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Functional sales manager cards. Functions Manager for Sales

Sales Manager today is one of the most sought-after and well-paid vacancies. However, many people do not think how hard it can be this work, drawing knowledge about her from Hollywood films, in which well-dressed men carelessly conclude multi-million-dollar contracts, sitting in a luxurious restaurant. However, not everything is so rosy. Consider in more detail the main functional responsibilities of the sales manager.

The first and most important - customer search. It is carried out in different ways: "cold calls", when a person simply calls for all the firms of the corresponding profile on the list in the telephone directory; Placing advertising, trips to potential customers, sending letters on the Internet - in general, by any means that the result can bring. The problem is that 99% of such work, as a rule, is invested. Monitoring of competitors is also responsible for sales manager. Only a person who knows, under what conditions and for what cost other firms sell their goods, what shares they pass can offer more favorable conditions. However, a little client to find - it must be kept, so further transaction is also responsible for sales manager. Not just "sprite" the goods, but also travelers, as a customer received it, was he satisfied, whether there were any problems.

At the same time, the manager itself is personally and concludes contracts for deliveries and is responsible for shipping goods. All problems associated with unloading, disadvantage, marriage decides precisely he. Sales Manager is obliged to regularly visit trainings aimed at raising the qualifications, and develop their ability to communicate with people and sell the goods.

The instruction manual for sales depends on the specifics of the company and in different organizations is very different. In one place, he is engaged only by "cold calls", in the other continuously travels in search of customers. Such work is great for energetic, young people who loving an active lifestyle and knowing how to communicate. Cons - work percentage, payment of which depends on the execution of the plan. If the management of the tasks is not fulfilled, the manager often gets naked salary, which can be one and a half or two times less than the stated salary.

In addition, in modern business, competition between firms is enormous, especially if these are small organizations. For each client there is a real struggle, so managers have to be not easy. Yes, and customers knowing their price, behave down. So, often during the same "cold calls" to workers, the stream of strungan can collapse.

You will need

  • - put goals;
  • - organize work;
  • - Motivate employees;
  • - Control the course of work.


Icobalizing and planning. Any activity begins with the setting of goals - at least ideally. The task of the manager is to choose the right goals of the company, that is, to determine the result, the achievement of which the work of the unit entrusted to him will be sent. When targets are defined, it remains to understand what needs to be done to implement them. At the departure and planning stage, the manager should answer three questions: "At what point of development the company is now? How is the company going to develop in the future? What steps should be taken for this? ".

Organizational activities. To achieve the goals set, all elements from which the production process consists should be combined into a certain structure. This is the function of the manager as an organizer - he must streamline the activities of his subordinates, to ensure their coordinated interaction, to direct the efforts of all employees to achieve the goal.

Motivation staff. In order for the activities of all people on which the implementation of the company's plans is effective, employees must be motivated. The task of the manager is to create a proven to work productively to achieve the result. This motivation, in turn, arises from the internal needs of each particular person. The manager should find out what his subordinates need, and motivate them, satisfying these needs. The main motivating factor, of course, is the material remuneration of personnel, but this is not the only way to encourage employees. Thus, the well-known American entrepreneur Jack Welch argued that a real source of productivity, which can repeatedly increase the efficiency of work - this is the emotional involvement of employees in the organization's activities.

Evaluation and control. The responsibility of the manager is to establish clear criteria for assessing the quality of work performed by employees, as well as determine how effective the activities of each of its subordinates are. In addition, the manager determines whether the company (or its separate structure) has not deviated from the planned course of development, and, if necessary, adjust the activities of personnel. In some cases, the initial objectives are subject to the adjustment: if the task turned out to be impracticable, the manager should replace the goals for more realistic.

Job description and job manager sales.


1.1. Present job description Determines official duties, rights and responsibility sales Manager.

1.2. Sales Manager refers to the category of specialists.

1.3. Sales Manager is accepted and exempt from office by the Order of the Director General for the Submission of the Commercial Director and the Head of the Sales Department.

1.4. Sales Manager obeys directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person who has a higher (secondary) vocational education is appointed to the position of sales manager for sales, with a specialty "Management" or higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of theory and management practices. The candidate for the position of sales manager should have experience in similar posts for at least six months.

