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Where can you relax in the winter in Nurek. Budget beach destinations for winter family holidays. Additional advantages of tours for the winter

Cold weather literally pushes us from Ukrainian cities somewhere in warm edges. And among the tour operators there is a whole list of countries suitable for travel and rest. Make a new year or Christmas well, or simply soak on the beach instead of winter blizzards. We will tell you what warm countries in the winter are ready to take you to vacation, namely where to go in winter to the sea.

Thailand - Warm Sea Winter

Rain season - May-November.
Visa - It is drawn up at the airport for 15 days.
Temperature Day - 30-33 ° C.
Temperature at night - 26-29 ° C.
Water temperature - 20-23 ° C.

Rest in winter in warm countries can be organized by the usual plan. Thailand is undoubtedly one of the most popular places on the planet among other resorts. Most often, tourists visit Phuket and Pattaya. Developed infrastructure, a large number of hotels and restaurants, as well as an abundance of historical attractions. It is these factors that attract Ukrainians to local resorts. Especially during the winter months, the weather here more than has for recreation.

Winter holidays on the sea off the coast Maldives

Rain season - May-December.
Visa - Need for up to 30 days.
Temperature Day - 24-28 ° C.
Temperature at night - 22-25 ° C.
Water temperature - 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C.

Have you ever dreamed of relaxing at the Maldives? Why not combine the New Year's miracle and this long-standing dream? Moreover, the local resorts in winter are quite popular even for avid tourists. It is worth saying that the place is not particularly suitable for extremals, but for those who want to soak in the sun, wander under the palm trees and eat seafood - Maldives are an excellent choice.

Vietnamese resorts in winter

Rain season - October December.
Visa - It is drawn up at the airport for up to 30 days.
Temperature Day - 26-33 ° C.
Temperature at night - 21-26 ° C.
Water temperature - 22-25 ° C.

Vietnam is good with their authenticity. Phanage and Nha Trang are pleasing to the large number of temples and religious statues. This is a more calm and not such a ledged version of Thailand. But no worse than any other Asian resort than any other Asian resort. Clean beaches, friendly locals and virgin nature. Perhaps it is for this travelers appreciate Vietnam in opposition to the winter wind.

UAE - beach vacation in winter without a visa

Rain season - March.
Visa - For owners of a biometric passport, a visa-free regime acts.
Temperature Day - 24-41 ° C.
Temperature at night - 20-33 ° C.
Water temperature - 21-33 ° C.

The most popular resort is Arabic Emirates. Tours here are some of the cheapest, and the probability of meeting the countryman by the pool or on the coast above average. Dubai and Abu Dhabi - literally top cities for shopping lovers. Despite the religion in culture, mentality and habits, these warm edges are suitable for supporters of different vacation options. It is especially pleasant that in winter, unlike the eastern resorts, it is rare here.

Domininkana - Best beach holiday in winter

Rain season - August-October.
Visa - need a Schengen visa.
Temperature Day - 27-31 ° C.
Temperature at night - 22-26 ° C.
Water temperature - 26-29 ° C.

This is one of the most expensive resorts among the winter, but the price certainly corresponds to the quality of the services provided. Dominican Republic has snow-white beaches and clean coasts, upscale hotels and restaurants with exquisite cuisine provide rest at any time of the year at a decent level.

All familiar Egypt

Rain season - November.
Visa - South Sinai resorts can be sent without a visa for up to 15 days, the rest is allowed to enter only a visa to 30 days.
Temperature Day - 23-27 ° C.
Temperature at night - 22-24 ° C.
Water temperature - 24-26 ° C.

Red Sea and Pyramids, Walking on Camels and Pools in five-stroke hotels. It is these pearls that make the resorts of Hurghada and Sham-El Sheikhe desirable seats for visiting. There are enough low prices for accommodation and meals, and in the winter most comfortable, warm, windlessly and not at all wet.

Choose one of two Goa - South or Northern

Rain season - June-September.
Visa - We need, you can arrange at the airport for up to 60 days with a two-time visiting.
Temperature Day - 29-35 ° C.
Temperature at night - 22-26 ° C.
Water temperature - 27-29 ° C.

The Indian resort on Goa is suitable for different tourists due to its diverseness. North Goa is suitable for fans of nightclubs, restaurants, discos and concerts. It is here in the winter and summer seasons arrange their concerts leading DJs of the world. In South Goa, the resorts are more relaxed, close to nature, which have a platform for diving and fishing.

