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Speech is external and internal. Topic: Types of speech: External and internal

External and inner speech are the two main types of speeches that distinguish psychologists. From the first everything is generally clear: this is what we are accustomed to understanding the speech. For example, the words you read now is the external speech of the author of the text.

If you express an opinion about the friend, it will already be your external speech. Simply put, these words pronounced and heard, recorded and read.

Inner speech is a specific form of speech activity, which is actively studied mainly in psychology and literary criticism. Like the internal monologues of the hero in the artistic work that help readers to understand the character of the character, the inner speech of man gives the richest material for psychologists.

Two sides of speech: facing others and addressed to themselves

Internal progress is a satellite of thinking, adapted to perform mental operations. What kind of operations can it be? Most different things: memorization, attentive hearing of others, focused reading to themselves, solving problems in the mind ...

The speech of this type does not imply oral or written design: it is needed by the speaking agent, and not a companion. If we consider the term in a narrower sense, it can be said that this is the stage of planning an external speech, the first stage of statements before its implementation for the listener.

Composed in the head plan or the summary of the statement, followed by its sound design, is only one manifestation of how internal and external speech are connected. Such a process is preceded by recording of this or that text: we mentally mention the phrases, words, sentences, defining the most appropriate.

In addition, for example, as a result of psychophysiological studies, it was proved that the internal spelling, as well as the external, is accompanied by articulation (movement of lips and language), only hidden. By the way, experiments with articulation have shown that the mechanism of internal speech is indeed largely tied on it. There is a mutual dependence.

For example, the idea that a certain sound should be pronounced, launches the microad languages \u200b\u200band lips, at the same time their oscillations are perceived by the brain, as a result of which the thought flows in the right direction.

One form of speech activity can go to another. When the external becomes internal, they say about the process of interiorization (from Interior, that in Latin means "internal"), and when, on the contrary, the process is called exteriorization (from Latin exterior - "outdoor", "external").

Interiorization is always associated with a reduction in speech structure, exteriorization - on the contrary, makes the statements more deployed, build them in accordance with the rules of grammar. Failure to comply with strict speech norms is one of the main characteristic features of the internal speech. In general, its features can briefly be represented as the next list.

  • Excerpture, fragmentaryness.
  • Generalization.
  • Sitizality (the meaning of statements is due to the situation and varies depending on it).
  • Secondary (built on the basis of external speech).
  • High speed (if you compare with external speech).
  • Formal elements of the dialogue (for example, question deals), which, however, should not be misleading: internal speech is a monologous education in nature.

All these features are due to the fact that we are talking in this case for themselves, which means that we do not require a language norms, nor means of expressiveness, nor additional clarifications - everything that makes the message understandable not only to the speaking, but also listening.

Child communication: first for others, then for yourself

How is the formation of internal speech? This question did not occupy one generation of researchers. He was considered, for example, a psychologist and linguist Alexey Alekseevich Leontyev, Linguist Solomon Davidovich Katsnelson, a psychologist.

Vygotsky figuratively said that the inner speech is the transformation of the word in thought, while the external is the exact opposite process. The scientist believed that there was a connection between such phenomena as inner speech and egocentric speech.

Recall that the last term introduced the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget for the characteristics of special thinking inherent in about 10-11 years old. What is this thinking? That which concentrates around the same person is the child. Accordingly, the point of view on everything that happens also there is one belonging to him.

Children do not even allow that others may be possible, contrary to their own, judgments. The child would not be able to imagine this, even if he wanted. Brighter this feature of the person is visible just in speech. The child speaks for others just as for himself, does not try to make his thought clearer or convert it to the interlocutor. He does not even come to mind that it may be necessary.

And really, why? After all, others, thinks a little man, understand it without effort, just as he himself understands himself. In the period, on Piaget, egocentric thinking overcomes and inferior to a more adult worldview.

According to Vygotsky, the egocentric method of expressing his thoughts does not die: the inner speech is formed just from the egocentric. And the egocentric, thus becomes a transitional stage from external speech to the inner.

Indeed, with age, the child is increasingly interacting with others, learns to look at the world from other points of view, and he is already doing less discounts and wait for him that he will convey his thoughts and desires so that the interlocutor understands him easily, and did not solve the riddles . And the egocentric speech is drawn outside the inside: as a means of communication is now ineffective, but successfully can be used as a behavior management tool, statement planning.

By the way, remember the microarthroticulation at inner speech. Alexander Nikolayevich Sokolov, another prominent domestic psychologist, assumed that the child enshrines the connection between the sound and the movement of the muscles, which he feels when he says.

