more active and add new locations, give estimates to other users and leave comments.

Conclusion: Works. Locations are enough. A lot of possibilities. Due to the fact that there is an opportunity to comment and set lications, deception is minimized.

PokeVision - Pokemon Locator

Displays in real time the location of Pokemon. which live in close proximity to the user. But unfortunately, not all areas are available for scanning.

Conclusion: Works, but not all locations can scan.

Pokemon Go Map on PC

This is a new one hundred percent way to view not only Pokemon, but also half-windows and hymoms in the city. In order to install it on your computer, you need:

All, now you can use.

Conclusion: Works. There are filters. Displays poker, gym and pokemon. It is installed only on the computer, which may not be comfortable.

Search for hymom and half-windows on the map

To date, the Google MAPS page has been to search for arenas and half-winds - Google Maps. . It is popular only in states and Europe. Since the game officially came out only in three countries, then marked hymoms and half-windows there much more than we. Russia has not yet been presented, but hope that after the official exit in our country it will be corrected.

Let's summarize

Most likely, all services that say that only they are able to accurately indicate the location of Pokemon and arenas, most of them say no accurate information. Developers are actively fighting the players who play not honestly and use cheats and this kind of program and services. So the resource that actively worked a couple of hours ago can be just blocked. It may not be worth spending time looking for a service that will present the necessary information, but to get up and go to search. It is much more fascinating and more interesting.

Update 29.03.2017: Pokemon's workmark Pokehuntr has been added. The rest of the cards closed earlier after

Since the release of the game, coaches from all over the world are in constant search for the best Pokemon card for Pokemon Go. The problem is that Pokemon trackers often work with failures or closed at all. This is due to the fact that the developer of Pokemon Go, Ninatic, is constantly fighting the cheaters and the use of third-party applications during the game. However, the official adequate map of Pokemon on this moment absent.

If you are tired of looking for a work card of Pokemon online - then this article will help you. We analyzed all the available Pokemon trackers and selected best Solutions. At the time of writing, all Pokemon cards are workers and cover the whole world, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. You will be able to download a map of Pokemon or use it online - the article will feature several options.

Pokemon Pokemon Card, which works - Pokehuntr

This is a Pokemon Trekker, which allows you to scan the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe map and shows the Pokemon found and their IV. This map Pokemon is extremely easy to use, but it also has small disadvantages.

So, key features Pokehuntr:

  • the web version of the application can show Pokemon at any point of the planet.
  • each Pokemon displays it IV, spawn time
  • Pokehuntr shows on the map all topical results - it does not matter, you scanned or other person a certain section of the card or not, Pokemon will be displayed on the map until the time is spawn. Therefore, in popular places of the planet, this application can be viewed as a replacement.
  • 100 Percentage Accuracy of Pokemon Card
  • consumes a small amount of mobile traffic
  • does not require any credentials for their work

The application has a small cons:

  • long scanning, sometimes does not scan at all. Maybe a problem if you do not live in San Francisco :)
  • only one scan of 90 seconds can be performed. Scanning failed? Wait for another 90 seconds until the next)
  • no versions for Android and iOS. However, this is not such a minus - the web version looks quite well on any device.

Pokehuntr can be viewed as an alternative to the FastPokemap closed. And although FPM scanned faster, still Pokehuntr is fully operational.

Pokehuntr is designed by the same guys as Gymhuntr. Gymhuntr shows the gym on the map, and also displays their status (including Pokemon, which protect Him). We still write about this tool.

Thus, if you are observed (for example, with a gaming scanner), it is quite possible to consider Pokemon Pokemon, as a temporary replacement for the game tracker.

Best Pokemesh Pokemesh

We have already written about the wonderful application. At the moment it is the most convenient and functional map Pokemon Go. Unfortunately, it is only available on Android and in the form of a web version, and it works in a thousand times better on Android.

