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Indexing pronouns in contextual speech. We learn English index pronouns. What functions are performed by index pronouns

The pronoun is a special class of significant words that indicate the subject without calling it. To avoid tautology in speech, speaking can use pronoun. Examples: I, yours, who, this, all sorts, most, all, myself, mine, other, the other, that, anyone, someone, something, etc.

As can be seen from examples, the pronouns are most often used instead of the name of the noun, as well as instead of adjective, numerical or adverb.

For pronouns, the separation of discharges is characterized. This part of the speech is focused on names. In other words, pronouns replace nouns, adjectives, numerical. However, the characteristics of the pronoun is that, replacing the names, they do not acquire their meaning. According to the current tradition, only changeable words include pronouns. All unchangeable words are considered as locomotive adverbs.

This article will present on the value and grammatical features, as well as examples of proposals in which certain pronouns are used.

Table pronouns on discharges

Personal pronouns

i, you, we, you, he, she, it, they

Return pronoun

Possessive pronouns

my, yours, our, your, your

Indicative pronouns

this one, so, so much

Determined pronoun

myself, most, all, every, every, any, other, other

Questionful pronouns

who, what, what, who, whose, how much, what

Relative pronouns

who is what, like, what, who, whose, how much, what

Negative pronoun

nobody, nothing, no, anything, no one

Uncertain pronoun

someone, something, some, some, somewhat, someone, anyone, anyone, anything, how much, any

The pronomies are divided into three categories:

  1. Locomotive nouns.
  2. Placement adjectives.
  3. Winning numerals.

Personal pronouns

Words pointing to faces and objects that are participants in the speech act, are called "personal pronouns". Examples: I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they. I, you, we, you denote the participants of speech communication. The pronouns he, she, they do not participate in the speech act, they are reported to saying as non-participants in the act of speech.

  • I know about what you want to tell me. (Participant of a speech act, object.)
  • You have to read all the fiction from the list. (Subject to which action is directed.)
  • We spent wonderful holidays this year! (Participants in the speech act, subjects.)
  • You played your role perfectly! (Address, an object to which appeal in the speech act.)
  • He prefers a quiet pastime. (Due to the speech act.)
  • She will definitely go to America this summer? (Due to the speech act.)
  • For the first time in life, they jumped with parachute and remained very satisfied. (Due to the speech act.)

Attention! The pronouns of it, it, depending on the context, can be used both in the discharge of attractive and in the discharge of personal pronouns.


  • He was not in school today, nor in the last lesson. - His performance in school depends on how often he will attend classes. (In the first sentence, his personal pronoun in the parental case, in the second sentence it is a possessive pronoun.)
  • I asked her so that this conversation was left between us. "She fled, her hair developed in the wind, and the silhouette was lost and lost with every second, aligning and dissolving in the light of the day.
  • They always need to ask them to make music quieter. - Their dog is very often wondering at night, as if she is telling about some kind of unbearable grief.

Return pronoun

This category includes the pronoun - indicates the face of the object or the addressee, which are identified with the acting person. Such a function is performed by return pronouns. Examples of proposals:

  • I always considered myself the happiest on all white light.
  • She constantly admires himself.
  • He does not like to make mistakes and trusts only himself.

Can I leave this kitten at myself?

Possessive pronouns

A word indicating the person's belonging or subject to another person or subject is called the "assignment pronoun". Example: my, yours, our, yours, your own. Pretty pronouns point to belonging to the speaker person, a companion or a non-participatory speech act.

  • My The solution always turns out to be the most correct.
  • Yours Wishes will be performed.
  • Our The dog behaves very aggressively in relation to passersby.
  • Is yours The choice will be yours.
  • I finally got its own present!
  • Their Thoughts leave with you.
  • My The city misses me, and I feel how I miss it.

Words like her, his, their can act as a personal pronoun in or as possessive pronoun. Examples of proposals:

  • Them The car is at the entrance. - They were not in the city of 20 years.
  • His Bag lies on a chair. - He was asked to bring tea.
  • Her The house is located in the city center. - She was made by the queen evening.

An affiliation of one or another (subject) group of objects also indicates a stronger pronoun. Example:

  • Our Joint trips will remember me for a long time!

