Repairs Design Furniture

Country decor made from handicraft materials with their own hands. Beautiful cottage with your own hands: the ideas of the decor for the garden and the house (48 photos) Decor in the country do it yourself

Most of us perceives the country area as a place where it is necessary to constantly process the soil, plant and care for plants, collect harvest, to repair fences and buildings. By and large, this, of course, is, but even everyday affairs can be turned into interesting lessons. In addition, the creative approach to the decoration of the site will allow you to distract from the routine.

In the photo - interesting ideas for the country site

Why not transform a cottage

It is not about what you should drastically review your principles and take up only the design of the landscape. Just keep in mind that such work helps to maintain not only beauty, but also the practicality of the territory.

Agree, there are many points when the work is completed and there is enough free time. So why not take advantage of our original ideas and do not turn the cottage in an interesting and practical corner outside the city. Below we want to offer a simple decor with your own hands for the cottage and at home that you want to taste.

Flowerbed and recreation area

The country decor is interesting because its originality sometimes happens over all measures, although it is for the better, since creativity here is only welcomed. Let's start with the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning flower beds - the most common landscape object.

In addition, it is possible to use a solution for other suitable places, for example, for a pond. We continue the seating area and the table on it from natural materials.

Klumba The idea is in an inexpensive and pretty fence, which can be made of:
  • concrete columns;
  • wooden bar;
  • old sleepers.

Create independently such a structure is easy, it is enough just to evenly lay the laying on the form of a refined object. Difficulties may occur only with the "lock", but it can be made from a high-pressure foam or metal.

It will only remain paint the decor in the colors that you consider appropriate. The originality of the design, we hope, not only to you, but also to your guests, as they hardly seen something else. The price of the project may well be calculated by double digits.

Table in the recreation area Located outside the city of Dacha, and even in an ecologically clean place, it is simply obliged to take place where everything will be made of natural elements. In this case, it will be about the table in the recreation area.
  1. No need to create designers who will require a decent fee for their work.
  2. We will do it yourself, for which you will need a brick or stone.
  3. Of these, we will construct a cubic-like design with special side linings, where we will plant plants, and let us make our moss design.
  4. Of course, you will have to spend time and some efforts, but you will have unlike other cottages.
  5. Last chord - installation of table tops.

In fact, you will succeed like which is very and very difficult to find.

Second life of old furniture

Pouring and creative homeowner in our country will never get rid of old furniture if she can serve again, but already in the country. It will help bring originality in the countryside landscape. For example, old chairs can be used as coasters for pots or kashpo with flowers.

Tip: decorating the colors of summer houses from the container block, you can transform their standard appearance.

No matter what plants you decide to arrange the old furniture, the main thing they should like you. Agree to put the pot with flowers in the seat of the chair will not be difficult.

Then you need to provide plants to normal care. So that everything looked even more beautifully, you can pull up and paint furniture, then it can be exploited much longer.

Decorating a palisader

Not everyone wants to spend time to care for many plants landed near the house. We offer a simple, but radical way to get rid of it - lawn grass that needs to fall as the soil, which will make it possible to create beauty from different elements based on it.

Why not stop in this case on the classic design of the territory.

For example, put:

  • part;
  • entrance arch decorated with ornaments;
  • small tyn;
  • put a few barbell or cart over the site, decorating them with flowers.

Tip: It will be interesting to look nearby buildings that will be decorated with a variety of fusing plants or use vertical landscaping for this.

Additional ideas

The carts are not interesting, then you can make modern versions of jewelry capable of surprising and please your loved ones.

Old boots, wire, bamboo fishing rod and plastic bottles:

  1. Take a broken bamboo fishing rod, 2 pieces of thick wire, old boots and plastic bottles.
  2. Put boots near the country threshold, having them into the track with wire.
  3. Reduce her bamboo, just putting on her.
  4. Generate the wire so that you can pick it up with small porridge with plastic bottles.
  5. Paint the design of gold paint from the canister.

Such a decoration is unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

Another way to decorate the country house is to transform his porch. In this case, you will need a lot of worn clothes, the warehouse of which is usually there in the country site. It is usually used for dirty work as a desktop.

Now there is another option of its use, in particular, old jeans. As a result, you can make the "feet" that will become "flower" for perennial herbs. The idea is pretty pretty and does not require cash costs.

Tip: Feature difficulties with electricity in the country site, you will help solve the problem of renting a diesel generator for giving.


For the overwhelming number of summer residents, the site outside the city is not the only source of existence and producing products. Therefore, it is possible to turn it not only to landing and harvesting, but also in the original park, where it is pleasant to spend time. To do this, you do not have to spend big funds, just only time and fantasy. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

How to make a beautiful gift for your own hands, so that there was a cozy to rest in the summer? Those people who have summer cottages are simply lucky, because it is exactly the place where you can not only grow vegetables and fruits, but just come to rest with friends.

