Repairs Design Furniture

How to save a bouquet of flowers fresh for a long time. How to save a bouquet Fresh: Tips and recommendations How to save Flowers fresh in a vase


A bouquet of flowers pleases the eye and decorates the room. Unfortunately, the life of cut plants is vehicles, but there are ways to extend it. Some florists, knowing these techniques, sometimes use them for their benefits, issuing the time to fade flowers for fresh.

Knowing these tricks, you can enjoy a bouquet of several weeks, but it will be necessary to carry out certain manipulations with the composition daily.

As far as the bouquet is missing, it depends on the set of factors, primarily on how fresh plants were during the purchase.

Unfair sellers know secrets capable of turning the plant not the first freshness in a wonderful flower. However, such a bouquet will not please such a bouquet, it is likely that it drupt after a few hours.

When choosing colors, you need to pay attention to several points:

  1. Color I. general state Petals.

They should be dense, bright painted, without spots and dry plots. Buton should not be blossomed completely, tulips are better to buy completely closed.

  1. Stem.

Must be long, leaves with elastic and fresh, and cut clean and light. The plant on a short stem is most likely worth not one day, the sellers prolong the life of the flower, cutting off every day on a piece of the stem.

Old plants Florists in stores are used usually to create ready-made bouquets. Whatever the composition stood longer, it is recommended to choose the colors for it on their own, carefully examining every instance.

General Rules for Living Bouquet

The life expectancy of all colors is different, slightly different and requirements for the conditions. However, there is general rulesthat must be followed if you need to extend the life of the bouquet.


It is impossible to keep the plant in water from under the tap, it contains many impurities harmful to the plant. For a bouquet use dilated or melting water. A good option boiling - heating outputs some oxygen, which is not very likely to love plants.

The water temperature should be room, in summer it is possible to periodically put ice cubes in it.

If the bouquet is donated in winter, you do not need to put it in the water immediately after brought to the house. It is recommended to give him to lie down when room temperature 30-50 minutes, covered with a wet newspaper or cloth.


The optimal material for the vase is glass or crystal, in such plant tanks will preserve longer than in ceramic or metal. In the first, rotten bacteria are quickly multiplied and penetrated the vessel walls. Metal containers are oxidized and distinguished by hazardous connections.

Vase should have a wide neck, so as not to squeeze the stalks of the plants. Before putting a bouquet, a vase must need to rinse with soda and rinse well.

Temperature and lighting

Flowers are better preserved in a cool place, it is desirable that the room was 15 ° C-18 ° C if such conditions cannot be created, the room is recommended several times a day. The drafts are also destructive for plants, so you should not have a bouquet from the open window.

It is impossible to put a vase near the radiators and others heating devices. At night, a bouquet with a bouquet is desirable to put in a cool place, for example, take a balcony or veranda.

In the daytime, a bouquet must be in a half, straight sun rays Accelerate the fiction process.

How to prepare plants before installing in a vase

Bouquet durability pledge - elimination air traffic jam In the stem, which will prevent the penetration of water into the plant. For this, any flowers before putting in a vase you need to cut a little, literally 1-2 cm. The slice should be oblique, about 45 °, but the errors are allowed.

The procedure must be carried out under water sharp knife And immediately put the flower into the water. Hard colors (roses, chrysanthemums) need to be splitted, insert inward matches or split with a hammer to improve the penetration of the liquid. Plants with hollow stems (dahlia) are prepared by a special way:

  • crop the stem at an angle;
  • carefully pour into the water;
  • close the hole with a small piece of cotton wool.

If the stem of the flower highlights the milk juice, it needs to be "stuck", lowering for 5-10 seconds in boiling water.

In colors with large stamens (lilies, tulips) remove them. Part of the stem that will be immersed in ODU should be cleaned from leaves and small twigs. In a wet environment, they quickly begin to rot.

Invalid neighborhood

Some flowers, located with each other accelerate the process of fading the neighbors. Singles flowers:

  • rose flower;
  • lily of the valley;
  • lily;
  • carnation;
  • hyacinth;
  • narcissus;
  • orchid.

Some plants, on the contrary, will extend the life of flowers:

  • geranium.

It is impossible to put flowers near ripe fruitSelecting ethylene will accelerate the decomposition of the stems.

