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Learning English for little ones. English for kids - all the best in one place

Your child has started learning English - at school, with a tutor, in courses. You feel that he needs to be helped, but you don’t know how - you yourself have never learned English. It's time to start doing it together! We will tell you how to effectively learn words, where you can listen to English speech and what books to read.

Parents often turn to me with the question: how to help their child learn English? This is especially worrisome for parents who have not studied the language themselves.

So, the first rule is to stop being afraid of an unfamiliar language, since this fear is transmitted to children. The second rule is to believe in yourself and turn even short joint lessons into an exciting game. The main thing is that classes bring pleasure. I am sure that any parent, even those who do not speak a foreign language, can help their child learn the language, giving it no more than half an hour on a working day and about an hour on a weekend.

Let's look at the language learning scheme in blocks, which is used in preparation for international English language exams, as well as in preparation for the Unified State Examination. Knowledge in the exams is tested in 4 skills: speaking, listening (listening), reading and writing.

Ability to speak English

I believe that the most important thing in the ability to speak is vocabulary. Even without knowing the grammatical rules, but having a large vocabulary, you can convey your idea to the interlocutor. Therefore, first of all it is necessary learn words. To study words, I recommend making special cards. The list of words can be taken from a school textbook or, for example, on the website of the Cambridge University Examination Board, in the section corresponding to the current level. The very first level, for which children aged 8-11 can already take an exam, is called Young Learner Starters.

If you do not have much time, then you can make cards by writing a word in Russian on one side, and in English on the other. But if you allocate at least an hour a week and approach the issue creatively, you can turn the process of making cards into an element of learning and an interesting activity. How to do it?

For each word from the list, together with the student, find a picture on the Internet. Then you print out the finished sheet, and while you cut it into cards, ask the child to reverse side write an English word for each picture. While you are preparing this manual together, he is already remembering a large number of words.

This training is best done on one of the weekends. For a week you will need 20-30 words, that is, it will take no more than an hour to make cards. You will need to deal with them 2-3 times a week.

There are a few things to keep in mind when learning words with flashcards. First, you do not need to "cram" the words. You lay out the cards with pictures (or Russian text) up. If the student remembers the word and calls it correctly, you turn the card upside down in English. If he doesn’t call, then turn it over too, but put it in another pile. Then you do the same in the other direction (translating from English into Russian) until all the words in both directions are pronounced correctly.

The next time you learn words (in a few days), you add 10 more to the old cards, thereby repeating previously learned words and mastering new ones. Gradually, well-learned words can be put aside and returned to them in 2-3 months.

Another option is make lotto. Create several playing fields with pictures (say, 8 pictures per field) and cards with words in English. You can play this lotto together. Thus, in one game you can learn up to 16 words.

If you do not know English and are not sure that the child pronounces the words correctly, then at the time of checking, you can sit down at the computer, open an online translator and listen to how the desired word sounds.

If you teach 2 times a week for 10 words, then in a month you can master 80-100 words. Of course, these words will not immediately enter the active vocabulary, but necessary minimum- 350-400 words - quite achievable. Namely, this number of words is required for the basic vocabulary necessary for everyday communication. (For your information, it is estimated that, on average, native speakers use between 3,000 and 5,000 words.)

This exercise will require no more than 20 minutes a day(with verification in the online translator - up to 30 minutes).

Letter in English

Once a week I recommend conducting a vocabulary dictation on the words that you have learned. If you are not sure about your pronunciation, you can dictate a word in Russian and ask your child to write it in English, and then repeat the written words and check the pronunciation with a computer translator. You can also diversify the activities: invite the child to dictate words to you.

It usually takes no more than 10 minutes (20 minutes with verification).

English listening comprehension

To learn to perceive English speech, you need to listen to it. On the Internet you can find a huge number of cartoons in English. It is better to start with simple English songs (nursery rhymes songs) - for example, "Old Macdonald had a farm", "Mary had a little lamb", "London bridge is falling down" and others. You can find lyrics through a search engine, and then When viewing stories with these songs on Youtube, invite the child to sing along to the heroes, while holding the lyrics in front of him.

At the very beginning of training, it is better to master one verse at a time. Then gradually remove the text and ask the child to repeat without a piece of paper. If it doesn't work right away, you can also find the so-called ABC songs on Youtube. In these stories, the child sees and hears how individual words are pronounced, gets used to English speech. And besides, this will prepare him for reading, as it will allow him to remember what the letters are called and what sounds they convey.

This activity can be assigned 2 times a week for 30 minutes.

Reading in English

Unfortunately, many modern children have problems reading not only in English, but also in Russian. First of all, the content of the book should be interesting to the child.

It must be adapted literature. Now in bookstores there are a huge number of children's books in English for different levels of proficiency. For beginners to learn a language, this is the Easystarts level. If the child has already mastered the initial stage, you can move on to books at the Beginner level. Usually at the end of the books there are tables showing the degree of complexity of the texts.

One way that children enjoy is reading and role-playing. You can even buy a collection of simple plays. For those parents who do not speak English, the following can be suggested: have the child help translate the parental role, so that the parent can then play it.

This can be done at least 45 minutes once a week.

Thus, the daily learning process will turn into an exciting and useful joint pastime. English language ceases to be something unfamiliar and incomprehensible, but becomes the language of games. In addition, parents who have never studied English before will also be able to learn First level. It is only important that the classes are systematic.

Of course, learning English requires much more effort, but if you help your child overcome the initial stage, fall in love with English classes, this will be the key to successful learning in the future. So invent, invent and good luck to you.

Olga Rudakova educational psychologist


The title is "English with a child in 30 minutes a day." From the text "This exercise will take no more than 20 minutes a day" only on the first point. And there are four of them. Ha.
From the text "If you learn 2 times a week for 10 words, then you can master 80-100 words in a month." Are we talking about a child starting to learn English, or about an aspiring genius with a super memory? I have only experience with two intelligent children with English classes 4 hours a week at school and half an hour at home every day. A hundred words were known by the end of the second grade, i.e. after 20 months. I did not read further, I regretted the time.

Comment on the article "English with a child in 30 minutes a day. 4 tips for parents"

The problem with English.. Learning foreign languages. Education of children. The son believes that cramming 50 words per lesson is a waste of time, it is better to solve problems. Tell me how to help, maybe ways for quick memorization, or you need to talk with the teacher.


Lingualeo. There is the best simulator for memorizing words. Actually, even I succeeded, but I'm a "hard nut";) There you can learn 10 words a day for free. Try it. If you like it - buy for a year, there are discounts very often. I played for several months, because you need to feed the lion with meatballs :) If only there was such a powerful and interesting resource in my childhood!!! I would know English without any teachers. Helped my son a lot at the time. According to dictations, mine never had a score below 5. And now there are so many new things that I want to try to learn again, although it’s scary in my summer ...
An excellent development by our computational linguists. [link-1]
Register and you will have peace and freedom :)

Lyceum 1367? If yes, then the son of the same teacher) with a solid "5" from another flew to "3-4". But I am very pleased with the teacher, I do not agree to change the group.

Learning foreign languages. Education of children. English from the cradle. Learning English at Preschool Age: Existing Myths and Scientists' Opinions about What Age Really Too Much Educational Material Now - Help to Understand!


Round-Up even Starter is very difficult for children of 7 years old, for eight-year-olds it is easier. In general, this is one of the best grammar books for children and adults. The best include three more episodes [link-1]

Round-up and reader Vereshchagina, + extra. reading fiction

English grade 2 - what have you learned. School. A child from 7 to 10. You see, today's program is not aimed at learning a language, only at getting to know English for children: how to help a child learn a language - English courses, tutors, native speakers.


English is not needed at all in public schools. Having worked my first and last year at school, I was finally convinced of this, although I had guessed before. Russian is not assimilated even at the minimum level, but here English ... In. the language is not for everyone. No one is outraged that after school physics lessons, students do not set records in sports. If you want records, go to a sports school and plow half your life from dawn to dusk. If you want a good foreign language - go to a language school: language every day + long-term internships. It is ridiculous to expect any results from 2 times for 45 minutes at school in the 2nd grade. There won't be them.