Pokemesh has version:

  • Android
  • Web version
  • Scanning a given location, filtering and tracking of certain pokemon.
  • Convenient Flexible Setup Notifications
  • Display IV each found Pokemon
  • Overlay Mode (Overlay) for use in Pokemon Go
  • Displaying hymoms and half-windows on the map (as well as advocates of the hymoms and their CP)
  • Using multiccounts for faster scanning

If you have Android device - Definitely it is worth the Pokemesh Pokemon Map. Works quickly, scans exactly, has several unique features.

Online Pokemon Map FastPokemap

If you need online Pokemon Map, then the best solution will be FastPokemap. FastPokemap scans quickly, for sure, there is a pokemon filtration - and what else needs? Many trackers used the API of this service while FastPokemap does not. Meanwhile, the tracker itself after this decision began to work even faster.

The main functionality of FastPokemap:

  • only a web version is present.
  • online scanning, Pokemon filtration
  • no need to use personal account

Pokemon Map for Android and iOS - PokeAlert

Previously, we wrote a detailed article about the use. PokeAlert is generally similar to Pokemesh, but does not displays wilderness and gims. However, this program pleases me incredibly fast scanning (when using multi-panet), support for background scanning and an extremely simple selection of scanning radius. For all the time of use, the Pokelert Pokelert card never failed. The iOS version has a more modest set of functions than for Android.

PokeAlert has version:

  • Android

The main functionality of Pokemesh (Only in the Android application):

  • Fast scanning
  • Support for multiccounts with a batch download in the program
  • Comfortable background scanning
  • Filter and Notifications System
  • Convenient selection of scanning radius

If you didn't like Pokemesh, try PokeAlert. Maybe this map of Pokemon will have to taste.

Pokemon Map for Computer

There is a wonderful script that allows you to see Pokemon, gims and wilderness at a specified point of the world using your computer running Windows or Mac OS. Now I will tell you how to download this map of Pokemon on your computer.

  1. Download Pokemongo-Desktopmap from the official site. File Pokemongomap-win.exe for Windows, file for Mac OS

2. Get the API-Google key. Follow the link, select "Credentials - create credentials - the API key". Copy the key from the "Your API key" window.

3. Run the downloaded file Pokemon Go Live Map

4. Select "Add New Account" and enter PTC or Google Account (You can enter multiple accounts for faster scanning). Do not enter your main account data - register a new one! In the "Google Maps Key" field, copy the previously received API. In the field "Address" you can enter the name of your settlement And click "Locate" (or you can determine the location after starting the program). In the scanning options string, you can set the scanning radius (the greater the radius - the slower the map is updated. I leave the default).

5. Click "Start Server". The program will start and start scanning.

After starting in the "Options" section, you can set the map display settings, locations, map style and alerts.

In general, Pokemongomap is an incredibly interesting and consistently operating card of Pokemon. Having spent a few minutes on its setting, you get a great solution that Gima, Pokeropes and Pokemon in Moscow, St. Petersburg - and anywhere in the planet!

So today we talked about the best Pokemon work currency cards. We looked like online cards Pokemon and applications for Android and iOS. Suggest your Pokemon Cards in the comments if they have a more interesting functionality than the above and simply tell you what trackers and services you use.

Niantic stated that third-party Pokemon cards prevent the game to develop the game Pokemon GO, because the company will close them. That is why the Pokevision service with a mega-card of Pokemon still "does not breathe" (and this is for a long time, there is such a suspicion). And that is why you have to look for other options. And we will look for.

Info publish as it arrives, because KEEP FOR UPDATES . It will be interesting. So:

(Supplemented 07/08/2017)

Taking into account the fact that now you have to impass the raids, this map is a little different. Although we also note that it is part of a large online service, in which the Pokemon map is also provided.

So, as you already, for sure, I understood the hardest in the raids is to collect it in opening time And in the right place a strong team, with which you can really achieve something more or less sensible.

And it can actually achieve this single way: Personally inform, invite, order, etc. The nearest friends-comrades are to come to the beginning of the raid. And this, a clear case, it turns out not at all and not always.