Let's fly in winter to canary

Rain season - January.
Visa - In the presence of a biometric passport, you can be without a visa to 90 days.
Temperature Day - 19-22 ° C.
Temperature at night - 16-18 ° C.
Water temperature - 19-20 ° C.

The Canary Islands are offered by the coast of Africa and in winter take guests at the resorts of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. It is very beautiful here, and quite comfortable in the winter. The temperature is not particularly high, and a large number of attractions diversify your time regardless of tourist preferences. It should be remembered that in the winter period on the Canaries there are a lot of guests, the influx falls to the beginning of spring.

When it comes to winter vacations, and overlook the blizzard, it's time to plan a trip. On the map a lot of points where you can go and relax on the warm coast. Tours in winter on the sea can bring a lot of bright memories and, by the way, to significantly strengthen the immune system. We wish you a pleasant stay and warm winter travel.

In modern times, we live gentlemen and travel opportunities is becoming more and more. Turkey and Egypt is tired of the order, but also to relax where the heat and the sea, and the sun, and the beach.

Option first. India. Goa

In the past New Year holidays, the family fell like a desire: "We want summer among the winter." And, not long, reflecting, they themselves and implemented: bought a tour of Goa - the smallest and all the favorite state in the hot india. There for a whole week and saved frost and blizzard. Well, how they saved? In the clubs of the resort life about winter somehow did not think.

Goa in the sense of the beaches is the richest place. Beach Stokilometer line stretches continuously. Well-groomed beaches with white luxurious sands closely neighbor each other, at least at least visit the new one, but compare. So, by the way, and came.

Lived in the lane beach Aguada. Our hotel, like everyone else, located nearby, was an indicator of luxury: modern comfortable rooms, furnished, taking into account European requirements, but with the presence of local flavor. In the courtyard - pools, hammocks, bright vegetation and white heronsAs if revived the picture from the book of oriental fairy tales.

When we got enough for us, we went to towards adventure with the whole family. From nearby beaches especially conquered my family Don Paula, one of the most romantic sites of South Goa and Bogmalo - The most convenient (located just 4 km from and 8 km from Vasco da Gamma).

everyday we were pleased with the local weather. Sunny, air temperature +30, water - five degrees below. In the paradise of the place managed to escape in the middle of January. And draw conclusions that Goa is a resting place for everyone:

  • For lovers of exotic and luxury (after all, on the southern part of the island you can stay in an expensive hotel and give out almost all the state for chic dinner).
  • For diving fans (after all, the underwater world here is motley and bright).
  • For lovers of history and attractions (here they are at every turn).
  • For lovers of outdoor activities (entertainment around the clock).
  • For lazy people, preferring all day long on the beach (as already mentioned above, a variety of beaches here are many).

Important Council for those who decided to get on Goa for a couple of winter weeks: Decide where you go. The territorially divided into the southern and northern part. The south, as a rule, choose people wealthy, accustomed to chic and scope. North is more suitable for budget tourists. Here you will pleasantly surprise acceptable prices and accommodation, and for food, and on entertainment. North Goa is very popular among young people.

You ask what is still interested in Goa, because the beaches, entertainment and restaurants are a standard set inherent in any resort. But this is India! Local flavor here so unique that it is impossible to confuse him with any other. In which another corner of the earth you can find millennial temple, Achited by Lianami? Where else can you touch the truths of Ayurveda, not twisted on the European Federation, but the true truths (sorry for the tautology). Where, besides India, can be enjoying amazing flavors of spices? Where else can you feel this carefree freedom, if not on the shore of the warm ocean with purest water?

For the completeness of impressions, my family and I plunged on weekdays local fishermen. For a small fee, they gladly ride tourists on their boats and allow you to participate in fishing. You know, personally caught fish, filed for dinner - this is a delicious dish.

Winter holidays in 2014 are also going to meet in India. Already ordered a tour.

Other beach holiday options in winter

The track in Egypt, Russian tourists "Protoptali" for quite some time, this ancient country has become the first abroad, where everyone who could afford it would be prepicted. Attracted value for moneyallowing relatively small money to relax quite comfortably. Now the principle did not change: the fashionable hotels of Egypt will meet you with all hospitality and inexpensive.

Egypt does not cease to surprise with beauty: underwater and surface. What many seas do not dive, but more beautiful than corals and brighter fish than in red, it is unlikely else somewhere to meet. And the pyramids and the desert? You can complain that the road from the sea to these attractions is long and tedious, but be in Egypt and not visit Sphinx, it looks like a movietone.

