Repairs Design Furniture

Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies, irises. Beautiful bouquets of flowers from white, blue, red, yellow, purple irises with their own hands: photo. Flower IRIS - value, symbol

The ideas of beautiful bouquets from irises, how these flowers are combined with other plants.

According to the legend, the Iris flower is named after the goddess Iris, which on the rainbow descended to the ground. These flowers have a wide color gamut and really a variety of shades resemble a rainbow.

Flower IRIS - value, symbol

Iris petals are bizarre, an unusual shape and resemble fluttering in the flight of wonderful butterflies. This is especially noticeable when a light breeze blows and shakes flowers. Iris is so loved that he not only admits beautiful flower, but also devote dancing to him. This is what Iris looks like in dance.

Video: Dance "Iris"

In Japan, Irisians personify the strength of the Spirit and the courage of warriors. Probably because the leaves of these colors resemble Japanese swords. The same flower, with his unusual form and color gamut, fills unlimited uniqueness in its uniqueness.

  • Blue and Blue Iris, reminiscent of the color of the sky, personify calm, it is believed that they can improve well-being and remove stress.

  • Pink-purple irises Implement the dream of a paradise life on Earth. Contemplating these flowers people plunges into the world of dreams and fantasies.

  • symbolize cleanliness and perfection. Such irises can be used in bouquets for solemn cases.

  • Red-Yellow Irises Remind the color of the Sun in Zenith and at sunset. Such colors raise the mood and charge the energy.

Red-Yellow Irises

Beautiful bouquets of white, blue, red, yellow, purple irises do it yourself: photo

  • A bouquet consisting exclusively of the same irises can look alapotato, and do not reveal all the beauty of this flower.

  • But, if you make a bouquet of the irises of different colors, it will be bright and will acquire a new sound.

  • But if you include in a bouquet of irises and less bright small flowers, you will get a very gentle, beautiful bouquet.

  • There are more bold combinations of irises with gerbera and roses. By drawing up such a bouquet It is important to catch harmony and emphasize the beauty of each flower.

  • And if you add a slightly beautiful green bouquet to the iris, a bouquet can be played with completely different colors.

  • A gentle bouquet of white lilies and blue irises can be original gift To any celebration.

What flowers are combined with iris in a bouquet?

A bouquet, which is depicted in the photo below, refutes all stereotypes. It is composed of different color and shape of flowers, and nevertheless, harmonious.

  • You can combine with iris, you can practically all garden and wildflowers. Perhaps you should not include them in a bouquet with gladiols.

  • If you add greens to the composition, and irises and other flowers to arrange symmetrical color stains, then it turns out a variety of bakery pattern.

  • If the purple irises pick up the flowers on the tone brighter or dim, it will turn out to be an unusual purple rainbow.

  • Tulips and irises are one of the first spring colors. Such bouquets consistently please the eye with their freshness. They remind that winter is behind, and ahead is warm spring.

  • Make a bouquet of tulips and irises will not be difficult. Just mix these flowers, spread freely in the bouquet and wrap a bouquet of beautiful packaging.

Bouquet of yellow tulips and irises

Yellow tulips and purple irises create a contrast of two colors and perfectly fit into the interior of the room. Such bouquets improve the mood and give cheerfulness and strength.

Bouquet of irises and roses

A bouquet of roses is considered a universal gift for all occasions. Without it, romantic meetings, weddings, anniversaries and even sad moments do not cost. If such a bouquet gives a woman man - she may well be sure that this man is not indifferent to it and maybe even in love with her.

A bouquet of irises and roses may be gentle if roses have non-lass tint And blinding, if roses are saturated-bright color.

In a bouquet of roses and irises, Irises can play both the main and secondary role. So they can emphasize the beauty of roses and on a par with these beauties to perform the main characters of a bouquet or be completely imperceptible. If you want to give a bouquet of a bright woman - select roses of saturated color and the same saturated color of the irises.

Beautiful bouquet: Calla and Iris

Bouquets with calves rarely consist of only these colors because Calla are not interested in themselves. But in combination with other flowers, they can create an interesting mosaic.

