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Google Play Market does not download applications. "Waiting for download" in Google Play Market

If applications are not installed on Android, the first thing you want to restart the device. Perhaps the cause of the error is a system failure that will be corrected when restarting android.

If after restarting the program from Play Market is still not installed, look for other causes of malfunction. We will tell about it further.

This article is suitable for all brands producing phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, Zte, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Why is it not installed on the android application?

The main reason is the lack of internal memory of the smartphone or tablet. If there is not enough memory on the phone, it cannot save the application installation file and install (installation). Changing the problem in two ways:

To see where applications are installed, go to the "Memory" section in the settings. Upstairs there will be a "Installation Place" item, when you click on which a list with available options will appear. So that applications are installed on the memory card, you need to select it on this list. In this case, the system will download the installation file and store application data to MicroSD. The storage location does not matter - from the memory card will be equally well to work well and Flash Player, and Viber.


This option is not available on all devices and depends on the shell, which provides a smartphone manufacturer.

Another possible cause of the installation error is an unstable Internet when downloading the installation file from the playing market through 3G. Connect to the Wi-Fi point to provide a normal speed connection.

If the application is not installed from Play Market, but simply from the Internet in the form.apk file, the reason for the system failure from its installation may be incompatibilities of the firmware or blocking from the antivirus. It is recommended to install applications only from Play Market, which are suitable for the Android version on the phone / tablet.

In addition to problems with the application, errors in the Google account may occur. To eliminate them, remove the account and add again.

  1. Open the settings, find the "Accounts" section.
  2. Select Google.
  3. Click on the used account.
  4. Open the Advanced Menu and select "Delete Account" (Note, you will be removed by the associated data, you need to backup).


After deleting an account, restart your smartphone. The next time you turn on add an account again and try downloading applications from Play Market.

An extreme measure when problems with installing applications will reset the settings to the factory state or flashing the device (relevant for phones with custom, and not official firmware).

How to install applications?

Each user should know how on Android in different ways - through Play Market (Google Play) and APK file. This reduces the number of errors when installing programs and makes it possible to choose a more suitable method for each specific situation. To install the application from Play Market:

  1. Run the Play Market application on Android. If you have not yet added a Google account, the system will propose to create a new account or specify the data of the available profile.
  2. Dial the application you want to install in the search bar.
  3. Open the page found page. Make sure it is compatible with the device, and click Install.
  4. Take the required permissions.
  5. Wait for downloading and installing the program.

After successful installation, a notification will be notified that the application is established. Open it to check the work. Similar steps can be performed on a computer using Google Play.

  1. Open the Google Play site in the browser. Log in to the account, which is added to the phone.
  2. Find the application, make sure compatibility and click Install.
  3. If the account has been added to several devices, select the phone to install the application.


The main condition for remote installation of the program is to connect the phone to Wi-Fi. Through Mobile Traffic, the application will not download from Google Play.

Manual setup application

If you want to install an application from a third-party source, and not from Play Market, then the first thing you need to prepare the system.

  1. Open the settings, go to the Safety section.
  2. Find the "Unknown Sources" item and check the checkbox near it.


Now you can download the application APK file application and transfer it to the phone's memory. You can transfer a file in any way - via USB connection, by mail, via Bluetooth. The main thing to remember the folder in which you sent apk.

PlayMarket is considered a fairly reliable and stable program, but in some cases it can also give failures not quite understandable to the ordinary user of nature. Moreover, the restart of the application does not help - the user returns to the screen with an error inscription either to the lines of load status dependent on one place. If PlayMarket installed on your device does not download applications, you should not require high time and effort.

A simple solution

If a program that provides access to online repository does not download applications, you should start with the restart of the device. In some cases, the reason is the lack of free RAM, which can be cleaned in this way. If it does not help, try to also connect to another Wi-Fi free access point, or clear the settings of the current and join it again. This will help you to provide unhindered, which can be blocked as a result of incorrectly entered settings or presence of certain locks.

In addition, check the clock and date - in some cases, Google online services do not want to work with the device that the specified parameters are incorrect. If googlePlay does not upload applications, then you should simply be with one of the online exact time servers. By the way, this problem is quite common - about a third of users is facing it.

If you download using, and the device does not download the application, then it is worth checking the installation of the settings. Those who do not have extensive data in this area are better to immediately call the technical support service of their mobile operator, and ask you to send the required parameters in the message - they will be applied automatically. In some cases, the solution may be hidden in the "Flight mode" installed on the device. This problem is especially relevant for tablets, the owners of which are very rarely checking the communication settings.

If it does not help ...