But it's not enough to have a cottage, you need to care for her. Beautiful cottage with your own hands is not a fairy tale, but a little effort and time. How to make it interesting and unusually try to find out.

Decor Ideas for Beautiful Dacha

There are many options with which you can make the design of the country area. The choice of this or that will depend on the individual tastes and wishes.

Flowerbed in old dishes and unnecessary things

Who said that the cottage is exclusively a bed? In addition to them, you can make an excellent flowerub, while using old unnecessary containers. All that will require is the presence of objects such as watering can, bowl, pan, or something of this kind. You can use more overall things, for example, a cart or a wheelbarrow.

And so, when we chose on a particular question, everything that remains is to pour a little land in it and plant flowers.

An unusual idea will use an old bed, pre-floating it with many different types of colors.

Flower bed and tree

The composition of wood and colors will look quite original. Such a combination will be unusual, and give the club a new format of the format.

For registration, we will need a log house from a tree that can be beat as a small flower hut. Additionally, you can use the variant of the stack of wooden sticks or vines, which we put together together by creating a basket image. You can also make a beautiful flower bed of stumps on your cottage.

Flowerbed from stone

Registration of the country decor with their own hands is easy. You can use not only the options for decor of the flower beds using colors, but also supplement it with several natural stones, which will be able to harmoniously join the general image of the picture.

One of the ideas is the use of a stone as summer paths. If you use this option, then at the end of the work you will remain a fairly broken waste material that is used secondary. With it, you can beautifully lay out the beds of the bed of any height. If you feel some designer skills, try putting out a cup of stone, a vase or a basket, which in the future will need to plant flower.

Clutter from tire

This version of the dacha decor is quite popular and distributed. To work, we need old tire and favorite flowers. You can go from the very elementary option, which provides for the location of the tire on the garden, ending with its full design, where we can paint it into different colors of the rainbow, or make interesting compositions in the form of the toad and other animals. More crafts from tires for a beautiful cottage.

Plastic Bottle Flower Bar

And how do you like a little animal who settle in your country area? A very cute little thing for the decor, besides, you can make it yourself with your own hands. All that we need is a plastic bottle and a little fantasy. It is also possible to make a flowerbed in it, or plant seedlings, lawn grass, so on. An important advantage will be the fact that such a miracle club is mobile, and it can be transferred to any part of the country area. More crafts for a beautiful cottage from plastic bottles with their own hands.

Figures from bottles

Such a decor will look great on any segment of the cottage. The main thing to collect a few old eggplant from drinking water, yogurts, packages from dessert and other similar containers. Then with the help of such materials it will be possible to create figures of different animals from bottles, be it donkey or pony. You can even make a whole bench piglets, the main thing is to take advantage of your fantasy and pay a lot of time.

Cutter from Prunev

Well, what is the cottage without a beautiful bird feeder? It can be made absolutely from various kinds of materials and hang both on the tree and near the gazebo or house.

The easiest option is to make a plastic bottle feeder. But you can approach the question unusual, and weave it from the rods of a small diameter.

Garden figures for beautiful cottage

Garden figures look very beautiful, which will decorate the country area. They can be made of plaster, polymer clay, mounting foam, residues of building materials, etc.

At first it seems that this kind of decoration is quite difficult. But trying, you will make sure that the process goes quickly and interesting. You can make anything, starting with animals, ending with characters from cartoons and fairy tales.

Crafts from a chair for giving

Surely somewhere in the garage or in the cottages you had a shared unnecessary chair, which and thorough sorry, and to apply nowhere. It can find the second life, decorating your country area with an original and unusual way.

Such a chair will become a decorative design in which the flowers can be planted, simply by pre-replacing the seat with a conventional blue or geotextile, while filling them with good nutritional soil. Recommended in this version of the decor to plant flowers with a small root system, you can even a few curly options that will whip the legs or the back of the chair.

Vertical gardening dacha

Agree that it looks sufficiently vertical gardening in the country area, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe recreation area, where you can put a small table and chairs. The most interesting thing is that this version of the decor is absolutely not difficult, you only need a few elements of an old wrought sampling or openwork back from the bed.

County flowerbed: "umbrella-flower bed"

Do not believe, but even this item can be used to design a bed. An ordinary old unnecessary umbrella turn into a modern scenery, which will undoubtedly attract attention.

Similar to such flower beds for cottage decor, you can use old shoes, a wheelbarrow or bike. Almost any object in the house can be unusually originable to arrange a beautiful cottage.

