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Fortune telling on maps how to learn to guess. Divination on playing cards online. Fortune telling

It is believed that for fortunes it is necessary to use special cards, and the playing can not say the whole truth. But this is a myth - there are proven ways to divine on playing cards that are no less inferior to classical methods. Let's talk about the most popular defolds and values \u200b\u200bof playing cards.

Online divination on playing cards

To decompose the deck of cards click on it:

Fallen cards:

Deciphering all cards can be seen.

There are certain rules that need to be observed if you decide to pay on the playing cards. Here they are:

  • You must start one, our own deck - only its owner can guess on the playing cards: other people's cards are "deceived."
  • Before the divination session you need to concentrate and clearly submit your goal - what exactly do you want to know. Properly formulated question - the key to success.
  • You need to believe that the maps will tell the truth. Skeptics and unbelieving fortune telling people better to leave attempts to repay.

Everything was simple - tuned, prepared a deck, clearly decided that you need to ask, and forward!

The value of cards

After you get an alignment, it will need to decipher. That's what each card means:

  • Sixer - foreshadows an important meeting or a romantic date.
  • Semyon - promises luck and extraordinary success in all endeavors.
  • The eight - falls to difficulties, troubles, problems and difficulties.
  • The nine is the image of the opponent, a rival, a woman who is negative about you: Envines or wishes evil.
  • The top ten - in the life of a gadget, the situation will arise in which you will have to make an important choice that will affect the course of further life.
  • Valet is a familiar young man from your environment.
  • The lady is a girl from a close environment of fortunate: relative, a beloved woman, a friend.
  • King is a man from a close environment of fortunate: Beloved, husband, buddy, brother, father.
  • Ace - the personification of love, and mutual: suffering from unrequited feelings will not have.

Mask and the ownership of the card:

  • Chervoy means mutual feelings of a romantic nature: Love, love, strong sympathy.
  • Bubnoy cards foreshadow important news in the life of the gadget. And lead will be pleasant and give a lot of joy.
  • Three (crusades) cards - personify the material side of the life of the gadget, can tell about financial affairs, respect to money.
  • Peak cards are always for something negative - problems, difficulties, conflicts and trouble.

Popular folds

Arbitrary fortune telling for the future

Take the deck of playing cards and clearly specify the question, the answer to which you are interested in. It is important that the question is closed, that is, it can only be answered by "yes" or "no".

For example: "Does the young man call me on a date?" Or: "Will I get money for the work that I thought?"

At rags, get one of the cards. If the card of the worm suit fell out, the answer is positive. Peak - negative. The tambourines indicate that you can get a positive answer, but you have to work hard. Trefts warn: you think not about switching attention to more important things.

One card

Also a very simple breakdown. Do everything as in the previous case, but the question can be defined open - then the dropping card will tell you what to pay attention and what awaits you.

For example, you asked: "What awaits me tomorrow?", And the peak curren fell. This means that the next day promises a meeting with a young man from your environment, which is negative about you (see the values \u200b\u200bof the maps that we described in the first partition).

Fortune telling on love

This option of fortune-telling will suit those who want to know what is waiting for his personal life. How to guess:

Carefully drag the cards. Select a map in advance that will designate a person who is interesting to you. For example, if your chosen one is a dark-haired man in age, he will be a peak king. If this is a young blonde girl - a worm lady.

Pull out this card and put in the table of the table. The remaining deck of rags are divided into 9 parts and put the top card face up:

  • Three stacks - above the central card. This is what was in the past in your relationship.
  • Three stacks - under the central card. This is what awaits you and the second half in the future.
  • The remaining three stacks are your mutual relationship.

See the values \u200b\u200bof the cards in the first section of the article.

Look in the video about fortune telling on the playing cards:

Another option for the future

Before the start of divination, you need to remove all the seisters from the deck. Then you must make any card that the first comes to mind.

  • Carefully drag the deck and divide into two equal stacks.
  • Choose one of the stacks to which the heart is more.
  • One card from the stack to set aside, the remaining divide into three equal stacks.

As a result, you will have four stacks of cards:

The fact that in the first, is the personification of the person himself who is guessing. His desires, aspirations, goals. The second stack is a family life, predicts the events that will occur in the house. The third contains cards that will indicate in which direction you need to move. And the fourth is unexpected events that will occur in the very near future.

How to check the cards before ghosting?

To be sure that the maps will tell the truth, they need to be checked before fortune. To do this, drag the deck, close your eyes and mentally transfer your energy cards. Then ask a question: "Do you say the truth or lie?" And get any card. If she is a red suit, you can guess. If black, fortune telling is better to postpone to a more appropriate moment.

Before the start of divination, you should choose your card: unmarried and unmarried - the king and lady of tambourine; married and married - king and lady of worms; Older people - the king and lady Tref.

Please, please, in mind that every suit symbolizes a certain element:
trephs - fire (power). Her signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
bubnes - land (material benefits). Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
wormi - air (love). Signs - Gemini, Scales, Aquarius;
peaks - water (misfortune). Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Fish.