Indicative pronouns

Demonstrative is the second name that the index pronoun is. Examples: this one, so, so much. These words allocate one or another subject (face) from a number of others like items, persons or signs. This function performs an index pronoun. Examples:

  • Thisthe novel is much more interesting and knowledgeable all those I read before. (Pronoun this It allocates one subject from a number of similar to it, indicates a feature of this subject.)

Pronoun this is Also performs this feature.

  • it sea, these the mountains, this is The sun will forever remain in my memory the brightest memory.

However, it is necessary to be attentive with the definition of a part of speech and do not confuse the index pronoun with a particle!

Compare examples of index pronouns:

  • it It was excellent! - Did you play the role of fox in a school play? (In the first case, this is It is pronouncing and performs the faithful. In the second case this is - The particle and the syntactic role in the offer does not have.)
  • TOT The house is much older and more beautiful than this. (Pronoun tOT It allocates the subject, indicates it.)
  • N. suchnor a different version came to him. (Pronoun such Helps concentrate attention on one of many items.)
  • So many Once he stepped on the same rake, and again everything repeats again. (Pronoun so many Stresses repeated action.)

Determined pronoun

Examples of pronomies: myself, most, all, every, every, any, other, other. This rank is divided into subdiments, each of which includes the following pronouns:

1. Myself, very - pronouns that have an excretory function. They exalted the object in question, individualize it.

  • Self Director - Alexander Yaroslavovich - attended by the evening.
  • He was suggested self Highly paid and prestigious work in our city.
  • Most Great happiness in life is to love and be loved.
  • Self Her Majesty condescended to praise my address.

2. All - pronoun having the importance of the coverage of the person characteristics, the subject or a sign.

  • All The city came to look at his performance.
  • All The road passed in remorse of conscience and desire to return home.
  • Everything The sky was covered with clouds, and there was no single lumen.

3. Anyone, everyone, any - pronouns denoting freedom of choice from several objects, persons or signs (provided that they exist at all).

  • Semen Semenovich Laptev - Master of his case - this is you any Say.
  • Any A person is able to achieve what he wants, the main thing is to make efforts and not lazy.
  • Each blade everyone The petals breathed life, and this desire for happiness was transmitted and I was more and more.
  • All The word spoken by him turned against him, but he did not strive to fix it.

4. Other, the other - pronouns that have the importance of nonsense to what was said earlier.

  • I chose other The path that was more accessible to me.
  • Imagine other Would you do in my place the same?
  • IN other Once he comes home, silently, he will go to sleep, today everything was different ...
  • Medals have two sides - other I did not notice.

Questionful pronouns

Examples of pronomies: who, what, what, who, whose, how much, what.

Questionful pronouns enter into behalf of persons, subjects or phenomena, quantities. At the end of the sentence, which contains a question in a question, is usually a question mark.

  • Who Was that man that he went to us this morning?
  • what Will you do when the summer exams end?
  • What Must be a portrait of an ideal person, and how do you imagine him?
  • Which the From these three people could know what happened in fact?
  • Whose Is it a portfolio?
  • How much is a red dress, in which Did you come to school yesterday?
  • What Your favorite season?
  • Whose Did I see yesterday in the yard yesterday?
  • how Do you think if I need to go to the faculty of international relations?

Relative pronouns

Examples of pronomies: who is what, like, what, who, whose, how much, what.

Attention! These pronouns can act as as relative and in the role of questioning pronouns, depending on whether they are used in one or another context. In a complex sentence (SPP), exclusively relative pronoun is used. Examples:

  • how Are you preparing a biscuit cake with a cherry stuffing? - She told how she prepares cake with a cherry stuffing.

In the first case as - The pronoun, has a questioning function, i.e. the entity concludes a question about a certain object and about the method of obtaining it. In the second case, pronoun as It is used as a relative pronouction and acts as a binder between the first and second simple proposals.

  • Who knows in what The sea flows the Volga River? - He did not know who this man had to him, and what could be waiting for him.
  • What needs to be done in order to get a good job? - He knew what to do in order to get highly paid job.

What - The pronoun is used both as relative, and as an interconnecting pronoun, depending on the context.

  • whatwill we do tonight? "You said that today we have to hold a grandmother."

