Repairs Design Furniture

How to plant irises correctly. Planting irises and care for them. Bearded irises on the plot

Posted on 06/27/2010 ,

Squeeze bearded irises

Mid summer. Heat. It seems that in such a sultry weather to plant or transplancing garden plants - not too useful occupation. However, there is a garden inhabitant who needs in the July landing. This extremal is a bearded iris.

Of course, to tie the timing of certain agrotechnical events to a specific date does not make sense, since here much is directly subject to weather conditions for a particular region. Focus better on the phases of the annual development of Iris. I understood and "Fullying the needs" of your green pet, you can get fabulous from him beautiful thanks in the form of abundant long blossom.

Bearded irises in the complex composition of a circular review

The best time for planting bearded iris is the phase of active root growth, which begins shortly after the flowering period. But, since, the flowering time in different groups of irises differ, respectively, the landing time is shifted.

The earliest - dwarf irises (up to 40 cm) - bloom in the second half of May, followed by the baton pick up the irises of the Intermedia (41-70 cm), and the most spectacular - high bearded irises (from 70 cm) - bloom in the first half of June and Please take the eyes before the beginning of July. By the way, the last group of irises, in turn, is also divided into early, medium and late-driving varieties. These flowering dates are quite conditional and can move depending on the weather.

Planting the Iris in the spring, measure, rather forced. Most often, and it is more correct to plant them after the plants beat away and fell into peace. But, you know that seedlings and seedlings we mostly sell in spring, so you have to break all the vegetative processes of plants. Although the irises belong to this quite patiently.

Planting Iris in the spring in the ground

If you have a spring landing of root irises, then you have already purchased ready-made decene in a specialized store or nursery. I do not recommend buying a landing material from hands. You can not always keep the flowering kidney in good condition so that it began to bloom in the same year.

Root irises begin to bloom in beginning of middle May (most), in the spring landing, it is not always possible to get flowering in the same year as.

How to plant irises

As it is already known to those who grow these flowers constantly - they are very unpretentious, grow, almost, in themselves and slowly grow up with the help of rope roots, if they are not searched. Plants are undemanding. Unless you need to comply with several rules when disembarking.

  • For good irises, choose the solar place.
  • If you land Siberian or bearded irises that are more common with us, pick a dry place without stagnation of water, better on the hill.
  • If the soil is clay or too heavy, do not be lazy to deposit on the sand and peat bucket, disappear all on the spade bayonet.
  • Do not make too many fertilizers, the irises do not like it. Especially detractively for them will be the introduction of fresh manure.

Suppose you have already chosen the right place and you have a good decene with a strong young root, from 5 to 10 cm, strong leaves. It remains to dig up a shallow well, so that the root in length (not height) was placed in it. Roots in the irises are stealing on the surface of the Earth of the Earth and in the wells you need to have them as well. And the fan of the leaves should look straight up, not under a slope.

Before placing the root in the well, it needs to be treated in a solution of a fungicide, for example Maxim, half an hour for it is enough. Just be careful that only the root is in solution.

At the bottom of the hole, you need to make a small hilly from the soil, even better, from the sand, so that the root is well lying on it. After that, it remains a bit of the root sprinkle, they must be on the surface of the soil, follow when landing so that the root neck is not blocked, otherwise it quickly gets and the plant will die.

After landing the well, it is enough to pour it once if the season is dry. Irises love watering only during flowering.

Growing Irisov

On lightweight, fertile soils, these flowers can grow up to 10 years, after the third year of planting they begin to bloom especially magnificently. Special conditions Iris do not require. Basic principles of care, like most plants.

  • Watering.
  • Weeding.
  • Loosening.
  • Fighting diseases and pests.
  • Feeding.

Special irrigation is not required. Plants do not like constantly wet soil, roots can quickly bend.

Pouring flowers have manually, since the roots can be damaged to garden tools.

Swimming is not very deep, again, not to damage the roots.

Of the diseases, the irises are most often overtaken by various rot, but with proper agricultural engineering, they rarely ill. Sometimes tryps appear, but they are easy to remove them, spraying flowers with any eradicate.

To feed the irises once a month with a complete fertilizer for colors in a liquid form, combining it with watering.

When to transplant Iris

Although they can grow in one place at 10 and more than years, from time to time they need to transplant or disassemble. At least once every three years. Strongly smashed, the roots of the irises are formed by the ring, in the middle of which water is stared. Yes, and the soil is very much disappeared with their long cultivation.

The best time to transplant Iris, after the flowers are swinging and dry leaves, that is, in the middle of summer.

In a new place, you make the wells and seed the plants at a distance of 30 cm. To share the plantation of irises, causing the roots as little as possible, you need to use garden forks. At the bottom of pinning plants, raise the roots, and then separate the links with a shovel or knife.

For a transplant, choose large alphawise, with formed flower kidney and a good fan. Before boarding, we also process the roots of a fungicide or a solution of manganese, cut long roots, and the leaves shorten by 1/3, so the plants will start grow faster.

Transplant Iris Spring

The rest of the spring the transplant is the same as in the summer. It happens that for some reason it is in the spring that it is necessary to make a "permutation" in the garden and transplant Iris. In general, there is nothing terrible here, the only thing they may not have time to be rooted and blooming. Sometimes there are difficulties with Siberian irises that do not tolerate the roots of roots. And the rest of the whole process is simple and accessible even to novice gardeners.

The garden that constantly blooms is the dream of every gardener. An integral part beautiful garden are irises. Their description, rules of care for them, cultivation advice are presented in this article.

a brief description of

Before answering the question about when planting an iris, you need to tell about this plant. These flowers refer to plants from the family called Casatic, or Iris. They are rhizable. These flowers can be found everywhere. Everything is known about seven hundreds of their varieties, each of which is attractive in its own way.

According to legend, Hippocrates gave the name to this plant. Irises are referred to in honor of Irida, the goddess of the rainbow. Probably, the scientist relied on the appearance of flowers, picking up names for them. Florence received its name in honor of the Iris, because the fields near it were sown with them. From the very beginning of our era, these flowers became wide demanded. Most often they were used as elements of decor, but with the development of the perfume industry, they were distributed as raw materials for essences.


Irises combine such qualities as amazing beauty and high resilience. In the people they are called garden orchids for the grace of flowers and their appearance. They are distinguished by the fact that it blooms lush and please the eyes for a long time.