Around three years, the child cannot detain these movements, so it is not capable of whispering, nevertheless to say "to itself." It is curious to note here that both children, and even adults, with complications of operations produced in the mind, are usually transferred from internal progress to external - first quiet, and then increasingly loud. Author: Evgenia Bessonova

In accordance with the functions, the speech is outer and internal.

Inner speech is a linguistic design of thought without its statement, oral or written. The process of internal, mental speech takes place at high speed; It is not the same and varies the degree of language decoration depending on its purpose.

So, preparing at the level of internal speech, i.e. "about myself", a proposal for recording, we build it strictly according to the rules of grammar, using various designs, for example, apparent proposals, separate secondary members, imply the correctness of the case endings, personal endings of the verb, We use all the necessary excuses, alliances, sometimes even outlocate punctuation marks.

However, just thinking about their actions, without intent to describe them, reflecting, indulging in memories, without the intention of statements, we do not adhere to such a strict rules of the language, and in our inner speech, the images and schemes, the presentations of the surrounding world, which are performed, are playing a major role, like words, like words, The role of signs.

In the life of a modern man, inner speech plays a very important role as a means of theoretical, cognitive activity: a person "to herself" summarizes and comprehends information, constantly through the receptors entering from the outside world, "to ourselves" reads and processes the information hung from books, "to herself "Decides the task, makes decisions, etc.

Since the inner speech is intended only for itself and the thinking subject itself understands itself literally from a half-mounted, it is fragmentary, fragmentary, very dynamic, is deprived of strict grammatical decorated ™. Because of this, by the way, the situation known to each teacher occurs: the student is confident that he knows the material of the lesson, because at the level of his inner speech he understands himself: he really caught some connections in the topic studied. But to tell this material is connected, consistently, how the conditions of the lesson require, it cannot be due to the rupture between the inner speech and the external, oral. The student is clear the logic of his thoughts, but he poorly draws her in external speech, and his answer turns out to be incomplete, incoherent, insufficient, difficult to understand.

The simplest, accessible to each method of studying internal speech - self-surveillance. Experts also use the method of registration of microdvitations of articulation bodies in the process of internal speech.

More on the topic § 15. Types of speech. Inner speech:

  1. 48. Ways to transfer someone else's speech. Direct speech, indirect speech, improper-direct speech.
  2. Section I. Language and its main functions. Speech: Types and forms of speech Text as a leading unit of communication
  3. 7.45. Alien speech. The concept of someone else's speech and methods of its transfer
  4. Understanding L.S.Vugotsky Interior Speech and Dialogue Logic
  5. Parti. Oral speech CHAPTER I. Culture of complementary speech

Inner speech is primarily related to the provision of the thinking process. It is very complex from a psychological point of view, which ensures the relationship of speech and thinking.

Inner speech is not aimed at communicating. This is a conversation of a person with himself. In the inner speech, thinking flows, intentions arise and actions are planned. The main sign of internal speech is its non-prostrunce, she is silent. Inner speech is divided into internal progress and actually internal speech. The inner speech differs in the structure from the external so that it is minimized, it descends most of the minor members of the sentence. Inner speech, as well as external, there is as a kineshesthesic, auditory or visual image. Unlike internal speech internal speech, internal progress coincides under the structure with the external speech of Vygotsky L. S. Collected Works: In 6 t. T. 1.: Questions theory and history of psychology / ch. ed. A.V. Zaporozhets. - M.: Pedagogy, 2001 .. The inner speech is formed on the basis of external. Inner speech is a speech to yourself, we do not appeal to other people. Inner speech is very significant in human life, being connected with his thinking. It is organically involved in all thinking processes aimed at solving any tasks, for example, when we strive to understand the complex mathematical formula, understand some kind of theoretical issue, outline the action plan, etc.

For this speech, there is a lack of complete sound, which is replaced by the infarded speech movements. Sometimes these embossed articulation movements acquire a very noticeable form and even lead to the utterance of individual words in the course of the thought process. "When a child thinks," says Sechenov, "he certainly says at the same time. In children, five people are expressed in words or conversation whisper, or at least the movements of the language and lips. It is extremely often happening with adults. I at least know in my own that my thought is very often accompanied by a closed and stationary mouth with a silent conversation, that is, the movements of the muscles of the language in the oral cavity. In all the same cases, when I want to fix any thought mainly in front of others, it is certainly weighing it. It even seems to me that I never think in a word, but always with muscle sensations accompanying my thought in the form of a conversation. " In some cases, internal speech leads to a slowdown in the thought process.

Despite the absence of full verbal severity, the inner speech is subject to all the rules of grammar characteristic of the language of this person, but only proceeds not in such a detailed form, as an external: there are a number of passes, there are no pronounced syntactic membership, complex proposals are replaced by individual words. This is explained by the fact that in the process of practical use of speech, the abbreviated forms began to replace more unfolded. Inner speech is possible only as an external transformation. Without a preliminary full expression of thought in the external speech, it cannot be shrong expressed in the inner speech.