To accurately determine the discharge of pronouns, choosing between relative and questionative, it must be remembered that the question of the pronoun in the proposal can be replaced with the verb, the name noun, the name is numeral depending on the context. Relative pronoun cannot be replaced.

  • what Do you want to dinner today? - Vermicell I would like dinner.
  • What Do you like your color? - Purple color do you like?
  • Whose Is it a house? - Is it a mother's house?
  • Which the In the account you're in line? - Are you the eleventh in the queue?
  • how many Do you have candies? - Do you have six candies?

A similar situation with pronoun than. Compare examples of relative pronouns:

  • What to do for the weekend? - He completely forgot than i wanted to do on the weekend. (As we see, in the second embodiment, the pronoun than It is included in the discharge relative and performs a binding function between two parts of a complex proposal.)
  • How did you get yesterday in my house? - Anna Sergeyevna looked questioningly to the boy and did not understand how he fell into her house.
  • What is aware that you are in trouble? - I know in my own, what is the aware of what your plans rushes rapidly and irrevocably.
  • Which time I ask you no longer do? - She has already lost the bill, which once her son brought his cool supervisor to tears.
  • Whose car parked at the gate of my house? - He was in confusion, so he could not figure out whose idea was to provoke a fight.
  • How much is this Persian kitten? - He was informed how much the red Persian kitten is.
  • Who knows, in what year did the Borodino battle happen? - Three student raised their hands: they knew what year the Borodino battle occurred.

Some scientists offer to combine relative and questioning pronouns in one category and name their "questioning relationship pronouns". Examples:

  • Who's here? - He did not see who was here.

However, at present, to come to general consent has not yet succeeded, and the discharges of questionative and relative pronouns continue to exist separately from each other.

Negative pronoun

Examples of pronomies: nobody, nothing, no, anything, no one. Negative pronouns have the meaning of the absence of persons, objects, as well as to designate their negative characteristics.

  • No one I did not know what could be expected from him.
  • Nothing He was not interested in so much so that he could devote all his life to this case.
  • No Duty I. no Money could not keep him from escape.
  • A lonely dog \u200b\u200bran along the road, and it seemed that she had never had a host, houses and delicious food in the morning; She was draw.
  • He tried to find an excuse, but it turned out that everything happened precisely on his initiative, and no one It was blamed in this.
  • He was perfect there is nothing To do, so he slowly walked in the rain past the glowing shop windows and watched the oncoming passing machines.

Uncertain pronoun

From questioning or relative pronouns, an indefinite pronoun is formed. Examples: Someone, something, some, some, somewhat, someone, anyone, anyone, anything, anyhow, anyhow. Uncertain pronouns contain the importance of an unknown, indefinite person or subject. Also, indefinite pronouns have the importance of intentionally hidden information that says specifically does not want to report.

Such properties have examples for comparison:

  • Someone The voice rang out in the dark, and I did not quite understand who he belonged to: a person or a beast. (Lack of information from the speaker.) - This letter was from my no one A friend who has been absent for a long time in our city and now was going to come. (Deliberately hidden information from listeners.)
  • Something The incredible happened this night: the wind ripped and the metal foliage from the trees, lightning sparkled and pierced the sky through. (Instead something You can substitute similar pronoun following in meaning: something something.)
  • Somefrom my friends consider me a strange and wonderful person: I do not strive to earn a lot of money and live in a small old house on the edge of the village . (Pronoun some It can be replaced by the following pronouns: someone, several.)
  • Somepair of shoes, a backpack and the tent have already been laid and waited until we gather and go far, far from the city. (The subject does not specify the number of objects, summarizes their number.)
  • Someonetold me that you received a letter, but do not want to admit to tom. (Talking specifically hides all information about the face.)
  • If a anyonei saw this man, please inform the police!
  • Anyonehe knows what Natasha Rostov and Andrei Bolkonsky on the ball were talking about?
  • When you see anythinginteresting, do not forget to record your observations in Notepad.
  • Somethe moments in learning English remained incomprehensible for me, then I returned to the past lesson and tried to pass it again. (Intentional concealment of speaking information.)
  • How much I still had money in my wallet, but I did not remember how much. (Lack of information about the speaker.)