Irises are divided into two groups depending on the type of root. It can be bully and root. The plants of the last type, as a rule, possess annual bluers. Them root system represented by woven processes similar to cords or threads. The leaves on the stem are missing, and the flowers are collected in the bundles, each of which resembles a fan. Floweros are large, single, he has a relaxed look. Coloring can be any color of the rainbow. The flowering period of these plants falls at the end of the spring - the middle of summer, it lasts from May to July.

Bulbous irises

To know how and when Irises onion, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of this plant. Flowers of this type are divided into three groups: Iridodikim, Juno and Ksifium.

Iridodikim is a low plant, the dimensions of which are up to 15 centimeters. It has a small bulb and roots similar to the thread. Single flowers, they consist of six petals growing in two rows. During flowering, narrow leaves appear, which reach lengths of 20 centimeters. The color of iris iridodicium can be any, ranging from white and finishing purple color. Blossom begins in the spring, lasts for two to three weeks. This type of irises is best adapted to temperature regime in Russia. This plant is perennial. It can grow in one place for five years.

Juno is another kind of irises. This plant is considered the most rare one. It blooms in the spring, most often in April or May. Its bulb is fleshy, the roots are thick. However, they are subject to mechanical damage: they can easily tear them away. Plant leaves are narrow and long. Their length reaches 20 centimeters. On the flowers grows the sinus of two flowers. Their color is most often represented by a white and yellow or lilated tint. This type of irises should be grown on warm, bright, sunny places, for example, in Central Asia or in the Caucasus.

When to plant Irises like Xifium? These plant blooms in the warm season, from early June to early July. In September, the period of their peace comes, at the same time the roots die. Xiofium - the largest variety lukovichnya Irisov. These plants have a fleet and a powerful root system. Their leaves are long and narrow. Colors painted in various shades. It can be like pastel colors, for example, pale pink and bright, such as yellow and blue in the speck.

Stages of growth

Irises grow rapidly, in one season there are several stages of their development. Consider them on the example of flowers that landed in the open soil in the spring. It is at this time of the year. start steps Growth. When to plant irises in spring in an open ground? This is done in April or May, because the soil has time to warm up and the plant is not threatened with supercooling.

First, there is an overhead part. In just 40 or 50 days, a bush appears in the plant, on which buds are located. In order for the irises to grow beautiful and healthy, they need a powerful root system. That is why, with a spring landing, the underground part is developing primarily, and after that, closer to the end of this time of the year, flowering begins. How to plant irises in spring? It is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to damage the fragile onion of the plant or its rapid root system.

When the end of bloom occurs in July, new links grow on the roots. Subsequently, the kidneys appear on them. In the summer, plants transplant. It is carried out at the moment when the kidney is still missing the root. They are very fragile, it is easy to damage in transplantation.

In the fall, in the period from the end of August to October, it is possible to plant the irises in the open ground. At this time of the year, the root system of the plant is quite developed, the kidneys have already been strengthened and wounded, they can be easily distinguished. Irises have time to root before the onset of the first frosts. They carry the winter well and in early spring Touch in growth. For one season, a bush grows from a small seedling of irises. He is ready to reproduce the next year.

Choosing a place

It is important not only to deal with the timing of colors, but also know how to plant irises correctly. So that the plant pleased the eye and was healthy, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for its cultivation. So, bulbous irises prefer outdoor sun plots. The place must be warm, but the strong heat is contraindicated for the plant.

Drafts should exclude and protect the flowers from the wind. If the air gusts are too strong, then high plants can break, which means that they are constantly needed. Clear plants also suffer from drafts, because they are not very strong, they can easily damage them. Best of all, quiet and well-kept corners in the garden or even in the garden are best for growing irises. If there is an opportunity, the flowers should be planted in the mountaineering.

Where are the irises grow?

Speaking about the timing of the landing of the Iris, you need to tell where you can grow these flowers. Some people plant this plant in the gardens and at the gardens. For this, a small place is given, which is most often located along the fence or path. Such a layout of colors allows you to decorate the garden.

When can I plant the irises? Gardeners do it at the beginning of autumn, in September. If the bulbs are purchased in the spring season, the irises are planted in pots. Before these plants were widely distributed, some of their varieties were grown at home as a room plant.

There is another option where Irises can land. These flowers look perfectly on lawns and flower beds. They can be placed both one and groups. They calmly adjacent to other plants. The main thing is that the requirements for the cultivation of irises and other colors were similar.

The soil

It is important to possess not only information about when to plant an iris. You need to know what the soil likes this plant. Proper soil preparation will allow to grow healthy and strong flowers that will decorate the garden for a long time. The soil should be nutritious. It must be regularly loosened. Before boarding, you need to make a fertilizer soil. If there is no such possibility, then it is necessary to do it as soon as possible after the flowers placed in the soil.

Irises should be planted on a drained, dry, well warmed soil. When to plant an iris? Do it, as a rule, at the beginning of autumn, in September, or in the middle of spring. At this time, the soil meets all the requirements so that the flowers have grown beautiful and healthy.

How to plant irises?

The question of when planting irises in open ground is very popular. Another sufficiently common question: how to plant flowers? This is done in spring or autumn. For this, small pits are digging, the depth of which is no more than ten centimeters. If the landing of the bulbous type irises is manufactured, the distance between the wells should be from 10 to 15 centimeters. Distance can be reduced or enlarged. It depends on the size of the bulbs: what they are larger, the more the distance between it should be.

When to plant irises to open ground? Flower beds most often create in spring. At the same time, they must rise above the Earth at least 15 centimeters. It is necessary to pre-add to the fertilizer soil - both mineral and organic. After that, the soil is barely barely and with the help of Villas construct a flow-tilt in the south side. If the Earth was fertilized with manure, it is necessary to postpone the landing of the Iris until the next season.

These flowers are very popular also because there is no need to produce their transplant annually. For five to ten years, they can grow at the same place. If the bushes grow greatly, they are seated.

Care for iris

So, it was previously said when it was better to plant the irises and what time of the year it makes most of the gardeners. Now it is necessary to consider all the requirements for the care of these plants. Some people face the following problem: Flowers are planted on a suitable soil, chosen right landing time, but the plant still looks weak and sick. The problem lies in caring for irises.