Section: School (how to help a child with English in grade 3). English in 3rd grade. Good night. Of course, learning English requires much more effort, but if you help your child to overcome the initial stage, to love learning English...


"she demotivates students with her grades" - that is, where she deserved 5, puts 3?
"At the parent meeting, it turned out that everyone in our class, who had not additionally studied the language before, study with tutors, that is, the level of teaching is still the same" - what is your program? How many children are in the group? how many hours per week language?

My IMHO - that the conversation will not help. I had a certain misunderstanding with the English teacher. I went, didn't help. Now, even on occasion, they reprimand their daughter - they don’t do it, and then they go to complain. And for those who are with a tutor or on courses, they are engaged, but they don’t know anything, they express everything in this vein to children. Disgusting.

English in 2nd grade. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. We have a school with in-depth study of foreign languages. languages. In grade 1, they studied the alphabet, letters, sounds, numbers, words (these are colors, animals, some objects, adjectives like big-small) ...


Ordinary school. 2nd grade, English started. Biboletova. So far, nothing at all.

Over the summer, my daughter went through 19 lessons according to the textbook edited by Bonk, respectively, she does school assignments in about five minutes. Again coloring and learning songs. Second year on Get Set Go. In the past there was an alphabet, school subjects, animals, colors, a couple of primitive phrases. Basically endless draw-color. It seems like they should be engaged in a communicative method, but I don’t see them talking in any special way. The school is a gymnasium.

Help! The child is capable and studies excellently at school in all disciplines except English. The task was set for her: To remove the child's aversion to learning English. The best option to instill a love of language in a child is to show why this very ...


Purely our situation. I took a student girl. The task was set for her: Remove the child's aversion to learning English. We have been attending once a week since November. The result is amazing. In the first quarter, in English, there were no marks at all except for twos. In this quarter, I already got a four. I learned to read and write in 4 months. Our girl also becomes interested in studying with mine, they have already begun to do grammar exercises. My child began to understand that all the same, the point is not in the language itself, but in who teaches it. I am very pleased with the result.

04/05/2007 12:58:12, Evgeniya

Try the Get Ready course! I like it because there are very few constructions, but they are all introduced through ELEMENTARY songs.
For example, at the first lesson it’s like this (it’s really SINGING! Yes, to such a motive that it just sticks into the brain of children%))
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.

And on the second one is this song
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye Jack
good bye, sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue

I bought my books a few years ago in Relod (
This is Oxford University Press if I'm not mistaken.
I don't know if this course is still alive today. Maybe something super-new has appeared.
But it's worth paying attention.

Teaching English + speech therapy. Speech therapy, speech development. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting Child Training English language + speech therapy. Today I heard the following phrase: children with speech therapy problems cannot be taught a second language until the age of 6...


The thing is that teaching a language is traditional and teaching a language as a means of communication are two different things. If sounds are put in the lessons, words are learned, etc. - then everything that can be done badly for a 3-7-year-old child is already being done. And if a child learns a second language in a natural way (as his native language was studied !!!), then there are no difficulties and problems! Real speech therapists work on the principle: silence-singing-speaking. So, if you teach a foreign language to children from the age of 3, then you need to choose teaching methods that adhere to the same principle. Children here begin to speak after repeated listening, when the correct image has already been created in the head and the child is ready to say it. I can advise those who live in Moscow to visit the author's seminar of Valeria Meshcheryakova: September 10-12, "Peresvet" gymnasium No. 1842, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya st., 67. 10th beginning at 18.00. There, the author will tell in detail how to naturally teach kids a foreign language without harm to the child and difficulties for parents.

09/04/2004 15:45:25, Olga Goncharova

We don’t have English in the garden in the speech therapy group and for additional paid classes from speech therapy group not with any persuasion children are not taken. So your information is correct.

03.09.2004 22:28:37, Yulich is not from his computer

This article was conceived by me just during the long-awaited summer holidays and vacations. “Education is hard work, and in the summer you should take a break from studying.” Here is the stereotypical opinion that has developed among the majority.

But education, early development, and in particular the learning of a foreign language by children under the age of three can be viewed differently. You can continue to “evolve” and “learn” without weekend breaks. In any weather, at any time of the year, everywhere, on the street, in the country, at the resort, on the train ...

The English language that will be discussed, my one-year-old baby and I began to master without exhausting cramming and class schedules, without tutors, sunbathing on the beach or walking on playgrounds.

Why do kids under three years old need English?

Opponents of early learning a foreign language believe that this can cause speech delay, speech therapy and other problems. Without weighing indefinitely all the existing pros and cons, I will point out two main reasons that prompted me to resolve this issue positively.

  1. Teaching a child a foreign language up to three years is much easier than an older child (I was convinced of this from personal experience).
  2. Learning a foreign language, and even with a baby, is incredibly interesting! The child is madly in love with it and causes a flurry of positive emotions, of course, subject to certain conditions.

Learning is not a burden, but a joy

In order not to deviate too much from the main topic, I will outline the most significant provisions point by point, which help to make “classes” in a foreign language as exciting and productive as possible.

  1. Positive thinking and belief in the limitless creative and mental possibilities of man.
  2. The absence of any violence, including in the form of coercion, rigid programs and class schedules, attempts to obsessively ask questions and “pull out” answers to check what has been learned, and so on. Even artfully veiled pressure or the intention to force one to study can cause a negative reaction that does not go away for a long time and weaken emotional contact. This rule is almost impossible to implement in early development groups, which require at least a schedule of classes. The smaller the child, the more unacceptable pressure on him! Here it is reasonable to assume that if the parents fully comply with this rule, the children will not study at all, so I will dwell on the next point 3 in a little more detail.
  3. Parental sensitivity and pedagogical insight, that is, the ability to notice what this moment the child shows interest, responds to the needs of the baby / baby in a timely manner, and, using all his intellectual baggage, turn this seemingly fleeting manifestation of a simple childish curiosity into an exciting “occupation”.
  4. The willingness and desire of the parents themselves to develop and learn. It is impossible to grasp the immensity. And yet - if you do not know how to teach a child to draw - buy a suitable drawing book for the little ones. We decided to study a foreign language with the child - enroll in the courses yourself ... Search and try different variants create, learn! Your efforts will not be in vain, because the willingness of parents to learn and develop will help today's kids grow up to be socially active and creative people.
  5. Ability to praise

Many adults are big fans of criticism and teaching. Praise is another important skill to learn. You can express your approval to the child wordlessly, with the help of words and in a complex way.

Wordless praise can include not only a banal pat on the head, but also applause, handshakes, kisses, whirling, hugs and tossing.

You can learn to express your delight with gestures from a boxer who won a duel, a cyclist who won a race, a football player who scored a goal, in general, from athletes, or, for example, from an expert from “What? Where? When?", which gave the correct answer to a difficult question.

Praise, expressed in words, does not have to be like a panegyric. Often limited to the words "well done" or "clever" and this is quite enough. V different situations you can use other expressions and exclamations: Russian “Wow! How brave/smart you are!”, “How clever/smart you are!”, “You did well!”, “I can’t believe it!”, “Brilliant!”, “Keep it up!”, or the English “Well done!” , “Good job!”, “You're golden!”, “I knew, you could do it!”, “You're perfect!”, “You're the best!”, “You're the champion! ”, “Excellent!” and a host of others.

Comprehensive praise refers to the simultaneous use of gestures, actions and words.

Of course, all of the above provisions relate to education and developmental education in general, but let's move on directly to the issues of learning English.

Principles of teaching English to children from 0 to 3 years

The main principles of training are:

  • maintaining the physical and mental health of children;
  • taking into account features psychological development children under three years old, the visual-effective nature of the thinking of children of this age (that is, knowledge of the world around us occurs in the process of real object manipulations), and the leading type of activity (which is an object-manipulative game).
  • compliance of the educational material with the level of anatomical, physiological, mental and mental development of children;
  • accessibility and visibility;
  • communicative orientation;
  • personal orientation;
  • interconnected / integrated training in the types of speech activity, listening, speaking

Learning objectives

The purpose of teaching English to children aged 0 to 3 years is to promote the full, timely development of the child, the development of his intellectual, emotional and social spheres in the process of mastering the basics of English communication.