Pros: Lightweight visa regime for Russian citizens and CIS countries. Visa acquire at 15 dollars at the airport.

Cons: an uncomfortable entrance to the sea on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh (the situation is saved by special platforms and shoes called "Corallee"); Too intrusive service (the situation is impossible. Nothing can be done - mentality).

United Arab Emirates

Country - Multimether, Fairy Tale Country, Innovation Country. It is so amazingly everything is intertwined: modern skyscrapers, limousines and fashionable boutiques fell in harmoniously into the world of oriental markets, camels and women, clutching up to the head to traditional national clothes.

The tourist chooses the UAE, first of all, for hotel Serviceconsidered the best in the world. And for the ability to evaluate self-made miracles as an artificial islands archipelago, water Park Wild Wadi.and Ski resortfrom artificial snow.

If artificial does not attract you, please: a night hunt for real crabs, flight on this aircraft and jumping with a real parachute.

Pros: a variety of recreation types, the opportunity to participate in shopping in the season of discounts (February); For a short sentence of a visa (4 days).

Cons: the conservatism of the views of the local population. In the UAE, it is not recommended to wear too causing outfits, smoking and driving alcohol; Cheap recreation.

Hot climate, exotic vegetation And the extraordinary location of local to Russian tourists. You should not only forget that with all its sympathy, Cubans consider you very rich and try to diligently dilute money.

Excellent service with "Communist" prices, various types of outdoor activities, including training Salsa, Rum and Cigar - Classic option of staying in Cuba.

Pros: visa-free entry, democratic prices.

Cons: long flight, input for tourists a separate Cookie currency.

The most exotic country. The most mysterious. The most generous on fruit and seafood.

It offers a lot of entertainment for tourists: from visiting Buddhist temples to a frank show.

Holiday season: from November to April- time of comfortable temperature and bright sun.

Pros: visa-free entry.

Cons: Tired long flight.

Direct proximity to the equator allows the Maldives to be called paradise and trump the weather resistant. Especially from November to May, when in these places hosts northeast Musson "Jerouvai".

Miniature islands, accompanying only a beach strip and a few lung bungalows, look great and perfectly suitable for tourists who want to break away from the world.

According to scientists forecasts, there is a danger that by 2020 Maldives may disappear under water, due to the increase in the level of the world's ocean.

Pros: free visa for 30 days.

Cons: Single recreation.

Bali is an island in Indonesia, a length of 145 km from west to east and 80 km from the north to south. It is washed from the south of the Indian Ocean, from the North - the Sea Bali of the Pacific Ocean.

Surfing, massage, spa treatments - Here is the raisins of rest at Bali. In the ocean, you can swim at any time of the day, it seems that the water is never cooled there.

Pros: Many types of outdoor activities.

Minuses: In December, the rainy season begins on Bali.

Tours in Vietnam is a beach trip. For such a type of rest, as well as the opportunity to taste unusual culinary masterpieces, tourists choose this tropical country.

Landmarks are small, but rich nature.

Pros: Comfortable average air temperature in the south of Vietnam (+26 in January); high-quality local delicacies; The cheapness of vouchers (300-400 dollars).

Cons: undeveloped infrastructure, bad roads, high prices.

Tea plantations and eternal summer
- Malaysian business cards. In November, exhausting heat ends here, giving way to the "winter summer" with a temperature of +25 degrees.

Paradise for gourmetThanks to the diversity of inhabitants cultivating each of their kitchen.

Pros: the uniqueness of tropical nature, memorable places, modern shopping centers; Ownership of local inhabitants English; Security for tourists.

Cons: left-hand movement (relevant for car enthusiasts going to take cars for rent); Problems with search for housing and places in the plane from December to January.

Dominican Republic - a state on the island of Haiti (Caribbean Sea) and on the coastal islands.

One of the most distant resort republics from us.

The most expensive rest period is February.

At the disposal of the tourist provides palm-ocean landscapes, the opportunity to visit Indian ranch and participate in folk festivities. And also purchase a bottle of good rum.

Pros: Beach safety (lack of poisonous marine inhabitants)

Cons: long flight, expensive food, challenges in hotels, high cost of excursions.

Sri Lanka - a state located on the island near India.

Country of beaches and ancient sights, exotic beauties, high humidity (more than 70 percent), untidy cities and a shortage of drinking water.

Pros: luxury of tropical nature, variety of animal world, unique culture, delicious dishes.