Making fertilizers and feeding

When is it better to plant irises: in spring or autumn? Most of the gardeners do this in September, because it is this month the conditions ambient They are considered the most favorable for planting flowers in open ground. In any case, it is necessary to properly care for the soil in which irises grow. This will allow from the very beginning to prevent the emergence of various problems, for example, the weakening of colors.

All sorts of composts should be used regularly. Bulk irises can get sick or recycled if you add ordinary manure to the soil. It is necessary to fertilize the soil on an ongoing basis. As a rule, such a procedure is carried out three times over the entire period of active plant growth. The first feeding should add nitrogen, in the second - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and in the third - only potassium and phosphorus. The very first procedure is carried out at the beginning of the growth of the plant, the second - during the formation of buds, the third - three weeks after the end of flowering. Nitrogen is not added to the third feeding, since it contributes to growth, and at the end of flowering this process is slowed down.

Watering is held once a day in the evening time. It is necessary to do it carefully: the water in no case should fall on the flowers. Every month the beds on which irises grow, it is necessary to sprinkle with ordinary wood ash.

Fighting pests

When is it better to plant irises? In the spring, such a procedure is carried out. When the period of active growth in colors begins, the irises become the most susceptible to the appearance of various pests. Most often this plant attacks the Medveda, naked slugs, root tick and a lilous caterpillar. In order for the Iris to suffer from all these organisms, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

First, the plant should be regularly sprayed. This is done every week. Secondly, it is necessary to control the condition of the flower, carefully monitor the condition of the stem and roots. Part of the plant that is underground is most difficult for a person. At the same time, it is very vulnerable to various diseases. Often the root system of irises suffers from the appearance on it rot. If it was not possible to prevent its occurrence, the rot is removed, and the flowers are treated with a special solution of manganese. After that, the roots are carefully dried in the sun, and the soil is thrown away. If you take action on time, you can save the irises. Subsequently, they will also bloom as beautifully as healthy plants.

Temperature modes. Protection from the cold

Many gardeners who have not yet grown these flowers are asked: when to plant irises? In the fall, you can make landing of bulbs in open ground. Then plants will have to winter. This means that it is necessary to take care of creating optimal temperature conditions. To do this, the shelter of peat is built (it can be replaced by the branches of the facility) and dry leaves. The fact is that the roots grow horizontally. They may appear above the ground. If this happens in the cold season, the plant will perish. With the onset of spring, the shelter is inhabited. This is done in order to warm the roots of the plant. If in winter the underground part of the iris frozle, the wound is cleaned to solid tissue, and the damaged place is treated with a solution of manganese or ordinary green. How to understand that the roots are frozen? They acquire the kind of porridge.

Decorative qualities

As mentioned earlier, the irises are the flowers that got a lot of distribution in the design and perfume industry. What qualities have plants? What are they attractive to people from all over the planet?

First, the irises have a unique color palette: you can find flowers almost any color. Some plants have coloring in pastel tones, Others, on the contrary, very bright. There are separate representatives of the Iris family, whose petals are white and even black. Spring Irises, which compare with snowdrops due to the timing of their appearance, are considered the most beautiful.

Secondly, they do not require much careful care. Of course, it is necessary to conduct activities to prevent various diseases, to fight pests and loosen the soil. However, irises have excellent vitality, they easily carry frosts, they have good immunity.

It is hard to find a person who would not like the irises. These unpretentious flowers do not require much care, so loved by flowerfish. I will tell you how to plant irises. Iris - perennial.

With ease, tolerate wintering in the open soil. Garden irises have two types of shoots: vegetative and generative. Vegetative shoots are an underground rhizome, which consists of annual units.

On these links, leaves are formed in the form of a fan. GENERAL ESPECTS - This is a flowerca. Each colorhouse is formed from one to eight, sometimes eleven flowers depending on the variety. Iris's roots are nice-shaped or cordlike, urine.

The roots of garden irises are able to improve the structure of the soil. They are multiplied by the seeds and vegetatively, that is, the division of the rhizomes. Seeds are breeding irises usually only for hybridization.

With such a landing, the plant blooms only for 2 or even the third year. In reproduction, garden irises blooms for the first year. In this way, varietal irises and wilderness can be multiplied.

Preparation of root to landing of irises

For separation, choose a large, well-developed Iris bush. Shoot. Decorate from the Earth. Rhizome can be cut by a knife or acute shovel or just break with your hands.

Each separated part must have a sheet beam, and part of the root must consist of two annual links (you can and one link). The roots must be shortened by 1/3, remove old links.

The leaves of the plant should be half cut, while completely removing patients and dry. Check the rhizome carefully. Damaged, fallen places cut out with a knife. After that, it is necessary to disinfect the rhizome in a weak solution of yearngotum 15-20 minutes.

Rhizomes should be dried in the sun. All sections are processing a mixture of intertwined coal with gray (in terms of 1: 1).

Landing Irisov

We prepare the pits for landing the irises. The center is made small hollyk. We put the rhizome on it, the roots neatly straighten on the sides.

The rhizomes are planting at a depth of no more than 3 cm. The distance between the colors should be approximately 50 cm.

Iris Planting and Transplanting Time

Transplanting Irisov is made immediately after the flowering end. Or at the end of the vegetation. At this time, the growth of leaves and roots is resumed.

If you skip this moment, then the plants will not have time to be rooted and just die. The best time for landing the irises is considered the period from the end of August to the beginning of September. If the seating material was received later than this period, it is better to plant rhizomes into pots, which should be kept indoors at a temperature of 7-8 degrees.

Spring into the ground these rhizomes will need to be in the spring. Garden irises that were planted at the end of the summer, bloom already next in spring. Most lush flowering - on the second and third year.

Konnel method of reproduction of irises

With the usual reproduction, the division from the uterine bush is obtained from 3 to 7 new plants. In the budding method, you can get 50 and more landing units. For reproduction, choose a fairly developed plant.

Drop it, wash it from the ground and we dry. Cut the rhizome by 6-8 parts. Each part should have a kidney and one or two root. Rhizome is better cut across.

Make a groove in the kidney, a depth of 5 cm. We put in them the prepared pieces of the root of each other next to the other. I fall asleep the grooves of light loose soil. As necessary, we water.

