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I can not express my thoughts with words. How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts

Many are wondering how to learn to express their thoughts to correctly so that the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is in question was understandable to the interlocutor. Problems with formulascence of phrases may occur in each person for various reasons - from a lack of concentration of attention or preparedness, disorders of diction, the lack of sufficient dictionary. At the same time, the skill of the expression of thoughts can be quickly developed by performing simple recommendations and exercises.

There are several factors that can significantly complicate the understanding of the interlocutor and the perception of words them. These include:

  • excessive variety;
  • too small amount of information;
  • scull vocabulary;
  • violation of the logic of the narration;
  • excessive sarcastic (the interlocutor may not understand the meaning of ironic remarks and interpret it in his own way).

You need to analyze these items. This is especially important for people who have difficulties with how to learn to express their thoughts clearly. Without this, there may be a situation where to achieve mutual understanding becomes simply impossible.

Components of competent speech

The speech is considered competent and clean if the following qualities can be distinguished:

The pronunciation should be even and sure. Watch your breath is not shot down.

Important qualities for proper formulation of thought

People may not quite correctly state thoughts on a variety of reasons. This is usually due to the fact that the speaker has an umbilted vocabulary, which is missing in order to competently say the phrase. A person can pick up not entirely unequivocal in the sense of synonyms or use words that are not suitable for the style of the narrative. Speech diversity is a defining factor in order to learn how to properly express his thoughts in a conversation.

With its absence, the selection of a suitable word can take some time at the speaker. To not be an awkward long silence, you need to train a speech function. For this, it is important to use the following techniques (often they are in response to the question "How to learn to express your thoughts"):

  1. You should train the quality of remembering information. To clearly express your ideas, improve attention, as well as memory, effectively teach poems, remember the maximum long sequences of numbers, learn the texts of the favorite songs.
  2. It is necessary to increase the volume of linguistic stock in humans. This can help reading fiction literature. When a person reads books, he learns to formulate competent thoughts that, after that, can speak (this will help everyone who does not know how to learn to clearly talk phrases that are able to immediately cause interest from the interlocutor).
  3. Strengthening the concentration of attention on a certain thought. It is important to be able to concentrate on what you need to say - this will help reproduce the idea of \u200b\u200bloud without inaccuracies, randomly expressed words, erroneous expressions.

For the speaker, it is especially important not to lose attention and not to weaken it, since otherwise it may allow mistakes in speech. To understand how to properly express your thoughts, you need to eliminate the causes of the difficulties.

How to improve the concentration of attention

The methodology for managing the concentration of own attention is not too complex, but it may be effective to those who cannot for themselves find a way to learn to show their thoughts. You need to repeat the following combination:

  • Mentally several times to speak the word itself on which you want to concentrate, for example, "Cat".
  • Resort to visualization of the object in question (for example, speaking about a cat, you need to present details of its image, size, color, wool structure, age, temperament). Mysterious visualization is a powerful tool for training concentration, which in turn will strongly help you in how to learn how to express your thoughts correctly.
  • Present actions related to this word, for which and how you want to use it.

Concentrate in a public or leaving place is much more complicated. During the conversation, there may be extraneous circumstances that do not depend on the speaker: at the conversation site can be noisy or listening can make distractions movement.

Consider to maintain attention, as well as not to lose the story of the story, the person will be able to express his thoughts and phrases competently in any situation, regardless of the presence of distracting factors.

How can I enhance the skills of correct communication

Beautifully talking at a professional level can teach in acting courses. In such circles, the skills of the correct stage speech are formed, alignmenting intonation accents, pure diction.

How can I improve the quality of speech with a bad pronunciation

If a person independently wants to learn how to properly state his thoughts, he can use patters and special exercises from speech therapists if the problem lies in a bad pronunciation.

First, the patters need to speak clearly, not quickly, so that the training sound does not merge with others and does not disappear. Gradually, you can increase the reading speed for the study of diction.

The complex of speech therapy exercise includes simple actions aimed at setting sounds, increasing the mobility of the language. The following are especially used:

  1. To improve the mobility of the language when speech, it is recommended to translate the tip of the tip several times alternately in 4 positions: to double it first one cheek, then to another, then transfer to the nebu and start the tip of the tongue closer to the root. The exercise increases the activity of the language when speech - its correct position must be worked out to quickly learn how to properly express your thoughts.
  2. You can also arrive alternately all the vowels, smoothly moving from one to another. This will increase the quality of the pronunciation of training sounds.

Already after a short time, a person will improve the diction, will speak clearer. This is the answer to the question "how to learn how to build phrases competently" if you have problems with pronunciation.