Care of fresh cut flowers

Near most private houses you can see broken flower beds and rosary. Bouquets from domestic flowers are guaranteed fresh, however, how long the composition is simply, depends on the time cut.

Experienced flowers recommend to cut plants with early in the morning. At this time, in the colors, the maximum concentration of glucose and nutrients, and the plants themselves are naturally moistened. In extreme cases, cut a bouquet in late in the evening, but not the day, in hot weather.

Cut is needed flowers with half or third buds. Incuses can remain as well, and the disclosed completely spread completely.

You need to go to the garden with a bucket filled with warm water, and immediately immerse the flowers cut into it with sharp knife, previously removing the leaves.

Fresh-cut live flowers leave in this container for several hours in a cool place so that the stems are filled with liquid and become juicy. The water temperature should be about 45 ° C, it will accelerate its penetration of plants into capillaries. So come with all colors, except the bulbous, it is better to put them in very cold water.

For all kinds of flowers, soft water is needed: filtered, thaia or rain. You can not use liquid directly from the water pipeline, it should be settle down at least 12 hours.

Features of some colors

All colors require various conditions and care, their observance will allow you to save a bouquet for several days, and even weeks longer:

  1. Roses.

The most popular I. beautiful flowers, with rigid stems covered with spines. After buying or cutting, the stem must be trimmed at an angle, crush the hammer and quickly immerse in water. In addition to leaves, in obligatory Remove and spines. So that the bouquet of roses spent longer, you need to remove fading petals.

  1. Lilies.

Gentle flowers with a specific aroma, which will easily preserve 7-10 days. To increase the deadline, you need to remove the stamens, and fading inflorescences must be rechipped.

  1. Chrysanthemums and Astra.

Recognized long-livers. They will easily stand 15-20 days in all conditions. Before putting them into the water, you need to remove small leaves and crush the stem.

  1. Bright gerberas.

They are also loved by many, but very demanding to water. So that these large chamomiles please, as long as possible, the vase is well wash and the fertilizer is added to the water.

  1. Stems of dahlias and daisies must be caught in boiling water or over fire.
  2. Peonies.

They love dry and cool premises, it is necessary to cut them at the time when the buds just started to open. In this case, the flowers will stand up to 2 weeks.

  1. Tulips.

Very beautiful, but quickly fading the spring flowers. To revive the drooped tulip, lowered freshly cut stem in boiling water, sticking gentle petals with paper.

  1. Gladiolus.

Very unpretentious flowers. They are cut after the disclosure of the three or four lower buds and put it in a high vase, pinning small inflorescences and shoots at the base.

Means that allow for a long time to save a bouquet

The reasons for the rapid fading of bouquets are the lack of nutrients and reproduction of bacteria.

For disinfection in water, you can add:

  • slice wood coal;
  • tablet aspirin per liter of water;
  • a few drops of vodka, brandy or moonshine;
  • 50 grams of carbonated or mineral water;
  • half a teaspoon of cook or sea salt;
  • 5 ml of bleach (you can take the usual whiteness);
  • pinch washing powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of table vinegar;
  • Silver coin or spoon.

These substances need to be added with each water change, while holding a slightly cuts in a weak solution of manganese.

Besides antiseptic tools Fertilizer add to water. It may be special composition or ordinary sugar (7-10 grams per liter of water).

What to do if the bouquet began to fade

It is not always possible to carefully monitor the bouquet, sometimes the hostess notes that the flowers are slightly drooped. It does not mean that plants time to throw out. There are several ways to bring fading flowers to life:

  • cut the stem under an acute angle and put in warm water;
  • put a bouquet into a cool bath or wrapped with wet paper (cloth) for several hours.

Tips, how to keep roses fresh as long as possible, you can learn in the video.

  • change water;
  • add an antiseptic and fertilizer into it;
  • wash the vase;
  • spray from the pulverizer;
  • rog the stems in the solution of manganese.

Bouquet need to be inspected and removed faded inflorescences and petals. If there are plants in the composition with non-scratched buds, 2 ml will help to disclose ammona alcohol on liter of warm water.

In order for a donated or compiled, the bouquet remained fresh, you do not need to use expensive means and technologies. Daily care I. suitable conditions Save the beauty of colors for several weeks.

