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Dream cottage. In a dream to see an unfamiliar cottage ▼. Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary


We were at some unfamiliar dacha. In the main thing they were on the pairs. It was a lot of fun in the evening, hung up from the yacht into the water, ate fragrant kebabs. And then sat by the fire, it was a pleasant warmth. then the pair was mistaken a little. I walked around the courtyard before bedtime and returned to a bed to a guy on white sneakers. I played music. Very pleasant impression from sleep.


there was a purchase of giving in an excellent forest massif with a lake, there were many good houses. The suggestions caused favorable feelings from buying a good quality object made from good tree. There was a comparison with the existing cottage. It was very joyful and warm in the soul. Case did with her husband.


I am in the country: a plot with wooden house On a huge, fenced barbed wire field. There are other sites. I'm not alone, my parents with me. Hmuro, cold, wet autumn. In the house is unbearably: two rooms and a corridor-entrance hall (also a kind of room), gloomy, raw, with black wallpaper and minimum furniture. I scream to parents that it is time to leave, but they do not react. Then I start cleaning, because it is unbearable to live in such a house. After her and the sky becomes lighter, and the rain stops. We return to the city. Although I really wanted to wander through the forest, my parents did not even hear my words. And here on a warm day I decided to return to the country, went through the dried bed of the river, which serves an expensive to goal, through the fence from barbed wire, went down the street and found myself in the house. I wanted to relax in the forest, but the wire prevented.


We really have a cottage, and I do not like her very much, I have not been on it for a long time. But earlier went to help parents who were covered by the "garden fever". I think the cottage in my dreams is a symbol of dissatisfaction.


I agree at the expense of dissatisfaction. It can be caused by the imposing parents of its stereotypes and values \u200b\u200bthat you seem to be outdated (dirt indoors). Often in a dream acts as inner world. Your cleaning home is the disposal of behavior stereotypes imposed. You do not decide to do it in reality. In a dream, you get satisfaction from the work done in the form of a blue sky and so on.


My mom has a cousin (Zhenya) an adult so uncle. I practically do not communicate with him, more somehow my brother, at work there, there and all that. This magnitude has a cottage. I have never been there, and does not pull, because according to the stories, it is so uninhabited, to the end there is still an unprofitable building. But in a dream, I was there. With that without a host, what it was not exactly what I was described. But I was some kind of sixth sense that it was his cottage. I describe: a huge territory consisting of several structures - a bath with a sauna, a library, a children's room, a dining room, and something like a dance room. And now I remember that once this garbage has already dreamed, but last time it was not the territory of Zhenkina dacha. I remember a lot of small details, like this, for example, how toys are scattered in a nursery, as gave the task of service personnel (well, the type of maid or something) this is a matter of us in order. I remember how the glasses are placed in the room where the bar counter. I remember the color bed linen and drawing in the bedroom. I remember the form and appearance of the doors leading to the dining room. I remember how books are placed in the library, and the fact that it was not yet fully equipped, that is, the racks that were closer to the windows are not yet stuck with books, coffee table, and even seems to be an old globe on it. In addition to me, and a couple of women cleaners there was no one there. What is the most striking that in this dream I was like at home. There were dogs of such a breed, which squats to death without choking. And a huge fence around the territory. And between the buildings are beautifully made tracks, I unmistakably knew where which of them leads. Dogs kept me at a respectful distance, and even somehow respect me. I woke up at that moment when I discovered in one of the rooms (or rather in the bedroom) an inconsistent door and climbed through the bed to look into the keyhole.


I dreamed that I work at the cottage. I work easily, with pleasure. I will have a very beautiful and clean vegetable garden. All Groochiki are flat, that's why I know that everything poured (but did not water) and just feel the smell of freshness In the forest after the rain! Very pleasant feelings! And at the end of sleep I see how my mother looks at the cottage (she is alive) .. and the end of sleep. In the reality of the cottage I have no


A person who knows how to love and treat the Earth symbolizes the skilled builder of himself. Such work restores our integrity. Good contact with the Earth indicates the acquisition of equilibrium between the inner and external.


I dreamed of a dream in which I was in the country, in the attic first made the cunnilingus neighbor girl who younger for 2 years and I liked it! Then came a friend of childhood (we were friends with her before, then she went to another city) and I was again outside my happiness. Then she left and I saw the heroine series of "father's daughter" Zhenya. She asked to make cunnilingus she and I did not refuse. And when she reached orgasm, I woke up. I am 14 years old I am a guy.


I'm in a dark dacha house. Night. Inside it is more spacious than it seems outside, littered, at the same time somehow is empty. I descend on a couple of steps inside, from the depths of the house there are two vampires on me. They are clearly visible in the lunar beam, falling through the hole in the roof. One higher and older, the second young, something similar to the rural woman. Both in the blood. Dressed in something white, very blurred. What they say, I do not remember when I saw me, silenced and moved towards. I was scared, and I retreated, went out into the street. In a dream, this is a wide rural street, an hour of the night, but people walk on it, go from the last film by the film, girls and guys, well, on rustic standards are even luxurious, dressed. I'm trying to tell them that there are vampires in that house, and they either do not believe or dishwate. I wanted to flush from the village, for some reason, I could not do this until the morning. After the interruption was a short episode: I'm in the city, I am going to corporate, I do not want to go - far away, but it is necessary. I am looking for a long time to get dressed. I fell to the mirror, I see that I have the entire forehead in the stains. At first I decided - somehow, when I considered. Ahunul, - Dark Pigment Spots! And for some reason the hair is red. It became scary. So I woke up.


Dacha dreams, we collect a crop with some people, a lot of apples and a large plot of land should be accurate. I have jealousy to these people who want to collect most of our apples and other vegetables fruit. I decide to walk, I turn out to be at the grid around the cooperative, for some reason without any problems pass through it and I turn out to be on the wetland river flowing into the forest. The river is black "heavy" water, "almost no course, the water is tightened with a rich, aquatic plants, the shores wounded Redemia and Air. Feels like the river flows deep into the beautiful and at the same time the gloomy forest, in the direction of "from me." For some reason, I'm scared, however, I want to swim in the river, because I mentally imagined the clean, crystal river and the people splashing in it. Maxim as close as possible to water. The opposite bank suddenly brightly illuminated by the sun, the golden cones permeate the space between the trees. But I can't get there: black water, obviously the depth is big, the "population" of the river with all sorts of animals and the swampy shores are hampered. I go back, along the river. Stay at the place where the river expands. I look at the water. Suddenly I see how a giant tail of the fish appears from under the water, in size - no less than China. Returning with the idea of \u200b\u200btelling what huge fishes are found in the river, because no one knew. After the interruption, in sensations, I turn out to be in the depths of the forest where the black river is leaving. There, it turns out, there is a house, in it my friends prepare me festive table For birthday. Many food, very expensive food. The waiter distinguishes vodka by winemakes when suddenly everyone decides to move the celebration to another place. We turn out in the city house, on the first floor there is a store, I refuse to sit at the table, because everyone welcomes the other girl instead. It offends me, I go out into the yard and crying.