Bouquet of chamomile and irises

Chamomile with iris looks well in a bouquet of wildflowers. It is no secret that many women like these bouquets.

They are less pompous than bouquets from garden flowers, remind of walking in the field and forest. And if women appreciate not external shine, but the meaning and inner subtext of the bouquet - give them a chamomile with irises.

Bouquet of irises and gerbers

Gerbera very bright flowers. They are able to decorate any bouquet. Against the background of Gerber Irises are somewhat lost, but in general the bouquet looks very attractive.

In combination with white gerbera, Irises are not lost and the main focus is concentrated on them.

Bouquet: Chrysanthemum, Rose, Iris

Roses and chrysanthemums are rarely combined in bouquets due to the fact that both flower is very bright. If, nevertheless, these flowers are collected in one bouquet, then chrysanthemums choose small and not catchy. Irises play in this case the role of addition to the main ensemble. Bouquet of lily, irises and roses

Bouquet of irises and alstromeries

Alstromeria is the motley and at the same time tender flowers. They look wonderfully in one bouquet with iris.

Wedding bouquet of irises

The original composition for the bride, if she wants to have a non-standard wedding bouquet, can be folded from blue irises and bright red peonies or roses.

Bridal Wedding Bouquet: White Roses and Iris

A wedding bouquet of white roses and irises will be more standard.

Bridal bouquet White Roses and Blue Iris

White Irises: Bridal bouquet, photo

If a bouquet is composed of some white irises, it looks somewhat boring. Therefore, either green leaves add or other brighter flowers in such a bouquet.

Video: How to make a bouquet for the bride from the irises with their own hands?

Spring - time of bulbous colors. Tulips, daffodils, irises, hyacinths are part of almost all spring bouquets. These flowers require special care and processing after purchase.

In this small video clip, American Florister Designer Lian Kesler talks about bulbous colors. How to choose when buying and careed behind cut-off tulips, daffodils and irises, how to preserve their freshness and decorativeness for a long time.

The winter ended and the best tulips occurred.

Buying tulips, daffodils and irises, make sure that they are fresh. These flowers must be purchased unaptive, in buds.

How to choose fresh flowers?

When you buy tulips, Check that their buds are dense and strong. Another hint: Fresh tulips leaves stretched up and highly close buds. Because the tulips, increasing, continue to grow up, and their leaves are deflected on the sides.

After the purchase of Tulips, Lian does not unfold them, but right in the package (you can even wrap in the newspaper) puts for several hours to a large bucket with water. So the tulips will eat water and after that they will be blown very beautifully.

Do not everyone know that if it is shard to a tulip stem near the flower itself, he will stop growing. Thus, you can slow down the full disclosure of tulips for several days and their rapid binary.

To create interesting bouquets or floral compositions from tulips, you can completely reveal them, just carefully pulling the flower petals. Tulip began like a poppy, turned into a fantastic flower.

Daffodss Also buy in buds. These colors must necessarily trim the stems, as they often remain the roots from the bulbs.

Narcissus put in a vase separately from other colors. Lian advises to change the Narcissus water after 2 hours.

Iris Also purchased in buds, and even in green buds. Put the irises into the water, in the day the buds will turn out, and after another few days, the irises will completely dissolve.

You can speed up the process of revelation of irises. Painted Iris Buds. In which the petals of colors have already appeared (green buds are not suitable) you can neatly open and deploy petals. So that they completely revealed and accepted the flower shape, you need to slightly knock the Iris stem, for example, by hand.

If the Flower of the Iris has a little confused, or did not completely open, then you can repeat the procedure: knocking a slightly to the stalk of the iris, - and the petals straighten and fall into your place.

In conclusion, Lian tells how she places tulips and daffodils in transparent vasesfilled with colored floral foam. Narrow vases Lian fills with floristic foam and gradually, in several stages, wets it with water. And then adds a flower into it.

Tulips and daffodils will preserve so very long, without losing their decorativeness.

Video prepared Flowerschool.

The season of landing on bulbs is approaching. And so that at the last moment do not run around the garden with a package of daffidss and do not assume that the best place For them, this place is empty, that is, not occupied, before reflection, how, where, in what quantity and in what surrounded our favorite flowers to plant. And at the same time we will handle the iris - it's time to correct if you planted wrong.