General ways to improve speech quality

There are several general councils who can help a person learn to competently express their thoughts:

There is a useful exercise that helps to quickly learn to speak and express your thoughts. Its essence is that every day you need to take a simple object (cat, table, house) and it is literary to describe it for several minutes, including the means of artistic expressiveness, ignoring the surprise. With each new attempt, the monologue will be lengthened and improved. Mimico additionally can be controlled in front of the mirror.

To control the changes and shortcomings, you can record a speech on the recorder - when you repeatedly listen to the said all inaccuracies will be heard. It is beautifully expressing his thoughts helps to struggle the statement - the allocation of goals and major thoughts in the narration. This will allow not to speak minor things, and also to repeat.

With a monologue, you need to be confident - then it will be cleaner automatically. It is important to express out simple, affordable words so that the listeners did not have any problems with understanding - for this, and you need to learn how to competently express your thoughts.

You can also start a personal blog on the Internet or just a diary and describe the events that happening there - it will help learn how to formulate thoughts.

How to clearly express your thoughts in the letter, by phone

The main difference between letters from oral speech is that the content of the message and the speech in it can be thought out in advance. In order to write thought from the first time, it is clear and competent, to effectively use the Writer's reception - to submit that the letter is a book that should be popular and successful. The quality of speech depend on the evaluation written, and, it means that its popularity.

This is especially true when writing the working messages. Often, it is when writing formal messages, people are wondering how to learn how to properly express ideas and suggestions.

It is important to monitor the logic of the narration, without being distracted by lyric retreats, commenting on the expressed and emotion. Each proposal should have its significance and value, to carry useful information explaining the approval in previous proposals. To check the text to prow and literacy, you can read it out loud. It is important in order to work out the skills of a clear storytelling and understand how to properly express your thoughts so that the interlocutor does not have any problems with interpretation.

When communicating by phone or Skype, the conversation is also desirable to think in advance, structuring the main information on the points on the paper sheet - this will help avoid unnecessary retreats.

It is important to achieve a balance between conciseness and capacity - it is better to say a little bit, but most fully covered the subject of the conversation, I do not melt important details: so the interlocutor will easier to be in thought and interpret it true. It is necessary to control the situation and ask the interlocutor questions to appreciate whether he fully understands the thought.

To correctly express your thoughts, you need to be not only read, but also have a good diction, facial expressions, be competent, confident. Only then people will perceive speech easily. For the development of competent speech skills, specialized courses exist. Through the performance of simple exercises, reading books and progressing pattering, you can improve communication capacities and diction at home. Learn to express your thoughts can everyone can.

The ability to competently, clearly and clearly express their thoughts - very important quality for any person. Many people spoil their original impression about themselves, simply starting to speak illiterately, tonazingly or insecure. Perhaps you also have any shortcomings in oratorical art? Even if oratoritarian art does not need to be in work, and you do not plan to work in the near future to work the television news speaker leading at a wedding or guide, still beautiful speech and proper pronunciation - This is an integral part of a successful personality! Listening to the way you say, many people make up your impression, and in your hands to make it positive. In addition, a person who knows how to speak beautifully and competently, more often bypass the opponent in the dispute, in time, leading relevant arguments at the moment when the interlocutor only tries to convey his thought.

Step-by-step instruction

Building proper proposals

If so far, you cannot build every proposal to build a right thing, then regular practice and training will help you. It will be useful if you begin to keep a personal diary. Every evening, describe the events of the past day and your attitude towards them. Subsequently reread written. You will immediately understand which phrases and words are knocking out of the general text and do not harmonize with it. In addition, it will be very useful to listen to audiobooks, with any convenient opportunity - when you eat in the car, do household goods, apply makeup and the like.

Reading books will help increase vocabulary

Probably nothing can increase the vocabulary as reading literature. It is not only about classics, but also about modern authors. A person who reads a lot is gradually not only increases his intellectual level and comprehends new knowledge, but it learns to beautifully present thoughts. The choice of good books is very large, and you can easily find what it will be to taste. If you want to spend time with the benefit, and you are interested in science, then pay attention to such an author as F. Stephen and his work "The book of universal misconceptions".

Perhaps you want to dive into a certain exciting story - Read the "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov or "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky. Lovers of foreign detectives may be interested in works about Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyla, or Agatha Christie and her unsurpassed Ekkühul Poirot. Do you feel the need for philosophical literature? You may like "Nausea" Jean Fields of Sartra or "Little Prince" Antoine Exupery. The lovers of poetry should pay attention to the work of Brodsky, Akhmatova, Nekrasov and many other talented poets.

