Repairs Design Furniture

Miracle for a pitchfork for the koking of the Earth. Drawing of miracle shovels and detailed instructions for its manufacture. Here it is: a miracle of technology

There is a lot of work in the garden and in the garden, but the most exhausting - the Earth's Pumping, its cultivation and the removal of weeds. Speak begin to the alert, small areas, since the load is too big.

Some times to reduce the complexity and at the same time accelerate the process of at least twice the miracle of the shovel. This is relatively inexpensive and simple ...

How to make a miracle shovel (Ripper)

There is a lot of work in the garden and in the garden, but the most exhausting - the Earth's Pumping, its cultivation and the removal of weeds. Speak begin to the alert, small areas, since the load is too big. Some times to reduce the complexity and at the same time accelerate the process of at least twice the miracle of the shovel. It is relatively inexpensive and simple tool really works, and even on complex soils.

What is different and what can

To be accurate, then this is not a shovel, but the ripper, since it does not just dig up, but also breaks the whisk. The miracle of the shovel consists of two (sometimes one) slats with pins moving connected. In some models, the rear stop is also present - for easier digging of dense heavy earth. So in reality, it looks more like double forks (see the photo below).

Miracle shovel and its composite parts

It is clear from the drawing that this tool does not have a shovel as such, but there are no differences from the classic bayonet shovel. She also has a handle much higher - she must get to your shoulder. It is still convenient if there is transverse crossbar on its top - you can act with two hands.

The miracle of the shovel performs three operations at once:

  • loose soil;
  • breaks a whisk;
  • "Highlights" the roots of weeds, without breaking and not cutting them (in any case, much less damaging them);
  • easy digging roots - you can dig carrots, potatoes, etc.

But its main advantage - it greatly facilitates the ground of the Earth, and the main load is not on the back, as using a conventional bayonet shovel, and to the legs (to drive workers in the ground) and on the hands (turning the forks from the ground). The spin during work is in a vertical position and is almost not loaded.

The only minus of this tool is the weight. It is really much more than the bayonet. But super shovel is rearranged, it is not necessary to raise it. Rather, it is only raised several times: when they are installed on the ground at the beginning of the row. Then, pulling the handle, it is just a little tighten.

There is another very attractive moment in the use of miracle shovels - a vegetable garden is digging at least twice as fast. This happens due to the wider working part - up to 50-60 cm. Subject to the small physical activity, it is very good.

How to work

Although not particularly difficult is the design, but working with it has its own characteristics. First, it is necessary to start from the far edge of the garden, moving then back, gradually dragging back forks. Well, the general procedure of action is:

  • Having been following the cuttings, put a miracle to the shovel, get it on the front ripper.
  • Stick for a pitchfork in the ground. Wine them so that the rear emphasis touched the earth. If the land is heavy, dense, it may be necessary to need an additional effort - put on the foot on the front of the front forge.
  • Pull the cuttings "on yourself". At the same time, the movement will start moving up. Lifting them pass through the fault of the front stop, breaking the lumps.
  • Throw the device a little back, repeat all actions (stick, choose, pull the cuttings).

In fact, everything is very simple. It is worth trying a couple of times and then everything is repeated "on the machine".


In addition, the option is shown above (called "Tornado", "Excavor" or "PAHAR"), there are some more options for the designs of miracle shovels under different names.

Ripper soil without forward

This design also has workers and support forks, but does not have the front stop. Therefore, she is less cumbersome, slightly less weighs. But the front emphasis gives an increased stability when working. And the weight when dragging is not so important.

The handle is coming to the working cords, the rear focus is welded to the ridge of the second forks. Both of these designs are movably connected to each other (even door loops can be used).

Ripper miracle shovel for easy earth handling

On the photo one of the implementations that is made on the basis of a corner and a round tube. When working, the pins pins into the ground by pressing the crossbar, and not on the emphasis, as in most models.


An option called "Spool" is essentially wide forks with an emphasis for easier turning and a high powerful handle.

Miracle Shovel "Spear"

Feature of this design in the stop and adjustable handle. It is fixed by two bolts, selected under the growth of a working person.

The focus is not stationary, but movable. It is fixed on the frame. When immersing the pins in the ground pressed the foot on it, then without removing the leg, turn the pumpets from the ground to the handle.

Physical exertion during operation is low, the work is moving quickly. But this miracle shovel will not go for hard and merciful soils: it does not work the soil. It is under his own weight in a pitchfork. But this is possible only on loose soils. On clay or black soil, it is better to have a second comb with pins.

How to make a miracle copalku see the next video.


This design of wonder shovels is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arcuate, but the basis of the structure is the same. Some drawback - there is no possibility to adjust the handle, and otherwise everything is also a movable emphasis and workers.

Two options called "Langokop". The simplest ripper for the garden, garden and summer cottages

It is better to say this variation or worse. It would be possible to estimate only comparing the operation of both copies in one site.

If you look at the following video, you will see that you can dig a similar wonder-shovel, not only loose soils, but also heavy. And the second, on which you can pay attention - after all, for such a soil it is better to have a second ridge of the pins, about which you can crush twisted kids.

What to do

Designs, as you have seen, are different, but the set of materials will be approximately the same. Their quantity is distinguished, and the cross section and characteristics remain unchanged.