To understand in all intricacies, a big master helps us, and without a doubt the best Russian designer and practitioner, the head of the center "Blooming Planet" Elena Alekseevna Konstantinova. We ferment in her garden and learn.

Irises in the garden of Elena Konstantinova

Tatyana Smirnova. Elena Alekseevna, I am sure that after reading your advice, many will want to make changes to their flower beds, so let's start with the irises. It remains less time to work with them.

Elena Konstantinova. Each group of irises must be considered separately. At first there are low irises - cereal and dwarf. And among the dwarfs there are completely tiny - steppe. Then the Intermedia group, which I consider very successful for landscape design, High bearded and various irises with narrow foliage - Iris smooth, Siberian ... well, and pseudacorus (IRIS Pseudacorus), which is in wet places.

TS Well, we take the smallest irises, dwarf. Despite their individual expressiveness, - leaves by fan, beautiful bloom, - they are often lost in the flower bed ...

Summer "Work" of Irisov (in the garden of Elena Konstantinova)

E.K. According to blossoms, Gabitus and foliage texture, dwarfs are in flower beds with stones. They are good in combinations with plants like obsolets, stamps, cochlobal phlox. Do not forget about small cereals such as oatmeal, about bells, including not the smallest (bell bell). You can combine them with miniature shrubs, for example, with a fluttering rocket. Options in which the dwarf iris looks an important participant in the composition and is not lost among others, a lot.

TS Yes, you are right. But there is another aspect. Everything bearded irises - Intermedia, the high and the same dwarfs - the space is pretty quickly. From the rhizomes, a kind of shell is formed, which is not ridiculed in human. I look, there is nothing like that in your flower beds. Irises behave culturally - several fans in the right places ...

E.K. Just clean it is necessary too much, cut forward from time to time. Actually, not so often. As for "several fans,", it all depends on the role that you assign the iris. The point is not in quantity.

By the way, I do not consider it necessary to share bearded irises. They have only different heights. In my opinion, the intermedia for the flower bed is preferable, because they are wind resistant, well combined with low perennials and are suitable for the role of foreground accents.

Dwarf irises. Sudakovo.

After flowering will be "fountains" (in the garden of Elena Konstantinova)

TS Is it possible, please, more details about the roles?

E.K. Work techniques with iris set. In my garden, I, in particular, made a border of them. Before a lively hedge from Linden. The border is very good - dense, squint, it retains decorativeness for a long time. The hedge gradually expands, and the border must be moved away. But this is not a problem: in the process it is just deleted too much. Iris linear landing options as much as you want: straight, winding, smoothly curved.

Irises are very necessary in flower beds. They have a wide variety of paintings. Lilac and two-color yellow-lilac irises are perfectly combined. Harmonious composition It turns out with a hip, letter, geraniums (imagine nearby soft pillows Gerania and Moamida leaves of irises!). As well as with Zopnik, Lilia Martag, species Viola ...

TS As I understand it, with Siberian Irisa, another story. Narrow leaves form something similar to the fountain ...

Autumn, Irises (Garden Elena Konstantinova)

E.K. And do not forget about the autumn color of this "fountain"! In general, Siberian irises are a wonderful culture. A major copy looks good as a solitary plant, a dot in the landscape; In flower decoration, he will play the role of accent surrounded by low or soil; He has no equal in coastal flower beds.

Siberian iris is interesting in avant-garde gardens. Some bands from Iris are able to create an emotionally rich picture. If you use this iris as flowering plant, That is, not to bet exclusively on the leaves, then I personally like grades without dispersing the outdoor shares of the perianth, with a horizontally furnished flower, such as 'ego'. They can be successfully placed in very easy shading, or, again, in the coastal zone. And how are you a combination of Siberian Iris with Rosehip?

In love with lilies, iris and spring bulbous, a fair share of calculation is necessary. The all-consuming feeling often brings flowerflowers before planting the garden or his fragment is completely in one culture and even (oh, horror!) To "raised ridges".