Cons: high cost of tours, unoccuping resorts, high cost of drinking water, the poverty of the local population.

Where is it better to go to relax in winter? Suitable

Collecting a few winter days to turn into the summer, consider what impressions you are going to bring from vacation.

Asian countries are usually poor and cannot guarantee you:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • one hundred percent furnished beaches;
  • unobtrusion of local residents.

Cuba, Dominican Republic, Maldives, Thailand - in the list of the most remote resort states.

The United Arab Emirates is a rich country, where everything is designed for non-heedled tourists.

Egypt offers a comfortable beach vacation in winter for a relatively low price.

India is distinguished by the uniqueness of the local flavor, the most resort place is Goa.

And in addition, look at the video: "Where to go to rest in January? How to relax on the sea in winter. "

The second name of the island is Ceylon. - One of the favorite winter directions from thermal-loving tourists. Proximity to the equator, warm and sunny weather, beautiful beaches, extraordinary beauty landscapes - everything has it here to a paradise rest. In addition to the beaches, the country is interesting for exotic culture, ancient cities, Buddhist temples, bright natural attractions and, of course, tea plantations, because the famous Ceylon tea is growing on this island.

The most beautiful resorts of Sri Lanka - Kalutara, Cogalla, Peruvela, Bentota, Vaddouva and Hikkaduva. Great for diving and snorkeling is a rich underwater world of the Indian Ocean and the most beautiful coral reefs.

Sri Lanka is worth trying spa treatments, health practices of Ayurveda, Relaxing and massage techniques. Ideal time for beach holidays on Sri Lanka - period from November to March. In the winter, the ocean is very warm, water temperature at this time is about + 28 ° C.

2. UAE.

Do you want to move from harsh and gloomy winter to a real oriental fairy tale? Go to the Arab Emirates. The resorts of this country are better suited to warm up in the rays of the southern sun and swim in warm sea water in the winter months. The Arab Emirates have long been synonymous with luxury and oriental refinement. The most expensive world hotels are concentrated here - the highly created Burj Al Arab, standing on the artificially created Island of Palma Jumeira, Luxurious Madinat Jumeirah, a real palace on the Sea coast of Emirates Palace.

The most famous resorts of the UAE:
Abu Dhabi is the capital of the country and one of its hottest resorts. Here are the famous Capital Gate Falling Tower and the largest entertainment fleet of Ferrari World;
Dubai - the capital of the eponymous Emirate;
Sharjah. The monuments of architecture and history are concentrated here - the largest mosque in the Middle East, Al-Khan Watchtower, etc.;
Fujairah is characterized by a softer climate, as it is on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Eastern old land and brilliant masterpieces of modern architecture, wide snow-white beaches, affectionate and warm ocean, first-class shopping - that's what awaits tourists in the country. Winter is the perfect time for a beach holiday. The water temperature in the winter fluctuates depending on the month and the resort, but rarely falls below + 22 ° C.

3. India.

Mysterious ancient, the birthplace of yoga and Ayurveda. The greatest love of travelers from the times of Hippie enjoys Goa. This is a great wintering place for those who do not tolerate cold weather and winter handra. Goa resorts are a whole string of endless sandy beaches with palm trees and affectionate sea, water temperature in which is never dropped below + 25 ° C.

Goa divide into two parts - North and South. Youth resorts are concentrated in the northern part, there is a stormy nightlife, there are noisy parties, trans-music fans are going. Prices are of greater democraticness, and the beaches are not such a ray-white, as in the south. The most popular resorts of the North Goa - Anjuna, Vagator, Calangute (the former Capital Hippie), Mordev (the most Russian-speaking resort), as well as quieter and secluded Aramball and Kandolim.

South Goa resorts are ideal for beach holidays. The best of these is Dona Paula, Majord, Mobor, Palolam, Benaulim, Kavva, Cavelosssim.

4. Israel

Attractive place to warm up and stock the necessary dose of solar energy. A visa-free entry, short flight, almost complete absence of a language barrier complement the benefits of rest in this country.

5. Vietnam

Moligious and colorful falls in love at first sight. The most popular resorts of the country - Danang, Nyachang, Fukuok, fantaet. Although a small country, but climatic conditions at different resorts differ markedly. Beautiful weather in the winter months on Fukuchok Island, the sea is warm and transparent. There are no sharp fluctuations in temperatures, almost always sunny, and water temperature can reach + 28-30 ° C.