Grammar discharges of pronoun

Grammatically pronouns are divided into three categories:

  1. Locomotive noun.
  2. Promotional adjective.
  3. Wosening numeral.

TO locomotive noun These rates of pronouns include: personal, return, questionative, negative, indefinite. All these discharges in their grammatical properties are adjacent to the nouns names. However, locomotive nouns possess certain features that are not pronouncing. Examples:

  • I came to you . (In this case, this is the male genus, which we determined the verb of the past time with the zero end). - You came to me. (The race is determined at the end of the verb "came" - female genus,

As you can see from the example, some pronouns are deprived of categories of the genus. In this case, it is possible to restore the genus logically, based on the situation.

Other pronouctions of listed discharges have a category of kind, but it does not reflect the real relationships of persons and subjects. For example, pronoun who Always combined with the verb in the men's childbirth.

  • Who From women first visited space?
  • Ready or not, here I come.
  • She knew who would be the next challenger on her hand and heart.

Primoplation that uses with noun a medium-sort of last time.

  • What made you allowed to make this act?
  • He did not suspect that something like his story could happen somewhere.

Pronoun is he It has generic forms, however, the genus here acts as a classification form, and not as a nominative one.

TO winning adjective These are indicable, identifying, questionative, relative, negative, indefinite pronoun. They all answer the question what? And amused by adjectives in their properties. They have dependent forms of the number and case.

  • This tiger is the most frisky in the zoo.

The pronounced numerical pronoun as much as, somewhat. They are strung up in their meaning in combination with nouns.

  • How many books did you read for this summer?
  • So many opportunities now had me!
  • Several hot pies grandmother left for me.

Attention! However, in combination with the verbs of pronoun how much, so much Used as adverbs.

  • How much does this orange blouse cost?
  • You can spend so much on vacation.
  • I thought about how to live and what to do next.

The main function of the specimens (demonstrative pronouuns) is to indicate the subject, face or their characteristics. Indexing pronouns in English are represented in the only and plural. They are a bit, but everyone has a specific meaning. The table below shows the indicative pronouns in the plural and singular.



Such \u003d\u003e similar, suchSuch \u003d\u003e similar, such
That \u003d\u003e one, thatThose \u003d\u003e those
This \u003d\u003e this one, thisThese \u003d\u003e these
It \u003d\u003e itIt \u003d\u003e it
The same \u003d\u003e the sameThe same \u003d\u003e the same

This / these: The most frequently used index pronouns in English

When we talk about something in the only way, you need to use this if we are talking about several subjects or faces, you should use these. Include examples with explanations, when it is better to use these pronouns:

  1. If we are talking about things or people near us. Often in such suggestions there is a word-identifier '' here '' (in English Here) \u003d\u003e

This flower is Very beautiful \u003d\u003e This flower is beautiful. (Flower is located next to a person who shows him)

These Papers Are Not Mine \u003d\u003e These papers are not mine. (Several papers are near, and a person talks about them)

Your clients Are here and the \u003d\u003e Your customers are here and they really want to see you.

  1. If we are talking about a situation that takes place either in the present, or will happen in the future \u003d\u003e

THEY ARE GOING TO VISIT Their Friends This Week \u003d\u003e They are going to bring their friends this week.

This month you are surprising me more and more \u003d\u003e This month you will surprise me more and more.

  1. When talking several times talks about the same thing and wants to avoid repeat \u003d\u003e

We Don't Want To Concentrate On This But We Have No Choice \u003d\u003e We do not want to emphasize this attention, but we have no choice. (This means the factor that the event has already been mentioned earlier, so the repetition is avoided)

Look at this! She Tries to Get Back Her Property! \u003d\u003e Look at it! She is trying to return back their property! (Pronouction indicates a situational situation that is described in the second sentence)

This is everowing I Want to Have \u003d\u003e This is all I want.

  1. When it comes to meeting people in a telephone conversation \u003d\u003e

Hello! This Is Me Speaking! \u003d\u003e Hello! I say it!

Molly, These Are My Close Friends, Valery and Bob \u003d\u003e Molly, these are my close friends, Valerie and Bob.