Give me that I am at the cottage in the company of friends and strangers. An unfamiliar, well-folded and cute man in a new light (beige) raincoat, pants, studied black shoes leads some kind of lecture, and we sit on the grass and listen to it. He tells something and hands shows elements from Eastern respiratory gymnastics. Then removes the belt from the raincoat and says something about him, bending the belt in his hands. In the process of the story, I see myself wrapped in a stranger's cloak, and I am very comfortable, warm and good. Having finished the lecture, the man was acquainted (but he did not remember what kind of) a very beautiful voice and seems to musical accompaniment. Then the man began to swing on the swing standing. The base of the swing was without the bottom, in the form of a rectangular metallic base. In the process of swaying, he as if he tries me twice to push to ride together. For the third time I seem to solve ride. As I climbed the swing, I have not seen. But in the end, I fixed my legs for the metal base of the seating and hung down my head (as on the horizontal bar, it was hung down his head) and in this position we rode. I was not afraid and my head did not hurt herring.


People are not always free in their eroticism there are fixed images that pushes us to the choice of lovers The lover's image arises from the head, but there is a sex body sometimes sometimes it happens that the head has chosen what she needs, and the body does not react in short, your body Shows you two pictures: image of your an ideal man And the image of the swing on the swing on the swing in the Imagogic says: "Despite the apparent exterior charm of this action, the image sympathizes the swing of the pendulum as a repeated impact of the reflective matrix" The reflective matrix is \u200b\u200bjust responsible for fixing the images in the head


Today I had a dream that I had already seen. But he ended very differently.
I am with a company of unfamiliar people I come to someone's cottage. My travelers have oddities: some are unusual abilities, others are strongest fears and so on. When we began to approach the summer time, I saw a fresh grave with a monument and wreaths on the garden. I did not surprise me at all. But I knew that one of the "boys, who accompanied me, suffers from curses, and if he sees the grave, where a person recently buried, - he will die. I try to warn him so that he does not look aside. He says he knows about this grave, and, covering his face with his hand, continues his way.
We are in the garden, the owner of which is a strange slender "man" of small growth (50 years). We start walking in beds, inspect. Here I understand that it all dreamed. And I remember that last time the dream was incredibly scary.
I understand that this "man" is a maniac. "He" immediately says, they say, I will not wait when we stay together ... I remember the details of sleep, and fear shoves me. I want to wake up, but I can not. I feel in a trap.
One after another maniac kills the whole company, with which I arrived here. I stay with "him" alone. Wildly scared.
I remember again and again, what I have to survive. At the same time, I clearly realize that this is a dream, after which I wake up unharmed. But I do not want to experience the all-consuming, paralyzing fear ...
"He" briefly goes to carefully prepare for the upcoming execution. I stand in a stupor and wait, when all this is over.
Suddenly I understand that I have a chance to escape. I doubt: run away from chase and eventually still caught or waited and quickly live the worst.
I already see how the maniac returns. And then I decide to at least try to escape. My dream begins to develop on a completely different scenario.
I quietly slip through the gap in the fence and hiding in the bushes, since at that very moment "he" is suitable for a gate and turns into noise. As soon as "he" comes, I run the head on a path. I notice that there is a huge old cemetery nearby. I'm really scared. I do not look around, as I'm afraid to see that "he" catches me.
Around the trees, not a single living soul. I do not understand where I am. Suddenly, on a path, I meet "Him." "He" slowly, like a zombie, wanders towards and looks at me with insane eyes. I am in bewilderment: whether "them" are somewhat, or it can be moved in space. But I run past. It seems to me that "their" two and "they" run after me. It aggravates the situation also what I do not know the area, but around the forest. When and where will I choose?
I'm running. Again I meet "His". Here I understand that this is just a ghost, the embodiment of my fear, who pursues me. I gramually calm down and understand that if "he" (real) for me and chases, too far.
Very soon I will run away from the forest and I get to the street unfamiliar to me, turning out multi-storey houses. I sigh with relief: there are many people here, and the maniac is nothing to do anything. I ran up to some "men" and scream "they", what a maniac chases me. "They" are strangely looking at me, they overtake, and someone from "them" speaks with a smirk, which is still unknown who they are. What "they" can be much worse than this maniac. Physically, "they" are much larger and stronger "it". "They" approach me getting closer, brazenly smiling and closing around me around me. I'm starting to fall from fear. I darkens in my eyes. I, clinging to the remnants of consciousness, somehow miraculously break through the "Cleaning" and in despair I run into the nearest house. I run up the stairs and, being around the 10th floor, I start knocking on the door. I opens unfamiliar girl. She admits me to himself and closes the door. I quickly explain to her the situation, we begin to wait together, what will happen and who will come for me. She calms me down and says that I have nothing to fear.
Gradually, I calm down. I feel myself safe here. I come to the window, I look at the courtyard and deeply sigh. Danger behind.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Dacha in a dream to what dreams

Cottage - your country house in a dream has an unusual value. He predicts that in reality, an indispensable explanation with the enemy awaits you. Probably, you have long been time to do it. Very often those whom we consider enemies are in fact not. And in order to understand this, you just need to figure out the relationship. Soon you will have such an opportunity.

Dream of Rick Dillon

What dreams of you dacha in a dream

  • Buying a cottage - to the acquisition of useless things.
  • Dacha robbed - so it is, thieves will be.
  • What dreams of the dacha burnt - to well-being.
  • To see a neighbor in the country - to a plundered dacha. It is necessary to go and check if everything is in order.
  • Selling a cottage - a good deed.
  • Live in the country - fulfillment of desire.
  • In most cases, the cottage that you see in a dream is a suburban mansion - is the prediction of your future material success. How much it turns out to be large, you can judge by appearance cottages. What she is luxurious, the stronger will be your financial success. If you are difficult now to be called a rich man, the dream in which you see the Cottage, predicts you to get an inheritance, enrichment. In case you are rich - this is a symbol of acquiring a new home and moving.
  • What dreams of the cottage that you build is a negative omen, speaking about the upcoming losses of whether the failure of the fees that you build. Unfortunately, they are far from reality.

Cottages in a dream (from the book of Elena Avadyayeva)

  • Cottage unfinished - to the despondency.
  • Seeing holiday homes in a dream to grave work.
  • To see himself in the Drema on his dacha working in the yard and in the garden - in reality you will deal with the same.
  • If you are going to buy a cottage and you can not choose a suitable one - this speaks of your indecision that harms you very much.
  • Old old dacha in your dream - there will be a lot to work, to achieve material well-being.
  • New cottage - your work will bring long-awaited fruits in the near future.
  • What dreams of the cottage, you are on your summer cottage - predicts a quick journey.
  • Dreamed big Dacha - Get ready for profit, if in a dream it is old - unplanned waste or losses are coming.
  • Little cottage - your grand Plan Not destined to come true.