Registration of old tile

It often happens that our country tracks are made of paving slabs, which over time can crackle or filled with holes. Do not rush to carry out major repairs, such potholes can be corrected by landing in them of low-spirited flowers, for example: pansies, obstacles, mocked or ordinary moss. It will look original, and most importantly not as everyone. And also ideas for garden paths for giving.

Artificial reservoir in the country

If the territory of your cottage allows you to highlight a little space for the recreation area, you can make an artificial reservoir with your own hands, additionally issues it with a frog or other thematic animals with garden figures.

An important point in creating such a reservoir is the right choice of space. It is best if it is not very sunny plot, because otherwise water can evaporate quickly, and the plants in the water will begin to rot.

To create such a reservoir, it is not necessary to make a foundation specifically. You can go to another way, and just use the old bath, basque or trough. It will be necessary to pull the pit of the appropriate size, where to place the selected item, and arrange its sides with the help of stone, sand and pebbles.

If the scale of the decorative dacha pond, it can be decorated with floating water lines or beds. Such a dacha decor will be quite creative and beautiful.

Lantern from tin can

This is a relevant decoration, it is especially useful in the evening. It is done very simple. It will be necessary to pre-prepare a jar from household chemicals or products. With the help of a marker, we apply a drawing on it, and carefully cut out or knocked it with a hammer. The drawing itself may look even in the form of holes of different diameters that are knocked out with a nail and hammer. To the edge of the can be secure wire, for which it will be possible to hang it.

You can paint the jar in any color you like. A candle is put in the middle, which will shine with mild light and openwork patterns. More ideas for garden lighting.

As you can see, there are many ideas that can be used for registration and decor of your beautiful cottage. Any option is made with their own hands and does not require the costs of special cash. In addition, in the process of work, you can fully disclose your creative skills in terms of your creative skills and have a pleasure time.

Staying outdoor always delivers a lot of positive emotions. A trip to the cottage does not become an exception. But such leisure can be done even more pleasant. It is enough to decorate the garden with a cute decor, and it will be transformed. Improved and the mood of those who are in it. We share ideas for the decor of the garden, which will be easily and quickly implemented with their own hands.

1. Cage for plants

The old cell for birds can be suspended flower. Additionally, it can be painted in color contrasting with garden greens. So the decor will look even more spectacular.

2. Stone leaves

Make a similar decor for the garden with your own hands is very easy. It will take a large sheet with protruding veins, for example, burdock, and cement mortar. A layer of cement is applied to the straighted sheet. After drying the solution, the sheet is removed.

3. Suspended greens

Such decor is suitable for decorating the empty wall of the country house. Do not forget to make holes in the bottom of canned cans.

4. From the house - to the garden

The remains of the tile are used additionally for the bed-bed decor. Fastening technique is similar to laying a regular tile on the wall or to the floor.

5. Stone pots

Original pots for plants become the original garden decor. The river or marine pebble is glued with them with liquid nails glue.

6. Eternal Decor from Peeshkov

Flat stones - a real find for those who want to decorate their garden. Before coloring, they must be thoroughly wash and degreased, for example, with alcohol rubs. Figure or inscriptions are applied with acrylic paints. In order for the decor to be resistant to humidity, we also recommend covering it with a layer of varnish.

7. Plants instead of light bulbs

You can use the old dishes as the greenery to accommodate the greenery, while sticking it into place of cartridges for light bulbs. So that the decorative composition looked united, we recommend to paint it.

8. Fayans Klumba

Take care of a reliable fixation of a similar decorative composition. For example, pride the base in the form of a vertical cavity that the sink is satisfied.

9. Cute frogs

From the stones of the appropriate size, you can build garden frogs. To fasten the stones, use the glue "Liquid nails" or cement.

10. Floral waterfall

Old barrel is capable of becoming a garden decoration. Near her, at the minimum distance from each other, bright colors are planted.

11. Chairs on which you can not sit

12. New life of old boots

Miniature flowerbeds from the old shoes - the decor for the garden with their own hands, which even a child can do. Just fill them with soil and drop flowers.

13. Collection of flower pots

Just glue the pots with each other, so that they formed a ball. Original flower bed ready!

14. Glamor glass decor

Old glassware, from which the garden decor is assembled, will be picturesque to sparkle under sunlight. Multicolored objects will be fastened with each other with silicone glue.

15. Metal dragonflies

Material for the manufacture of such dragonflies serve stainless steel cutlery, cut into parts. Elements can be glued together.

16. Remembering the holidays

Christmas toys, put on painted in green colors, will become an unusual garden decor. Sticks stick into flower beds or just in any places in the garden.

The article presents the photo of the country's interior, which can be implemented in the life of any country house. The country interior is distinguished by the simplicity of finishing and the decor used, which can be easily made with their own hands.

