Repairs Design Furniture

Garden chopper for grass and branches: design of homemade crusher, materials and assembly process. Garden chopper with her own hands: Get rid of branches on the countryside Garden chopper make with their own hands

Herb chopper to help the gardener. A beautiful and fruitful garden, in which it is always nice to relax and enjoy its magnificence - this is the result of the painstaking work of the owner. We all know to have a good result - green vegetation, juicy fruits and vegetables - you need to make fertilizers in the soil, providing it with all the necessary organic substances.

Grinding grass

The perfect nutrition for the soil is compost. Composting is an introduction to the soil of decomposed organic compounds obtained as a result of rotting materials: leaves, stalks, tops, cuttings, various vegetable and animal waste.

Having your garden, such a garden compost is under the power to prepare each gardener. If earlier the material for compost was prepared manually, now there are various grinder on the functions. The garden chopper will save time for the processing of grass, will reduce the period of decomposition of vegetation, providing an additional place in the compost barrel. As the prices of such devices are quite high, and not everyone can afford it equipment, you can make a garden chopper of grass with your own hands.

Required parts for its manufacture:

  • motor;
  • knives or discs;
  • shaft;
  • bolts, nuts;
  • container;
  • protective frame;
  • auxiliary materials: Screwdriver, Bulgarian, hammer.

Such an apparatus works approximated to the action of the kitchen combine. The voltage from the motor goes to the shaft with knives, which grind the incoming branches or grass, and then the processed material comes out through a special hole in the box and comes to compost, animal feed and birds.

Homemade shredder

This unit can be easily done with the help of well-made materials that every owner has in their home, and the missing details are in the market. On the network you can find videos with step-by-step assembly of shredders. The main thing is to decide on the type of device, draw drawings and prepare the necessary parts for the assembly.

Types of grinders

Consider what kind of grass choppers are varieties:


The gasoline engine devices have a higher power, allow you to grind not only the grass, but also larger branches at any point in the garden, regardless of the availability of the power grid. Suitable for large areas and vegetation of large diameter.


Operate only from the network, less powerful. They differ ease of use by compactness and less weight. Excellent option for gardeners. For grinding herbs and small in diameter of branches, a garden unit is suitable with a capacity of no more than 1.5 kW. However, such devices do not withstand long continuous loads. For a longer work, it is better to choose the engines with a capacity of up to 4 kW. This garden aggregate is very convenient.

Homemade grass chopper can be done with:

  • Drills

Suitable for grinding grass of small volumes (mainly for feeding birds and cattle).

Needed materials:

  • Drill with power up to 1 kW;
  • knives;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • grass container (bucket).

The assembly is quite simple, the only task is sharpening knives. They must have a shape of a rhombus with a one-sided sharpening directional. This form will protect the knife from accumulating and winding on its surface of the grass. After assembly, you need to put the grass in the bucket, connect the device to the power grid and grind vegetation.

  • Cultivator

This method is close to the first option. It is characterized in that it makes it possible to process much large volumes of vegetation.

Choosing materials for making grass chopper

Materials for assembly:

  • a cultivator that can be used in the form of a drive;
  • steel knife carved from the canvas and sharply sharpened;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • plastic container where grinding will be trapped;
  • square table top and legs.

To assemble the design of the garden chopper, you need to attach the drive to the table, having previously done the hole in the table top. Then, with the help of brackets and screws, tighten the casing of the machine to a wooden bar. For the termination, make a funnel from the primary materials (for example, sleeve from the drainage) and consolidate it so that it does not interfere in the installation of the cultivator. Bar himself secure self-drawing to the table. At the end, you need to install limiters with the legs to prevent the tabletop slide.

  • Soviet vacuum cleaner

For such an embodiment, the housing from the vacuum cleaner of the USSR vacuum cleaner is suitable, which has a comfortable hole for loading herbs. This device differs from the previous presence of the second hole through which the crushed grass passes.

For the assembly of this design you need:

  • the powerful engine is about 180 watts;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • knives, bolts and nuts;
  • metal legs;
  • bucket for receiving the product.

First you need to cook the sleeve for attaching knives and attach the engine to the case. Knives are pre-cut and sharpened, making a hole in them under the sleeve. With the help of bolts secure the engine to the case. To exit a silo, make a hole in the side of the hull itself. Around the slot we weld the protective casing, so that the exit product is not scattered.

Weld up the platform for construction. The platform must have the shape of a truncated pyramid with a wide base at the bottom and narrower upward. This form ensures the stability of the unit during operation. Making holes for bolts, secure the bottom of the engine to the platform. As you can see, all the details will be easily found in the farm. The problem may occur only with a sleeve that can be made on the machine.

  • Washing machine

Such a device acts on the same principle, but allows you to grind not only the grass, but also branches.

His shredder with her own hands

Screw materials:

  • engine and cylindrical case from the old washing machine;
  • knives or obsolete canvas hacksaw;
  • fasteners, nuts and bolts;
  • bushings;
  • bulgarian, screwdriver;
  • a container for spent material;
  • legs from furniture.

In the container from the washing machine - you can replace the pan, bucket or barrels - make a hole and cover it with a sheet of thin metal. Such a passage is better to do at the bottom of the container, but if it does not work, it should be on the side and necessarily below the blades. According to the example of the previous option, you need to make the sleeve to which knives are attached, and fix the knives at the bottom of the container.

Based on the size of the engine shaft, make holes for the sleeve and the motor mount. With the help of installed fixtors, attach the engine of the machine to the container. As a container for collecting crushed grass, you can use both a bucket, barrel, and a homemade container made of metal and attached by bolts.

After reviewing the above options, you can easily make a garden chopper at home. At the same time, the video and drawings in the network will help you in the exact assembly of specific aggregates. Depending on what kind of technicians you have, the volume of work can choose a more suitable method of manufacture. The main tools that are needed to build a garden chopper - Bulgarian, screwdriver and welding machine.

Do not forget to comply with safety techniques when working with electrical types of units. Acute knives and discs carry a serious danger to your life and health, as well as people surrounded. Especially be careful with the tool if there are children in the house. From all of the above, we can conclude that the grass chopper can be made with their own hands or purchase a ready-made option.