Florists say that a bouquet is capable of keeping freshness for several weeks, if you comply with simple rules for care. Of course, it all depends on the freshness and type of flower, from which the composition is composed. But still, there are some techniques to help extend the life flower composition.

What you need to do first to extend the life bouquet of flowers

Did you have a floral composition, and you think how to save a bouquet longer? Perhaps these rules will help this:

  • If the gift is made in the cold season, before putting a bouquet into the water, expand it and let me be searched at room temperature. Plants after frost are in shock and they need to be adapted. Do not place flowers next to the heat source.
  • Before putting a bouquet into the water, cut the stalks. Make it with a sharp knife under the jet of water. After that, immediately place the composition into the vessel with water.
  • If you think how to save a bouquet of fresh, put it in the dodged water in the room temperature and change it every day. It is desirable to cut the stem for 2-3 centimeters at each water change.
  • It is important to observe temperature mode Storage of plants. Do not put flowers on drafts, near the heat source, under the right sunlight. This causes loss of moisture and leads to a rapid fading of colors. Perfect - slightly cool ventilated room.
  • The ammonia or camphor alcohol help buds faster to reveal. The concentration of the edge of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water is enough.
  • The usual cook salt can extend the life of an excellent bouquet. Add a teaspoon of salt by 1 liter of water after each change of fluid in a vase. The same effect has the ammonia alcohol - just a few drops will enjoy the beauty of the composition longer.
  • If the flowers began to be faded, sugar will help return them to life. Add a teaspoon to 1 liter of water, and the plants will preserve longer.
  • Do not forget to spray a bouquet with water several times a day and remove faded buds.

These were general recommendationswho relate to all plants. But each flower is individual and places its habitat requirements. Therefore, answering the question of how to extend life, you first need to study the peculiarities of the plants in the composition.

How long to keep the beauty of the bouquet of roses

It is known that there is enough capricious care. But, nevertheless, buying flowers, we often give preference to the queen. Several rules will help extend the life of a magnificent rose.

  • Before putting roses in a vase, cut the leaves and spikes at the bottom of the stem. Florists recommend doing this procedure under running water. Simultaneously cut the stem, making the cut area as much as possible. You can leave low part Stems on a few pieces, deepening on 4-6 centimeters up. It will open the way to the water to bud.
  • Roses are recommended to put in the resistant and boiled water Room temperature, which should be changed every day, cutting and cutting stem.
  • Choose a vase of such a form and size so that the stems are immersed in half or two thirds.
  • Tablet aspirin or sugar will extend the life of roses. Florists recommend adding 1 teaspoon of sugar or two aspirin tablets per liter of water. And then roses will retain freshness a few more days.

Delivered from the hassle and contemplation of fading plants can flowers in pots. An excellent gift will be rooted chrysanthemum, gerbera or orchid. They require smaller efforts in the content, so grow in a natural environment - in the soil.

And bright tulips please the eyes and heart. But sometimes it is a pity that such beauty quickly fades in our homes. And the question arises how to save flowers?

Many believe that florists and sellers have such knowledge. But at home, resorting to simple and useful advice, you can extend the life of flowers. And how to do it - now I will tell you!

How to choose a bouquet?

Preparation must be started with a selection of a bouquet or proper cut:

  • When buying, you need to pay attention to the color of the stem cut. It should be bright and green. If the stem darkened, then your choice must be stopped on another flower.

  • At the plant that is worth a long time, the leaf tips will be dry. You need to choose who have elastic and dense buds. Fully blossomed - I will not stand for a long time.

  • If you decide to break the flowers in own garden, it is better to do this in the morning with a sharp knife. After that, you need to put them in warm water and give to stand around 8 hours, and better all night.

  • It is also necessary to cut into the correct flowering period. If only one flower on the stem, then it is cut when it completely dismissed.
  • If only a few inflorescences broke, then you need to wait when the bud completely opens.
  • No less important is the choice of a vase in which a bouquet will be. It is necessary to pick a vessel according to the size of the colors so that the stems are not close.

  • If the bouquet is brought with frost, then you must first give the plants to move away from the temperature drop, and then only put into water.

How to extend the life of colors at home?

The main causes of fading colors in a vase is an insufficient amount of sugar and water in their tissues.

In order for flowers longer in a vase, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Crop stalks.
  2. Place the flowers correctly.
  3. Kill bacteria.
  4. Fuck a bouquet in a vase.