And if only collectors suffered ... no! Even we, ordinary connoisseurs of elegant gardening, sometimes we go to these plants. Let them take not to take their place in the flower bed, we give the solo party instead of pointing to a conductor stick on Piano, clearly marked in the score ...

TS Oh, yes! .. But I wonder what you will say about Lilia. There are rumors, you do not like them. However, I see and lovely Asian, and there are still others there - high, almost with us ...

E.K. As for "I do not like" - not true. I just think that they should not be much. And those that grow in my garden - gifts. Yes, grow, bloom and smell like crazy. You want to believe, you want no, and those and others never touched. Some planted seven years ago, others are four as. Do not fall, behave perfectly. Of course, this requires an appropriate agricultural engineering. Well, and landing competent. When lilies in the right environment, they show themselves from the best side.

Lilies in the Garden of Elena Konstantinova

TS I think this is magic. Plants simply listen to you and behave, as they are told. And yet, if without magic, how to ensure that lilies in the flower garden look exquisitely and did not hurt, did not fall from the wind?

E.K. Lilies can not be planted in aesthetic considerations. And arrays - on aesthetic and practical at the same time. An array of lilies is the shortest path to mushroom diseases. Right I consider landing in small groups surrounded by other plants. Well, when lilies are as it were in the cloud of openwork aggregates - Vasilistnika doing, Calmeris, Gypsophila. In addition to the fact that it is beautiful, if something is happening with lilies, cornisters and Calmeris take problems with yourself.

TS And composite how to have them?

Lilies. Viteneev village

E.K. Lilies should not withdraw on the fore. Even patio. Their role in the flower bed is not the main one. Something should be from them and behind and in front. In bright shadows, they are perfectly combined with ferns, burning, geraniums, dwarf volzhanks. By the way, pay attention to the Volzhanka 'Kneiffii' - a wonderful companion for lilies.

You can also call low hosts, pachisandras, geihans. It is interesting to arrange a ringing game with color. Let's say, take a shrub with purple leaves and grade lily with a purple flower center. Lily looks at the sun with the seals, onions.

TS Elena Alekseevna, for example, honestly, with a huge love for bully, few people represent how to plant them competently. In particular, this refers to spring ephemeroids - tulips, daffodils, muskari. Teach how to first achieve the maximum effect, and then not to suffer in trying to hide yellowing leaves.

Flower bed with tulips. Pinery

Flowerbed with tulips. Pinery

E.K. I use five ways to landing. While we go to the flower bed fragment with medusers and Scylla Spanish (we all move along the garden, - TS), I will tell about the first version. This landing is a dense spot. Traditional and frequently used in gardens. In the fall, plant onion, and after flowering replace on the seams. Perfect for tulips. Because the tulips I love much less than the daffodils, in my garden of the first type of landing you will not see.

The second method is a two-layer landing, when annual, twilight and perennial flowers are applied together with bulbous. For example, the devils + Meltelukovic. Through the Kurtin of the soil - carnations, casnotok, the coinage driver - hayonoxes, crocuses, Pushkin ... Then they depart and the soils are closed. And here is Szill with Medician! That is the case.

Landing of daffodils "on the junction"

TS And there are two more ways to plant spring bulbous ...

E.K. You can chaotically distribute groups of bulbous in the garden, combining them with soil. Let's call it the fourth way. This type is close to natural - harmoniously looks in rockers, on the slopes, along the streams. Groups must be rotated, uneven, different or the same color. Very good in this landing small daffodils and, of course, all Meltelukovic.

And the fifth planting scheme - combined when, when designing different areas of the garden, those options are used that the best way Aesthetics of small space are responsible.

Elena Alekseevna in his wonderful garden

TS Well, the guide to action is accepted. Elena Alekseevna, thank you for this important conversation and instructive walk to your amazing garden.