Caring for your garden, not to avoid trimming of old and dried branches on trees and shrubs. As a result, quite a large number of twigs are accumulated, which I want to use with benefit for business. The most practical way out in such a situation will send branches to the compost, leaving to overden there. Unfortunately, the process of turning solid wood into compost is quite long, and the mountain of dry branches spoils a common view of the site. In this case, a garden chopper comes to the rescue. Thanks to the garden garbage chopper, you can speed up the composting process and reduce the mountain branches to very modest sizes. Today, to buy a garden chopper is not difficult, especially if there is a necessary amount of money. But those who do not afford it can make a shredder independently.

To make her own hands a garden chopper branches, it is necessary to understand the principle of his action and how it is arranged. Otherwise it will be impossible to create the right drawing and collect the whole design together.

The shredder has a pretty simple design. It consists of a motor, a working shaft with knives, a metal frame, a receiving box and a protective casing. The chopper itself is installed on a two-wheeled base for the convenience of its movement. Of course, the design of any garden chopper consists of smaller details. What kind of quantity, we consider at the stage of creating the drawing.

The principle of operation is also extremely simple. Rotation from the motor is transmitted to the shaft directly or with a belt or chain. At the same time, branches are applied to the receiving box, which are grouped by the working shaft knives. At the outlet, it turns out the crushed wood, ready for dispatch to compost. The principle of operation is something similar to the meat grinder.

Simple and at the same time, the effective design of the garden garbage grinder is applied not only by summer houses and gardeners. There are industrial devices capable of processing rather thick trees branches. The design of such machines is an order of magnitude harder and perfect. But it should be noted that some technical solutions of industrial shredders can be realized at home. This will allow the usual garden chopper effectively and quickly recycle thick branches.

Types of garden shredders

Creating a garden chopper with your own hands, you will have to know in advance what it will be crushed. This depends on the type of chopper, its performance and some design features. In general, all gardens garbage choppers can be divided by parameters: power and type of engine used, as well as the type and principle of operation of the grinding unit.


In garden choppers, both gasoline and electric motors can be installed. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. So the chopper garden gasoline is able much easier to recycle large branches, it is mobile and does not depend on energy remoteness. But some models of shredders, especially powerful, require connecting to agricultural machinery, such as a tractor or a motor-block. In contrast to gasoline, garden electric chopper is more compact, light and easier to operate. But electrical shredders are tightly tied to the connection site and a little weaker in power.

In general, if you select the engine for a homemade shredder, then you need to consider the following.

  • Electric motors with a capacity of up to 1.5 kW are quite easily copble with branches up to 2 cm in diameter and most often installed on factory models intended for a small area with low intensity of work.
  • Engines 3 - 4 kW can process branches with a diameter of up to 4 cm and are designed for owners of a small garden.
  • But more than 6 kW engines are used in choppers for large farms and are able to change the branches 10 - 15 cm in diameter.

Since the self-made chopper is usually focused on a wide range of works, it is recommended to install an electric motor with a capacity of 4 kW. As for gasoline engines, the 2 - 6 LS DVS will cope with all the tasks.

Important! It is necessary to highlight the drive of garden chopper. It can be a chain, a belt or mounting knives directly to the engine shaft.

Design knife

Another criterion for which garden choppers distinguish is the design of knives. So exactly from this depends the quality of grinding. For example, some models of shredders are produced at the outlet of a piece of branches from 2 cm to 10 cm long, depending on the diameter of the shaft and the germ principle. Others are a combined design and are able to recycle rather large branches and produce fine chips. But if only a disk with knives is used in the grinding system, directly installed to the shaft of the engine, then such a shredder will be able to recycle only thin branches and produce fine dug.

The factory models most often use the following three options.

First - knife disk. These devices are good for grinding small branches with a diameter of up to 2 cm and herbs.

Second - Milling Design of Knives. Shredders with a similar device of knives can cope with thick branches up to 8 cm. But under one condition, the branches should be dried dry. Otherwise, the remains of raw bark and wood will be born in the mill and stroke the mechanism.

Third - universal milling turbine knives. This version of the knives is perhaps the most preferred. Such choppers are able to cope with large and small branches of both raw and dry.

Of course, the types of knives described above are almost impossible to be made independently. That is why in homemade shredders are used the following knives designs.

  • First - twill design with 8 knives.
  • Second - knife-disc.
  • Third - disc-dialing package. Their manufacture of the simplest and materials to them can be found on any flea market.

Below we will look at the creation of these types of shredders.

How to make a garden chopper do it yourself

Creating a homemade garden chopper is a rather time-consuming process that requires a high-level master. Works themselves pass in two stages. First preparatory. The second is the assembly of a garden chopper.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, we create drawings of a garden chopper and buy all the necessary materials. The drawing of the shredder can be drawn from hand or in a special program, such as AutoCAD.

As noted earlier, the design of the shredder consists of a motor, a shaft with knives, frames, a receiving box and a protective casing. But this is only a general view and, as they say, the devil lies in the details. Creating a drawing of the shredder, it is necessary to pay special attention to the location of the shaft with knives, as well as the corner of the cutting knives.

For chopper with two shafts drawing It will look like this: between two metal plates are two shafts with knives. On each of the shafts 3 - 4 knives. The knives themselves are fixed with 3 bolts and shifted relative to the tree center. Free rotation of the shafts provide 4 bearing, fixed in the holes of the metal plates. The synchronous rotation of the shafts is achieved due to the two gears, which are driven by the engine. Transferring torque can be made using a belt or chain. The distance between the shafts is chosen at the calculation of the width of the knives and the thickness of the processed branches.

Important! It is necessary to pay special attention to the number of engine speed. In electric motors with a capacity of 4 kW, the number of revolutions from 2500 to 2800 rpm. Such a number of revolutions is well in the disk chopper of small branches and herbs. For a two-rode chopper, force is important, so the number of revolutions should be reduced. To do this, it is sufficient to install a gear on the shaft or a pulley of a smaller diameter, and to drive the shaft to put a large pulley or gear.

Below are the drawings of the garden chopper with two shafts, 6 knives, three on each of the shafts.

For knife disk chopper drawingit looks an order easier.

First of all it concerns the disk with knives. On the drawing, you can display the diameter of the disk and the location of the knives and their number. Depending on the requirements for grinding quality can be from 1 to 3 knives. The disc itself can be placed both vertically and at an angle. Below are the drawings of the knife disk chopper.

Drawing for chopper with a dialing dialing package Also quite simple.