Speech communication is a complex and multilateral process. We are talking about the process of verbal communication of people with each other. At the same time, it is a multifunctional. There are many classifications of speech functions, the main of which are communicative and ingrowable. The main types of speech are the external and inner speech. The external speech, in turn, is divided into separate subspecies: monologular, dialogic, oral, written and kinesthetic. The inner speech is inextricably linked with the external speech and is a special form of the thought process.

There is a speech internal and external.The external speech may be oral and written. Oral speech is in the form of a monologue (one says - others listen) or dialogue (conversation with one or, alternately, with several interlocutors).

In the form of distinguishing these types of speech is not difficult. It is more important to deal with their features of content (full, depth, exploration of presentation). When comparing the monologic and dialogic forms of oral speech, it should be borne in mind that the monologue must be significantly more complete and deployed compared to the dialogue.

After all, in the dialogue, it turns out that the interlocutor (or interlocutors) is known and what is not known what they agree with and what they do not agree with. It is not necessary to inform about the famous, according to the items of consent, it is not necessary to convince. In the monologue, you must give all possible information, first to watch all possible objections.

Written speech compared to oral should also be more complete, clear, deployed, convincing. After all, a written speech is usually (with the exception of the exchange of short notes), is a monologue. In addition, written speech as opposed to orally devoid of such powerful allies as gestures and intonation.

Fullness and exploration that should be inherent in writing do not mean that it should be long. It is necessary to strive for "the words were closely, and thoughts are spacious." The least clear and deployed is inner speech. It is closely related to the external, especially oral, speech. It is now proved that the externally imperceptible movements of the sound-reproducing muscles take place in all cases of internal speech.

But inner speech - This is a conversation with himself. And, although the "inner dispute" can be quite fierce, it proceeds in the forms of "rolled" speech, where it is enough to understand the general meaning. Other deal, if we are in the inner speech "rehearse" the external speech. Then we and in the inner speech strive to comply with all the rules of external speech.

All these features of different types of speech must be considered not only when it is used to communicate with other people, but then when it is the basis of individual thinking. The thought begins to "ripe" in the form of internal speech (although the source of thought is always the external activity of man).

But the inner speech is "rolled" and fuzzy. Therefore, fuzzy is the "embryo" of thoughts. To make a thought with a clear and clear even for yourself, it is necessary to pronounce it out loud or at least "to propose" this pronunciation. But it is best to explain your thought to others.

Then it will become clearer for you. Annecdotic story about the professor who claimed that he began to understand the subject when the third time explains his students, the grain of truth was not deprived of the grain. But especially useful for the design of the clarity and completeness of thoughts is their presentation in writing if you lead a diary, put it in it not only the actual description of the events, but also your thoughts about these events. Such a written "thinking" of life will bring you great benefit.

The development of speech in the process of age-related human development is a long and complex process. From the first days of the child's life, the preparatory period begins, the pre-operation period in the mastering speech. Already screams develop the breathing and speech apparatus of the child (it must be remembered that the cries of the child are a signal about some kind of disadvantage in its condition). Then there is a stale having a direct relation to the formation of speech.

Understanding audible words, mastering them as signals first of the first signal system (to designate specific items), and then the second signaling system (allowing generalization and distraction) begins at the end of the first - early second year of life, even before the child begins to use the speech for Communication with others.

"Guidelines for Medical Psychology",
I.M. Ttylevich

The human speech is diverse and has a variety of forms. In psychology, two types of speech are distinguished: external; internal.

1. Outdoor speech Includes oral and written speech.

One of the first people appeared exclamation speech. Its main task to inform the entire OS system or about the attitude towards others. Exclamation will be accepted only if the surrounding are near and observe what is happening.

The main source view oral speech It is a speech flowing in the form of a conversation. Such a speech is called conversationalor dialogical - This is a speech supported by the interlocutor, during which the interlocutor can help complete the thought (conversation), two participate in the conversation process. This speech in psychological plan is the simplest form of speech. It does not require an expression of speech expressionSince the interlocutor in the process of the conversation well understands what it is about what is spent, and can mentally complete the phrase spoken by another interlocutor. There are three main types of interaction of dialogue participants: addiction, cooperation and equality.

Any dialogue has its own structure: staines - the main part is the ending. The dimensions of the dialogue are theoretically endless, since its lower limit can be open. In practice, any dialogue has its own ending.

In accordance with the objectives and objectives of the dialogue, the situation of communication, the role of interlocutors can be distinguished by the following main types of dialogues: household, business conversation, interview.