Next year, you can already transplant new plants for a permanent place. Cut roots can not be planted in open soil, but in the heating boxes. Mobile reproduction is best done at the end of July

Reproduction of sprouts

During flowering, we separate from the parent plant with acute knife Sprouts without buds, capturing a piece of root fabric. These sprouts plant in a cold greenhouse in the shadow. Spray as needed.

After 2-3 weeks, the root is rooted. This method is relatively different from the rest of the fact that it is precisely possible to determine the variety that is divorced. In addition, the parent plant is not damaged. And almost 90% of the cuttings are rooted.

If you dream of a continuously blooming garden, then fill the pause between the early spring and summer plants will help you with beautiful flowers - Iris. Iris Start blooming about the second decade of May, and finish their bloom in early July.

Lukovichny irises, planting features. Site "Garden World"

If you skillfully select the variety of irises, then their flowering can last to two months and throughout this time to please you with their unique beauty. So, did you decide to grow irises? Then you should know about some intricacies of contacting them.

Soil preparation for the landing of irises

It is necessary to locate the site for the landing of the irises. If the groundwater is on high standing, then it is necessary to drain this place. Take care of the place to be sunny, as in the shadow irises bloom badly.

The flowerbed, where you gathered to grow irises better to raise 15 cm. Depending on the state of the soil, mineral and organic fertilizers must be added to it.

After the nutritional procedures made, the soil loose, they are rejected by re-fork and build a bed or a flowerbed with a slight bias to the south. It is not recommended to add pressure to the soil immediately before landing the irises, to help them with the soil better a year before landing.

Irisa can be grown in one place without transplanting up to 10 years (Siberian Iris and Iris Kempfera), hybrid - up to 5 years. Over the years, the bushes of Iris are very much grow up, a large area will be required, otherwise the nutrients will miss the limited space.

Landing Irisov

In the summer, the Irisov has a flower kidney, so that winter Iris with already formed kidneysFrom which new flowers will appear in the new season. In gentle varieties of irises, flower kidneys (and the rhizomes themselves) at a temperature of -7-10 ° C may die.

It follows to plant the irises after the end of their flowering, as long as their flower kidney has not had time to ride, and the new links at the rhizoma have already managed to grow. Separate these links from the plant with a knife, the bush itself does not dig.

Landing unit (The blade, tank, decene, fan) is a one-year-old rhizome link, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm, and the length is 3 cm. Its leaves must be shortened by one third of the length, the roots should be trimmed, leaving 7-10 cm. The best time for landing Iris is summer.

The roots on the young link are still in its infancy, and their active growth begins at the site of landing in 7-14 days. By the time the flower kidney will be laid, the tanks are already firmly rooted.

Summer landing for duration takes 14 days. If you want to land the irises in the fall, then choose plants with already laid floral kidney, no more than 6 cm long and a diameter of 2-3 cm, with well-developed roots. If you are lucky with the weather, your plant is quickly rooted and will bloom the next year.

Autumn landing period takes up to one and a half months. Try to choose the time of landing so that your plant has managed to root before the soil fluctuates. The landing time will note that the rhizome is correctly planted by Iris is at the level of the soil, and the leaves fan must remain vertical if it is palm.

Based on the length of the roots, the landing fossa of the required depth is digging. At the bottom of this pit it should be built by a small holmik, which is placed on the roots. Slightly pressing the seedling, fall asleep with its layer of land.

After that, it is necessary to pour a plant, and after 3-5 days to pour a second time. Saplings are best dialed if the sunny days are too hot. For additional heating, it is better to arrange the decek with leaves to the north side.

Care for iris

Iris saplings need to be careful as all other perennial plants: the removal of weeds (recommended by hand), timely loosening of the soil, seasonal feeding, watering, treatment of diseases, the fight against pests and the like. But besides all of the above, there are some features in the cultivation of the irises that you need to know that your irises have been healthy and did not stop your blossom.

One-year-old landing of irises at the end of the autumn must be well covered with foliage or pine fabric. At the beginning of the spring, as soon as snow comes down, this shelter is removed.

Old landing in winter No shelter do not need it, when the snow melts, turn into the winter shelter, and as soon as the soil falls out, the shelter should be removed. The soil around the rhizomes is unscrewed.

Undercalinking Iris FertilizersAs soon as the top layer of the Earth will dry, the soil can be fertilized. After putting into the soil of mineral fertilizers, it should be disappeared, deepening by 4-5 cm. At the same time, try not to damage the roots of the irises, because they are almost on the surface. Hybrid irises, which have reached the age of 3-5 years, fertilize:

  • in the early spring, mineral feeders of 2 parts of nitrogen, 1 pieces of phosphorus and 1 part of potassium; During the formation of boutons of mineral feeding from 3 parts of nitrogen, 1 part of phosphorus and 3 parts of potassium; A month after the flowering of mineral feeding from 1 part of the phosphorus and 1 part of potassium.

Such a three-time feeder will make your irises endless and highly spoiled. If you land the young irises, you supported the soil, then in the summer it will no longer need it. If the plant in a certain period does not get the necessary nutrients, it adversely affects its growth and Development. For Garden Iris, this period is the time when the second vegetative growth of new shoots occurs and when flower kidneys are laid.

If during this period a plant to focus, next year it will be abundantly blossoming. Derent-podzolic medium-bred soil, well anchored, feces in one season three times with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 9-12 grams. per quarter. m. If the soil is sandy, then the dose must be increased 15-18 grams. per quarter. m. Do not overdo it with nitrogen, it can cause the ignition of irises, this will lead to the fact that the bushes in the irises will have many powerful leaves, but there will be no flowering. Fighting pests and diseasesAll plants need prophylactic pest protection, it is important to pay attention to this and when growing irises.

To do your beautiful flowers Various pests did not start, spray the irises every 10-14 days, starting from the moment the leaves will grow up to 10 cm, pesticides or malathion. After the leaves come out of the flowers, the spraying should be stopped. Some bearded irises in the summer can observe plants that have weak leaf bundles consisting of three or five leaves.

In such plants there are problems with laying floral kidney, so the next year this plant will not bloom. Healthy bearded irises have seven-nine leaves. Look carefully the plant, especially rhizomes.

If you find the rot on them, then screaming it carefully and the plant. The leaves that remained since last year do trust and burn, pests may remain in them.