The frame is located on the frame with disk saw, which is driven by the engine. Most often in such structures used belt drive. Therefore, at the end of the engine shaft and the studs are stirred. The size of the pulleys may be the same. Below are the drawings of such a shredder.

The materials necessary for the manufacture of the shredders described above can be bought in stores on a flea market or car market. Of course, some parts will have to be ordered from Tokarei, but most of the way you can easily buy. To perform the assembly work, the Bulgarian will need, welding machine and wrenches.

For chopper with two shafts, the following materials will be required.:

  • electric or gasoline engine;
  • two metal plates with a thickness of 10 mm. Width and height is selected individually;
  • two gears for synchronous shaft drive;
  • pulley or gear for transmission torque shaft;
  • pulley on the motor shaft;
  • two shafts for knives;
  • 5 bearings and fastening to them;
  • knives or material for their manufacture;
  • profile pipes for frame;
  • sheet metal 2 mm thick for protective casing and receiving bunker.

For chopper from the disk saw package, the following will be required.:

  • 15 - 20 disk saws. Diameter can be taken 18 cm;
  • engine;
  • stiletto M20 or its analogue;
  • 2 bearings and mounting to them;
  • 2 pulley;
  • 17 - 22 Metal washers 5 mm thick for separation saw;
  • sheet metal 2 mm for protective casing and receiving hopper;
  • profile pipes for frame.

For a shredder with a knife disc need quite a bit:

  • engine;
  • sheet metal for protective casing and receiving bunker;
  • knives and metal sheet for disk.

As you can see, the most simple on its design disk chopper. But it should be noted that the variant of the chopper with two shafts is able to recycle branches up to 8 cm in diameter, and a disc to 2 cm.

Assembling garden chopper

Having in the hands of the drawing and necessary parts, you can start the installation of the garden chopper. The assembly work is divided into several stages - the assembly of the frame and the creation of the receiving bunker, the assembly of the grinding drum and the installation on the motor frame and the grinding drum.

Consider the assembly process on the example of a chopper with two shafts. Works start with frame creation:

  • cut pieces from the profile pipe with the help of a grinder. Four blanks will be 40 cm long and two 80 cm;
  • weld short pieces at right angles between two long. At the same time, the two internal crossbars are placed at such a distance from each other so that the chopping drum is reliably installed;

Important! To give a mobility with mobility, the entire design will be installed on the wheelbase. To do this, you need to fight two racks to the frame, to which the axis will be mounted with wheels.

After creating a frame, you can proceed to the creation of shafts for the grinding drum:

  • we take a metal square blank if you plan to install 4 knives for one shaft. Or a round blank for three knives;
  • for a square billet, we drag both ends, making them round so that they can enter the purchased bearings. With a round blank, we perform the hone of the central part, making three flat cuts to the installation of the knives.

As for the knives themselves, they can be made of KamaZ springs:

  • we take the sissor and cut a piece of the required length;
  • the billet itself can be aligned if necessary. To do this, it will be necessary to warm it in the mountain and several blows of the hammer to do smooth. Then ride and give cool;
  • in the knives themselves, we make bolt holes;
  • now I perform sharpening knives. The corner of the cutting edge is chosen 35 - 45 degrees. Sharpening perform on a sharpening machine;

  • in conclusion, we apply knives to the shaft and mark places on the shaft for fastening. After that, we send holes and make threads in them.

The next stage is the creation of a grinding drum:

  • in two metal plates, which will be walls, cut the holes to install the bearings in them. Make it best with the help of a welding machine, and then polish the edges. Or you can contact the enterprise. In this case, the holes will be perfect shape;
  • now we install the bearings inside;

  • for from consolidation, we use special lining that bolts are fixed to the metal walls;
  • inside the bearings insert the shafts and fasten them;
  • the walls of the drum combine metal studs with thread and fix them with nuts.

Upon completion of work with a drum and framework, we make a reception box:

  • we take the thin-sheet metal and make 4 blanks in the form of parallelepiped;
  • from the narrow edge of each billet, measure 4 - 5 cm and bend it;
  • we do the same for long sides of the blanks. But we make a bend in the opposite direction;
  • we collect the whole design and check how billets are adjacent to each other;
  • with the help of welding or self-tight rivets connect the edges;
  • based on the box, on the bent edges, we make holes for fasteners.

After assembling the grinding drum, we put on the shafts of the gears and set the entire design on the frame where it is fixed by bolts. After that, we put the engine and stretch the drive chain or belt. Finally, install and fix the receiving box. And also establish a protective cover for all rotating parts of the shredder in order to avoid random hitting of third-party items.

The creation of two other grinders is somewhat simpler. For disk chopper, you need the following:

  • create a frame and put inside the motor;
  • on top of the motor to install a reflective shield from a thin metal metal with a hole for a motor shaft;

  • in the disk make a hole for installation on the shaft, as well as slits for knives;
  • knives can be made of the vehicle springs described before the method;

  • we collect and install a disk with knives;
  • create a receiving box and install it from above disk chopper.

Assembling the chopper from disk saws as follows:

  • create a frame;
  • on the heel with a thread ride the disk saws. At the same time between the discs place the washers. This is necessary so that the teeth do not cling to each other. Package saw on both sides clamp nuts;

  • on the internal crossbars of the frame we weld fasteners for bearings;
  • i wear bearings on the stud and fix them, after which you install the package dug on the frame and fasten it there;

  • from the longest end of the hairpin, we set the pulley or gear and fix the locking ring;
  • install the engine and stretch the drive chain or belt;
  • finally, install the receiving box.

Creating one of the improved homemade shredders proposed above, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. For a two-rode chopper, a high power and the possibility of processing thick branches is characteristic. The chip fraction will be from 2 cm to 8 cm depending on the revolutions and the number of knives. A knife-disk chopper on the contrary will be perfectly cope with small branches and produce a small fraction of chips, but the thick branches for him is a problem. The chopper with a package of disk saws can cope with thick branches and smaller. But at the same time it is very dust, and there is a lot of pinch between saws, which requires careful cleaning after work. The variants of garden grinders described above can be created both in solitary versions and combining types of each other.