For dialogue characteristic:

- personal addressing, i.e. individual appeal to each other;

- spontaneity and ease - interlocutors interfere with each other's speech, specifying or changing the topic of conversation; A speaking can interrupt himself, returning to the already said;

- spectacility of speech behavior - direct contact of speaking;

- emotionic- Sitizality, spontaneity and ease of speech in direct communication strengthen its emotional color.

Another form of oral speech is called monologic, or monologue - Long, consistent, connected presentation of the system of thoughts, knowledge by one person. For example, spectacle speech, lecturer, speaker, etc. Monologic speech is psychologically more complex than dialogic. She is requires himself to be connected from the speaker skill, strictly consistently express their thoughts and should follow not only for his speech, but also for the audience. The monologue can be both unprepared and thoughtful.

For the purpose of statements, monologues are divided into three types:

- informational speechused to transfer knowledge. In this case, the speaker must take into account the intellectual abilities of the perception of information and the cognitive opportunities of the listeners. Varieties of information speech - lectures, reports, reports, reports.

- convincing speech Passed to the emotions of listeners, in this case the speaker must take into account his susceptibility. Varieties of convincing speech: greeting, solemn, pupliest.

- matching speech aims to encourage listeners to various kinds of actions. It is allocated political speech here, a speech about actions, speech-protest.

The monologue can be defined as an unfolding statement of one person. Distinguish two the main types of monologue:

1. monologic speech It is a process of a focused message, conscious appeal to the listener and is characteristic of the oral form of books: oral scientific speech, judicial speech, oral public speech.The most complete development of the monologue received in artistic speech.

2. monologue- This is speech alone with yourself. The monologue is not directed to the immediate listener and, accordingly, is not supplied to the response of the interlocutor.

Monological speech is distinguished by the degree of preparedness and officialness. Oratoric speech is always a pre-prepared monologue, pronounced in an official setting. However, in a certain degree, the monologue is an artificial form of speech, always seeking dialogue.

Describing these two types of oral speech, it is necessary to keep in mind not their external, but a psychological difference. They can be similar to each other, for example, a monologue can be built on its external form as a dialogue, i.e. The speaker can apply or to all listeners, or to the imaginary apponent.

Dialogic and monologue can be active or passive. The active form of speech is a speech of a speaking person, and passive is a speech of a listener person. It should be noted that in children the development of the active and passive form of speech occurs simultaneously. Baby, first of all, learns to understand someone else's speech, and then begins to speak himself. However, in more mature age, people differ in the degree of development of active or passive forms of speech. It often happens that a person understands the speech well of another person, but does not pass his own thoughts. And, on the contrary, speaks well, but does not know how to listen to the other.

Another view of speech is written speech. It appeared much later oral. Thanks to the written speech, people got the opportunity to keep knowledge accumulated by humanity and transfer them to new generations.

Written speech differs from oral speech by the fact that it is depicted graphically using written signs. It represents a variety of monologue speech, more deployed than oral monologue. This is because the written speech involves the absence of feedback with the interlocutor.She is there is no additional means of influence on perceiving, except for the words themselves, their order and the proposal of punctuation marks.

Written speech can be built arbitrarily, since it is always written before our eyes. For the same reason, it is easier to understand. On the other hand, a written speech is a more complex form of speech. It requires a more thoughtful building of phrases, more accurate thoughts. In addition, the process of formation and expression of thought proceeds in oral and written speech Nonodynakovo (not rarely in one people it is easier to express their idea in writing, and others - orally).

2. Inner speech - This is a special kind of speech activity. She acts as phase planning in practical and theoretical activity. Therefore, for internal speech, on the one hand, characterized by fragment, fragmentary. On the other hand, here the misunderstandings are excluded when perceiving the situation.. Therefore, inner speech extremely situational, in this it is close to the dialogic. She is forms based on external.

The translation of the external speech into the internal (interiorization) is accompanied by the reduction of the structure of the external speech, and the transition from the internal speech to the external (exteriorization) requires, on the contrary, deploying the structure of the internal speech, constructing it in accordance not only with the logical rules, but also grammatical.

Inner speech, primarily, related to ensuring the process of thinking.

Informativeness of speech depends primarily from the value of the facts reported in it and on the ability of its author to the message.

Cleanness of speech depends:

- from its semantic content;

- from her linguistic features;

- from the relationship between its complexity, on the one hand, and the level of development, the circle of knowledge and interests of listeners - on the other hand.

Expressive speech ensures registration of the situation, clarity and pronunciation, correct intonation, the ability to use the words and expressions of the portable and figurative value.

Homework:write what kind of speech is the most complex (personally for you) and why, that is, prove that this particular type of speech is the most difficult. Run in the notebook.