For fortune telling, a deck of 36 cards is used (without twos, triples, fours and five). The cards are taushat, removed and start to lay out the top three, until the map of the gadget will be met. Studying the first three cards, we understand what a person came to the time of fortune telling, answer the question: what surrounds him at this time, what are the forces, what people, what events. All the two cards that surround the map identifying the gadgets are specified. The value of the cards studied can be found further in the text of this program.

After exploring the study and receipt of information, the card identifying a person is put on the table, and all other cards are taant again and mentally ask questions that are wondering. The gone takes off at random one card and puts it without opening the shirt up under the map already lying on the table.

This is a very important card that gives us an idea that most of all concerns the heart of a person who is guessing. At the same time, all the figures denote persons who think about a person who is guessing: Vnets - worries and troubles, lady peak on the heart denotes boredom and longing, a dozen and eight peak - a disease, a seven peak - trouble, six peak - loss or loss.

Especially unpleasant trees and peaks that have one point in the middle: seven, nines and aces. In the event that they lie with the edge up, seven and nines are tears, TUZ TREF - failure in affairs, and the ace of peak is generally trouble. If the same cards lie with edge down - these are usually small troubles, insults, insults, fright, bruises. Ace Tuben on the heart is always a letter. Ace worms - news. Nine or ten tambourine - getting money, profit.
Nine or ten worms - joy. But in the ceremony, you can only find out when it comes to the time to open this card and this will come to the very least.

After that, no tasuing decks giving his right hand puts a deck over the head of the identification card and leaves there about a quarter of the deck, then puts the right hand to the feet of the identification card, leaving there a second quarter of the decks there, then the right hand puts the third quarter to the left of the identification card and leaves There is the third quarter of the deck, and then puts the last quarter of the deck on the right.

Then the giggle takes a pack of cards above his head and puts two top cards open above the ID of the identification card, then takes a pack of cards in the ID of the identification card and puts it on the remaining cards of the first pack on the left hand, then again removes the two top cards again and puts them open. In the legs of the identification card. After giving the cards with the right hand, the pack of cards to the left of the identification card and puts them on the left hand, removes the two top cards with his right hand, and puts them open to the left of the identification card, then takes the right hand a pack of cards to the right of the identification card, puts them on the left hand And he shoots his right hand to two top cards that laid open from the right of the identification card.

Next, no tasua deck takes two maps in a row from a deck on his left hand and puts them into the upper left corner from the identification card open, then takes the right hand the following two cards and puts them into the lower left corner from the identification card open. After that, no tasuza deck takes the right hand with the next hand and puts them into the upper right corner from the identification card open, then two more cards take the right hand and puts two cards in a row and puts them open to the lower right corner from the identification card. As a result, there are sixteen open cards around the identification card.

Then the remaining cards of the remaining cards, after which, throwing three top cards each time, the right hand puts each fourth closed on the heart to the identification card until he walked through the whole deck, as a result of which four cards are on the heart over the identification card.

The value of the map.

As a result of the Card Ceremony, answers appeared answers to questions that are interested in a person who is guessing, but these answers are encrypted by the order and location of cards, the value of cards and their combinations.

It is necessary to remember well: only after the end of the cut ceremony, you can open cards lying on the heart or more accurately will be said - on (11) and under the identification card (2): they are the near future of a person who is guessing. The predominance of peak indicates future troubles, and the figures will indicate where they can come from. The predominance of worms promises joy and happiness.

A pair of cards above your head (3), as well as three pairs of cards, located to the right of the identification card (9, 6, 10), denote the most near future.

A pair of cards under the legs (4) means passing, what is or will be, but will leave. If there is some kind of figure in the ID of the identification card, in which a particular person is guessed, it means that this person will soon disappear from the life of a person who is guessing.

Two cards to the left of the identification card (5) mean the past.

Two cards in the upper left corner from the identification card (7), what happens at the moment away from man, who is guessing.
Two cards in the lower left corner from the identification card (8) indicate the most distant future.

Of particular importance is attached closest to the center cards, and first of all the upper, then side. Lower cards have less futurological value.

After that, the cycle collect all the cards, shuffled and lay out three: for themselves, for home, for the family, then to answer the questions: what happened, what would the heart calm down?

From this layout, you can eliminate the same pairs of different colors (for example, black and red seven, eight, etc.). The remaining maps will indicate that you will inevitably expect and what you yourself could only guess. Now it remains only to wait.

The value of cards in the scenario

Aces - in the scenario almost always denote the time if the ace is standing on the spot, denoting the near future, then it means the time of day, if it stands in the lower right corner, where the far future is located, then it means the time of year.
Four aces that fell at the same time denote the fulfillment of desires.
If there are four aces and four dozen in the process of fortifying the divination ceremony at the same time, then in the very near future, a person who is guessing is awaited by huge joy and luck.
Sometimes four aces can mean an unpleasant surprise. Ace sometimes means the house of the corresponding king.