In late January-February, it is worth going to the resorts of Danang and Nyachang (in December there can still continue the rainy season, and in January, the sea is muddy). On the Pantiene heat, but may be windy.

6. Mexico

Farm - the Motherland of Ancient Maya, Sombrero Wide and Fire Tequila Hats. Mexico beaches are an ideal place to hide from the jewelry and winter frost. The most "hot" Mexican resorts - Cancun, Yucatan, Playa Del Carmen, Riviera Maya and, of course, the famous Acapulco, a favorite resort of Hollywood stars since the 50s of the 20th century.

The country is interesting in natural and historical attractions - magnificent parks and colonial palaces, vintage temples, architectural monuments of the Tribes of Aztecs and Maya. The most famous of them are the ghost city of the ancient Aztec Teotiuoacan with the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon 40 km from Mexico City, the city of Tulum temples near Cancun and the mysterious Pyramid of Cukulkan in Chichen Ice, built by the Maya tribe.

The period from November to March is the best time to relax on the hot beaches of the Mexican coast. The water temperature in the resorts at this time is + 25 ° C, and the air warms up to + 30 ° C and above.

7. Cuba

The legendary island of freedom with snow-white beaches, incendiary dancing, rum and Cuban cigars. Glitter and poverty Havana, endless beaches of Varadero, the immortal spirit of Hemingway, whose name is inextricably linked with this island, - all this makes Cuba to the place in which everyone seeks to visit everyone in life.

10. Brazil

Winter is the best time to go for the raid lands and visit the hot and temperamental brazil. Here are excellent beaches, and the local people are in any hurry, enjoying the moment and living the days in their pleasure. At the midst of the European winter there is a bright and colorful Brazilian carnival. The most grandiose action takes place in Rio de Janeiro, then the relay is picking up other major cities of Brazil.

The best resorts of Brazil for beach holidays - Rio de Janeiro with the legendary beach of Copacabana, Romantic Buzios, Aristocratic Angra Dus-flight, atmospheric, picturesque Recife, which is often called Brazilian Venice.

The air in December, January and February is often heated above + 30 ° C, and the water in the ocean reaches + 26-28 ° C.

Those times have long passed when the rest has been associated only with summer months. Winter is also a beautiful season for a funny journey abroad. Before tourists from Russia, the whole world is opened, but many countries need a visa. A selection of areas where to go to rest without a visa in winter in 2019, - for those who have no desire to overshadow the waiting for a long-awaited holiday by studying bureaucratic procedures.

Choose a country for rest in winter correctly

The choice of directions for recreation in the winter will depend on the preferences of the tourist. There are several categories of vacationers:

  • lovers of acute sensations;
  • families with children;
  • lovers of beautiful;
  • people who want to soak on the seashore;
  • the youth.

Therefore, at the beginning you need to decide which group of tourists you relate. It is hardly a family couple with children to go there, where, in addition to the conquest of snow-covered vertices, there is nothing to do.

Young people will probably prefer the quiet hotel in the mountains of a noisy megapolis, where there are a lot of entertainment institutions and events.

The most popular beach holiday somewhere on the islands is definitely not suitable for those who wish to enjoy architectural monuments, visit famous museums, gallery. Accordingly, lovers of warm sun and affectionate sea will not receive pleasure from huge cities, albeit with attractions.

What follows that your choice should be based on what you expect specifically from this vacation.

Visa-free countries for winter holidays: rating

You do not want to be strongly deleted in the deep one. The capital will definitely please you with a variety of New Year's events. Attractions here too have enough.

January: where to go

It was in January that Russian tourists begin to fill in Egypt hotels. The Red Sea is already cold enough, in addition, strong winds can blow, so nothing will happen to the beach rest. But you can go into cognitive trips, for example, to Sinai desert. Pyramid Giza is also in great demand.

The main thing that attracts tourists here is the acceptable cost and hotels on all inclusive system.

February: Where to rest

February is a special month. By this time, all those who wish to relax in the winter have already done it on the New Year holidays. In February, only real gourmets are sent on vacation, which just want to enjoy attractions alone.

If you still want warmth, then you can go to Thailand, just choose the right region: tourists prefer Pattaya or Chang.

Ready to celebrate guests in February Cuba beaches. During this period, air warms up to 25 ° C. But not only clean beaches, excellent infrastructure and warm sea is ready to offer this exotic country. They will leave an indelible impression and interesting excursions, carnival processions and much more.


