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Thus that in them. Phrase in this way: it is allocated with commas or not? Do you need to put a comma after introductory phrase in this way at the beginning and middle of the sentence: examples. In what cases the phrase thus stands out

The article describes how to properly write phrases in sentences - thus. When the adverb is allocated by the punctuation signs, and when there is no.

Russian grammar has a number of features. There are rules that are difficult to understand or reduce to some particular sequence. They can be attributed - the spelling of the mock. They say that the introductory words in sentences should be allocated by punctuation marks, or rather commas. But there are difficulties with writing inner words. After all, they are not always considered. The phrase in this way can be like introductory and not. Next, let us dwell on this issue.

So: introductory word or not?

The expression can be used as introductory phrases. In this case, this way does not act as a member of the sentence. These words are issued in the texts of the procedure of presentation, the relationship between words.

Examples of offers:

  • Thus, we were safe in the dark, she hid us from extra eyes.
  • Air in the forest has healing properties Thanks to no gaspace, thus, after a walk through forest trails, a person has improved well-being, vigor.

Do I need to put a comma after the introductory phrase in this way at the beginning and the middle of the sentence?

The introductory phrase is thus isolated by commas, less often than a dash if the phrase is the output. More precisely, it summarizes everything above said in the text.

This expression is separate by the signs of punctuation and at the beginning of the phrase, and in the middle. Regardless of the location of the phrase.


  • Thus, the dairy products need to have a declaration. This expression sums up.
  • Thus, we sum up - it is unprofitable to buy products from this dealer. The phrase is a conclusion.
  • Thus, she equalized himself with the rest. Here the phrase acts as a consequence of some action.

Introductory phrase thus at the beginning and middle of the sentence: examples


  • Thus, Sergey Petrovich changed his mind to go to the meeting.
  • Svetlana, thus, wanted to show her "I".
  • Thus, if all the reasoning is not to reduce, it will remain naked truth.
  • Thus, all the plans for the seizure were completed.

When it is in addition, and when not?

Thus, it is isolated by commas if the phrase is used in the value:

  • hence
  • actually.

In which cases the phrase is thus allocated with commas, and in what no?

If the phrase denotes the sequence of fabrications, sums up, it is allocated by the punctuation marks.


  • What, so you came up with?
  • So I think it is necessary to bring the line and make a conclusion.
  • Thus, it is harmful to drink soluble coffee on an empty stomach.

If the phrase is used in the text, as a member of the sentence or in the value of phrases: in this way, like this, then the punctuation marks are not needed.

  • So you fulfilled all goals.
  • The plants crushed in this way disappeared inside the device.
  • Thus, Sergey moved Chiffonier on the other side of the room.
  • Thus, documentary confirmation was refuted.

Introductory word in this way - an example of writing

It is because many of the fact that many forget the rules of grammar on writing introductory phrases, students make many mistakes on exams. Either put unnecessary punctuation marks, or they generally forget to allocate introductory phrases. Thus, the evaluations for work are reduced, and passing points for admission to higher education institutions leave much to be desired. So that this has not happened, you need to carefully prepare for the upcoming certification. Repeat the rules slightly.

IMPORTANT: What is interesting, despite everything written, even these rules have exceptions. In addition, that in our time more and more often use liberty in writing many literary texts. The authors of the works are very often retreating from generally accepted measurements, not so strictly belong to punctuation and even spelling.

Video: Introductory words, how to write?

In this way

Introductory expression and nouting expression

1. Introductory expression. The same as "therefore, it means." Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details of punctuation at introductory words See Appendix 2. ()

Balance of power, so it would be obviously not in favor of the United States - and the landing was scheduled in France. Yu Semenov, seventeen moments of spring. In this way, the point was not in bad or good taste. L. Cassiel, taste.

2. Nareful expression. The same as "so". Does not require a punctuation marks.

And as a result of such reasoning, he remained forever in the same silent state, uttering only the occasionally some single sounds, and acquired in this way the title of a boring person. N. Gogol, Shinel. Thinking in this way He rushed forward. I. Ilf, E. Petrov, a bright personality. Relations in this way they were restored, and all three sat down again on the bench. M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita.