At first glance it seems that there is nothing difficult in caring for plants. But in each of the stages there are many nuances, which we will talk next.

Circumcision of stalks

Sing the stem must be done under water so that the vessels do not blocked the air. This is done by a sharp knife.

Due to the oblique cut, the area increases, which absorbs moisture. Experts advise not to take out a bouquet of water in order to preserve its beauty and freshness.

The main tips, what and how to cut:

  • In colors with solid stem (roses, chrysanthemums) you need to make a cut with a knife form.

  • In flowers with a thick stem (dahlia) you need to pour water and close the hole with cotton wool or gauze.
  • If there are branches of shrubs in the composition, for example, jasmine or lilac, their tip of the trunk must be split and remove all the leaves.
  • Narcissus, tulips and other representatives of plants with soft stems need vertical cuts. It is best to do it with a needle.
  • To keep mimosu in a vase, its ends need to be crushed.

  • For better absorption of moisture, ends are split and matches are inserted.
  • If plants have long stamens, they should also be removed.

For all blooming pets there is an easy way to save beauty: it is necessary to remove the lower leaves, and roses also spikes. This will prevent rotting in water.

Proper location of plants

Before you put a bouquet in a vase, it is advisable to give him a rest. For this, the ends wrapping the wet paper and put a bouquet in a cool place. At this time, you can dial water so that it stands out.

If carved on the street beautiful bouquet in cold period years, it needs to wrap a newspaper. Some flowers do not tolerate frost even for 10 minutes. It is also necessary to give them to relax and get used to room temperature.

there is separate requirements and by the amount of water in the vase. Optimal option It will immerse plants by 5 cm.

But some flowers absorb a lot of water. For example, daffodils and chamomiles. Roses and tulips are preferable to put deeply unlike Gerber.

An important is the location of the vase:

  1. It is worth avoiding drafts and direct sunlight.
  2. It is better not to put floral compositions near the heating and electrical appliances.
  3. In the cool placement plants will continue longer.

It is impossible to place floral compositions next to fruit, as they accelerate the process of wilting through the separation of gas - ethylene.

It is also worth remembering that some flowers do not combine with each other. Representatives of flora with a pronounced smell (lilies, roses, lilies, orchids) is better to put separately from others. But geranium and thuu on the contrary will support freshness.

Disinfection of water

The bouquet in the vase contributes to bacteria that are very quickly multiplied in the water. If you take action on time, namely to disinfect it, it will be possible to enjoy beauty longer.

For water disinfection, the following is used:

  • charcoal;
  • aspirin;
  • vodka;
  • salt;
  • washing powder;
  • vinegar and sugar;
  • manganese;
  • soda;
  • hair spray.

Nuances of using disinfecting elements:

  • A piece of wood coal thrown into the water slows down the process of rotting stems. In antique charcoal was replaced with a silver coin.

  • The extractive tablet aspirin disinfected and kill bacteria. It is necessary to add it every time when changing water.
  • Alcohol will also help save flowers. Vodka must be added after each change of water, just a few drops.

  • Salt salt will help support freshness. Half of the salt of salts dissolved in water will extend the life of roses and georgins.
  • When using a washing powder, the main thing is not to overdo it. This is a rather aggressive method. It is recommended to add powder on the knife tip. For roses it is still replaced by a bleach or dishwashing agent.
  • Solution apple vinegar And sugar can be prepared with your own hands. To do this, in water, it is necessary to carefully stir 2 tablespoons of vinegar and as much sugar.

  • Before putting a bouquet in a vase, it must be held for an hour in a weak solution of manganese. She will kill bacteria, and the flower arrangement will stand longer.
  • If replaced simple water It can be enjoyed for a long time of bouquet. And the added soda as an antiseptic disinfect water.

  • It is not necessary to use dark carbonated drinks, they may be acidic.
  • Hair varnish Find every woman. They can handle inflorescences and stems. To do this, you just need to spray them at a distance of 1 meter.

Feeding flower compositions

The greatest popularity is the method when sugar is added to the water for flowers. 1.5 teaspiors should be diluted with 1 liter of water. Such a solution will enjoy tulips, cloves and daffodils.

In addition to sugar, other household products are used:

  • aspirin - you will need 1 tablet for roses and chrysanthemums;
  • vinegar - weak Solution Suitable to georgins;
  • alcohol - For Astra, add 1 teaspoon for 1 liter of water.

