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Canned flowers in glycerin. Save the original beauty of colors with this excellent idea. I run behind flowers ... conservation of live flowers in glycerin

Any beautiful bouquet, especially if you were presented to some significant day, I really want to save longer. It is clear that even if you apply various tricks (and therefore, of course, there is,), then you can extend his freshness for some time even in a vase. But this time interval will not be particularly long. Therefore, in order to preserve the flowers and significantly, dozens of times, to increase their storage time, you can put the flowers you like in Glycerin. There they will be stored for a very long time. In Glycerin, any flowers almost do not change their appearance. They will be all the same flexible. True, the color of the flower itself still will definitely change.

It is clear that for such a canning we will need some kind of beautiful transparent container of glass. Such jars with flowers can later be put anywhere. They will perfectly fit into any interior and will decorate it much. In addition to the flowers in this way, it is also possible to arrange homemade if everything is competent, then it will probably add more positive moments In the overall look of your home (or maybe an office) interior. But, do not take too young shoots for canning. The foliage in such shoots in Glycerin is very poorly preserved. There are no other more serious restrictions for the preservation of colors with glycerin.

What is needed for this?

In fact, the components will need quite a bit for this, you can say at a minimum. It is clear that the flowers themselves with glycerin. And besides them, water where we will breed this glycerin, and any transparent containers. They can be glass or plastic. The main thing is that they have covers. And it is better to choose the containers to pick up low that small flowers do not float into them to the very top. As for the colors themselves, it is best to choose such that the stalks and leaves are quite thick. Those flowers in which foliage is thinner, their original look is preserved at all not so good.

How to save? The process of canning flowers in Glycerin

You need to start with the preparation of tanks. To begin with, they need to wash well. After that, the flowers themselves can be folded in them. At the same time, you can put them in any order, that is, arbitrarily. After all, when you fill them with a liquid, then they will be mixed. If the flowers are light enough, then they will probably pop up. Flowers themselves before you put them in a jar, you should prepare. To do this, the stem is made by the slices, all the leaflets are removed below, and the skin on the stem or bark is cleaved somewhere by centimeters on 6. Thus, the glycerin solution can be better able to penetrate the preservative flower.

Stage Number Two implies the preparation of the very solution itself, which we will fill in the future. To do this, we will need 3 parts of boiling water, which will need to be pouring only one part of the glycerol. When you do it, then the solution is simply mixed well, and you can safely wait for it to cool about room temperature. After that, they can already fill our flowers.

Most likely, in the solution, flowers will be chaotic. To position them as you want this, take the tweezers or a thin wand, and "arrange" them in places. After that, the bank can already be covered with a lid. Further, only your fantasy is already working. That is, the container itself can be accepted as you like. You can lend to the cover of multi-colored ribbons, fasten to add drummers or apply any other decor elements.

We change the glycerin solution. Why do you need to do?

When you finish working on decorating the tanks with the flowers, you can already put the bank in its place. It will take place somewhere 2, the flowers are completely impregnated with glycerin, and the solution in the bank is quite possibly like. This is due to pollen, which is preserved on colors, and flower juice. In order for the situation to correct and make the solution again transparent, it is simply merged from the can, and replace it with a new one. Flowers themselves when replacing the solution, it is better to rinse well. After that, the solution will not more more more, and the flowers will retain its appearance, which was at the stage of changing the solution.

Another advice on the decoration of the cover of your container. If you decorated it with pieces of fabric, then heal them with any essential oils, whose aroma, you are especially pleasant.

As for the promised video master class, then here it is. Look.

Technology that allows you to store flowers long years, Used by a small number of entrepreneurs. This is a significant plus for novice businessmen, as it eliminates excess competition. In this case, the demand for "forever living" flowers can be quite high. Agree, many brides would like to keep their bridal bouquet Original form. And most people would not refuse to decorate the interior of their apartment charming fresh flowerplaced in a transparent mortar bottle.

Start engaged in the manufacture and sale of colors in Glycerin will not be difficult. There is no special skills or equipment for this. All you need is to purchase consumables and carry out activities in the minimum of 10 square meters (It can be a kitchen or any other room of your apartment). At the same time, the room should regularly ventilate and light well. There should also be access to running water and the ability to boil it.

What is necessary for the production of colors in glycerin?

To create compositions, you will need, first of all, live flowers, glassware for them and decor elements (lace, ribbons, beads, rhinestones, etc.). It is also necessary to have glycerin and water for the manufacture of a solution.

Preparation of the solution is an elementary process. It is necessary to mix boiling water with liquid glycerol in a 2: 1 ratio. When the solution cools, it can be pouring it into a prepared vessel, where there are already flowers. It should be done carefully so as not to damage the plants.

Compositions need to be praised. During this time, the solution can be muddy due to pollen into it. In this case, it will be necessary to drain it and make a new solution.

As you can see, the process of production of flowers in glycerin is very simple. While such flowers are not sold everywhere - only in expensive flower shops. Pay attention to their range, prices. This will allow you to navigate the cost of our own products.