Indexing pronouns that / those: rules of use with examples

The index pronoun That should be used when it comes to nouns in the singular, Those - when nouns are represented by a plural:

  1. Such demonstrative pronouns take place when we are talking about something (people, things) located far from us. The definition of the identifier can be the identifier (there) \u003d\u003e

I don't Want Tu Buy This Dress. Show Me Please That One \u003d\u003e I do not want to buy this dress. Please show me. (A dress that I liked the buyer is next from her than that she did not like)

Those Birds Arecle Far. I Can't See The Color of their Plumage \u003d\u003e The birds are too far. I can not see the color of their plumage. (Birds, which are said, are at a distance from a person who speaks of them)

Look At That! THERE IS A SHARK IN THE WATER! \u003d\u003e Look at it! There is a shark in the water!

That is My Best Friend \u003d\u003e That is my best friend.

  1. When it comes to a situation that occurred in the past \u003d\u003e

WE HAD TO WORK A LOT THAT DAY \u003d\u003e That day we had to work a lot.

In Those Times There Were No Technologies \u003d\u003e There were no technologies in those days.

  1. If the author refers to the information that has been said before that, and wants to avoid repeat. In most cases, the story is about last time \u003d\u003e

HE WENT TO SPAIN LAST WEEK. That Was Cool! \u003d\u003e Last week he went to Spain. It was cool!

We Selebrated Her Birthday Last Monh. That Was Even Better I Wished! \u003d\u003e Last month we celebrated her birthday. It was even better than I would like!

  1. If we talk on the phone (we start a conversation) and ask the interlocutor to introduce yourself, and it is far from us \u003d\u003e

Good evering! This is holly poppy. Who is that? \u003d\u003e Good evening! This is Holly Poppy. Who am I talking to?

Demonstrative Pronouns It, The Same, Such

Studying English, index pronoun IT, Such, The Same will help you easier to communicate and express your thoughts. These index pronouns are often used in speech. Consider the features of their use on the examples. But before this you will bring cases when such Demonstrative PRONOUNS apply:

  1. If a noun in Single, then with such you need to use an uncertain article a \u003d\u003e

You Will Not Like Such A Silly Question \u003d\u003e You will not like such a stupid question.

You Will Have To Do Such A Task If You Want to Work Here \u003d\u003e You will have to do this task if you want to work here.

But! If the noun is presented in Plural, then the article is not needed.

You don't need to do such things \u003d\u003e You do not need to do such things.

  1. If we are talking about pronouncing The Same, then you need to remember that it is always used with article. But as applies to the subjective noun, it can be both in Single and in plural \u003d\u003e

Show Me The Sentence With The Same Words \u003d\u003e Show me an offer with the same words.

She Bought The Same Dideses As Jenny Did \u003d\u003e She bought the same dresses as Jenny.

  1. As for the pronoun IT, it is equivalent to the word '' it '' \u003d\u003e

Is it you? \u003d\u003e Are you?

What is IT? \u003d\u003e What is it?

IT IS My New Hat \u003d\u003e This is my new hat.

Don't forget about it \u003d\u003e Do not forget about it!

Let's sum up

Demonstrative pronouuns is very easy to learn if you correctly develop a learning technique. Constantly repeating the rules (with examples!) And doing exercises (exercises), you will ensure a brilliant result. This is a very lightweight topic and does not require preparation for study. And also: repeating the rules, try to use your examples with as much as possible words. This will help enrich your vocabulary.

Successes and new knowledge in the world of English!

Views: 183.

Under the indicable proncesses, pronouns are implied that help the speaker "indicate" on the subject (s) in space, without giving their detailed description. There are not so many such pronoun, but they all play an extremely important role, because quite often found in speech. Consider them in pairs and separately.

This vs. That.

Pronoun tHISused in meaning "This / this / this" and indicates a single object that is close to the speaker in space and time (that is near and now).

Do You Like tHIScar?

Do you like this car?

THIS iS My Friend Chris.

This is my friend, Chris.

Pronoun that. Used in meaning "TOT / TU / THAT" and indicates one item located far from the speaker in space and / or time (that is in distance and / or in the past).

It is worth noting that if we are talking about events from the past, then this:

This pronoun also applies when the speaker makes a reference to just said:

And already now you can see that for Russian language is not so important, what pronoun we apply in speech - "That" or "This". The latter is applied in speech quite often and may well replace the pronoun "that" in many sentences.