When the irises will begin the flowering period, remove all the faded flowers, and after flowering all the blooming. Clear a healthy plant can also be presented on the leaves of a wax flyer. Irises who are not amazed by TRIPS have a smooth waxing layer.

Rubric: Text Iris: Anna Kartashova For the site "Favorite Flowers" The rights to images: the magazine "Garden do-it-yourself" (December 1999). roundapple, AlliesAdornments, abaranda, mylocorp, Tim McNally, SCSheola, mmatins, Scott Vining, wags2099, okiraku_diver, shutterbugMike, onelinecross, Tie Guy II, highsierramedia, Maia C ", samo_samo, Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow, cawarfel , BlytheSocdcloset, Muchan5, Grammi H, Jalimager, Gypsy Flores Photography, Midnightpics, Nikname, AnaiveTte64, Philosopher Queen, * Linny *, Aeschylus18917, Sir Frog, Jeff Wignall, Bratjerm, Cawarfel

53 comments to the article

The best time for the landing of Irisov is considered mid-July - the time when plants are flowing, and they can be divided and transplanting without losing the decorativeness of the garden. However, it can be done in the spring. Before you decide how to properly plant the irises in the spring, you need to seriously approach the choice of a suitable place for this plant. Requests for irises should be:

  • Sunny; not overwhelmed. Invalid stagnation of melting water. It is desirable that in the area where the flowers plan are planned, the groundwater was closer to 1 m; with neutral or weakly acidic soils, preferably - light squeezed or lungs.

If you want to get healthy plants that please abundant blossoms for many years, and decided to properly plant irises in the spring correctly, then it is necessary to switch and easily choose the selected plot no later than two weeks before landing the divini. This time is required for soil shrinkage, since the irises are poorly developing if their rhizome is strongly shrouded (namely, it happens if the plant is planted into the freshly scalpped soil).

It is very good if the flower bed will be raised by 15-20 cm.Seter the most spectacular varieties of irises can be found if you look into the catalog. These flowers are able to turn the garden into a real paradise to the entire first half of summer. You can achieve continuous flowering of iridarium from mid-May to mid-July, pick up a variety of different flowering times. Read the landing to decide on what the irises in the spring. The following fertilizers contribute to the selected landing, due to the calculation of 1 square meter of the square:

  • Organic fertilizer in the form of humus, 8-10 kilograms; 2-3 cups of wood ash; as much simple superphosphate.

Nowadays, it is not recommended to use fresh manure, as it causes rotting rot, and the plant can perish. Some gardeners, even bringing the humus, try not to mix it with the soil, and contribute to the plants, to a depth of 20-30 cm, in order to prevent the root rot. Theirises will grow badly and blossom to bloom on the soils.

If there is such a land on your site, then before planting colors, in 2 weeks, it will be useful to enter into the ground on the site prepared for landing dolomite flour, Calculated 1 cup for 1 square meter. In the spring landing of the irises, they are unlikely to bloom in the same year. Optimal deadlines - From July to September.

If you plant the irises in the spring, then you will see the results of your work only in the next May. And all his beauty the plant will demonstrate only on the third year.

Evaluate Article.

Irises for the beauty of the flower are often called garden orchids. These are perennial plants that are pleased with abundant bloom with minimal care. We multiply the seeds and the division of the root.

One of the questions of novice flower flowers is the question: how to plant irises, and what place to choose for landing?

How to prepare the soil for irises?

The landing of the irises can be performed from April (if you buy rhizomes in the store) until the middle of August (when flowering ends). First of all, you need to choose a well-lit place for landing.

In the absence of such, you can choose a light half. Theirises love light weighty sooth, which must be attended before planting. To facilitate the soil, you can add sand and peat, it also will also hurt a small amount of wood ash or lime. You will need to choose a well-drained one for growing irises.

It is desirable that the flower bed, on which the irises will grow, was higher than the level of the ground by 15 cm. Soil must be nutritious. Pre-deposit mineral and organic fertilizers.

After applying fertilizers, the soil must be loosen, overheat again with the help of forks and to build a flower leaf, a little inclined to the south. Purchase gardeners recommend not to make manure right before landing the irises. If this year was made such fertilizer, it is better to postpone the landing of the irises until the next spring. Theirises love for not needing an annual transplant.

They can grow perfectly at the same place from 5 to 10 years. For such a long period of time, the bushes, of course, greatly grow up, and they must be searched.

Rules of landing of Irisov

It is not only important where, but also how to plant irises. Here you need to adhere to certain rules. If you put the irises too deeply, a delay in the growth and development of the plant is possible, and with a shallow landing, a powerful plant simply will not stand in the ground.

For proper landing, it is advisable to make 2 trenches with a hormster between them. On this holly, it should be accommodated rhizome, and the roots are sealed along the trench, which is then filled with soil.

As a result, the irises should be located at a distance of about 50 cm from each other with rhizome at a depth of about 3 cm. Aidean time for the landing of the irises is summer. It is summer that flower kidneys are laid, and to the onset of winter colds, these will already have formed plants that can be overwhelmed and in the spring to please with their colors. It is usually parts of the rhizoma of a one-year plant.

The leaves are cut by a third, the roots are shortened so that there are no more than 10 cm. If you could not land the Irises in the summer, you can do it in the fall, but note that from the moment of landing to the first frosts should pass at least one and a half months so that Iris has managed To root. Having planted its irises, make sure that the rhizer is at the soil level, and the leaves retained a vertical position even after the climbing palm.

Sizza Saplings of Iris at a distance of 20-40 cm. From each other. After the landing of the iris is needed deep and inappropriate watering. The second watering of seedlings should take place on 3-5 days after landing.

Care for seedlings

The main care of the seedlings of irises is no different from the care of other long-term garden plants. It is necessary to regularly remove weeds, loosen the soil, water, feed fertilizers, struggle with diseases.

In addition, in care of the saplings of irises there are some features, knowledge of which will help grow healthy flowers on your site. For young seedlings easier moved winter frosts, they are closer to the end of the autumn are covered with leaves. Early spring, after snow comes down, the shelter is cleaned.

Only young seedlings need in such shelter. Older Irises are calmly winter and without additional shelter. After how little soil gets free, you can make fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers make and frustrate the soil, trying not to damage the roots.