Kings - if four kings fall out - this is a success, high position in society.

Ladies - four ladies for women are gossip, if at the same time one of the four ladies is with a woman's map, which is guessing, it means that it is gossipped with her woman. For men, four ladies who fell simultaneously indicate that a man who is guessing, loves the ladies society and is surrounded by the ladies.

Vnets - mean troubles, especially if four currencies fall at once, if one of them turns out to be in the heart - it is care, the degree and severity of which depend on which cards, dark or light, prevail in the left side of the scenario. At the king of the same suit, not even next to the curren, the currency means the thoughts and intentions of the king, and with the nine or dozen worms king and the currencies of one master mean the passionate desire of this king to see the lady, which is guessing.

Tens are business cards. Four dozen is the fulfillment of desire, but not heart. The more the top ten in the scenario, the more good things and the initiative of the person who is guessing.

Nine - especially four nines - mean surprise, pleasant or not, depends on the nine, lying closest to the man's map, who is guessing, or depending on the cards to the left of the ceremony.

Eights - practically do not have a special value. Sometimes four eights mean a blow or a house corresponding to the lady.

Seven - also practically do not have a special value. Four sevenges sometimes mean intrigue.

Six - mean the road. Sixers, located on the left of the conductive ceremony, above the head and under the legs of the identification card signify the way for a person who is guess. Six the corresponding suit of the same figures here - the road of these faces to a person who is guessing.
Six is \u200b\u200bnot suitable suit, but located next to any figure means - what kind of road will have to do this face. Six peak - dark, night. Six Tref - Evening. Six worms - a walk. Six tambourine is a small close way.
Four six meters the fulfillment of desires.

The predominance of small cards in the scenario means irreparable time, lack of money, gray days, especially if small cards focus on the left of the ceremony in the near future.

Card values

TUZ TREF - determines the event time, which should occur in the evening or in the fall, also denotes a false hearing, broken by a flaw; A bitty house, a house of a solid or elderly person, a house of a venerable family, success, tip up - failure, with a figure - a gift from the person identifies with this figure, without a figure - a gift from an unfamiliar person;
with six - denotes the railway;
At the king - immodest love, courtship, if you guess a woman;
with seven treph - winnings, victory;
With nine worms - gentle love;
With the six Treph - a date and conversation on the street, on the road or in the evening, when adding peaks - death;
With a nine peak - a quick news about the benefits, and if the nine peak with the edge up - about the dangers;
With the king of Tref - the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, the soon fulfillment of desires.

King Treft is a military man, a faithful or hurrying friend;
With Trephami - the king foreshadows happiness, and also this is a close man, friend, husband, groom, lover;
With the nine treph edge down - an influential face, a favorable man, tip up - trouble with this man;
With the eight of Treph - rumors about enterprises at sea, ship's death;
With ace Tref - the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, the execution of the desire;
With Valnet Tref - if a person who is not trifting, a big grief;
with one of the sixes with any currency - the road for interest;
If the king is trended not falling into fortune telling - this means fail.

The lady Tref is a solid lady, a friend, or illegal child;
with a lady peak - with an identification card - bad circumstances, courts, troubles because of marriage;
With the eight of Tref - this is the help of a relative or a close woman.

Valts Tref - denotes the military below the officer's rank, buddy, intercession or friend, without aces or king - large troubles; On the heart - the treasury troubles or thoughts of the king treph;
with seven peak - misfortune due to goat enemies;
between the two ladies is an incorrect wife;
between two currencies - a restless future;
With ace of Tuben - help in trouble;
with a dozen tambourine - success in cash;
With the eight of Tref - an unexpected turnover of happiness.
If the currency of the TRF during fortune telling the first of the other currencies is a clear sign of faithful divination.

Ten Treft is a change, great dangers, fires;
At peaks - poverty, deception of hope, work;
with figures - a business man;
With Chervach - Nakhodka, luck in the lottery;
with a worm king or lady - the manifestation of the interest of these persons;
with seven treph - joy and news of affairs;
With six Treph - an unexpected departure of the departure;
with a dozen tambourine - indispensable money;
With a dozen worms - success in love;
with a dozen peak - recovery from diseases;
With nine treph - fun with loved ones;
With the eight of Tref - the rapid receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness;
with seven, eight or nine treph - a dozen trif gives one of the happiest combinations;
with ace treph - always change with the better;
with seven peak - deception and tears;
With six or seven treph - a large society.

Nine Tref - denotes inheritance, nice conversation, doubt, the absence of anything;
At the figure - indicates that it will disappear from the life of a person who is guessing;
Top up - indicates gossip, annoyance, tears;
with a trify king or lady - the love of figures to the person, which is guessing;
With nine or dozen worms - success in love;
with a tambourine - denotes the correct acquisition of money and uselessly spending them in pleasure;
With a worm - mutual love;
with a dozen peak - a monetary relationship;
with currency worms - travel;
With King Tref - denotes an influential person, a favorable person;
with a dozen treph - fun with close, expensive people, surprise;
The connection of the nine treph with a seven, eight or a dozen club is one of the happiest combinations.