However, despite the fact that in Russian, the difference between these indicable pronouns is not given much importance, then in English the distinction between this I.that. Very significant, and confusion in their use can lead to serious errors. Therefore, applying index pronouns in their speech, be sure to follow the location of the subject relative to the speaker in space and time.

Both pronouns can be used in the proposal both in front of the noun and without a noun:

with nouns


This hotel is expensive, but it is very beautiful.

WHO IS. that Girl?

Who is the girl?

Who Lives In. that House.?

Who lives in that house?

Excuse me, IS this Seat. FREE?

Sorry, is this place free?

without a noun

THIS IS A NICE Hotel But It's Very Expensive.

This is a beautiful hotel, but she is very expensive.

Excuse me, IS tHISyOUR BAG?

Sorry, this is your bag?

WHO IS. that.?

Who is this (there)?

That. is My Daughter Kate.

This (there) is my daughter Kate.

Curious phenomenon of English is the choice of pronoun tHIS or a telephone conversation. If a person seems to be applied THIS, and if asks the interlocutor who calls that:

Hello, tHISiS Martin.

Hello, this is Martin.

IS. that. Susan?

Is it Susan? (Susan, is that you?)

These VS. Those

As it was possible to notice, pronouns, discussed in detail above, are responsible for the indication on the subject in the singular, whereas for the multiple number in the repliment of pronoun these I.those.

Non-pronoun theseit is used to designate several items that are close to the speaker in space and time. This is a kind of shape of a plural from pronouns tHIS.

Do You Like tH. e. sE cARS?

Do you like these cars?

These are My Friends amy and.Chris.

These are my friends, Emmy and Chris.

Do not confuse pronouns this I. These According to their sound. Note that this [Ð.ɪ s] pronounced with a brief vowel sound and deaf finite consonants, while these[Ðiːz] Pronounced with long vowels and ringing finite consonant sound. This is a vivid example of the fact that longitude and walle in English have a senseless function.

Non-pronoun thosEit is used to designate a group of items located away from the speaker in space and / or time. It is also a kind of form of a plural for pronoun that..

WhatiS Your Opinion ABOUT those cars at the End of the Street?

What is your opinion about those machines at the end of the street?

Who Were The Men We Met At The Bus Stop?

Those were My Friends Adam and Chris.

- Who were the men whom we met at the bus stop?

- There were my friends, Adam and Chris.

For simplicity and ease of memorization of differences in the use of four pronouncements of this / that / these / those, you can use the following table:



near (and now)



far (and / or long)



English versions of the question: "What is it?" and answers to him

Indeed, in Russian, the question is one, but translated into English it will be four different ways depending on the situation:

1) We are talking about one subject that is close to the speaker - in this case, the question is used in the question of the index pronouction of this and the verb shape of the singular number IS:

2) the speaker also asks a question about one object, but in this case the subject is far from it in space (or in time) - in this situation the question will contain the index pronoun, and the fault IS:

3) if the speaker is interested in several items close to him, then the subject is used in the question, and the prevail takes the ARE form:

4) When a few items that the speaker wants to receive information are in a distance from it, an index pronoun those and the verb shape of the plural number are:

We considered this situation only on the issue "What is it?" And the answers to it, which, as you can see formulate, based on the issue itself. However, the same principle is valid for other similar issues, taking into account some changes, for example: "Who is it?", "What was it?" etc.

Proponation IT.

The pronoun IT is not only a personal pronoun with the "it" value, which serves to replace the nouns of the medium-sized rollery, but also by the index pronoun with the "this" value:

In this meaning it is close in meaning to the pronounty of this. Sometimes they are even interchangeable, but there are some differences in their use.

Differences between it and this



it can be used both in front of noun and verbs:

This man is my uncle. / This man is my uncle.

This is my uncle. / This is my uncle.

not used in front of noun only before verbs:

IT IS FUNNY BUT TRUE. / It's funny but right.

makes a special focus on the novelty of the subject / phenomenon:

This Is Our New Boss. / This is our new boss.

it is applied to make a reference to the object or the situation that has already been discussed recently:

Do You Remember I Told You We WE HAD GOT \u200b\u200bA NEW BOSS? IT IS Mr. Clark. / Remember, I told you that we have a new boss? This is Mr. Clark.

makes a special focus on the position of the object:

This Is The Book I'm Reading AT The Moment. / Here is a book that I read at the moment.

does not indicate the location of the object

IT's Your Fault. / It is your fault.

