Repairs Design Furniture

How to equip the country area with your own hands: photos and useful tips. Practical ideas how to equip the country area how to equip a beautifully country area

Territories allocated for planting vegetables are becoming less and less large-scale. More and more hosts begin to pay attention to the beauty of appearance and comfortable stay in the fresh air. How to equip the country area with your own hands?

Classic options

Decoration with flowers - Classic genre

Decoration of flowers - not us invented

The landscaping of the country area with their own hands is easiest to start with colors. It is important when creating flower beds to pay attention to the color gamut used. Flowers can be planted as in the form of flower and in the form of Rabatka. At the discretion of the host, perennial or annual plants are chosen, as well as decorative herbaceous plants and flowers, differing in height. What are the flower beds and how to equip them correctly, we told in separate thematic articles. Today, our conversation is about ideas for the style of garden.

It would be appropriate to look at plants and flowers planted along the lawn and represent a blooming curb. The center of a juicy bright lawn can be decorated with flower with multicolored plants of different heights. Colonizing options are a huge set! You can form them with a wooden fence or picturesque stones, make the fencing of plastic bottles, falling on the edges with decorative plants or arrange with wooden sleeves. Even unnecessary household items and a wide variety of remedies are suitable for decorating the site.

Alpine slide: without snow, but with flowers

Alpine slide always attracts attention

Gardening of the country area is possible by installing the Alpine slide with their own hands. Alpine slides are now very relevant even among novice designers gardeners. It is important to remember that to create them will be required to change the relief of the Earth, as well as the selection of the necessary stones. Having folded the alpine slide on a flat surface and decorating it with cobblestones and flowers, you are unlikely to see as a result of your dream. No aesthetics will add such a slide, but only, on the contrary, add it alien to it.

When the entire area is already busy, and it is difficult to find a free corner on it, pay attention to the space next to the house. This place will be an excellent option to create a flowering facility.

Mobile solutions - for decoration

When there is no time and opportunities for a full-fledged landscaping, you can use adhesive, vases or porridge. Putting in them unpretentious plants, you will easily distribute all the beauty in the territory, and if necessary, you will rearrange, thanks to the mobility of such a solution.

Vases for flowers made of deserted buckets - a wonderful option

Showing a fantasy, you can also refine the usual wooden box. Coloring it with an unusual manner or joining the ropes, beaten as hands, you will bring the share of humor and fun in the design.

Flower pots are perfectly suitable for creating sculptures. Finding differently in size, they are fastened with wire, refreshed with paints, add flowers and Wu-a la - in front of you very cute and unique figures!

Ponds from afar are visible

What else do you like to decorate summer sites, except for colors? Of course, reservoirs. Ponds and ponds in combination with green plants will become a paradise corner of your garden. On hot summer days to sit here will be solid pleasure. You can arrange ponds in different ways, it opens the immense horizon of opportunities for your imagination. On the shore of the pond, you can build a floor of wooden boards, which, so as not to suffer with their impregnation and painting, can be replaced by composite. The advantage of this material is that it is not subject to rotting, does not change the color and very reminds of wood. The correct name of this coverage is Decing. It is also perfect for the construction of a veranda or terrace, or for the side sections of the pool.

Even the little bar will make the charm of water

Stone plates will also greatly cope with the role of the coast. The time spent will be justified, because as a result you will have a stunning and reliable reservoir. For better fixation, stones should prepare the soil. The portion of the soil is removed, the rubble is falling asleep, it is thoroughly tamped and the sand layer is falling asleep. Stone plates are already laid out over the sandy layer. For a lot of reliability, the sand and cement in the form of a mixture should be covered in the gaps between the plates. It is necessary to remove too much and wait for a rain, which, smileing the scene, will allow the cement to cut the plates with each other.

The owners whose house is not far from a quiet river, can score suitable boulders on the shore and decorate the pond them. However, it is quite possible to buy such stones in the Garden Center.

Garden paths made from paving slats will be appropriate to transfer the pond to the shore. Then all the decoration of the garden will be decorated in a single style. Technique is similar to that we have already mentioned above.

Lawn - Beautiful Mouzon

The arrangement of the country site will be half completed with their own hands, if you create a well-kept lawn in its small territory. Maintain green beauty is not easy. Take into account the following lawn care tips:

  • seeds for landing should be high quality and match the local climate;
  • the edges of the lawn must be neat (you can use a curb ribbon);
  • regular sophisticated herbs needed;
  • do not forget about the weeding, watering, feeding and repairing flashes of lawn.