Eight Tref is tears, annoyance, death of a loved one, a house of solid people;
With ace, Treph is a success, and with the ace of Tref, the edge up - failure;
With the king of Tref - rumors of the sea or death of the ship;
With the lady Tref - the help of relatives or loved ones;
With Valnet, Tref - an unexpected turnover of happiness in favor of a person who is guess;
with a dozen treph - the emergency acquisition of real estate, receiving the inheritance, wealth and happiness;
With currency worms - a conversation about loss;
with seven treph - in front of a person's card, who is guessing, unexpected happiness;
With a seven treph and ace of worms - happy marriage or legacy.

Seven Tref - means a close way, news about success, inheritance;
Top up - tears;
When lady - Thoughts of the Trephal Lady;
with ace treph - winnings, victory;
with a dozen, nine or eight Tref - wealth and happiness;
With eight peak - if you guess a man, warns that the beloved changes him;
With the currency of worms at four lanes and seven - denotes the close birth of the son;
With a dozen worms in the presence of three other seven at four lanes or currencies - indicates the proximity of the pregnancy.

Six Tref is a sea road, a useless road, a date on the street or in the garden, the path to a government place, the road is a trephic person;
between the figures - a big walk;
With ace of worms at a figure - a date in the morning;
with ace tambour - date during the day;
With ace Treph - a date in the evening;
With ace peak - a date at night.

If nine treph fell during divination - it means misfortune.

Ace worms - means a gift, package, morning, spring season, the house of married people;
With ace of Tuben - a joyful letter;
with a dozen peak - a sad letter;
With currency worms - a pleasant news;
With the six Tref - a date and conversation on the street in the evening;
With nine peak - a bush, pleasure, a date and a friend's location.

King worms - a married man if there is a worm lady in the scenario or chatene, also means an unexpected meeting, joyful lead and coming;
with a peak - trouble;
with a tambourine - getting money;
with trephy - troubles;
With a cherry - success.

The lady of worms is a married woman;
with six and dozen worms - tears for a person who is guessing;
If the currency is added to this combination - unexpected joy;
With a cherry - success in love for a man;
with other masters - success in an indefinite future;
With a dozen worms - a friend.

The currencies of the worms are a blond man, commoner, an unpleasant guest, prosperous news, a funny company, the thoughts of the worm king if available in the scenario;
with a cherry - success;
With ace worms - a pleasant news, an explanation in love;
with nine treph - travel;
With the nine tambourine - avoid unpleasant travel;
With the eight of the worms - a heart conversation;
With the eight of the tambourine - talk about money;
With the eight of Treph - an unpleasant conversation;
With the eight peak - the news of the disease and the death of loved ones;
with a lady or king - guest;
With a seven treph with four ladies or seven - the birth of a son;
If four aces are added to them - this indicates that the son will be smart and rich.

A dozen worms - denotes the city, happiness, on the heart - joy, in the heads of a man's card, who is guessing, is a wedding or platonic love;
With the lady - love and loyalty to the beloved woman;
With the king - love and loyalty of your beloved man;
With a dozen tambourine - big money interest in the close future;
With a seven TRF in the presence of a three other seven in the scenario or in the presence of four ladies or currencies in the scenario - the proximity of pregnancy, if you guess a woman;
With the eight of the worms - a secluded date with a beloved woman;
With seven worms - consolation in a mountain or a secluded date;
With six tambourine - fun away;
With nine worms - a change in the apartment, and with the ladies and the king of any suit - a wedding;
With the six worms - a joyful date;
With the nine Tref - denotes that the favorite person will give the heart to a person who is guessing, as well as the news or thing from his beloved person;
with a dozen treph - success in love;
With ace of Tuben - a love or joyful message.

Nine worms - means a love letter or surprise: a pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest cards, love at all;
With any king or lady - the love of these kings or ladies to a person who is guessing;
with seven or eight worms - a date with your beloved special;
With the nine Treph - means getting a guide or things from your favorite person, as well as its mutual love;
With any six - an unexpected meeting;
With a peak lady - happiness.

Eight worms - Means a cheerful conversation, a long road, pleasure, a worm house;
With currency worms - heart conversation;
with seven treph - unexpected happiness;
With a dozen worms - a secluded date;

With a dozen tambourine near the identification card - getting money or big inheritance.

Seven worms - means fun, the thoughts of the worm lady or the change of life;

With a dozen worms - a pleasant or secluded date;
With nine worms - just a date;
With four kings - a cheerful conversation.

Six worms - a walk, delay or obstacle in dislike, the road of the worm king or lady;
With a worm - the path to the desired individual;
With a dozen worms - the road and a hearty date.

If there is in the scenario of all cards of the workers of a person who is guessing, expects full pleasure of love.