Today, the country house is still associated with gardening work, now this is a place to relax from urban noise. It is necessary to equip the country interior based on its tasks and whether the cottage will be used in winter. In any case, he must differ from the interior of the apartment.

Tips for creating a cozy atmosphere in the summer interior:

  1. Do not climb the country house with talked things.
  2. It is important to distinguish between recreation and work zones.
  3. It is better to use natural cloth for curtains with the addition of polyester for longer service life.
  4. Bright colors are suitable for finishing, which with the clap will look harmoniously. Bright colors can be added with decor.
  5. You can use old furniture, pre-changing the upholstery and paint it.
  6. Live flowers and spicy herbs in pots will support the subject of the country's interior in the kitchen.
  7. For the veranda is suitable wicker furnishings from rattan or vines.
  8. From plastic windows, PVC and other synthetics it is better to refuse.
  9. For the cozy winter holidays it is worth building a fireplace or oven.
  10. Wooden chest, knitted pillows, linen tablecloth and vintage clock will make the cottage more attractive.

Styles of dacha interior

The use of styles is relevant not only for houses, but also for the country's interior. Most often such styles are used as: Provence, Country, Scandinavian, Chalet and Modern.


The Country Interior in the style of Provence is suitable for the summer option. Here will be appropriate special light furniture, fireplace, thoughtful decor elements, such as lavender bundles, flower embroidery, curtain cafes, ruffles and porcelain dishes.


Country or rustic style is very popular with summer houses because of its specificity. It has simplicity, wooden finish, natural colors, plaid or embroidered textiles, colors in pots. Furniture uses only the necessary: \u200b\u200btable, sofa, bed, armchairs or chairs. For completed style, a functioning stove is suitable. Wooden bar does not hide, but looks natural, as in the photo.

In the photo kitchen in the country style, which is suitable for the dacha interior and is characterized by wooden characteristic windows. Great practicality is a ceramics countertop.

Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian country interior does not imply storing urban furniture and other unnecessary things. It is characterized by restraint in the decor, wooden finish and furniture, calm tones.


The interior in the style of the chalet can only be created in the country's dacha interior with a fireplace and a trim from a log and stone. It should be similar to the spacious residence of the shepherd, so there is an animal decor, protruding visors, brucks, rough and wicker furniture, needlework textiles, clay dishes.

The first floor is given to the living room and the kitchen, and on the second floor there are bedrooms. For decoration, a protective lacquer is used, a means for chipping a tree or plaster natural shades.

In the photo, the countryside in the style of the Alpine Chalet, which combines the rude country and minimalistic orientation.

Modern style

The country interior in the modern style involves a brick or stone finish, painting and wallpaper is also used. Furniture is used modern and functional without unnecessary delights. Minimalistic decor, fireplace, small table, neutral and juicy shades create a modern country interior.

Registration of premises in the country


The kitchen in the summer interior can be small, but have all the communications and a basic set of cabinets and tables. The kitchen can be decorate with alive colors, a tablecloth, curtains, handmade items, painted plates. At the cottage is appropriate as a tabletop from a tile, stone, tree.

In the photo, the country's cottage interior for which natural materials are characteristic, walls without finishing, and on the windows of linen curtains.

Living room

The main attribute of the rustic living room is a fireplace, and depending on the style of the interior may look different. It can be wicker sofas on the background of log walls, a massive table with a large sofa, ancient furniture with carpets, paintings and a large service. Bright accents are added unobtrusively as the next photo.

In a small house is best for expanding space, combine the kitchen with the living room. The kitchen-living room can smoothly flush onto the terrace with barbecue, in the living room area you can arrange a sofa and a large table, for the kitchen to take 1/3 space.

In the photo interior kitchen-dining room, which is combined with the living room. The lack of walls adds space, also to easily drop such a cottage.


The bedroom is usually on the second floor. For its finishing, paper wallpaper is used, plaster, and if it is a wooden cottage, the bar is covered with a protective varnish. The bed can be iron or wooden with drawers, necessarily presence of a chest or swing cabinet.

In the photo of a bedroom in neutral colors without decoration of walls, natural beauty emphasized the curtains of the bleached flax and the red window.


The veranda or terrace creates the first impression of the summer interior. Regardless of the size of the veranda, it can be cozy to comfortably with a light or wicker furniture group, a small cabinet for tea dishes, a folding or inpatient table.

If the terrace is glazed, you can decorate with short curtains or light tulle. An open veranda shook a roof roof fern, or curly grapes.

In the photo, the open veranda for family evenings, where the water-pumping furniture with soft pillows is selected.