For those who do not want to independently make the preparation of solutions, special finished additives are sold in the store. They contain disinfectants and nutrients. You need to carefully apply such funds. Instructions for use is indicated on the package.

Powder additives predetermine in water and only then add to the colors so that there are no burns from the plants.

  • during the day several times to spray with water from the pulverizer, and on the night you can go into cool water.

  • And now we will analyze how to store flowers at home correctly and long:

    • It is necessary to change water daily and washing the vase so that bacteria are not formed. Flowers that stand for a long time , Periodically you need to remove, wash the stems and cut them.

    • Not only water should be pure, but also a vase. If it is dirty or dust will be gathered in it, then the microbes will faster in herbal fabrics.
    • To quickly resuscitate colors in a vase, you can lower their ends in boiling water. In your eyes, buds that are slightly faded, gaining vitality.

    • If there are unprofitable buds in the flower arrangement, add half the alcohol alcohol to 1 liter of water. Such an additive for flowers in the water will noticeably speed up the flourishing process.
    • Water in the vase should be resistant. Of course, it is best to use spring, rain or talu. But if it is not possible to get this, suitable from under the tap of room temperature. Summer I advise you to use cooler water.

    There is one interesting way called "hardening". With this method, cut flowers are placed in water, the temperature of which is 43.5 ° C. Then put them in a cool place. Hot water begins to move faster in the structures of the plant due to cool air. They are less losing moisture.

    Thanks to this inefficious way, flowers are long standing in a vase.


    I will bring an unequivocal result: easy and just at home to extend the beauty and life of flowers. For this, special devices and mechanisms, expensive means and hard work. In fact, the price of funds, which I told in detail, kopeck.

    Remember that everything is in your hands. It is necessary not to be lazy, and to give this case every day 10 minutes. Additional information By topic you will learn from the video in this article.

    Of course, cut flowers are very sorry, but as nice to bring a fresh cut bouquet from the cottage! In connection with the summer country season I decided that such an article would be more than relevant. Share if there are some other ways!

    Contrary to the approving opinion of the plant have no less sensitivity than a person. One of the reasons for withering cut colors in a bouquet is the stress that is experiencing a flower that is raised by a human and water source. Scientists have established that the cutting plants observes the instability of breathing. First, its intensity decreases sharply, and then, before the final fading of the plant, it becomes a rapidly.

    One of the main reasons for withering colors in a vase is to reduce the content of sugars in the tissues and dehydration of the plant. It happens most often due to the blockage of the vessels by air bubbles. To avoid this, the end of the stem is lowered into the water and make an oblique cut with a sharp knife or a secateur. After that, the flower is no longer removed from the water. If such a need arises, the operation is repeated again.

    Before putting cut flowers into the water, remove all the lower leaves from the stems, and roses are also spikes. This will reduce the evaporation of moisture and prevents the rapid development of bacteria in water. Flowers having a solid stem, such as roses or chrysanthemums, are cleaved by 3 ~ 4 cm and put a piece of matches into the split stem. It enhances moisture suction. In plants with a soft stem - tulips, daffodils, Call - the lower part of the flower makers are cut or scratched with a needle or pins. Such a simple procedure will have a positive effect on the "well-being" of your bouquet.

    There is also its subtleties when drawing up a bouquet of flowers with a hollow stem, for example, dahlias or lupins. In order for these flowers longer in the water, water is poured inside the stem, and the hole is plugged with cotton wool or a piece of gauze.

    To extend the life of a bouquet, there are a lot of cunning tricks. In some colors, such as tulips and lilies, remove anthers and thereby prevent pollination, extending the life of the flower. The addition of sugar to the water extends the life of the carnations, roses and chrysanthemums are positively responding to Aspirin, georgins to add a little vinegar to the water.

    Among the colors there are "bitter drunkards", such as Astra. It feels much better in alcohol solution. Only the concentration of it must be moderate: one teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water.

    And a few more useful Soviets. In the water where the flowers cost, put a small piece of charcoal well. It disinfects water and prevents the rapid posting of the stems. A piece of coal can be replaced with a silver coin, as they did in the old days.

    Almost all the flowers require daily changing water. At the same time, their stalks need to shorten every day or every other day. Thus, you will extend the life of a bouquet and, consequently, the joy of loving them.