Ace Tuben - Shows the time of day during the day and course of the year in the summer, means a letter, news;
When figure - will show a person who sends the news;
with a tambourine - means a quick receipt of money;
with seven, nine or dozen worms - joyful or love letter;
with trephy or pic - distance desired minutes and troubles;
With the six Treph - a date and conversation on the street at dusk;
With nine peak - cunning and deception of loved ones;
With nine worms - a love letter;
with a dozen peak - mourning or sad letter;
With a dozen tambourine - money letter.

King of Buben - means a young man, a love date, acquaintance with the future loved ones or beloved, as well as in the absence of a lady of Tuben - idling;
with a dozen tambourine with any bank - means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;
with a gear tambourine - indispensable fulfillment of desire;
With a worm - fun, the change of life and oblivion of the past.

Lady Tuben - shows on a young girl or an unfaithful woman;
with a tambourine currency and a dozen peak - means an unpleasant guest;
With nine worms - promises women well, and men warn about possible theft.

Buben's curren - means a boy, a messenger, trusted, prosperous news; if there is a bubne king in the scenario - the thoughts of the Bubnoy King;
With a seven peak - means a rich man;
With any king - a calculating or false person;
With a seven or nine tambourine - means a hostile person and warns about the ambulance;
With Damoy Tref - means a nuisance;
With the six Treph - an unexpected and cumulative trip in the Men's society;
With the king, the lady and with any MASTA MASTA, who is guessing - an indispensable success in cash.

Dozen Tuben - means money, gift, date, village, in the heads of the identification card - receiving money;
with a tambourine king and a lady - indicates the interest of these experiments to a person who is guess;
With ace peak - means a quarrel because of money;
With the nine tambourine - the inevitable and soon receipt of money;
With the eight of the tambourine - remote and non-acquisitive money;
With a seven tambourine - successful hassle of money;
with a gear tambourine - money and absolute execution of the specified desire;
With eight peak - the road for money;
with currency treph - success in monetary issues;
with a dozen treph - mandatory receipt of money;
with seven worms - inheritance;
With nine worms - profitable work.

The nine tambourine - means money, in the presence of a bubne king or ladies, indicates the love of these experiments to a person who is guess;
with six peak - trouble, failure on the road for money;
With currency worms - avoid unpleasant travel;
with a dozen tambourine - mandatory and quick receipt of money;
With four kings - a cheerful conversation.

Eight tambourine - pleasant dreams, dreams, talk about money or hatred;
with eight treph and six worms - news of fire;
With the king or lady of peak on the sides of the identification card - harm from the enemy;
With currency worms - talk about money;
with a dozen tambourine - prospects for receiving money;
With a seven tambourine near any figure - impermanence and infidelity of this figure.

Tuben seven - means joy, business, troubles, infidelity, business date, purchase or sale, commercial deal: successful or unsuccessful depending on the nearest cards, road, small gold gift, a gift from silver or any other metal, in the presence of ladies Tuben - her thoughts;
with figure - means a happy incident;
with a dozen peak - an unexpected offer;
With a dozen tambourine - successful hassle about money.


Taro, like any system, is similar to a multi-layer cake. In order for you to have a cake, various elements of the system, you need to lay a layer over the layer, and the process of divination itself will be only an ornament - a beautiful rose. Well, or cherry. On this topic, "how to learn to guess Tarot's maps on your own" could be written a book and not one, but I will try to restrict ourselves to brief excerpts.

Selection of decks for fortune telling on tarot for beginners

The first thing to be done is to choose a deck. Since you decided to learn fortunate on Tarot, I advise you to choose a deck popular, according to which there are enough materials and the symbolism of which you understand when you first look at the card. I will refer to Tarot Rider-Wate in this article and on similar decks ("Universal Tarot" and others like him). Subsequently, when you master the system, you can change the deck on any that you like. If you immediately select "Taro enchanted frogs in the Ryazan Forest" (I fantasize), note that you have to invent your interpretation system.

The simplicity of the plot in the picture will be a hint for you if you are completely forgetting a description from the interpreter. However, the rigid binding to the interpreter will need you only at first.

Methods of interpretation


When you have a certain system that you hold. And in principle, it is enough to know the sequence number of the card and the suit in order to issue an answer.


When you look at the picture shown on the map, and the images that you verbalize are born in your mind.

Synthesis of system and intuitive approaches

This method for any person who has chosen the first approach to Taro comes inevitably with time.

I advise you to use the third, but relying, especially at the very beginning of the practice, for the first. In this article I will stick to the theory that you want to explore the tarot as the system. In order to guess on tarot, the values \u200b\u200bof the cards should be in the "firmware". And, unfortunately, the blatment of interpretors does not help here. But still I want to dispel your fears that Tarot is difficult, and tell you that you already know a lot about the values \u200b\u200bof the cards.

How to learn to guess the tarot yourself. First test

If you want to learn to guess the Taro maps from scratch, then just this and do it. Ask any question that interests you is not too important, about the answer to which you are more or less guessed. Get out of the deck any card, look at what is depicted on it and interpret what is shown in the picture, do not be afraid to be mistaken.