How to do with a lawn area unique and unique? Squeeze it in the form of an unusual form. Such an intake of landscaping will add a raisin to your garden.

Lawn as the basis of the wealth of green plantings

Arches and Pergolas so that the flowers were not goals

Thinking on how to enjoy the country area, it is impossible not to recall the pergolas, arches, choplaresters. You can decorate the path to the house by installing pergola or decorative arch. Durable, but at the same time, an elegant design, accruiling the most different basins, will become the perfect conductor to the recreation area. By installing the arches at a short distance from each other, you, in the end, after a while, get a shady corner, where it will be so nice to sit and read in hot summer days.

Arch at the entrance raises the mood

The choice of plants for landscaping decorative arches is very wide: it can be ivy, and grapes, and honeysuckle, and plenty roses that have very beautiful buds when flowering. Choosing a virgin grape as a plant, you also won't lose. The color of the leaves will change from time to time: early spring you will be pleased with gently green fresh leaves, in the summer of foliage will acquire a rich green color, and the autumn sometimes you will enjoy the view of bright red leaves.

Decorating the toilet as if it's not

The first building in the country is usually not even former, but toilet. The thing is necessary, I must say. How toilet can become decoration, you ask, because our conversation today about the transformation of the site? We will tell, as a very prosaic thing to turn into the pride of the owner.

Of course, to take the toilet to the prominent place is not the best idea, but it can be perfectly alarmed. For example, make it the logs in the form of a birdhouse. Such a cute hut is already like a sympathy itself, and if we start gardening and planting around flowers or low shrubs, and still arrange a stone path, then the construction will play in a new way. For example, see the photo below.

Royal toilet for royal owner

When we set up a plot, it is important to pay attention to the style, where the priority is the appearance of the house. That is, choosing the design of the toilet, it is necessary to coordinate it with existing buildings.

Wanting to make a toilet from stone, show fantasy and depict it in the form of a knightly castle. My home is my fortress, but do not overdo it, but the neighbors and passersby will consider him for the rarity and want to visit.

Original options

Cottage is a small country for creativity and limitless design. To enjoy your own site, the owner can use a variety of means and materials. Tell how to transform and landscaping a boring garden courtyard and help him become a cute, cozy and unforgettable. Sometimes you don't even need to buy anything, it is enough to look around with a circle, and you will find a lot of useful, but already, alas, unnecessary things. We offer ideas for the design of cottages, a garden and a garden that is easy to implement with your own hands.

Flower bed, but you can not sleep

Old unnecessary bed will become an excellent base for flower beds. At the base, fall asleep the soil and feed the perennials. Such a designer solution will certainly fit into the garden landscape. In the photo below one of the interesting options.

That's all the dreams were such

Fabulous straw bull-pull

This house resembles a native village, where the grandmother kept a cow, pigs and other animals. How to return nostalgia to modern landscape design? A bull from the hay will be very appropriate, and most importantly - labor will not need so much. The frame is binding from the wire, and the top is covered with hay. Consider how cool it turns out.

Touching charm made with their own hands

Foam feeders - not a rattle at all

It is not necessary to irrigate the old stump that remained on the plot. Make a bird feeder from it. In the cold, your yard will be a refuge for the cinexes, sparrows and other feathered wishing to eat. All: and children, and adults, will be happy to watch the bird's meal. The inner part of the stump should be hollowed by leaving the side surfaces intact. Put the inside of some grains, and your feeder is already ready for reception of the first guests. Having made it from a chip of wood, you can hang the product on the branch next to the house.

Birds on a homemade feeder always sing beautifully

Grass figures in their own way

Something like it turns out if the figure is finished from above the faux artificial grass. The coating is reliable, the weatherproof and does not need to irrigation. The frame can be made, practically, of any material, of course, taking into account the impact of moisture and the sun. A wonderful example of a garden sculpture is a rhino in the photo below.

The donkey from the grass drags a lot of beauty

Figures from the grid - just candy

Garden figures from the grid are becoming increasingly popular. It may be a jug, and a bird and a donkey, etc. Of course, it is necessary to tinker a little to tie a beautiful shape from a grid with a PVC-coated green. Such products are complemented by fusing and curly plants. The internal cavities can be covered with a shallow plastic grid is also green, and then filled with soil. Then you can land any plants, not demanding to moisture.

