Repairs Design Furniture

How to learn to draw watercolor paints. Color the old photo in photoshop painting two different colors

What if the house turned out to be an empty wall and how to decorate it and what a decoration to hang on the wall - read the article!

Here we have collected the main methods how to decorate the wall budget with your own hands! From the most elementary ideas that even a child can repeat, to more complex, such as wall painting - choose any!

Hide big mirror on the wall!

The mirrors not only look beautiful on the wall and make it possible to admire themselves, but also visually increase the size of the room. We have adopted by greater extent standard mirrors and all of them are mostly located about the same way: the bathroom and the corridor.

Designer mirrors It is very expensive, literally last week I was convinced of this in a construction store. But even normal mirror You can transform and decoratethat neither it nor the walls will not know.

Figured mirrors on the wall - at the peak of popularity

Pen mirror - excellent focus on the wall!

Decorire wall wallpaper

Perfect design option empty wall For those who, for example, old wallpaper on the wall or need to close or disguise.

  1. We buy a roll of wallpaper of a contrasting color or take trimming of old wallpaper.
  2. We lay out the collage first on the floor to understand what happens at the end.
  3. AND looping glue We glue on top of old wallpaper.

Accent wallpaper

ATTENTION: On top of the old can only be glued in the event that they hold well!

Paint patterns and drawings

The most expensive, but very beautiful method to transform and decorate the empty wall in the apartment - applying a pattern of paint under stencil or greasy tape. The advantage of this method is durable and applied to any room: in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the bedroom.

Color Scotch or Self-Adhesive Paper

If you do not want a long time with the paint - a simple way to decorate the wall is color tape or paper on self-adhesive basis. Cut out cross, mug or heart - now such Minimalistic and geometric print On the wall in fashion and it looks very stylish!

Small cross on the wall

Registration of adhesive tape

registration of the wall in the children's sticky ribbon

Registration over the desktop Golden circles from self-keys

Panel from fabric

Such fabric paintings Excellent wall decoration for both bedrooms and living room. Excellent will look at the head of the bed or near the TV.

The principle of creating a panel of fabric:

  • Needed Wooden subframe., Its cost is about $ 1-2. And you can order in any bagent workshop.
  • Choose any color suitable cutting fabric. You can use, for example, from an old dress or curtain.
  • With a stapler on a tree or furniture stapler Tensioning on the subframe. This process will take no more than 10-20 minutes.


Create houses at home wildlife. Place the branches in the frame and attach to the wall. In the photo options for how it can be done can use them, or your own on this basis. You can use as treated so coarse branches.

Vertical mini sadik

Likement your home, without forcing the tables and window sills. Little lightweight pots or vases made in the same style and attached to the wall in the form of exposure will help you do it. Pots can be bought in the store, or make a tree or cans.

How - in this master class!


This method will help not only decorate the wall, and make it more functional, place those important things you would like to have quick access or simply admire: books, van supplies with flowers, souvenirs. Make (or buy) the shelf of the original shape and it will not be just furnished, but a real element of the decor of the apartment.

Crafts from paper

Paper inexpensive, maybe a variety of colors and density and what can not do from it. Since the field for action and the truth is wide, we break this item to subparagraphs:

Cut figures

Butterflies, hearts, flowers and in the same spirit - for all this, only scissors, paper and some free time will be needed. Cut can be cut ready stencil Or it is originally drawn to it, the figures can be flat or curved, creating a volume.

Paper crafts with 3D effect

Here you already need to show painstopping and exposure, but the result is worth it.


Conventional white stickers bent several times turn original wall-mounted decor. Color stickers look great even if you simply hang them with smooth colors, you can also apply the simplest origami techniques.

Paper panel

You can cut the paper into small pieces, rounded on the one hand, and make it so that each thing goes to the previous one, creating a panel thus. At the end, you can paint it all from the canister or leave in original color.