Because Silph Road service offered an alternative solution. It is called Silph Radio and quite successfully operates with the past weekends.

Silph Radio. - this is actually a raid card, which is the gamers themselves, noting the places of the nearest raids with special markers (lighthouses), and which allows you to share the operational info (time, level of raid, the number of participants, etc.) with hollows that you are planning an attack against the defined Raid Boss.

Thus, instead of rushing around the district in the hope that fate will reduce you with other raiders, who can still not be pokemon, you can simply check the Silph Radio and arrive in advance in place where such players are going to. Knowing at the same time, against whom will have to fight, and with whom you can unite to achieve victory in the raid.

If you already have your own flock with which you regularly participate in raids, Silph Radio can be used as a communication channel in a coordination tool. If your flocks are not yet either in the raid you came out solo, then the service will help find assistants in place.

Conditions, of course, too, too:

  • firstly , you need an account in Reddit (registered in a couple of minutes) - SILPH RADIO works through it;
  • secondly , info you not only get, but also in obligatory must provide their own, i.e. put lighthouses (if no one knows about the raid, then what team work can I go?);
  • third , Silph Road is a new service, with all the consequences, because by registering, pay attention to the instructions - often they write sensitive things there.

(Supplemented 02.22.2017)

Built-in Pokemon Trekker Players in Pokemon Go, as before, appreciate not high. There was a lot of reasons from the moment of the release of the toy and remains: he did not work, he worked not completely, it was just buggy. And even after the implementation in the game itself new version The tracker that functions is much better and clear than any of the preducing, the tradition of the dislike of this game element is not going anywhere.

And by itself, gamers are still popular with the most diverse cards of Pokemon and alternative trackers based on the so-called third-party applications. True, as Niantic reveals this kind of software products, there are less and less. But the amount of this to the joy of the docking is still more zero.

In general, we decided to somewhat update this old post and publish a fresh selection of work services for tracking Pokemon, which have not had time to close.

So, the duty officer of Pokemon trackers in the version "Winter-Spring-2017":

  • pokemon Map - Pokiimap (for Android)

Developers modally called their brainchild " PokeVision on Android". The application is not the most convenient, but quite efficient. It can scan the neighborhood (every 2 minutes) and notify the user about the appearance of certain Pokemon, and also shows when one or another pokemon will disappear.

  • pokemon Map - Pokesensor (for Android and IOS)

Also not the simplest and comfortable program, but working, free and very highly popular. Pokesensor scans the territory within a radius of 2 km (distance and frequency can be tuned), Pokemon shows exactly, but only their names and without familiar pictures on the map.

  • pokemon Map - PoKetracker (for iOS)

Pokemon filter and notification system and the appearance of the desired Pokemon are provided. You can also hide the already caught pokemon. On the map, except Pokemon (shown only names), gifs and wilders are also displayed. There is a paid I. free versions. Paid download can be for 3 bucks.

  • pokemon map (for iOS)

In addition, this application is worker, it is also interesting for the fact that it shows images of Pokemon and spawning site. There is a Pokwhere $ 5, registration does not require (excessive guarantee from Ban Hamer Niantic), but in general is not very popular yet.

  • online map of Pokemon

You can scan anywhere. The interface is simple and convenient, the search can be specified by the name on Cyrillic. The scanner is updated and works relatively quickly and accurately. But sometimes Pokemon shows with a delay, because it is necessary to scan 2-3 times in one place.

  • online map of Pokemon -

The service often lags and falls. Also requires disconnecting Adblock and stuffed with advertising. But when it works, it works well.

As you know, after January 20, many popular Pokemon cards have stopped working. The pretexts were very different, but the result is one. On Pokemap, for example, the service developers wrote that Pokemon Company accused them of illegally using Pokemon and unauthorized access to Niantic servers. Surely, the fight against this kind of competitors Niantic will continue in the future.

Therefore, we recall that it is better not to use third-party cards of Pokemon, but to create a spare. Just in case.