The practical goal of training is the formation of elementary English-speaking communicative competence. The communicative competence of a child under three years of age is formed as speech, language and sociocultural competences develop. Speech competence implies the mastery and development of listening and speaking skills. This is nothing more than the ability to adequately and appropriately use the language in specific situations. Language competence combines phonetic, lexical and grammatical competences. Sociocultural competence includes country-specific and linguistic-cultural competences.

Thus, the practical goal of teaching English to children from 0 to 3 years old involves mastering children's listening and speaking skills, sufficient to either adequately respond to what they hear, or make verbal contact with the interlocutor, keep up the conversation, receive and transmit elementary information. related to the content of children's communication, end communication, etc., and not just pronounce some words or phrases in English.

Learning objectives

  • purposefully teach communication in English within those areas of communication that are associated with the world of early childhood;
  • to acquaint children with the elements of the English-speaking socioculture;
  • develop a positive attitude towards the environment.

Where to begin?

If you decide to study with your child a second language that is generally alien to your native culture, the first thing you need to do is to artificially create a different language environment and learn to feel comfortable in it. Young children do just fine without having to explain the rules of grammar or phonetics. And the only way to form cognitive motives and interest in a foreign language in children under three years of age is the interweaving of these motives and interests in an object-manipulative game and the visual-effective nature of the presentations of language samples.

Teaching English to children under three years of age begins with the formation of the ability to perceive English speech by ear. Listening is not only the perception of messages, but also the preparation for inner speech response to what they hear. Listening prepares speaking, it contributes to the mastery of the sound side of the language, phonemic composition, intonation, speech patterns.

While playing with a small child, we quite often imitate the clatter of hooves, the barking of a dog, the buzz of a bee, etc. In the same way, you can try to “present” the sounds of the English language (there are 44 sounds in English, 20 vowels and 24 consonants). The number of sounds and the duration of the “presentation” itself should be chosen according to the principle of parental sensitivity, you should see if the child likes it or not. In this way, the phonetic competence of the child will be gradually formed. If you are not sure about pronunciation, or are not at all familiar with the sound composition of the language being studied, take as many lessons from a specialist as you need for this.

The child should often hear English speech, children's songs, rhymes, fairy tales in English.

What materials to use?

Anything, as long as they come from the country whose language you are learning, and if they are connected to the world of childhood. These are toy books, fairy tales, alphabet books, music discs, cartoon or movie discs, and other video or audio resources from the Internet.

When selecting materials, take into account the age of the child - for infants, English nursery rhymes and simple English songs are more suitable, and video materials can be offered to older children.

Many rhyming rhymes are ready-made finger, gesture or other active educational games. They can be found on English-language sites, or, for example, in youtube. Just type in any search engine the name of the poem / song you are looking for and choose any option you like.

The work on the verse is carried out in several stages:

  • preliminary study of lexical and grammatical material (performed by the parent);
  • study of difficult words in pronunciation, intonation, rhythm (performed by the parent)
  • expressive reading of the rhyme aloud (performed by the parent);
  • primary listening to a rhyme by a child, with visual-effective support, for example, on a drawing or visual actions;
  • consolidate understanding of the content;
  • memorize the rhyme;
  • show the child a finger or gesture game based on the content of this rhyme, and periodically invite the child to play it, but, I will not tire of repeating, in suitable situations or when the child himself wants to play it; Depending on age, the listed activities can be performed by the parent or by the child himself.
  • repeat the rhyme in real life situations

Modern collections such as "Songs of Mother Goose" / Mother Goose Books include more than 700 children's poems, songs, rhymes, riddles and tongue twisters.

In the first three years of life, it is quite possible to master 100 or more of these rhymes or songs. With frequent listening, singing or reading, these rhymes and songs are easy to memorize and use at the right time.

For example, when you put the baby to bed, you can rock it in your arms and read the rhyme / sing the song Rock-a-bye, Baby, and with the final words Down will come baby, cradle and all, imitate a smooth fall and lower the child into the crib. When your child jumps in the crib, you can read Three Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. When you feed ducks in a pond, you might think of the rhyme Bread for the Ducks. While playing ball, repeat Here's a Ball for Baby. And toes can be counted with the rhyme Five Little Pigs / This Little Pig Went to Market, etc.

Here is a small list of resources that may be useful for children under three years old:

  • Blue's Clues
  • Dr. Seuss's ABC book/DVD
  • Postman Pat
  • Dora the Explorer
  • (interactive online learning game, very useful for parents who are not confident in their English)
  • (audiobooks for children are read by professional speakers, native speakers, useful for introducing children to the melody of English speech, intonation, pronunciation)

Simple, interesting and well-illustrated material, children under three years of age swallow, digest and assimilate at an incredibly high speed and demand more and more! And if we want a child to become fluent in a foreign language, it is necessary to speak with him in this language.

What should I say?

Say only what you know for sure. Basic language features on initial stage- this is a greeting (Hello / Hi!), In the morning (Good morning!), Wish Good night(Good night!), farewell (Bye-bye/Goodbye/ See you/ See you later), which you can say when you go somewhere; declaration of love (I love you); the ability to ask for something (Give me, please), the ability to name an object, perform an action, etc. That is, it is necessary to constantly acquaint children with speech patterns, but always in situations suitable for this.

Never learn individual words. Learn phrases. For example, instead of teaching your child just the word rattle, say This is a rattle or Shake this rattle, Give me, please, your rattle. your rattle”, What a wonderful rattle! / “What a wonderful rattle!”, Where's your rattle? / “Where is your rattle?” etc.

There is no great need for the formation of a clear vocabulary and a strictly thematic presentation of material when teaching English to children under three years old. “Learn” the names of food products during meals or trips to the food market, the names of animals - where they meet you, that is, at home, on the street, in the zoo, in the village; names of plants - at flower stalls, in the square, park, botanical garden; clothes and shoes - during dressing; bath accessories - in the bathroom or pool; dishes - in the kitchen, etc.

The fastest children "learn" family members and the names of body parts (they are always with us).

Given the visual-effective nature of the thinking of children of this age, “learn” the English verbs crawl - when you crawl, hug - when you hug a child, tickle - when you tickle a baby, swing - when you swing with him on a swing, read - when you give him read something, sing - when you sing, walk - when you walk, etc. How to use these verbs? Children under three years of age are not burdened by the burden of past years and thoughts about the past and future. They live in the present moment. Therefore, the present continuous present time Continuous is perfect for our purposes: Oh, my! You're humming/smiling/ dancing/ talking! (Just think! You're humming/smiling/dancing/talking!)

Add variety to speech by using imperative mood: Look out!/Watch out!, Wake up!/Wake up!, Don't touch it!/Don't touch it!, Look at me!/Look at me!, Let's go out!/Let's go for a walk!, Let's read your favorite book!/Let's read your favorite book!, Let him pass!/ Let him pass!, Put it on!/ Put it on!, Take it off/ Take it off! and etc.

You can enter into speech the modal verb can / be able to be able to: You can walk / run / speak / Can you walk / run / speak ... and interrogative and longer affirmative sentences: Are you hungry / thirsty? / Do you want to eat / drink ?, What are you doing?, You're clapping your hands/ stamping your feet/riding a pony/ kicking the ball!

Later, learn to give more detailed explanations of the “learned” words, objects and actions: A dog is an animal with four legs, fur and a tail / A dog is an animal with four legs, fur and a tail. For this purpose, you can use English children's explanatory dictionaries.

What is important in this case is not the number of foreign words and speech patterns. The child needs to see with his own eyes, feel or even gnaw all the “learned” nouns with adjectives, and the verbs, phrases and clichés used in the conversation must exactly correspond to each specific situation.

