Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a house from the gypsum with your own hands. Crafts for children - bright images. Original flower beds do it yourself

Gypsum is a very popular material for various garden crafts. However, if the exemplary is expected to be large - do not forget to insert into it metal carcass. Gypsum - fragile material. Therefore, the high weight without a solid foundation will not stand.

You will need:

  • Gypsum sculptural;
  • PVA glue construction;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ordinary circus;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Paints (preferably acrylic);
  • Different beads, flowers for decor;
  • Glue waterproof;
  • Tree cutters (they can successfully replace the Gypsy needle);
  • Brush;
  • Food film;
  • Water;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Soap;
  • For molds, we use plastic bottles and old dishes - Cups, Mysters, etc.

Gypsum fungus, master class for making hands

Gypsum fungus consists of three very important parts - the base, the feet of the mushroom and the mushroom hat. Before starting work, we prepare a special mixture.

Cooked mixture of grated soap, sunflower oil and water in a 2/1/7 ratio, respectively, carefully flashes on the food film, which the mold is wrapped. Thanks to this, the plaster will easily go away from the form and you do not have to handle it and spoil the figure.

Another advice - do not dive immediately all the plaster! Gypsum is very quickly grasped and you can still not have time to prepare the necessary mold for it. At each package bought with plaster, it is necessarily indicated detailed instructions breeding this material.

Follow it and you will provide high quality The source material and durability of the resulting figure.

  • The initial task will be the creation of a leg for our fungus;
  • As a form for the legs of the fungus, the cropped neck from the plastic bottle is perfect;
  • Lubricate carefully mold soap mixture;
  • In the center of the mold for the legs, install another small plastic bottle (see picture), with its help you will achieve the fact that the feet of the fungus will be hollow. Thanks to this, you are a little saving plaster;

  • Fill the gypsum into the mold, strengthen the little bottle in right position with the help of a heavy item (for example, a stone, as in the picture);
  • When the plaster freezes, get the finished leg of the mushroom from the mold, using a sharp stationery knife.

Hat fungus is preparing like this:

  • Form for the Future Hat Future Fungus may be old Missing, a glad or an ordinary deep plate. Wrap the chosen peeled by the food film and (or) to be cooked with a thoroughly soap-oil mixture;
  • Pour the gypsum solution to a certain height;
  • As soon as the plaster starts slightly grab - insert the mold into the center already the finished feet of the fungus;

  • Let you thoroughly dry and harden;
  • Take out neatly fungus from the form, remove the protective film from it.
  • It came to make a basis for our garden fungus:
  • It is best to make a removable base for garden fungus. To do this, it is necessary to pick up as a form, the container (mystery) of larger than the fungus hat, so that the fungus is comfortable inserted in the manufacture of the base;
  • Match also wrap the food film and exhaust soap solution;
  • Fill required amount Gypsum in the prepared form;
  • Wrap the feet of the fungus also into the cellophane film so that the fungus is easily shot from the base and put back;
  • As soon as the mixture in the form begins to capture, install the fungus with a foot wrapped with a film and wait for the figure to dry out.

All, our fungus from the gypsum is ready for the cottage, that's just to install it in our garden it should be decorate than we are with success now and do it!

Decorating our garden mushroom:

From the gypsum we make various flowers, leaves, caterpins, etc. Let's give everyone decorative products Well in the sun dry and through a day we glue them to the fungus with the help of waterproof glue;

While the details dries, take a sheet of paper and a pencil, and create a drawing sketch, which will have your fully ready-to-install mushroom in the garden;

On a fully dealt feature with a pencil, apply the desired picture;

Carefully load the fungus using PVA glue divorced in water ½, or with the help of special construction soil (which is in principle the same);

When the soil finds out, and this will happen no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours, you can start painting all the decorative parts of the fungus. Waiting for its drying;

The finished painted and the dried figure must be thoroughly covered with several layers of varnish. This must be performed. That as paints have the property to be washed off with rains, snow.

When lacquering, make sure that the fungus was completely labeled and there were no nickered places on its surface. With the help of moisture of stable glue, glue the finished fungus to the base and install on its rightful place in your fabulous garden.

Crafts from gypsum with their own hands - one of the popular and original options creating a unique decor for your home and pricework. Gypsum opens up opportunities for creativity and makes it possible to implement the most bold fantasies. We offer you several excellent options for its implementation.

Decorating the household plot

With your own hands from a gypsum bandage, you can make bulk crafts for the garden or giving. For example, to make the original statues and put them at the wicket or make small garden gnomes. And if you wish to make flowers in pots from the house, it will be appropriate to make the original stands.

Necessary materials:

  • five-liter plastic bottle;
  • sand;
  • thick wire;
  • gypsum;
  • 2 Metal lattices;
  • gypsum bandage;
  • paint.