1.6. In its activities, the Sales Manager is guided:
- regulatory documents and methodological materials on work performed;
- the charter of the organization;
- the rules of the organization's internal labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the commercial director and the head of the Sales Department;
- This sales manager for sales manager.

1.7. Sales Manager should know:
- Federal laws and regulatory acts regulating the conduct of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities;
- Basics of pricing and marketing;
- Basics of the market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the relevant region;
- Basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;
- Basics of taxation;
- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products implemented;
- conditions of storage and transportation of products;
- psychology, ethics of business communication, the rules for establishing business contacts and telephone negotiations;
- the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;
- the structure of the commercial service and the organization's sales department;
- Rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. Sales Manager obeys directly ___________________________.

1.9. During the temporary absence of a sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.

2. Official duties.

Sales Manager Responsibilities include:

2.1. Organization and sales of sales:

Search for potential customers;
- work with first-handed customers, followed by the transfer of their leading sales manager, depending on the territorial accessory of the client;
- conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;
- prompt response to information coming from customers, and bring it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and the head of the sales department;
- clarification of customer needs in products implemented by the organization, coordination of the order with the client in accordance with its needs and the availability of an assortment in the warehouse of the organization;
- Motivation of customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

Drawing up a monthly sales plan;
- analysis of sales statistics and shipments of customer organizations;
- Providing reports to the leading sales manager and the head of the sales department for the work.

2.3. Sales:

Reception and processing of customer orders, the design of the necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the organization's clients enshrined at the sales manager, as well as for customers enshrined for the relevant leading sales managers when they are out of office;
- informing customers about all changes in the range, increasing and price reductions, stock incentive promotion, product arrival time on the warehouse;
- final harmonization with the clients of conditions relating to prices, shipping dates and product delivery methods;
- transfer to the logistics department of applications for delivery to customers;
- participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the Sales Department;
- interaction with other units of the Organization in order to fulfill the assigned tasks;
- participation in workshops;
- maintenance of working and reporting documentation;
- Maintaining up-to-date data on the client in the organization's information base of the organization.

2.4. Control:

Shipments of products to customers;
- Customer's financial discipline based on documents received from the accounting department.

3. Rights.

3.1. Sales Manager has the right:

To put a question before leadership to increase the size of wages, payment for overtime in accordance with the legislation and provisions regulating the system of remuneration of the organization's employees;
- to enter the leadership of the proposal to improve their work, improving working conditions;
- request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and staff reports and documents necessary to fulfill official duties;
- demand from the head of the sales department to assist in the execution of its official duties and the realization of rights;
- require the leadership of providing the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility.

4.1. Sales Manager is responsible for:

Non-fulfillment (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this Instruction;
- within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- committing in the process of its activities of offenses;
- within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation;
- causing material damage and damage to the organization's business reputation - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.


Official duties sales Manager It seems to be reduced to one - to sell. But in fact, a significant part of the Sailing time is leaving for paper work - documents, accounts, reports, control, and the job description of the sales manager necessarily includes all these tasks. Take the basis of our sample job manager of the Sales Manager and adapt it to your company.

Sales Manager Schedule
(Job description Sales manager)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. Sales Manager refers to the category of specialists.
1.2. Sales Manager is appointed and exempt from it by order of the company's general director.
1.3. Sales Manager submits directly to the commercial director of the company / Head of the Sales Department / Regional Sales Manager.
1.4. During the lack of a sales manager for his right and duties, go to another official, what is announced in the organization on the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of sales manager: Education is a higher or incomplete higher, an experience of similar work from the year.
1.6. Sales Manager is guided in its activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and manual orders;
- This official instruction.