Paper baskets for cupcakes

Thanks to their shape, sizes and reliefs on the sides, they will suit not only for baking, but for decorating: it is easy to form in flowers or just an interesting abstraction.

Other photos of wall decoration ideas

Even things like corks from wine, pencils, pebbles, spoons and other "ordinary" can appear in a completely new light. Look at things around, turn on the fantasy and think about how else you can apply, except the usual functions, and you will undoubtedly see many different options For the decor of an empty wall, which were not even thought before.

2 estimates, average: 3,50 out of 5)

With the help of paint and primary means, which will be found in each apartment, you can change the interior unrecognizable. And there are quite a few ways to paint walls that not only transform space, but also give a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

Get away from boredom

With the help of paint on the wall, you can create an exclusive pattern that does not occur on the wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and not similar to others. You can experiment with colors and shades, forms, textures. When using multiple colors it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
Different shades of one color;
Related shades;
Contrast colors that are well combined with each other.

Graduation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with color gamut. Increasingly, designers try bold wallpaper design options. For example, a wall is made, make the effect of mold or a mounted wall, but use blue, pink, green shades. Boldly and extraordinary looks of big blots, stains and divorces. Use such a decor is appropriate on one of the walls to highlight a specific area indoor or make it a composite center of the interior.

Bold effects with their own hands

To create similar effects, it is not necessary to be a professional designer, an artist or a malarier. Yes, and the tools are special in this case are not needed. You can make the wall unusual with the help of a conventional sponge, relative brushes and rags. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use adhesive or glazed paints. It is only necessary to work with them after a complete drying of the paint base.

Marker and chalk to help

More and more modern interiors Walls and furniture, painted brown paint. This allows you to make notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

Marker paint also includes innovative types of coatings. After its complete drying, which occurs within seven days, can be drawn by dry markers on such a surface.

Using stencils

You can unusually paint the wall with stencils by buying them in a construction store or making it yourself. For independent manufacture The stencil will use dense paper or cardboard. Also an interesting effect will turn out if you wind a piece of twisted cloth rod and paint the wall.

Original and stylishly decorated walls - key element interior. They can be decorate with pictures or photos, and you can go further and create unique drawings with your own hands. And for this you do not need expensive materials and artistic skills.

With the help of wall painting, it is possible to give the interior expressiveness, originality and comfort.

The main stage of drawing a picture, oddly enough, is the choice of work technique and sketch. If there are no special abilities or skills, it is better to turn to a professional or choose a simple master class. If the artist's deposits are available, it is quite possible to start experiments.

When choosing a picture, it is first necessary to repel from its relevance and relevance. Large bright images can over time bored, and the portrait of a children's cartoon character is unlikely to please a teenager. So, the direction for creativity is elected, you can move on.

Materials, Tools, Preparatory Stage

It is very important to pay attention to preparatory stage. And he lies not only in proper processing Surfaces. By the beginning of the work, at hand, all materials and tools must be at hand, as the paints dry pretty quickly, and an unplanned break can lead to a breakdown of the process.

Before applying the image, the wall needs to be aligned. The next step will be the applying of primer.

For painting walls need a set of brushes different sizes and forms.

If necessary, the surface can be painted, pre-pick up, which perfectly sees the drawing.

Also depending on the selected technology, you will need:

  • stepladder or table;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes, sponge and rollers;
  • mixing tanks;
  • pencil;
  • stencil and bilateral scotch;
  • pure fabric;
  • acrylic varnish in an aerosol cylinder.

Of course, stencils are needed, only if you paint the wall with your own hands it is planned with their help. Also worth purchasing white painteven if it does not participate in the composition, with its help you can smooth out any excessively bright tone Or put accents. Brushes better take with a natural pile.

To transfer the contour of the pattern, it is better to use a non-latch pencil, for example, a simple, moderately solid. Wide lines will be more difficult to paint or delete.