The hallway should always stay as empty as possible, so there will be a shoe shelf, a low bedside table and hangers. Here you can arrange a wardrobe for garden tools. From the decor you can use a knitted track, a key, bright baskets.

Features of mansard design

Attic adds an advantage of the house in the form of an additional living area. Here you can equip a children's room or bedroom. A special kind of attaches to the attic of the roof and windows that can be any shape and size. Boxes under the roof arch will save space, here you can arrange a game with a hammock, bars and board games.

Stylish attic makes:

  • Painting walls on the principle of zoning and the correct selection of shades that will hide the difference between the walls.
  • Built and necessary furniture, which will not clutch space.
  • The window must be maximally open for daylight and beautifully emphasized with light curtains of that length, which is appropriate for the window shape.
  • Sufficient lighting, which is compensated by artificial light sources.

In the photo of the attic, which serves as a children's, where the bed is located so that the rays of the sun do not interfere with the child.

Fireplace and stove in the interior

If there is a fireplace or stove, you can not straighten the country's interior with additional elements of the decor, since in addition to the heating function, it is an independent accent.

Fireplaces are open, which are embedded in the wall, and closed, heating a large area, closed with heat-resistant glass. Decoration of the fireplace is a thread, a cast iron panel, a tile.

In the photo interior with a fireplace of a closed type, which you can admire without the presence of the smell of smoke in the house.

The oven not only hears the house, but also creates the original country interior. It happens inpatient, lined tiles, and mobile, which can be installed in any room. On the furnace you can cook food, and it is cheaper by the fireplace. Most often is located in the kitchen.

Arrangement of a small house

The country's cottage interior can be cozy and functional when selecting compact furniture and proper zoning space.

In the photo of the mini-cottage, in the interior of which there is a place for the kitchen, living room and hallway. With this design, the color of the wall indicates the zoning of the room.

The kitchen can be organized in the corner of the living room with the help of an angular headset, where all seasonings and organizers are attached to the wall.

The bedroom can be combined with the living room, where the sliding chair and the sofa book will stand. Also the bedroom can be on the veranda, attic. For children, a bunk bed or a loft bed on a closet will fit.

  • For separation of zones, a folding bar rack, shirma, racking is suitable.
  • The interior must be organized under their needs, for example, you can abandon the coffee table in favor of the rocking chair and vice versa.
  • In a small house, you can organize furnace heating or heating by a mobile radiator.

Economy class interior

In order to create a spiritual country interior, you can use such rules:

  1. Using unnecessary things. You can make a new upholstery for furniture, paint the table, combine new furniture with old. A simple cabinet to reorganize with a decoupage.
  2. Buy things from hand can be cheaper on platforms or in the store on discounts.
  3. No need to save on the quality of the finish and then the house will look good with simple furniture.
  4. High-quality textiles will hide all flaws, it can also be changed without tangible damage to the budget.
  5. Prefer plastic and artificial stone, paper wallpaper, artificial rattune and film PVC facades, which mimics the texture of the tree.

Photo of a small country class house (1 option)

Photo of a small classroom housekeeper class (2 options)

The interior can be done unique at the expense of furniture and handmade decor. To implement your ideas, you need to use quality materials and do not miss the important stages of their preparation.

In the photo the interior of a seasonal house, where the decor makes up color caps and paintings within the framework without binding to style.

Photo idea "Mobile Coffee Table of Pallet"

It will take:

  • 2 pallet,
  • 4 wheels,
  • durable glass in the width of the bottom of the pallet,
  • true paint.

Sandpaper to stick to the outer surface of the pallets. If the table is intended for the veranda or street, it needs to be covered with a primer for external work. Cove the paint. For the lower part to attach the wheels, connect both pallets with each other using selflessness. Glass can be placed on glue, or just put on the table.

The photo shows a table of two pallets, but in the same way you can make a bedside table, a higher table and a sofa.

Photo idea "Wall-shelf from wooden boxes"

It will take:

  • 10-15 vegetable boxes,
  • self-tapping screw
  • wood coating varnish.

New boxes do not need to be processed, they are enough to cover with varnish, used boxes are better to open and then you can paint the wall, near which the shelf will be placed, draw the sketch, based on the size of the wall and boxes, as well as their position. Fix boxes between themselves with self-draws, starting from the bottom row.

In the photo it can be seen how the boxes are not tightly adjacent to each other, which forms new niches. Such a homemade wall is suitable for organizing things in the kitchen or on the attic.

Photo The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "suspended organizer for cutlery"

It will take:

  • 2-3 Wooden cutting boards,
  • protection lacquer
  • small sections of the fabric,
  • openwork ribbon for decor,
  • adhesive gun
  • hooks.