Don't forget about possible pests. If you have noticed any pests on your irises, spray them every two weeks with special eradicates.

But when the first leaves appear, the spraying stops. These simple rules will help you put and grow on your garden plot These amazing flowers. BUT correct care It will be a key to excellent decorative qualities and long flowering.

- 2nd part

Flowers Iris - Description

Irises - Rhizome plants. Corn-shaped or filamental roots grow on the rhizome. Coloros (one or more) annuals. Flat leaves, sword-shaped, thin, double-flop, sometimes linear, with a wax chain.

They are collected by fan bunches at the base of the flower, there are almost no stem leaves. Flowers in the Irisov single, sometimes in small inflorescences, large, often fragrant, are distinguished by an intricate elegant form and are painted in the most different colors and their combinations.

The flower has six petals (in fact it is the shares of the perianth). Three outdoor shares are a little twisted down the book, and they usually differ in color from the upper fractions, which, having grown down at the bottom, form a tube.

Flower irises from May to July, simultaneously bloom two or three flower from one to five days. Fruit of iris three-travelers box.

Types and varieties of iris

Bearded irises.

Root irises in the form of a flower Botany divide on bearded and unborn. Bearded irises, called so because of the shaggy hairs on the petals, have their own classification (high, middle-graded, curb, standard average, small-bedroom average, binders, standard, standard dwarf, miniature dwarf, dining rooms, arylbreds, arylbreds, aryl and airline-like arylbreda). But this classification for scientists, for the amateurs flower, they are all just irises bearded in different sizes.

Iris German.

In culture there are hundreds of high bearded iris varieties, which exists still called Iris German. Iris Germanic is the most common view of the Iris bearded. Here are several popular varietieswho will decorate any garden: Baltic SEA - strong corrugated irises saturated blue color With blue beards, BewilderBest - corrugated cream-burgundy red with stripes and strokes of yellow and white color, Acoma - celestial blue-ivory with lavender border, very popular with Americans.

Unborn irises

- (The generalizing name conditioned) includes the following types: Iris Siberian, Iris Japanese, Iris Skearden, Iris Louisiana, Iris California, Iris Swamp and other irises (species and intersowers). We will tell you the most popular in our latitudes:

Iris Sibirsky

Whose natural color varies from blue to dark purple, although today there are already about 1000 varieties with different colors, for example, the Irisa White Snow Cuin; Imperial Opal 80 cm high color of pink lavender, flowers up to 10 cm in diameter; Iris Yellow with white border Battz & Shuga. Lack of only one - Iris Siberian devoid of fragrance;

Iris Japanese

(He is the Iris Movidoid, he is Iris Campfler) with orchidoidal large flowers Up to 25 cm with a diameter that does not smell. Japanese breeders brought multi-skinned and terry garden form Iris Japanese, which is called Khan-Shobu. Unfortunately, this kind of non-neurosette, so the flowers are recommended for varieties derived precisely for our latitudes: "Nessa-No-Mai" - purple with white, flowers - up to 23 cm in diameter; "Solveig" - gentle light-lilac iris, "Vasily Alferov" ink color Nechle Iris;

Iris Skearden

very elegant, like a bulky Iris Xifium, but much larger. In addition, Iris skewer frost and drought-resistant. From the most beautiful: Lemon Touch - lacy yellow-lemon with a darker golden signal, high - 1 m; Transfiguration is the same high iris from dark purple to blue-purple color with a bronze signal; Stella Irene - Purple-black with a small golden signal, height 90 cm.

Iris Bolotnaya

or Iris falseer. This species stands on a mansion, since it is very different from other species in that it grows only in wet soil. In nature, flowers are yellow shades, in the culture of Iris Bolotnaya is used to decorate artificial reservoirs.

The Golden Queen varieties are popular with yellow flowers, Flore Pleno - terry variety, "Umkirch" - pink flowers. On coloring, the varieties of iris are distributed on:

  • - monochrome (the same color of all fractions of the iris); - dangle (lower and upper shares of different shades of the same color); - two-color (lower shares of the same color, the upper - the other); - Variagates (the lower lobes of red-brown, top - yellow); - AMAN (upper part white); - bordered or plikat (contrasting kayma or on the lower dollars, or on all); - overflow (smooth transition from one shade to another).

Growing Iris - Features

Many lovers refuse the breeding of Iris, believing that this is a very complex process. In fact, the cultivation of the Iris is not tedious and not as time consuming, as it seems. We just need to know some subtleties that are different to care for these beautiful colors.

Firstly, The feature of the irises is that their rhizomes grow horizontally and often take off, leaving to the surface. Therefore, Irises in the winter need to be filled with earth and peat so that they do not extinct. In the spring, this coating is carefully cleaned.

Secondly, Irises love to move, and in one year they can shift their location aside for several centimeters. To the rows look even, planting the irises need a fan of leaves along, and not across the row.

Thirdly, It is necessary to plant an Iris bearded on the sand: the bottom of the wells poured a slide sand and paint the root of the iris on it. With deep landing, Iris or will disappear, or will not bloom. Fourthly Do not feed irises with organic fertilizers, they do not like them.

The best type of feeding is mineral fertilizers in liquid form.

Landing Irisov

When and where to plant irises.

There is a generally accepted opinion that the irises must be divided and replant immediately after flowering so that they manage to be taken before winter. But if autumn is warm and long in your edges, you can not hurry with a transference.

In fact, the irises can be planted in spring, and in the fall, and in the summer after flowering. The main thing is not to forget to transplant Iris every 3-4 years, and Siberian irises - at least once at ten years old, otherwise they degenerate, grow and stop blossoming. Having a bearded irises needed on the first half of the day, protected from drafts of slopes or elevations. So that there was a fatty outflow and good drainage.

Irises Bolotnaya and Siberian, on the contrary, love the soil wet. But those and other irises love the soil rich, and if the soil does not meet this requirement on your site, make a spring garden or compost in the soil in the soil, support it with potash-phosphoric fertilizers.

If the soil is acidized, add a dolomite flour, chalk or woodwood. If on the section of the loam, add peat and sand, if, on the contrary, the section is sandy, add a clay land.

For disinfection before planting, we will prolve a piece of fungicide and treat herbicides from possible weeds. Do not use the manure area for fertilizer.

Planting irises in spring.