Penctuation Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Reference information Internet portal V. V. Swints, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


Watch what is "Thus" in other dictionaries:

    in this way - Therefore, hence it follows, so because of which it follows, that it becomes, in effect, Sita, from which it follows, from this follows, such a manner, such a stay, it turns out, so Makar, EDA, in such a spirit So, it means, it turns out ... ... Synonym dictionary

    in this way - Neism. 1. In this way, so. From the glag. Nesov. and owls. Views: How? Thus, getting, to achieve, perform, achieve, execute ... Persistent work, constant increase in knowledge and skill - Only in this way you can succeed in ... ... Training phrasebook

    in this way - I still, see this; in sn. input. Vivid. Consequently, so. II so about / brazy see image I; in sn. input. Vivid. Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was appointed in the morning. So you refuse our ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    in this way - Taki / Mo / Braz Veniamin did it in this way ... The spelling of difficult laws

    In this way - NARCH. Qualities. Strict. 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the results of the result, the result of the preceding action and the corresponding Sl.: So. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    in this way - * Tsu Tiphara ... Russian-Ingush Dictionary

    thus like me - NARCH, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) as I (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    thus, like - Destroyer, Number of synonyms: 1 like (20) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Union + Nareful expression; Union + Introductory Expression 1. Union + Nareful Expression. The same as "in this way", "so". Advanced does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. Punctuation in the Union depends on the syntax system of supply. Mother, ... ... Penctuation Dictionary

    part of the shares sold for a certain time in such a way as to avoid reducing the market price - It may be part of the Primary Placement Program (posting a new issue) or secondary posting after pre-registration (Shelf Registration) ... Financial and Investment Dictionary


  • 2017, or in search of faith, Vyacheslav Piezuh. Thus, on the night from Thursday, it was necessary to expect an unbelled constitution and not a weight gain to wages, and naked hunger of the 903 year, unhappy japanese War, with ... to buy for 468 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • The ideal nutrition system for people with a sedentary lifestyle, l .. Ivlev. The system of nutrition, the essence of which lies in the restriction of carbohydrate consumption, continues to remain popular among the huge diet diet. Eto is just a way to reset ...

Neism. 1. In this way, so. From the glag. Nesov. and owls. Views: How? Thus, getting, to achieve, perform, achieve, execute ... Persistent work, constant increase in knowledge and skill - Only in this way you can succeed in ... ... Training Frame Dictionary

in this way - Introductory expression and an indigenous expression 1. An introductory expression. The same as "therefore, it means." Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details of punctuation at introductory words ... ...

in this way - I still, see this; in sn. input. Vivid. Consequently, so. II so about / brazy see image I; in sn. input. Vivid. Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was appointed in the morning. So you refuse our ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

in this way - Taki / Mo / Braz Veniamin did it in this way ... The spelling of difficult laws

Narch. Qualities. Strict. 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the results of the result, the result of the preceding action and the corresponding Sl.: So. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

in this way - * Tsu Tiphara ... Russian-Ingush Dictionary

Narach, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) as I (4) ... Synonym dictionary

Salted, the number of synonyms: 1 like (20) the Sinonyms Dictionary ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

and thus - Union + Nareful expression; Union + Introductory Expression 1. Union + Nareful Expression. The same as "in this way", "so". Advanced does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. Punctuation in the Union depends on the syntax system of supply. Mother, ... ... Penctuation Dictionary

part of the shares sold for a certain time in such a way as to avoid reducing the market price - It may be part of the Primary Placement Program (posting a new issue) or secondary posting after pre-registration (Shelf Registration) ... Financial and Investment Dictionary


  • 2017, or in search of faith, Vyacheslav Piezuh. Thus, on the night of Thursday, it was necessary to expect an unbelled constitution and not a weight gain of wages, but a fierce hunger of the 903 year, an unfortunate Japanese war, with ...
  • The ideal nutrition system for people with a sedentary lifestyle, l .. Ivlev. The system of nutrition, the essence of which lies in the restriction of carbohydrate consumption, continues to remain popular among the huge diet diet. Eto is just a way to reset ...

Thus, non-unism. 1. In this way, so. From the glag. Nesov. and owls. Views: How? Thus, get, to achieve, perform, achieve, perform ...

Persistent work, a constant increase in knowledge and skill - only in this way you can succeed in your selected field of activity.

It was already quite dark when they, talking in this way, approached the village. (L. Tolstoy.)

2. Consequently, so (expression, starting conclusion, conclusion).

Kutuzov found himself a first-class strategist long before Borodin ... Thus, Borodino is ... only one ... in the chain of the great achievements of Kutuzovsky commander. (E. Tarla.)

Poetry will forever remain the organic function of human happiness ... and, thus, the more happiness on earth, the easier it will be an artist. (B. Pasternak.)