It is desirable to pick up the boards of the same form, make holes for the hook, at this stage the board can be decorated with painting, if the fabric used is one-photon, and not as in the photo. Cover the boards from all sides with varnish, gluing pockets, edge decorate an openwork ribbon. Such a decor will decorate the street gazebo, the kitchen, and you can not only store there. Also on one board there may be a few pockets.

In the photo the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing storage of dishes in the kitchen in a rustic style. For better protection against moisture, cutlery needs to be well wiping after washing, and doctors do not hang over the sink.

Photo The idea of \u200b\u200b"solid pouf for a veranda"

It will take:

  • harness
  • glue,
  • wheel Tire
  • euro shop,
  • screwdriver
  • 2 circles from the chipboard on the tire diameter.

Attach with the help of EUSP, forming the bottom of the pouf, fill the inside with a foam or other material for density. Close the top of the second chipboard detail. Harness or rope crush ends and top of the pouf, abundantly lubricate with glue. On the photo, an example of a pouf from one tire, but you can also make it higher, cover with a cloth, make the seat soft. Also from 4 bars you can make small legs.

In the photo of a pouf of a tire, which gained the second life in the form of dacha furniture, and can be useful on the terrace.

The examples of the examples and ideas for the decoration of the country's interior show that it is possible to equip a country house with your own hands using everyday household item. Cozy textiles and a suspended organization of space will make the giving a favorite holiday destination.

Each person who has a dacha is sooner or later thinking about her decoration. To do this, you can buy various items by setting them on their summer cottage. But for people wishing to do everything with their own hands, it will be much more interesting to create various crafts on their own, inventing something interesting and original or coping with already finished products. Decorating the cottage by homemade crafts, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere that delivers a lot of pleasure and attracting the attention of others. Yes, and the warmth of the created products is not compared with anything!

In addition, the independent design of the cottage allows you to develop and implement creative potential. And with the benefit to apply a number of old things that, and throw out a pity and in the economy is no longer claimed.

We have collected the latest ideas for giving with your own hands in one place. And for your convenience, they issued them in the form of a catalog with a detailed description and bright images.

Choosing ideas for giving your own hands - Photo.

Each dacket, if desired, can find a wide variety of ideas for giving with your own photos of which is on the Internet. For the manufacture of small architectural forms, you can use healthy items that are practically in every farm. At any dacha, you can find some unnecessary furniture, building materials and many other items that can come in handy in the design of the site.

The choice of ideas ultimately depends on personal preferences, skills, the availability of the necessary tools and materials. As well as readiness for additional financial investments.

Try to find yourself an inspirer and reliable assistant, then work will go much faster and more fun. Yes, and "Side view" is certainly useful, especially for enthusiastic natures, which is difficult to stop on time. And remember that your cottage is primarily a natural landscape, and nature loves harmony.

Crafts for giving with their own hands from handicraft materials with photos.

Of various kinds of crafts (figures, houses for birds and domestic animals) are the most popular and affordable objects for self-erection. As a rule, they are made from what is "at hand" and require minimal time spending. Thus, this is the most affordable and fast way to transform garden territory. Next, we will consider more specific ideas for the cottage.

Create fun figures.

Even simple bottles of various drinks can be used to make figures that will look beautifully at the country area. For the manufacture of figures, you can use a wide variety of bottles and packaging pre-collecting it in the required quantity. From plastic bottles and other diverse containers, you can make animals adorning the plot. It may be horses, piglets, cows and more. Making various pieces of bottles, you can reveal your talents and create all the more advanced crafts every time.

Mastery Bednament.

From a simple tree cut, you can make a beautiful bird feeder. To do this, it is necessary to choose the tree with a suitable thickness and cut out the recess in the inside, then fix on the tree or any other convenient in the site. Lining food in the feeder, birds will be able to peck him during flights and thereby decorating your cottage. You can make a variety of objects, the same plastic bottles, such ideas for giving with your own hands. Photo can always be found on the Internet and try to repeat.

We do scarecrow.

Vegetable beds of their garden decorate with an unusual stuffed to scare birds. As a result, you will get a double effect - save the crop and make a highlight to your garden. Garden scarecrow - benefits and excellent dacket mood.

The options for the design of the country area do it yourself a lot, the main thing is to have a desire and fantasy. On the Internet you can always find a variety of photo examples.

Including imagination for the design of the country area, you can use a variety of items. Old tires are suitable for creating a flower, which can be painted and distributed across the area.

For the manufacture of crafts with your own hands, you can use the most conventional tubes from plastic bottles. There are a lot of traffic jams, but if you wish, you can find them. From the plugs from bottles, you can make very beautiful patterns that decorate the walls, fences and many other elements on the country area or pictures of animals. Figures and patterns of bottle plugs can be painted with paints in different colors, making the exposure even more interesting. With their help, you can create whole works of art.