You can use a round or profiled tube, metal rods or "parts" from

Materials for manufacture

Start mainly from the manufacture of a frame. It is more often made from the profiled pipe, the optimal cross section is 30 * 30 mm or so. It is important with the wall thickness - at least 3 mm. Some models used a corner. The shelf width is also about 30 mm, the thickness of the metal is at least 3 mm.

The handle can be made from the same profile tube, you can use round. The wall thickness is also important. In principle, making the retainer, you can use a wooden holder from the shovel. Some purchased models provide the installation of a wooden holder.

The focus should be given to the material that is used for the teeth of workers. It should be a good structural steel. The forks are made of a rod at least 8 mm in diameter.

What makes their craftsmen do:

  • Cut from ordinary forks, welded on a miracle shovel.
  • Spring pendant springs.
  • Split the narrow strips of automotive springs.

If you manage to find a good bar - a round, square or hex - no matter whether you will be much easier. A good option, by the way, with a fork. But you need to take good, and this is not suiced. And yet: count the size of miracle shovels so that the workers have 8 pins. Then it will be necessary to buy two jokes of ordinary forks.

If the design was chosen with two pods - workers and persistent, it is possible to put a segment of a suitable long metal bar. Loads are not so high here, so the strength should be enough. The bar diameter is 10 mm, you can use the ribbed fittings, which is used during the reinforcement of the foundation.


Most firms that produce miracle shovels have a number of sizes of this product. People we have different ones and physical training. For men, you can make more massive models, and for women and the elderly - less and easier. On average, such:

All other sizes are selected depending on the design and material used.


Detailing of the stop and forks

This device is simply indispensable for summer houses - a miracle shovel! The original design of the shovel, allows you to quickly accurate a vegetable garden with minimal physical exertion, especially useful people with back diseases.

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We present a photo of step by step making homemade miracle shovel.


  • Rod.
  • Corner - 45 mm.
  • Trumpet.
  • Pair of bolts for 10.

From the rod cut 15 segments of 30 centimeters long. Next, 8 segments need to be shown on the one hand.

We take a corner of 60 cm long, refue to it exactly 8 parts to arrange 8 rods at the same distance. Next, take another single corner with a length of 50 cm and we divide it into 7 parts, respectively, by 7 rods.

To the corners we weld the rods, and to a 60 cm length, you need to privar on the edges with both ends of 35 cm long.

At the edges of the side corners drill holes, from pieces of corner, we make a loop.

In the loops insert and weld the bolts, the loops insert into the holes in the corner, and we weld the earlier item from above.

From the pipe to 15, cut off two segments of 125 centimeters long and bend a bit.

The cuts of the pipes are welded at the edges of the top corner, we increase the rods.

Tubes weld the handle.

As a result, we got a homemade miracle of the shovel made with her own hands, with its help you can quickly and without much effort to throw the garden.

How to use a miracle shovel, is shown in this video.


You do not like to dig a barroom? You just never kept in your hands a truly cool garden tool! How to achieve maximum efficiency, working in the garden, and at the same time apply the minimum of physical strength? Drawing of miracle shovels and detailed instructions for its manufacture of girlfriend will help you with this!

Required tools

DrillWheel from washing machine A hammerOstrog Rybatskaya Rama from strollersWelding machine DrillT-shaped mountPipe profile


We harvest materials for the manufacture of miracle shovels

The corporate instrument, to buy which you can in the construction store consists of a frame, an anti-racming element, the working basis of 8-9 rods, reminiscent of the forks, 2 support racks and a cutter holder. Similar design, we will now make your own hands. And on the saved money we will be able to buy seeds for sowing throughout the garden, including neighboring areas, as this adaptation is in the store not small money.

Let's start with the frame. It can be welded with a welding inverter from a metal square with a cross section of 25x25 mm. To do this, you need to make only 4 welding seams and 3 cuts with a grinder. Measure 60 centimeters and cut off 4 pieces of square profile. Then another 1 cut off with a cross section of 20x20 mm - it will be in our role as an average jumper in the frame, which will be attached to the anti-sorting elements. If you do not want to spend a lot of time on the manufacture of such a ridiculous design, you can simply take the frame from the baby carriage or disassemble unnecessary sleigh. Dimensions they will have a little more - nothing terrible, they can be compensated by the number of teeth on the working surface and reduce the effort on the stalk.

Now we proceed to the choice of the forms themselves that you will break the earth. They must be durable, as a communist idea, otherwise at the slightest effort to bend. Steel necessarily crawled, the bayonets are straight, the bends are undesirable. For such a role, the fishing stort is ideally suitable, which has every self-respecting poacher. Here you can help in nature by replacing the fishing tackle on something useful in the farm, and yourself, since we cannot find a better tool. You can still make it to order at Tokary, but it will cost much more. The most extreme case is to establish ordinary forks. But the result at the same time will suffer significantly, because the steel is very soft.