For example: "How does Petya treat me?" Pull the king of the wands (in my example it is a king of wands from the "Universal Tarot"). And describe the map: it seems to me that this is an active man, he is cheerful, because the colors on the map are bright - yellow and orange, it seems that he wants to get up and do something, to go somewhere, perhaps make an act. Most likely, he is the leader, the crown on his head speaks of power, etc. Further, this is a description with the question about Petya.

Well, for example, Petya is resolutely tuned towards me, the interaction with me causes his tide of energy, perhaps he wants to make some kind of act. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Practice has shown that the values \u200b\u200bof the cards are easily read from the picture. At one of the classes, I asked to describe the quality of the character and those sensations that the image on the map of people, absolutely in tarot at that time not disassembling. Practice has shown that two or three people with joint efforts issued a description very similar to the value of the map from the Tarot interpreter.

And then it is an important point - you open an interpreter and read the map description. Pay attention to how much you were accurate in the description. And, of course, notice what you were mistaken. How much is your first interpretation relate to the map value? Go to this analysis critically, but do not scold yourself for incomprehension to the essence of the card.

You understand the value of the card and verified by the confidence in the extent, you gradually need to add different elements of the system. Remember the analogy with a cake? Let's now deal with what layers it consists.

Fundamentals of fortune telling on tarot. What is important to pay attention to


It is believed that Tarot, astrology and alchemy are based on the concept of elements. Younger arcans are divided into four elements. In order to understand Tarot, you need to understand than one element is different from the other. And in the fact that these differences are principled. Fire - Wands, Earth - Pentacle, Air - Swords, Water - Cups (but not in all systems Matching the texts of the elements of it, be careful).

Conditionally, the fire and air are considered active and male elements, and water and land are conditionally feminine and passive. Water and fire are emotional (at the fire emotionality is an external, internal water), and the earth and air are intellectual or rational. Description of the elements you will find in any tarot directory. But in order to learn fortunate on the map of Tarot beginners, it is important to tie your bookmarks with real experience.

Take the latter of fire, which was at the map from our example about Petya. What associations and words-symbols are born when memories of real fire? Bright, flame, impulsive, active, hot? Add gradually your knowledge of the elements to the interpretation of the card.


From one to dozen. What is the unit in your understanding? One? Ego? I? Self? Indivisible? Whole? Start? I propose first to contact your rich life experience and knowledge, and then study the interpreter, of course, correcting myself at the moments where you were mistaken in understanding what there is, for example, "one". And pay attention on the map now not only on the suit, an associative series, which causes an image, and also on its sequence number.


Yellow, on any map. What is it associated with you? Joy, sun, activity, energy. Well, and so on. What characterization does it add a map value? With the rest of the colors, do the same exercise.

Symbols, items, plants, animals

Tarot - not a simple system, often knowledge was encrypted into a particular symbol not clear to the uninitiated. But subconsciously we understand most of the symbols and read. What are you associated with grapes that appear on several maps? With fertility and abundance? And a dog? And clouds? And now that grapes or a dog will meet you on the map, first look into our subconscious, perhaps there is already some information there. And after read about the symbol you seen either in the map description, or in the encyclopedia of characters. Tarot is not so complicated, as at first glance it seemed.


From the group to the king. Range compliance talks about the level of character maturity on the map. As well as curly maps can mean characters expressing the features of that suit to which they relate.

How to put Tarot's cards to spread and on how to charge a deck

Many newcomers are asked as a question "how to define tarot cards for fortune telling." The most important thing in the process of divination is not that correct or not, you will place the Tarot cards on the table, otherwise in what condition you do it. In order for you to have accurate forecasts, you do not need to be involved in the situation emotionally. It is important to take the position of the detached observer. And enter the state of internal silence. This is perhaps the most difficult and most important thing to learn. At least at the moment when you pull the cards from the deck, you should not disturb any thoughts and states generated by thoughts.

And the best and proven way to charge a deck is to understand the value of the maps that are in it.

Simple layouts on tarot tarot cards

The simplest and at the same time the most complex alignment on the tarot cards for beginners - on one card. You ask a question (oh, how to correctly ask questions - this is a separate topic, the main thing is to try to be correct and not blurred), and you pull one card as a response. When you are more or less free to navigate the value, you can connect another or two cards that clarify the meaning of the first. Combine the values \u200b\u200bof the cards, first you will not understand anything, but then we will be wetted, and this procedure will be easy.

Positioning layouts can be added gradually. Do not chase the complex scenaries, there is no problem in making the alignment of at least 78 cards. But you will need to interpret it. Therefore, if you are a starting practitioner of Tarot and from the question "How to learn to guess on Tarot's maps on your own" only switched to learning to fortunate, pay more attention to the value of cards, and not their quantity.

Technique that will help you learn to freely navigate the interpretation of cards

The basis of any practice of divination on tarot - graduality and regularity. When you already master a sufficient number of cards, well, for example, I learned at least five, you can train, coming up with stories based on the value of the cards that you know. Especially if you are still afraid to go to real people with a proposal to repay.