Train gestures and facial expressions

This is a very significant point in oratorical art. It is one thing to talk on the phone or write messages, and with everything else to speak in front of the public that sees you. Even the right speech and rich vocabulary can cause rejection in the listeners if you do not own your gesticulation and facial expressions. To begin with, try writing your speech with which you intend to appear in front of other people. Browse the entry, and pay attention to the expression of your face and where you extend your hands when talking. You will see how you look from the side. More often, rehearse the speeches in front of the mirror, watching it. If you want to harmoniously look at the presentation in the public, regularly view the videos of public speeches of the famous people who like you. Take a note all the nuances - the expression of the face, the position of the hands, posture, view, intonation.

Diction and pronunciation - read the patter

Perhaps a patter is one of the most efficient ways to improve your diction and work on the right pronunciation. The correct articulation also has an important meaning. It is possible to meet people who read many books, have excellent vocabulary, it is clear and beautifully set out their thoughts on correspondence, but are not the best interlocutors because of the fuzzy diction. To avoid this, try not only more often pronounced spears, but also read books out loud with expression. Read the excerpt from any work, making a record on the voice recorder. Listen to your speech. Do you think you can speak clearer and more beautiful? Re-read the passage, and again study the record - do so until you are satisfied with your pronunciation. For the sake of achieving a positive result, it is worth reading aloud at least half an hour per day. Some speakers prefer to underestimate the advantages of respiratory gymnastics and proper posture. Meanwhile, without these two items, it is simply impossible to pronounce long speech with the expression and proper clear diction.

Smart people have long understood that in order to succeed, you need to be eloquent. But many can not associate two words, although they simply "cut down" from thoughts and ideas. How to learn how to express your thoughts correctly to avoid misunderstanding? After all, it is inability to accurately express their feelings and desires leads to quarrels, distrust and unfavorable attitude towards you surrounding. Whatever you were clever, kosonazing represents you almost mentally retarded.

There are several steps, rising to which you can competently and logically express your thoughts.

Step first

Get the diary or immediately swing on the blog. Many people write easier than to talk. Every day, describe what you saw, trying to use different speeds of speech. Do not be afraid of errors. At this stage they will be inevitable. If this is a diary - then you have nothing to be ashamed if the blog is illiterately drawn up proposals will immediately rush into the eyes and you will have to correct them.

You are not an elochka cannibal with a vocabulary of 20 phrases? Get a notebook and write a new speech turnover every day, phraseologism or a good phrase that came to your mind. And try to use new words every day in order to describe how your day has passed or what you did in order to learn how to express your thoughts correctly.

Step Two

At the same time, you started a diary, start. And not modern detectives, but classical literature. Boring? By no means. Imagine yourself at the site of the main character and try to talk to his tongue. Believe me, it even fun, ask a friend to bring a camera, using the phrases of the XIX century or even the Middle Ages.

Statenka Third

Explore the verses and excerpts from the novels. Prose is even preferable because:

  • It is more difficult to remember, which means that the brain works better (so);
  • The phrases strongly fall in your memory, and on occasion you will operate already ready-made turns that do not need to invent.

Step fourth

Chat as much as possible. With grandmothers at the entrance, fellow travelers on the bus, sellers in the store. Communicate - it means to enter into a dialogue, and not silently listen to someone's opinion. At first it will be hard, somewhere crammed, somewhere unpleasant, somewhere scary. Do not be afraid - no one will hit you for the answer or define your position on any problem. Speak firmly, quietly and looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. You are a person, you have something to say, right?

Step fifty

Step sixth

Play the theater. Do you have a favorite actor (actress)? Or lead on television? Several times a week (ideally every day), not less than half an hour to devote to the Talking Maker, gestures and facial expressions as you can reflect it. Train yourself near the mirror, write your voice to the voice recorder. After listening to, change the voice of the voice, add phrases inherent in this person, in general, try to simulate it as much as possible. This, by the way, will help not only build competent and logical proposals, but also to give the necessary "velvety" to your voice.

Step seventh

This step is perhaps one of the most important, because it will not only learn to express their thoughts correctly, but also will develop logic and non-standard thinking.

We take any well-established phrase and find at least twenty reasons proving diametrically opposite. For example: Change your husband (wife) is bad. Not true. There are reasons why this is good:

  • Provided new sexual experience;
  • New sensations bring and novelty into boring established family relationships;
  • Sex on the side - emotion emotions and adrenaline, which is well affected by the general physical condition, etc.

The task is clear? Try to prove that you do not use the computer, the phone and the automatic washing machine is good. What is great. Prove yourself that laziness is a progress engine, and smoking is pleasant and useful.