The load of responsibility from flowers will not allow Pavlin fly away

Decorative Well - Landscape Wonderview

Beautifully look at flower beds, from which a variety of flowers are splashing. The presence in the cottage of the well or well made of concrete rings will allow you to create a decor on the already existing base. Choose a brick or stone to bind the walls. Such materials are most suitable, because they are well tolerated dampness, and therefore will be reliable "shelter" from the rain, sun and frost. When you need to disguise, frameless installations are needed, select any material for scenery - lining or boards, siding, plastic panel or tile. In the photo one of the options.

Decorative well remarkably harmonizes with finishing at home

Telego for Decor - For Support

A similar unusual designer solution closes two tasks at once: serves as a flower bed, which can accommodate the volume of two clubs at once, and it will also be a very original decor element. Today you can choose a variety of teleg options. Will vary and size, and styles. The classic version is a car-style cart, but some prefer to choose a cart for a cart in the style of wild west or from olive streets. Trucks can be made of wood or metal, or have combined parts.

Old Telephone smears beauty

Small bewilders and ways to solve them

Consider the most common problems of sites that most worry the owners. Relating uncomfortable and uncomfortable areas:

  1. Lack of place for flower beds. An excellent solution will be the selection of beautiful stylized pots, porridge and vases in which any plants can be planted. Such point decorations are very mobile and easily move from one point of the garden to another.
  2. A simple fence from the chain grid does not have a decorative feature and does not protect against prying views. The problem is solved by landing next to the fence of curly plants, which, blaming around the grid, will create not only protection against curious eyes, but also will give aesthetic pleasure. As plants, choose a plenty rose, girlish grapes or ivy.
  3. Lack of place for arches and pergol. As an alternative, select any vertical object available in the garden: old wood, fence, walls of house buildings. Thus, you will receive a flowering garden with curly plants and re-establish unsightly objects.
  4. Unsuitable post on the frontal place, spoiling view. Reduce it with flowers that can be planted in tin cans. You can also put at the bottom of the binding pillar and allow it to decorate the ugly object.

If you rinse for heels - laugh
  1. You can beat a boring garden with shrubs and plants that suggest a haircut, for example, byamy. Thanks to such a find, you decorate the garden plot with original greenery figures.
  2. Places requiring disguise, for example, a crack in the foundation can be decorated with pillow-like plants with a pleasant shade and bulk form. Such plants are usually shadowed and can be planted in the shade and in the sun.
  3. The compost pile has unpleasant smell and does not add aesthetics to the landscape. Having created a green barrier from berry or decorative, but fragrant shrubs around the perimeter, you can decide both these problems immediately.
  4. The unclee view of the site creates fallen autumn leaves. From the abundance of work you do not have time to remove them, and they spoil the whole look. Plant plants in the garden, which defy the fallen leaves perfectly.
  5. Available track from concrete slabs can also be beat. It is worth removing the plates in a checker order and plant low-decorative plants in their place. So, the appearance of the track will become more attractive.
  6. Children run on the lawn short way, and new paths appear, which look not very aesthetic. Put them with gravel and there will be a look that was so conceived.
  7. Refresh the faded and dull colors of buildings and fences can be drawn. Wall painting will give the garden a bright, unusual and attractive look.

Today, many people seek to have a plot outside the city where you can spend a weekend or relax in the summer. Solving the task of arranging land, there is quite a few tasks before the new owner of the country owner. One of the most important is the landscaping of the site. Insufficient measure is simple construction on the territory of the house or showcase.

It should be understood that the real cottage is a place where comfortable living conditions. Catching around the arrangement of your country site, there are no little things. Everything is of great importance. Just considering all the details, you can create a truly cozy cottage. Therefore, engaged in this work, with all seriousness should be approached by the choice of fence, the arrangement of the tracks, not forgetting about the correct creation of lawn and flower.

Country plot with your own hands: where to start?

Starting the task of landscaping its backyard territory, the first thing to be done - to conduct general cleaning of the territory. First you need to clean the yard from the leaves. Also necessary:

  • remove different garbage;
  • reverse stumps;
  • get rid of stones and other unnecessary facilities present at the site.

When this work is done, you can move directly to solving problems for the improvement of your cottage. In order for your own hands to perform the quality arrangement of its site, while ensuring a harmonious combination of all elements of the future landscape design, it is necessary that all the work on the transformation of rustic property take place in series. To do this, it is necessary before starting work to make a plan of the activities that you have to hold to turn your cottage in a comfortable place to relax.