Owners of country sites know that care for trees and shrubs requires constant trimming of unnecessary, dried and old branches. Most often, a bunch of twigs burn, polluting with smoke and small particles of soot in the entire district. But the rods recycled to compost are an excellent organic fertilizer! The disadvantage is only stretched in time the process of rotting and non-psychic pile of garden wood, growing styling and swell. Tens of times to reduce the mountain of branches and accelerate the conversion of the twigs in the humus will help the electric garden chopper (shredder or chitter). Today the market presents many models of crushing devices for these purposes, however, the price of such units is sufficiently high. We offer to make the machine yourself, especially since a significant part of the materials will be detected from everyone in the garage or a bunch of old scrap metal.

Device and principle of electric garden shredder

Garden chopper will help get rid of branches and other organic garbage

For independent manufacture of electric chopper, branches need to know its device and the principle of operation. In the future, this will help in the design of its own design and assembly of the unit.

Garden Schroeder (Chitter), regardless of the features of the work, it simply arranged and consists of such parts and nodes:

  • engine;
  • metal Stanna;
  • working shaft (shafts);
  • cutting unit;
  • receiving box;
  • flexible or gear;
  • protective casing.

For convenience, the aggregate establishes wheels, thanks to which the design of the design in the garden area is facilitated.

Scheme of garden shredder

Works chopper branches as follows. The torque from the electric motor is transmitted to the working shaft by means of a clinorem, chain or gear. The ratio of pulleys, stars or gears is chosen in such a way that the gear ratio can provide the speed of rotation of the main axis of at least 1500 rpm. The grinding of the branches supplied to the receiving box is carried out by knives, toughly attached to the working shaft.

There are structures of a crushing installation using two working shafts moving in the counter direction. Such a scheme allows you to increase the productivity of the unit and makes it possible to recycle the branches of increased size.

Due to the high speed of rotation, there is an intensive grinding of wood, which is sent after grinding to a compost bunch. If we consider the design of the shredder through the prism of similar mechanisms, then its principle of operation is similar to the work of the meat grinder or blender. Despite the pretty primitive design, when using a durable knife unit and an electric motor with a capacity of 3-5 kW, the unit can be recycled in chip not only the rods, but also trimming trees with a thickness of more than 5 cm. There are also garden chitters, crushing decimentimeter branches, however, their design It is much more complicated, and the principle of action is perfect.

Classification of grinders branches

When planning the creation of a garden chitter, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether the thickness of the thickness will have to deal with. Since all organic garbage choppers can be divided by the power of the electric motor and the principle of operation of the knife unit, the maximum diameter of wood cropping affects the choice of design, operational parameters and the technical characteristics of the unit.

By type used power installation

In garden sroders, both electric motors and internal combustion engines can be used. The advantages of the first - simplicity, compactness, ease of operation. However, with the help of a gasoline or diesel power unit, you can create a truly mobile installation, and their power allows recycled branches with a thickness of more than 10 cm.

Shredders with an internal combustion engine have high power and more mobile than electric units

In the homemade design it is easier to apply an electric motor. At the same time, it disappears the need to apply additional nodes to ensure start-up and warming up the engine, the final cost of the mechanism decreases, the installation and operation of equipment is simplified.

When choosing an electric power unit, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

It should be noted that powerful electric motors require connecting to three phases. If the usual two-phase network of 220 V voltage is used, then the best output from the situation is the gasoline or diesel power plant. Its capacity is 5 - 6 liters. from. It will be enough in most cases.

On the design of the knife block

Diameter of branches, which can be grinding, and which size of the recycled chip will be obtained at the exit of the unit will depend on the design of the gardened schrostron. For example, the simplest devices can process only thin branches, cutting them into segments from 2 to 10 cm, while more complex devices are capable of crushing thick branches, grinding them into the root or producing a segment 10 - 15 cm long.

The design of the factory knives is most often represented in three versions:

  • drive-knife block, which is used for grass and rods thick no more than 2 cm;

    Garden chopper with a disk-knife block has a simple design, but are unable to recycle thick branches

  • the cutting system of the milling type, which can easily cope with thick, up to 8 cm branches. The only condition - the raw material should be dry, otherwise the cutters are clogged with wood fibers and require constant cleaning;

    Application cutter allows you to work with any organic garbage

  • the screw and turbine milling cutting blocks are the most productive and versatile - they are equally easily able to recycle raw and dry branches of rather large size.

    The use of combined turbine milling or screw cutting blocks provides the device high performance

In homemade structures, it is difficult to repeat the auger or turbine-milling design, so the craftsmen take as the basis of one of the following cutting block circuits:

  • two-row system with several knives;
  • disk-knife assembly;
  • package of disk saws or cutters.

All three options are available for repetition at home and require a minimum of costs, since during their manufacture parts and components from old automotive and agricultural machinery, segments of corners, pipes, etc. As for the purchase elements, it will not do without them . If there is no electric motor, disk saws or cutters, as well as other details, they will have to buy them.

Video: Homemade disk-knife-type chopper

Advantages and disadvantages of the self-made device

The advantages of the garden chopper made by their own hands, quite a few:

  • low cost compared to factory production equipment;
  • the ability to create a design for specific purposes. For example, often recycled branches are used as fuel, which requires a special adjustment of the unit to obtain cropping of increased size;
  • in the homemade design, it is possible to use the details that are easily found in any garage or workshop;
  • the shredder made can be used not only for crushing branches, but also for grinding herbs, vegetables and fruits - as feed for pets or for disposal purposes;
  • with independent manufacture of equipment, it is possible to use your mind and erudition, apply your own skills and skills. A successfully working design will serve as proof of your consistency, as the owner, will increase self-esteem, will raise the authority from neighbors and acquaintances.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically no of them. The only thing that would be noted - the equipment of this type belongs to the category of dangerous, therefore, in the manufacture of an aggregate, structural elements should be provided, providing risks reduction, and during operation, adhere to the rules for handling similar mechanisms.

Mastery Garden Crusher at home with their own hands

For the manufacture of wood waste utilizer, the ability to handle the welding machine plus a small experience of fitter work. Creating a garden chitter takes place in several stages. The first design designs on the basis of its own requirements and the presence of materials. On the other, they begin to make individual parts, they are assembled, setting up and testing the aggregate.

Necessary materials and tools

For the construction of wood waste chopper, you will need:

The tool will need the most common, which will always be found at any master owner:

  • welding machine;
  • the electric drill with a set of rolled metal;
  • angular grinder (in the spacious "Bulgarian");
  • grinding machine (emery);
  • set of wrenches;
  • a hammer;
  • metal ruler, roulette;
  • metal marker (diaper).