Preschoolers 5-6 years old have long counted all the fingers and toes, learned and touched a lot, gained experience and even complexes. It is much more difficult to arouse interest and motivation in them than in children under three years old, when everything happens, meets and is known spontaneously and for the first time. This is one of key benefits early learning of a foreign language.

The role of music in learning a foreign language

The role of music in learning a foreign language is invaluable. Music and singing attract the attention of the child, develop his ability to listen, sense of rhythm, auditory-motor coordination.

Listen to children's English music CDs as often as possible. Learn each song step by step, just like a rhyme (read the previous chapter). In two years of regular listening to different melodies and texts, you will learn how to hum them yourself in suitable situations:

  • Deedle, Deedle, Dumpling - when your child, without undressing and without taking off his shoes, tries to fall asleep in the crib;
  • I'm a Little Tea-Pot - when a kettle is boiling in your kitchen;
  • Happy Birthday - during birthday celebrations;
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star - while contemplating the starry sky;

Many of the children's English songs are also gesture or other movement games and can be easily staged. Working with such songs contributes to the development of speech skills, polishes pronunciation, improves the expressiveness of speech, or simply improves mood and develops motor activity.

Do you need to translate?

Once I met a mother who, showing a small child some object or thing, for example, a sock, called him in two languages ​​at once - Russian and English (“sock / a sock).

All competent foreign language courses are taught from the very beginning in the target language. Attempts to translate everything at once and all slow down the process of assimilation of new words and expressions. Toddlers under three years old do not yet distinguish between languages ​​and certainly do not need translation.

When and how much to "do"?

We started to “learn” English when my little girl understood her native language well and already knew how to pronounce a few simple words like “mom”, “dad”, “lyalya”, “aunt”, “uncle”.

If we express in percentage terms the use of English and native languages ​​in the process of communication, including listening and reading, then in our case Russian speech will gain an average of 90%, English - 10%.

The duration of stay in the "foreign" language environment ranged from one minute to 3 hours a day.

The words "study" or "engage" are specially enclosed in quotation marks. In fact, there is no need to arrange "lessons". Need to live daily affairs, and the time and topics for games with the child should be chosen on the basis of parental sensitivity. The duration of communication, listening, reading or video viewing should be determined by the interests and desire of the child and not harm his health.

The main thing is that this happens regularly and without long breaks, and the sounds, words, speech patterns, songs and rhymes presented to the child should be often repeated, but, I will not tire of reminding you, only in situations suitable for this.


What can a three-year-old child from a Russian family say in English? I will give some typical examples from the English speech of my three-year-old daughter, from the notes preserved in my diaries.

  1. After the next visit to the zoo, she, having bent over funny, came up to me importantly and said: I’m a peacock. “I am a peacock,” and, noticing a wooden stick lying nearby, she immediately picked it up, put it behind her and quickly added: And it’s my tail. “And this is my tail.”
  2. In the morning he comes to my bed, wakes me up, pulls my pillow over himself with a laugh: Good morning, mummy! Get up! I want to take a shower. This pillow is not yours! It's mine! "Good morning, mommy! Get up! I want to take a shower. This is not your pillow! She is mine!".
  3. Diving into a filled bathroom: One, two, three, dive! Look, I'm diving. “One, two, three, dive in! Look! I'm diving!
  4. About sour milk: This milk is off! Just smell it! “This milk has gone sour. Just smell it!”
  5. Pushing the rubber mouse under the sofa: Look! The mouse is hiding in the hole. "Look, the little mouse is hiding in a mink."
  6. After watching the movie "Shrek" (we watched this movie only in English), puffing out our cheeks and flapping our arms like wings: Mum, let's pretend that you're a donkey and I'm a fire-breathing dragon. I'm going to fly. see you later! “Mom, let's pretend that you are a donkey and I am a fire-breathing Dragon. I'm going to fly! Till!"
  7. I try to get her to have breakfast, she replies very decisively: I’m not hungry. I won't have breakfast. " I am not hungry. I won't have breakfast."
  8. At a picnic, I found a secluded spot in the bushes and intends to take a toy elephant there: This is my personal cave. I'll bring my elephant into my cave. (to the elephant) Don't be afraid, Elephant, you're in good hands. “This is my personal cave. I will take my elephant to the cave. Don't be afraid, Elephant, you're in safe hands."

As you can see from these examples, the first results of English classes with children under three years old can appear just in time for three years, if you started studying at the age of one or earlier.

Three to six

When my daughter was three years old, I had to graduate from high school and get a job. There was less time for classes with the child, and we assigned her to kindergarten. They just periodically found the opportunity to read English books, watch English cartoons or listen to their favorite fairy tales in English, usually before going to bed.

English at school

I felt the real results of our "classes" when my daughter went to school. Despite the fact that she was seriously interested in sports, and this caused some damage to her academic performance, and she did not become a straight A student (she is a stable A student), her English grade has always been excellent.

She reads well, memorizes and retells texts and dialogues, perfectly translates from English into Russian and vice versa. She writes her own stories in English very well. At the same time, I never resorted to the help of tutors (on which we saved a lot of money), and I never helped her with school English.

Sometimes she complained that English lessons at school were boring for her, but this did not turn into a tragedy. In school English lessons, she nevertheless studied transcription signs, rules for reading and writing, in general, everything that is inappropriate to do in early preschool childhood.

At the end of the third grade, she, without any preparation (!) Together with the fifth graders (!) passed the Cambridge exam for knowledge of the English language (Movers level) at the local British center. Passed excellent.

I hope our example will inspire many parents! I sincerely wish you good luck!

A fascinating immersion in the world of English

How are the classes going?

The English course for younger students evenly develops all the language skills of the child: listening, pronunciation, reading and writing. Our classes are exciting and dynamic: the guys play role-playing games, perform interesting exercises, solve puzzles, prepare creative projects. It is still difficult for children to keep their attention on one thing for a long time, so we often change the type of activity during the lesson.

From the first lesson we speak only English, so that the children are completely immersed in the language environment. This helps develop fluency and correct pronunciation.

Different children have different types of perception: in order to remember a word, a visual image is important for some, a sound image is important for someone, and for a third it is important to touch an object. Therefore, when studying new material, we use all channels of perception of children, this is most effective.

Classes are built taking into account the peculiarities of the child's age: for first-graders, the game method is the basis, with age, conscious learning is gradually introduced. But main principle remains: each lesson is a fascinating story. It is very important to keep the child's interest in learning, to fall in love with the language, then the result will be excellent.

What benefits are we doing?

We use bright, visual and modern educational materials - Academy Stars from Macmillan. Captivating adventures, entertaining stories and colorful characters will make learning English fun and exciting. The textbook contains the key to a rich online resource of videos, grammar explanations, interactive exercises and quizzes.

Who is leading the classes?

We carefully select teachers to work with children. We have Russian-speaking teachers:

  • with pedagogical education and extensive work experience;
  • with excellent pronunciation;
  • loving children and able to find an approach to the child;
  • bright and artistic, able to captivate children and keep their attention.

How long is the course?

The duration of the 1st level is 96 academic hours (9 months). Classes are held 2 times a week for 60 minutes.

In our classes, children learn not only English. The purpose of the course is to teach the language on the basis of the complex development of the child. The course trains memory, develops the ability to concentrate and work in a team, creativity and self-confidence.

Still have doubts or questions? Just come visit us and bring your child to a free trial lesson!

We will be glad to see you, we will tell and show you everything.

To learn a language, free curiosity is much more important than formidable necessity.
Aurelius Augustine

More and more mothers and fathers want to teach their child a foreign language. After all, this is not only interesting and exciting activities, but also a great prospect for the baby. First, successful admission and study at a language school, then at a university, building a successful career and organizing recreation without language boundaries.

It has been scientifically proven that the most favorable years for unconscious language acquisition are from birth to six years of age.

The myth is the assumption that there is a certain genetic code due to which a child speaks a foreign language if his parent knows the language perfectly. Language acquisition by a child takes place in a natural language environment. The child will speak in those languages ​​that he hears around and which are actively used by him in speech. If parents communicate with the child in English, Spanish and Russian, the baby will speak the same three languages.