Preparatory work and planning

Realizing how important moments are planning and arrangement of the siteAs a primary task, the draft future work should be determined. And for this you have to do a drawing on which you need to note the buildings already present on the territory of your site. We will not be applied to it and trees, as well as note the borders of the country property.

Then you should seriously think and decide whether you want to leave everything as there are or some objects plan to remove from the site. If you purchased the land on which fruit trees are already growing, it is better not to do anything with them, because in order to grow new ones, you will have to spend a lot of time.

You can use free space for:

  • creating garden tracks;
  • drump bedding and lawn.

You can make a drawing and other objects that you wish to see On the territory of their cottage. In most cases, during the arrangement of country areas, the owners are placed:

When arranging land, one of the important points is the choice of fence. Many novice dackets do not know what kind of intricate design, prefer. Everything is clear that the most reliable is the fence Created from stone or brick. Also a good option is a wrought fence. However, all these designs have one significant disadvantage. They cost quite expensive and not all dacms for pocket.

If in your plans do not spend a lot of money on the arrangement of your country plot, then in this case you can create a woven on the borders of your land in the limits of your land or make a choice in favor of wooden paling. However, we note that if it is decided to establish a woven, then it will not be safe to your stay on the plot, since such a fence does not provide reliable protection against unauthorized penetration. Therefore, having a woven, additionally need to strengthen it with a chain grid.

Garden tracks

On any plot as a mandatory attribute Put paths. If you have arranged for all the rules, then your landscape design will be more harmonious, and in addition, you will be comfortable to move around the territory. Competently approaching this task, you can combine all the basic functional areas that are present on the territory of your cottage. It will be great if you arrange your garden paths in a single style.


In the country area to build tracks from a variety of materials. Those people who do not want to spend a lot of cash on this matter make a choice in favor of such a material like sand. As a result, they appear rather soft and unusual tracks at the cottage. In order to create such a landscape design element, you must first indicate the contours of future tracks. Make it is quite simple if you use the usual rope.

During the device, sand paths are necessary conduct earthworks And remove the ground to a depth of 20 cm. After that, it is necessary to fall asleep the surface of the layer of sand, water with water, lay gravel and carefully tumped it. Next, you should pour the gravel layer with a smaller fraction, and to complete the sand layer. It is desirable when creating paths to use a mixture of sand and stone crumbs. It may be the most diverse, so in the end you will have a walkway, which will be a practical and beautiful element of landscape design.

A competently laid sandy path is talked well, after which it can be framed by a border made of brick or concrete. Such a fence experts recommend creating with a height of 5 cm above the track level. On the sides you can land flowers or shrubs. In this case, the path will be visually allocated, and besides this, the soil near it is noticeably strengthened.

Comeration cannot be considered completed without a recreation area. It is necessary to allocate a special place for it. It is best to equip it in the garden or split on the lawn. In its composition it can have several benches and table. This option is the easiest. If you want to create a maximum comfort for yourself in the recreation area, you will have to spend money on the device arbor. You can also build a full-fledged place for meals, and, in addition, install the brazier and place there and other attributes that will make your holiday in the country's cultural.

If in your plans to be located on the territory of the Holiday Area of \u200b\u200bthe Mangal or to arrange a barbecue, then in this case it is necessary to take into account their remoteness from wooden buildings. In order for fire safety rules not to be broken, these objects should be placed too close to the shed, toilet or other wooden buildings.

Gardening of the country area

After breaking the territory of his cottage to the zones, at a certain point it is necessary to solve the problem of decoration with the help of green plantings. In order for the lawn that you plan to arrange in the site, pleased you, it is necessary to comply with the rules for landscaping the site.

Lawn at Duche.

Lawn device at the cottage - great version of landscaping. If you constantly care for him, then your green lawn will look impeccable, decorating the plot and glad the eye not only the owner itself, but also guests. In addition, the lawn today is an important element of the landscape design of country sites.

Landing lawn grass is not always required so that you have a beautiful lawn before the country house. You can purchase a ready lawn in rolls. In this case, the task of landscaping the site will be noticeable simplified. However, if you have a great desire to create it with your own hands, then you just have to contact the store for gardeners and purchase lawn grass. After sowing, and then providing constant care Behind her, you can get a beautiful lawn. If you have made a choice in favor of the finished green lawn, then special attention should be paid to the grass grade. Depending on this point, lawns can be:

  • shapeless;
  • drought resistant;
  • resistant to pulling;
  • sports.

In order to decide which for you is suitable, it is necessary to consult with the owners of the sites next door that have experience in this matter.