    Caring for cut colors

    The life of cut colors is short. But in our power to make it a little longer. So you brought flowers home. Do not rush to deploy a bouquet. First, free only the stems, cut them under water, wet the paper and wrap your flowers into it. They must be put for a few hours in a cool place so that the plants come to themselves after stress and their fabrics have a moisture. While the process is underway, fill the floral vase with water and give water to settle so that chlorine disappears. After some time, the bouquet can be put in the vase. But before this it is necessary to update the slices of stems. It is best to do it under water so that air bubbles do not block the vessels of plant tissues. Otherwise, your flowers, even being in the water, will suffer from lack of moisture.

    In the room, a vase with flowers must be put in protected from direct sunlight and draft place. Of course, fading cut colors is inevitable, but in our power to pull this unpleasant moment. Flowers in a vase suffer very much from the rapid development of bacteria in the water. Various methods Disinfection slows down this process. You can put into water pieces of charcoal, a silver coin, as they did in the old days, or add microhodosis of the washing powder at the tip of the knife. Some are advised to simply plant water in a vase with flowers at the rate of 1 teaspoon of cook salt per liter of water. All these tricks help to save water longer, fresh.

    And to feed the flowers in a vase, sugar usually use. Especially responsive to him tulips, carnations, daffodils. IN lately All sorts of drugs appeared on sale to extend the lives of cut colors - "Bud", "Vitante", "Chrysal", etc. Their composition includes disinfectants and nutritional elements. Thanks to this combination, cut flowers retain their beauty much longer - until 20-25 days.

    Most of the cut colors are best preserved at a temperature of about 5 ° C. That is, even the usual is suitable for storage. household refrigerator. Shelf life, on average - 5 days, although, of course, living flowers have individuality, and a permissible shelf life for different colors It will not be the same.

    For example, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to 2 ° C to preserve the irises or tulips, and for the symbidium orchids (the most common orchids, which can be seated on sale) and anthuriums - to increase to 8 ° C. However, the orchids of Fallinsis should be stored at room temperature. Tulips, chrysanthemums, carnations in the refrigerator are stored in a dry condition, most of the colors are better to immediately connect to water nutrition, immersing the end of the stem to be cut off with a sharp knife in any, even a very small, water tank.

    After the end of the preservation period, before putting in the vase, the flowers should be cut back again. All leaves falling into the water must be removed. For all cut colors, although in different degrees, degree of drafts, straight solar rays, gas ethylene, isolated by fruit and fading parts of plants. The life of most colors, as a rule, can be extended by special Tools (for example, crossed), sold in flower shops in the form of powder, or dissolved. In order not to burn the stalks of plants, the powder is recommended to pre-completely dissolve in a small amount of water.

    rose flower - Storage temperature of 5 ° C. For storage of roses, it should be tightly wrapped with heads into wrapping paper and immersed in a standing position in the water as deep as possible, but so that the heads do not fall into the water. If you do not plan to store roses, it is still before putting into a vase, it is desirable to disable them using the same method of wrapping, and hold it for at least 3 hours. For roses, it is better to use boiled or crude water with a critic. Spikes falling under the water should be broken. The cut through which the food is entered, it is better to make as long as possible. If the water was not added to the water, it is better to change it once a day, each time renewed the cut of the flower stem. Fresh rose provided proper care It may stand for 30 days, however, the rose is extremely sensitive to air bubbles and to bacteria that makes the absorption of moisture, which often leads to a rapid fading at home.

    Carnation - Storage temperature 5 ° C without water. The carnation is a resistant flower and can stand for about two weeks without any special care. Water in the vase should be room temperature. If you do not use crosses, add a aspirin tablet, its action will gradually increase the decorativeness of the carnation.

    Irishighly dependent on moisture. Watch the iris as small as possible without water. The optimal storage temperature is 2 ° C. and even putting the irises in the vase, maintain the water chilled with ice cubes. Flowers should be placed in the water not too deep - for the prevention of the formation of rot. The cripples extends the life of the flower. Narcissus is a storage temperature of 2-5 ° C. Juice highlighted in narcissus water is harmful to other colors. If you want to put the daffodils along with other flowers, let them pre-stand for a day separately.