The first statements will be given oh, as not easy. After all, you need to break the stereotypes of your thinking, find the reasons why we are accustomed to, not so good / badly. Make this exercise every day and very soon you will see changes not only in your speech, but in thinking - the ability to convince even in an incredible. This technique is used - you can learn this.

That's all the main steps in the struggle for the competent and correct statement of our thoughts. Just seven steps - and you are a speaker who can enthrain the people. Train daily, confidence and eloquence will not make a long time to wait, and you understand the glory of the Word Master. Believe the effort spent!

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The eloquence and statement of the thoughts of "in the case" makes people think about your rightness, thereby bringing you to the public recognition.

Anyone can learn how to properly state your thoughts. For this, it is necessary to follow the watery of a syllable, literacy and even by intonating its statements.

Build offers correct

The first brick in the foundation of the building entitled "How to learn to speak beautifully" is a clear and grammatically correct construction of proposals. After the development of this wisdom, the new orator will be able to produce stylistically correct proposals, while not thinking how it turns out.

Most likely, at the beginning of training, generate semantically faithful designs on the fly will be slightly difficult. Therefore, before moving with the planned report, it is better to write basic centance on paper - in this way, it will be easier for you to generate your speech.
By training speech, analyze:

  • interesting thoughts
  • expressions and word forms that come to your mind.

Complete the information received, it will facilitate further work.

So, one of the working methods for developing a beautiful oral speech skill is the maintenance of a diary. It records the events that happened to the man per day. On the one hand, this method helps to organize thoughts, on the other hand, it teaches them beautifully express them and, as a result, helps learn to speak beautifully.

Improving thesaurus

Chat more with different people

In the event that you learn to speak beautifully - your goal, you need once and permanently realize - the wider your vocabulary, the more nitheworth and interesting will be your speech. In order for your thesaurus constantly replenished, it is recommended to read more books and, drawing unfamiliar words from them, study and memorize their meaning. The same can be done and during communication with people.

The more words you know, the more diverse will be your circle of communication, because you can support a conversation with representatives of different professions and social layers. That is how, thanks to the practice of communication and reading, you will significantly expand your vocabulary and make a speech more or more.

To replenish the vocabulary, specialists recommend reading complex books with an abundance of unfamiliar words. Thus, you can achieve stunning results in a rather short time.

Reading classic works - Pledge of competent and beautiful speech

Read books

Everyone has long known that learn to speak beautifully to people help the classical literary works - no wonder they admire the whole world. Remember that not every reader is useful for the formation of competent speech. So, reading the browing press or mediocre women's novels, you never master Vergilievsky syllable. Conversely, reading the classic literature - Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - a person adds precious speech speed into the piggy bank, which will surely come up when conducting a conversation or speech declaration.

Remember that writers and poets are designed not only to entertain people and give them a feeling of excellent. It is precisely them can make a global speaker from the oblique person. Remember that competently set speech directly depends on reading.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to close exclusively on the classics - today, there is a huge number of modern writers who are introducing their own word, unique and nothing like a similar style. Milorad Pavice, Boris Vian, Richard Brotigan - their creativity is permeated with a fairy tale, their syllable can literally feel. Reading high-quality literature, you will notice that, with time, your speech will become more interesting, saturated synonyms and metaphors. Now you will reach out for people with a request to teach them beautifully talking.

Public Disposable Technology

To learn to speak beautifully, you should define for yourself a few moments. First, why do you need a handsome conversation? Do you just want to match your friends, communicating with them on an equal footing, or your goal is to become a professional speaker capable of starting the crowd?

Different goals require different means. So, communication with several friends will never compare with oratory for huge audiences. Even being a man with a beautiful sleep, before you go to a meeting with a lot of people, whether it is a rally or a concert, you need to consider each phrase to the smallest detail and record the result, in case you agree to the wiping or forget that you wanted to say.

Of course, planning the performances of this kind are necessary in advance. In addition, after creating the perfect sketch, it is necessary to reread it periodically - you may want to add something or change something. Among other things, dealing with the fusion of his spell, you probably will find several bugs in it that it is worth fixing.

The role of gesticulation and facial expressions in building a monologue

Understanding how beautiful to communicate is, you will certainly notice that even the most beautiful speech will be dry and uninteresting without the use of facial expressions and gestures. So, to be sure that your speoral data is really good, it is worth practicing near the mirror and understand what your strengths are, and what you, on the contrary, do wrong.