If the playing market does not load applications, despite all the measures taken by you, it is worth trying, deleting all the information from it that relates to Google's program store. Going to the settings, open the "Applications" section, and in it - the "All" tab. Now you will need to find two programs: PlayMarket and Google Services Framework. In both cases, you must use the "Erase Data" menu. In addition, in the case of PlayMarket, you must also additionally click the Clear Cache button. We also pay attention to the internal memory of the device, clearing it and ensuring a place to download.

If Google Play does not download applications and after these actions, try to roll back to the previous version of the program. This will help to eliminate possible errors associated with its incompatibility with your device. In addition, you can try to completely delete PlayMarket, and then set it again by selecting the previous version. As a rule, this method helps even in the case when all other actions were ineffective. Finally, you have the "last argument" -, after which all applications are guaranteed to restore their functionality.

Fast help

If you cannot download the application using the PlayMarket service for this, you should not panic. It is enough to use the simplest, which help in almost 80% of cases. And only when they all did not bring the desired effect, it is worth moving towards more serious actions involving interference with the software.

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With the distribution of smartphones on the Android OS, there are a large number of problems with which it is possible to deal with the user. One of these frequent trouble is all sorts of difficulty with the work of the Google Play service. They may not download or not be installed, when you try to update already downloaded software, errors appear. All this, even in isolated cases, causes irritation of users, and with constant repetition, it can create situations when the phone simply cannot be used normally.

If you encountered this kind of trouble, then you should not despair - all of them in most cases are easily corrected and do not represent a serious problem.

If applications are not downloaded

The very first thing that may cause the inconvenience of using the smartphone - if you wish to download programs from the market, it refuses to do it. Here are such basic causes and their solution:

  • Problems with internet compound. Do not hurry to sin on the device or operating system, comical cases occur when the phone is connected to the inactive Wi-Fi point, the mobile Internet with a very bad signal or simply a gadget user forgot to enable any type of connection to the network on the device;
  • Internal memory of the device is overflowed. It often happens that smartphones with a small amount of memory are quickly clogged with all sorts of files and new applications simply have nowhere to install. It is necessary to check how much space is available and if necessary, to free it from unnecessary programs;
  • Incorrectly installed Date and time on the smartphone. Some models of gadgets after a reboot or long-term off state can show outdated date and time data. This creates a conflict between the device and the online service and the latter refuses to work normally.

These are the main problems that prevent the normal operation of many Internet applications, in particular Google Play.

Do not work updates

Usually the reasons for the failure, installation, and update programs are the same, just manifest themselves at different stages of using software. If troubles with already installed applications arose in the form of incorrect work or lack of updates, such recommendations may help:

  • Most often the main problem lies in incorrect work. servicesGoogle Play.. They are installed on each gadget with Android as a separate application and periodically ask for updates. If the faults have arisen, then you need to try to delete the old data of this application and update it again. It is just done: you need to go to the phone section " settings", Find application item and select Google Play services. Next in the settings select " Delete updates" After that, go to Play Market and update this program again;
  • Problems with accountGoogle. Corrected by registration of a new account. It is very simple: settings, accounts and further add a new Google account;
  • Another pretty banal cause of most such a plan malfunction - device need to reboot. Surprisingly, after this simple action, most problems disappear by themselves.

These are the main causes of problems with installing and updating applications from Play Market and solutions. Everything is simple, you just need to spend some time and attention.

Users of smartphones and tablets on Android can not do without Google Play Market. Where, how not to him, download applications, music, games? Yes, someone uses third-party resources, but they are far from being so safe in terms of viral threats.

Problems with the launch of Google Play make it impossible not only the installation of new programs, but also the update of the old one. So, without it, the device remains defenseless (updates close vulnerabilities in applications that can exploit viruses and hackers). In short, if you do not work Play Market, urgently take measures to eliminate this failure.

To facilitate the task, we divided problems into several groups for the reasons for the occurrence and methods of solution.

Memory Cache errors or failure in system applications

Google Play, like many other applications, uses the cache (a special place to store frequently used data for quick download to memory). It contains information about the latest actions in the program. If the error creates there, the Play Market will play it until the data in the cache is updated.

To speed up this process, Clean the Cache Google Play manually:

  • Open Android Settings.
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Find the Googlr Play Market program in the list.
  • Touch the "Erase Data" buttons and "Clear Cache".

If the play market still does not open, restart the device.

If you have errors to update installed applications, do the same with " Services Google Play.«.

In addition, for downloading new programs and installing older updates, the correct work is necessary " Download Manager"And" Manager »Applications. Normally, it should be in the list of running programs.

Errors of updates

If the problem with the opening arose immediately or after a short time after installing a more recent Coogle Play version, roll back the program to the previous installation. Together with the Market Update, delete the update of Google Play services.

The update button is in the same menu where the cache cleaning options are.