In addition, the finished product for protection against atmospheric influences, as well as in order to improve aesthetics, it is necessary to paint, so you will need a rust converter, primer and any enamel for outdoor work.

Preparatory work, drawings

As previously mentioned, the design of the garden chopper includes a bed, electric motor, housing, a working shaft (one or more) with knives installed and a receiving bunker. The final type of finished product directly depends on the selected scheme and the features of its implementation.

The most important parameter that is taken into account when designing and manufacturing the drawings is the location of the working shaft and the type of knives used.

The drawing of a garden shredder using two shafts, it looks like this: a pair of steel plates with a thickness of at least 10 mm are taken as a body, in which the openings for ball bearings are profired. Knives are fixed with the displacement relative to each axis of the mechanism. The synchronicity of the rotation of the shafts ensure the gears fixed on them, which is transmitted to the torque from the electric motor. The design can use both chain and belt. The calculation of the inter-axis gap is based on the size of the knives, which, in turn, determine the maximum thickness of the processable wood.

For the mechanism with two shafts, not so much rotation speed is important as the magnitude of the torque. Therefore, it is better to take an electric motor with a capacity of at least 4 kW and 3000 rpm and due to the transfer ratio to lower the speed of rotation to an acceptable value.

In the manufacture of knife disk chitter, a smaller number of parts will be required, but also the size of the branches that it can crush will be smaller. To change the rotation speed, a multiple pulley is used, and the grinding quality can be adjusted by installing knives of various widths. The disk with fixed knives is not necessarily installed strictly vertically - you can at any angle. It all depends on the fantasy of the designer and reasons of convenience and its own preferences.

Check-knife shredder

For the manufacture of shredder with a knife block of two dozen disk saws, one shaft will be required, a pair of bearings in the housings and belt transmission. It must be said that the performance of this design depends on the speed of rotation of the cutting package, so it is best for it the high-speed electric motor and a pair of pulleys of the same diameter.

Drawing of chopper from disk saws

Scheme of chopper from disk saws

It is possible to significantly improve the design performance of the design, replacing circular discs by diverse mills from metal-cutting machines. In this case, the mechanism turns reduce, while at the same time increasing the torque value.

Instructions for making chopper branches with two working shafts

The work on the creation of a shredder for the country site is divided by several steps, which include the manufacture of beds, assembling the cutting unit, welding of the reception funnel and protective casing, as well as installation of parts and nodes for the base.

Details for the manufacture of two-walled garden chopper

  1. From the profile pipe or metal corner, there are two billets with a length of 40 cm and four - 80 cm. They will go to the welding of the base of the design - frame, or, if we speak professional terms, the face.
  2. Of the two long and two short segments, the rectangular frame is welded, after which the internal crossbars are welded to it with such a calculation to set the knife unit on them.

    If the shredder is planned to install wheels, then the racks are additionally mounted for installing the axis.

  3. Production of work shafts are ordered from tokar. When installing four knives, square blanks are used, on which the seats under bearings and pulleys are pulled. If the cutting elements are three pieces, then the discharges are pulled along the entire length, after which they make three lys on them (flat sections) and drilled holes for fastening blades.

    Good knives can be made of automotive springs

  4. Schroedher knives are made of springs from trucks or minibuses (Gazelle type). For this, the sheet is cut into segments of the desired length, heated in the mountain and align with hammer. Next, drill mounting holes and perform the formation of a wedge edge. Singing an excess metal on the sandpaper, seek cutting angles from 35 to 45 degrees on each blade. After that, the knives temper and make a finite sharpening on a grinding machine.
  5. In the metal plates used as the body of the cutting unit, the holes for the installation of bearings are cut. Best of all, of course, use the laser cutting machine on some enterprise or, at worst, plasmorez. If there is no access to such equipment, then you can resort to the help of a gas cutter or welding machine. The disadvantage of the last method is that the obtained openings will be uneven, so their edges will have to grind a long time and thoroughly.
  6. Mount the bearings, after which they are fixed from the longitudinal displacement of the round plates-washers, which are attached to the outer surface of the housing.

    The work of the garden chitter is associated with the formation of dirt and dust, so in its designs use closed ball bearings.

  7. Set shafts, after which the side walls of the housing are tightened with spills and nuts.

    Assembly of the body of the cutting drum

  8. Embed to the manufacture of a receiving bunker. For this, four blanks in the form of a trapezoid are cut out of a 2-millimeter steel sheet, which are combined with welding or ripples. In the narrowing part of the box make 4 - 5 cm bend with holes for fasteners.

    In order to safety, the length of the reception hopper increases so much to exclude the operator's hands entering the cutting area zone.

  9. The chopping drum is attached to the bed, after which the drive gears mount on the shafts.

    Gears provide shafts counter movement direction

  10. Fasten the electric motor and install chain or belt transmission.
  11. A protective cover covering rotating drive parts is built from thin sheet metal.
  12. The feeder is mounted on the shredder.

    Installation of the receiving box

    The method of fastening the receiving box must provide the possibility of removing it to extract large, non-recycled wood residues, cleaning the mechanism, sharpening knives, etc.

  13. Perform electrical connections.

    Garden chopper assembly

In order to protect the chitter from corrosion, all parts are purified using a metal brush and treated with a rust converter or another protective agent. After that, the unit is ground and painted with a sprayer or manually.

Grinding of heating branches

Operation of an electric garden grinder, made in compliance with all requirements regarding security, does not represent difficulties. However, during the operation of the installation, you should adhere to a few simple rules and rules.

  1. Take the grinding of branches only in protective glasses or mask, in a headdress and high shoes. It is best to serve branches with bare hands, or, at worst, in tightly fitting gloves.
  2. It is forbidden to lower your hands below the loot of the boot hopper. If necessary, push the twirl in the next portion of the rod or a special stick with a branch at the end.
  3. The size of the branches should not exceed half the range distances between the shafts. When choosing wood waste designed to dispose, it is necessary to take into account the width of the knives used.
  4. The possibility of entering the adopted bunker pieces of glass, stones, metal and plastic garbage in both the operation of the unit and during storage should be excluded.
  5. The best grinding branches are best grinding. If you need to dispose of parts of rhizomes, then they are necessarily purified from the ground.
  6. When encouraging wood residues in the working drum, the device is immediately disconnected from the network. Further extraction of stuck garbage is carried out only with full equipment de-energization.
  7. When operating, it is necessary to pay special attention to the place of laying of the feed cable - it should not fall into the zone of emission of crushing products.