    Tulip - Storage temperature 2-5 ° C without water. He loves very cold water, you can with pieces of ice a tulip stalk, just put into the water, seeks to bend. If you do not want flowers to stand in a vase, arbitrarily arched in different directions, hold the tulips a few hours in water with fixed stems. Locking can be made with the help of paper, tightly wrapped it stems.

    Freesia - Storage temperature 2-5 ° C. Freesia is strongly dependent on moisture.

    Anemone For storage, it should be released from the cellophane wrapper in which they are sold, cut the stems and put in a vertical position into the solution with the optimum storage temperature - 2 ° C. Even at room temperature, anemone can stand in water with a cripple of about two weeks.

    Hyacinth - Storage temperature 2-5 ° C. Hyacinth is usually sold with a bulb, and it is better to put it in a vase right with it.

    Hippeastrumit can be stored in a dry form at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. By setting the flower in the vase, we recommend filling the stem and shut it with water. Hippeastrum can stand in a vase for a week or more, gradually the blurred buds.

    Pion - Storage temperature 5 ° C. If you need to have a tight bud of Peony, you immediately have in front of you, put a flower in hot water.

    Mattiola - Storage temperature 8-10 ° C. The use of crosual prolongs the life of the plant. Flower is sensitive to ethylene. The container in which matthiol will stand should be well washed. It is important to follow the purity of water and change it as needed.

    Gerbera - Storage temperature 5 ° C. It should be put into the water not deep, the height of the filling of the vase with water is 4-5 cm. The stem slice is useful to grasp salt. The gerbera stalks, like tulips, are susceptible to bent. Here you can use the same methods of fixing the stem.

    Lily - Storage temperature 5 ° C. Enough unpretentious flower, costs about a week; At the same time, the lily gradually blooms new buds, and the old die. Lily does not require special care, but susceptible to ethylene. Georgine - Storage temperature of 5 ° C. Georgine lashes longer in water with vinegar. Before placing in a vase, the stem should be poured with water and shutted with cotton. Gladiolus - storage temperature 8-10 ° C cut gladiolus continue to grow, striking the top to top. Therefore, if you put them horizontally, the stem can be twisted. Gladiolus strongly dependent taps.

    Alstromeria - Storage temperature 5 ° C. Alstroemeria Resistant flower, lives about two weeks and does not require any special care.

    OrchidsIBIDIUM - storage temperature 8 ~ 10 ° C. Keeps decorativeness for two weeks, and sometimes more. Drops of water that fell on flowers can cause stains. Sensitive to gas ethylene. Separate flowers set in conventional water are longer than the branch in the test tube with which it is usually sold.

    Anthurium - Storage temperature 8-10 ° C. Refers to long-standing colors. It is best that the removal of anthurium is placed in an individual test tube with a special solution. Anthuriums supplied from Holland are placed in such a test tube immediately after cutting. Cancer from time to time can become brown, in this case the flower should be trimmed.

    Ornithogalum - Very resistant flower on a long elegant stem with gradually dissolved buds, acquiring maximum decorativeness in about a week of standing in a vase. These flowers do not require special care.

    Beward Very dependent on water. It is afraid of drafts. Does not tolerate ethylene gas. Storage temperature - 8-10 ° C. You can use crosant to extend life.

    Estoma - Storage temperature 8 ~ 10 ° C.

    Euoforbia. - optimal temperature Storage - 8 ° C. The trunk of Euforte is recommended after cutting to omit in boiling water for a few seconds to stop the loss of juice. This will prolong the life of the plant. Plant is sensitive to gas ethylene. Euoforbia can shorten the life of other colors set with it in one vase.

    W. lilac It should be removed all the leaves and smash the tip of the trunk with a hammer - this will allow a little extended a very short life of a cut lilac.

    Wildflowers They will live markedly longer if they put them into the water with a critic, pre-removing the leaves falling under water, and updating the stem slice.

    Greens for a bouquet sufficiently retains freshness, so that it remains decorative can be periodically sprayed from the sprayer. All extra leaves and branches that turn out to be removed in water to avoid posting. You can add a little to the water citric acidIf the basic bouquet flowers are well perceived with a sour Wednesday. If the acid water is contraindicated with a bouquet, the greens must be processed separately and then placed in a vase.

    Now more about what can be added to the water to keep the freshness of flowers longer.