Initially, your gestures will look a little ridiculous, but, honing up the practice, you will understand that it is worth removing from the process, and what moments look brightly - it is better to leave them. It should not be assumed that the ideal decision will be the wrong-like, stretched smile, which will become your companion throughout the monologue. Remember that people feel false, and the more natural you will look, the better you will be perceived. By practicing the mirror for a long time, you will certainly achieve tangible results.

As in any case, motivation is important in oratorical art. Be persistent, remember that once the technique of competent presentation of thoughts you do not master.

Beauty speech - in her confidence

Some people cannot clearly and clearly state their thoughts not because of the lack of knowledge or insufficient dictionary base, sometimes the reason lies in banal shy. If you notice that this problem concerns you, it is necessary, first of all step over the inner barrier and stop being afraid of people. If you have already learned to express your thoughts in a family circle or your mirror reflection, this does not mean that you are not intended before a lot of people. Practice self-control and, with time, you can.

Select the main points

Of course, the variety of details in your monologue is a moment positive, however, sometimes your interlocutor simply can lose a thread. Remember too tightened literary works - did you have any desire to postpone the book on the far shelf only because the climax will not come? So the situation and when building a monologue.

Remember that even the most interesting information, submitted, loses all sense and deprives the interlocutor of interest. When creating speech, follow the main rule - stipulate the most important and interesting postulates, omitting, at the same time, the minor details that the interlocutor, if desired, will ask himself.

  • generally,
  • as if,
  • exactly this,
  • type
  • in short.

It will get rid of them will help the voice recorder, on which you can write down the part of your monologue and listening to it, allocate your own plug-in words that you are pursued.

It does not matter what exactly you will record, because our goal is to identify unnecessary words in the process itself. Many people, having started writing themselves to the recorder, are simply affected by the number of unnecessary garbage departing from their mouth.

Remember - a person expressing his thoughts is beautiful and correctly, always stands out from the masses, he is beginning to imitate, he literally becomes an ideal in terms of communication.

Do not forget that high-speed communication is an excellent process, but it is not always appropriate. It is worth distrasting the circles of communication, understanding where you are at a specific point in time and with whom you keep a dialogue. Sometimes, in order to achieve an understanding, it is worth starting communication with people in the language that they are clear to greater extent.

Also, remember the two necessary points that must be present when conducting a discussion or a simple friendly conversation. We are talking about self-control and preservation of self-control.

Probably, everyone may agree that the competent expression of their thoughts is not easy, and something can even be considered art. Despite the fact that from all of us for childhood themselves, they need to study in a verbal form what we think about, the ability to speak is correctly inherent in all. Why is it so and?

From how much we own the skill to correctly formulate your words, our effectiveness directly depends, since it is the ability to convey to the consciousness of the interlocutor what we are, which is determining in communication.

How often have you come across a situation where some thought constantly "spinning" in your brain, but you do not know how to express it with the help of words? In such cases, we are usually turning into some kind of "porridge", becomes a mandatory, confused, and your interlocutor cannot understand what you actually want from it?

On the other hand, if your speech is delivered by your words - clear, you have a rich vocabulary and know how to use the necessary words to use the necessary words - then the interlocutors are ready to listen to you indefinitely.

The right thing is not a gift that the person from nature is not a gift, which means to correctly express his thoughts you can learn with help. The ability to speak beautifully, it is clear and correctly necessary not only to those who have to perform often before the audience, but also to all other people, as it will make the process of communicating with them in everyday life more interesting and informative.

If you are concerned about the quality of your speech and think about how to learn how to express your thoughts, we recommend that you take advantage of our advice.

Tip 1.

How much time you take reading books. Preferably, if you start reading the classic of domestic literature. This will not only enrich your spiritual world, but also significantly expand the vocabulary, and will also teach the proposal to build proposals.

Tip 2.

Tip 3.

Follow the pace of your speech. Monotonous speech, devoid of pauses, accents, and other means of manifestations, can cause only boredom from the listener. So learn to decorate your words with emotions, just do not overdo it in this matter.

Tip 4.

Use metaphors, proverbs, phraseologisms. These techniques can revive even the most boring speech.

Tip 5.

For the purpose of training, watch television speakers. Pay attention to how they say how to breathe how they behave.

Tip 6.

Perform an interesting exercise every day. Take some kind of usual subject and try to talk about it for several minutes using a literary speech. Each day to increase the time of your story. If at the very beginning of classes you will definitely experience difficulties, then after some time you can easily tell about the kettle, for example, for an hour, and at the same time your words never repeat.

Doing, therefore, every day and following the rest of the recommendations, you enrich your vocabulary and learn how to use it in a conversation, and the correct statement of your thoughts will no longer present any problem for you.