Old content

(Archival publication of 09.09.2016)

Pokecrew is a Pokemon Map, which shows everything you need, and even a little more. Including wilderness and, of course, all Pokemon in a given territory. Together in the description of each individual animal. True, it is better to allow the service to automatically determine your location.

On the PokeCreW map, only the Pokemon user selected are displayed. Plus, infa about the main attacks of each, its weight, kilometer necessary to grow it in the incubator and the number of candies that need to be assembled to develop one or another Pokemon.

The Pokecrew feature is that this service does not use GPS data. Any requests in it are dialing manually. On the other hand, since the user does not need to somehow "tie" their playing account to this service, Pokecrew has more chances to be not banned longer. By the way, Search understands Russian!

At the moment, Pokecrew is a crowdsourcing project, therefore each user can add topical information to the site. Now there are already more than 4 million.

We also note that Pokecrew is running enough to quickly (for now, at least), including on smartphones. And problems with the overloads of the site and / or some kind of failures seems to do not arise. In general, if you still have not lost hope to find a decent analog of PokeVision, then, obviously, Pokecrew is the optimal option.

(Supplemented 12.08.2016)

Pokemon tracker FastPokemap.

The service is not so convenient and functional as the PokeVision map (it is already considered a reference sample), but it looks very similar to it and can be helpful.

It is noteworthy that FastPokemAP developers are very actively communicating with users through their twitter. The tracker was released for less than a week ago, on August 7, the developed beta test, and, most interesting, the card still works.

One of the main differences of the new FastPokemap from the "old" PokeVision is the radius of the Pokemon scanner. In Pokevision, as you remember, the scanner covered a very large territory and could have shown Pokemon. FastPokemap in this respect will be more comprehensive and after scanning shows only those Pokemon, which can be reached on foot during the time being visible on the map. This time is, by the way, is also displayed. Plus, there is also tracking mode, and the scanner can be used without restrictions.

Pokegear GO Tracker App

The program works so far only on the iPhone and iPad. You can download it in the App Store. Is free. In short, the Pokegear Go functionality includes Pokemon radar and built-in intelligence with information about all animals, which are currently present in the game. As additional advantage - Funny interface and filter, with which you can track only specific pokemon with sorting by name.

You could download the tracker in the App Store:

Skiplagged Pokemon Map

... works on live users, and not with Niantic servers. That is, the man caught the Pokemon, and this pokemon is displayed on the Skiplagged card. They are oriented, of course, mainly on the Western "consumer", but there is some sense from them in our territories. The main disadvantage of the service is that it is useful in large cities where there are a lot of docking. But on beggar, as they say, now only such nightingaws.


From similar product functionality, it was possible to test the mobile Android application Smart Poke 2 with some success.

Prog free, you can download it IT WAS in Play Market: But already removed.

However, it is represented so far only in beta versions. This is first. And secondly, how long this service will work, it is also not clear (taking into account the previous Pokemon trakers smoke together).

If you briefly, Smart Poke 2 also knows how to show new Pokemon on the map in the selected place. If you click on the icon of any Pokemon, the info appears on the exact distance to it (in meters) the remaining time during which the animal can be caught, as well as the rearness of it. Data on other Pokemones are displayed on the sidebar.

In addition, SMART POKE 2 can also be configured to display only the desired information. For example, you can configure the application so that the notifications come only when a rare pokemon appears somewhere nearby. Let it be for now …

Old content: PokeVision turned off

As you know, yesterday the owners until recently very popular at the intestine in the entire world of online service PokeVision wrote an open letter to the developers of Pokemon GO. In which they explained why millions of players in Pokemon Go daily used this tracker, and why the game Rating on the Play Market and the App Store was so radically declined, after the game radar was removed from it and PokeVision was turned off.