2. Sales Manager Responsibilities

Sales Manager performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. He is searching for potential customers.
2.2. Leads commercial negotiations with customers.
2.3. Adding and processing customer orders, draws up the necessary documents.
2.4. Finds out the needs of customers in products implemented by the Company and coordinates orders with the client in accordance with its needs and the availability of the range.
2.5. Motivates customers to work with the company in accordance with the approved sales promotion programs.
2.6. Makes up a monthly sales plan.
2.7. Contains sales and shipments to the company's customers.
2.8. Participates in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the Sales Department.
2.9. Leads a client base.
2.10. Controls the shipment of products to customers.
2.11. Controls payments by buyers of goods under concluded agreements.

3. Rights Manager for Sales

Sales Manager has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential, in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.2. Submit to the leadership of proposals for the improvement of their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Require from the management of the creation of normal conditions to fulfill the duties and preservation of all documents resulting from the company's activities.
3.4. Make decisions within its competence.

4. Sales Manager Responsibility

Sales Manager is responsible:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or late, negligent fulfillment of their official duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of domestic labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

Official instructions and duties

sales Manager.


1.1. This official instruction determines the responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the sales manager.

1.2. Sales Manager refers to the category of specialists.

1.3. Sales Manager is accepted and exempt from office by the Order of the Director General for the Submission of the Commercial Director and the Head of the Sales Department.

1.4. Sales Manager obeys directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person who has a higher education is appointed to the position of sales manager for sales, with a specialty "Management" or higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of management and management practices. The candidate for the position of sales manager should have experience in similar posts for at least six months.

1.6. In its activities, the Sales Manager is guided:

- regulatory documents and methodological materials on work performed;

- the charter of the organization;

- the rules of the organization's internal labor regulations;

- orders and orders of the commercial director and the head of the Sales Department;

- This sales manager for sales manager.

1.7. Sales Manager should know:

- Federal laws and regulatory acts regulating the conduct of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

- Basics of pricing and marketing;

- Basics of the market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the relevant region;

- Basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;

- Basics of taxation;

- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products implemented;

- conditions of storage and transportation of products;

- psychology, ethics of business communication, the rules for establishing business contacts and telephone negotiations;

- the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;

- the structure of the commercial service and the organization's sales department;

- Rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. Sales Manager obeys directly _________.

1.9. During the temporary absence of a sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.

2. Official duties.

Sales Manager Responsibilities include:

2.1. Organization and sales of sales:

- search for potential customers;

- work with first-handed customers, followed by the transfer of their leading sales manager, depending on the territorial accessory of the client;

- conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;

- prompt response to information coming from customers, and bring it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and the head of the sales department;

- clarification of customer needs in products implemented by the organization, coordination of the order with the client in accordance with its needs and the availability of an assortment in the warehouse of the organization;

- Motivation of customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

- drawing up a monthly sales plan;

- analysis of sales statistics and shipments of customer organizations;

- Providing reports to the leading sales manager and the head of the sales department for the work.

2.3. Sales:

- reception and processing of customer orders, the design of the necessary documents related to the shipment of products for customers of the organization enshrined at the Sales Manager, as well as for customers enshrined for the relevant leading sales managers when they are out of office;

- informing customers about all changes in the range, increasing and price reductions, stock incentive promotion, product arrival time on the warehouse;

- final harmonization with the clients of conditions relating to prices, shipping dates and product delivery methods;

- transfer to the logistics department of applications for delivery to customers;

- participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the Sales Department;

- interaction with other units of the Organization in order to fulfill the assigned tasks;

- participation in workshops;

- maintenance of working and reporting documentation;

- Maintaining up-to-date data on the client in the organization's information base of the organization.

2.4. Control:

- shipments of products to customers;

- Customer's financial discipline based on documents received from the accounting department.

3. Rights.

3.1. Sales Manager has the right:

- raise a question before leadership to increase the size of wages, pay for overtime in accordance with the legislation and regulations governing the system of remuneration of the organization's employees;

- to enter the leadership of the proposal to improve their work, improving working conditions;

- request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and staff reports and documents necessary to fulfill official duties;

- demand from the head of the sales department to assist in the execution of its official duties and the realization of rights;

- require the leadership of providing the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility.

4.1. Sales Manager is responsible for:

- non-fulfillment (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this Instruction;

- within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- committing in the process of its activities of offenses;

- within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation;

- causing material damage and damage to the organization's business reputation - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.