New family dream book Hope Sobolevoye

How to understand what the dacha was dreaming in a dream?

  • What dreams of the cottage in a dream? If you dreamed of your dream own cottage, sleep foreshadows troubles and failures in business sphere. It is possible that in reality you have to be unbearable, hard work.
  • Alien dacha symbolizes the success of your friends.
  • You relax in the country, restore your strength, predicts you the rapid embodiment of your desired desire in reality. The impracticity of the conceived in reality marks the construction of cottages in a dream.
  • Buying cottages in a dream says that in reality you will make a significant acquisition or get the inheritance.
  • Dinking Sales Sale foreshadows positive changes: the dreams will be engaged in good guidelines, coming things will be successful. A painful rethinking of reality is waiting for a dream, having seen in the dream of the fire of his dacha.
  • Going to the country - you will be out of the forces, solving our problems.
  • Live in the country - to uncomfortable hopes.

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: cottage

  • By dreams to see a cottage in a dream - in reality, you will be expecting to go out; There will be no time to wipe the sweat from the forehead - nothing to stay.
  • You seem to rest in the country - the most cherished your desire will soon turn.
  • What dreams of the cottage in the process of construction are plans for you - Napoleonic; Soon you will understand that they are impracticable.
  • You buy a cottage - this dream promises you big acquisitions; You may receive inheritance.
  • You sell a cottage - you will do a good deed; Good luck smile to you; Increased service is quite real.
  • Your cottage is loved - you for a long time They were mistaken in something, and now it's time to overlook; The insight will be bitter.

Siberian Healer Dream Interpretator

What does dream mean with cottage taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, what a dacha is dreaming unfinished - to the change of marital status for the better. Sades - see in a dream of resting dacnis in a dream to grave work.
  • In the summer, something dreamed of a neighbor in the country - to a plundered dacha. It is necessary to go and check if everything is in order.
  • In the fall, what a dacha was dreaming unfinished - to unless dreams or to ruin the economy. Cottage - to see himself in a dream of a dacha in the dacket trees or still engaged in any way - to good harvest Cucumbers. Buying a cottage - to the acquisition of real estate. Sades - to a rampant life.
  • In winter, what dreams of being in the country, relax - to the harder work on the ground.

Done Dacha

In real country cottage area We are associated with a pleasant pastime on the lap of nature. We also got used to work in the country. And what dreams of the cottage? Perhaps you just have to go to nature?

When in a dream you dreamed of the country

You dreamed of the cottage, it means that you should morally prepare for long-term hard work. Interpreters suggest that you will not have the ability to rest until you finish it.

Whose cottage you dreamed

To be in a dream at the cottage, which in reality belongs to you - get good news. Another dream means that everything will be fine in the dream house.

Dreamed a country house

Having dreamed of someone else's country house - a dream that talks about the well-being of your acquaintances. Soon you will meet people who will be unpleasant to you.

Cottage parents - negative sign. The dream is to prepare for negative news. Even if you do not recognize anything negative, you can overcome the alarming memories.

See the cottage in a dream that you are completely unfamiliar - you will finally be able to talk to people with people that you are not indifferent.

What kind of cottage you dreamed

Be in a dream on beautiful dacha - Soon, the tempting prospects will open in front of you not only in creative activity, but also in the material plan. It is possible that you can get the inheritance.

In a dream, you are in the country with high fence - In reality, you try to breathe out from the people around you. Interpreters suggest that the dream is worth being more open with the surrounding people, otherwise you risk staying in complete loneliness.

A dream in which a destroyed dilapidated house is visible is positively considered for lonely people. Oddly enough, but it is considered as a sign that soon the person will have many new acquaintances, bright meetings. The dreams will stop so sharply feeling her loneliness.

Reduces the dilapidation

If thieves visited in the country, you see the full pogrom, then you should be extremely careful. Soon you can incur serious material losses. It is possible that you will come across serious financial spending. The same interpretation will have a dream about the old structure.

What will say interpreters of dreams

To more accurately figure out what the cottage is dreaming, it is worth familiar with the most popular dreaming predictions. Fortunately, there is a lot of such information.

Modern combined dream book

Just to see in a dream, the cottage means that you have to work hard and diligently, you will not even have time to rest.

To reside on it in the summer - the dreams will finally be able to spend time alone with himself. Also, such a dream suggests that the most cherished dreams can come. If such a dream sees a young girl, she will be happy with her young man.

Buying a cottage - miss a good opportunity to improve your financial situation. This will happen because of your inattention.

Selling it in a dream - get a tempting offer.

Dream surgery work In a dream, you will scandal with a loved one, I will not be able to come to a general solution for a long time.


Summer Dream

To see a unfinished cottage - you will be in the despondency, feel the overall decay of the spirit.

Be in its area and engage in garden and garden work - In reality, you will deal with the same work.

Try to buy a plot in a dream, but not to decide on the right one - you are an indecisive person, it bothers you very much real life.

Spring interpreter

An unfinished house - the marital status will soon improve.

According to the dream book, the cottage that robbed, dream of a similar situation in reality.

The fire dreams of well-being.

What can dream of a city be disinterested in - you will work hard.

Dream rest outside the city

Buy a cottage - I'll get a completely useless thing.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "I"

This interpreter is interested in considering a night vision in which you lived on a removable country. After such sleep it is worth aware of health, you risk catching a runny nose, getting influenza.

Live in your country house - learn about improving the material situation of your friends, at the same time, difficulties will notice in your affairs.

Ride in a dream to the country - you will have an unpleasant conversation with a person who you do not like.

Buy a cottage - in reality Get the inheritance. Sell \u200b\u200b- make a good deed, do noble.

There is a fire that you extinguish - your dreams will be performed.

Total dream book

This interpreter of dreams gives some interesting interpretations to different scenes of sleep:

  • be on your site - to a quick acquaintance;
  • on someone else - you will not be delighted with new friends;
  • the house burned down - get the material benefit;
  • build a house - your happiness depends only on you;
  • sell \u200b\u200b- you will be engaged in empty troubles;
  • buy - lose a rather large amount of money;
  • to repair - perfectly spend the evening;
  • make repairs on someone else's plot - cheerfully spend time away.

What else have you seen in a dream

What dreams of the pogrom in the country? If you see a completely destroyed fence, perhaps even the lack of walls, then soon you will become more sociable man, you will communicate with people. New dating will bring you only joy and positive emotions. New friends will be your like-minded people.

If you see a launched plot, a unworthy house, a complete mess around, then you can expect ruin, material difficulties. Also in dream books you can find the prediction that the second half you are not true.

Perfectly unfamiliar country plot Almost always marks the beginning of an important period in the life of a dream when he has to solve a number of important issues.

Your mark:

Details of sleep

Who dreamed of the cottage?

See a woman in a dream give ▼

In a dream to see the unfamiliar cottage ▼

If you have dreamed of finding near an unfamiliar cottage, soon the long-awaited important conversation with people, not indifferent sleeping.