It is also serious about the choice of an anti-reflective tool. Here you can use the usual steel, since the role of this node is to break lumps that will be soldered by the "active" part of the tool. The width is about 50 centimeters, the frequency of teeth - after 5-6 cm. The perfect option is a scraper for cleaning a bed with a stainless steel, which used to be used. It can be found almost every pensioner who likes to keep artifacts in his shed. Offer to change with you to new, beautiful, modern and "high-quality" forks of domestic production - most immediately agree. And you feel good, and people helped. Further, we bow from them the holder together with the cutter, if it does not go - weep off the grinder. "Cassette" with teeth taking to the shovel-ripper.

The holder under the cuttings to find even easier - we do any unnecessary tool or we are looking for a pipe diameter of 30-40 mm and a long 15 centimeters. Now the lever mechanism remains. For him, it is necessary for him from the old Soviet typewriter (the benefit of these is fully on scrap metal and in the villages), betonated plastic, it remains a P-shaped mount. We need 2 such fixtures.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Making a miracle shovel The case is very interesting and responsible, since the effort will depend on the quality of your assembly, which will need to provide when working with a tool. Stick instructions so that your creation please you is not yet one year.

Step 1We make a frame.

First of all we collect her in a bunch. If we have a square profile, then you can do without amplification, just weld it. In case you took the stroller to "weapons", then it will be necessary to make slanting spacers from a metal strip or square profiled pipe in the corners. It will be enough to install 8-10 centimeter inserts so that they distribute the pressure rendered on the frame during the digging.

Step 2.We make lever mechanism.

Here we will need a P-shaped mount from the wheels of the washing machine. We weld it up the "brands" to the frame, drill the electric drill in the sidewalls exactly in the center a hole for 8 mm, can be 10 mm so that our super shovel is durable. Exactly the same fastening is reeling to the cutter of the cutter, again drill holes by 10 mm on the contrary. Now we bring 2 mounts so that 4 holes are in one row, scoring the axis 10 mm inside. We will have a lever mechanism with an effort of approximately ½. This will be quite enough to work in the paralisian and in the garden even with dense dry soil. You can additionally increase the sidewalls of the metal plate, but this is superfluous - in most cases there is more than enough such mounting.

Step 3.We weld the contradictions.

The scheme of miracle shovels implies the use of oblique antimonymifiers directed at an angle of 45 0 to the ground. Such a scheme allows you to significantly reduce the effort when breaking the lumps of the Earth. You can set them horizontally, but with highly dense soil, they can be edged up, so it is not worth experimenting for the sake of a beautiful appearance of the tool.

Step 4.We weld the back support.

The relevance of its stay on the instrument is generally worth questioning, since its main role is to level the depth of loosening, which can be easily "on the eye". But, if we need a high-quality miracle of the shovel with their own hands, there will not be drawings here. We weld the T-shaped mount in the middle of the frame from the back - the limiter is ready.

Step 5.We make stalks.

It's not necessary to bother my head very much on this operation. We buy the easiest pine stalk and hope that he will not require long live. I broke - we buy new and work again. You can try to buy an oak stalk or from larch without bitch, but its price is 10 times more expensive, but the durability is how lucky.

Now we have almost a shovel for lazy with your own hands. It remains only to paint it into the tidy color so that it is different from the new tool only the original parts.

Alternative drawings or "what can be replaced"

Above, we described the drawing of the ripper, but there are still very practical models of the shovel that you can significantly simplify work on the garden. Especially relevant such a tool will be when collecting a harvest, where it is necessary to turn the soil, and not to break it.

If you need this miracle shovel, drawings and sizes will differ significantly. First, the workspace will be a metal plane, and not the pointed segments for loosening. Anti-erase are removed. It remains only the mechanism for reducing the efforts to turn the land coma. That is, its advantage will be only in the absence of spin voltage - the rise of the land is carried out by pulling the cutting of the shovel.

The lever must be made at an altitude of 45-50 centimeters from the ground - this is the optimal ratio of lifting height and effort spent. Some models are made with a very high lever, then the effort will need more on the rise, but the scoop itself rises to a large height - very convenient during construction (digging trenches).

Another very popular design of miracle shovels is a tool with a triangular support. Its essence is to significantly reduce the effort when digging an earth's coma. Subsequent transportation is carried out using spinal muscles, which will not satisfy the requirements of many builders. Such a design is perfect for work in too solid soil, where it is necessary to provide a very large pressure in the process of undermining the coma.

For Spring Dachnips, this is not only the time when nature awakens from the winter cold, and the first warm sun comes to shifts. It is also time to perform a huge amount of garden work, for which there will be a lot of strength.

Each owner of the household plot is doing everything possible to make it easier for its work and physical activity on the body. For the processing of the soil, experienced gardeners are increasingly using a new invention called a miracle shovel. That she is, and how to make a device with your own hands, we'll figure it out in the article.

Miracle shovel simplifies work in the garden.

Usually, the wonder-shovel is a type of bayonet shovel, which can be treated with any kind of soil. In fact, this invention is a forks that are connected to sleds, thanks to which plowing the soil saturating with its oxygen, it became much easier.

There is a way even easier - to buy a motoblock, when processing the soil, from the owner does not require any efforts. But, the price of the question may be significant, because such cars are only available to a little.

The remaining lovers prefer to plow the land in the country with their own hands. So cheaper, and the processing of the site is performed well.

The main feature of the miracle shovel is that sharp teeth are easily included in the ground, and due to the high handle, which serves as a lever, the soil is easily rising. Even with large slices of the soil, it is easy to fight, because, climbing to the surface, they frustrate the second half of the villas on Earth.