Children are linguistic geniuses from the first day of their lives. They are able to memorize any foreign language involuntarily, without translating it into their native language. Children think in a foreign language without thinking about what this or that phrase means in their native language. This distinguishes them from adults who understand the language only through translation.

It is children's intellect that makes it possible to achieve great success in learning foreign languages. The most intensive development of the brain occurs during the first six years of life.

Interestingly, children can distinguish languages ​​from birth. At the University of British Columbia, during the experiment, it was found that up to 9 months, children only by visual signs distinguish between languages ​​spoken by adults. Babies can "read" lips.

Observations of children from families and children who speak two or three languages ​​allow us to conclude that early learning of foreign languages ​​contributes to the formation of positive motivation for children during subsequent language learning. These children go on to school with much more fun, interest and ease.

The language immersion method is the most effective method of learning English. It lies in the fact that in the life of the baby there is a time of immersion in the language. And there are more and more such moments (from 5 to 30 minutes), thanks to which the child freely switches from communicating in his native language to communicating in English. And vice versa. The language environment is essential. And then the kid will learn not only to repeat English words after you, but also to understand, play, think in English! It is optimal if you communicate in English all the time. Some argue that learning English and Russian at the same time can cause confusion for children. But practical experience completely refutes this assertion.

The method of immersion in the language forms a game developing environment, the baby develops linguistic skills, the ability to perceive English speech by ear, memory, attention, thinking and speech.

Due to the variety of activities (outdoor games, reading, drawing, counting, modeling, applications, simple home experiments, self-service skills) during one immersion in the language, the child's interest in new activities increases, and positive motivation is formed to learn English. Immersion classes bring pleasure to both mother and baby.

What is language immersion training?

During the day (when the baby wakes up, goes to wash, eat, walk, play, draw, read a book, etc.), you communicate with the child in English for several minutes. Mastery English speech as close as possible to the process of mastering the native language: without translation, with the help of real objects and pictures, in real situations, in a playful way. To do this, you will need cards with pictures, words, numbers, materials for creative activities, etc.

How is the English lesson with children?

  1. Switch to English (using the body formula, naming body parts in English and pointing to them with gestures).
  2. Play with your baby using English (sculpting, drawing, songs, poems, outdoor games, applications, crafts, home play experiments). This will allow you to master the language material in a natural play environment for the baby and create a favorable emotional background.
  3. Comment on the baby's actions in English. This will ensure that the baby is constantly in the language environment, the mastery of speech will occur due to the perception of it by ear.
  4. Show cards with words and pictures. This will form the vocabulary necessary for communication and teach the child to read in whole words.
  5. Watch a video CD or listen to an audio CD with English speech (best of all are karaoke songs, repetitions, rhymes).
  6. Praise the baby, hug, kiss, clap your hands! The emotional component is very important for a child! This is a pledge of love for the English language and further studies.
  7. Switch to your native language.

Olga Darenskikh teacher


I am sure that in the first years of life the child learns and absorbs information better. My child and I started learning English at the age of 1.5. We were engaged in the Linguamama system. This is a technique developed specifically for kids. I really liked it. There are results.

We do not have such an opportunity to go abroad, and we do not know the language, so we decided to try classes with a tutor.

Immersion on Wednesday is the best technique. Last summer I went with my nephew, he was 3.5 years old at that time - to London for 2 weeks under the Skola program. Parents do not speak the language - that's why they chose me, having an intermediate level, accompanying :) The trip was organized by the Itec company. Comrades! x weeks of living in a British family just stunned me with his vocabulary. Truly - children have an amazing memory. Like a sponge - honestly :) Games, excursions, joint activities with English children give a tremendous effect. I will definitely repeat such a trip, but now with my soon-to-be 3-year-old daughter :) I’ll make a reservation right away - expensive - but it’s worth it. I'll tell you about the results.

I recently started teaching my daughter English, she is 4 years old. I tried to teach myself: I pointed to different subjects and voiced them in English, asked her to repeat. At first, the daughter repeated, then she quickly got tired of it, she was not at all interested. Then I found one educational site for kids. There are many songs\videos posted there: about colors, about animals, about numbers, about fruits, etc. This site is run by a young talented guy (American or English) Mat. He plays the guitar and sings his own songs. My daughter just loves his songs. And I liked the language. And my daughter loves one game. I tell her that the tiger / bunny or someone else is from America and speaks only English. Then she tries to communicate with him in English. And then I get tired of classes myself)

Comment on the article "English for kids. What is the most effective method?"

English language where to start.. Learning foreign languages. Education of children. English language where to start. Good day everyone! There is a first grader. for both toddlers and younger students there is a disk and a workbook.


My child taught without a tutor. Passed the exam in English. without any preparation for 89 points. But we really have a grandmother (my mother) - she studied with him, plus - for the summer they were sent to Oxford from the age of 11, to English school. for foreign children, every year.

04.02.2019 00:57:18

My child goes to FREE English and German courses, English 2 times a week for 2 astronomical hours, the program Especially in the last six months, not everyone needs a language for admission and no one will spend time and money on this in grade 11.


Excuse me, but this is according to the principle - hunting is worse than bondage. You wanted and paid for children and kimonos, and competitions, and balls, and medals. There are parents who do the same in English courses. Right here, everything is the same, right down to the "form" for all sorts of "English tea parties" and "knighting".

Otherwise, there is only one difference: in English you have a lot of competition - clubs, centers, tutors, a lot and close by. And in judo, the competition is much less. There are few sections, they are not heaped.

Recommend English courses. Learning foreign languages. English in VAO. Does anyone know English courses? in the east of Moscow with native speakers? Or advise how to find a native speaker for individual lessons?

small children and English. tell me, please, why should a child of 3.5 years old study English? at 3 years she will be English for children. Who will tell you sites with materials for learning English for kids (from 3 years old), poems, songs, etc...


lots of poems and songs. Here you can see [link-1]
a lot of books. I also started with mine with a rhyme, songs, fairy tales. Now he graduated from school with an in-depth study of foreign languages.
But by themselves, poems and songs give little, you better speak and play in the language. It will make more sense. I met children who, for example, know the rhyme about the butterfly very well, and ask how the butterfly is in English and the child has a stupor. He learned the verse, maybe even learn a couple of dozen words, but he cannot say the elementary. But if you speak, play various situations with the help of toys, but only without translation, then there will be a very good result, I saw it on so many children and they have already grown up, i.e. we can talk about long-term results. Just don’t make the typical mistake when they say a word in Russian, a word in another language, it may seem to the mother that the child will not understand and needs to be translated. But this is not so, it is important to show the object, the action and name it, then the child will not have porridge in his head. I have seen many children who thought that a word in another language was just a synonym and not another language. Therefore, it is worth making blocks in another language, you mark the transition, maybe it will be a toy that came from another country, it will be like a key, an anchor. And the exit is the same. At first it may be only 5 minutes, but very quickly it can reach up to an hour, and even half a day.

English. Books. A child from 7 to 10. Mine goes to Mr English and maintains an interest in English there, goes there with pleasure. I don’t see much result in the courses, for my own peace of mind I work out the main structures with it on my own.


Not surprisingly, hysteria and disgust - if you have a standard program and a standard school.
It seems to me that in your situation you need to buy cartoons and games in English - any, just when buying, make sure that English is indicated; and you can also try to give it to good courses like English First, where they play the language with children.

computer games in English were not very good for mine. but at the beginning of the second grade for breakfast they included some good educational cartoon film. Eat, watch 15 minutes before school every day. There were songs that the whole family sang. I can try to place something on the Internet on file exchangers. Or you can download it on torrent

By the way, we should still look for a good one, we miss the morning views a little. Very warm and family friendly :)

Who speaks English to the baby? Foreign languages. Early development. She taught English before the baby was born at the TsVR and at the secondary school, so I know that sooner or later I will get used to it, but will he be able to perceive my speech in his native language when ...