Cottage at the city They often buy in terms of being able to relax well from the city bustle of adults and children. When buying a cottage, everyone plans to create a unique design in its plot, decides its products that will be made with their own hands. Country sites are often found with well-kept beds, on which there is a small house. Even the child will become boring at such a dacha. Anyone even the smallest plot with a small house will be transformed, if not be lazy and implement the most unusual ideas for giving with their own hands. Photos, which are presented in this article. Enter fantasy, make a little effort, and passersby will be admiring your garden.

Consider the plot you purchased as a space for the work of the whole family. Creative ideas for giving with their own hands can be made from a girlfriend. The entrance will go all that you were going to throw away. Baskets, old clay jugs, barrels, car tires Even an emerged old tree with good processing to turn into a beautiful table and chairs. Find out even more items for creativity by reading the article about .

Ideas for giving with your own hands - arrangement of the territory.

Layout the pond.

From natural stone on the territory of the country area, you can lay out a beautiful pond of the most diverse shape. To do this, it is necessary to determine its size, dig up the recess, seal, pour water and put the stone at its discretion.

Think over the game zone.

Throwing all the forces on the improvement of the plot or at home, adults often forget about the device of the children's corner. Start the design of the country area follows from the construction of a playground, it will help create a game zone for children, and they will not interfere with the time of work.

For construction, you will need:

  • big sleeve sleeve (base swing);
  • Automotive tire, cut in half (limit);
  • Wooden timber and boards.

But another selection of unique ideas for giving with their own hands, photos of which will help to decide on the architecture on the site for children. Create a simple swing for a child, all kinds of slides with houses and cable rods, sandbox with sides on sides and ten above the head from the Sun. If your site is too small and does not allow you to highlight the area under the gaming zone, create it outside the site. Connect your neighbors who have children and build a children's town using material from disassembled sheds.

We decorate the fence.

An unusual fence will give your summer cottage of originality and will benefit from it among the others. Even the most ordinary fences at first glance can be transformed with our ideas for giving with their own hands (the photo is proved).

  • The usual grid of a chain or garden grid can be decorated with stencil and paint. It looks very original.

  • Rounded out of a tree with a sharp end color in different colors, and your fence will turn into a huge set of pencils. Fun and pleases the eyes.

  • Even the usual tyne will look harmoniously in the overall ensemble of your garden.

Fence at the cottage with their own hands - photo on the envy of the neighbors.

We put garden tracks.

Garden tracks are able to transform any plot. Even if you do not pay enough attention to the arrangement of flower beds and the construction of small architectural forms. The path in the country, paved by stone, wood or ceramics, will give you not only the practicality and convenience of movement in the area, but also laid the base for its further design. Wooden track.

The path paved by woody rings looks environmentally and successfully fits into the natural landscape. Ask her a more winding trajectory, put coniferous trees along it and enjoy a leisurely walk "in the woods". - An excellent idea option for giving with your own hands.

The diameter of wood rings can choose at its discretion, just like the order of their laying. The photo below perfectly illustrate the possibilities of using this material. And once again prove the infinity of the fantasy of the creators.

Despite all the obvious advantages, wood is more exposed to moisture and various pests. Therefore, be sure to take care of its primary processing. For processing, the sleeps will be working out or olif.

The preparation of the substrate takes an equally important position. Work starts with applying and loading soil. The use of geotextiles extends the life of such a track. Wooden rings are placed on a sandy substrate, the same sand falls asleep with the gaps between them.

Stone path.

The material can serve as gravel, river pebbles, brick, paving slabs, ceramics.

Variations on the topic of patterns There are also a great set. In order for the track to serve as long as possible, share the strength and time to properly prepare the base.

The main stages include:

  • Digging the trench;
  • Formation of a substrate from gravel;
  • Sandy layer;
  • Laying border and laying pattern;
  • Filling vertical emptiness sand.

We smash the flower garden.

There are many ideas for the cottage to create flower and flower beds with their own hands. This is a favorite place of work and rest of all women. Each hostess can create an original flower lady.

  • Pyramidal flower beds with ampel plants from old tires of different diameters or not necessary containers will be delighted with your guests and save space on the site.
  • It is possible to organize an original flower garden with any object that is not necessary in the farm, such as carts, old chair, basket or clay tub.

Fantasize over the place to relax.

Connect the resting place and the game zone with a wooden bridge, towering over artificial reservoirs. Creating not a large reservoir in the country area is not a complex and die for everyone. A beautifully decorated small lake will become a central accent of all the design of your cottage.

Create a heavenly corner with your own hands! After reading the article "", you will learn how to create excellent elements of the decor for home and cottage.

Country sofa.