Depending on the additional elements, the features of the installation and the number of tasks with which the device can cope with, all miracle shovels are conventionally divided into three types:

  1. Normal, which consist of a fork and rear stop. It is this option that most often makes the owners of small sites with their own hands. When processing the Earth, such a device, you really attach significantly less forces, and spend little time, but with big blocks of the land, the miracle shovel will not cope. It is great for regular land treatment, but for deeper pexts no longer.
  2. A variety "PAKAR" is intended not only for loosening the upper layers of the soil, but also for a deeper processing of the site. The length of the bayonet on such a device is at least 15 cm, which allows to saturate with oxygen and deeper layers of the Earth. Due to the special design, it will be perfectly cope with the unit even a person weighing less than 60 kg.
  3. The blade of the "Mole" type is designed for a deeper rustling of the garden, because the thickness length is at least 25 cm. Usually, different root crops are immediately planted in such a device. Of course, to treat the soil so deeply, the person will require certain physical efforts, especially if the land is pricked or has a clay structure.

In addition to the options that we have already considered, you can find a universal version on the Internet, with a bayonet length of about 15-20 cm, which is used in the regions where the chernozem freezes in winter by 10 cm.

The peculiarity of miracle shovels consists in its convenience when used. You no longer need to be tilted, and this significantly reduces the risk of damage to the back. Especially this fact will delight patients with chronic radiculitis and just older people.

In addition, the amount of physical effort is reduced, and the time spent on the treatment of the garden is significantly reduced.

So, we will analyze how to work with a miracle shovel in more detail:

  1. Press the foot on the pad on the shovel to drive it into the ground.
  2. Take the second foot one step back, and tilt the shovel on yourself.
  3. With the help of levers shake the soil from the teeth.
  4. You can flip the ground using one sharp movement of the hand upwards by shifting the device by 10-15 cm backward.

After several approaches are completed, it is better to walk on the coated soil with ordinary rakes to break pieces.

In additions, which can be bought in special stores or on the Internet, the moving parts are quite often clogged, because of which the performance drops sharply. Also a common problem with handles, which break after the first on-site.

In a tool, which is made with your own hands, all parts fit alone alone to the other, because the breakdowns and the jamming almost never occur.

But this does not mean at all that the miracle shovel made by their own hands does not have flaws completely. Here you need to be as attentive as possible when choosing materials. Also a weak point are the paved seams that can be deformed. But this is possible only after many years of permanent operation.

What do we need for making?

There are several important aspects that need to pay special attention in the manufacture of miracle shovels with their own hands:

  • the length of the bayonet, which will dive into the ground, directly depends on how deeply the earth is freezing in winter. If you need to simply explode the earth, it will be quite enough and 10 cm. But for the landing of the root, it will take a deeper processing;
  • you can adjust the width of the future shovel independently, it all depends on the land area, which is planned to capture. But you should not make a width more than half a meter, otherwise, you will need to make enough physical forces to attach enough physical forces;
  • selecting the materials, you should understand that for industrial production shovers, forks are used, but not ordinary size, and about 35 cm wide, and since the standard difference between the teeth is 5 cm, then on one plate is obtained 7 teeth.

In order to make a shovel on your own, you will need:

  • armature or flat will show with a cross section in a half-meter and a width of about 2 cm;
  • pipe square shape with a cross section of 1 cm;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 5 cm or more;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • washers and bolts for assembling the device;
  • drill and Bulgarian;
  • a small cut of sandpaper for grouting.

Only preparing everything you need, you can proceed to work.

Before you begin work, you need to pay close attention to the main structural features of the mechanism.

In this device, the forks are attached to a horizontally located durable frame, which is slightly advanced forward. Usually for greater stability, it is supplemented by focusing behind.

Between the main teeth, you need to skip the oncoming bars, which in appearance resemble rakes.

As for the cuttings, there may be two of them, they are used in turn, or one, like an ordinary shovel either former. It is better not to do it out of wood, because it spoils quickly and breaks. The iron or even steel pipe will last much longer.

If you still made a handle from a tree, then you need to use the device much carefully. In case of breakdown, remove the lever will not be completely simple. You can try driving it, otherwise you have to disassemble the product.

Start yourself to make a miracle shovel with the bayonets themselves. To do this, it is necessary to cut iron to the appropriate segments and sharpen one of their side at an angle of 30 degrees.

Once work with bayonets is over, you can move to the creation of the main bar for which the segment of the square pipe is used. You also need to prepare a round tube of the desired diameter, which will perform the role of the handle. It remains only to connect all the elements into one integer with the help of welding, focusing on the drawings.

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Advantages and disadvantages of using the tool

Like any other adaptation, the miracle shovel has a number of positive and negative sides that it is important to know before becoming making. Let's designate them in more detail.

The advantages of miracle shovels:

  1. Significantly decreases the level of physical exertion to be applied during the soil processing.
  2. Due to the wide channel, the processing process is significantly accelerated.
  3. The shovel is easy to use, anyone will cope with it.
  4. The device is perfect for use on different types of soil.
  5. Miracle shovel, especially made by her own hands, has high reliability and will serve you for many years.