I, just not at 2.5 months, I started talking to him at 4.5 years old, a year later he began to chat well in English.
As for "There are no warm words in English", then you either simply do not know them, or you do not like them compared to Russian.

thanks to everyone for the advice;) while we smile in all the absence of teeth under English rhymes and lullabies. Humpty aka Hamti - the hero of the century (the kid just laughs at this consonance) but otherwise wıll lıve and see

English lessons for a 3 year old. Foreign languages. Early development. English lessons for a 3 year old. English for kids: educational games and programs for preschoolers. English for kids. Which technique is the most effective?


As an addition, you can use the video course on the DVD "English with Khryusha and Stepasha", there are only 5 discs with 10 lessons each. The pronunciation of the presenter, of course, leaves much to be desired, but in fact the child will like the lessons themselves. At the end of each lesson, a song is sung first by Piggy and company, then by preschool girls. Each lesson lasts about 10 minutes, the topics are very diverse, but, in my opinion, literacy is not provided there, only colloquial speech, although new words are always written on the board. All in all, I recommend it.

04/05/2007 12:58:12, Evgeniya

Try the Get Ready course! I like it because there are very few constructions, but they are all introduced through ELEMENTARY songs.
For example, at the first lesson it’s like this (it’s really SINGING! Yes, to such a motive that it just sticks into the brain of children%))
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
hello, hello, hello
I am Jack.

And on the second one is this song
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye Jack
good bye, sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue
Good bye, Jack and Sue

I bought my books a few years ago in Relod (
This is Oxford University Press if I'm not mistaken.
I don't know if this course is still alive today. Maybe something super-new has appeared.
But it's worth paying attention.

CD: learning English. language. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with English for Toddlers. Free open English First lessons in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

Hello dear readers!

My reader Marina from Orenburg, the mother of five-year-old Igor, is slowly preparing her son for school: she teaches simple letters and words, counting, drawing and construction.

Recently, to teach the boy and decorate the room, she bought him Russian - we know that children begin to learn it at school from an early age.

The boy turned out to be smart and inquisitive, he already reads Russian quite well and showed interest in foreign languages. Marina herself does not know English, but is ready to learn it with her son.

Since she is ignorant in this topic, she asked me to tell you how you can start teaching your child English easily and interestingly, and at the same time get involved yourself.

Better, of course, in a playful way!

Children love to play and have fun, so in the game you can quickly learn the basics of many sciences, including English.

For Marina, Igor and everyone who is interested this topic, I wrote a material on how to teach children English in a playful way. Read and learn with pleasure! I will be grateful for likes, reposts and comments.

What is best for children?

Every parent wants their child to grow up as an independent, diversified personality. In a world where the main violin is played by information and social networks It is possible and necessary to obtain new knowledge from different sources.

To do this, it is useful to master the main international language - English. There are many advantages of learning this language, and we will not focus on them. Instead, let's figure out how to help your child learn English.

It is worth bringing a child to the study of the language of Shakespeare from an early age. After all, a person receives half of the skills necessary for communication by the age of four, and the full volume by eight. Therefore, the question arises, what are the best methods of learning English for children? Let's find out.

About children's English

We note right away that the methods that will be discussed have proven themselves with positive side. Therefore, on the one hand, it does not matter by which method to teach a child a foreign language. But on the other hand, it is necessary to select a technique based on the age of the characteristics of the child.

It is easiest to learn a language if a child is taught it from 3-4 years old. Do not be discouraged if this moment is missed - some methods involve working with children up to preschool age.

Teaching methods are divided into two broad categories: group and individual. To understand what form of activity is right for your child, look at his level of sociability. Group lessons are suitable for open, active children, and individual lessons for calm children.

Methods of learning English for children are based on 5 principles:

Most children's methods of learning English are based on the game activity of children. As mentioned above, the game is a tool for the development of the child, with its help he learns the world. Therefore, it is logical to use the game to learn English. The best methods for learning English for children include different types of play situations. With their help, the child will develop the necessary skills quickly and in a fun way.

There are four types of educational games:

  1. situational are games that reproduce situations from real life. Children try on various social roles and act according to a specific task. At the same time, at certain moments, the child needs to improvise, connect imagination and creativity.
  2. Competitive Games create situations that test how children have learned the material they have learned. At the same time, elements of rivalry are included in the game. There are many options here: team board games, crossword puzzles, linguistic puzzles. The winner is the one who knows grammar and vocabulary better.
  3. Music games- these are all kinds of songs, dances, round dances. If, according to the terms of the game, you need to act with a partner, then the child, in addition, develops communication skills.
  4. The conditions of creative games are limited only by the imagination of the teacher and the children themselves. They include elements of other types of games and are held in the form of drawing competitions, applications, writing poetry in English.

Remember that regardless of the method of learning, the main thing is practice. Without it, neither the future poet nor the born linguist will speak the language of Shakespeare. Therefore, often talk to your child in English, if the level of language proficiency allows it. The result will not keep you waiting.

Study methods and their features

There are 5 main teaching methods. We will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Zaitsev's technique

This is a technique for kids who have reached the age of 3. Children play with cubes on which not letters are written, but words and syllables. At the same time, the cubes differ from each other in weight, color, and sounds made. This helps children learn to follow correct order words in a sentence.

By developing this skill early age, the child will master the first lessons from the school curriculum with ease. In addition, at a subconscious level, the difference between sounds is assimilated, and speech skills develop in parallel.

game method

Classes are held as follows: the teacher lays out figures of animals or household items in front of the children. After that, he calls them in English, and the children repeat after him. Then the children draw one animal or object on the table and try to remember its name. When a child remembers about half of the names of objects, the teacher tries to build a simple dialogue with him.

So children gradually master pronunciation and oral speech. You can engage in such a program with children from one year old.

Doman technique

The method is based on the use of children's visual memory. The child is shown cards on which the object and its name are depicted. This makes it easier for children to memorize new words. The technique is suitable for children up to 6 years.

Design methodology

The method resembles school lessons with the difference that the teacher chooses a topic based on its interest to children. This is how several lessons pass, after which the students write a test task on the topic. The technique is designed for children from 4 years old.

Combined techniques

As the name implies, such classes combine the advantages of previous methods. Children work on grammar, play, draw. With this approach, the lessons become more diverse, and the children like it.

How to choose a technique?

Choosing the best English learning method for kids is easier than you think. When choosing, you need to start from the age and level of development of the child. In addition, consider his preferences and features. It is very important for a child that learning is interesting and fun. It is easier to interest a child in learning English if he is placed in comfortable conditions.

Therefore, choose a technique with an eye on the character of the baby: a sociable child will like group classes, and a shy child will like one-on-one lessons with a teacher, an active child will like play forms, and a calm one will like something more meditative. The choice of methods allows you to take into account these points and choose the form of education that suits your child specifically.

In order for a child to learn English faster, you need to create a comfortable environment for him at home. The following recommendations will help you:

Dear friends! If you keep track of your finances, then read the article about that I have selected the best and proven sites. Read and return your money!

There are several methods of learning English for children. You need to choose a teaching method based on the age and inclinations of the child. This approach is needed so that your offspring is interested in learning English, and he does not perceive such lessons as another “obligation” like semolina.

If it was possible to arouse interest in the baby, then all that remains for parents is to watch their child master the language of Shakespeare and rejoice. But they can still help the child.

You should create a comfortable environment for him and at home. The tips mentioned above will help. In addition, if the parents themselves have at least a basic knowledge of the language, they can make a feasible contribution to the child's learning English.


English for children

Learning foreign languages ​​expands a person's horizons, gives him more opportunities for further education, career advancement, opens previously inaccessible doors for him.

Many parents, taking care of the prosperous future of the child, insist on learning a foreign language with early years, priority is given to the study of English, since it is recognized as international. English for children, namely the training program differs depending on the age at which the baby began classes.