What dreams of a fenced cottage ▼

A fenced Dacha Dream interpretation interprets as a symbol of the closetness, rejection of the dream. It is necessary to try to become more open in order to avoid loneliness.

Sleeping a beautiful dacha ▼

Beautiful cottage in a dream predicts you soon the opening of huge prospects in creativity, financial opportunities. The latter can be expressed as a preparation or other passive light.

What parts of the cottage did you dream?

Sleep about the summer area ▼

If your ride is dreaming to your own country, it caution about the possibility in the coming deadlines with a violent personality for a long time causing.

What happened to the cottage in a dream?

What actions did you make in a dream towards the country?

If you dreamed that I bought the cottage ▼

Sleep, where you bought a cottage can mean insufficient attentiveness in consideration of some proposals, which suffered your refusal of profitable work.

What dreams: sell cottage ▼

Selling a cottage in a dream means successful achievements of a dream in the labor sphere, as well as rapid career advancement.

By dreams to be on someone else's dacha ▼

The person who had a dream was that he was on someone else's country, he really wants too much about other people, their affairs, so you have to deal with other people's problems.

Build in a dream cottage ▼

If you dream how you build a cottage, you should be expected soon losses, reducing income. Most of your will not be embodied and doomed to failure.

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Dicked out, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what dreams of the cottage in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

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    Hello, Alina! I ask you to help express the next dream. I still have a cottage (the usual little), on the next street, my friends live in the neighboring street - a pair of one. Dachas are located not far from the forest.
    In a dream, I come to my cottage, but it is not near the forest, but in the forest (in a dream, I am sure that it was so it was) on the lawn. I see some kind of house (apparently neighbor), your house, the house of friends is not far away. Everything is divided not through the streets: houses are not far from each other. Huge shady pines grow unlike our houses, as if forming a lawn for the plots.
    And I recognize that I have another one next to my house. It is made "circle" and looks like a large arbor, but glazed windows in a circle. Very beautiful stained glass windows on two shutters - two scratch with a golden contour of the heat-birds as they look at each other and bow.
    In the house is empty. I'm trying to think about where I put the bed. I want big, but it will take the whole house. A friend's husband (from the neighboring cottage) helps me to fake something (he still helps me in the country). Here he shows that on one side of this gazebo, there is no door and there is some wide entry for cars and argues that this entrance is in a garage, which, apparently inside the gazebo dacha. I am surprised and I think that I break my head over how to put a double bed there, where the garage is turned around here.
    Narodes are missing, but are planned. Earth is ordinary, as in the forest. There are no fences in houses. I think that for the gardens still need low fences. And I decide to build them.
    Alina, as you think, I am mistaken, thinking that giving in the woods, a gazebo with windows, fire-birds on the windows of windows, lack of door at the entrance to the garage, shady pines, no bed, etc. Do meant that I am in vain for a little hope for family happiness, or in vain I hope for further relations with a man with whom I recently broke up?

    • The dream of a similar plan is likely to say about that. That soon you may have new neighbors.

      Hello Alina! I dreamed in a dream that I came to the cottage at the current autumn time, and there bloom flowers and as if only spring began, while the foliage appeared everywhere around the neighbors. A black family has come a black strip in business from obstacles artificial nature of the character, including former families of the family, many of us turned away from us, as soon as heavier times came, and these external difficulties came around the relationship in the family and made us more friendly and attentive to each other. Please tell me what my dream means

      • Such a dream, which you told, most likely, says that you can survive a lot of pleasant emotions if you visit this place.

        Realtor offers two variants of cottages. Both daches are absolutely similar. I can not choose. Realtor voiced the price of 14000 USD I came up. I go to one of the cottages, suddenly a man appears, says he is the owner. I asked what its price, he said that 10400 cu And no penny less. I was very happy !!! But the place, the place is what !!! Near the sea!!!

        I dreamed that I am in the giving of my grandmother with her. Then the car comes in which my friends. I'm going to leave with them from the cottage, but as soon as I leave for the gate, sleep breaks and I wake up. Such a dream dreamed of two nights in a row. What can it mean?

        Hello Tatiana) During the week, I dream of a dream every night, I ride in a dream by car, running away from a woman who tries to rape me, I save a friend from the accident, walk to Moscow, smoking, a bright bike, I live at the neighbors. In general, everyone would like to know what it all means

        sleep took place in summer. I live at the cottage in the forest. My classmate lives next to the girl (which I saw a couple of times in my life) The first night went to walk and found a very good glade to look at the stars. In the second night, I met a classmate, she also walked on that glade. We did not chat on that glade and decided to build a house there with their own hands. then where then the other classmate appeared and said something

        Good day. Today I was the whole dream at the parental dacha. I dreamed that we plan to expand her and went trying out options to put a fence. Where there is a dad to drive the car. The main thing was that the fence was thought out and the extension to the house.

        I dreamed that my country garden house flew through the fence of 2 meters from the site about 3 km on the square of our city and there was a card loose deck and I was going to go to the cottage to watch what happened there just did not know who to take

        I used to have a cottage, my stepmother took it fraudulently. Now I am very often sleeping dream about this gift that I am on it, Say, or just go. Today I had a dream that I sold her to a woman and someone else was not remembered with her. We stood at the cottage near the warm stove (I felt warm) and discussed the sale. I didn't see money for the money. After sales, I left the cottage.

        I dreamed - a plan for the purchase of giving, that my husband and I looked through, chose, there were a lot of houses and mansions and unfinished villas, the daccias themselves decreased. Then I dreamed of destruction of houses - this is another dream, but on the same night. As if all at home fall, I did not experience much fear.

        I dreamed of what I am in the darity of SOS with your former comrades, then I woke up or woke up, then I returned to sleep with my ex-girl, in the country house there were more furniture than usual, one dike slept, another walked, we began to hurry somewhere, allegedly In a dream, we traded vegetables with cottages and alcohol, for the neighbors, in the country house there were children's things, I had a challenge, my former girl was tupil very much, did not understand what to do and how, then I remembered a rare car that was supposed to me and her neighbors brought her neighbors to her neighboring cottage, renovated, watching this I met my deceased father, he tried to show me some picture or a collage or an article in the newspaper, but I was not norther to look at it, it's more interesting to fall for the car , it seems to be all, sleep about the cottage dreams of me not for the first time, before reading the interpretation, everything came true, what does this dream mean ??? My mail:

        I'm vaguely remembering the dream I remember that I came on a car (I do not have a car in reality) new Dacha take some thing to the jar or something and something met there some kind of woman 50 55 we talked to her conveyed where she asked and on this sleep ended

        I dreamed that I got a plot in the village near the father's house I immediately started planning where I would build neighbors began to measure the site so that I didn't grab extra meters like it was before there was a pit to the ground was rushing the earth and how the quagger she moved when she went

        i go to my old Dacha (now sold). But I have a strange feeling as if I own it and now I am where and should. I go to the territory through the gate. But the cottage is divided into two non-equal parts by the fence. I am standing at a smaller area. And the biggest houses are large and beautiful. Also next to my dog \u200b\u200bbarks. Earlier, I have not seen him earlier. And hits the dog saying that I am the owner of that summer cottage and the dog must be silent and be polite with me. The dog ceases to gavly, I will wind her hand so that she polisses, but she is easily serving her.

        i walked along the path to my site from the other side with which I never go. She was fence there was a deeevanie meter height 3 without a single gap and painted the red-brown paint type of lime. The forest is a pine forest that I will have in a dream, I have firmly knew what I knew in a dream. This is a fence of a neighbor with which it does not appear that conflict and more reassessment it so that communication with it is impossible.