But there is such a useful invention and disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty in repair, therefore, it is initially necessary to make the device qualitatively.
  2. It is impossible to figure out part of the site.
  3. The device cannot be pulled out.
  4. In order for the work was really productive, it is better that the weight of the employee was more than 80 kg.

The wonder shovel is a universal invention that will help to treat the soil on the plot several times faster and better. And to make it with your own hands is quite simple, if you use all the tips and recommendations specified in this article.

Any gardener is clear that the right cultivation of land and the creation of a garden is played in the success of growing garden crops. The main rules are its loosening 2 times the season, thorough loosening and removal of weeds. After such procedures, the surface is aligned for planting. To fulfill any of the actions, a special tool will be required. Today there are devices that combine all these functions.

Features and differences

It is more correct to say that a miracle shovel is rather not a shovel in the literal sense of the word, but the soil ripper. Since it is done with its help, the earth is carried out, but a thorough loosening. Most often, a similar tool consists of two, in very rare cases - one, planks on which pins are located. Some models are complemented by rear emphasis, which facilitates the process of stealing heavy earth. Visually shovel-ripper resembles more double forks.

Miracle shovel

What can

Walled shovels have a large functionality. When performing work on a vegetable garden, a super-shovel is able to replace immediately:

  • Rake;
  • Forks;
  • Baran;
  • Manure spreader;
  • Copulka for potatoes.

It is not just a replacement tool, but also a significant relief of labor. With the help of miracle shovels, it is possible not only to dwell the ground on a given depth, but also to cry out the surface. This tedious process becomes fast and easy. Replace such a shovel and cultivator.

With this tool, you can make potato digging, without damaging root roots, collect foliage and perform many care actions for vegetable garden and garden.

Important! When working with such a shovel, only arms and legs are involved, and not a back, as it will not be necessary to be laughing, leaning and straightening.

You can use a miracle shovel solely on the land being processed earlier.

You can use a miracle shovel solely on the land being processed earlier, it cannot cope with a virulent.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most basic advantage of smart shovel is that the device facilitates the ground of the Earth. The next advantage is that after working with such a shovel, a person feels less tired than after working with the traditional.

Also, many choose a similar tool due to the fact that the time for processing the garden is significantly reduced.

Minus one - a large weight of the device. But it will not be necessary to constantly raise, like a bayonet. Superlopat is simply dragging over the surface of the earth during the coppe.

On a note. You need to raise it twice: when you install a row and when you finish work.

How to work

The use of miracle shovels for the Earth's coppe gives a lot of advantages during pumping: does not tire the back, the creation of a garden is much faster.

The process of digging is simple manipulation

During work, the Earth is located between the focus and forks, it turns out that both the soil is drunk and frozen.

The process of digging is simple manipulations: first, the forks are sticking into the ground, then the blackfriends are lowered. After each lowering, the shovel should be removed. Similarly repeat movement from a row to a row.

Dig and dig garden is now much easier and faster.

On a note. The tool is suitable for everyone, both women and elderly can cope with such manipulations.

Design features

By its design, wonderful shovels may vary. Such tools are different names. Often you can meet shovels called "PAKAR", "Tornado", "Excorpoise" and many others. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the design principle of work is the same in all cases.

Soil ripper without forward

A similar device is similar to all the rest. The basis is the support and working items are presented with forks, but in this smart shovel there is no forex. This is its constructive feature. Such designs are easier and less dimensional. But this is not too important when working, while the absence of the forward stop deprives increased stability.

Such devices consist of two main elements:

  1. Workers for whom the handle welded.
  2. Forks for support, to the comb of which the rear stop using welding is fixed.


This type is represented by wider forks that are connected to the focus. Completes the entire design powerful handle. Features of this design - the presence of the stop and adjustable handle. The emphasis in the shovel copal is also moving. After immersing the design to the ground, it is pressed by foot and turn the contents of the beds with roots. Why the tool turns and rearrange.

On a note. It is easy to work with such a device, so the digging process goes faster. But this miracle device is not able to crush the soil, so it is not worth it to apply it for heavy and lumpy sites.


The device is distinguished by rounded focus and handle that is not regulated. The forks for the coppe are made in the same way, and the principle of operation is no different. This is a fairly lightweight construction that will help to quickly pull the land. Understand which of the devices is better, you can only try both options in practice.

What to do

If there is no possibility to buy a similar device, do not be upset. It is easy to make it easily.

Important! As can be seen, all devices are distinguished by the number of components and materials required to perform assembly works. The cross section and characteristics of all are identical.

Materials for manufacture

Before making the manufacture of miracle shovel with your own hands, the source material should be prepared.

Miracle shovel drawing

To create a frame, it is necessary to use a profiled tube, with a diameter of 3x3 cm, with a wall thickness of 3 mm and more. For some models, it may be necessary to need a corner (the width of the shelf - 3 cm, the wall thickness is 3 mm).

The handle can be performed from a similar profiled pipe. In some models, it is allowed to use wood pens like auger for ordinary shovels.

Special attention should be paid to the manufacture of Vil. Here, it is mandatory for a strong structural steel. The rods for the manufacture of teeth workers should be in diameter at least 8 mm.