Training phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrov, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


Watch what is "Thus" in other dictionaries:

    in this way - Therefore, hence it follows, so because of which it follows, that it becomes, in effect, Sita, from which it follows, from this follows, such a manner, such a stay, it turns out, so Makar, EDA, in such a spirit So, it means, it turns out ... ... Synonym dictionary

    in this way - Introductory expression and an indigenous expression 1. An introductory expression. The same as "therefore, it means." Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details of punctuation at introductory words ... ...

    in this way - I still, see this; in sn. input. Vivid. Consequently, so. II so about / brazy see image I; in sn. input. Vivid. Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was appointed in the morning. So you refuse our ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    in this way - Taki / Mo / Braz Veniamin did it in this way ... The spelling of difficult laws

    In this way - NARCH. Qualities. Strict. 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the results of the result, the result of the preceding action and the corresponding Sl.: So. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    in this way - * Tsu Tiphara ... Russian-Ingush Dictionary

    thus like me - NARCH, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) as I (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    thus, like - Destroyer, Number of synonyms: 1 like (20) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    and thus - Union + Nareful expression; Union + Introductory Expression 1. Union + Nareful Expression. The same as "in this way", "so". Advanced does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. Punctuation in the Union depends on the syntax system of supply. Mother, ... ... Penctuation Dictionary

    part of the shares sold for a certain time in such a way as to avoid reducing the market price - It may be part of the Primary Placement Program (posting a new issue) or secondary posting after pre-registration (Shelf Registration) ... Financial and Investment Dictionary


  • 2017, or in search of faith, Vyacheslav Piezuh. Thus, on the night of Thursday, it was necessary to expect an unquestioned constitution and not a weight gain of wages, but a naked hunger of the 903 year, an unfortunate Japanese war, with ... from ... to buy for 468 UAH (Ukraine)
  • The ideal nutrition system for people with a sedentary lifestyle, l .. Ivlev. The system of nutrition, the essence of which lies in the restriction of carbohydrate consumption, continues to remain popular among the huge diet diet. Eto is just a way to reset ...

And thus

Union + Nareful expression; Union + introductory expression

1. Union + Nareful expression. The same as "in this way", "so". Advanced does not require the formulation of punctuation marks. Punctuation in the Union depends on the syntax system of supply.

Mother who knew all his shorts and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as much as possible, and thus The court calendar did not come across his eyes sometimes for the whole months. A. Pushkin, Captain's daughter. ... she didn't even think about how I noticed above, put the crocodile with a retrograde and humiliating punishment by rugs, and simply wished himself, so that he would only drive his belly knife and thus released Ivan Matveich from his insides. F. Dostoevsky, Crocodile.

2. Union + introductory expression. The words "Thus" are allocated by the signs of punctuation, usually commas.

She says so well, suffers so complaints, everything is so bad around her, that you have no indignation against her, you regret it, you are armed against her oppresses and thus, in her face, justify the vice. N. Dobrolyubov, a ray of light in the dark kingdom. Scientists went to the discovery for a long time and thus, it did not become a surprise for them.

The introductory expression "in this way" is not separated by the sign of punctuation from the connecting union "and" located at the beginning of the sentence.

Fedya did not go to the institute. And thus, he was taken to the army.

Penctuation Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Reference information Internet portal V. V. Swints, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

Watch what is "and thus" in other dictionaries:

    in this way - Therefore, hence it follows, so because of which it follows, that it becomes, in effect, Sita, from which it follows, from this follows, such a manner, such a stay, it turns out, so Makar, EDA, in such a spirit So, it means, it turns out ... ... Synonym dictionary

    thus like me - NARCH, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) as I (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    thus, like - Destroyer, Number of synonyms: 1 like (20) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    in this way - Neism. 1. In this way, so. From the glag. Nesov. and owls. Views: How? Thus, getting, to achieve, perform, achieve, execute ... Persistent work, constant increase in knowledge and skill - Only in this way you can succeed in ... ... Training Frame Dictionary

    Introductory expression and nouting expression 1. Introductory expression. The same as "therefore, it means." Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Allocated by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details about punctuation at introductory words ... ... Penctuation Dictionary

    in this way - I still, see this; in sn. input. Vivid. Consequently, so. II so about / brazy see image I; in sn. input. Vivid. Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was appointed in the morning. So you refuse our ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    in this way - Taki / Mo / Braz Veniamin did it in this way ... The spelling of difficult laws

    In this way - NARCH. Qualities. Strict. 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the results of the result, the result of the preceding action and the corresponding Sl.: So. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    in this way - * Tsu Tiphara ... Russian-Ingush Dictionary

    part of the shares sold for a certain time in such a way as to avoid reducing the market price - It may be part of the Primary Placement Program (posting a new issue) or secondary posting after pre-registration (Shelf Registration) ... Financial and Investment Dictionary


  • 2017, or in search of faith, Vyacheslav Piezuh. Thus, on the night of Thursday, it was necessary to expect an unquestioned constitution and not a weight gain of wages, but a naked hunger of the 903 year, an unfortunate Japanese war, with ... from ... to buy for 468 UAH (Ukraine)
  • The ideal nutrition system for people with a sedentary lifestyle, l .. Ivlev. The system of nutrition, the essence of which lies in the restriction of carbohydrate consumption, continues to remain popular among the huge diet diet. Eto is just a way to reset ...