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What is the line and capital letters. Rules for the use of uppercase and lower case letters

Capital (large, title) letter is used in two different functions.

First, it serves to highlight the start of certain segments of the text . To this end, it is written from the capital letter the first word of the text, as well as the first word after the point, dots, questioning and exclamation marks that end the proposal. In the traditional Russian verse, it is highlighted in the capital letter the beginning of each poetic line.

Secondly, the capital letter serves to highlight individual words Regardless of the structure of the text. The following are the rules governing the use of a capital letter in the second function.

Among the words allocated by the capital letter differ:

1) own names in the narrow sense of the word and

2) name .

TO own names The narrow sense includes the names and nicknames of people and nicknames of animals, geographical and astronomical names.

TO name the names of institutions, organizations, associations, historical eras and events, holidays, mass events, orders, architectural monuments, as well as the names of newspapers, magazines, awards, works of art, societies, enterprises, industrial products, and so on.

Selecting words in the text using a capital letter used to oppose your own and nominal names: nominal names are written with lowercase letters, own - with capital. Wed, write: lion - Lion, Nevsky Beach - Alexander Nevsky, Red Cap - Red Hat(Fairy Character) , Health - Health Magazine.

All words as part of their own names (in a narrow sense), except for official words and words denoting the generic concept, are written from a capital letter, for example: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Vladimir Red Sunny, Kashtanka, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov on Don, Kaluga region, East European Plain, Palace Square, Polar Star.

IN own names - names consisting of several words, only the first word is written from the capital letter (except in cases where the name of the name includes other eigenvalues), for example: World Federation of Trade Unions, Museum of History of Moscow, Russian Language Institute named A. S. Pushkin, Petrovskaya Epoch, Kulikovskaya Battle, Moscow News(newspaper) , "War and Peace" (novel) , "Veteran of labour"(medal).

Names Own can be used to summarize homogeneous objects, becoming nominalized; In this case, the capital letter in many cases is replaced by the line.

Are nominal names and are written from the lowercase letter of the units of measurement, data on the names of scientists ( ampere, Volt, Pascal, X-rayetc.), as well as the names of objects, products (types of clothing, weapons, fabrics, beverages, etc.), data on personal names, the names of firms, geographical names, for example: makintosh, Colt, Winchester, Boston, Bordeaux, Khokhloma, Adidas;but: Faberge (as the name of the products of this company).

Own names of historical, literary or mythological characters, consuming generally (portable) as the names of people with certain features of character and behavior, are written in inherentine - one with the line, others from the capital letter. Their writing, determined by the tradition of consumption, is established in vocabulary. So, words: donkomot, Donjun, Robinson, Dervortord, Judas, Metsenat, Hercules, Used in a none sense, written from the lowercase letters, and Hamlet, Bakes, Manilan, Plushkin, Histakov, Mitrofanushka, Apollo, Cicero, Napoleonand many others retain the capital letter. The same applies to the generalized (portable) use of geographical names: so, the lowercase letters are written olympus (chosen circle, the top of some society), sodom(Full mess, chaos), hoddling (massive fan of people in a crowd), Kamchatka (rear rows in the hall, in class), but save the capital letter in portable values Mecca, Vandy, Klondike, Cherry, Hiroshima, Chernobyl and etc.

Eating in the nominal meaning of similar names in the form of a plural number does not require replacement of the capital letter to the line, for example: Ivanov who do not remember kinship; Gallop in Europe; We all look at Napoleon (P.); Soviet balls; Nuclear explosion with power in tens of hirosim.

Own names of people, animals, mythological creatures and derivatives from them

Personal names, patronymic, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames, for example are written from the capital letter. Olga, Alesh, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Adam Mitskevich, Guy Julius Caesar, Isaac Newton, Roman Korsakov, Saltykov Shchedrin, Sholov Aleichem, Hans Christian Andersen, Jean Jacques Rousseau; Alexander Macedonian, Wilhelm Conqueror, Vsevolod Big Nest, Richard Lion Heart, Catherine Great, Elena Lovely, Yaroslav Wise, Yuri Dolgoruky, Ivan Grozny, Karl Bold, Caton Senior, Plini Jr., Peter First, Potemkin Tauride, Seraphim Sarovsky; Kim Il Saint, Sun Yatsen, Ho Chi Min, Akira Kurosava.