Flower flower beds

A flower bags that should be broken down in the territory of their country plot as the final stroke of the cottage. To accommodate them, you can choose absolutely any free areas in the land of the land. Colors that can be planted in flowerbeds, quite a lot, so you can easily find varieties that are resistant to such negative factors as heat and excess moisture.

In order to flowerbed pleased the eye, it should be well-groomed. Therefore, it is worth upsetting it with a fenceman and lay stones. If you choose the plants correctly and can successfully compound the flowers with a different period of flowering, then throughout the summer you will have the opportunity to enjoy incredible beauty on your site.


Many people in our country acquire plots outside the city feature to spend the weekend outside the city. However, for a pleasant stay in the country, comfortable conditions must be provided. To create them, many newly minted subsidiaries carry out the landscaping of the preservation area. This event must be started with planning. Decide in advance With the main zones that you plan to arrange on your own phasenda. Most often broken: recreation area, garden, garden and flowerbeds.

With the arrangement of country ownership, attention should be paid to the fence. It will ensure reliable protection against unauthorized penetration. The recreation area in the country is a mandatory element that provides the comfort of stay. If it is presented, coming every time on your phasenda, cultural holidays are guaranteed. Standard recreation area includes elements such as a table and benches. If you wish, you can arrange a brass and barbecue. Your cottage will be only after the lawn device in front of the house and the creation of the flower. Competently picking flowers, the beauty of which you can enjoy the whole season will appear on your site.

Improvement of plots

Those times were passed when each centimeter was given to strictly under the arrangement of the beds or the cultivation of garden crops. The wind blew changes, and now almost every dachnik wants to see in the land belonging to him not just a place for endless employment, but also a zone for a pleasant stay with the whole family. how establish a country area Do it yourself (6 acres) to achieve two of these goals at the same time?

Drawing a drawing of the country area with their own hands

First of all, it is necessary to make a plan for the arrangement of the country area on paper. You can use a more modern method - creating a schema using a computer program. Be that as it may, it is important that the schematic image is strictly observed. For example, it will be convenient to make a drawing in which each centimeter will correspond to the meter of the Earth. So, to create a portion scheme, 20x30 m, will need to buy a rectangle 20x30 cm.

First of all, mark on the scheme of the country area, the location of the house, toilet, gazebos, barbecue, bath, barbecue, garage, taking into account their real sizes. It is important to consider such moments regulated by law:

  • From the red line of the street to any construction in the country area should be at least 5 m. This applies to the modest passes of 6 acres.
  • From the border with a neighboring section to a residential building should be at least 3 m.
  • From the border with the neighboring plot to any economic building, you must observe a distance of 1 m.
  • From the windows of a residential building to the economic buildings of the neighboring area should be at least 6 m.
  • Between two living houses, a distance from 6 to 15 m is required (depends on fire resistance).

Dark area drawing

Before making a detailed plan for the arrangement of its 6 acres, learn all the construction and fireproof norms in detail. In addition, the following tips will help you to most successfully zonate the territory.

  • So that the beds are not in the shade, all massive structures and trees are better placed on the country area from the northern side.
  • If the site is under a slope, then in the lowest place where water is constantly accumulated, it is better to arrange a seating area, not a bed.
  • When determining the arbor, terrace or windows at home, try to take into account what kind it will open around.
  • A garage or canopy for a motor vehicle is better to position closer to the entrance to the country area, which will save absolutely no extra meters at the cottage of 6 acres.
  • Take care so that the garage or canopy for the machine is not adjacent to the gazebo or terrace.

Colon's trees

Design Tips for the arrangement of the country area of \u200b\u200b6 acres

The arrangement of the country area, the size of 6 acres, is not a simple task, because it is quite difficult to make such a small segment of the Earth and beautiful, and the most functional. Most likely, some designer tips in this respect will help you.

Arrangement of beds and garden

Instead of following the tradition and planting cultures with straight rows strictly after each other, make a bed on your semicircular area or any free form. This should visually increase the territory. In order for them to seek effectively, make a fence from plastic bottles, old tires, slate or logs for them. Instead of planting all the trees together, it is better to place them separately around the edges of the site.

Unusual beds

Club design

Of course, when the recreation area does not do without flowers. For a plot, the size of only 6 acres, a great solution will be a mountaineering. You can arrange regular flower beds and plant flowers along the tracks, the main thing is that there are no strict geometric forms. Little cottage area does not tolerate clear contours and smooth tracks. It will be appropriate to apply the vertical method of landscaping.