Interesting fact. Homemade craftsmen very easily picked up a solution that helps in such a situation. They cut the teeth from simple forks, saw the springs of the machine to narrow strips or straighten the durable springs, for example, suspension. You can choose any options, the main thing is that the initial steel is durable.


Modern manufacturers offer their customers tools that can self-paint, loose and smoke, various sizes. This is done that the person can pick up a miracle shovel, because everyone is characterized by growth and complete set.

Miracle shovel Ripper

Most often make structures with the following dimensions:

  1. The width of the working part is 45-60 cm. Too large designs are heavier to use that it can reduce performance.
  2. The bayonets for workers can have a length of 22-30 cm.
  3. The length of the handle should be chosen at its discretion. This is done, in accordance with the growth.
  4. The optimal gap between the pins is the distance of 7-8 cm.

All other characteristics are selected along the manufacture. Depending on the selected design, model and the material used, the parameters may vary.


Before starting to make individual elements of superlopates, you should create a detailed tool scheme. Each drawing must contain detailed descriptions indicating the size, the study of the smallest things. It will take a significant time to it, but will help create a convenient tool as a result. Without a drawing, it is very difficult to get the desired, it can only get from an experienced master who already does the first miracle shovel.

As can be seen, it is possible to simplify your work on the plot with a simple mechanism. If there are certain skills and knowledge of working with metal, then you can and independently make a miracle shovel. Homemade tool is economically more profitable.

With the onset of the country's season, the problem of the backup of the neck is sharply asking for each summer house. All remember that such a "physical education" is crushed pain in muscles, back and joints. But the earth must not only step up, but also to explode. This heavy work sometimes seems endless and completely unbearable for an elderly person. How to be? After all, everyone wants to have a well-groomed household plot.

For such work, you can attract any mechanized funds, but their minuses are in high cost and in the fact that if work is carried out at that time when weeding herbs have already appeared, attracting such equipment increases their number at times, because even digging and cut and cut On small parts, they are easily joining and breed.

We want to offer you Miracle shovel for lazy - A simple, high-quality and inexpensive way to avoid monotonous, tedious and sometimes attendant work on bringing in the order of the household territory. Let's notice without pride that this novelty is designed and manufactured in the Russian Federation.

How does the miracle shovel work?

The shovel-ripper is the mechanical design of a lever type consisting of a frame and two forks to meet each other. Its operations are based on an increase in performance when minimizing the efforts spent due to the use of lever mechanisms.

  • Workers are robbed into the ground by pressing the foot of the shovel
  • Next, pressing on the stalk shovel down the workers climbs upwards, towards the veil-rippers.
  • Thus, the lifted wrenches of the earth are divided into counter forks, breaking the earth


  • Combines two functions in itself -balance and plowing Soil.
  • Requires minimal physical effort. Unlike the shovel, lifting the soil does not need to raise the entire device, but you only need to press on the stalk and then with the help of a lever that serves a stalk, with a big shoulder, you can effortlessly flip the captured soil.
  • Facilitates the removal of roots and stones. The shovel-ripper is not chopping the roots of plants, but raises them upstairs, which eliminates the possibility of their further reproduction. Thus, the rational weeds and stones are easier to remove it easier.
  • A large area of \u200b\u200bone-time processing. In the same time, the miracle of the shovel will be shovel and disappears 5-7 times the large area than the usual shovel.

Types of miracle shovel:

Spade Pakhac

it is made of high quality steel in the city of K. K. Ekaterinburg, has a frame length of 780 mm.

For the convenience of buyers are produced in 3 sizes:

  • 350 mm wide 5th teeth and weight of the working part of about 4.5 kg (slightly less than half of the standard bed. It is best suited for compressed soil)
  • 430 mm wide, 6th teeth and weight of the working part of about 5 kg (a little less than the standard bed, which allows you to handle a bed without removing the side)
  • 550 mm wide, 7-teeth and weight of the working part of about 5.5 kg (product width like a standard bed. Good suitable for more loose soil.)

Depth of loosening (length of workers forks) -230 mm

Advantages:Unlike other shovels of the "Pahar" the longest levers of the stop, which makes the work even less labor.

Miracle shovel Pakhacker on video:

Shovel Mole

it is made from high strength steel in Chelyabinsk. Has a frame length of 520 mm.

Produced in 3 sizes:

  • 420 mm wide with a weight of working part of 4.5 kg and 5-teeth (ideal for loosening underwear soil and narrow beds)
  • 480 mm wide with a weight of the working part of 5 kg and 6th teeth (suitable for loosening beds with sideboards, because it has a width of a little less than the standard bed)
  • 550 mm wide with a weighing part of 5.5 kg and 7 teeth (suitable for loose soil. Has a standard bed width)

Depth of loosening (long workers forks) -250 mm

Advantages: Due to the larger platform area than other shovers, there is no unnecessary immersion in the ground, which avoids unnecessary work.