Proponation Such

Russian analogue of this index pronouction is the word "such".It serves as an indication of the characteristic of the object. It is worth noting that if Such is used before the calculated nouns in the singular, then after such It should be used indefinite articlea./ A.n.. If the noun is used in the form of a plural number or is incurred, then the need for articles disappears:

Pronoun The Same.

To indicate a certain reference to the characteristics of the object uses pronoun the Same.. Its Russian counterparts, depending on the situation with the family, the number and case of the subsequent nouns in the Russian sentence will be expressions "The same (the same) / the same / the same / identical / identical" etc.

Indexing pronouns are very often found in English speech, so it is so important to understand them and remember well. This article is designed to help you in this exciting process. We hope that she contributed to you in the assimilation of index pronouns.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Imagine the situation: you're standing in the store of souvenirs in England, choose magnets as a gift. You need not those magnets, but these. And how to say in English? Those, those, that, this ... One little word, and the meaning of the said already changing. Today we will learn to distinguish offers with index pronouns in English.

From this article you will learn:

Remember four simple words

When we have already figured out with personal proncesses, we need to learn other species. Those that will help you indicate what you are talking about in English are called Demonstrative PRONOUNS, as they point to the distance between the talking and what he says about.

I suggest you look at the table and compare them:

PRONOUN. Transfer Example
THISThis this, thisThis picture is a really nice (this picture is very beautiful).
That.That one thenThat House Is Mine (my house).
TheseTheseThese Flowers Are Lovely (these flowers are beautiful).
ThoseThoseThose Children Are Playing (those children play).

They need to learn!

All simple!

Indexing pronouns with translation into Russian

As for pronunciation, be careful, saying this and these. The difference is completely insignificant. For us, but not. Let's deal with transcription. First word pronounced | Ð ɪs | (Zys), second - | Ðiːz | (ZIIS).

Subscribe to my blog. Find even more useful articles and rules, as well as you get as a gift - a basic phrasebook for three languages, English, German and French. His main plus is that there is Russian transcription, therefore, even not knowing the language, you can easily master the spoken phrases.

That is, in the first case, almost the same sound, but in short, in the second you need to pull it a little longer. What is the difference? Read more. By the way, have you already read my new article about?

Indicative pronouns

All possible values

So, this is used in relation to the only number or incomplicted when the subject we specify is close to us. For example, This Book Is Interesting (this book is interesting). That is used in relation to the same noun, but then when the subject is located far from the speaker. Can You Pass Me That Knife, Please? (Rent me, please, that knife).

As for These, then he is talking when we indicate nouns in the plural if they are located next to us. Whose Are These Ear Rings? (Whose seelings are you?) We will answer such questions with a possessive pronoun. They Are Hers. Those also applies to words in a plural, but when they are far from us. Can You Pass Me Those Slippers, Please? (Please give me those slippers).

Examples of use of index pronouns

In addition to their main function - directly indicate the subject of Demonstrative PRONOUNS there are other cases of consumption:
This can be found in temporary phrases with words like: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Week, Month, Year. Denote such expressions the closest time cut. For example, Let's Meet This Saturday (let's meet this Saturday). That is, I mean Saturday this week.