Flowers for a small cottage

Style direction

So that your entire cottage seemed a holistic completed picture, you need to choose a single style and follow it when arranged. The most popular of them for the summer cottage are:

  • english - imitation of a natural landscape;
  • french - strict order and symmetry;
  • italian - height differences;
  • chinese - water, stones, fences;
  • muslim - marble, fountains, roses;
  • country - Easy, handmade.

Country style

Suitable fence

In such a small territory, a fencing is well visible from anywhere. So that it does not give a feeling of comprehension, surround your area of \u200b\u200bthe alive hedge. Another option is a translucent fence (for example, from the grid). If you want to securely hide from prying eyes, but do not want to resort to living hedges, then select the most neutral tones for the fence and create it from inhomogeneous materials.

By and large, everyone decides himself, how to equip the country area with their own hands. 6 acres are quite a bit, therefore, to plan the location of the house and household buildings, recreation areas, beds and a garden at such a plot - the task is not simple. These tips can provide you with invaluable assistance in this matter.

The arrangement of the country area with their own hands is a process that can be called continuous with confidence. Every year, coming outside the city, we find many objects that deserve our close attention: here you need to fix the tricking fence, here to put the track, and here it would be nice to equip the flower.

And at least to describe each detail of this process may not be enough and the whole encyclopedia, below we will try to collect a number of useful recommendations. Following them, you can streamline your work and significantly increase their effectiveness. So there will still be time and for rest!

Separation of cottages on zones

Before you equip the country area, it is necessary to conditionally divide its area to the functional zones. Of course, it is advisable to do it at the design stage, but also to attach order in the country that is actively exploited, it will also be not superfluous.

Experts allocate three main zones:

  • Residential, including home and household territory. Here, the priority are communications (water, electricity, sewage), tracks and access roads, as well as the features of the building itself. The main factors to pay attention will be comfort and safety.
  • Recreation - everything related to rest (active and not very). Perhaps, examples of the arrangement of the country area will be the most diverse, ranging from the terraces and lungs and ending with open-air simulators, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  • Garden-garden. This can be included as a landfill with flowers and alpine slide in front of the house and greenhouse with extensions for inventory. However, the main part of this zone is naturally the garden and beds that can be considered an integral part of almost every summer cottage.

When we set up a country area with your own hands, we should visually divide these zones with each other, placing them so that they do not cross. In this case, our stay outside the city will be much more comfortable, since we can easily switch from one type of activity to another, and we will not interfere with each other.

Outdoor territory

We will try to restrict ourselves to only the most important, and begin with those that relate directly to the territory near the house:

  • One of the key moments to pay attention will be the arrangement of entry into the country area. To this end, it is usually equipped or a platform from gravel (layer power from 50 cm, fraction 25-35 mm), or a monolithic plate of concrete / asphalt concrete. The price of the second option is significantly higher, but concrete coating is much easier to maintain clean.

An important element of the entrance platform is the drainage ditch, which ensures the possibility of rainwater.

  • The site in front of the house is usually connected to all other objects on the site through tracks.. The arrangement of the paths of the country area can pass through the most different schemes. The cheapest option is the dumping of gravel, but if your financial capabilities can allow you to lay out all the paths with paving slabs on the sandy pillow or concrete monolithic base.

  • Also at the local area stands from the rain. It can close only a small plot in front of the porch, and can cover the entire platform, including a place for car parking. Typically, such canopies are mounted on steel supports, and a translucent polycarbonate is used as a coating.
  • An important factor ensuring comfort will be the coverage of the local area. Naturally, it is necessary to make a stable energy supply, and the rental of a diesel generator will help here: even when the electrician is turned off without light, you will not remain.

Rest zone

If you do not know where to start the planning of the recreational plot, we recommend that you think about creating:

  • For this purpose, we allocate a small territory that neither the house nor high trees will shade. If there is a need, it is brought to the plot of fertile soil, carefully spilling it and sowing with lawn herbs.

Lawn herbs are distinguished by durability, but they must be regularly cut.

  • You can also split the alpine slide on such a plot. I put it out of the natural stone: the limestone is best, somewhat worse - granite or quartzite. The gaps between the stones fall asleep with the fertile soil in which the plants are planted.
  • Finally, if you have a large area, you can make a pond on it. Of course, for digging and concreting, the bowl itself will have to work a lot, therefore, the popularity is acquired by special plastic containers, which are installed in a soil level.