As you know, kids are easy to learn, it is easier for them to remember the pronunciation or meaning of words, since the brain absorbs the information received much better than in older people. You can introduce a baby to learning foreign languages ​​from birth, there are many special programs and methods for this, but as practice shows, children growing up in a bilingual environment begin to speak later than their peers.

The optimal period when you can conduct the first English lessons for children is 3-4 years. It is at this age that children already know their native language thoroughly, and being at the stage of why, they are ready to absorb any information and are happy to take up learning, as long as it is fun.

From 3 years

At the age of three, children can speak, but most of all they succeed in asking questions, so if you decide to study foreign languages, English in particular, build your English lessons for children in the form of a game where the kid asks questions in Russian, and the answer hears with translation. You can’t overload 3 year old fidgets with letters, transcription and verbs, they will learn all this after they go to school, and first you need to replenish your active and passive vocabulary.

Every day you need to replenish the stock with at least one new word, you can do it thematically, for example, you learn colors in English for one week, it will be more accessible for children if you devote the whole day to this color. For example, when learning yellow, put a yellow scarf on your baby when you go for a walk, then look for objects on the street. yellow color, exclaiming "yellow" at the sight of a yellow car, a sign, or a flower.

In such games, you need to give in a little to the crumbs, pushing him and provoking him. Well, the prize for the winner can be a yellow treat - a banana, lemon ice cream or marmalade. And so all week, then you can study animals, plants, vegetables, fruits, food. When learning a language from cards and pictures, you don’t need to translate words just by pointing to a picture, call it in English, so the baby learns to think and will not be distracted by the translation of the word in the mind.

English for children 3-4 years old will be much more fun if you arrange quizzes and games, for example, if the names of toys and animals have already appeared in the vocabulary of the crumbs, you can collect numerous items in a bag and, taking out one by one, ask the baby what it is. You can also arrange toys and objects throughout the house and ask to bring something, naming this item in English.

Also read:

English for children 3 years old will be easier to remember if the whole learning process is built in a playful way, and is also based on the natural curiosity of the crumbs.

5 – 6 years

At this age, children are more diligent and can already move on to the next stage of learning, having learned the English alphabet, it will still be more interesting for children to study letters, focusing on pictures, provided that all the words in these pictures are known to them in translation.

One of the common mistakes parents make when learning the alphabet is the wrong choice of cards with letters, where the images are misleading, or the wrong approach, when the baby, having no vocabulary, starts by learning the alphabet. It doesn’t matter at what age to start learning a foreign language, at 3, 7 or 13, the methodology is the same, first children learn to listen, then speak, read, and then write.

Children 5 - 6 years old also grasp everything on the fly, therefore, when studying foreign languages, it is necessary to initially memorize the pronunciation correctly. In the event that the parents are not native speakers, it would be better if the kids attend special English courses for children, where, with the help of games and communication, they very quickly memorize the pronunciation and meaning of words, and also learn to build sentences from several words.

Good results are obtained by viewing special educational cartoons, programs and programs for an audience of this age. You can also find computer games whose task is to develop logic and consolidate knowledge in a foreign language. For better pronunciation or songs in which words and actions can be spoken and accompanied by gestures.

At this age, kids love praise, so for an additional incentive, you can come up with various prizes, chips and certificates.

7 – 8 years

The study of foreign languages ​​by children of primary school age can be carried out according to school curriculum, but as practice shows, children need a special approach, and the school cannot give great knowledge in foreign languages, because it becomes boring in such lessons. In the event that the kid is behind the program, English lessons generally lose their meaning for him.

Before teaching a child to read in English, an elementary vocabulary is needed so that the baby not only pronounces sounds and letters, but also understands the meaning of what was said. Cards will also help, as in the case of the alphabet, where on one side there is a drawing, and on the second its name written in a foreign language.

Books in English for children should also be with transcription in order to be able to initially read the word correctly and remember not only its spelling, but also its sound. In order for children to learn to think in a foreign language, it is necessary to ask them riddles and puzzles.

So, for example, you can characterize an object in English, describe the size, color, what to refer to, and the student must guess, there is already motivation for learning, because if children do not understand leading questions or descriptions, they cannot guess the hidden word.


It's fun!

English for preschool children - is it possible? Undoubtedly, yes. After all, a child, like no one else, is able to memorize significant amounts of new information. The most important thing in learning is to be able to involve the baby in the world of foreign languages, to interest him, to make classes as exciting as possible.

So that young students do not get bored learning a new language, there are special textbooks that will surely bring a lot of pleasure to both teachers and students. They are complemented by colorful pictures, vivid images famous characters from famous cartoons, which, of course, help to better perceive English and help to teach English to children more effectively.

Also, when teaching, one should not forget about the personal approach to each child. Only when there is close contact between the teacher and the student, there is a complete understanding of the process of learning English.

The combination of audio-visual channels of information perception leads to the most high results in teaching. Therefore, it is important to use audio recordings for children in English in the lessons, to learn funny and simple songs.

But the most favorite activity of all the kids is, without a doubt, games! That is why most English lessons for children are held in a playful way, where each child has the opportunity to use all the knowledge gained, to enter into a role, they are not afraid to pronounce words in a foreign language.

The program and methodology of teaching English for children

Programs for teaching children English should be built taking into account different age groups. Being with peers, the child feels confident that he is among equals, which means he has every chance to be successful. No less important is the correctly selected educational materials, which equally and simultaneously develop all the language skills of the children: the ability to speak, read, write, listen to English speech.

So, we list all the methods by which English is most often taught to children:

In fact, the methodology and approach to teaching English to children is completely different for all schools and teachers, but they all have one thing in common - an unlimited desire and desire to transfer their knowledge and make it interesting!


Games in English lessons

Teaching foreign languages ​​is a very exciting and very responsible occupation. New times require teachers to take a new approach to this problem. A significant role in teaching foreign languages, in particular English, belongs to the use of educational games or game exercises.

The game sharpens the mental activity of students; it is in the game that children learn social functions, norms of behavior; develop comprehensively. The developmental value of the game lies in its very nature, because the game is always emotions. Where there is emotion, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, thinking works there.

According to the purpose of using the games, they can be entertaining, which are held to relieve fatigue; training, conducted with the aim of forming, deepening and improving practical skills in the language, their testing.

You can use various visualizations, for example: diagrams, pictures, tables, slides, lotto. Games can be organized individually, in pairs, in groups. The strength of the game is in its universality, universality, in the ability to easily and fruitfully, freely achieve significant results in the formation of the child's personal qualities.

Younger students are happy to learn tongue twisters, come up with various situations using dialogic and monologue speech, play games such as: “Are you attentive?”, “Ball game”, “Find an object”, “Guess the name”, “Story by drawing ”, “Who is bigger?”, “Cubes”, “Picture”, etc.

Students of the fifth - sixth grades prefer games - competitions. At the lessons, interest in new material increases, there is an incentive to do homework, because only deep knowledge gives students the opportunity to prove themselves, to defeat an opponent. The spirit of competition, the desire to assert oneself are excellent motives for learning languages. Quizzes, contests, travel - these are the game forms that can be used for this.

High school students are happy to participate in discussions on the proposed topics, express their opinions on the films and performances they have watched, compose and solve crossword puzzles.

At this age, students have a need for communication, for close contact with each other, and game moments destroy the barriers between them, create conditions for equality in speech partnership.

It is also important that the teacher be able to captivate, infect students with the game. The teacher's speech should be emotional, expressive.

As for the mistakes during the game, it is desirable not to distract the students and analyze them after the game. Encouraging students, encouraging their activities are necessary to create the right interpersonal relationships in the team.

The role of the game in English lessons is huge. It is a good means of activating vocabulary, grammar, practicing pronunciation, developing oral speech skills. You can play not only in the classroom, but also at breaks, evenings, matinees, English circles.

Thus, an educational game is a kind of activity of students in a lesson, during which educational tasks are solved in a playful way. The game arouses the interest and activity of children and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, contributes to faster and stronger memorization. foreign words and offers.

Play is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called to change.

I will describe educational language games that I use in my work with students.