Reliable and durable work of the branch chopper depends not only on the proper operation, but also on storage conditions. Therefore, after each use, the shredder must be cleaned of remnants of recycling products and remove in the barn or under the canopy. In addition, it will be necessary to monitor the sharp cutting edges. Well-sharpened knives will make work pleasant and reduce the load on the machine nodes. In compliance with the rules of operation, the garden chopper will delight safe and trouble-free work for many years, facilitating the care of the site, bringing benefit and pleasure.

Thanks to the versatile hobbies, I write on different topics, but the most beloved - technique, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know many nuances in these areas not only theoretically, as a result of study at a technical university and graduate school, but also from the practical side, since I try to do everything with your own hands.

Ecology of consumption. Hereby: After the spring trimming of trees, most gardeners face the problem of disposal of old branches. Here, a garden chopper can come to the rescue - a device that will turn the source material in a pinch or flour.

After the spring trimming of trees, most gardeners face the problem of disposal of old branches. If you are an economical owner, accustomed to all waste to start in the case, most likely send all the branches into a compost bunch. There all this is good rotting and year after 3-4 you are guaranteed to get a wonderful organic fertilizer - compost. All this, of course, is wonderful, but for too long. If you first grind the branches and leaves on them, then the compost matures for the season, or even for a couple of months. And then the garden chopper can come to the rescue - a device that will turn the starting material in a pinch or flour. Apparatuses that exist on sale are not cheap, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the instruction that allows you to make a garden chopper with your own hands.

Materials that we need

We will not convince you that the homemade shredder will be completely free. Naturally, its manufacture will go some details that will cost money. However, on average, the homemade unit will cost you 2 times cheaper than the finished chopper of the promoted brand. Judge for the shredder you will need:

  • Disk saws - 15-25 pieces
  • Motor - gasoline or electric
  • Stud (rod) m20, to her washers and nuts
  • Pulley (for example, from a VAZ generator) and a dense belt
  • Bearings
  • Metal pipes for frame
  • Sheet metal for bunker
  • Plastic washers 14-24 pieces

Device of a garden chopper - we define the most important parts of the aggregate

The crushing of the material in the garden chopper is carried out with the help of knives. In finished models, the knife most often is a metal disk with 2-3 cutting surfaces. A large amount of work quickly leads the teeth into disrepair and they have to periodically begin - agree, it is not too convenient, in addition, you take time. If you decide to make a garden chopper with your own hands, you can not repeat these structural flaws, but to collect reliable, high-performance and, most importantly, a durable knife.

We offer to use for this disk saws with carbide nozzles. It will take no one disk, but several to type the system from them - package. In finished garden choppers, the knife, as a rule, has a thickness of 3 cm, we can dial a package of any thickness - everything will depend on the number of purchased dies. On average, for a high-quality knife 6-10 cm thick, it will take 15-25 pieces. Each disk has many teeth, originally intended to cut solid wood. Therefore, herbal stems, leaves and branches will still have that seeds. As a last resort, if the teeth on the saw are blunt, nothing will prevent you from go to the nearest tool store and purchase it to it.

Disk saws can be successfully used as knives for chopper

However, the knife is not all. In order to bring it in motion, we will need the engine. For rapid grinding of branches in small volumes it is easier to use the electric motor. Its use may seem somewhat inconvenient due to the cable and the need to connect to the outlet, but it works almost silently and does not release exhaust gases. The motoblock has a greater power, so ideal for those cases when it is required to crush the coarse material often and for a long time.

Step-by-step instructions and nuances of work

1. The saws are recruited on the axis, the diameter of which is determined by the landing diameter of the disks (20mm). For this, the hairpin with the M20 carving is suitable. Accordingly, there will be washers and nuts of the same diameter.

Saws scored on the axis of the future chopper

If we install the discs on the hairpin close to each other, then the knife will not work. And that's why: the width of the teeth saws is greater than the width of the disc itself, so when rotating the teeth will be clinging for each other. That this does not happen to dilute the discs for a short distance. Make it easier simple with homemade washers that you can cut out of thin plastic. Their quantity should be 1 piece less than the number of disk saws.

2. A pulley is put on the string axis (from the VAZ generator or from the pump). To rotate the axis, two bearing of the intermediate shaft of the VAZ with an internal diameter of 20mm are also used.

3. The frame is welded from the profiled metal pipes to which the Motoblock rod is attached. The engine is attached on the frame so that it is possible to move it relative to the disk saws. It is necessary to change the drive belt tension if necessary.

The axis with disk saws is attached to the frame

4. For the convenience of operation on the frame, a stubborn bar of metal products is fixed, in which branches and stems during crushing will be dried.

5. On the cutting unit it is necessary to wear a metal casing, which is welded from sheet metal or cut from galvanized steel. For reliability it is better to apply the first option.

The casing is better to perform from sheet iron - it is more reliable!

6. From above, another bunker is attached to the loading of the material to be ground. Special requirements are not presented to this detail, therefore it is most often made from flexible galvanized steel.

The receiving bunker is easy to make galvanized steel

Benefits of the self-made option

Unlike factory models, the self-made chopper does not require an excessive careful relationship. He will become a universal assistant in the farm and will help not only grind branches and other household garbage, but also crushing the fruits (apples, pears, plums), and together with bones. It is very convenient if necessary to prepare jam, mashed potatoes or homemade wine when the fruits are crushed to a pasty state.

Garden chopper in action

Circular saws forming the knife of the unit can recycle quite large pieces of wood. Of course, we are not talking about logs, but the branches with a diameter of 10 cm will be quite "on the teeth." This homemade grinder is favorably different from the factory product, the body of which simply will not miss the major parts of the material. Accordingly, you will significantly save your time, because you do not have to sort the branches in size and think where to give too large fragments. Also, it will not be necessary to monitor the moisture content of the material, while the purchased chopper requires adjustment of the degree of dampness of the feedstock. The fact is that most of the modern finished shredders, the electric motor is located at the bottom of the structure, so when the wet moisture is recycling, it will inevitably fall into the engine, and this will drive into a breakdown. In the homemade product you are free to decide where to install the engine, in the version described above it is horizontally, on the same level with knives.