The same with the designation of a number of persons, for example: three Natasha, a few Kuznetsov, the brothers of pearls, merchants of Morozov, the spouses are thick.From the capital letters are also written the names of dynasties, for example: Habsburg, Bourbon, Ptolemy, Platagents, Ramses, Romanov, Rurikovichi, Timurides, Great Mogolas.

Service words (articles, prepositions, etc.) van, yes, das, de, della, del, der, di, du, du, la, le, background etc., included in the Western European and South American surnames, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: Ludwig Wang Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Onor de Balzac, Lope de Vega, Alfred de Mussse, Juan Ines de la Cruz, Lucca della Roba, Andrea del Sarto, Roger Martin Du Tar, Female von Westphalen, Max von Der Goyun, Zhanna D 'ARC; Ortega and Gassette, Riegue and Nunese.

Composite parts of Arab, Turkic, Persian names denoting social status, related relations, etc., as well as official words ( yeah, hell, al, al, ac, ar, ash, bay, beck, zead, zul, ibn, kizy, oglu, Ol, Pasha, Ul, Khan, Shah, Ed, El and others) are written, as a rule, with a lowercase letter, for example: Kerim Aga, Salah Hell Dean, Zejn Al Abidin, Al Biruni, Al Jahm, Garun Al Rashid, Sabah Ace Salem Ace Sabah, Omar Ash Sharif, Ibrahim Bay, Hasan Beck, Tursun Zade, Salah Suul Fikar, Ahmed Ibn Abdullah, Sabit Ibn Kurra, Kor Ogly, Mamed oglu, Abile Pasha, Safe Ul Islam, Mirza Khan, Melik Shah, El Kuni, ES.

The ultimate part is also written San. In Japanese own names, for example: Quicken San, Chio Chio San.

From the capital letters are written their own names related to religion and mythology, for example: Jesus Christ, Magomet, Brahma, Buddha, Athena Pallada, Venus, Mars, Velzevul.

An animals are written from the capital letters, for example: cat Vaska, Cat Murka, Chestanka dogs, guns, cows Mashka, Pretty Woman, Pestrushka, Horses Savka, Glouse, Elephant Sambo.

From the capital letters are written by nominal words, acting as names of characters in fairy tales, plays, fables and some other works of fiction, folklore, for example: Red Hat, Snake Gorynych, Gray Wolf, Blue Beard, Santa Claus, Cockerel with Sporers(Heroes of fairy tales) ; Cat, dog, sugar, bread(Characters of "Blue Bird" M. Meterlinka) ; Spring, Lesy(Characters "Snow Maiden" A. Ostrovsky) , Gingerbread, Slesh, Lefty, Someone in gray(literary characters) ; Razbar Marty, Donkey, Goat and Kosolapy Bear Speeded Play Quartet(Wing) .

Adjective names formed from personal names, surnames, nicknames with suffixes ? OV (? EB) or IN. and denoting individual affiliation, written from a capital letter, for example: Rafaeleva Madonna, Shakespeare Tragedies, Gegelev "Logic", Dallev Dictionary, Ivanovo Childhood, Tanina Book, Murkin Kittens.

However, in the composition of phraseological revolutions and the composite terms of adjectives with ? OV (? ev) ,? in Writing from the lowercase letters, for example: ariadnin Thread, Achilles Fifth, Cainov Print, Procrusteo Lodge, Sisyphers Labor, Gordiyev Knot, Demianova Ear, Trishkin Caftan, Filkina Mrum; Arieleva Reasonlessness, Archimedean Lever, Voltova Arc, Bikford Cord, Basedova Disease, Wittova Dance, X-rays Rays, Venerene Shoe (plant).

From the capital letter spent the second part of complex adjectives uncle Vasin, Uncle Stupin, Aunt Valin, Baba Dusin and both parts of adjectives Ivan Ivanovchev, Anna Petrovnin.

Capital letter is written in adverbs with the prefix by formed from adjectives on IN. Type Tanin, Petign, eg: on Tanina, by Natashaina, in Putina, in the aunt Valin, by Anna Petrovnina.