Solving how to equip a small country site, many of us focus on exactly the part on which vegetables and fruits can be grown.

This approach can be recognized quite rational, however, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • First, beds need to be placed in such a way that there are enough light for them. That is why trees usually plant in the immediate vicinity of the country house, and the garden is broken at the removal - so it will not be shaded throughout the day.

This does not concern the tepeless plants: for them, the plot is usually removed or near the garden, or in general under the crowns of trees.

  • Especially carefully you need to choose a place to install greenhouses. In addition to a sufficient amount of sunlight, this territory must be protected from the wind, especially in the spring period.
  • The beds themselves should be separated from the tracks of boards from boards or plastic shields: it will not be lost in the black soil, and the dirt in the rest area and in the house we will apply much less.

  • To ensure a sufficiently abundant watering in a dry period, it is worth considering such an option as the arrangement of the well in the country area. Despite all the labor costs, with which this event is associated, it is quite possible to be justified: so we will not only provide themselves with high-quality water for drinking and watering, but also inspire from the shutdowns of the water pipeline, which usually occur at the most inopportune moment.
  • Well, if the cultivation of vegetables for you is a sufficiently serious hobby, then the garden is to equip your own pumping station. Such an installation will give the opportunity and water the beds from the hose, and mount the economical, but effective system of drip irrigation.


Options for the arrangement of the country area, as well as recommendations for the implementation of certain works can be transferred infinitely. Here the main thing is to understand what we want from our cottage, to plan work and begin the systematic implementation of our project. It may not occupy this one year, but if we are guided by advice, similar to those that are set forth on the video in this article, we will all necessarily work out.

The article will talk about what to start the arrangement of the country area, how to properly carry out zoning, which principles of arrangement are used in the organization of individual zones. Photos and video of finished work will help to visually see the stages of solving the problem described.

Hand drawn plan for the arrangement of the country area Source

For many, the purchase of a country site is a joyful and troublesome event at the same time. On the one hand, the family appears to rest, on the other, it is difficult to organize space around the house so that the rest was pleasant and comfortable. First you have to work hard and sweat. And in order for all this to be in vain, it is important to know where to start the arrangement of the land plot, how to competently approach this issue. With his decision, experts advise adhere to the following plan.

Proper planning

At this stage, the main thing is not to hurry. You need to come to the site during the daytime, take a picture of it from different sides, on a sheet of paper to designate its perimeter and mark the exact dimensions. Then schematically, it is necessary to place the basic functional zones. At the same time, besides its personal wishes, it is important to take into account:

    features territory relief;

    location aspects of light;

    depth groundwater occurrence;

    structure and soil type.

Studying the capabilities of the site GEOPNZ.RU

Determine the composition of the soil is easy. To do this, you need to take a lump of raw land and try to turn it into the sausage. If it cracks, then there is a lot of sand in the soil, if the sausage is easily wrapped in a bagel, then the soil is glue. In the first case, before planting plants will have to add clay additives, in the second sand. Drained peatlands - very acidic soil. In it, during autumn peops, it is necessary to make lime or special additives that can be found in specialized stores.

If the groundwater is located at a depth of two meters from the surface of the Earth, most likely will have to abandon planting fruit trees. Otherwise, it will have to carry out expensive and labor-intensive work on the drainage of the site.

Know the location of the site relative to the parties of the light will be useful for determining the level of illumination. Most fruit-berry plants need a lot of light. If it is not, you will have to give preference to teothelubil plants when carrying out landscaping.

Plan of site relative to the parties of the world Source

It is useful to own information and the winds in a specific territorial area. If the site is on the hill, it will be blown from all sides. It will negatively affect such thermo-loving cultures as Apricot and a cherry. If it is located in a lowland, the air temperature will always be two three degrees below. This strongly react some plants.

Experts, talking about what to start the landscaping of the land plot, they advise immediately split it into four main zones and designate where the residential building will be located, where economic buildings will be located, where the recreation area and the gardening part will be located.

It is necessary to allocate about 15% of the entire garden area. Note, taking into account the scale on the project plan, where the structure will be located, where the front door will be located. This is the main landmark for the distribution of other objects. The rest of the rest also needs to include 15% of the land area, the remaining 70% is useful to give under landscaping. The specified parameters are conditional. To immediately see the common picture, you need to make an approximate zoning scheme, approximately such as presented in the next photo.