Landing and care for irises require certain knowledge, but not so much effort, as it seems novice flowers. The planting material, if he was stored winter or was bought in the store, before landing it is better to treat such stimulants of growth as "EcoGel" or "Zircon".

Long roots need to be neatly cut, fired to remove, and the root for disinfection to hold 20 minutes in the solution of manganese. The landing of the irises is made as follows: in a shallow well poured by a hilly sand, the horizontally root rhizome of the bearded iris is placed on top, spread the roots, fall asleep so that the upper part of the rhizoma remains above the level, and wipes well.

If you bury all the rhizome, you can provoke it to post. Before Family Irises, on the contrary, you need to burst into several centimeters and in addition to climb to preserve moisture of the fallen housing or peat. The distance between the iris should be at least half a meter.

Landing the irises in the fall.

Irises in the spring are planted in the same way as in the fall, or rather late in summer, namely after flowering. It usually happens from August to the end of September, although the earlier it is to plant, send or transplant irises, the more confidence that they will come.

It is necessary to dig a bush of an iris, divide it into annual links with a leaf blade, carefully shorten the cord-shaped roots, cut damaged or faded places, to disinfect a couple of hours in a solution of mangalling dark pink, then 4-5 hours. Sun in the sun. The landing of Iris is carried out by the way you already known. The distance between the low-voltage iris is 15 cm, medium - 20 cm, high - 50 cm.

Care for iris

How to care for iris in the garden.

Love for warmth and light is the main feature of the irises. Concerning glaze, it is important to strictly monitor the amount of moisture by the moisture plants in the bootonization phase. At this time, watering should be regular and sufficient.

In general, it is necessary to water the irises only when the soil near the roots will be very dry. This is due to subordinateIn most cases, the soil fertilizer will be sufficient during the spring preparation of the site. But if you think that plants need a feedback, it is appropriate in the form of a solution of phosphorus-potash fertilizer, introduced under the root during growth, but it is absolutely impossible to fertilize the irises during flowering. The weeds will have the entire growing season.

Weeping They are carried out manually, since the horizontally developing root system of irises is very close to the surface, and you can accidentally break it, working with a ripper. Occasionally, it is still necessary to loosen the soil, just to do it very carefully, trying not to damage the roots. And also: do not be lazy to remove faded flowers, otherwise they can become a seedler of pests.

Diseases and pests of iris.

The graceful and motley of the Iris variety on the flowerbed, the higher the probability of its damage to illness and pests. The main condition for the health of your plants is to comply with all the rules of agrotechnology of the species.

In addition, it is necessary to follow the "well-being" of the irises the entire growing season in order to see the problem on time and eliminate it. If the plant is affected by a fusariosis or another view of rot, the delay of death is similar: it is necessary to immediately remove and destroy the sick copy and be sure to shedding the remaining irises for roots and under the root of a two-percent solution of Fundazola.

Use this drug and as prophylactic treatment of rhizomes before planting, then the risk of the probability of the disease will be reduced. As a preventive measure from the spare parts of all species, the spraying of the irises is used to a single-survive mortar of the bordeaux mixture. The pests are most often affected by the irises of the scoop, which remedy the bases of flowers, resulting in yellow and die.

To avoid this problem, it is necessary at the beginning of the vegetation twice with a weekly interval to spray irises with a decade-free carbofos solution. They attack the irises and gladiolous trips, from which photosynthesis in the leaves of plants are broken, they become brown and dry.

Buds of irises, affected by tryps, are made ugly and discolored. Especially high risk of infection with trips in a dry summer.

You can eliminate the problem with the help of carboofos, as in the case of a scoop, or spraying plants with a lessed ten-day presentation of 400 g of Machorka with the addition of 40 g of grated economic soap. Pests of irises can be slug.

To get rid of them, spread a wet rag between the Iris bushes or the leopa leaves that the slugs use as a shelter, then collect them together with the slugs and destroy. There is another way to combat slugs: in dry weather, early in the morning or in the evening, scatter the granular metaldehyde at the rate of 30-40 g per 10m2.

Irises after flowering

If you are not going to disseminate your irises this year, it is best after the end of flowering will cut the flowerons. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, you can cut the yellowness, making the tip of the semicircular sheet - it looks very pretty, and your irises will still decorate the flower leaf, and its rhizome will gain nutrients for growth and flowering next year.

If the autumn is given warm, irises can be broken again. When the leaves are finally bold, cut them at an altitude of 10-15 cm and burn to destroy the possible eggs of pests or pathogenifiers of disease. Pull the onset of colds. Plush the barred roots of the earth irises, inspirate the layer of sand or peat with a thickness of 8-10 cm.

If there is a possibility of strong or protracted frosts, cover the area with dry foliage or pagan. If winter is snow, the shelter does not need irises.

Storage of Irisov

If you bought or dug up the roots of the irises of bearded in the fall and want to keep them until spring, the best place to store them is a cold dry room. Fold well-dried roots into the box and put them on the balcony or loggia.

Only you need to finish each root into paper, fabric or shielded them in a box with dry sawdresses or dry peat. All the other types of iris are moisture, so the best way to keep the root of the Iris to spring is to plant it in the rone, having precrupped long roots by reliming it In a stadst solution of mangartee and dried after that. The spine is immersed in the ground not deep, slightly sprinkled on top of the earth. In the spring, the sprouted root together with the earthen room planted into the ground.

Irises - Popular garden culture with spectacular flowering and unpretentious character. Many flower flowers are interested in planting and care for irises in the open ground. Velvet multicolored irises is a perennial plant that serves as a real decoration of a flower garden or flower beds.

Irises - a description and features of culture

Irises - low perennials of the rood of corneser. Translated from the Greek word IRIS means rainbow. True, more than 700 types of irises, differing in size, shape, structure and a shade of flower are known. Externally, the flank of Iris looks like orchid, the painting of petals is the most diverse - from white and pale to saturated and bright. Some varieties blooming are colored by two, three and more colors, and a peculiar pattern is applied to the lower petals.

The beginning of the flowering of Iris - May and June months, lush flowering can continue until the end of June. In the fall, Iris can bloom again - in August and in September.

The culture has extensive geography worldwide, some species are found in the harsh climate of the northern hemisphere. In nature, there are rhizable and bulbous irises, which externally absolutely similar to each other. Rhizome irises are stable and unpretentious, well winter and are not afraid of cold. On bulbous varieties take a little more care and attention. Wild flower Iris has long been loved by flowers and became urban. It should be found all about the departure and landing of the irises in an open ground.