It is worth paying attention to the cost savings when using a homemade shredder. First, the manufacture will initially be cheaper than buying a factory device, and secondly, "homemade" will not need to acquire expensive parts when breakdown - all its elements do not differ high costs.

The homemade garden chopper is able to crush even large branches, turning them into sins

In addition, the homemade garden chopper is characterized by high performance. All waste downloaded to the bunker will be delayed with disk saws and disappear at an incredible speed. Thus, the homemade apparatus can be at no worse than the expensive and modern garden tool. In a word, if the shredder is very needed, but there is no money for his purchase, one way is to make it with your own hands!

Video example of using this unit

The cost of garden shredders, which can be bought in stores, is quite high, especially if we are talking about popular models of certain brands.

Therefore, such devices are some try to make themselves.

In this article we will tell about the various models of homemade garden choppers branches for giving and give a step-by-step guide to the manufacture of such devices.

All self-made can be conditionally divided into 3 types:

  • scope;
  • mullers;
  • shredders.

Schporesis Designed for grinding branches and fully dried large green mass, that is, thick stems.

They are poorly suitable for processing and grinding fresh or slightly dried green mass, that is:

  • leaves;
  • herbs;
  • botches.

More often seporesis make in the form of a rotary chopper. About how this apparatus is arranged, its principle of work, and how to make it yourself, we told and showed on the video in these articles:

The homemade apparatus of this type effectively grinds the branches of a certain thickness, turning them into small chip that can be used as:

  • and the agrotechnical garden plot;
  • dye and flavoring at;
  • fuel at various products;
  • subsidations of animals and birds;
  • and stoves.

Morcher Designed for grinding fresh and frying green mass, but not suitable for processing dry tops and any branches. Its base is the line cutting module, which we told about.

Chuckled green mass apply only as decorative or agrotechnical mulchWhy the device name arose.

Schroeder is designed for coarse grinding of branches, so the finished chip is used only for heating.

In industrial shredders, it is possible to manufacture chips of a normal size, but in self-made devices, the most important quality is the simplicity of the design and ease of manufacture, which causes an increase in chip size.

Choosing engine type: electric or gasoline?

When choosing a motor For homemade shredder need take into account the availability of components.

If there is a good gasoline motor in the garage (2-5 liters with.), It can be installed on most garden grinders made by their own hands.

Gas engine make a grinding installation of autonomous, so it can be used even where it is not possible to connect to the outlet.

If the device will work only near the outlet, then better put the preference to electricotor. Even if it is necessary to buy, the difference in operational expenditures quickly compensates Your expenses.

The cost of the opening hours of the garden electric shredder is 7-10 times less than the devices on which a two-stroke gasoline engine is installed, or 10-12 times less than that of the installation with a four-stroke gasoline engine.

it related as with a difference in the cost of electricity and gasolineand in the cost of servicing gasoline engines.

Another factorwhich affects the choice of engine - the convenience of its installation. Gasoline motors work well only when their shaft is horizontal.

Therefore, to connect to the vertical shaft of the shredder, namely, the cartoon shaft is installed, the gearbox will be required, which provides a rotation of 90 degrees. That is necessary spend not only on the engine, but also on the gearbox. And the electric motor works well at any arrangement of the shaft, so you can do without a gearbox.

Drawing up drawing

In order not to redo the partially assembled garden apparatus, it is necessary to competently draw up the drawing, taking into account the dimensions and shape of all available parts.

This will help numerous forums on which users discuss the most successful configurations and technical solutions..

In addition, there are also shared by the experience of independent manufacture of garden waste and garbage choppers, laying out not only drawings, but also photos from the video of their devices, and also leave feedback on their work.

When compiling Schemes you you can determine the location of the mounting holes and welds. This will first make some details with pre-drilled holes, and then without fit to attach the corresponding aggregates to them.

Ready drawings can be found on the Internet, after which there is a new drawing with the sizes, in which there will be particular features of available parts and mechanisms are taken into account.

The main advantage of this method is that it eliminates the need to independently determine and calculate the overall configuration of the finished device and the location of the main elements.

Here are drawings of some devices that can be used as basic:

  1. Drawing 1 is the standard construction of stationary rotary shporette, which works well as a garden chopper.
  2. Drawing 2 is the design of one of the shafts of two-color shredder. With some changes, it can be used in shredders with one shaft.
  3. Drawing 3 - a two-color shredder device.
  4. Drawing 4 - a drawing of a grass grinder with an electric motor, however, instead of an electric motor, a grinder or drill can be installed.

Thematic forums

To make a normally working garden chopper of any type, it is necessary not only to understand the general principles of its work and the requirements for it, but also get acquainted with experience Those who have already come across such work.

On the Internet there are many thematic forums on which users discuss their own homemade And they share their use experience, so there can be a lot of important information.

Independent manufacture

In this section we imagine a step-by-step guide to Independent making shredder and cartoonAnd you can find detailed instructions for creating a pin-cutting.

The method of making a cartoon depends on the components available.

It can be made from the grinder, setting it on it instead of a disk line, or from a conventional asynchronous engine at the speed of rotation of the shaft of 1.5-3 thousand rpm.

In the first case, you must put a grinder with a fishing line in some pipe or containerthat limit the rampage of chopped grassAnd in the second - you can make a full-fledged chopper.


For the manufacture of homemade garden electric cartoon for processing thin branches and herbs let us need:

  • asynchronous engine an alternating current with a capacity of 1.5 or more kW with a fastening area (sole) perpendicular shaft;
  • steel pipe with an inner diameter of 30-50 cm;
  • steel corner with the size of the shelf 15-30 mm;
  • steel Prut with a diameter of 8-15 mm.

The steel plate for fastening the electric motor will also be needed, adapter for fastening the drum to the shaft and drum for the fishing line.

If there is no drum for a fishing line or culper will be used for recycling hard tops, then instead of drum, you can set 1-3 steel strips, putting them at equal corners. The edges of the strips are preferably sharpened, it will improve productivity and reduce the load on the engine.

The main thing is that the hollow for fastening to the shaft was exactly in the middleOtherwise, there will be a strong vibration, which will lead to the appearance of a hum and a sharp decrease in the bearing resource.