    Homemade live colors

    Manganese, boric acid, ammonia alcohol

    Upon receipt of the bouquet of flowers, you are hardly thinking that the hordes of bacteria are already actively multiplied in its stems, the destructive effect of which leads to the premature death of plants. In flower pavilions with bacteria, fighting with special chemical compositions. In the domestic conditions, boric acid, manganese or ammonia alcohol can help. Before putting flowers to a water vase, hold them about an hour in a light solution of mangartee or in water with the addition of several drops boric acid or ammonia alcohol. So you disinfect the bouquet and it just longer hesitate.

    Apple vinegar

    Excellent fragrance and freshness of presented colors will help keep apple vinegar. For the preparation of the solution, in which you later put alive flowers, you must carefully place in a vase with water 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar and as much sugar. For the lack of apple, you can use the usual vinegar. The main thing is not to forget to regularly change the water and trim the stalks, then you can enjoy a bouquet for a very long time.


    You can save a fresh bouquet view, the bay in the vase is not a simple water, but a carbonated. For a better effect, it is also possible to add a quarter cup of soda, which will act as an antiseptic. Such a simple way will make it possible to create a favorable environment for freshly cut plants without serious costs and tricks.

    Hair spray

    It is possible to extend the lives of living colors and with a varnish for hair, which is probably in the arsenal of each modern beauty. This cosmetic means is suitable for fixing not only stylish hairstyles, but also bouquets. The flower should be lacquered first from the bottom side from a distance of at least one meter, and then process them with inflorescences.


    The secret ingredient to preserve the fresh type of bouquet is vodka. Just a few of her droplets will help at times slow down the process of growth of bacteria. Just do not forget to add vodka with each replacement of water in a vase.

    Alcohol solution

    It turns out that there are bitter drunkards among colors. Astra, for example, perfectly feels in alcohol solution. But here the main thing is not to overdo it. The concentration should be moderate: a teaspoon of alcohol per liter of pure distilled water.


    The method of preserving colors using aspirin is not familiar to one generation of our compatriots, so you can safely take it into service. Dissolve several aspirin tablets at each change of water, and the flowers will rejoice you for a long time.


    Help Save a freshly cut bouquet can conventional copper coins in combination with sugar. Copper in this solution will act as an oxidizing agent that slows down the growth of bacteria. If you have a silver coin or any other thing from this noble material, it can also be used for the same goals.


    A small piece of wood coal will help prevent the rapid reproduction of bacteria and, therefore, premature bumping stems. If you have this component at home, then throw it into a vase with flowers, and you personal experience Make sure its efficiency.


    Roses, calves and dahlia love the water to be slightly salty. Therefore, if you presented such flowers, do not be lazy to spill the water into which they put them. It is enough half a teaspoon salt to prevent the formation of bacteria and keep the freshness of the bouquet.

    Boiling water

    If several buds are in the bouquet of roses and bent down, then just lower the tips of such stems into boiling water, and then cut them with a slightly above the previous cut. For cutting, use a sharp knife, this will make the procedure less traumatic for gentle plants.

    Toilet paper

    In order to give a "commodity" view, we mowed roses bootons, you can closer to the toilet paper tightly and put on the night in such a cold water. In the morning you will gladly find a markedly funny bouquet.


    To help colors with a solid stem, for example, chrysanthemums or roses, fasten with water, you need to split the tips of their stems with a sharp knife for 3-4 centimeters and insert into the resulting splitting matches. This will significantly increase moisture absorption. In addition, before putting a bouquet in a vase, you need to remove the lower leaves and spikes.

    Wat and Marley

    If your bouquet includes flowers with hollow stems, such as dahlias or lupines, you should take care of it in a special way. Save the freshness of such colors longer, contrary to the widespread opinion about their shortgood, it is possible to bay inside the stem water and shutting it with a piece of gauze or cotton.

    the fire

    If you decide to decorate your home just cut colors, and milky juice is actively highlighted from the plating stem, then to stop this unwanted process, you need to burn their tips on fire. Also for these purposes, you can lower the stalks for a few seconds in boiling water.

    Washing powder

    The washing powder is a rather aggressive composition, however, in small doses it will be useful to extend the lives of freshly cut flowers. It is not recommended to add to the water washing powder more than the tip of the knife. To care for roses, you can also use dishwashing detergents or bleach for linen.