Adjective names formed from personal names and surnames with suffixes ? SC,? Ovs (? Evsk) ,? Insk , written from the lowercase letters, for example: dalevsky Dictionary, Darwin Teaching, Beethoven Sonata, Shakespeare Tragedies, Provinskaya Prose, Pushkin Harmony, Suvorov traditions.

However, the names of adjectives are written from the capital letters ? Sky included in the names - names of their own, including those with the meaning of the "name", "memory of that", for example: Habsburg Dynasty, Petrovsky Reforms, Stroganov School, Nobel Prize, Lomonosov Readings, Bulgakovsky Conference, Wakhtangov Theater, Royal Shakespeare(in England).

They are written with lowercase letters nouns formed from personal names and surnames, for example: oblastovshchyna, Hischina, Petrashevtsu, Nietzshean, Nisceannia, Tolstsia, Darwinism, Darwinist, Pushkinian, Leninian.

Geographical and administrative territorial names and derivatives from them

In the geographical and administrative territorial names - the names of the mainland, seas, lakes, rivers, hills, mountains, countries, edges, areas, settlements, streets, etc. - from the capital letters are written all words other than generic concepts (island, sea , mountain, area, province, street, square, etc.), service words, as well as words of the year, years, for example:

Alps, America, Europe, Bulgaria, New Zealand, North America, Central Asia; South Pole, Northern Hemisphere;

Volga, Vesuvius, Big Bahamas, Keeach Waterfall, Tamashlyk Valley, Hungry Steppe, Bulfing Bulfing, Basin of Large Lakes, Glacier Northern Angelchek, Dniprovsky Liman, Cape of Good Hope, Abyssinian Highlands, Onega Lake, Northern Arctic Ocean, White Sea, Plateau Ustyurt ;

Medium-grained plateau, Peninsula Taimyr, Big Sand Desert, Blue Neal, Moscow River, Big Barrier Reef, Cancer Tropic, Range Academy of Sciences, Chief Caucasus Range;

Krasnodar Territory, Oryol region, Shchelkovsky district, Sussex county, Department of Upper Pyrenees, South Carolina, DC, Tuscany region, Hokkaido Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Szczecin Voivodeship, Nizhny Novgorod, Kiev, Paris, Novosibirsk;

Tverskaya Street, Small Georgian Street, Street 26 Baku Commissioners, Lavrushinsky Lane, Arbat Square, Frunzenskaya Embankment, Prospect Mira, Colored Boulevard, Garden Ring, Street 1905, Square 50 years October, Andreevsky Descent, Large stone bridge.

In the names beginning with Northand North), south (and South), East, West, Centrally,from the uppercase letters are written (through a hyphen) both components of the first complex word, for example: North Baikal Highlands, East Chinese Sea, West Siberian Lowland, Central Black Meal Region, South West Territorial District. Also they are written in the composition of the geographical names of the components of other words written through the definition of words and their combinations, for example: Indo Gangskaya Plain, Volga Don Canal, Military Georgian Road, Alma Atina Reserve, Saint Gotard Pass (and Tunnel), Earth Baden Württemberg, Cape Heart Stone, Novgorod North Sky, Salt Iletsk, Ust Ilimsk, Sadovaya Sukharevskaya Street.

In the official names of states and state associations, all words other than service are written from a capital letter, for example: Russian Federation, United States, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, French Republic, Swiss Confederation, Australian Union, United Arab Emirates, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Republic of Tatarstan, Commonwealth of Independent States.

The names of parts of states and continents, carrying the terminological character, are written from a capital letter, for example: European Russia, Western Belarus, Right-Bank Ukraine, East Transbaikalia, Inner Mongolia, Northern Italy, South East Asia, Central Asia, Central America. In the names of groups of state, the generic name is written from the lowercase letters, for example: Baltic countries, Scandinavian countries, Caspian countries, Central Asian republics.

The names of the light countries that are used as territorial names or part of such names are written from the capital letter, eg: west countries, master the north, the peoples of the East, the Far East, the Middle East, the Last North, the War of the North and the South (in the history of the USA), North West (North West Region of Russia), South West (Moscow district).As the names of the countries of the world, directions in space these words are written from the lowercase letters: East, West, North, South, North West, South East.