Process description:

Mastery panel for gift grandmother

Each new grandmother simply does not like the soul in his grandchildren. Our mothers often complain that we bring children to watch them too rarely and they are very bored by grandchildren. Raise the mood of your beloved mother or mother-in-law, it is possible, makes it easier original panel From the gypsum on the wall, the center of which will be the fingerprint of the handle or the legs of the baby.

Necessary materials:

  • frame;
  • gypsum;
  • brush;
  • 2 gum;
  • 2 tbsp. sand;
  • water.

Process description:

In the world of animals: We spend time with children fun and interesting

Crafts from gypsum will be interesting for children. Fascinating and with benefit to spend time with a child best in the process of modeling new funny toys. For example, try making a whole family of bright butterflies.

Necessary materials:

  • gypsum;
  • molds from under cupcake or cookies;
  • paints;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • small details for eyes and mustache.

Process description:

Original ideas for creativity

No pot under the room flowers? Not trouble, because to do original stand It is possible from ordinary gypsum diluted with paints. Just apply several layers of plaster over any suitable plastic container, and excellent flower pot Ready.

If there are square plastic molds from under cookies after tea, do not hurry to send them into the urn. Just a couple of minutes, and the gypsum turns into a wonderful candle.

Modern fashionistas is difficult to successfully place all the decorations. The unusual stand in the form of a human hand will not just decorate the interior, but also an indispensable assistant. You will need only liquid plaster and glove.

Beauty people create themselves. They planted flowers on cottage plot, decorate the house with different decor, etc. Surely you are familiar to crafts from plastic bottles and tires, but today we want to tell about such a material as plaster. It turns out luxurious products that will take a worthy place in your home and will become a real pride of the household plot. In this article we offer original crafts From the gypsum with your own hands, the master class will help you in creating them.

Fabulous mushroom

It will look original on the balcony, in the room or in the garden here is such a wonderful house fungus.

To the creative process, bring the child. He will be happy to help at every stage of making a mushroom. In addition, such a lesson develops motility, spatial thinking and is an excellent way of time.

For work, prepare such materials:

  • sculptural plaster;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • food film;
  • plastic bottle;
  • stationery knife;
  • cups (2 pcs.);
  • acrylic paint;
  • sunflower oil;
  • water;
  • details for registration;
  • soap.

At the first stage you need to make a feet for the mushroom.

Step 1. Cut the neck at the bottle, it will serve as a base for the leg.

Cover the walls of the bottle with a solution consisting of vegetable oil, water and soap, then the gypsum is easier to extract from the form.

Step 2. Sut the soap on the grater and pour into the jar.

Step 3. Pour vegetable oil with water into the container and mix everything. Apply a brush solution on the walls of the jar.

Step 4. Divide the sculpture gypsum.

Step 5. Fill the gypsum solution into the form and leave for some time to stick. In order to save material, it is possible to insert a plastic container of the corresponding diameter in the form, then the leg is obtained by the floor.

Step 6. Secure the position of the bottle using the press, then it will not pop up in solution.

Step 7. Remove the gypsum blank and clean it from extra residues, cut a part of the tank that was inserted into the bottle.

The leg is ready. Now let's go to the hat.

Step 1. Take a cup of the appropriate shape and cover its surface with a food film. Try not to leave folds.

Step 2. Imit a portion of a gypsum solution for a hat and pour it into a cup.

Step 3. Insert the leg into the frozen solution and leave half an hour.

In the third stage, you need to make the basis for crafts.

Step 1. Take a wide container and pour a solution there, pre-laying the food film.

Step 2. Watch the foot of the mushroom with a film and immerse the base into the finished solution. It is desirable that the leg is removable, then it is easier to accompany the product.

After the figure freezes, you can get it.

Decoration. You can decorate the cracker with leaves and flowers made from the same gypsum. To do this, fill the building material in the form, and after complete drying, get them.

Put the craft for two days to a warm place so that it is good. So it will be easier to apply paints along its surface.

You can paint the mushroom as you like. Let the child come up to how the handicap will look like, and you will sketch on the mushroom surface or draw outline on paper.

Step 1. Using the needle or tool, give the score.

Step 2. Trunct the mushroom, then you spend less paint. To do this, distribute the construction glue with water (1: 2).

Step 3. Apply the brush to the primer on the workpiece and let it dry.

Step 4. Collect the figure according to the picture you made or via the drawn template.

Step 5. After the paint is driving, cover the mushroom with varnish in several layers.

It remains to find a place where the cauldron will stand.

We offer to see crafts from plaster for giving with your own hands. The master class submitted to the video will help you in the creative process.

Crafts for the nursery section "Kolobok"

Decorate the garden or garden can be a figurine of a fabulous character. Such a cobobok will like your neighbors, relatives and guests.