The wrong barcode is always possible to remove with the usual elast.

After graduation preparatory work You can go to the main part of the masterpiece.

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Drawing pattern using stencil

This is one of the most simple techniques Drawing on the walls. Easier only to put vinyl sticker. But the result of labor looks impressively, of course, if the shades are correctly selected and the work is made neatly (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. To work with a stencil, you do not need to draw, quite accuracy and patience.

Ready stencils can be purchased in a specialized store of goods for creativity. If there is no satisfying image there, you can make a template yourself.

To do this, find a suitable image. It is important that the lines are not too thin, otherwise the foundation will be difficult to cut and even more difficult to apply the paint evenly. Turn the drawing should be on dense paper or cardboard. It is easiest to do this by dividing on squares and phased image details.

After the template is ready, it must be fixed on the prepared wall. You can do this with the help of two-way tape. Crackering free places is most convenient enough roller or sponge. When applied paint using the brush, it is possible to push under the cardboard, which means that the accuracy of the lines will be broken.

After all zones are scratched, the work part of the wall should be left until complete drying. It is important not to try to remove the stencil immediately, it may entail the lubrication of the drawing.

After a day, you can delete the cardboard pattern and cover the part of the wall with a drawing varnish. This will consolidate the picture, save the brightness of the paints and their texture.

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Simple wall painting

If the use of the template does not like, you can spectacle to paint the wall with your own hands. There are techniques, easy to perform, but extremely spectacular looking in the interior.

For example, you can use the same stencil, but small size and move it. It may be the outlines of colors, silhouettes of wicked plants or street lanterns. All you need is to mix stencil and paint free space, not too taking care of accuracy.

For paint application, it is better to use a miniature roller or sponge. The secret of the effects and ease of performance is banal. The drawing will need to be finalized.

Too large and eye-catching flaws should be removed immediately. To do this, it is enough to moisten with warm water and one confident movement to remove the lubricated paint.

After drying, it is necessary to place accents with paint of white and black (dark gray) colors. Light strokes to outline the borders of the petals, designate the glare on the surface, and maybe depicting a drop of dew.

The special advantage of the technique is that any defect, be it slightly lubricated paint or the asymmetrical distance between the pattern fragments, you can always fix it.

And, of course, the result should be fixed with a layer of acrylic varnish.

Paint the walls - great ideaWhen you want to refresh the interior, but not everyone wants to live among monophonic walls. We offer original solutions Decorate the walls that are growing designer interiors. To paint the walls was performed on summitMost not necessarily turn to professionals and give huge money for their work. Here are a few ideas following which you can drastically change the room design.

Original ideas for painting walls

1. Different colors of the geometric pattern

With the help of paint tape and different shades, paint can be played with the geometry of the room.

2. Incredible wall texture with a simple sponge

With this trick, even an inexperienced painting can achieve an excellent result.

3. Imitation of brick masonry with a rectangular sponge

Agree, because it is easy, but how cool it looks

4. Practically real tree in your room

Such a tree can be drawn using stencils.

5. Easy air composition

Feathers on the wall make the room interior easier and no additional decorations for the wall are required. Such feathers are also applied to the wall using stencils.

6. Verses of Mountains in Ombre technique

Ombre smooth transition from a saturated shade to lighter. This technique can be successfully used in painting walls. For the sake of such a species, it is worth workable, but with a great desire and patience, you can get a great result.

Another example of the mountain slopes in Ombre technique. A sheet of newspaper is used as a stencil.

7. Ombreography

If you want to achieve the effect of ombré without an additional pattern. Each shade of paint is applied separately, then the transition between the colors is growned.

8. The transition of colors on one wall using a geometric ornament will allow original and beautifully zoning space

A great version of the design of the transition of color between two different walls.

9. Decorative cells of different shades will make the interior with modern and original.

10. A complex geometric motive is better to place only on one wall. Such a pattern is easy to do with the help of painting scotch and roller.