Video: Flowers in glycerin, even children

All girls love when they give bouquets. Of course, Flowers want to keep at home as long as possible, but, unfortunately, the plants fade quickly. You can solve this problem.

On our master class, we will tell you how to keep flowers in a bottle with the help of glycerin, and the photo and video will help us in this.

To begin with, let's figure it out how to make bouquets do not fade as much as possible. If you gave you a plant in a pot, inspect it. It will be best to transplant it, remove dry leaves. To check the soil, you must touch it, deepening your finger inside. If the ground is wet, you should not water.

Sliced \u200b\u200bflowers in cold waterand before this update the stem cut sharp knife. Leaf S. lower parts Skes Cut. Vase must necessarily be clean, as the microbes reduce the life of plants.

You need to change water in a vase every day. Slowing leaves cut off. Do not put plants close to the battery or on sunlight. And do not forget to spray the flowers, they really like it.

Remember that the flowers do not endure the sharp temperature drop. Therefore, in flower stores, the plants gently wrap in paper. When you brought a bouquet home, do not put it in a vase immediately, let us get used to the temperature difference.

Glycerin is a viscous transparent liquid. This is the most popular way to save colors and creating a decor in the house. Glycerin gives elasticity leaves, retains colors and allows you to preserve plants for several years. Consider a bouquet and cut all damaged or ugly leaves.

You will need:

  • transparent bank with a lid
  • glycerol,
  • water,
  • plants
  1. Pure bank hold over the ferry.
  2. Stem Cut the painter.
  3. On the bottom of the banks can be put by anything: shells, pebbles, beads, we will also tell about it slightly lower.
  4. Carefully place flowers in the bank.
  5. We make a solution from one piece of glycerol and two parts of boiling water. Gently prevent. And tightly close the jar with a lid.

Unite you can see this method on video:

Canning flowers is art. How to make a beautiful composition of living plants? Very simple and interesting!

Fresh roses, dahlias, lilies, chrysanthemums are well suited for decorating bottles. You can take even artificial bouquets. Sometimes one flower is enough.

A preservative can be different. First of all, it is glycerin. But other solutions can be used. For example, salt. Or made of gelatin with sugar.

To create the composition you will need normal bottle or transparent bank.

Pretty rinse with water. Inside, put seashells, beads, beautiful figurines and other decorations. Switching the stalks in plants and also put them in the container, bay with your solution. Use a thin wand to carefully place them in a bottle. Sealed the neck tightly.
Look in the photo below. Here are examples of decorating bottles with flowers. Show fantasy and create!

Bowl of plastic bottle do it yourself - photo how to make Butterfly of plastic bottle with their own hands - photo, video how to make Toys from plastic bottles do it yourself - photo, video how to make Ladybug from plastic bottle with their own hands - photo how to make

There is a way to keep flowers - it can be preserved in glycerin, they can be used both to create floristic compositions and storage. Penetrating into the leaves of glycerin sucks their liquid and the glycerol is replaced by glycerin evaporating from the leaves and moisture stems.

Consolidated in this way of plants, retain their elasticity and flexibility and do not require special care, they can be wiped with a dust wet cloth.

Young foliage for canning in glycerin is not suitable.

In order to put the plant, it is necessary to make a slant cut on the stem, remove the lower leaves, clean the bark below and clear the stem is 10 cm, which would be better penetrated into the stem, prepare a fairly large vessel and immerse the stalks at 7-8 cm to impregnate the glycerol.

The level of the solution must be maintained in the vessel throughout the entire period.

As the spent, the solution is fastened.

On complete canning can leave from three weeks to two months, depending on the type of plant, size and thickness of the stems.

For the preparation of the solution, one part of the glycerol with two parts of hot water is mixed.

To preservation in glycerin, plants are carefully prepared.

Deciduous plants are cut into the middle of summer, evergreen at any time of the year.

You can preserve and separate leaves. It takes much less time from 2 to 3 weeks.

But it is also necessary to take into account some features. Fern leaves, for example, after cutting, milk juice are isolated, which can be clogged by moisture channels in the stem. In this case, the end of the stem should hold over the flame until it darkens.

Leaves at the end of the conservation change their color. It can vary from cream (samshet) to chocolate (Rhododendron, Azalea).

There are plants that are painted in other colors. Eucalyptus, for example, becomes purple purple under the influence of glycerol.

In order to give plants the necessary color, you need to feed the plants with artificial water-soluble dyes, adding them to the glycerol solution. Preservation guarantees us only the preservation of the form.

In order for the plant, it should be not afraid to experiment. You can use green, acrylic, butter, silver, colored transparent varnishes, now shops for creativity, provide us a large assortment Similar products.

It happens that plants unsuccessfully mothballed and there were white oxidized spots on them, which spoil the appearance of our plants.

The situation can be corrected by whitening the plants a couple of days in the following solution:

1. Water 500g.

2. Denaturized alcohol 160g.

3. Acetone 160g.

4. Oxalic acid 50gr.

5. Acetic acid is 99% -10g.

6. Sodium bisulfate 120g.