Step 1. Work should be started with hemp. Of course, you can simplify work and make the basis from the residue of the fired wood. But it is possible to use secondary raw materials for the manufacture of a product - for example, to bore scotch plastic bottles and smear the depression by the starting plaster.

Step 2. Deliver the bottles completely and give the workpiece to dry.

Step 3. To make the imitation of the bark, interlace finish plaster In small portions and apply a layer over the entire surface of the hemp.

Step 4. Make the hand of the groove and make the features of the face of the hemp.

Step 5. From the starting putty, blind nose.

Step 6. Hold the nose of the ball with one hand, and the second is seeded with a wet tassel. Give the workpiece to dry one day.

Step 7. Twist the desired size bruk from the newspapers.

Step 8. From a vegetable mesh, cover the case for the preparation of the appropriate size.

Step 9. From the wire twist your hands and insert them into the product.

Step 10. Apply the first layer of plaster and fix the handles, then allow the solution to be grabbed.

Step 11. Apply the second layer with starting plaster.

Step 12. Send a blank with a wet brush.

Step 13. To make the legs of a ball, straighten the stucco with a wet brush.

Step 14. Bend the wire, as shown in the picture and insert into the cast.

Step 15. Apply plaster on a wire.

Step 16. Fix with a wet bandage and give building material Craspiate.

Step 17. Remove the wet brush.

Step 18. Draw the features of the corob.

Step 19. Twist the rod from the wire ends, as shown in the picture and insert into the shaped ball.

Step 20. At this stage you will have such a billet.

Step 21. According to the contour of the face, the roller is blind from the plaster - it will be a handkerchief.

Step 22. Take the details of the face Kolobka - nose, cheeks, mouth.

Step 23. Send the finished billet for drying.

There is a kolobok coloring.

Crafts from Gypsum will decorate your home, cottage and garden. Decide for yourself what character you want to create and proceed to work.

We offer to see the video formation of products made of construction material.

"New Year's house." Master class with step-by-step photos

Manufacture and painting of the house of gypsum
Purpose: New Year's gifts do it yourself
Work completed: Shestakova Ekaterina, 7 years
Teacher: Zueva Tatiana Vladimirovna, teacher of kindergarten.

IN New Year Everyone loves to receive gifts. The best is a gift made by your own hands. After all, the particle of his heart is invested.
Spurla, Fires Tree,
HAC for a holiday Call!
All desires will be
And gifts Give.

The house is manufactured in two stages:
1-manufacturing of the house itself,
2 painting and decoration.
Getting to make a house.

We will need: Gypsum, water, mold for fill, cup for making a solution, a jar of slightly less base, paint, salt, plow glue.
Prompt. If you have no plaster, do not be discouraged, the alabaster is suitable. It is sold in any building stores. Matching can serve as packaging from under toys or silicone baking mold.
Paints are suitable any watercolor, gouache or acrylic, which you like more.
Prompt. Do not forget to raise the newspaper on the table.

Molding in the jar, which is slightly less than the foundation.
We look so that the molding does not fail.

IN plastic cup in progress. We pour water and gradually add plaster. Constantly stirring. The mixture should turn out like liquid sour cream.
Prompt. Note! Alabaster freezes faster than plaster.

Gently pour into the mold. Leave for several hours.

Prompt. Do not pour out the residue to the sink!
If you have a liquid plaster, fill it into small molds.
You will have additional figures for creativity.

When the gypsum freezes, turning the mold. Give the finished product.
Prompt. That is why silicone molds are so well suited for filling gypsum figures. They are soft, straw and always in the store in big assortment.

It turned out a house.
Start painting.

We choose paints and invent, how to paint the house.
Prompt. Preschoolers are easier to draw watercolor paints or gouache. Gypsum absorbs water and on the surface is not visible childhood inaccurability. Paint leaves almost even track.

We start from the roof.

We light the lights in the windows.
Prompt. First circle the contour, and then boldly paint the middle.

Select the color for the walls and paint.

We continue to paint the house.
Prompt. If you leave, do not worry, everything is fixable.
It will be possible to close all flaws of salt. How? Now learn.
We start to decorate our fabulous house.

PVA glue is applied to the roof.

Sprinkle with salt from above.

Expand the extra salt.

Draw glue icicles.

Sprinkle with salt from above. Expand the extra salt.
Shine, overflowing,
Sun sparkle
And a brilliant droplet
Tear, quietly melting.
Cheerful icicle
Frosty candy
But there is no need -
It is very dangerous.

Our house at thenime also bite the "snow". We do as a roof.

And the windows can be glued with snow-salt.
Here is such a house - the gift turned out.

Let the holiday latter last
Let them shine on the Christmas tree lights,
What is riddled - everything will be embodied
Waiting for fun, bright days!