Ranunculus (lat. Ranunculus), or asian buttercup (garden) - The plant of the family of iloko native of Malaya Asia. An ancient scientist Pliny called them so (translated from Latin Ranunkulyus means a "frog") for the fact that many types of buttercups, like all amphibians, love swampy terrain. In England from Turkey, Ranunkulyus was brought in the XVI century and immediately became a favorite of flower water, but eND XIX. A century, his popularity was somewhat fed and revived only in the current century. Today, more than 600 types of Ranuncoule are known. The balloon flower is good because it can stand in a vase with water up to two weeks. In Italy, the rods are called "gold buttons of meadows." There is a beautiful legend that buttercups are small asterisks, converted by Jesus in flowers and presented mothers as a sign of respect and love ...

Flowers Ranunculyus

Ranunculus Asian - highly beautiful flower. Grown it both in the garden and houses in pots, decorating them terraces, balconies and residential Rooms. The plant reaches a height of 20-80 cm, he has deeply dissected leaves and strong stems. Rhizomes are tubers like goose paws. And the centerast rhizome, and the leaves, and the stems of the Ranuncoule are similar to the leaves, stems and rhizomes of dahlia. Beautiful terry, semi-world and thickness inflorescences of the ranunculyus of various shades, except for blue and blue, reach 5-10 cm in diameter and sequentially bloom from May to August. When they begin to reveal, they look like roses, and when they will open, they look like terry poppies. Ranunculus white and wounded pink are very attractive for brides, with pleasure to include them in their wedding bouquet. However, it should be remembered that sok Ranuncouleus poisonous.

In the culture, the types and varieties of the Ranunculyus Asian, having the originally two varieties are grown: Ranunculus Persian (Ranunculus Persian), whose inflorescences are similar to Rose, and Ranunculus African, or Chalm (Ranunculus Africanus), whose inflorescences resemble Peony.

Growing Ranuncouleus - Features

  • - In order not to burn the roots, feeding the ignition, choose only those fertilizers whose biohumus includes;
  • - the plant does not like transplants, so it is desirable without extreme needs of the Ranunculyus not to disturb;
  • - During the flowering period, the ranunculus needs potassium and limestone;
  • - During flowering, move the pot with a plant into the shadow and reduce watering, then the ranunculus will bloom longer;
  • - Ranunculyus is not frosty, so his tubers need to dig out from the ground to frosts, immediately after the leaves are rejected;
  • - In one pot, you can land ringings different colors, It turns out a beautiful and elegant bouquet;
  • - It is advisable to clean the blurred inflorescences that newly bloomed new, and at the end of the summer, the stem must be cut off to the base.

Ranuncoulyus landing in the garden

Preparation of soil for landing.

Garden Ranuncoulyus (buttercup) grows and under the bright sun, but prefers a half-one in which the color of his inflorescence will be brighter, and the flowering is more long. Think over how to protect it from drafts. And do not hurry with the landing, make sure that freezes will no longer. The Banunculyus soil prefers a neutral, light and fertile, for example, a black soil with sand and humus or peat neutralized with chalk. It is categorically not suitable for wounded wounds. The main thing is that the soil does not delay moisture for a long time, but it absorbed water well when watering. Be sure to provide good drainage, otherwise your flowers can be contrary. You can do this, for example, pouring a little sand on the bottom of the landing pits. Before planting the ignition, reap the soil, make compost into it and treat the Fundazola solution.

When sow seeds of the Ranuncouleus.

When to plant the blununcoule tubers.

When the Earth warms and the risk of spring frosts will disappear (approximately, at the end of April or early May), it is time to plant the bulbs of the Ranuncouleus. Flower landing Ranunculyus - the process is simple and easy, but there is important momentsthat can not be missed. To prepare the ranuncouleus tubers to landing, they are placed in a wet environment for several hours (sponge, wet sawdust or moss). You can just soak them into cold water or weak solution Manganese. Sometimes growth stimulator is added to the water. Since the plant does not tolerate a transplant, think good at once, how to put the Ranunculyus, that is, in what place it will be really comfortable. How to plant a balloon? Ranuncoulyus tubers are placed in a hole to a depth of 5-8 cm "keyboard" down. The distance between the tubers is 10-15 cm. If there is a possibility of a sharp decrease in temperature, cover the flower leaf by observing material or straw. Two-three months from each club will appear a few blooms, and in time the first Ranuncouleus flowers will be revealed.