As soon as the world famous game was published, players from all over the world are trying to find the best pokemon card for Pokemon. The snag is only that existing trackers are often functioning with failures or "fly out". This situation has developed due to the fact that the creators of the game Pokemon Go all the time are struggling with the churches, as well as using the "out of" programs during the game. Alas, but official pokemon cards not present at the moment.

If you're tired to notice to search pokemon working card online -we will try to help you. The monitoring of all existing trackers pushed us to writing this article. We selected the best solutions. You can download map Pokemonov Or try it online, at its discretion. We present several options.

Pokemon mapPokemesh.

This is the most successful and frequently used. mapPokemon.Go.. Available exclusively in the web version and only on Android.


  • Web version.
  • For Android.


  • Flexible configuration notifications.
  • Scan locations, filter and detection of certain Pokemon.
  • Overlay feature.
  • Gem show, as well as half the windows on the map.
  • Multi-pavet support for accelerating scanning.

MapFastPokemap online

Prefer cards for Pokemon Go online - FastPokemap will be the best option. This card performs a quick and efficient scan. Pokemon filter is provided.


  • Online scan, filter.
  • The use of a personal account is not needed.
  • A web version is provided.

Pokemon map foriOS I.Android -Pokealert.

This functional card is very similar to the previous one, but with a small nuances - mapPokealert.does not show guy and wilderness. Scanning happens quickly. The iOS version is endowed with less functions than Android.

Version PokeAlert:

  • Android.


  • Good background scanning.
  • Notification system and filters.
  • There are support for multiple accounts.
  • Batch download in the program.
  • Select scan radius.

Pokemon Map for ComputerPokemon.Desktop.Map

There is a very cool script that can see Pokemon, wildcare and gims in the estimated point of the globe using PC resources. This is a good and work card that will be useful to all pokemon players. Shows Pieces, Gima, Pokemon in St. Petersburg and Moscow, other cities! That's true setting this card is quite difficult job.

The best cards for Pokemon Gohttps: //sight/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/best-maps-pokemon-go-1.jpg.https: //sight/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/best-maps-pokemon-go-1-150x150.jpg 2016-10-23T08: 45: 04 + 00: 00 PokemongoGuides Pokemon Go.

As soon as the world famous game was published, players from all over the world are trying to find the best pokemon card for Pokemon. The snag is only that existing trackers are often functioning with failures or "fly out". This situation has developed due to the fact that the creators of the game Pokemon Go all the time are fighting ...

[Email Protected] Administrator. Pokemon GO - Real Game
I decided to merge all the points that I know myself. I think you yourself know what to do with it.
I'll start with the most dense.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: New York Central Park

40.781695, -73.966492
You can say the perfect point, there are almost all Pokemon, but it all is filled with useless pins.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE

33.8590635805737, 151.2131743133068
A good place On the density of Pokemon, almost the Central Park is only without garbage. Many water pokemones.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

35.701695, 139.771198
Very good point precisely for Pharma Exp. The density of the half-windows is just a huge, but there are little strong pokemon. This point is intended only for pharmacy experience, so far the best way in this plan.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

34.70430269315191, 135.5077850818634
Pikaching the dream of your life? Then this park is for you.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Lilydale Lake, Melbourne

37.7651298, 145.3509665
A lot of dratini for Pharma Dragonights.

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Hamburg, Germany

53.5530600326993, 9.923685193061829
I can't say anything definitely, but here it is often found rare Pokemon, like Porigon, Vaporons, Aerodackers, etc.

I will also add a couple more points for the farm of individual Pokemon:
-37.7633869612057, 145.35428166389465 Aerodatel (spawn from 30 minutes. up to 6 hours)
-33.859431, 151.229435 Electrobazz
37.80198532630738, -122.41267204284668 Skwirtle
35.71763253640807,139.77461099624634 Magmar
40.75696123684052, -73.98322105407715 Magnelite

P.S. You probably already know that, but I will say again, when moving on large distance There is a high chance to get a soft ban on ~ 2 hours so that this is not necessary before the transition does not go to the game 6-12 hours.

Good luck to all Pokemon!