Miracle shovel Mole on video:

Ripper "Excrace"

it is produced in Chelyabinsk and has 3 modifications. Let's look at them. Long workers forks (loose depth) for all models 250 mm

  • Excavor-6. Width 480 mm, weight of working part 5 kg, 6 steel teeth (suitable for processing standard beds with sides)
  • Excorporation-7.Width 540 mm, weight of working part 5.5 kg, 7 steel teeth. (Shovel for 2 cuttings with crossbar. Greeting standard width)
  • Excavation-8.Width 620 mm, weight of working part, 8 steel teeth. (Shovel on 2 cuttings with crossbar. For loosening large plots of land)

Advantages: Designed for 2 cuttings with a transverse height adjustable handle. That is, the fundamental difference of this shovel is that equal efforts are applied with both hands, which is very significantly for people with spinal diseases. When working with this model, the loin will be almost fixed.

Miracle shovel Excrace on video:

So, having considered all possible options, we were convinced of the undoubted advantages of the so-called "miracle of shovels for lazy," it remains only to choose the one that will suit you.

What do you need to know?

  • It is more effective than a miracle of shovels working on moistened soils (pre-slightly polished), dry land is heavier, as well as too wet.
  • With all undoubted advantages, wonder shovels are not intended for the processing of virgin, turf, stony, as well as solid and highly dilated soils.

7 Country Miracle Assistants!

Unusual manual gardening tool (photo, video, drawings)

Plate - great achievement of agricultural mind. This is the first truly universal garden tool. Not just for the processing of the soil, but a tool of comprehensive cohabitation with the cultural floral community and soil.

Focking Fokina "Streach"

2. Ripper wonder-shovel "PAKAR"

Ripper miracle shovel "PAKAR" Drawings:

Shovel, which can be attributed to the category of cultivators' rippers - "PAKAR". The mechanism of the ripper PAKAR is simple and quite effective. Lifting the land is carried out by work simple on the device of the lever. The main burden falls on the legs, which are pressed by workers in the ground. The rise of the soil comes from the effort of the hands, which unloads the back and therefore attractive for the elderly and gardeners suffering from rags in the lower back. Two countercadors, passing one through the other breaking the ground without turning it, ensuring depth of loosening 15-20 cm.

Advantages of the design of the shovel or ripper soil or potato

1. Chopping soil processing without turnover.

2. High productivity.

3. It is necessary to require significant physical effort when processing the formation.

4. Available in manufacturing.

Mode of application:

A feature of the soil processing is a miracle-shovel is that the garden does not spread across, but along. Both, extended hands we take a miracle shovel for the edges of the top plank, we are on the platform (footboard) and it easily enters the ground. Light movement (in combination with a slight shocking), retreating two steps back, we translate the shovel from the vertical position to almost horizontal. After that, we make a step forward, thaw the shovel back to 30 cm, give the blade the vertical position, drive it into the ground and repeat it until a number will end. Then we pass to the processing of the next row.

Materials: Hollow Labor, Rounded (or Hexagon) Diameter 15 mm.

For convenience, transportation can be made of collapsible design.

Miracle shovel Prokopenko drawings:

Miracle forks allow you to pierce the land completely without loading your back due to a unique turning method of work. Miracle forks do not require bending or squatting. Efforts are applied only to the "Ruta". At the same time, 3-4 times increases the performance of the rescue.

Miracle forks are adjustable in high limits, which allows you to perfectly adjust the tool for growth.

Miracle forks swivel photos:

Miracle shovel of the monk - Father Gennady photo and drawings:

Miracle Creek is a tool for light and safe rods of firewood. You can fold three times more than firewood, spending the same time and the same efforts that when working in a common kolun. At the same time, the firewood can be found even women and children, because the main work consists only in lifting and lowering the weights weighing 3.3 kg.

One miracle column replaces four tools: Colong, ax, hammer and chisel. Under the instructions for use, the tool is absolutely safe.

The wonderful column allows you to prick even very thick. At the same time, it does not require any special skills and is very easy to operate.

Miracle Call Photo:

6. Miracle potatoes

The wonderful occupier is designed for the loosening of the soil on potato ridges and emphasizing the potatoes.

Due to the optimally designed design, the new invention contributes to high-quality soil treatment (loosening and dipping) and the correct formation of the crest potato

In the century of modern innovation, the shovel for digging the Earth, as it was indispensable for work in land, and remained.

A varieties appeared, a miracle of the tool created for various purposes, but the essence remained alone - the tray (canvas) and the stalks struck on it (handle).

It is impossible to imagine the life of agriculture without shovels for digging the Earth. Without it, not to fulfill any gardening and garden work. Since ancient times, in the farm, our ancestors used "stick-copal" made from the funds that came under hand.

Now, this is an improved tool that is produced in enterprises from special materials. Titanium add to alloy to work with heavy and solid soils.

For convenient work and less effort, the product is produced with ergonomic handles.

The main three components of the shovels are usual:

  • blights
  • fastener (Toulinka)
  • lever

The web (tray) is the bottom, the main part of the tool that performs the work on the transfer, clearing or soil digging. For convenient immersion of the shovel into the ground, the top of the canvase is at the top of the web. In the manufacture of the canvas, it is raised at the right angle its upper part - the present. During digging and clicking on it, the shovel easily enters the soil.

The fastener (toleic) is the connecting part, is located between the blade and the shovel handle. Toulink usually comes complete to the canvas, they can be one whole (solidly stamping), and can be attached to each other with special fasteners (rivets).

Handle (cuttings) - this detail of the tool with which the workflow is happening. It is usually produced from wood, plastic or aluminum.