Ranunculyus - Garden Care

Care for wounds is completely simple.Watering Ranunculyus Need regular, but moderate so that the roots do not rot from excessive humidity. The first signs of posting are mold on the leaves and dropping buds. Remove the damaged parts of the plants, shry the soil around them, reduce watering. Delete the blurred inflorescences in time so that they do not interfere with the blooming new. Ranuncoulyus needs B. the soil looser And organic feeding fertilizers: Feed it every two weeks with potash fertilizers (40-50 g per m 2 lands) during flowering period (potash salt, potassium sulfate or wood ash). Sometimes, especially in the arid summer, a web tick can be settled in the ringings. The stalks and leaves of the plant attract TRU and TRIPS, and if you notice silver or white spots on leaves, you should immediately treat the ignition insecticides. It is recommended for the prevention of spraying the wounds 2-3 times per week with a 0.2% solution of mercaptophos.

Ranunculyus at home

If you decide to put on the balcony of the Ranunculyus, the care of it will be no more difficult than in the garden, and, nevertheless, to successfully grow the ranunculus at home, listen to the advice of experienced flowerflowers. Home wounds are recommended to plant not a single plant, but in a group. Make yourself or buy decorative drawer or big, wide pot with drainage holes And put in it Ranunkulyus. Landing is carried out in the same soil as in the garden: to the peat-based substrate. On the eve I soak the tubers for a day in the water. On the bottom of the box or pot, pour a layer of drainage (crushed stone, clay, eggshell), Then the substrate layer, place the ranunculyus tubers and spread the substrate so much so that only the top of the bulbs can be seen. If the width of the pot allows you to put several tubers in it. Pight the rununkulyus in the pot and first keep it at a temperature not higher than 12 ºC, from time to time moisturizing the soil.

Care for wounds at home.

When the sprouts achieved several centimeters, the temperature can be slightly increased (up to 20-22 ºC), during flowering period, it should be no lower than 18ºС, but also no more, because then the ignition will be wondering too quickly. The main thing in the care of the ranunculus indoors to fall on it shine. He feels great on Eastern and Western windows, but if there is an opportunity, put it on the south, and he will reward you with great blossom. After the onset warm days A pot or box can be reached on a balcony or terrace. Water The plant must be regularly adding to the water during the growth of fertilizer. Watering is preferred top, but try the soil not to overvolt. Sometimes spray the plant with water. After wiping the Ranuncouleus watering should be reduced.

Ranunculyus after flowering

Fravel and storage of garden wounds.

Autumn has come. It's time to dig a ringunkulus. The cultivation of this plant should not seem to be time consuming. The same simple will be the last stage. As soon as the leaves of the Ranuncouleus yellowed and dried, the stalks and leaves are cut and the clubs of plants are removed from the ground. It is necessary to do it very carefully, because the rhizomes at the Ranunculyus are very fragile and break from any careless movement. Actually, the rainculus plant is perennial, but it does not tolerate the temperature below -7 ºC, so it is better to overweight in a well-ventilated basement at a temperature of 4-6 ºC, wrapped in a dry moss or a paper bag. Before placing it on winter storage, Ranuncoulyus needs to be shipped 30 minutes in the Fundazole and dry well in the shade for three days. If your ranunculyus is a perennial and you do not have harsh winters, leave the root in the ground, just cover the husknik from the cold or palform. Even if some part of the tubers and perish, you can always buy new and suck them in the spring to the site.

Ranunculyus home after flowering.

You can save a plant after flowering by placing it in a cool, shaded place where the ranunkulyus will grow for some time. Then the rest period comes, which precedes the yellowing and drying of the leaves and stems. Move the Ranunculyus to the room with a temperature of 15-18 ° C, transplanting it to a new soil. Ranuncoulyus walking period lasts no more than a month, and in April you will see new sprouts. Each tuber for the season of vegetation gives 5-7 new processes. When digging, they are carefully separated and searched or stored until spring in the basement or in the refrigerator on the shelf with vegetables. But it is worth knowing that the ranunculus, grown out of the preserved tubers, will be weaker, and the flowers will be smaller. That is why many amateur flower trees prefer to buy new tubers every year.