        Dacha dreams (which was sold 10 years ago), the parents of the husband are shot and my husband is asked to sink the Earth. Husband digs the earth, and I stand next to. That near the grape digs, then under the bushes. Nearby are his parents and collect large red tomatoes. Then I take a bucket with tomatoes and look at it, and below the garbage from tomatoes. Then it dreams that we go to the house, but it's hard for me to go-slippages get stuck in the mud, barely barely with great difficulty I go. I go to the house and I'm going.

        Hello. I dreamed that I was at the dacha of my former girl, and her yard washed water, there was something like the lake only with the waves, and there were also big stones. I do not know what it is.

        Hello. Today, during the night, I twice saw the dreams essentially related to one topic. In the first I saw the situation that I am going and as if I show my family familiar with our family - these are several sections of the Earth and on one of them is a house. The house is lost large, but it is not modern, small windows, carved stations, hang a new one, a small balcony on the second floor. It seems that he is so pretty. We do not go to it. This acquaintance says, where did you all come from so unexpectedly? I don't know the answer .... And then I already see that we get into auto accidents. More precisely, there was no accident in a dream, and I see us all in the hospital. And the doctor lists the names of those who allegedly got into this accident. Nothing happened to me, nothing happened, but I need to call the relatives of these acquaintances and inform them about the accident. Make it is very difficult. .. I woke up ... a little later, I fell asleep again (it was already in the morning) and again saw a dream on the "country theme". In this time, I am with my husband and my mother we are going to the cottage, but for some reason I do not reach it and go on foot To her on the road. Early spring, sunshine, very warm but there are no herbs yet. My husband and mom leave far ahead, and I still do not understand why you need to go on this dirt on foot? Then we reach the plots, but in a dream I see not our cottage, and some two plots of land with a small house, but in the neighborhood the whole manor with a huge house. From there, the watha of children jumped out and I thought it was good. It will be our son with whom to play ... Everything is all .. I would like to write in detail if possible. I will be very grateful if you can disassemble. Especially I care about the sleep with an accident. Since in the near future there is a trip by car. I am very worried about it. Thanks.

        My "fence" - (stumps (sticks), stuck in the ground, connected by ropes) - turned out to be shifted to the detriment of my land plot. Snow fell, but he melts and on the white snow two black (porridge snow with water, from the ground) of the gauge from the past car along this "fence". I looked around and see between the "fence" and the king of the green two sprouts of Yellow Malva half sticking out of the snow. Very upset, it was intended and firmly decided to call the Chairman of the Horticultural Partnership, restore the border of his land plot and put a new iron fence.

        i saw at the cottage from the neighbors big bushes of white flowers, only sprouts. The neighbors' neighbors in the country. The case was like in early spring because everything around everything was gloomy no longer bloom

        cottage, just for some reason had two floors, and not one ... everything was cold, gray and unpleasant around .. so for me it is a very native and warm place in life ....NTTRI 3-4 Iron Beds with old spill-up mattresses ... Cake ... . "The young man and his friends ... Cat and two kittens, which I have to take away into the city, but forgot

        i was on my dacha, and People were looking at me with hatred when I shouted (neighbors next to my cottage), when I started shouting louder, the girl turned and shouted enough! Then she fell her son, and began to tear her fingers on one and she thrown on me ....

        hello. My son-food I am on a bike some small and very hard to go, although the road is asphalt and smooth. I hurry and looking for my daughter and former husband. They are going to go somewhere from their summer cottage on which the sports paths are located. After going to the country town, I understand that my bike is uncomfortable and low very, and that it can be decomposed. I lay off the bike, it became convenient and much higher. I will remember to remember the dacha number, I choose the number107, but I do not see this number anywhere. Then the dacha is rushed into the eyes on which the entire earth is covered with red nouques of fabric stripes. It was a giving of my acquaintances. A girl ran from there 14, he called me and said that my daughter did not leave and I managed.

        cottage, the house seems to be my uncle, but the other gray tones, first small, then as if I see it in addition to him big house With spacious rooms, I go there and I think, why such a huge house in the country. Rooms like vintage. Interesting ... Then I stay in him alone and already the house as it would be mine for some reason ... I'm going to go somewhere ... I dress ... ..

        Sold by the cottage, and already in possession of new owners. As a family, we are constantly without the knowledge of the owners in the house we go, we consider everything, drink tea, we walk and walk in the garden, sometimes we take some unsuccessful things, then we want to leave unnoticed, but the owners come and do not come true, but as if A little is not pleasant that we do not say without the knowledge, but they don't tell us this, but just stick out. You still feel surprise because they were invited us and we can come to the guests invited. I feel guilty for such a visit, but we constantly come to the cottage. My dream is repeated, as if we continue to visit the cottage periodically, a little atmosphere in inside and the interior is to change only the fact of the permanent visits and the feeling of guilt again without the knowledge and so for me to dream of two months.

        Beautiful summer two-story small houseI go out to the balcony in a white floor transparent dress I have beautiful long hair And breathing so easily around the smell of flowers and a flowering garden. To me on the balcony comes out handsome man High dark-haired with coffee and says beautiful words about love.

        In reality there is a collapsed house of my inheritance at this time is controversial. Dreamed the dream, what kind of place my place is alien and inside the other people's people. The plot has not changed and the house was clearly renovated. What is this dream?

        Hello! I dreamed of my cottage, which we sold for a long time, to go to her could not have Takakus, she was not ours. I walked around not, there was such a state that I was missing on her. Then they closed some guys passersby, and they began to chase after me and then I drowned them in the river.

        Dad (young, glasses, 28 years old) brings on a black car to the cottage to grandmother (fashionable, in a hat with a veil, dress to the floor and cats, 45 years old) in the country village "Voyazh" his 2 daughters (one goes to grade 5 , and another 5 years, goes to the garden). The cottage is very large, there are 5 floors, garden, garden, pond, gold and silver pianos on every corner. There is still a forest with mushrooms and a beach with umbrellas, shops, scene with piano and fish in the river. And so, the eldest daughter sunbatched on the beach, and the youngest at that time bathed. And the senior at that time composed Ballad Sol Minor "Frederick Falsoa Chopin". Throughout the trip, it performed everywhere on the piano with this ballad and even took part in the country concert with her. Leaning from the cottage (August 31 in the evening), dad met girls on the car, and Grandma Mahal's handkerchief from the balcony. Going into the car, the fifth grade screamed: "Dad, I composed the ballad !!!" - "What ballad?" Father asked. "About Frederica Falsa Shopin." - And showed it. Father was surprised and praised her daughter. The next day (September 1), the eldest daughter played her on the school line in the assembly hall. And her younger sister picked up her and, performing her on a matinee in kindergarten, said that it was composed of her older sister. So, both, hitting everyone, became pianists.