Shovel with oval holes

This type of shovel is designed to work on land. It is very convenient for them to dig a ripe root root, drag and loose soil. The design is a bucket with a pointed end and oval narrow holes in it.

Holes in the blade of shovels allow you not to pour the soil and form a whisk on it, which greatly facilitates work on the site. And when theyeping, the sieve is performed, the stones, the roots of the plants and various large garbage are delayed.

Thanks to the holes, the shovel is easier than usual. It is possible to work on any soils, it performs with two actions at once: digging and fries the soil. Made of steel shovel and has an anti-corrosion coating.

Wrappers with a shovel tip

Wi-shovels are similar to ordinary forks, but from one edge they have different from the other "tooth" - a bayonet, which is much sharper and wider than their other relatives. Due to the bayonet, which takes on heavy work at the cottage, in the garden or garden plot. The tool becomes indispensable when working on heavy soils. He first enters the soil, and after him everyone else, which makes a lot makes digging.

When digging a harvest - a shovel, neatly, without damage will help collect roots. The land will leave between the teeth, and the harvest remains on the willars, which will allow it to immediately store it on the wheelbarrow or in a bucket.

When choosing a tool, to work in the country or in, it is worth paying attention to the veils with a shovel tip - this is an indispensable miracle of the shovel for the Earth's coppe. It unloads the muscular work of the back, because mainly when it is used, the muscles of shoulders and arms work, and when harvesting, it is not necessary to crawl and ignite.

Shovel with wheel

The shovel with the steering wheel, the greatest invention, a simple monk from the Russian depth. Inventive monk-genius, took the cloth from the usual shovel, a stainless pipe with a diameter of 2 cm, a spring device for adjustment and the steering wheel from the old bicycle. Combined all the components and received a miracle shovel for the ground of the Earth.

The shovel with the steering wheel is a homemade tool, works at times faster than an ordinary shovel. It is used mainly to dig a soil and during the planting of plants.

Principle of operation:

  • The leaf of the shovel, pressing the leg rolled into the ground.
  • When turning the steering wheel, the Earth leans to the side.
  • Retreat a step back and repeat all the actions first.

Due to the adjustment device, the shovel unloads the back voltage and makes garden work pleasant and healthy health.

The homemade tool is considered to be the best shovel for digging, but only for work in garden sites. For the coppe trench and pits it is not suitable.

Universal, indispensable tool for, cottages and vegetable garden, is Fokina flattened. It looks like this tool is unusual - this is a curved plate of metal, with sharply sharpened under pest corners, several cutting surfaces. To facilitate physical labor in agricultural work and was invented flattened.

Use flattened in many types of work. Starting from the landing period and ending with harvest. To facilitate physical labor in agricultural work and was invented flattened.

The main advantages of "True":

  • Formation of beds.
  • Alignment of the soil.
  • Failure of seeds, during the landing period.
  • Plugging of plants.
  • Swimming, screaming, breakdown of large comic soil.
  • Cleaning the weed and its root.

Flooring, excellent inventory with multifunctionality, but no kositar, would not change the braid to him.

Tornado shovel

Universal tool, as well as the best shovel for digging the Earth and performing various works on the site. Its design consists of three parts, which makes it easy to transport. Consists of: turning handle; Central rod and main working part. When assembling, bolts and nuts are used.

In the people, the shovel is called "female", because when working with a tool, you do not need to make great efforts. The shovel put vertically, bewitched into the soil and turn the handle for 360 degrees. The tool is easily entered into the soil, which makes work easy and unfastened.

Types of jobs:

  • Preparation of the site to the landing period.
  • Ruff the soil on the beds, around shrubs and trees.
  • Weeding weeds.
  • Cleaning garbage, dry grass.

The shovel was not in vain called a manual cultivator, he will make a variety in time of the autumn harvest from under the ground. One occasion in the soil, you can remove all the root plates completely from one well.

Miracle shovel of the invention "for lazy". Which consists of two pairs of mobile forks.

The principle of work lies in the seizure of the soil of the first pair of Vil, turns it onto the second, as a result of the soil is drunk and breaks. The process is also broken and weeds are also divided. You can use a shovel when cleaning roots.

Plate of genius

Flooring - consists of a metal canvas, four cutting teeth and a comfortable handle are located on the edge. It can be replaced with a shovel, "cip" and forks. Work "genius" is very convenient between the rows, on the flower beds and under shrubs.

What else can be done with flat cut:

  • Prepare a plant for planting plants.
  • Loose soil.
  • Cut and remove the top layer of the soil.
  • Remove weeds and their roots.

When working on soil with a flat-sided, the upper layer is not affected, which makes it possible to preserve the integrity of the structure and humidity of the soil. Working with flattereres allows you to reduce the load on the back.

For the safety and extension of the service life of the garden inventory and technology, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it after work and not to leave in places with high humidity.

Where and how to store garden inventory

After the summer season, it is necessary to prepare a place for long-term storage of garden tools and technology. For this, rooms are well suited with good ventilability and low temperatures. If there are no such premises, you can post all inventory into dense synthetic material and remove under homemade awning. Synthetic material will protect from the sun, precipitation and rodents.

Miracle shovel, digging for the garden, the fixture for the coppe - on the video.