If there is no such button, it means that the program has never been updated (previous versions are missing).

Google Account Problems

The impossibility to get to Play Market often arises due to problems with the user account. Perhaps you recently changed the mailbox password to which your profile is tied, or a failure has been crashing on Google server, and Android stopped recognizing you.

To restore access to the account, connect the tablet or phone to the Internet (via the SIM card or Wi-Fi), go to "Parameters" and open the Accounts section. The screenshot below shows how the problem of synchronization Gmail looks like.

If you see the same picture, open the menu of this section and tap "Synchronize Now".

In case of saving an error, delete Google's account on the phone (the button is here and create it again. Or make yourself another account and log in to it.

Installation errors or damage to executable program file

It is often a failure manifests by permanent messages "An error occurred in the Google Play Market application." It pops up when you try to start the application or execute any action in it (search, download). And in some cases, in itself, when some of the installed programs decides to check the update in the background.

You can try to cope with this error in the ways described above. If nothing helps, the following options remain:

  • Make a recovery system from a backup (if you have created it in advance, for example, in the Android gadgets management program under Windows MyPhoneExplorer).
  • Delete Play Market from the device and set anew. To do this, you will need root rights (obtained in advance).
  • Run on the tablet or phone reset to the factory settings (Hard Reset / Wipe).

How to reinstall Play Market

  • Download or copy the Google Play Market executable file in format.apk with a working phone or tablet on android.
  • Activate on the problematic device permission to install applications from unknown sources. The option is in the "Security" or "Protection" menu of the parameters application.

  • Transfer the file to a problem device and start the installation (tap it with your finger).
  • If nothing happens or you will again see the Play Market error message, open the \\ Data \\ APP directory and place the file there.

By the way, to remove the failed copy of the market and re-install you can use the same MyPhoneExplorer. After synchronizing the phone with the program, go to the "Files" section - "Applications" section, click the string selected on the screenshot and click the Delete button.

Click on the top panel "Download application" icon and specify the path to the file.apk.

Viral infection

There are modifications of malicious programs that block the launch of the Android market, so that the user can not download the antivirus, or even remove the original file and replace it with an infected copy. About what to do in such cases, we told in the article about ways to remove viruses on android.

After scanning with antivirus, when a malicious program is neutralized, you may have to replace the infected Play Market on clean.

Play MARKET is not installed

Today, Android smartphones appeared on the Russian market without pre-installed Google services. In particular, the products of the Chinese manufacturer MEIZU, for example, Meizu M3 Note, Meizu M3 mini and other models. The devices purchased in our country make it easy to correct this disadvantage by setting the necessary means of another application.

So, to install the Play Market on the Meizu device, tap the icon of the "Best" application. It contains a selection of programs available for quick download, among which there are Google tools. Touch the Set button under the Google Services icon. After installation, reboot the device.

Conflict applications

The fact that some Android programs may not get along with Google Play, have learned some users after installing "Freedom". "Freedom" is an application to bypass the official authorization service of users who make purchases in gaming stores. Thanks to this, dishonest players get the opportunity to acquire virtual goods without payment.

If the collaboration of Freedom and Play Market is not possible on your device, you will have to refuse something.

Locking the Google Play Market Access to Network Resources

Sometimes Freedom does not block the launch of the market, and prevents it from connecting it to the Internet. When trying to download a user, the user sees messages: "The program failed to contact Google servers" or "Network connection is missing, try again later."

If you have root rights, it is easy to solve the problem - it is enough to make adjustments to the HOSTS system file (on Android it performs the same function as in Windows - compares domains IP addresses). The file is located in the \\ System \\ ETC \\ folder. You can get into it both through the Android root conductor (for example, "Root Explorer") and through the already familiar MyPhoneExplorer, running on the machine with Windows.

Open the hosts file using a text editor, for example, notepad, and delete all records from it, except " Localhost". Save without extension by selecting the file type - "All Files".

If network connection errors are not related to "Freedom", check the settings of protective programs. Perhaps the network access to the network is blocked in firewall.

Firmware damage and hardware failure

The most difficult case. A firmware firmware failure or hardware malfunction can be assumed in the following situations:

  • The problem arose after the unfavorable impact on the machine: unsuccessful firmware update, falling, connecting to a faulty charger, etc.
  • Together with Play Market, other applications stopped working or a failure occurs unsymmetry: the program works, that is not.
  • There are other malfunction symptoms - freezes, spontaneous reboots, shutdown, overheating, inadequate load on resources.
  • The above councils did not help solve the problem. It remained even after resetting the settings to the factory (WIPE).

Of this position, there are only two outputs - reinstall the firmware on their own or entrust diagnostics and repair by specialists of service services.