From the capital letters are written one-track derivatives (suffix and subfixy suffix), mostly unofficial, names of territories, areas, localities, for example:

Moscow region, Transcaucasia, Polesie, Transnistria, Orenburg, Stavropol, Bryanshchina, Orlovshchina, Vologda, Baltic, Scandinavia.

In unofficial sustainable, including the figurative, names of states and cities with a capital letter, the first (or only) word is written, as well as (if any) own names, for example: Moscow State(IST.) , Russian state; Country of the Rising Sun.(about Japan) , Country of Morning Freshness(about Korea) , Middle Empire or Middle Kingdom(about Imperial China) , Country Sheet Country(about Canada) , Country Tulipov(about Holland) , The eternal City(about Rome) , White, first-hearth(about Moscow) , North Palmyra(about St. Petersburg).

In the names of railway stations, train stations, airports, etc. From the capital letters, all words are written, except for generic designations, for example: moscow Passenger Station, Kazan Station, Sheremetyevo Airports, Vnukovo.

The names of the metro stations, the stops of ground urban transport are in quotes (in texts, but not on maps and schemes); From the capital lettering is written the first (or the only one) word of such names, as well as all those words that are written from the capital letter in the corresponding toponyms, for example: metro Station "Aleksandrovsky Garden", "October Field", "Peace Prospect"; Stops "Nikitsky Gate", "Street Forest", "School", "Children's Polyclinic".

Nennaya names are written from the lowercase letter - the names of the fabrics and other products, beverages, animal breeds, etc., which occurred from geographical names, for example: cashmere, Boston (fabrics) , Khokhloma(about the products of Khokhlomsk fishery) , Bordeaux, Cinanal(Wines) , Narzan, Borjomi(mineral water) , Newfoundland(dog breed) , Yorkshire(pig breed) .

In other cases writing

Russian letters differ from each other not only on the drawing and synchrusion of sound, but also in size. Proper writing is subject to certain rules. Registration and lowercase letters - what every schoolboy knows this, especially the elementary school student. But the knowledge gained at school is forgotten very quickly, and adults are unlikely to recall the definitions of these terms.

Capital and lowercase letters are two types of drawing graphic icons on the letter. Interestingly, the separation of such varieties is far from all languages. They are present in Cyrillic, and in the Greek alphabet, Latin, Armenian. Unusual situation in Georgia. Capital icons (with a certain meaning of use) There are no, but individual sections of the text (for example, names, headers) are dial with large icons. They have drawing small, but differ from them in size. In other systems, the separation letters for capital letters and small does not exist.

For the first acquaintance with them enough to learn the summary of:

  • registered - the one that is more;
  • the line is the one that is smaller in size.

And so that the information is remembered better, lingered in the head for a long time and did not turn into confusion - you need to study the question deeper, penetrating into the details.


This is the title, large, beautiful, initial. The letter sign is increased in size compared to the rest. Most often in the line it is alone, it is from her that the proposal begins. In elementary school, children with great diligence learn to withdraw the first agricultural sign - because it should turn out beautiful.

The first official consumption of uppercases is seen in the 15th century. However, further studies have shown that people tried to beautifully arrange the initial symbols of the name, surname, the offers are still long before the beginning of the 15th century. Such graphic badges, decorated with ornaments and curls, were called the initiatives.

Capital letters B. The text is written only in cases that are confirmed by spelling rules. The most common of them, which most often have to face in practice, will be indicated below.

Another definition of "capital" is found in elementary school at the stage of learning a written letter. It is less common, therefore does not appear in the dictionaries. It is used only to delimit the type of writing, the antonym to the word "capital" is "printed". When the teacher asks to write down the word, the offer, the text in words - it implies lowercase and capital letters. And their choice should be based on the rules studied.


This is a little beak. In the offer and text, it occurs a much more often graphic icons of the previous species. This is explained by the fact that small letter signs are several times more often used in writing - these are the rules of Russian spelling.

All letters that have not fallen under the rules of writing the title, are built into one line and have the same height, because they are called lowercase.

Note! The emphasis in the term "line" falls not on the first, but on the last syllable, no matter how much to associate its pronunciation with the pronunciation of the word "line".

Useful videos: How are capital letters written?

Main differences

Capital and lowercase letters have a number of differences from each other.