Come up with the character. For example: Ivan, 25 years old, designer. And get three cards that will symbolize consistently taking place with Ivan events in life. Make a story based on them. How to lay out maps with this technique - sequentially three cards. The first card is the beginning, the second is the continuation of history, the third - conclusion.

Pull the three cards on Ivan and look. I got 4 cups, emperor and 2 swords. Our story will begin with the fact that Ivan is now disappointed in life, and most likely because of problems in love, perhaps he broke up with a girl. He is still sitting and watches what is happening in his life, or rather, what does not happen, of course, in such a frustrated state there is no inspiration that he needs to work, because he is a designer ... You can continue on your own.

Video on how to lay Tarot cards at fortune

Look at the video in which Sergey Savchenko will tell about how to lay Tarot's cards at fortune investment, and will give advice from newcomers in Tarot.

What to do if I want to guess for others

In order to learn how to guess Tarot's maps not only independently and at home, and also to other people, you will have to choose a whole range of layouts suitable for a comprehensive solution to issues that may arise from your customers. Globally, the themes with whom people are most often addressed:

  • relationship
  • work and self-realization
  • money
  • health
  • all kinds of forecasts

There are still peculiar topics with which people can come to you, for example, questions about the presence of the absence of magical abilities, malicious effects. But it is rather a rare case than frequent.

If you wondered how to learn to guess Tarot's maps on your own, then you will bother over the analysis of those questions with which people can come to you. Take, for example, the topic of relationships. Suzim it to the relationship between a man and a woman. In order to comprehensively consider this topic, you need to analyze the current situation. Make a forecast for the development of relationships. If there you will see the impending storm, make a lift about how to avoid this situation and in general, is it possible. View compatibility of these people.

Make a forecast from the series "How favorably and promising to marry Petya?". If the petuta is two or more - pushing out the questions of choosing from singing and the potential consequences of this choice. If there is no sing, and it is not assumed in the near future, which you have made a forecast, you need to see the causes of the lack of relationships, as well as give recommendations how to fix the situation.

Most likely, all these questions are not the topic of one consultation, but you must navigate in the topic and the help of what layouts you will consider these issues to comprehensively help the person who addressed you. Other topics should be as similar to the deployed.

If all this idea in order to learn how to guess the tarot, it seems to you too complicated.

You have three ways. Throw this idea. Overcome internal resistance. Or go to teaching fortunate on the map of Tarot to a specialist who has already passed all this path of trial and errors. He will be able to direct you in the right direction, bypassing the thorns, in which he himself has already been and from which personally, or from whose help, was released. However, even if you decide to train Tarot cards as a beginner, do not forget about self-education.

Of course, one article will not be able to help answer the question "How to learn to guess Tarot beginner cards", but perhaps she will give you some landmarks. Whatever way to comprehend Tarot you have chosen - independently or with a teacher, I wish you a clear mind and successful practice.

The first question, which immediately arises on the topic of the article: Why learn? Divination - the occupation is very complex and responsible, and every first it is not given. In fact, it's not in the ability to feel the card and not in a psychological setting - fortune-telling is initially due to something occult, otherwise, and it is necessary to establish this connection very carefully, with knowledge of the case. This entry - as a warning to all those lovers to "satellite" the fate, who are happy to guess daily. It is impossible - this will tell you any gyganka.

But if it really really wanted to learn to guess, then you need to start with simple viewing of cards. Yes, in fact, divination layouts there are many, and even there is a literature, which describes how this or another map will be interpreted. However, the essence of divination is not to consider reference books, but to understand and intuitively catch what they want to say to us now.

Now about the meanings. Indeed, in the existing literature you can find a lot of values, and they will differ from each other. Here we will give the interpretation that Gypsies enjoyed the Gypsy - and they are the best fortune -akers.

So: Peaks are mainly negative meaning: ace - a blow, failure, in the literal position - a feast, a goulock, a king - a man with black hair, not too well located to fortune. Peak lady - trouble, generally some big misfortune or adverse attitude of a woman. Next, the suit is interpreted traditionally: the currencies - communication with the opposite sex, business relationships, a dozen - professional relationship, nine - personal life, eight - conversations, seven - a date, Sixer - road. Here, the most important thing is to understand whether the person's dropped map that hides under, for example, the king of peak, or it is simply unfavorable signals in one way or another.

To better figure out the scenario of divination, you can guess all the main figures by masters. The values \u200b\u200bof junior cards are traditional, but the king and queen can be interpreted as specific personalities. Usually, people are made with blond hair on a tambourine or worm suit, with dark - on Trephic. In addition, the Bubnovaya lady means a traditionally young unmarried girl, and the worm king is a lover.

Of course, the aces are of particular importance. The Tref Tuz is a positive house, a bubnic - the house is native, and the worm is a huge love, even passion.