Here the procedure that must be performedTo make Mulcher:

  1. Pipe cuttingon both sides at an angle of 90 degrees. The length of the sliced \u200b\u200barea should be 40-60 cm. The engine mount plate is cut into the size of the sole, drill holes in the necessary places (under the shaft and fastening bolts), after which the engine is fixed to check.
  2. If everything is fine, the engine is removed and to the bottom of the plate weld 3 cornersLocated relative to each other at an angle of 120 degrees.
  3. On the plate install engine, fixed bolts and attach a drum on it. If there is no drum, then instead they put steel stripes or metal knives from any trimmer. Perhaps you will have to put an adapter that compensates for the difference in the diameter of the shaft or extension and the diameter of the knife hole.
  4. Plate with welded corners install on the top edge of the pipe, having so that the engine shaft is as close as possible to the center of the pipe, then weld the corners to the pipe and cut up too much.
  5. Instead of welding, you can use a connection on boltsThis will complicate installation, but it will greatly facilitate the maintenance of the device. To do this, every corner is cut into the wall to the wall, then weld the "heel", that is, a small steel plate with a hole under the bolt, to the reverse side of which the nut is welded. Then drill holes in the pipe housing and fasten the engine suspension on the bolts.
  6. You can also cut the housing (pipe) into 2 parts by the level of the edge of the shaft, then to any of the parts to welcome the mounting plates with nuts, And at the corresponding places of the other part of the pipe drill holes.
  7. From steel rod. make a mesh with cell size 3-5 cm. If the case is made unsaturable, and the suspension of the motor is fixed with welding, the grid is fixed on the bolts so that you can remove and replace the fishing line. In the installation with a collapsible housing or removable engine suspension, the grid can be mounted using welding. Sometimes instead of the mesh, they make a solid bottom, in which the round hole is cut, playing the role of sieves.
  8. To the bottom of the housing, the legs are welded from the corner, rejecting them out by 20-40 degrees. The length of the legs should be sufficient for the mulcher can be substituted with a bucket. To the bottom of each leg, it is desirable to weld the "heel" - that is, a piece of steel plate with a size of 5x5 cm. The length of each leg is, as well as the deviation angle must be the same so that the entire design is stable.
  9. Before each start, you open access to the drum and check the status of the fishing line, if necessary, change it. If the knives are installed instead of the fishing line, then they check their condition and sharpening to replace or sharpe if necessary.


Despite the fact that the design of the shredder is much easier than many other wood choppers, it is quite difficult to make it because of the very high total cost of parts that need to be custom made using certain varieties of steel.

Therefore, in everyday life popular Simplified Schroedher Model With homemade knives from automotive springs and steel corners.

For the manufacture of such a self-made electric garden chopper let us need:

  • sheet steel with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • sheet steel with a thickness of 2 mm;
  • steel gears of the same size and step with an outer diameter of 8 and more cm;
  • asynchronous electromotor with a capacity of 3 and more kW;
  • the powerful gearbox with a gear ratio of 50-100 (the greater the gear ratio, the less the speed of rotation of the shafts, but above the torque);
  • steel corner with a shelf size of 50 mm;
  • springs from a passenger car;
  • smooth steel rod with a diameter of 40-50 mm (one of the gears of gearbox or shaft from some other equipment, if it is suitable in diameter);
  • bearings.

Here procedure:

  1. Cut from steel rod 2 piece, one 35-40 cm long, a second 40-45 cm long.
  2. 4 pieces of a corner of 25-30 cm are cut off.
  3. Weld on each rod 2 corners, to get a square tree.
  4. From thin sheet steel cut 4 circles, the outer diameter of which is equal to the outer diameter of the bearings, and the inner is equal to the outer diameter of the shaft.
  5. Circles put on trees and weld to the corners.
  6. 8 pieces cut from the springs, whose length is 2 cm less than the length of the shaft, after which one of the long sides is sharpened at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The smaller the angle, the better the knife will chop wood, but the fastest fastest.
  7. In each knob, drilled 3-4 mounting holes, then drill the holes agreed with them in the corners of the shafts (the diameter of these holes should be slightly less so that they can be cut into them). At the same time, each knife should act so that the knives of both shafts come into contact with each other at the meeting. In the finished holes of the shafts cut carvings.
  8. Of Tolstoy steel Sheet Cut Case Details. Its size can be any, the main thing is that the width is equal to the distance between the bearings on the shaft, and the height was not less than the distance between the distille knives of both shafts. Total need 8 parts - 2 side walls, upper and lower walls, 4 amplifiers.
  9. In the side walls cut holes for bearings. This is a very responsible operation, so an error even in 1 mm will lead to serious problems.
  10. The side parts are welded to the bottom, then weld the amplifiers - 2 pieces on top from the front and back sides, 2 pieces below also from the front and rear sides.
  11. Choose the method of fixing gears to the shaft - Most often for this, welding or a key compound is used (this option is suitable only for the processing of thin branches, an attempt to crumpled thick branches can lead to a key cliff).
  12. Connect the lead (longer) shaft with gear. To do this, you can use a chain or gear gear, as well as a transitional coupling from a thick-walled steel pipe.
  13. Attach electric motor To reducer.
  14. If the housing turned out to be unstable, then below welcome 4 legs, retractable at an angle of 25-35 degrees and equip them with heels of 5x5 or 10x10 cm.

Shredders from the Bulgarian and another tool

As a basis To create a garden chopper can be used:

  • bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • trimmer.

BulgarianThanks to the high engine power and high speeds can grind thin branches and grass, but for this it must be hard to attach it to the vertical surface and make the inlet in this surface.

You can use a three-bladed knife from the trimmer to grind herb, and for the recycling of the branches, the knife will need to be made from the instrumental steel to order. You can make a knife knife, and replaceable blades from the most durable.

Drill Apply the same as the cartoon engine, fixing in any way. Due to the low speed of rotation of the cartridge, it is pointless to install the drum, so the shaft is made to which the knives are welded or fasten.

Trimmer Also used in conjunction with the cartoons of the cartoon, consolidating so that the drum with the fishing line was parallel to the surface of the sieve.

Video on the topic

In this video, the homemade chopper of branches in the process of work is shown:


The main advantage of the self-made device is that it costs many times cheaper than the shop purchased. In addition, manufacturing garden chopper independently, it is possible to optimize it for the processing of certain materials.

Now you know:

  • what are self-made devices;
  • what is necessary for their manufacture;
  • how to make them with your own hands.

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