They are as follows:

  • The size. The capital is more small about 2 times. It is well noticeable when using a notebook to a wide line: a big letter occupies the entire height of the line, and the small fit in her half.
  • Writing. The title has much more details and features of the drawing, which diligently try to assimilate the first-class students. It is much more complicated small on the draw.
  • Frequency of use. The title occurs in the text much less frequently small, because its choice should be justified by certain rules.

Having assimilated for myself, what is the difference between uppercase from small graphic icons, a person ceases to confuse the two of these term among themselves.


A clear example, how to draw both categories.

When comparing graphic icons standing near, it becomes immediately clear which of them are uppercase, and where the lowercase.

Spelling of capital letters

In Russian, the use of two types of drawing is subject to the rules of the corresponding section of spelling. According to them, a new proposal begins with a capital mark, which as if he heads the army of small, ordinary icons. It shows that the previous thought ended, and the other began, or simply denotes the beginning of thought. A direct speech, quotes, each new line of poem begins with the title.

But there are other, more complex rules explaining the spelling of capital and lowercase letters:

  1. Names, surnames, patronymic of people and compiled on their basis adjectives. For example: Apple Andrei Igorevich, Petkin car.
  2. Animal nicknames and adjectives composed of them. For example: Tuzik, Murka, Kesha, gun, Tuzikov Collar.
  3. Geographical objects, places, titles (continents, side of light, countries, cities, villages, villages, edges, republics, islands, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes). For example: Black Sea, Baltic, Atlantic Ocean, Moscow, Mainland Africa, Amber Village, Republic of Adygea.
  4. Names of firms, companies, shops, enterprises. For example: Roshettol plant, Pyaterochka store, Belvest shoe firm.
  5. The names of the great historical events, the most important documents (World War II, Petrovskaya Epoch).
  6. Names of printed publications, works of arts, dishes (Murzilka magazine, Moscow Vedomosti newspaper, Lunar Sonata, Painting "Burlaci on the Volga", Caesar Salad).
  7. Names of ministries, important state organizations (Ministry of Education, City Duma).
  8. High, having great state importance, posts (president, queen).
  9. The first word of the name of holidays and important events (birthday, Christmas, Easter, Victory Day).
  10. The pronoun "you" when the expression of special respect is required.
  11. Abbreviations - consist of completely from the capital icons (Communist Party, MLM, SUFF).

In all other cases, when the word is not included in the category of own names, but is the name of the nominal, they are written line Inscription

Possible difficulties in choosing an option

In Russian, most rules are ambiguous and have additional explanations or exceptions.

Important! When the choice of the size of the letter of the letter (title / small) is required to fill out important documents or perform serious tasks, work is better to test themselves in dictionaries and directories.

Possible difficulties in choosing a graphic icon size:

  1. The own names of the mythical, historical, literary heroes, which have become generalized, in a figurative value, to designate a certain nature or lifestyle of people. The rules for writing such words are ambiguous: some are written with large (brooms, Napoleon, Hamlet), others from the lowercase letters (Donkyot, Judah, Hercules, who have become nominated). The option of consumption is given in the dictionary.
  2. The same distinctions and their features of writing have the names of geographical objects and important historical events used in a generalized (portable) meaning: Sodom (debauchery), Olympus (up), Kamchatka (recent places) and Chernobyl, Mecca, Hiroshima.
  3. The names of the devices, technicians, units of measurement obtained by the names of their inventors are written from the lowercase letters. For example: X-ray, Volt, Pascal, etc.
  4. And the terms, where one of the words is the name of its own, as well as the adjective badges compiled on them do not have (Achilles heel, Demianan Ear, X-rays).
  5. The names of the adjectives that were compiled by the surname and the name of the person using the suffix -sk, -Ost, -insk - are written from the lowercase letters (Deliv dictionary, Svarenskaya prose).

Useful video: line Russian letters


In fact, the discovered in the material taught in the classroom in an educational institution, the student and the student learns the spelling of graphic signs well, understand the differences and features of their use, which means that they do not arise from serious difficulties in compliance with this norm.

The main thing is to remember the definitions, understand some difficulties for yourself. And in case of difficulty, do not forget about the possibility of appealing to the dictionary.

Russian language is one of the most complex languages \u200b\u200bof the world, but a special complexity represents the Spelling section. What words are written from the capital letter?

In order not to be confused on this issue, you should be guided by defined rules. Consider in detail this question.