Now about the most important thing. All values \u200b\u200bcan be interpreted differently, only having a general direction. The main thing is the set of cards. So, if Sixer Tuben is between the lady, which personifies you, and the worm king, then wait for him soon on my threshold - the early track will lead it to his beloved. And if there is a dozen between these two cards, the forecast becomes less favorable, since professional problems for men can serve as a significant obstacle to personal relationships and so on.

The alignment is carried out as follows.: The map is laid out in the table of the table, the person personifies the person on which the alignment is made. For her, one card is started - these are secret thoughts, two more two are what's on the mind and heart. On one, the cards are folded up, down, to the right and left plus another one between each direction. In total, three cards are obtained by the main parties - they are the mainstream to interpret the predictions, all others are helping to understand the values \u200b\u200bof the cards correctly. The fact that at the top are dreams and desires (the fact that in the head - they say fortunekali), to the right of the main figure - the past, at the bottom - the present, left - the future. The fulfillment of the desire is judged by the ratio of maps who fell to the main figure, plus the alignment of the future.

This is just an appliance. Now about the state of the soul. It is necessary to guess in a relaxed atmosphere, not in a hurry. A question should always be repeated in the head, the answer to which is the purpose of divination. Expanding cards, not only a glimpse of mechanically reading their values. Maps say a lot of one who can hear, so they need to be peeking, studying and understanding everything that is shown in this scenario. Auxiliary cards may indicate certain conditions or warned. In general, the subtleties are the greater, the more often the division of divination will be practiced. And further. There is a rule: per person can not be exhausted per person per day, and even more. Frequent residenced to the defolds is a "guessing" of fate.

Well, you still want to learn to guess? Then the main secret: the art of divination is a purely individual business. Therefore, never teach anyone to guess if you want to save your skills. You can simply be allowed to sit nearby, observe the process and comprehend the alphabet of predictions in this way - but no more. Remember: fortune telling is to establish a connection with supernatural forces, therefore it is not worth treating it as a simple point.

It is believed that fortune-telling on maps leads its origin from Taro, which is very popular today. The disadvantage of fortune telling on the map of Tarot was their complexity for the alignment, so over time, in favor of the public, Tarot changed and turned into a deck of ordinary playing cards. Naturally, due to simplicity, fortune-telling on playing cards became the most common and popular.

You can guess on maps alone, but for this you need to know about the special requirements for the cards. Fortune-telling claims for fortune telling need new deck Cards, and only one who goes and predicts it can touch it. An exception to the rules is possible only when a person who has come to the maps needs to be shifted or choosing several cards. If you are guessing this deck, then you can't play it, then fortune telling on these maps may be wrong.

It is also important to remember that fortune-telling on maps, like a different fortune-telling, open the window to another world, in ordinary life for a person closed. Therefore, it is not worth it to abuse and even more so turn the fortune telling on the maps into the entertainment or means to take free time. Professional fortune-tales also believe that it is not necessary to engage and predictions on Sunday and MondaySince these days cards are often lied.

Modern fortunewrites are trying to follow the basic rules of fortune telling on the maps. Otherwise, they say, maps not only will not tell the truth, but also brought in trouble both on the fortune tune itself and on the object of its divination. That is why the beginner fortuneler from the very beginning it is necessary to observe at least the basic instructions from the long list, which is followed by real witches.

For fortune telling, it is best to use special forty cards. If they are not, you can take the usual playing, but before you begin to slander, you need to put on them a unknown girl or the unknown young man. Before you fortunate a deck, you must be thoroughly shuffled, remove several cards with the left mother's maps and put them on the bottom of the deck. Your fortune-up cards can not be transferred to another personHowever, a special energy connection is established between the fortune and maps with time, the violation of which leads to false predictions. Very well helps fortune presence in the house of the cat.

Summing up the foregoing, you can withdraw five major discharge postures on the maps:

1. It is best to use for fortune telling a deck of cards, intended for divination and not for what more (in this sense, our virtual divination is just the perfect option). Usually, the "verified" deck is used for divination, which gives the most accurate forecasts. Do not guess the maps won - they will lie!

2. Before you fortunate the card, you need to shuffle well and remove your left hand to yourself if you are guessing for yourself, and if you are guessing another person - you need to give a card to him, also with my left hand.

3. You can access the cards with one question only once a day. If you set the cards of the same question twice or more, then the cards will begin to delve, and you cannot get a response to the question that cares you.

4. Do not guess in the presence of skeptics. If you yourself do not believe in divination, then the cards are unlikely to tell you the truth. Think, would you be frank with a person who does not trust you?

5. There is an opinion that it is undesirable to use satin cards to fortize (when on the box, in which the cards were sold and stored or on one of the cards directly written "satin").

6. In the room where the fortune-telling occurs, it should be pure and quiet.

7. As an asking, it is better not to cross your hands and legs with the most fortuneteller: it leads to a narrowing of the communication channel, with an overwhelming world, whereby coming to get information.

8. The best day for divination - Friday, the best number - 13. Also most reliable predictions of the card are given on the first day of the new year.

9. If one card dropped from the deck during stirring, it is worth paying attention to its value - this is an indication of what awaits you ahead.