        Doblya Day, Meni dreamed of Syudvnі Stary Dacha (Hata) from Vіti to poke my old Batke, I poured my mother's voice to my own best, ідом іди им ї ї івись додомой, Mom W Tatt wiilya on Voulitua and meter 5-10, Zhіnka b "є Zhіnka і on Kіnetsi ї ї ї b »є підручника (Book) in the head of Vona Pomiraє, I'm getting kicked into the kitchen і shouting on the key of the tatt, we carry out the shoes of the TATATO TATO TUBIVYY KOZNE, І ROSPOVіDaє Scho Vona Bohku Vіkrite Vіkno, I'm aware of the doors of the doors of Nebacha Nikoiki І RAPTOM Bіl Vіkna is known to be driven, releasing the Parks і to Susіdnogo Vіkna Close, pіdkzhіt shhoy zei to mean? *

        Good day! I dreamed that I came to my cottage, and around the birch forest, raw meat cut around, and when Dorozal, it turned out that this is a shark head, the remnants distributed the neighbors, and then it turned out that I did not cut on my site, but My plot is much smaller, but nature there was a beautiful, birch forest and around the friendly neighbors, which I treated ...
        Thank you!

        i dreamed of the gift of my parents in perfect form, well-groomed and rebuilt guarded it, I was very surprised to knees and asked for forgiveness from the Father. In the real life of the cottage, the father was abandoned, and his father died 15 years ago

        we arrived, more precisely, accidentally hit this place, a lot of houses, some kind of "country partnership", and I say here that I have a house-invitement here, the plot is small, there is no fence, in front of the house, a large box of boards or plywood I thought there is a gas or water supply, I go to the house: the house is old, but in very good condition, the brown walls are brown, I see the situation to the smallest details, old chandeliers, lamps, pass next, guests sitting at the table: Son of the cousin, Summer sister itself, someone else ...

        I dreamed like I am in the dacha (the end of August, the last day) and getting ready for departure, but I also needed to say goodbye to a man living at the other end of the garden partnership (part-time my former), but every time I tried to Him come, in front of me became three evil dogs, brave and taking me on me, what could it mean?

        A former man was dreamed that he came to me at the cottage and we are lying on the bed talking and he confesses in love, then we went somewhere together. We parted 3 years ago and 3 g. I dreamed that I admitted to him in love and he left me silently.

        we acquired some hangar, long, white, I wanted to rest in it, but the door was revealed. I go on it to another his end on the way I see the spiders of poisonous, one very scary ran away, the other, as soon as I came down began to leave too, and I wanted to catch him. Buyers come, want to buy hangar, considering it. offer some kind of business on it to do something with transportation ...

        I have seed seeds on my dacha, but it is necessary to climb on the staircase for some reason. On earth near the house, there are 7-way skin. Bed at home, from the basement through a small window (although there is no such thing) and the snake crawl small type I say my husband that I am afraid of them and live and spend the night in the country. I will not visit on the sides and see a rich harvest of pumpkins and strawberries, and on the other hand, for some reason, just a requalist land.

        Dreamed of dad that he reinforced our old 9, we gave her after death to relatives, he repaired it almost, then everything was transferred to the country, there is a lot of people on the first and second floor, familiar dachas and unfamiliar people, Dad was looking for spare parts old on 9. They were when they were, and dad when I learned that I gave began to swear, I told him I just didn't know what the car you had.
        Then moved where I i used to live, Dad put the car, and I went somewhere first 1000 found the old one, I go further than 1000 and I'm glad I think well, I was finally and with the work I was fine and found more money))
        And I also dreamed a lot of cats at the cottage I fed them up, and I began to seek the cat, she is now in another city, I began to call her, and some kind of new owner, and she was some other big cat became the color another bright, he said she was sick and she did an operation well, in general, everything is fine with her, only she is no longer mine, my cat loves me only hears how I call her call and immediately asking for my hands, and this is just a sizew and gave the cheb to stroke and all .

        Good afternoon, Tatiana! I dreamed today that I bought a cottage in the same garden partnership, where I already have a plot. Even the chairman is the same. But this with an expensive home, a plurality of surplus buildings, a large separate glazed terrace with a bunch of all values \u200b\u200binside, even a large library. As if the owners just threw and left. Even a digit is voiced: 1 million 200 thousand. But there is one "but" in this house - past place, Near the railway, and on a high embankment, the trains go on top, and along the base of the embankment goes on a hiking and entrance to the country village. And I feel myself in complete blind, I did it that I bought this plot, because I have another, but small, modest and nevertheless, too, dear to me, where I have invested the soul.
        I actually understand the direct meaning of this sleep: I may have a dilemma - choose something expensive, attractive, but it is not necessary that I am not pulling, or a modest, but cute heart, and not necessarily acquisition or work. This choice may occur anywhere. But another small detail: in a dream, the chairman of the partnership (which I do not like in life for her rummy, rudeness and self-government) persistently pushes me: buy! Buy! And I try to find pitfalls, why this rhumachikha, who will never miss the moment where you can get started, does not take this summer cottage?
        Maybe than supplement? Svetlana.

        I went on the way to the country and saw how my friend rubs dry tree, there were two boys next to him (about 5 -8) for some reason I tried to hide from this acquaintance faster. I came to the cottage, there was my grandmother and some kind of woman unfamiliar to me. I went to the closet and chose what to wear. I remember how things came through: pants, sweatshirts. But in the end chose comfortable clothes. Then I arrived in the park there was my older sister, we sat on a bench, and sister smoked a cigarette. It was very surprised of me, she does not smoke. But I liked that she smokes. I thought that she had to choose her lifestyle herself. And these thoughts satisfy me.

        In my dream there was a girl. I don't know or not. She was Nada dacha, and on my.This was still a guy, it seemed to quarrel with him. I understood exactly what she knows him. Also, the girl had avoided him in every way. I saw that the guy sits on a bench in the garden and closes his face with his hands. He is tired of something. The town seems like it goes, in order to change to the same way. In fact, it does not want to sit next to him. In the house, in the baffic Looking for some kind of clothes. I wake up this.

        i found myself in the country areas ran over them as if on the buildings on the toilets, the bunnies and saw the grandfather but grandfather was unfamiliar
        At the cottage, and he has a lot of chickens in the country, I wanted to come and woke up.