Registration and lowercase letters - what is it?

Each schoolboy or student came across the concepts of a capital and lowercase letter. In the household speech, they are called big and small letters. Despite the permissible use in colloquial speech, the Russian language has a definite terminology and the structure of writing asbetic signs.

The main difference in the upperright capital symbol is size. The capital letter is exactly the one with a new proposal or thought. It is also customary to call the title.

Example. Day Was cloudy. The letter "D" is capital, capital, large.

The lowercase symbol continues the offer and less title.

Example: was cloudy. The letter "b" is lowercase, small.

Using uppercase and lowercase letters

There are a number of rules when you need to use one or another letter sign. Knowledge of these eating standards will save from writing errors. We will analyze specific cases when the uppercase or lowercase letter is written.

So, the title letter is always used:

  • at the beginning of the sentence, paragraph or a specific semantic part;
  • in direct speech. It is important that the quotes are used;
  • at the beginning of the quotation;
  • after the following punctuation marks: a point, an exclamation and question mark, a dot (if the thought is completed);
  • in each new row of verse, regardless of punctuation marks;
  • when writing nicknames, pseudonyms, names, surnames and patientities;
  • in the name of the districts and regions ( Moscow region, Moscow region);
  • in the title of brands, brands;
  • when describing historically important events, as well as territorial administrative points (Europe, Siberia, North);
  • in the title of planets, their satellites, rivers, seas, lakes and oceans ( Moon, Sun, Earth);
  • with the use of spectacular names of their own in the parental case ( Olin ball);

All concepts that are used only in the context of the official, legislative acts and composition of the state begin with a capital letter.

Examples: Ministry of Culture, Russian Federation, Federal Law, Presidential Administration, Moscow Kremlin, Constitution, Soviet Power, Charter of the President, Civil War, Resolution, Government, Management.

Line (or small) letters are written in the following cases:

  • at the end of the offer or after the first and subsequent words;
  • after the comma and the point of the comma;
  • colon (if there is no direct speech) and dots (if the thought is not completed);
  • with the name of various ranks;
  • in the names of months.

Words characterizing the generic affiliation, as well as not related to state importance, are used with a small letter.

Examples: kyzi, Ogly, Russian Cheese, Moscow, World, All-Russian, State, Russians, Muscovites, Capital, University, Earth, etc.

Rules for writing capital letters in own names

The concept of the name of one's own can be combined into the following group:

  1. Personal data: patronymic, surnames, names.
  2. Cleaning animals.
  3. Nicknames, as well as the heroes of artistic books.
  4. Astronomical and astrological symbols.
  5. Geographical names.
  6. Brands of printing publications, cars and tobacco products.

Important: The main difference between their own from the nine is the absence of a multiple number when consumed. For example: Evgeny Onegin, Vedomosti newspaper.

Often, own names can go to the discharge of the nominal. For example: Mikhail Bulgakov - Name of Own. The work is written by the Bulgakov style - the name is nominal. In this case, adjective is written from the lowercase letters.

What else is written with a capital letter

Complicated nouns may contain uppercase letters in the middle of the word, for example: MOSTORG.

All words denoting the highest religious officials are written from the capital letter: Patriarch Kirill, Pope.

All abbreviations have the following Writing: CPSU, SSU, SPbSU.

Writing pronouns may vary depending on the meaning. For example, if the appeal is carried out in a respectful form to one person, it is consumed You, you, your, your. In case of multiple number is written you, you, your, yours.

There are words that cause difficulty in a graphic image. For example, noun "republic" Printed with a small letter, if it is used separately from the state name. If included in the state composition, then print "Republic of Tatarstan".

Headers and subtitles in texts need to be printed with a capital letter. The title consisting of all capital letters is a gross error.

Each year, Russian undergoes changes to the norms of use, including spelling. The fact is due to the emergence of neologisms and borrowing from foreign languages.

Fundamental rules remain unchanged. Metamorphosis undergo relatively young language units of the language.

Suppose that the user needs to create an Apple ID account. This process is simple, but sometimes misunderstanding arises. For example, for a password, you need to enter a line or capital letter, as the system requires. What does this mean?

In fact, everything is simple. Local letters are called those letters that are written in the lower case. In other words, these are small letters: a, b, c, d, e, etc.