Rules landing irises in open ground

Rhizome irises prefer a well-lit territory, where they will bloom long and beautifully. For the free propagation of roots, the irises need a space - no less than half a meter from each other. All kinds love loose rich nutrient substances and fatty soil structures. The planting of the Iris in the spring in the ground is carried out after the compost has been made. Manure is not recommended.

Soil moisture for each variety is needed:

  • iris bearded is better to plant a fan on the slopes so that there was a good outflow of rain and melt waters;
  • iris Siberian and Iris Bolotnaya is better to grow there, where there are always raw - in the reservoirs and in a half.

The portion for irises is scrap, processed by fungicides, against malicious insects, and herbicides to reduce the growth of weeds. For rhizable irises, the soil with a neutral medium is preferred. If the soil S. increased acidity, It is necessary to mix it with ash, lime or chalk. When landing, the upper kidney remains on the surface of the soil, it will not be plugged.

Rhizome varieties - how to plant irises in the spring:

  1. A hole is shoved under the root, in the center of which a small holmik is poured.
  2. The central root should be located on the hilly, and the side roots are distributed on the sides.
  3. The main rhizer is rushing the ground, the sand layer is superimposed on top, the earth is slightly condensed.
  4. Do not be too plugged roots, they must be close to the surface of the soil.
  5. The central kidney remains free from the ground - above its surface.

Landing of bulbous iris

Lukovichny irises - landing and care in the open soil:

  1. Looking bulbs is made early in spring or autumn to frost.
  2. The soil temperature under the landing should be no lower than 10 °, otherwise the bulbs can freeze.
  3. There is a shallow trench, the bulbs deepen into the trench of 3-4 cm, not more.
  4. The overall landing depth should turn out about 10-12 cm.
  5. The outlined ground is mixed with garden ground for food, river sand and piled coal for drainage, with double super phosphate for growth.
  6. Prepared grooves are disinfected, spilling a solution of manganese, and growth stimulant to strengthen the roots.
  7. The bulbs of the irises are planted with a sprout, not too blunting, at a sufficient distance from each other - 15-20 cm.
  8. From above, the soil is falling asleep, which should be slightly tumped so that the bulbs do not get out to the surface.
  9. Repeated watering is necessary only after 3-4 days.

Excessive rooting of the roots harms the growth and development of irises, while the soil should not be heavy. Comfort, peat and coarse sand add to the soil.

Mellukovic varieties of irises are not demanding of moisture. They are plugged on the three-time height of the bulbs, their bloom begins next spring.

Care for irises - Basics and secrets

According to experienced flower flowers, Irises are strong and viable plants that grow well and bloom without fertilizer. However, on the third year of life, it is recommended to pamper a flower with a phased complex feeding - in the spring, during the period of bootonization and after flowering. In response to care, the plant will become stronger and strong, will grow faster and plentifully blossoming.

Irises - Spring Care:

  • feeding in the ratio 2: 1: 1 - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;
  • watering depending on the environmental conditions.

During the bootonization period, the subcutter must be held at a ratio of 3: 1: 3 -, phosphorus, potassium. In this case, watering and spraying are carried out as needed. A month after the end of blossom, it is recommended to make feeding in a ratio of 1: 1 - phosphorus plus potassium. IN autumn period, in front of wintering, should be added dry mineral fertilizer On a tablespoon, scattering it under each root of the plant.

Watering the irises should be under the root with full drying of the Earth around the bush. After landing, the plant is watered only after three days.

What to feed the irises in the spring:

  • if a lack of minerals is seen, then mineral feeding should be made personfully under each bush;
  • early spring for the plant is useful for complex nitrogen-potash-phosphoric fertilizer for flowers.

Prevention from diseases and pests includes sanitary trimming of dead parts of the plant, timely removal of faded flowers, regular spraying and shower, cleaning the beds from false foliage. In the open soil, the landing of the irises is poured manually, with caution loose soil and watered as needed. In front of the winter, the root is sprinkled and covered, as they are located close to the surface itself and can freeze.

How and when to transplant irises

Irises can be searched three ways - rhizomes, process and grow from seeds. Get plants from seeds is the longest and complex way. In practice, it is much easier and faster to grow flowers by dividing the bush and process. At the same time, the plant grown from rhizoma will bloom the next year, and seed landings will have to wait for another 2-3 years.

How and when to transplant Irises:

  • the best time for transplant is an early spring, that is, March-April, before flowering;
  • flowers determine the fission of rhizomes and sprouts.

The transplantation of irises in the spring to another place is carried out using only healthy and strong plants, which quickly and without problems will come down. Rhizomes are removed from the ground and divided into parts so that each individual root socket has one sheet kidney. Unnecessary folias should be trimmed. Before planting the roots, they are lowered into a solution of manganese for disinfection. The dried rhizomes are planted in shallow trenches or small landing pits at a distance of 50-60 cm apart.

For vegetative reproduction Iris should blow away at least once. After that, until the moment of the bootonization, you can take young processes. To root new plants follows from March to May in a privacy, creating greenhouse conditions. Full rooting can be observed after 2-3 weeks.

Irises can be grown from seeds. In the fall, the seeds are sown in a pot with a sandy substrate, covering it with polyethylene or glass. By the spring, the seeds will germinate, they are divered and planted in an open ground. When to plant irises to open soil in spring? The optimal time for landing in the ground is an early spring, month March and april. By this time, young landings are already growing enough, they will be able to quickly and fully root in the ground.

Irises in landscape design

High decorative qualities of irises allow you to plant them on flower beds and mixlers, along the fences, on flower beds and. Perfect place For them - on the elevation where there is no moisture stagnation, and there is no close fit of groundwater. There are low and high types of irises. High plants are usually tied up so that they do not break and kept the bud. Dwarf irises are growing with a solid wall, they need periodic circumcision and watering into arid weather.

Irises in landscape design Photo:

Knowledge of the rules of landing and care for irises in the open ground will allow easy and easy to grow these plants on panstone. When you see an iris, I don't pull it at all, I want to admire it infinitely, inhaling a thin and gentle fragrance of a flower.

Such different irises on the plot - video