        Hello, I had a dacha where a pear was fucked by the fruits, but fenced with a stone fence and flooded at half, I would like to disrupt, but I can't, but I didn't remember my late dad, but in any case he was silent, he felt his presence And some kind of aunt swore for something ...

        Dreamed that I bought country house From the logs, only here is the roof is not very high quality. Did a little. I think in a dream that we and my husband will be good there and he will be happy. I feed my husband in the house. It shows me that I bought a red shower. Very small. In the house, I see the red curtains on the door and think that since the shower cabin and the curtains are red, it will have to do in this style everything else. I also think that my mother will also have to come to visit us. to the cottage.

        I dreamed of buddy and my husband rest in nature with the night, but the rain went at night, and I went one on foot home, I got lost on the way and found cottages, I went for one, there were good wealthy owners there, and how did I like it the owner and he was agreed to take me on the car home, they let me still for some reason new shoes, but then dreamed that I found my husband and the owner only showed us the road, in which direction to go to the city, and I also on their plot walnuts From the tree, they were so large and in green peel, then we went with my husband on foot to the city.

        To dream former parental cottage. It was dark a little bit scary which young people fit something to quarrel, but everything went well and they left, and I went to eat a big strawberry and straight from the bush. Custodies were very high like Rasina, but the strawberries were Non-existe

        Someone left the inheritance to Dacha. I arrived, and began to measure the plot with steps, it turned out 5ms in width and, 17 in length. I started swearing with my neighbors why my land was cut off, they said that I did not use her!

        dacha dreamed, the trailer is in another opposite corner. I sleep and hear how driving truck. I think that the neighbors in the morning conceived to carry. But I have around, in fact, all areas abandoned. It seemed to get up, I wanted to go out as it was with sweating, looked at the door and saw people, men in my site, and through my plot the car drives out, from the left corner to the gate. Moreover, that my gate does not open, covered with sand, and here the driver even leaving the car, drives them to squoc. I say, he returns, he prevents him from driving in a straight line of some kind of scrap metal, he tries to pass back, at that moment I am indignant, on this occasion. And in response, it sounds that the owner said them so that they are all unnecessary exported. I answer that this is my cottage for 6 years., In response, that the man said to them. I am a widow for 10 years. I'm trying to run to the chairman, but I understand that it is still very early and then looking for her room in the phone. In my hands, for some reason, I always have a men's black bowl. But my man called, when he was watch, he wakes me every morning by calling. And I woke up. Basically, I myself can tell you what. And here was confused. I am shot colored dreams. And it seems for the first time black and white. What I do not understand what. I am 58 years old

        Duchess, full house guests, I do coffee in the kitchen and drown the stove to put the children to sleep. On the street a dog but for some reason some unfamiliar people mock her and I try to help the dog, but something does not allow me.

        i saw how my cottage burned. And near was my car, too, suffered. From the cottage there is nothing almost left. The car could be restored. A neighbor in the country walked me calmed me. I explained how to do everything.

        I came to the cottage, and there is a street from colored stones, two-storey houses On both sides, there are shops on the ground floor, people walk. I go further, Shash fence is broken, instead of the house, some walls, the technique stands on the street, opposite the tractor works, spreads the earth. They say build a city. I learn that the neighbors sold their cottage, but at the same time a neighbor sweeps on his street. Talking with another neighbor, who tells me the news

        i dreamed that I go home (I live in an apartment) and instead of an ordinary entrance, there is something like the veranda, and then my grandmother is standing on the porch (it is no longer alive, but there she is like living) and the cottage we sold a long time ago, but when I went inside, it was an unfamiliar place for me, but I was glad to defeat my grandmother again, as she was very close to me

        Old door The shed of my grandmother, I open it and there inside the cottage and on the bed my groom was wondering the blanket, next to another bed and there two people herself seems to know what one. I wad him and say it goes away. He refuses we swear and his grandmother appears.

        Hello! I walked in the giving. One. Winter night. It was very light for the night. You know, there was a night with exactly the same illumination as today lunar calendar -99%. I walked along the country's dacha, including my own

        At first I went to the music college (I really want to do there). I came immediately with a reserve for 2 branches - piano and theoretical. In addition, my classmate went back there. She went to folk. She, I have to say, and in reality, rightly arrogant - began to prepare from that year, always ready, wins in contests, conquers everyone on reporting and solo concerts, a scholarship, an excellent study in school, and Solfeggio has it so normal. And in the end, she was accepted with the highest points, and I was nowhere. I dragged into the 10th grade, and she became an excellent in college, won in contests, hung a honorable board and received a scholarship. Then we went to my former school. Next to one house were attached another one. It became beautiful. Mom at work was a promotion. If workers have for children for more than 14 years, then they were allowed to work half a day and get a salary. I was not allowed, but I persuaded my mother. In addition, I also said that I am in the class of eighth, average growth (I really like this) and I want to be higher. Then somehow this dream went to another. I needed sharply there for 7 years (in fact I am 15). Mom with dad divorced, and mom married 19-year-old Kolympdu Ivanovich (I was already dreamed of this in September, but this apparently continued). Kohliambda is led me with mom, sister, grandmother and grandfather to the country. My sister and I looked differently than revealing - I had a bright twinkle and a short pigtail, and my sister (there was 8 years old, and in fact 16) - 2 Long blond braids without Cheka. In the country, we had a blue house with a narrow node instead of the door. Everything besides the grandmother and Kolyazbdda told there. And grandma - peeled, but barely barely. And Koliambda was a wizard - he turned into a snake and crawled, and then turned back to man. All remembered the complex name of the mother's husband, except Grandparents. And they only missed some letter all the time - they said that "Klamps", then "Kolyabda", then "Koliamda", then "Kldand" ... But I taught them, and they also remembered them. And then I painted everyone against the background of giving and car and hung her drawing on the wall. And then we arrived back.

        It turned out to be on the road leading to the country (as if by chance) decided to see how there? She was with her husband ((this is his cottage), everyone greet him (three years, as I left because of the refrigerant, now they are painted) approached and saw the broken Fences, holes in them. The other neighbors, and I unsubscribed to see. On the site. Large changes. In a dream, everything is disassembled and very gloomy. And still oddity-on the street there are dark bordeed curtains, like curtains in the village. On a rope or elastic band, closed the woodlover and entrance to Sarai. I was looking for peonies in the thick grass and I didn't find a husband What could you break everything? And he, without revealing his mouth, says "What should I do?" And his face distorted either from pain from the deed.
        I often see a cottage, my flowers. Welded and empty land instead of flowers. Just Circles. And he. And he doesn't reveal how the swarming, but talks with me. And she is always there and silent too. But today I have not seen it I went. Weld of builders (Father and son, they previously worked on repair)

        In a dream, a man came up with a neighboring garden, it seems like it would know him, but I do not remember right now. He came up and asked to release him through the back door. This door goes to the rear abandoned country areas. He had a lot of shovel. I opened code lock, and He tried to see the code, but I did not show. Then he took all the shovels on two sides, somehow, they fell, but I helped him. Then I remember slices, we came to the fence, the border with a neighbor, unfamiliar people were digging a trench or a ditch on my territory, the late neighbor was drunk from her window, I asked why they dig. What I did not remember ... and I don't remember anything And woke up

        I dreamed that I am with friends in the garden (at the cottage), we had fun there, in another room there were granny, grandfather and my cousin Karim, and we sat on the porch. Sasha wanted to see the house, I told him no because my grandmother does not allow. Then Granny invited us to drink tea. We drank tea, and then I woke up. We sat at the cottage where I come in the summer to my grandmother and grandfather.