  1. This year I'm Going to Study At University (this year I will learn at the university).
    All four primons are used to avoid repetitions.
  2. Put Butter, Flower and Sugar Into a Bowl. Mix This Well (Put oil, flour and sugar in a bowl. Mix it well).
    Weere Going to the Beach and the Weekend. Are you happy with that? (We will go to the beach, then in the weekend restaurant. It suits you?) In relation to people. In order to present them.
  3. Sam, This Is My Father Mr. Smith (Sam is my dad - Mr. Smith).
  4. Is That Your Husband Over There? (Is your husband there?)
    You can also meet in telephone conversations either when you need to ask anyone or when you yourself raise the phone.
  5. Hello! This Is Jane Speaking (Hello! Jane on the Wire).
  6. Hi! Is That Oliver? (Hello! Is it Oliver?)
    Sometimes index pronouns indicate emotional proximity. So, for example, if you are talking about what you love, what causes you pleasant, positive emotions, you can safely use this or these.
  7. I Like Paris WITH ALL THESE Beautiful Buildings (I like Paris with all these beautiful buildings).
    If, on the contrary, any negative emotions cause you, you can talk about it by adding that or those.
  8. I Didn't Like That New Café. The Food Was Terrible (I did not like the new cafe. The food was terrible).
  9. The Hotel We Stayed Wasn't Good. All Those Paintings on the Wall Were to Bright (Hotel in which we stopped were not very good. All those pictures on the walls were too bright). Sometimes that is used instead of a certain article They, when it means that many know what many know. For example, Do You Remember That Little Café on The Corner? THEY CLOSED IT DOWN LAST WEEK? (Do you remember then a small cafe on the corner? He was closed last week).
    This periodically consumes instead of an uncertain article A / AN, when they want to tell about something important, recently what happened, report news. This Guy Got Into The Bank and Stole One Million Dollars (this guy climbed into the bank and stole a million dollars).

Proposal proposals

Now let's fix all of the above and do exercises.
Insert the appropriate pronouction on the site of skips.

  1. _____cake Tastes Really Good!
    For example, this Cake Tastes Really Good!
  2. _____Guy Knocked on the Door and Asked IF i Had Ordered a Newspaper.
  3. What's in _____Box Over There?
  4. SARA, _____is My Sister Jane.
  5. _____is My Son Over There.
    - Hello! Is _____Samantha Speaking?
  7. Let's Order Some Chicken for Lunch. Are you OK WITH_____?
  8. I'm Going to Take Up Yoga Class _____MONTH.
  9. I've been to _____part of australia.
  10. You can use any of _____laptops.

Translate the following suggestions:

Those books are very heavy.
For example, Those Books Are Really Heavy.

  1. Sandra, this is my girlfriend Nikki.
  2. I will send these postcards along the way home.
  3. I did not like that fitness club. Too small and there is stuffy.
  4. Do you remember that supermarket at the road? There is now a discount on milk.
  5. I really like these white T-shirts in the new store.
  6. Feed me, please, that salad.
  7. I need to paint those walls.
  8. Steve looked very happy this morning.
  9. Whose boots?

Want to know more about English about English and prove to yourself what to teach it easy and? Subscribe to Viva Europe blog and master the English using useful articles and exercises.

I had me, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
Have a good day!

Functions of index pronouns in the proposal

  1. Subject to:

    THIS IS My Pen. This is my pen.
    That. IS Your Pen. This is (that) your handle. (Ta (this) Your handle.)
    Such. IS The Force of Tradition. Such is the power of tradition.
    These (Those) Are the Pictures of Our Friends. These are pictures of our friends.

    BUT: Instead of pronoun tHIS and that. Often in the meaning of index pronouns used iT..

    IT (this) IS My Book. It is my book.
    You can see a boy in the yard. You see the boy in the courtyard.
    IT. IS My Son. This is my son.
    IT (THAT) IS HIS Teacher. This is his teacher.

  2. Definition:

    THIS Window Is Washed. This window is washed.
    DID YOU SEE that. FILM? Have you seen this movie?
    These Young People Are Foreigners. These young people are foreigners.
    We Witnessed the Same Incident. We witnessed the same incident.
    Do You Like such Dresses? Do you like such dresses?


    Use of index pronomies this - These, that - Those. Before the identified nouns or other determinants eliminates the article.

  3. Addition :

    Show Me. tHIS, Please. Show me it, please.
    HE TOLD ME ABOUT that.. He told me about it.


    In proposals in which the comparison or choice is meant, in order to avoid repetition of the preceding noun uses indicative pronouns this - These, That - Thoseoften with the word-deputy one..

    That Chair IS Too Big, I'll Sit ON this One.. That chair is too big. I'll sit on this.
    Don't BUY Those Apples, BUY these (ONES). He buy those apples, buy these.

    But: if an adjective one follows in the index pronoun, then use after this adjective one. or oNES. necessarily.

    Don't BUY Those Apples, BUY these Red Ones.. He buy those apples, buy these red.
    I Want An Ice-Creain. I'll BUY. this Chocolate One.. I want an ice cream. I will buy it chocolate.