Capitrics are called those letters that are written in the upper case, that is, capital letters: a, b, c, d, e, etc.

If everything is clear with the line letters, then how to be with capital? Show an example on the iPhone keyboard. If you need one uppercase letter, press the button with the image of the arrow once and select the desired letter, it will be written in the upper case, further letters - in Lower.

If you need to write a few capital letters, click on the arrow twice, then all letters will be uppercase. To disable the function, click on the arrow again.

And what about the computer keyboard? To write a capital letter you need to click on the SHIFT key. Here she is:

To write multiple capital letters, you can press the Caps Lock key - in this case, all letters will be written in the upper case, or hold the Shift key.

Several password creation tips. They are simple, but to stick to them so that no one can learn your data.

  • The length of the password should not be less than 8 characters, and better - at least 12 characters.
  • The password must contain numbers.
  • The password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • Use different characters like # $% ^, etc.
  • Try to use different letters and numbers, and not the same.
  • Do not use the dates in the password that you have a relationship. For example, you should not use the year of your birth.
  • No one under any circumstances tell your password.
  • Periodically change the password - at least once a few months.

See the difference between messages? In the left more capital letters than in the right. Big "O", small "o". But who, what's the difference, right?

If you write the text for the application or site, the difference must be the difference. Capital and capital letters are important. They affect readability, understanding and convenience. And even on how people perceive the brand.

Title against the sentence

Almost all products or on sites are used two styles: "Title" or "Offer".

Title - Each word begins with a capital letter;

Offer - Only the first word begins with a capital letter.

If you use Apple's technique, we noticed that all words in interface messages start with capital. Apple Gaidlina recommend capital-in for words in UI elements: messages, buttons and menu.

If you use Android, you saw that they use the "offer": the company's guides recommend that writing.

We'll figure it out when and how to use the styles "Title" and "Offer" in UX-texts. Go.

What good in the title


Some designers are confident that the "title" is better because it is symmetrical. And capital letters at the beginning of each word give the rhythm phrase:

Visual weight

Capital letters are similar to the hands raised up, they attract attention. If you use different designs, the "header" is what you need.

Noticed that the title on the left pop-up seems more right? I am sure that it will surely read it.


Capital letters seem important and formal. For example, the New York Times or USA.GOV website is used in the title title. This is professionally. Seriously. Authoritatively.

Capital letters - like a classic costume. For some brands they need.

Example: If you are engaged in the security of business processes, the capital letters will be suitable for the interface. They cause trust and talk about professionalism.

What is good in the sentence


Example: Can you imagine how hard to read words in a long text?


The UX writer from Google Sue Factor says that the "offer" is a clear style for programmers and designers: each phrase begins with a capital letter. This rule is.

But the "header" is not always understandable for those who develop the interface. For example, the tab name is the title? And mail settings: title or main text?

And also - clear rules for the "header". For example, how to write "from" or "through": with capital or capital? And artity?

Example: Gaidline Apple. In it, tips, what words to write with the title.


"Title" - formal, and "offer" - simple and friendly text.

Example: In Dropbox, we use the "offer" because we want to be informal and natural. We are confident, the voice of our product is different from competitors and use the "Offer" to stand out.

Understandable names of their own

In the "sentence" names are visible at first sight. (Names own - part of speech, which is always written with the title. For example, Microsoft or New York Times).

Many companies write their names or functions with capital, such as "Mail", "Calendar", "Spark". If you use capital everywhere, it is incomprehensible, where the name, and where is just a word.

Other examples

"Title" and "Offer" - two popular ways to write text for applications and sites. But not the only ones.

Example: On Windows Phone 8, almost all of the text of the interface is just the line. Even headlines and buttons.

Example: GiPhy - text is applied only by capital. This makes sense, because in the memes and gifs they are usually written in capital.

Create your style

The "header" and "sentences" have pluses and cons. No matter what you choose - make sure the style coincides with your brand's voice.

The worst thing you can do is not to define standards and create an inconsistent text. This may turn into a problem in the future: if users at least see inconsistency in the interface, they will begin to lose confidence in your brand.

Instead of imprisonment

What do you like more in the interface: "Title" and "Offer"? Caps Lock or uppercase? Or maybe you rebar and invent the rules yourself?

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