The choice where to relax in the winter abroad: on the beach or in a noisy megalopolis, is not completely simple. Obtaining a visa - the process is troublesome, so it is better to choose a country where a special permission for entry is required, and such resorts are enough.

There are states, for example, Vietnam, where a visa is required for staying for more than 15 days, but you can arrange it directly at the airport.

The best months for away vacation - December and January. February is more suitable for tourists who want to relax without any fuss.

The beach season has already been completed: if the days are still warm, then the night are already cold, and the sea is not comfortable for swimming. But the lack of landmarks and beautiful landscapes does not hurt the landscapes.


Many tourists are waiting for winter to take skis or snowboard and ride snow slopes. And someone is waiting for the winter to finally go skating. But there are those who love to lie in the sand near the sea and sunbathe. Surprised? Yes, there is a rest in winter at sea abroad where heat and inexpensive, and in 2019. And we will tell you about such countries in which winter is hotter than our summer. Let's start watching the top countries.

Mostly in winter, tourists prefer to fly to the countries of Southeast Asia. Here we will tell you about them, as well as about some other countries.

Cambodia is very cheap, but rest for four with a minus.
If you do not need the "all inclusive" system, and you are not very picky to the hotels, then choose Cambodia.

This country is beautiful, but beautiful it is not built or something else, but beautiful by nature. Almost everything is not touched by a person, there are few buildings that cause delight, but here there are beautiful beaches, gorgeous parks and jungle.
Resting on Cambodia is very cheap. The country is poor, and find a worthy job here is difficult. Therefore, for each ruble there is a "war", and tourists lure a variety of buns.
As for weather conditions, it is during the winter months in Cambodia, dry and hot weather is installed. Water in the ocean is heated to comfortable temperatures, and tourists prefer to spend time on the beaches, and not in the room or in cities.

The Philippines is also cheap, but more comfortable.
Snow white beaches, elegant hotels and a completely different culture - all this is the Philippines and its resorts.

Rest in an amazing country becomes popular. The cost of living in hotels is not as cosmic, and the prices for food are sometimes very low. Here come for a beach holiday, as well as to just admire the beautiful and clean country. Why clean? Just in the country such laws about the trash that you will not work out on the street or cigarette. More precisely, it will turn out, but for this business you will find a penalty and deportation from the country, and possibly imprison time!
But we will not be about bad, let's better about the beaches. Local beaches, as already mentioned, completely white. Clean white sand everywhere and even in water. Diving lovers arrive here from all over the world to plunge under water and enjoy the underwater views and depths. But most simply prefer to soak in the sun and swim in the warm waters of the ocean.
In winter, the air temperature in the Philippines is above +29 degrees. Water is free to +26 degrees and very comfortable for swimming. So going to rest in this country, it is best to buy a tour in advance to book a room and not to stay with anything.

Vietnam and Nha Trang - Low prices, high quality.
The resorts of Vietnam, and in particular Nha Trang, are becoming popular among our tourists. And this simple explanation - the prices of rest here are almost the same as in Turkey, and quality every year becomes better.

Nyachng choose tourists from all over the world. After all, there are amazing attractions and entertainment. Here come here to truly understand what rest is and how to relax correctly.
Beautiful sandy beaches, gorgeous hotels and a lot of entertainment, that's what tourists are manit. Here are resting with children, because hotels have in their own ownership of water parks, children's attractions and animators. Children like, and adults calmly sunbathe and bathe on the beach.

Dubai is a fairy tale that has become a reality.
For many Dubai associated with luxury and expensive recreation, but in fact it is not.

Dubai is open to everyone, and tourists with any budget here arrive. After all, if you are flying only for the sake of resting on the beach, then the prices will pleasantly surprise. For example, a ten-day rest will cost you a little more than you pay for Turkey. And do not be surprised, just the authorities of the UAE want to go to the country as many tourists as possible. They even have a state program that the country follows. After all, oil reserves are not limitless, and the country has bet on tourists, and seeks to introduce his country with millions of tourists.
White beaches, beautiful and high hotels, incredible buildings, which are called new miracles of light - all this Dubai. You can swim in the waters of the Persian Gulf, where ships with silks and jewels once went to the most famous East bazaars.
Even in the cheapest hotels, there is a lot of everything: bed, shower and toilet, sofa, TV, telephone, bar and safe. This is a standard set that is unavailable to tourists in Turkey in cheap hotels.
Also owned hotels in their pools, including on the roof of the building. There are tennis courts, golf courses and rest parks. Rest in Dubai is a great time you will never forget.