Approximate scheme of zoning of the country area Source Domoren.Ru

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the design and landscape service of any complexity. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

A similar drawing can be constantly refining. It helps while on a sheet of paper to see what will happen later. With such a plan, you can already contact the landscape designer. But before that, it is important to solve another question - choose the style of landscaping. There are many of them today. Each has its own principles of construction, their own rules of creation. To implement them, different techniques are used. They are exactly what helps to create a beautiful space around. To facilitate the work of the designer, you need to pre-draw a list, which I would like to see on my site and give it a specialist.

Video Description

In the video, a specialist tells how it is necessary to correctly plan the country site:

Features of the arrangement of the main zones

When the site is already broken into the functional zones, it is worth examining the rules for the design of each. The house is the central object of any country site. It costs not far from entry. It helps rationally use the remaining space and correctly organize its fence. At the construction stage, all sewage systems are installed.

House near the gate Source OCHAG23.RU

The front entrance must be from the gate at a distance of at least three meters. This is done from fireproof considerations. This technique also helps to deliver housing from the street and make accommodation in it more comfortable. The plot from the gate and the front door is called the input zone. At a small area, about six square meters are given under it. Registration of this site needs to be paid attention. And all because it is he who helps guests to create the first impression of giving. Designers love this part of the garden to decorate the flowering flower beds, curly shrubs or decorative trees. A complex composition with a fountain or roccarium is always spectacular.

Economic block

The buildings include a barn, where garden equipment, firewood or fertilizer, workshop, street toilet, bath complex or compact shower cabin are stored. All these buildings are better to make a single complex and place it in the opposite side of the side, in the northern or in the north-western plot and extinguish it from other functional zones with branched shrubs or a lively hedge. Beautifully will look Shirma formed from Tui, bright thickets of plenty roses. The house and the economic unit must connect a wide comfortable track.

Housekeeping of the Hozblock on the site


Solving the question of what to start the landscaping of the country area is important to carefully consider the recreation area. Without it, the cottage is not a cottage. Many are rid of the city in order to drink tea in nature, sit with a book in hands, lie down in a hammock, prepare delicious dishes on an open fire and eat them for a beautifully covered large table, for which family members and numerous guests can fit. So that bad weather did not interfere with the planned plan, it is necessary to build a pavilion or a summer gazebo.

If children grow in the family, it is useful to set the playground nearby. Then it will be an adult at the same time comfortably relax and watch your babies. For young children, you need to put a swing and build a sandbox, small pools are best suited for teens.

Recreation area at the cottage Source

This place should be at a decent distance from the economic block and from the garden. To him, too, should go a wide track from home. But the space on the sides of it is usually covered with a lawn, flower beds can appear along the tracks. And near the arbor itself it is necessary to create vertical landscaping, install pergolas or close the fences of curly plants. Solutions look good when flowering lianas are used for designated purposes. To create a cozy atmosphere, you can break the streams next to the gazebo, make small manual waterfalls.

Light gazebo and a small manner Source


More recently, the cottage was a place to grow fruit and berry crops. Today a lot has changed, but love for gloomy continues to live in the hearts of the inhabitants of large cities. Designers, given such addictions, have long developed techniques that help to make a garden part of landscape design. They advise landing garden trees right in front of the windows at home, a short distance from them (3-4 m). Over time, Krone will grow and will form natural protection against the ray of the scorching sun. In the northern regions, trees are better to plant from home. Then he will warm well.

It is necessary to plant trees from the north to the south, leaving the distance between neighboring landings equal to three meters. All over the perimeter, you need to create a long-term vertical gardening (from large to small). This principle clearly demonstrates the following photos.

Garden as part of landscape design source

For the beds you need to highlight the solar section. You can organize landings on it in different ways. But choosing plant varieties is important, taking into account the climate in this particular territory. If it is possible to organize a bed in the form of neat rectangles or circles, give them smooth outlines, you can create a very beautiful decorative corner. If a similar stage of work seems difficult, it is better to entrust its implementation by professionals. They know where to start the arrangement of the country area from scratch, how to organize a system of watering and irrigation, how to properly distribute the territory and pick up a plant for planting.

Generalization on the topic

Even before the planning starts, it is necessary to determine the purpose of using the household site. It is absolutely not necessary to place all objects that were listed in the article. If a person has a great desire to grow a big garden, he does not have to think about where to break the flower beds and build a water. The one who comes to the cottage can give up the breakdown of the garden and fully give the local area to implement any single stylistic concept of landscape design. Own preferences, that's what you need to be guided by developing a project plan.