Game 1

The game is used when working on any topic. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the students and calls out a word on the topic in English or Russian. The player, having caught the ball, pronounces the equivalent of the given word, respectively, and returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student and says a new word.

T: Machine.

P2.: A car. Etc.

Game 2

Equipment: number cards.

Two teams take part in the game. Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. One representative from each team approaches the table at the same time. The teacher says the number in English. The task of the players is to quickly take the desired card.

The team with the most cards wins.

Game 3

Equipment: clock. (It can be a toy clock made of cardboard with arrows).

The teacher, moving the hands on the clock, each time turns to the students with the question: “What time is it?”. The team that answers the most questions correctly wins.

Game 4

Equipment: a toy clock on each student's desk.

The teacher says, for example:"It's one o'clock". Students put arrows on the indicated time and show the teacher. Correctly completed the task receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the game wins.

Game 5

Equipment: pictures showing various objects, flowers, animals, etc.

The teacher, turning to the students in turn, shows one or another picture. The student calls in English what is depicted on it, and selects a word for this word that rhymes with it, for example: knife - life, cat - hat, ball - wall, lamp - camp, rose - nose, etc. The one with the most words wins.

Game 6

Equipment: two dolls and two sets of clothes for them (can be made of paper).

The game is played by two teams. They are given the task: to dress their doll, naming the items of clothing in English. For example: She has a blouse on. She has a dress on. She has a skirt on. etc. The team with the most correct sentences wins.

Game 7

The game is played by two teams. The teacher calls in turn one player from each team.

Pupils give different orders to each other. Each of them follows the order of his opponent. For instance:.

P1 –> P2.: Write the date on the blackboard.

P2 –> P1.: Clean the board.

The one who did not cope with the task, that is, did not fulfill the opponent's order or was unable to give his order, is eliminated from the game. The team with the most students left at the end of the game wins.

Game 8

Teacher(or one of the children) says: “Let’s fly, fly, fly. nose.” The children depict flying birds. When they hear the word “nose”, they touch their nose. The one who made a mistake, did not understand the word by ear, is out of the game.

T.: Let's fly, fly. eyes.

Let's fly, fly, fly. face. Etc.

Game 9

First version of the game

The group is divided into two teams. Team members take turns doing something. Opponents call this action, comment on what the participant in the game is doing, in Present continuous tense. For example, a student of one of the teams goes to the blackboard. The opponent comments on what the participant in the game is doing: “He is going to the board”.

If he fails to correctly compose a sentence, he is out of the game. The team with the most members left at the end of the game wins.

The second version of the game

The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players standing in a semicircle, gives him an order. The student does it and comments on what he is doing in Present Continuous Tense. Then return the ball to the teacher.

R1.: I'm coming.

T: Look at your friend.

R2.: I'm looking at my friend.

Players who did not follow the teacher's order or made a mistake in the sentence are eliminated from the game. The one who stays in the game to the end wins.

Game 10

Students form a semicircle. The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players, gives him an order and asks a question. After completing the order and answering the question, the student returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student.

T.: Turn to the right. Are you turning to the right?

The one who stays in the game to the end wins.

Game 11

Equipment: on a substitution table or on a magnetic board - pictures and signal cards.

Two teams are playing. The teacher alternately shows the team representatives a picture and a signal card at the same time. Students ask a question and answer it. For example, a picture from the fairy tale “Three Bears” is shown - they are sitting at the table.

The teacher shows a signal card with a plus sign. Representatives of one of the teams ask a question and answer it.

P1.: Are they eating?

P2.: Yes, they are.

The teacher shows a card with a minus sign. The question is asked and answered by representatives of the other team.

P3.: Are they playing chess?

P4.: No, they are not.

The teacher shows the signal cards one by one. Team members ask and answer questions.

P5.: Are they eating or playing chess?

P6.: Yes, they are eating.

P7.: Who is eating?

P8.: The bears' family is.

P9.: What are they doing?

P10.: They are eating.

P11.: Where are they sitting?

P12.: They are sitting in the room.

For each correctly formulated question and answer, teams receive one point (or a token). The winning team is determined by the number of points.

Game 12

Get a fruit basket. The teacher whispers in the ear of each student or writes the name of the fruit on a piece of paper. Two "gardeners" are called. They take turns calling the names of fruits, the students whose fruit was named go to their “gardener”. The gardener with the most fruit wins.

Game 13

duty letter. Students are given cards and are asked to write as many words as possible in which the indicated letter is in a certain place.

For example, the teacher says:“Today we have the letter “O” on duty, it comes first. Who will write more words in which the letter “O” comes first?” October, office, orange, oral, etc

Game 14

Pairs of words. Players are told that this game was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. Any word is written on a piece of paper. Below, on the same sheet, another word is written with exactly the same number of letters. The players must gradually turn the top word into the bottom one.

To do this, you first need to come up with another word that is spelled the same as the first, with the exception of one or two letters, and write it under the first word. Then, in the same way, this word turns into another. Only one or two letters can be changed at a time. You need to continue until you get a word that can be turned into a lower word by changing one letter.

For instance:

Game 15

Insert a letter. Two teams are formed. The board is divided into two parts. For each command, words are written, each of which has a missing letter. Representatives of the teams alternately go to the board, insert the missing letter and read the word.

For instance: c..t, a..d, a..m, p..n, r..d, c..r, s..t, r..n, t..n, o..d, l..g, t..a, h..n, h..r, h..s, f..x, e..g, e..t, b..d (cat, and, arm , pen, red, car, sit, ran, ten, old, tea, leg, hen, her, his, fox, egg, eat, bed).

Game 16

Who is bigger? Two teams are formed. Each team must write down as many words as possible on the topics: a) the names of sports games; b) animals; c) colors, etc.

Game 17

Who quickly? Students are given 3-5 cards with letters and are invited to carefully consider them. Then the teacher calls the letter, and those who have a card with the named letter quickly pick it up and show it to the others. A late participant in the game does not have the right to raise a card.

The teacher walks between the rows and collects the cards. The winner is the one who is faster than others without cards.

Game 18

For one letter. The teacher offers to find and remember all the objects in the room whose names begin with the letter ..., while he counts up to 30. The winner is the one who names more words that begin with this letter, or the one who calls the last word with this letter.

For instance: letters “b” Book, blackboard, bin, bookcase, bag, ball, etc.

Game 19

Words with a specific letter. Students are asked to quickly look through the list of words, and then name words that contain a given letter. Whoever can name the most words wins.

Game 20

Alphabet dictionary. For the game, approximately 100 cards with letters should be prepared (for example, 10 each with the letters a, e, i; 1 each with the letters j, z, q, x; 5 each with the letters n, t and 4 each with capital letters A, B , P, K, N, L).

The teacher distributes several cards to the students. The student who has the card capital letter Ah, the game starts. He goes to the blackboard, and, holding the card so that everyone can see, calls the letter. Behind him comes his neighbor on the desk with a letter that can be a continuation of the word. If he does not have a suitable letter, then the student sitting at the next desk should continue the word, and so on.

Whoever finishes the word reads it and gets the right to start another word. Used cards are returned to the teacher. The winner is the one who took part in the compilation of the largest number of words.

Game 21

Last letter. Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team names the word, the students from the second team must come up with a word with the letter that ends the word named by the first team, etc. The team that names the last word wins.

For instance: arm, map, pen, nose, eye, ear, etc.

Game 22

Drawing story. The players form pairs. Each couple receives a drawing depicting a room in which there are different things and objects that characterize its owner. You need to write a story about what the owner of the room is doing. The couple with the most interesting story wins.

Game 23

Modal verbs. Two teams are formed. One team comes up with a sentence with a given modal verb. The other team must guess this sentence. To this end, questions such as: Can you...? Should you...? Then the second team performs the same task, and the game continues.

Game 24

Ball game. Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team comes up with a sentence with the studied verb. He throws the ball to a partner from the second team and calls the sentence, skipping the verb. The one who catches the ball repeats the sentence, inserting the correct form of the verb, throws the ball to a partner from the first team and calls his sentence, omitting the verb, etc.