        At first I was at the cottage and there was my former husband (well, I have not yet been in a state of divorce). For some reason, I was rewritten with him by whatsapp. Then they call me and said that today studying (although I'm not learning). We quickly all gathered and went to Moscow. We drove up to the house where my parents live and my former drove up the stroller and then the Bach and the barefoot and the child (we have a common daughter) somewhere in a rush as if on classes. Then he says to me: "Well, will you speak with my parents?" "I'm talking about" "Well, I told you" "I remind him." He takes me by the hand and takes towards the corner well, let me remember it tells me. Then there are some people who are getting distracted on them, then the child wounds to the toy, he then Chies her, then he gets out of his pocket, it seems to me, but actually an eraser in metal caron and begins to blend him, I say well on remember and the eyes are full of the same Heavy and love like when we met, he says "You must talk to your parents about ...." And then I wake up and no longer fell asleep. And now I am so joyful and calmly as if good should happen

        I was in the country in my room on the second floor, there was a very beautiful sunset (in reality there are seriously very beautiful sunsets) I looked forward to my girlfriend (their home is against that in reality that in a dream) then I already see a picture like me with her younger Brother I stretch the thread for tomatoes and cucumbers. I woke up on this

        hello. I remember that I was at the cottage, melted the oven and then remembered that I forgot to throw firewood, but I could not find them. Then she closed the oven. Due to all at the cottage I saw two refrigerators filled with food and wardrobe filled with clothes.

        I dreamed that I was sitting at the cottage, on a path with a man (I do not remember who it was, but I knew him), and my mother stands nearby. In the distance from us some military moves (two there were two) and throw bombs in different directions. One of them fell next to us, her mother takes her and throws away, but not far away. The bomb is exploded there, with low clapping sound, and from an explosion in the form of an ideal circle, flames, bright white color, without smoke. Very beautiful, I experienced simultaneously concussion and admiration. The fire stops right around my legs, and my shoes light up. I get up to move away from the fire (Mom and the man moved to the side), but for some reason, a little leaning and the cathedrals are a little fear, went through the fire, doing completely, pain and heat did not have. I passed through the fire, the man who knocked out the fire with my fire with my arms left with me, which he could easily succeed. Circle Fire verse, almost clap. On my hands and legs remained black burns with bloody windows. At the sight of them, for some reason, I was broken, although the pain was not, only the feeling of the depths in the places of burns. On this I woke up sharply, and then I could not sleep for a long time. Sleep dreamed of December 29th, the time was somewhere 01.40. Impressions are not unequivocal remained-I shocked that fire in the form of a circle, and disappointing from the type of burns.

        I dreamed that I was sitting in the country in the garden, on a path with a man (I do not remember who it was, but I knew him), and my mother stands nearby. In the distance from us some military moves (two there were two) and throw bombs in different directions. One of them fell next to us, her mother takes her and throws away, but not far away. The bomb is exploded there, with a low clapping sound, and the flame, about the knee, bright white, without smoke, is quickly disassembled in the form of an ideal circle. Very beautiful, I experienced simultaneously concussion and admiration. The fire stops right around my legs, and my shoes light up. I get up to move away from the fire (Mom and the man moved to the side), but for some reason, a little leaning and the cathedrals are a little fear, went through the fire (when I passed it, the flame was already height in human height), doing completely Fire, pain and heat were not. I passed through the fire, the man who knocked out the fire with my fire with my arms left with me, which he could easily succeed. Circle Fire verse, almost clap. On my hands and legs there were black burns with bloody wounds, not bleeding, and simply in the form of red stripes-one strip on their hands and legs!. At the sight of them, for some reason, I was broken, although the pain was not, only the feeling of the depths in the places of burns. On this I woke up sharply, and then I could not sleep for a long time. Sleep dreamed of December 29th, the time was somewhere 01.40. Dreamed Son Once! Impressions are not unequivocal remained-shock (almost shock) and confusion in the soul!

        New non-existent cottage in your dream - it is new life To which you strive, a bed that cannot be dragged into the house, you cannot create family relationships. Muck in your dream is your torment, through the torment you will find another way out (entrance to the garage) from your life situation, fire-birds at shutters Your home can mean sharp changes in your life, T to the fire usually dreams of a wedding, then these designations on your new house can talk about the same. It is that your house is made around, says that you go in a circle (closed Circle) Most likely you will have a new relationship that will develop rapidly quickly and end the wedding and you will learn not to discuss your personal life with everyone, you will cut it out of all (fences).

        He dreamed that the sister came to the cottage from his family (I have a big family of 8 children from parents, but in a dream there were not all). It was good on the plot brick housebut not new and obviously country, I went inside and saw the skeletin's pool and then I realized that this gift is not sister and my parents are my former guy, but I have never been there and in a dream as if I was going to go there still with him, although we have not seen half of the year, he has a girl for a year and my relationship has recently formed with a guy to others

        Hello, please show a dream, I am in the dacha of my father (it is no longer alive) there is a house (in the house cozy) and the steppe with green grass (the grass is so bright, green, glitters) and on this grass the red tiger walks, slowly degree I watch through the window in the house, there was some excitement from the tiger, then I open the door and look at the distance on the tiger in the grass, everything is calm and he just walks gracefully and slowly, thanks

        I was on an abandoned overgrown dacha, there was a hole in a wooden fence and when I climbed into the hole, I turned out to be at the diversity of recreation, and depends on the fence there was a overgrown area and there was no database there

If in a dream you live on a dacha removed from someone - in real life there is a threat to get a runny nose, get infected with flu or suffer from flux. If the cottage in a dream belongs to you - I will hear about the successes of your friends, but yours will be declining.

To go to the cottage in a dream - I will have an unpleasant trial with a person you dislike.

Buying a cottage - to get an inheritance, sell - make a good deed, extinguish a burning cottage - to the fulfillment of all the desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation - Former Girl, Wife

The dream, in which your ex-beloved appeared, says that the past still lives in your heart, although you may diligently avoid memories of him.

You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming about the return of departed light, joyful days And without taking anything.

Sleep suggests: Enough to wait for the weather from the sea, be more active, and good luck will certainly smile.

If it dreamed that your former died, this means that a new period will begin in your life soon.

It is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, exactly exactly what bored does not have to; You will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter how nice or vice versa.

Interpretation of dreams