11. Two in one: ombre and geometry technique. This method of painting mimics the wall panel and will become a bright accent in the interior.

12. Just give paint drain

In this case, neither brushes nor stencils or rollers do not need. For smooth flowing lines, use a syringe, adjusting the width of the bands only the size of the hole of the syringe.

suddenly, but since the technician there is a lot, I decided to write with examples.

(I'm not mine pictures)
what is not suitable - crayons wax in general, thick markers (from 1.5 mm tip), thick watercolor pencils, if you just do not know how to use them in watercolor and do not plan to paint small parts.

what you need:

1. Markers markers are different
super-thin tip (0.3 mm and less) It is impossible to paint large volumes - they are better to apply them for small contours or drawing. Average size (0.4-0.8) can be, but you need to closely monitor the layers and the incomprehension of them on each other - it doesn't always look neatly in markers. I categorically do not recommend markers to those who like accuracy and accuracy in color. In principle, you can draw felt-tip pen on the felt-meter, but only darker in a lighter. Thin fenliners are light dirty as well. About stamps: The people complain that Sharpie crawl-spread and after applying, but it strongly depends on the paper.

with tissue tissue (watercolor).
watercolor Brush Pen.

but it is better to take bilateral - on one side brush, and with another tight tip

and metal markers. With them only need carefully, some of them proceed strongly.
metallic Marker

but wide markers apply Pts. heavy

2. Ordinary color pencils. Minus - slowly and may not be as bright as markers and handles. Plus - you can mix, unlike markers. You can also combine them with any other - markers, markers, handles, watercolor.
subtlety with pencils is that it is not necessary to press with all its strength, as in childhood. It is better to cover in several layers. Well, the lightest core gives the sea of \u200b\u200bmaneuvers - you can make a calibration and mix colors as you like. Only you need to not forget about the direction of the strokes - inside one object-space is better not to change. You can make a layer in one direction, and on top of another at an angle to it. If you draw zigzags, it may not work very carefully.

these two, of course, the pros painted ...

those who are important to be able to play all back, it is worth painting using erasing pencils. I'm talking about them

there is also a convenient version - double-sided pencils, where different colors. It saves a place, and still long do not end almost never if not engaged in drawing professionally. And just short, if you buy (such, there are Craich), it is inconvenient to keep an adult
colleen Colored Pencil

3. Watercolor color pencils. Usually expensive. But you can get pluses and pencils and watercolors at the same time

4. Watercolor - there must be paper from the coloring is satisfied dense. At the world-famous "enchanted forest" - just quite suitable

5. Multicolor pencils are such pencils, where the blade is not one color, but from a pack of different pigments. There are versions on shades, there are completely mixed - rainbow

6. Gel handles. Best professional with a large selection of colors. Minus - quickly end.

you can also take gel handles with different effects - metallic, sequins and TP
in this set, they are also different thickness. but not cheap, professional quality% (
Sakura 57360 64-Piece Gelly Roll Artist "S Gift Set

about technique

i categorically recommend before starting to paint the page, test new markers-pencil markers somewhere separately. Check that nothing proceeds, even if I accidentally make 2-3-4 layers. This is especially critical for perfectionists. Experienced fighters are generally recommended to put a sheet between pages so that certain.

do not necessarily stick to contours. You can paint, ignoring them, and creating your color waves.

or vice versa, smaller entities within existing hand-drawn objects - textures, new patterns and TP

and you can do without different colors

do not forget about the background. It can be left white, and you can make dark, multicolored or adding textures too

it is not necessary to comply with some rules in colors. You can generally choose an object for coloring and with closed eyes random color.

if you want guaranteed beautiful, then you should first determine the spectrum and common rules Torshus, especially if small objects. For example, leaves are always purple with a red edging, and not as it fell. Love the rules - follow them, do not like - do not follow. and the fact that it is written here too not to follow%)