Landscaped dacha with their own hands photo gives a lot more positive emotions from staying on it. We invite you to discuss another object, which has a beneficial effect on the country. This patio is a platform for recreation, usually paved from stone or wood. She can adjoin the house or be gone from it, but preferably an open-air. Although the choice of the final version of the patio will be built on the prevailing climatic conditions.

Dachniks have already managed to appreciate the patio, as a place for friendly and family gatherings for barbecue or fragrant tea. And the main criterion for collecting a large company is the convenience of each of those present.

The central element of the patio, in addition to the table, can serve as a spacious sofa made of pallets. "It sounds not very" - you think you. However, take a look at the magnificent options for its execution! And you will not notice how mentally scroll through the design and design of the country sofa in my head.

And so, let's go to the point! To begin with, we carefully clean the surface of the pallets and eliminate all traumatic elements (sins, nails, etc.) using woodworking tools (jigsaw, hammer, saw, plans, hacksaw, etc.). A specific list depends on the quality of the source material.

Since the sofa will mostly be street, think about impregnation of pallets with protective equipment. This will increase the service life, protects from mold and rotting. And to collect the design, it will meet nails, corners, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

The main stages of the embodiment of this idea for the cottage with their own hands, are reduced to the following:

  • creating a drawing;
  • build construction from pallets;
  • the cover of the facade and sides of the plywood for the aesthetic structure;
  • making soft covers and pillows.

By the way, such a sofa can also be placed in a gazebo or on the veranda of the country house.

Dacha with their own hands photo - exterior decoration at home.

And so, if the territory you have been referred to, and the soul and hands require continuation - take a look at the garden house itself. Perhaps his facade should be updated or made more attractive and cheerful.

Such creativity, and otherwise this activity and you will not call, attractively also by the fact that it allows you to distract from the routine realities of gloomy (coppes, weeding and irrigation). In addition, it does not require tireless work, because it can be performed in free time and with interruptions. The time frame is completely absent. You will decorate the country facade of the week, a month or finish only the next year - depends on the level of complexity of the intended, availability of the infringement material and your irrepressive desire to create.

Of course, about all the techniques of the transformation of the facade will not be able to tell, but the most popular will look at now.

Mosaic facade.

Mosaic is a picture made of small elements of different shape and color. Material can serve as glass, ceramics, small pebbles, and also plugs from plastic bottles. In the last option, we will stop more. The advantages of the cork facade consist in its cheapness. And difficulties are taken to collect the required amount of traffic jams.

"What is the surface of the house to subjected to this type of decor? - you ask. Absolutely any: from the ornament around the window or door opening to one-piece wall design. Photographs of work of real craftsmen testify to the infinity of their fantasy and inexhaustible patience.

When decorating the surface of a large area, concentrate on the symmetry of the ornament. Preliminary marking will help you. And in the process of mounting the covers, periodically move away, and evaluate the harmony of your work.

Evening garland.

Luminous garlands are a unique way to create a romantic atmosphere in the country. Yes, yes, it is romantic! It would seem what romance can be among the beds and greenhouses? If everything is properly organized, then it is quite possible to highlight a corner for a pleasant pastime.

A similar idea for giving can be easily embodied with your own hands and be used as part of a friendly party in the fresh air, as well as a festive attribute for lovers or newlyweds.

Color range of garlands is chosen on occasion. It may be an extravagancing of colorful lights or a monophonic gamma. In the dark, large light bulbs are mysteriously look like mysteriously. And choose a warm or cold white shade - decide for yourself!

Floristic motifs.

The decoration of the facade with decorative plants and colors has long been used. All the walls of houses were met, filled with greenery of lio-like plants (top view, wild grapes, etc.) But many of you have heard of vertical beds or useful gardening at home?

The most practical gardeners live in a permanent need to maximize the use of existing fertile resources, especially in a situation with a small land plot. And this, believe me, not uncommon. Therefore, they decided that a number of fruit crops can be grown by a somewhat non-standard way.

An example of this is the vertical bed - an interesting and useful way to decorate the facade of the house. There is, however, some restriction is suitable for such a garden of southern or southeast / Western Wall.

The basis of the whole structure is the framework of the stakenik, nails and wire. It is on him and our fruitful shoots will crawl up. Fixing the stems (as they grow) is made by textile ropes or cellophane ribbons.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini can now grow closely and delight the eyes with natural colors.

Changing a frame design, you can create different patterns on the wall, control the direction and debris of the growth of plants. And such landscaping retains coolness inside the house in a hot day.

There are also more affordable landscaping options. These are vases at the entrance and on the windowsill. Flowers in the morning will scream with their fragrance and raise the mood. And the day will bloom to the joy of guests and neighbors.